How to park properly in Finland. Parking regulations in Finland. Free car parks in Rovaniemi How are car parks marked in Finland

Forbidden to park

  • within the limits of the sign prohibiting parking;
  • if a yellow line is drawn along the right edge of the road;
  • in places for the disabled (if the motorist is not disabled) - the car can be evacuated;
  • if there are no signs (that is, the principle “what is not allowed is prohibited” works);
  • near an intersection, including near a traffic light;
  • at the crossroads;
  • on a roadway with two lanes in one direction (next to another car);
  • in places where a parked car will interfere with the movement or evacuation of another vehicle;
  • at the edge of the carriageway, if the pedestrian crossing is less than 5 meters;
  • at a pedestrian crossing;
  • On Pavement;
  • at the entrance to the building or at the gate;
  • in the tunnel
  • on tram tracks;
  • at the stops of route vehicles;
  • closer than 30 meters to a railway crossing;
  • at an angle to the roadway (except for two-wheeled bicycles, mopeds and motorcycles without a sidecar);
  • outside built-up areas on roads marked with traffic priority signs (main road);
  • in designated parking areas in such a way that part of the vehicle remains outside the designated area.

Signs may indicate:

  • Kielletty - forbidden;
  • Pysakointi kielletty - stopping is prohibited;
  • Vain talon asukkaille - only for residents of the house.

Parking allowed

in specially equipped parking lots near attractions, entertainment centers, museums, etc.;
within a parking sign.

Free parking

In small towns, free parking with no time limit is easy to find. The easiest way is to go to the center (in Finnish KESKUSTA), to the main attractions or folk supermarkets Citymarket, Anttila, Prisma, etc. At expensive stores like Stockmann, parking lots can be paid! Free with no time limit is indicated by a parking sign - a white letter P on a blue square.

ULOS - departure

Free parking with time limit

The sign for such a parking is a blue background, a sign for parking hours and white numbers, for example 2h or 30 min. Parking hours are required!


In this parking lot you can park for free for 2 hours on weekdays from 8 to 18 (on Saturday from 9 to 15). At other times, parking is not limited.

Parking watches, in Finnish parkkikiekko, (blue plastic with a dial in the middle) can be bought at gas stations, spare parts stores, INFO points of large department stores, R-kiosks for 1-2 euros.

What to do with the parking clock

After parking, you need to set the parking clock on the parking clock, rounded up to the next even hour or half hour, and put the clock under the windshield in a prominent place. If you do not use the clock, stay in the parking lot longer than it should be, or rearrange the time, you can “earn” a fine - at least 40 euros.

Time limit

Many parking lots have a time limit, indicated by an additional sign under the parking sign:

Such a plate (together with a parking permit sign) indicates that free parking is allowed for 30 minutes with the obligatory use of a parking clock.

The time of validity of parking signs is often indicated:

On weekdays

On Saturdays

Sundays and holidays

The vast majority of parking lots in Finland are paid. They are equipped with a sign with a picture of a parking machine.

Parking is paid through a machine installed here, with coins of 20-50 cents or 1 euro (it does not give change). The machine issues a receipt, which must be put under the windshield, otherwise a fine is threatened.

On Sunday, as a rule, all parking in Finland, including in Helsinki, is free (but watch the signs!). If you try to pay the machine on, say, Sunday, it may return the money, or it may issue a check for parking until Monday.

Sometimes there are numbers on the sign, for example 9-18 (8-15). This means that parking is paid from 9 am to 6 pm on weekdays and from 8 am to 3 pm on Saturday, and the rest of the time is free.


You need to pay for machines with such pictures from 8 am to 5 pm on weekdays and from 8 am to 3 pm on Saturday, at other times you do not need to pay. The received receipt should be placed so that it can be seen through the windshield.

What is written on the parking meter

Parking machines in Helsinki show the following information:

  1. parking cost per hour;
  2. zone number;
  3. the number of hours for which you can pay for parking at one time.

