When the moon begins to wane in June. Waxing Crescent. Waning Moon in Aries

List of abbreviations Moon without course in June 2017*

R.L. - Waxing Crescent
W.L. - waning moon

Full – full moon

Perch. – First quarter

Pos.Ch. – last quarter

New – New Moon

Favorable day for new things and important decisions

Unfavorable day for new affairs and important decisions

03.06 / 00:48 - 03.06 / 03:04

05.06 / 11:57 - 05.06 / 13:46

07.06 / 03:35 - 08.06 / 01:59

10.06 / 09:20 - 10.06 / 14:36

12.06 / 21:45 - 13.06 / 02:45

15.06 / 08:40 - 15.06 / 13:17

17.06 / 14:33 - 17.06 / 20:55

19.06 / 22:42 - 19.06 / 00:53

21.06 / 07:26 - 22.06 / 01:44

23.06 / 21:44 - 24.06 / 01:07

25.06 / 22:08 - 26.06 / 01:06

28.06 / 00:12 - 27.06 / 03:41

29.06 / 23:34 - 30.06 / 10:02

*Moon without a course - a list of periods when it is better not to start important things - from getting a job to sending letters.

* A day without a description duplicates the previous day in terms of location in the Zodiac sign and in terms of favorable and unfavorable aspects.

* Time zone (GMT+3) Moscow time. When changing the time zone, the time of moonrise and the periods of the moon without a course are shifted by the number of hours from Moscow time.

June 1 / Thu

7th lunar day / Moon in Virgo / Per.ch. / -

Psychological background

Beauty and hair cutting



June 2/Fri

8th lunar day / Moon in Virgo / R.L.

June 3 / Sat

9th lunar day / Moon in Libra from 03:04 / R.L.
Psychological background

Beauty and hair cutting



June 4 / Sun

10th lunar day / Moon in Libra / R.L. / +

June 5 / Mon

11th lunar day / Moon in Scorpio from 13:46 / R.L.

Psychological background

Excitement, nervousness, passion.

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: massage, aromatherapy; Unfavorable: Haircut, coloring, perm, cosmetic procedures.


The genitals and rectum should be protected. Possible inflammation of the genital organs. The day is favorable for taking relaxing baths and massages.


Favorable: Planting, sowing, transplanting, grafting plants, rooting cuttings, watering, harvesting; Unfavorable: Pruning, replanting.

June 6 / Tue

12th lunar day / Moon in Scorpio / R.L.

June 7 / Wed

13th lunar day / Moon in Scorpio / R.L.

June 8 / Thu

14th lunar day / Moon in Sagittarius from 01:59 / R.L.

Psychological background

Calmness, correctness, diligence.

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: hair strengthening procedures, hand baths, removal of warts, moles, ingrown nails; Unfavorable: Cauterization, tattooing, punctures; Neutral: Haircut.


You should take care of the Hips, circulatory system, liver, gall bladder. Possible inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The day is favorable for procedures to improve the lungs. It is advisable to avoid spicy fatty foods and alcohol.


Favorable: Gathering root crops, collecting and drying herbs and fruits, preparing firewood; Unfavorable: Planting, replanting (except for fast-growing crops).

June 9 / Fri

15th lunar day / Moon in Sagittarius / Full. / -

June 10 / Sat

16th lunar day / Moon in Capricorn from 14:36 ​​/ U.L.

Psychological background

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: Hair removal, eyebrow correction, manicure, skin care, pedicure; Unfavorable: Haircut.


You should take care of your bones. Possible fractures. It is not advisable to do massage. The day is favorable for procedures to improve the stomach.


Favorable: Planting root crops, watering, fertilizing, hilling, weeding; Unfavorable: replanting flowers.

June 11 / Sun

17th lunar day / Moon in Capricorn / U.L.

June 12 / Mon

18th lunar day / Moon in Capricorn / U.L.

June 13 / Tue

19th lunar day / Moon in Aquarius from 02:45 / U.L.

Psychological background

Inner freedom, emancipation, intuition.

