Who makes the trucks man. New Bavaria: how MAN trucks are assembled in Russia. Where MAN is assembled

It so happened, the history of St. Petersburg is inextricably linked with European states. Why the image of the European capital of Russia is firmly entrenched behind the hail. New Holland, Nemetskaya Sloboda ... Many other names also emphasize the relationship with Western Europe. And more recently, the industrial suburb has begun to acquire such attractions. The guarantee for this is the MAN truck assembly plant in Shushary

The visit to the plant was postponed several times. There were many reasons for this. At first there was nothing to show, then there was just no time. Then a crisis broke out altogether. However, following the wise advice that it is precisely during the crisis that the foundation for the future is being laid, the management of MAN's Russian office nevertheless decided to lift the curtain over its assembly plant in St. Petersburg. Frankly, I was pleasantly surprised when a local "guide" met me at the entrance to the office building and suggested that I immediately, without unnecessary equivocations, go to the production building. To my reasonable question that maybe it is worth waiting for someone else for the sake of decency, a short answer was received that there will be no one else. In general, a complete exclusive.

So, MAN started the project in 2011. The territory and facilities are in long-term lease. In the middle of 2013, the assembly plant was put into operation. This was preceded by the receipt of a license for a hazardous production facility, which, in fact, made it possible to start assembling trucks. The plant has only one buyer - MAN Truck & Bus RUS LLC.

MAN Truck & Bus Production RUS LLC is a 100% subsidiary of MAN Truck & Bus AG. The enterprise is quite strongly integrated into the production system of the parent enterprise. It comes to the point that all computers "think" that their operators are located directly in Germany. The plant operates a single MPS system for all enterprises of the company, and all production processes are carried out according to the same standards as, say, in Munich (logistics, production, etc.).

The production building, located under a single roof, is conventionally divided into several zones. The logistics area where the components of future trucks are stored. Most of the components come from Europe. Zone "unpacking" or, if you like, picking. Production Line. Painting shop. Acceptance. Modification center for fine-tuning of special designs.

The total area of ​​the plant is about 30 thousand m2. At the same time, the share of direct production accounts for 19.5 thousand m 2. The office part, located above the logistics area, occupies 1.2 thousand m2. The staff of the plant at the time of the visit was about 90 people. 47 of them are production workers. The plant is designed to produce 6,000 trucks per year with two-shift work. This is approximately 15 trucks per shift with a cycle time of 27 minutes (paint shop limitation). At the time of the visit to the plant, the truck assembly cycle was 1 hour 45 minutes, which roughly corresponds to the assembly of three trucks per shift or 600 trucks per year. This is not so hot, but this is the situation on the market. Nothing can be done.

A separate area is reserved for cabins coming from Austria

Truck parts come from four main MAN production sites. The CKD boxes come from Salzgitter, the engines come from Nuremberg, the bridges from Munich, the cabins from Austria (MAN Steyr). The frame side members and cross members come from the global supplier MAN from Germany. But the most interesting thing is that the gearboxes are supplied from Naberezhnye Chelny - from the joint venture "ZF-Kama". It cannot be said that these are the same control points as for KAMAZ. In any case, what comes to the plant in St. Petersburg completely satisfies the German side. Hence, a fairly high level of production localization. Depending on the model, the percentage ranges from little 20 to 30. It was this circumstance that allowed the company to obtain a certificate of a local manufacturer for the purpose of possible participation in public procurement.

Sourced from Salzgitter, the CKD box contains 5 boxes, which can hold an average of 15 car sets. A special area is reserved for storing the cabins. In general, the logistics complex accounts for half of all production areas. It is directly connected to the docks, where trailers with accessories come to unload every day. Despite the well-oiled mechanism, there is a constant process of optimization of kits, packaging and everything related to the supply of components.