On the side panel of the machine, the same information is duplicated, and you will determine the maximum parking time by the color of the panel on which the zone number is written:

  • yellow corresponds to one hour
  • gray - two
  • green - four

Parking machines accept coins in denominations of 20 and 50 cents, 1 and 2 euros, as well as banknotes of 5, 10 and 20 euros, or only coins. Get the fluff ready!

Private parking

Private parking areas may only be used by the owners or with their permission. Usually, in front of each parking space, the number of the car or the number of the apartment for which it is reserved is indicated.
Most of the houses have special parking spaces for guests, marked with a "vieraspaikka" sign.

Underground parking

In Finland, the parking problem is successfully solved with the help of underground parking lots, indicated by the electronic sign “P”. Above the entrance to the parking lot there must be a sign of availability (TILAA - "There are places", TÄYNNÄ - "No places"). If you see the word TILAA, drive up to the barrier and press the button on the machine - it will give you a ticket and raise the barrier. You drive into the parking lot, leave the car and, most importantly, remember the parking place well (floor, letter and number of the parking lot), otherwise you will have to look for it for a long time - there are many entrances to the parking lot.

Before leaving, you pay for the parking time at the automatic cash desk with banknotes of any denomination (the machine will issue change, a coupon with a payment time stamp and a check) or at the cash desk with the operator (he will make a mark on your coupon and, if necessary, also write a check). Then you drive up to the barrier, insert the ticket into the machine, and the barrier automatically rises.

You must leave within 10 minutes. If you are a guest of one of the central hotels, then most likely you will park in an underground garage. Don't forget to pick up a special coupon at the reception that entitles you to discounted parking for all hotel guests.


A fine for improper parking is issued by either the police or parking attendants.
Typically, such fines are imposed for non-compliance with parking rules in cities and towns, non-use of the parking disc, improper parking, as well as for leaving the car engine on unnecessarily (maximum 2 minutes, at air temperatures below -15 degrees Celsius).

The usual amount of a fine for incorrect parking, regardless of the nature of the violation, is 10 euros, but it can be increased (according to the decree of the Ministry of the Interior of Finland) up to 40 euros if incorrect parking impedes the movement of other cars. In 97 municipalities of Finland, an increased fine has been established, for example, in Kotka - 30 euros, in Lappeenranta - 35 euros, in Espoo, Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Lahti, Oulu, Rovaniemi, Tampere, Turku, Vantaa - up to 40-50 euros.

The fine must be paid through the bank within two weeks (the countdown is from the date indicated on the penalty receipt). If the fine is not paid on time, a penalty equal to half the amount of the fine is charged. In case of non-payment of fines and penalties, the case is transferred to the debt collection agency. Russians face visa denial.

If the owner or driver of the car considers the fine unjustified, he can appeal the decision to the authority that issued the fine. Complaints must be filed within 2 weeks of receiving the fine. Filing a complaint does not exempt from paying a fine. If the issued fine is found to be unjustified, the money will be returned. In some cities (for example, in Oulu), the case of illegal parking is filmed on camera in case of a possible appeal.

Traveling to the most beautiful places in Finland by car is the most rational and convenient way of transportation. But in the process of moving, you will definitely need parking.

Traveling around Finland by car is convenient and rational. But you will definitely need to park, and in order to avoid fines, we will tell you about the signs and rules for parking in Finland.

Both in our country and in Finland, parking areas are marked with the corresponding sign:

Within its range, you can leave the car with almost no restrictions. The only caveat: the engine should be turned off (even in cold weather).

Together with the parking sign, they often place additional parking signs. They indicate the coverage area, features of the placement of the car, the duration of the parking lot, etc.

Variations of additional plates and their interpretation

Way of placing vehicles. This plate shows how the machine should be positioned (ladder, parallel, etc.). Such signs do not introduce additional restrictions.

Near the supermarkets "Prisma", "Citymarket" and some other shopping centers you can see the following sign:

It means that there is free parking with a limited time. The maximum number of minutes (min) or hours (h) is indicated on the plate. In the zone of action of such signs, it is necessary to use special parking hours (parkkikiekko, and “parking” in Finnish is parkkipaikka).