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: Treatment of cracks in the skin of the hands and feet, dental procedures, manicure, pedicure, tattooing, electrical procedures; Neutral: Haircut, coloring.


You should take care of your ankles and ankles. Fractures and inflammation of the veins are possible. The day is favorable for hardening the body.


Favorable: Pinching, hilling, weeding, picking, preparing canned food; Unfavorable: Planting, transplanting.

June 14 / Wed

20 lunar day / Moon in Aquarius / U.L.

June 15 / Thu

20-21 lunar day / Moon in Pisces from 13:17 / U.L. / +

Psychological background

Romanticism, dreaminess, intuition.

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: cleansing masks; Unfavorable: Haircut, coloring, perm, massage, water procedures.


You should take care of your shins and skin. Allergies and inflammation of the veins are possible. The day is favorable for bowel cleansing. It is not recommended to drink a lot of fluids and alcohol. Surgery is not recommended.


Favorable: Sowing, planting, replanting (except for plants overwintering in the ground), mowing lawns, pruning and grafting trees and shrubs, watering, fertilizing, preparing canned food, collecting medicinal herbs.

June 16 / Fri

21st lunar day / Moon in Pisces / U.L. / +

June 17 / Sat

22nd lunar day / Moon in Aries from 20:55 / Last Hour. / -

Psychological background

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: peeling, hair removal, wart removal, massage; Unfavorable: cutting, coloring.


You should take care of your nose, teeth, ears, eyes. Headaches are possible. The day is favorable for procedures to improve the kidneys and bladder.


Favorable: thinning seedlings, loosening the soil, spraying plants, harvesting; Unfavorable: sowing seeds and planting seedlings.

June 18 / Sun

23rd lunar day / Moon in Aries / U.L.

24th lunar day / Moon in Aries / U.L. /

June 20 / Tue

25th lunar day / Moon in Taurus from 00:53 / U.L. / +
Psychological background

Stubbornness, peace, confidence.

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: hair and scalp care, masks, massage, eyebrow correction, perm, blonde hair dyeing, tattooing, injections; Neutral: haircut.


You should take care of your throat and lower jaw. Colds and poisoning are possible. The day is favorable for procedures to improve the throat and reproductive system.


Favorable: planting, watering, spraying; Unfavorable: weeding.

June 21 / Wed

26th lunar day / Moon in Taurus / U.L.

June 22 / Thu

27th lunar day / Moon in Gemini from 01:44 / U.L.
Psychological background

Activity, sociability, suggestibility.

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: bath, aromatherapy, inhalations, hand and foot baths; Unfavorable: haircut, manicure, eyebrow correction, hair coloring.


You should take care of your lungs, upper respiratory tract, arms, and shoulders. Possible rheumatic pain, shortness of breath, colds. The day is favorable for procedures to improve the lungs and liver. Fasting is beneficial.


Favorable: pruning plants, pest control, weeding; Unfavorable: sowing seeds and planting seedlings other than strawberries, strawberries, peas, cucumbers.

June 23 / Fri

28th lunar day / Moon in Gemini / U.L.

June 24 / Sat

29-30 lunar day / Moon in Cancer from 01:07 / New. / -
Psychological background

Sensitivity, vulnerability, mood swings.

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: facial cleansing, bathing with salt, oils or herbs, plastic surgery; Unfavorable: cutting, coloring, perm.


You should take care of your stomach and liver. Possible belching, heartburn, gastritis. The day is favorable for procedures to improve the stomach, gall bladder, and liver. Massage is useful.


Favorable: planting, watering, replanting; Unfavorable: pruning, weeding, collecting vegetables and fruits for long-term storage.

June 25 / Sun

1st lunar day / Moon in Cancer / R.L.

June 26 / Mon

2nd lunar day / Moon in Leo from 01:06 / R.L.
Psychological background

Cheerfulness, high spirits, determination.

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: haircut, sauna, bathing, selection of cosmetics; Unfavorable: perm, coloring,


The heart and vascular system should be protected. Changes in blood pressure are possible. The day is favorable for procedures to improve the nervous and vascular systems.