After everything is unpacked and laid out in place, the assembly of the truck begins. The frame spars are mounted on the bogies, and the sacrament of assembly begins. In order not to get confused in all the variety of assembled trucks, tips are drawn on the frame with chalk. At this stage, the technology of the assembly process is completely identical to the Munich plant. The assembly of the frame, or rather the chassis, is divided into 5 posts. The assembled chassis then passes through the quality gate.

As soon as the frame acquires complete features, the in-house number gives way to the VIN-code, which is stamped with a special device. The numbering is end-to-end, so each assembled truck is easy to track.

The logistics complex accounts for half of all production areas

The frame is mainly assembled by riveting and special hydraulic tool with a force of 30 tons. Bolted connections are not rejected. The technological peculiarity is such that both rivets and bolts can be placed in the same holes. However, the bolt can no longer be placed in the places specially designated for rivets. Tightening accuracy of conventional connection - with a tolerance of 15%, responsible for the safety of the truck - 5.

At each post, or station (in German terminology), there are a lot of instructions for both assembly and periodic verification of the instrument. The utmost attention is paid to the build quality.

Then the bridges are installed on the upside-down frame assembled. After that, with a special device, it is given the usual position for further assembly. Next, the power steering and various small parts are installed. The chassis assembly process ends with a quality gate. The tightening torques of all connections are checked here.

Frame assembly starts with tips

Despite the fact that most of the components arrive for assembly already painted, the chassis is finalized in accordance with MAN standards. At the preparation site for painting, some parts and assemblies are masked, some are prepared for painting, and defects are immediately eliminated. Painting is carried out by two painters manually, pneumatic spray guns. By the way, water-based paints are used, which is not so common in the production of trucks. The chassis is dried in two stages, then it cools down and only then goes to the assembly line.

The final stage of truck assembly is divided into 6 stages. The first three are equipped with pneumatic and electrical lines. The work is very responsible, since during the assembly it is necessary to comply with a lot of requirements determined by the MAN standards.

Since the assembly work is painstaking and rather tedious, in addition to the lunch break, there are two more "smoke breaks" of 15 minutes each.

At the fourth station, a radiator and an assembled engine are installed. Hydraulic lines are connected and docked with the gearbox. Well, and then "wedding" - the assembled cabin is installed on the chassis.

Wheels and an accumulator are installed at the last station. The machine is almost completely ready for testing and programming.

And here is the Russian VIN code

Further testing stations begin, but before the start of routine maintenance, the machine is hung out, and conveyor carts are removed from under it, which are sent behind a new chassis. Truck systems are filled with all the necessary technical fluids (antifreeze, coolant, etc.), and fuel is refueled.

At the first stage, pneumatics is tested. Then the computer scientists are involved in programming the systems of the truck, for which they contact a special server in Munich. If any error is detected, then the "second line of defense" - MAN CADS comes into operation. It is used to identify the error and how to fix it. If everything is normal, the engine is started for the first time.

Further, the truck, already under its own power, is sent to the final test line. Before entering the brake tester, the car overcomes the "obstacle course" of their irregularities. Thus, it is shaken so that all excess is separated from the truck. Along the way, an inspection is carried out for the conscientiousness of fastening parts and assemblies.

Installation post of the power unit assembly and radiator

On the electronic brake test bench, the brakes, axle by axle, as well as differential locks (interwheel, interaxle) are tested in turn. Then the truck drives into the inspection pit, where a general inspection, suspension control, camber / toe-in of the front wheels are performed.

At the final stage, the car goes through the quality gate. Here again all the electrics and a lot of other nuances are tested, reflecting the specifics of a particular truck. This is followed by a road test of 20 km on public roads. A specially worked out route allows you to test the car in various driving modes. If everything is ok, the truck is sent to the scales. A control weighing is carried out, and the obtained data is entered into the TCP. The company has a driver's staff in the amount of 10 people, and, depending on the need, they are involved in full or in part.