Rules for using such watches

  1. Buy a watch at a major gas station or one of the stores. Cost: from 1 to 3 euros.
  2. Set the parking start time. Round up the next hour if necessary, or
  3. half an hour: You arrived at 12.14, so place the arrow at 12.30.
  4. Place the clock under the windshield. They must be clearly visible.
  5. Return to the car no later than the designated time.

The mode of use of parking lots. This sign indicates the time for using the parking lot.

  1. Interval valid on weekdays.
  2. The interval valid on Saturdays (indicated in brackets).
  3. Interval valid on public holidays and Sundays (in red).

To successfully park a car in Finland, you need to be able to read groups of characters, so let's look at an example:

The area of ​​the sign. These signs show the boundaries within which parking is allowed.

Vehicle plates regulate the types of citizens and vehicles for which parking is allowed (for example, for the disabled, buses, cars, etc.). In all parking lots for the disabled, special places are allocated, and you should not occupy them. If you violate this rule, you will be fined.

Text plates

These signs restrict or exclude parking. Here are the most frequently used phrases:

  • Kielletty - forbidden;
  • Pysakointi kielletty - stopping is prohibited;
  • Vain talon asukkaille - only for residents of the house;
  • Vieraspaikka - for house guests;
  • Varattu - busy;
  • Ulos - exit (from the parking lot).

Parking areas are also available in private houses. In this case, the numbers of cars or apartments are indicated under the sign. You shouldn't stop at these places.

Paid parking

Many parking lots in major cities of the country are paid. They can be distinguished by the parking meter icon next to the time slot. Other designations are the same as for free parking. Example above: paid parking from 8 to 17 on weekdays, from 8 to 15 on Saturday. The rest of the time you don't have to pay.

Text designations:

  • Tilaa - there are places;
  • Täynnä - no seats available.

How to pay for parking in Finland:

  • Park properly with the engine off.
  • Find a parking machine (usually there is a sign).
  • Pay with coins of 20, 50 cents or 1 or 2 euros. If you do not know how much you need, then just throw the coins one at a time and see how the time changes on the screen. If you accidentally paid for a longer stay, click on the red cancel button. After payment, press the green button and take the receipt. Place it in a conspicuous place under the windshield.
  • Please note that many parking lots are free on Sunday.
  • In parking lots, payment is made after parking. At the entrance you will receive a ticket, which you will pay at the machine before leaving.

Intercepting parking lots

This type of parking means that the car can be on it to continue moving by bus or train. Do not use this parking lot for other purposes. Otherwise, you will have to pay a fine.

No parking sign

Valid until a sign that cancels it or until the first intersection on the side of the road on which it is placed. In some cases (if there are additional signs), you can stop under the sign.

Additional signs may indicate the intervals of the prohibition sign or the time during which you can stop (naturally, with a clock).

Stop prohibited:

  1. In places of breaks in the profile and in the immediate vicinity of turns.
  2. At a distance of less than 5 meters from the intersection.
  3. On the roadway second row.
  4. If the vehicle will block the movement of other vehicles or their evacuation.
  5. At pedestrian crossings (and closer than 5 meters to them), sidewalks, at the intersection of roads with bike paths.
  6. At gates, entrances, if the vehicle creates an obstacle for pedestrians or other vehicles.
  7. In tunnels and driveways under roadbeds.
  8. On railway or tram tracks, as well as at a distance of less than 30 meters to railway crossings.
  9. Closer than 3 meters to the yellow markings.
  10. On the roadway under the action of the sign "Main Road" outside settlements.

Fines for violation of parking rules

Fines can be issued not only by a policeman, but also by a parking attendant for:

  • Violation of parking rules.
  • Parking with the engine running (maximum time - 2 minutes and only at a temperature of -15 degrees).
  • Parking without applying the handbrake.

Fines range from 10 to 50 euros. The invoice must be paid within 2 weeks. Moreover, it can be either issued personally or attached in a conspicuous place under the "wipers".

A penalty of 50% is charged in case of late payment of the fine. If you do not pay the debts, the case will be referred to a debt collection agency.

Any decisions can be appealed to the authority that issued the fine. The money is returned if you were fined illegally.