Favorable: watering, harvesting for long-term storage, weeding, drying herbs, vegetables and fruits, pruning plants; Unfavorable: planting, sowing.

June 27 / Tue

3rd lunar day / Moon in Leo / R.L.

June 28 / Wed

4th lunar day / Moon in Virgo from 03:41 / R.L. / +
Psychological background

Practicality, rationality, punctuality.

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: haircut, perm, manicure, pedicure, cleansing procedures for face and body; Unfavorable: hair coloring.


The gastrointestinal tract should be protected. Constipation or diarrhea may occur. The day is favorable for intestinal cleansing procedures; it is good to have a fasting day.


Favorable: Fertilizer, fertilizing, spraying, planting seedlings, planting ornamental plants; Unfavorable: planting seeds of vegetables and fruits.

June 29 / Thu

5th lunar day / Moon in Virgo / R.L.

June 30 / Fri

6-7 lunar day / Moon in Libra from 10:02 / R.L.
Psychological background

Harmony, artistry, hesitation.

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: haircut, healthy hair and scalp, selection of cosmetics; Unfavorable: hair coloring.


You should take care of your hips, bladder, and kidneys. Possible inflammation of the bladder, exacerbation of the disease in patients with pancreatitis and diabetes. The day is favorable for procedures to improve the bladder. You should avoid drinking sweets and large amounts of liquid.


Favorable: Planting, sowing, transplanting, grafting plants, rooting cuttings, pruning, watering; Unfavorable: Weeding.

Keywords of Lunar days (actions and personal qualities that should be applied):

1. analysis, compromise, calm, planning, reflection.

2. the beginning of action, acceptance of gifts, multiplication of goodness, rhythm.
3. increased energy tone, caution, self-control, solitary work.

4. information, the ability to respond adequately, choice, analysis of the current situation.

5. transformation, change, integration, unification, increase in load.
6. relaxation, meditation, rest, transmission of thoughts at a distance.
7. the power of words, creativity, the other side of reality, depth of understanding, creativity, creativeness, sociability, control of speech.
8. revival, transition to a new level, solitude, inner freedom, courage, openness to everything new, leisurely, relaxation.

10. family, traditions, construction, gardening, cohesion, house building, patriarchy, strengthening family ties, laying a foundation, returning to origins and one’s roots.

11. self-control, concentration on the goal, energy management, honesty with oneself, realistic assessment of one’s strengths, increased energy, assertiveness.
12. meeting with your true nature, choosing between the material world and the spiritual, achieving a sense of unity with the Universe, altruistic activity, gratitude, wisdom, restoration of mutual understanding.

13. increasing awareness, establishing a connection between a small and a global goal, overcoming selfishness, an additional source of energy, changing one’s opinion about oneself, correcting one’s fate.
14. activity, effectiveness, self-confidence, swiftness, persistence, adjustment.

15. confidence, logical completion of what was started, victory, success, the highest point of energy filling, self-control, active life position, asceticism, self-discipline.
16. reducing tension, preparing for a good rest, applying the finishing touches, analyzing the path traveled, establishing harmony between each other and the achieved result.

17. rest, relaxation, joy, fun, celebration, inner freedom, positive perception of reality, emancipation.

18. honesty, calmness, correcting one’s shortcomings, changing for the better.

19. increased self-control, checking the assimilation of past lessons, transforming one’s negative qualities into positive ones, time to free oneself from everything unnecessary, putting things in order.

20. awareness of your goal, a bird's eye view of your life, adjustment, understanding that everything is not accidental, active life position, overcoming doubts.
21. activity, creativity, creative thinking, teamwork, effective movement forward, quantum leap, revolutionary transformations.
22. concentration on completing a task, the finish line, self-control, measuring one’s efforts, understanding one’s uniqueness, concentrating on one’s life path, gaining insight into secret symbols.
23. harvesting, completing things correctly, understanding one’s mistakes, radical reforms.

24. harvesting, destroying the old and creating the new, accepting yourself as you are, thoroughness.
25. restoration of strength, proper rest, psychological adaptation.
26. smooth transition to new goals, renewal of movement, understanding of the essence of the life process, following natural rhythms, clear definition of one’s life positions.
27. awareness of the goal, a sense of internal rhythm, following the natural flow of energies.
28. peace, restoration of connection with the divine essence, self-knowledge, bringing light into all areas of life, divine karma.