The re-assembled chassis is moved on special trolleys with a drive located under the floor

But quality control doesn't end there. There is a so-called internal audit system. Once every three days, one truck goes through a rather complicated procedure. For three days it is thoroughly examined, all systems are checked, after which the car is sent for a longer road test (about 100 km) with a more complex driving pattern.

Upon completion of the audit, a so-called rating is assigned, where "1" is excellent, the larger this value, the worse the indicator.

What is interesting about the system. Points are earned first. Zero points is a great product. Up to five points is something that the client will never see. Up to 15 points is something that the client will definitely pay attention to. Up to 50 points is a serious defect that can lead to the failure of any of the units. Up to 100 points - a possible failure of one of the important systems, such a truck will never leave the plant. Further, the points gained are recalculated using a complex formula (taking into account the complexity of the design of a particular truck).

In principle, the plant can assemble all types of MAN trucks - TGL, TGM, TGS and TGX. The main condition is stable demand.

All trucks are tested on a brake stand with display of readings on an electronic display

In addition to the main production, the plant has a special dedicated area - a modification center. At this site, the machines are being finalized according to the specific wishes of the client. In particular, at one of the posts, a standard MAN TGM chassis is being re-equipped for the installation of fire equipment. The work is difficult, up to changing the length of the frame. At another post, the TGS trucks are being retrofitted to work with the KDU. These machines will be involved in the maintenance of the St. Petersburg Ring Road.

MAN Truck & Bus Production RUS is a very responsible employer. The standards adopted in production exceed even those that are in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. The enterprise was visited by a number of controlling state bodies, no special remarks were made on the production. The company provides its employees with a fairly attractive social package. So attractive that many of the job seekers in the auto industry would like to get into this production. Take, for example, this fact: unobtrusive music plays in the workshop. By the way, at the request of the workers themselves.

When choosing a site, the question of the availability of a sufficient number of qualified personnel, including those with experience in the automotive industry, was initially considered. By that time, the image of the Russian Detroit had already been entrenched in St. Petersburg, so there were no problems with personnel. Most of the workers at the plant have an automotive education or experience in the auto industry. Some of the workers, in assembly and other responsible areas, completed an internship for two to three months at the company's enterprises in Western Europe.


When visiting the plant, I did not fail to take the opportunity and ask a couple of questions to the head of the enterprise - Stanislav Kovalev.

It is clear that the plant does not affect product sales. How are the issues of production efficiency resolved, especially in a crisis in the economy?

MAN has unified international quality and efficiency standards, according to which production facilities all over the world operate. The plant in St. Petersburg is no exception. We not only adhere to standards, but also strive to improve production processes and improve performance. The result of this work was the first places in quality that we received in May and June 2015 in an internal competition among MAN plants.

Localization is one of the main issues for production. Does the plant take any part in this, or does it all come down from above?

As mentioned above, the quality and efficiency standards are the same for all MAN locations. Nevertheless, decisions on suppliers are made with the participation of specialists working at the plant in St. Petersburg. Local engineers and procurement service audit the quality of suppliers and are directly involved in decision-making.

Crises come and go. But it was at this time that the foundations of a start for the future were laid. What's in your store for better times?

MAN is a global company. Our strength lies in the fact that we are inextricably linked with the parent brand and are part of the group's own production network. If in essence - the release in the middle of summer of the 1000th truck. We will announce our other undertakings a little later.


In July, the first MAN truck with a four-digit serial number rolled off the assembly line in St. Petersburg, it was a white truck tractor MAN TGS 19.400 4x2 BLS-WW.

The celebration took place within the walls of the plant and brought together the employees of the enterprise and the heads of the Russian division of the MAN Truck & Bus concern. The event was also attended by Mr. Holger von der Heide, Vice President for Quality of the Production Truck Division of MAN Truck & Bus.

Stanislav Kovalev, Managing Director of MAN Truck & Bus Production RUS LLC, gave the guests a tour of the exposition of MAN trucks manufactured in St. Petersburg, and in the production shop he spoke in detail about all stages of truck assembly and the features of this process. Mr. von der Heide noted that the team of workers of the plant has all the necessary professional competencies to manufacture products in accordance with the highest MAN standards, and the trucks manufactured in St. Petersburg are identical in quality to their counterparts from Europe.