Incorrect parking in the country is filmed on camera, so it is in your best interest to follow the parking rules.

You need to know how to park in Finland. And we tell you about it. Don't tell everything at once.

We talked about parking hours. It's not difficult to use them. If the sign is as clear as this

Parking permit signs in Finland using parking clocks

However, the parking sign is not always so simple in Finland. Very often this is a whole set of signs. It might look like this, for example:

The parking time limit depends on the time of day and the day of the week.

As you can see, in the pictures above, in addition to the plate with the restriction "30 min", there is also a plate with the numbers "8-17" and "(8-15)". These signs mean that the 30 minute time limit is only valid from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm on a weekday, from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm on Saturday (Saturday limit is shown in brackets). At this time, you need to use. At other times, for example, at 18:00 pm on a weekday or on Sunday at 12:00 pm, you can park free of charge and indefinitely without parking hours.
Here you can read about

I'll start with an appeal: "Dear motorists, being on the territory Finland(as, by the way, at home or / and any other state), do not violate the parking rules. "Unfortunately, it is not uncommon when you see a car parked with obvious violations, in 90% you find on it a state number with a tricolor and familiar numbers regions. I would like to think that this happens solely because of banal ignorance, and is not a consequence of the so-called "Russian mentality". This post is devoted to how to avoid such misunderstandings and "save face".

The rules for stopping, parking and parking vehicles in Finland are regulated by two regulatory documents:

  • "Rules of the road"
  • "Illegal Parking Law"

Types of parking in Finland

Parking in Finland are:

  • free
  • free, limited parking
  • paid
  • private

Free parking

What can I say, they are free and there are free))) The most pleasant type of parking for us, motorists, in Finland (and indeed in Europe). They are marked with a "Parking" sign without any hint of any restrictions or financial wishes)))

Free parking with limited parking time

Such parking lots are marked with a special sign (designation of parking hours and parking restriction time). As the name implies, free parking time in such a parking lot is limited (usually 1-3 hours). Example: free parking at "Ideapark" (in Tampere), the parking number is indicated, how cars should be parked and the parking restriction time.

Parking clock ("Parkkikiekko")

With the help of a parking clock ("Parkkikiekko"), the parking time of a car in a free parking lot with a time limit is monitored. You can buy a parking watch at gas stations, in roadside shops, cafeterias or R-Kioski kiosks (the price ranges from about 1.5 to 3 euros). In general, do not forget to buy)))

The parking watch should be put on the "torpedo", under the windshield of the car, like this:

The parking clock sets the arrival time rounded to the nearest whole hour or half hour. Rounding is done forward, that is, if you arrived, for example, at 10-45, then we set 11-00 on the parking clock. Lack of parking hours entails a fine. The fine receipt will be neatly placed under the "janitor".

Parking spaces for people with disabilities

These parking spaces are easily and immediately recognizable. It is not worth it to occupy parking spaces for people with disabilities just like that (only with a special permit). If you do not have a supporting document during the check (the crusts of various departments, deputies and their assistants will not be given a ride))), then be prepared to receive a penalty receipt. In some cases, it can reach the evacuation of the car.

The photo below is an example. It is not visible here, but I will inform you that the entire parking lot was completely packed, but no one encroached on these free places.

Paid parking

They are also easily identified by a special sign - "a bucket into which your euro coin falls." The time of action is indicated next to the bucket: without brackets - weekdays, in brackets - Saturday. Sometimes the third row is red numbers - these are Sunday and holidays.

In order to leave the car in such a parking lot, you need to pay for parking at the parking machine. The cost of an hour of parking (depending on the zone) is indicated on the parking meter itself. It also indicates the maximum time for which you can pay at a time. Coins, sometimes banknotes and bank cards are accepted for payment. The received receipt must be put on the "torpedo" (in a conspicuous place under the windshield, such as, for example, a parking clock in the photo above). The receipt will indicate the date and time of payment for the parking space, as well as the time until which payment was made (for example, in the photo below - a receipt from a street parking meter, I parked in the center of Helsinki)

There were cases when our fellow citizens paid, say, an hour and went for a walk for 4 hours. They say, we will come, we will pay extra. They came - and under the janitor a fresh penalty receipt. So take into account this nuance. Maybe someone will be lucky, but more often the opposite happens.