29. increased self-control, spiritual transformation, cleansing of the Augean stables of the inner world.

30. completion, rest, recuperation, altruism, love and harmony.

This was the Lunar calendar for June 2017. See you in the new month!

When will the full moon be in June 2017, Kyiv time, and what should we expect from the full moon period? In order for this specific period to pass without errors and shocks, it is useful to look at the lunar calendar for June 2017 and study the phases of the Moon.

The influence of the full moon on the human psyche

Also, the full moon phase is associated with an increased risk of gastrointestinal diseases and poisoning. This is explained by the fact that on full moon days the vital activity of microbes and viruses is activated, and the effectiveness of medications, on the contrary, decreases. Nevertheless, they exist, and as summer 2017 approaches, girls are especially interested.

How to make a wish for money on a full moon

The full moon is a mysterious and even mystical time, with which many legends, traditions and secrets are associated. Since ancient times, the period of the full moon was used for various rituals and ceremonies, as it was believed that the powerful energy of the moon helped to attract good luck, money and love. That's why today we tell you...

If you want to attract wealth into your life, try making a “money drink”. To do this: pour clean water into a bottle, create a “money” picture in your mind (you found a treasure, got caught in the rain of money), fix this image in your mind, then take a breath.

As you exhale, “throw” your picture into a bottle of water and place it on a moonlit windowsill for 2-3 hours. Store the money magic “infusion” in a dark place where the rays of the sun do not reach. Once a day, take a few sips of water from a bottle, projecting that same image in your head.

When is the full moon in June 2017

And so, it's time to find out when the full moon will be in June. We inform you that a full moon is expected in June 2017 on Friday June 9 at 16:10 Kyiv time. Be attentive to your body during this difficult phase of the Moon, and do not expose it to unnecessary risks.

Also watch to know when it is better to plan a trip to a beauty salon or carry out home beauty treatments. And in you will find information about why the Moon has such an effect on the human body.

During the June full moon, the Moon will visit the constellation Scorpio. The exact time of the full moon is June 9, 16:17.

The Moon in astrology is a significator of the mind and subconscious, the reflexive mind that reacts to signals received from the senses. During the full moon, we are most susceptible to the influence of the constellation in which the Moon arrives. For the Moon, the constellation Scorpio is a space in which the beneficial power of this planet is minimally manifested. The Moon in Scorpio leaves an imprint of partiality on the emotions and mind. For the Moon, this sign is unfavorable, so feelings are unstable. The full moon will have the greatest impact on representatives of Scorpio (you are the initiator of events) and Taurus (you will be faced with conflicting behavior towards you).

The Moon and the constellation Scorpio influence our subconscious. During the full moon, we see the desires, aspirations, fears and hopes that fill our mind very clearly. If you are looking for an answer to the question: “What do I really want?”, now you can find the answer. The Full Moon in Scorpio gives you the courage to face your fears and conquer them.

The Moon in Scorpio increases suspicion towards other people and the secrecy of one's feelings. Mars, which rules this constellation, is a lover of showdowns. It is impossible to predict the reaction to words and actions during such a “conversation”. Now it’s useless to prove anything, you can aggravate the situation even further, so the advice is simple - hold back.

The cause of the conflict may be an aggravated possessive instinct. Avoid harsh expressions, criticism and sarcastic remarks towards others and yourself. Non-violence is the motto of this day.

If possible, try not to drive on the day of the full moon. Follow safety rules when handling chemicals and sharp objects.

Refrain from drinking alcohol, poisoning is possible. Shower more often. Scorpio is the sign of the element water, its symbol: purification and transformation. Water has the strongest cleansing effect.

Don't burden yourself with additional sensory stimuli during the June full moon - this is perhaps the most important advice for this day.

Nervousness and incontinence in eating, drinking carbonated drinks can cause exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. Pay attention to compliance with hygiene rules and daily routine. During this full moon, the likelihood of poisoning is increased.