On December 5, the official nomination of the supplier of stamped parts for the plant took place Renault in Moscow. According to the results of the tender, it was the company " Alpha Automative Technologies», A joint venture between AMO ZIL and the Japanese company IHI Corporation. Delivery of parts from a nominated supplier to the plant " Avtoframos»Will begin in 2009, when the plant's capacity will double and reach 160,000 vehicles per year.

Alfa Avtomative Technologies (AAT), a joint venture between AMO ZIL and IHI Corporation, will supply Avtoframos with over 70 external body and structural parts for the entire Renault Logan range. AAT press production will be located at ZIL production facilities.

The proximity of the Avtoframos plant and the AAT facility will contribute to the effective cooperation between Renault and the supplier, especially in the areas of quality and logistics.

On the part of IHI Corporation, a world-class heavy engineering company, production will be organized with the support of the world leaders in the production of press tooling and stamped parts, the Japanese companies Ogihara and Fuji Technica.

Avtoframos is investing over 20 million euros in die tooling, which will be manufactured by AAT. The choice of a supplier of rolled metal products will be jointly carried out by the partners.

Localization of supplies of stamped parts is another important step towards achieving the goal of 50% localization of components for Renault production in Russia in 2009. Today this partnership is one of the largest supply contracts between a foreign car manufacturer and a local supplier in Russia.

Today Renault works in Russia with 25 local supplier partners, including Russian and joint ventures, as well as branches of foreign companies in Russia.

The history of the famous automobile brand begins in 1840, with the opening of the car factory of Ludwig Sander in Augsburg.

In 1893, the first experimental diesel engine was created at the Augsburg factory, and in 1897 the world's first operational diesel engine.

In 1908, after the transformation of the name of the factory into "Machine Factory Augsburg Nuremberg AG", the name "MAN" appeared as a result.

1915 year. The construction of the MAN-Saurer truck plant begins and the Saurer assembly plant is transferred from Lindau to the MAN plant in Nuremberg.
Serial production of trucks started in Nuremberg.
The program of production of 2.5 / 3.5 ton trucks with cardan drive has been implemented.

1919 - the first MAN garbage collection vehicle with a motor-hydraulic tipper body, designed for urban transport enterprises in Germany, was produced.

In 1920, MAN merged with the Gutehoffnungshütte concern to create the first truck trade program for MAN.
A year later, a MAN type 3Zc truck comes off the conveyors of the MAN plant in Nuremberg, which has 3 tons of payload and is equipped with a carburetor engine of 40 and 45 hp. (4 cylinders).
Also, the specialists of the company have developed a MAN grader for agriculture.

In 1923, in Augsburg, the first suitable for normal operation automobile diesel engine with direct fuel injection was developed - it is a four-cylinder, four-stroke engine with a power of 40 hp at 900 rpm. On its basis, the MAN truck type 3Zc was created, with a chain drive and 3.5 tons of payload. Some time later, MAN produces the first low-bed diesel bus.

In 1924, at the Berlin Auto Show, the first serviceable truck with a 40 hp direct injection diesel engine was presented.

In 1925 MAN revolutionized the automotive industry with the introduction of a five-ton gimbal-drive truck. It was a technological breakthrough in the automotive industry, and it was he who caused the ubiquitous chain drive to be used much less often, and soon disappeared altogether. In addition, this truck had design features that were later considered for a long time to be typical features of trucks manufactured by MAN, for example, the method of separating the axle and drive, which was called the "rear axle MAN".
In the same year, at the Augsburg-Nuremberg AG plant, MAN type ZK5 was produced in a modification of a tanker truck with a capacity of 4000 liters (payload 5 tons, engine power 50 and 55 hp).