Also remember that in the evening and on weekends there is a pleasant transformation: parking is temporarily going from paid to free. Therefore, before you give your labor penny to the parking machine, look at the signs at the parking lot and the information on the parking machine itself. Otherwise, you can, for example, having paid on Saturday evening for 1 hour, you can receive a receipt paid before the corresponding estimated paid time on Monday)))


We read: on weekdays parking is paid from 08-00 to 20-00 (from 20-00 to 08-00 for free), on Saturday parking is paid from 08-00 to 16-00 (from 00-00 to 08-00 and from 16-00 to 24-00 free), respectively, all Sunday and plus until 08-00 Monday parking is free. The following shows how to park your vehicle and the direction of the parking spaces.

Everything here is similar to the previous version, but the third (red line) has just been added to the paid parking sign. From 14:00 to 20:00 on Sunday you have to pay for parking. From 00-00 to 14-00 Sunday and 20-00 to 08-00 (but Monday) - free of charge.

Private parking

Only owners can park in private car parks. But if you, for example, came to visit someone, then with the permission of the owner of the parking space, you can also use this place to leave your car. Private parking lots are usually located near residential buildings (marked sign "Vain talon asukkaille"- "Only for residents of the house").

Additionally, each place of the tenant is indicated either by the number of the apartment or the number of the car. Quite often, special parking spaces are allocated for guests - marked with a sign "Vieraspaikka".

The general rule for all parking lots: if the parking lot is marked with parking markings or the necessary way to park cars is shown on the sign, then we park exactly as indicated. If you are not disabled, then I strongly advise you not to park in places intended for people with disabilities.

And some more explanatory inscriptions to road signs:

  • "Pysakointi kielletty"- Stop prohibited
  • "Huoltoajo sallittu"- Official traffic is allowed
  • "Ilmainen"- Is free
  • "Maksullinen"- Paid
  • "Arkisin"- On weekdays
  • "Pyhaisin"- Sundays and holidays

Where is it forbidden to park in Finland

remember, that stopping and parking prohibited:

  • at intersections, as well as at a distance closer than 5 meters to the intersection
  • on pedestrian and bicycle paths, as well as at a distance of less than 5 meters to a pedestrian crossing or intersection with a bicycle path
  • in the immediate vicinity of railway or tram tracks (if this may interfere with the movement of railway transport or trams)
  • in underground passages and tunnels
  • in places with limited visibility
  • next to the solid dividing line, if the distance from the car to the solid line is less than 3 meters and there is no broken line between the car and the solid line

No parking

  • closer than 30 meters to a railroad crossing
  • on roads leading to houses (in case it makes it difficult to travel on these roads)
  • at an angle to the roadway (except for mopeds, two-wheeled bicycles and motorcycles without a sidecar)
  • in any way if it interferes with the movement of other vehicles
  • outside the settlements marked with the sign "Main road"
  • in designated parking areas in such a way that part of the vehicle remains outside the designated area

Who can issue a parking ticket in Finland

Penalty for breaking the rules parking lots in Finland two organizations can write out: the municipality (city authorities) and the police. Depending on the city in which you violated something, the amount of the fine may vary from 10 euro before 80 euro.

Update (April 2012) Despite rather serious penalties, some especially gifted drivers continued to ignore the rules and parked as and where they wanted. It is this category of citizens that should be said "thank you" for the decision of the city administration Helsinki increase fines for illegal parking

  • in the center of Helsinki: up to 80 euro, not in the center - 60 euro(previously it was 50 euro)
  • in other parts of Helsinki: up to 60 euro(previously it was 40 euro)

Similar decisions have been made in some other cities in Finland. The fines will now be:

  • in Tampere - 60 euro in the area with paid parking and 50 euro in other parts of the city
  • in Vantaa and Espoo - 60 euro
  • in Hyvinkää, Nurmijärvi, Vaasa and Vihti - 40 euro
  • in Joensuu, Kuopio and Porvoo - 50 euro
  • to Jyväskylä - 60 or 40 euros(depending on zone)
  • in Ylöjärvi - 30 euro
  • on pedestrian and bicycle paths, pedestrian crossings, as well as at a distance of less than 5 meters to a pedestrian crossing or intersection with a bicycle path
  • at intersections, as well as at a distance closer than 5 meters to the intersection
  • in close proximity to railway or tram tracks, if this may interfere with the movement of railway transport or trams
  • in such a way that obstructs the visibility of road signs or traffic lights
  • in underground passages and tunnels
  • in places with limited visibility
  • in places where the road is divided into several lanes, so that it is difficult to move along the lanes
  • without paying for parking in places where payment is required
  • next to the solid dividing line, if the distance from the car to the solid line is less than 3 meters and there is no broken line between the car and the solid line

No parking

  • closer than 30 meters to a railroad crossing
  • on roads leading to houses in such a way that traffic on these roads is difficult
  • at an angle to the roadway (except for two-wheeled bicycles, mopeds and motorcycles without a sidecar)
  • in any way if it interferes with the movement of other vehicles
  • outside built-up areas on roads marked with traffic priority signs (main road)
  • in designated parking areas in such a way that part of the vehicle remains outside the designated area

Parking of bicycles and mopeds is allowed on pedestrian and bicycle paths.

Parking categories

Parking lots are divided into several main categories - public, private, paid and garages. Parking lots are marked with the following signs:

Public parking

Usually they have a time limit indicated by an additional sign under the parking sign:

Such a sign (together with a parking permit sign) means that free parking is allowed for 30 minutes with the obligatory use of a parking clock.

A similar sign, but installed in combination with the “No Parking” sign, allows parking no more than the specified time with the obligatory use of parking hours.

The time of validity of parking signs is often indicated:

Special attention should be paid to disabled parking spaces. Usually they are marked with markings and an additional plate. Parking in places for the disabled is allowed only with a special permit.

Private parking

Private parking can only be used by the owners or with their permission. Usually, in front of each parking space, the number of the car or the number of the apartment for which it is reserved is indicated.

Most of the houses have special parking spaces for guests, marked with a "vieraspaikka" sign.

parking clock

On the parking clock, you need to set the arrival time, rounded up to the next even hour or half hour. The clock should be placed under the windshield in a prominent place.

You can buy a parking clock (parkkikiekko) at gas stations and shops. They are quite inexpensive, within 1-2 euros.

Paid parking

The vast majority of parking lots are paid. A ticket purchased from a parking machine (the machine accepts euro coins) must be placed in a conspicuous place under the windshield.

This sign indicates paid parking with a time limit. Payment at the parking machine is required in case of parking on weekdays from 8 am to 5 pm, on Saturday from 8 am to 3 pm. The rest of the time, parking is free.

The maximum parking time can also be indicated - this means that a parking ticket cannot be bought for a time longer than indicated on the sign.


Issued by either the police or parking attendants.

Typically, such fines are imposed for non-compliance with parking rules in cities and towns, non-use of the parking disc, improper parking, as well as for leaving the car engine on unnecessarily (maximum 2 minutes, at air temperatures below -15 degrees Celsius).

The fine ranges from 10 to 50 euros. Payment term - 2 weeks.

If the fine was not handed over to the driver personally, the receipt is attached to the car in a conspicuous place.

If the fine is not paid on time, a penalty equal to half the amount of the fine is charged. In case of non-payment of fines and penalties, the case is referred to a debt collection agency.

If the owner or driver of the car considers the fine unjustified, he can appeal the decision to the authority that issued the fine. Complaints must be filed within 2 weeks of receiving the fine. Filing a complaint does not exempt from paying a fine. If the issued fine is found to be unjustified, the money will be returned.

In some cities (for example, in Oulu), the case of improper parking is filmed on camera in case of a possible appeal.

Free parking

Finding free parking, especially in large cities, is becoming more difficult every day. However, there are always little secrets. Read our material where locals share the secrets of free parking in the city.