Mercury and the Moon are in an unfavorable neighborhood, so it is recommended to reduce mental activity. If you have an important meeting scheduled for the ninth day to sign documents, check the text several times. Be sure to get enough sleep the night before your meeting; it’s better to get up early in the morning and finish your work than to stay up all night.

Aromatherapy: Rose- an excellent stabilizer of emotions. Its oil inspires strength, gives a feeling of stability and peace. It is a recognized oil of love, therefore it effectively heals emotional and mental wounds, harmonizes thoughts and feelings. Basil- eliminates anxiety, depression. Calms nerves and relieves muscle tension. Bergamot- has a sedative effect. Perfectly relieves nervous tension.

Working on yourself during the Full Moon

  • The full moon in June opens up opportunities for us to begin internal transformation and release accumulated karma. The constellation Scorpio has brahminical nature, this time is good for cleansing practices.
  • During this full moon on June 8 or 10, but not on the 9th, it is recommended to do some general cleaning and get rid of excess trash.
  • If fear is activated, it’s time to work with it. Life circumstances will show us where the “ballast” has accumulated.

The waning moon is a great time to get rid of problems and bring new projects into life. The magical power of the new Moon will double the effectiveness of all conspiracies, rites and rituals aimed at financial well-being and love. Our appeal to the Higher Powers will have maximum success due to the fact that in June the New Moon coincides with the period of the summer Solstice.

On the day when the Moon reaches its maximum waning phase, the Sun will enter into conjunction with Mars and Mercury in the second degree of the zodiac constellation Cancer. This aspect guarantees that it will bring changes into our lives, new business ideas, as well as desires that we want to quickly turn into reality. year will pass in the sign of Leo. You will find out what years other zodiac signs will watch over at

It must be remembered that it is on the New Moon that you can successfully get rid of bad habits, go on a weight-loss diet and carry out the most effective cosmetic procedures to cleanse the skin. But a haircut done in the first three to four days after the new moon will allow you to get healthier, more voluminous and well-growing hair.

Lunar calendar for June 2017

Find out what you can and can't do in New moon 24 June 2017 in Cancer and act decisively where it is necessary to establish business relationships and fight for a sustainable position in business. The main features of the June new moon will be the following nuances:

  • Broad prospects for lovers who are ready to actually prove their feelings;
  • Search for new useful information;
  • Expanding your circle of acquaintances for career growth;
  • The need to act persistently for financial stability;

The conjunction of Mars (the planet is responsible for aggressive actions aimed at personal victory) with Mercury (the planet governs business communications between people) will force entrepreneurs to work more actively. will tell you how to prepare and give useful tips for every day.

If you are offered a new profitable project associated with a reasonable adventure, take a closer look at the prospects and agree if the risk is justified by future profits.

On the day of the New Moon and during the week of the waxing Moon, it is strictly forbidden to borrow or give money to anyone. Only people who rely on their own strength will gain financial stability and independence.

Rituals and rituals for love: what you can do on the new moon

We recommend conducting an effective ritual to attract love and reciprocity into life. Please note that the energy that it carries New Moon June 24, 2017 in Cancer capable of imparting charm and magnetism to every person. Harmony of feelings and the ability to radiate love will allow you to easily achieve what you want. We suggest the following behavior strategy:

  • Receiving impeccable help from psychics in the form of energetic protection from envy;
  • Cleansing the biofield from negativity on an individual basis;
  • Conspiracies for a successful start to new business.

A lit candle, spring water and the aroma of fragrant herbs and flowers will help cleanse the energy of your home on the day of the new moon. A ritual with a rose to attract love will help solve personal problems. You need to buy or pick a fresh flower with bright red thorns and purchase two candles to match the plant.

The ritual begins as soon as the June New Moon fully comes into its own: a rose is placed in a vase in the middle of the table, and red candles are lit on the sides.

Inhale the scent of a rose, look at the fire and read the spell three times: “Love is with me, Love is above me, Love is my Earthly companion. In the future and present, with the magic of love, I conjure fire to give me strength, power and attract Love to myself. My word is strong, and people’s love for me is faithful and mutual!”