In 1926, a series of two-axle trucks with a payload of 3 to 8 tons, as well as a three-axle vehicle with a payload of up to 10 tons, equipped with a 150 horsepower engine, was added to the MAN truck production and sales program. The design of this "heavyweight" used a joint cardan shaft directly passing from the gearbox, a gear drive on the rear axles and external brake drums. These design features will form, in the future, the technological basis for the entire long-range MAN heavy-duty truck program.

1927 saw the release of the first gimbal-drive truck. In addition, at the IAA international exhibition in Cologne, along with new modifications of buses and utility vehicles, MAN presented a series of trucks on a five-ton, low-bed bus chassis.
Three modifications of this model were envisaged:
1.Three-axle truck, with payload from 8 to 10 tons, 6-cylinder carburetor engine with 150 hp, worm drive and three differentials.
2.Three-axle truck, with payload from 8 to 8 tons, 6-cylinder carburetor engine with 150 hp.
3.Two-axle machine with payload from 8 to 10 tons, with four-cylinder carburetor or diesel engine.
Also, specialists of the MAN concern have developed a series of six-cylinder carburetor engines for 80, 100 and 120 hp, with a Riccardo combustion chamber.

In 1929, the MAN company opens the sale of high-speed vehicles (2 and 2.5 tonnes), and in 1930, MAN Nuremberg develops and launches into production a 5-6 ton truck, the design of which will form the basis of the further production program. The design is based on a 100-horsepower direct injection engine, a ZF-R gearbox, and a Dedion gear rear axle.

At the IAA International Automobile Exhibition in Berlin, held in 1931, MAN Nuremberg presented a new series of trucks, under the designation "E", which received great export success, because had low operating costs and driving performance of a passenger car. Modifications of a dump truck, a van, a car for transporting livestock, a watering and cleaning machine were presented, as well as a special modification for operation in desert-steppe conditions. All cars in this series featured a stamped profile frame, suspension with long, wide, oil-hardened leaf springs, a 3-person cab, lifting windows on both doors, electric direction indicators and windshield wipers.
A year later, the chairman of the board of the machine factory Augsburg-Nuremberg AG, Otto Mayer, organizes the modernization of conveyors on which the chassis of cars are installed at the Nuremberg plant.
The most powerful truck in the world is developed, equipped with a diesel engine of the S1H6 type, with a capacity of 160 hp. At the same time, a new model of a five-ton truck with a six-cylinder 100 hp engine rolls off the assembly line.
Launched a newly developed model of a heavy truck in a modification of a heavy-duty truck tractor. The tractor is equipped with an S1H6 engine with a drive located in the wheel hub.

1933 year. The MAN concern produces the DT semitrailer tractor, with a fifth wheel load of up to 4.5 tons and equipped with a 80/90 hp diesel engine.

In 1934, the family of trucks was expanded from 8 to 10 tons, a 2.5-ton truck with a new, lightweight, four-cylinder diesel engine was put into production. The truck has a low construction height and has great maneuverability due to the use of the DeDion gear axle in its construction.
Developed and successfully applied in a new model, a lifting device for loading and unloading containers (design of the F.K.Miller system).
In the same year, the MAN concern received the first state prize at the international diesel car competition in Moscow (Moscow-Tiflis highway, round trip length - 5.162 km).

1936 year. At the international trade fair for auto and moto technology in Berlin (IAMA), MAN again relies on heavy trucks and presents an 8-ton truck. Also, this year marks the beginning of a collaboration between MAN and OAF Floridsdorf, the company that became the first Austrian truck manufacturer in 1937.
A heavy F4 truck with a payload of 6.5 tons and equipped with a six-cylinder diesel engine with a capacity of 150 hp comes off the conveyors.

The year is 1939. Concern MAN launches serial production of the first all-wheel drive, off-road truck.
Also, 28 heavy dump trucks with rear unloading of a bucket body are supplied for the construction of the Palmito Dam on the Rio Del Nasas River (Mexico) and 160 units of three-axle, diesel trucks intended for the Bulgarian army.
The Nuremberg Research Institute was founded, the main task of which is the development of automotive diesel engines.