Waxing moon in June 2017

Note that New Moon June 24, 2017 in Cancer favors people who respect family traditions. Use the few days immediately following the zero cycle of the Moon to attract good luck and prosperity to your family.

On the very first night, as soon as the thinnest crescent of the young Moon appears, you need to take three paper bills worth five rubles and go outside. Show the growing Moon this money and say a spell: “My three A’s are a gift for the Moon, let them lie in their wallet and guard the big money. Banknotes arrive in my hands, but change is driven away!” The money is placed in a secret pocket of the wallet. You cannot spend charmed bills until the next New Moon.

An effective ritual for the waxing Moon will make it easy to achieve what you want. On the day of the New Moon, you need to go out into the street and ask the Moon for help: “My assistant in business, the Moon is young and strong, help me start a new business, and make the ill-wisher silent. The moon is rising in the sky, and the money is in my wallet!” Then you need to thank the heavenly Satellite of the Earth three times for your help as if your wish had already come true.

In contact with

The birth period of the new moon is conducive to new beginnings, which will be marked by happy opportunities. However, the day may unfold according to an unexpected scenario, because the unstable energy of the night star will dictate its terms.

The new moon is a dangerous time for psychological and physical well-being. During this period, unusual situations may arise that can critically affect your plans. Therefore, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the lunar calendar. By following the tips of astrologers, you will only benefit from the June New Moon.

Features of the New Moon in June

In the first month of summer, the New Moon falls on June 24th. The Moon will be in the constellation Cancer. The placement of the night luminary in a cautious Sign can interfere with decision-making. You have to think about each step several times in order to feel confident on the 1st lunar day.

On this day the following will bring good luck:

  • meditative practices;
  • friendliness and responsiveness;
  • any undertakings;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • romantic meetings;
  • rest and self-discovery.

Finance and career June 24

The birth of the new moon falls on Saturday. Many people have a day off, which will have a positive effect on their internal state. During the New Moon period, it is undesirable to overexert yourself and engage in mental work. This is a favorable time for monotonous and routine activities. Things will go well for people involved in sales, sports and medicine. June 24 is an invitation to solve global problems in a new way.

You should beware of financial transactions: it is better not to give or borrow money. Astrologers warn that during the New Moon our attention is scattered, so money will need to be recalculated. New Moon rituals will help increase well-being.

Love and Relationships on the New Moon

It will be difficult to maintain personal authority - the unstable energy of the night star is to blame. You should not get into arguments and advertise your dissatisfaction; with such attacks you can lose the help of trusted people. Be patient, responsive and friendly. At this time, the rule “what goes around comes around” will apply. If you want to be treated well, do not neglect to respond in kind.

The June New Moon will help lovers and lonely people. The aspect of Venus and Saturn will be harmonious for those who are in search of their personal happiness. The strong position of the planet of love foreshadows prospects in relationships at the beginning of the lunar month. There will be a romantic mood and opportunities to have a passionate romance. For family people, the position of the Moon in Cancer will give them sensuality and a desire to express tenderness and care. This will help achieve harmony in relationships and move to a new stage.

Health and emotions according to the lunar calendar

The new moon can weaken the body, so a person easily gets sick and irritated. Aggressiveness and tension can interfere with your ability to complete your tasks throughout the day. Positive attitudes will help you not to lose control over your emotions and direct your energy towards fulfilling your desires.

The new moon is a good time to give up bad habits and free yourself from oppressive experiences. According to astrologers, drinking alcohol on this day can significantly worsen your health. Therefore, it is worth finding other methods of relaxation for yourself - for example, meditation or walking.

The new moon is the best time to perform rituals aimed at improving your life. This can concern anything: work, money, love, success. Time is fraught with ambiguous reactions, emotions and actions. The most important thing is not to go astray and not to chase imaginary success, then June 24 will be beneficial for you. Lunar calendar wishes you a good start to the lunar month, take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.06.2017 05:08

The amazing beauty of the night star can captivate any person. However, if you look at the Moon for too long,...