1941 year. In connection with the order of the authorities, the production of trucks was stopped at the MAN plant in Nuremberg.

1946 year. Resumption of production. The first post-war car was produced - the MK type of semi-hood configuration, with a payload of 5 tons, equipped with a six-cylinder diesel engine with a capacity of 120 hp.

1951 year. Production at the MAN plant is picking up steam again. The first truck in Germany equipped with a diesel engine with a turbocharging system (MAN turbine running on exhaust gases) rolls off the conveyors.
The MAN bus was released. with a rear arrangement of the engine (MKN 2), gear shifting - remote, made by compressed air, the engine is located behind the rear axle.
At the IAA Frankfurt Motor Show, MAN is presenting a turbocharged engine (6-cylinder 8.72 L direct injection, up to 175 hp).

In 1952, the concern produces the first all-wheel drive truck MK 25/26 after the end of World War II, equipped with a MAN gearbox divider (gear shifting is carried out with compressed air).
After the end of the war, 6,000 trucks were produced.

In 1954 the "interspherical combustion process" - "process M" was developed by the truck design department in Nuremberg.
The Nuremberg Research Institute was launched.

April 28, 1955 - the date of foundation of the MAN automobile plant in Munich.
It was originally planned to use the Munich plant as a supplement to the production in Nuremberg. But with the beginning of 1957, the Munich automobile plant became an independent enterprise.

On November 15 of the same year, the first truck, type 400 L1, rolled off the assembly line of the Munich plant.

In 1962, another MAN assembly plant opens in Pinetown, Durban, South Africa.

In 1963, the MAN concern takes part in the IAA motor exhibition in Frankfurt, at the exhibition the concern presents the Hm engine.

1965 is a special date, "50 years of MAN-Nutzfarzeuge". For its anniversary, MAN is launching two new families of trucks, the 850 and 780. Both series are distinguished by a tilt cab (the cab is located above the engine), a 13-ton drive axle for a 19-ton truck and a drive power of over 200 hp.

1967 was marked by the founding of the MAN Penzberg plant and successful cooperation with the French concern SAVIEM (Renault). SAVIEM supplies large-capacity cabins with a wide tilt angle for MAN concern and imports MAN trucks. The concern, in turn, assembles SAVIEM light trucks and supplies, until 1976, 20,000 front axles and 25,000 engines for heavy trucks (5,600 heavy and 7,100 light trucks are sold in total). In 1976, the cooperation ceases, because the merger of SAVIEM and Berliet takes place in Renault Veikul Endyustriel.

In February 1969 MAN takes over 50% of the shares in BUSSING Automobilewerke AG. The remaining 50% of the share capital is held by Salzgitter AG.

A year later, MAN enters into an agreement with Daimler-Benz for the co-production of engines and some axle parts.

On 22 March 1971 MAN receives a controlling stake in the share capital of BOSSING Automobilewerke AG. After this event, a "lion" appears on the radiator grille of MAN trucks - the emblem of BUSSING.
With the acquisition of BUSSING Automobilewerke AG, MAN has acquired a large number of developments in the field of the production of trucks and diesel engines.

1972 year. A 320-horsepower semitrailer tractor with rear air suspension was released.
On the automatic assembly line MAN - Munich, the largest and most automated in the European automotive industry (1.4 minutes per unit), the production of drive axles with planetary wheel gears (from 8 to 16 tons) and synchronized axles (from 4.5 to 7 tons).

1974 year. MAN provides Seattle's urban transport with the SG 192 articulated bus, which is 16 meters long.

1976 year. MAN has been selected as the general contractor for the second generation truck production program for the Bundeswehr.
A new range of D25 trucks is being introduced, equipped with a new range of six-cylinder engines.
A batch of 500 buses is being delivered to Syria.

1977 year. A cooperation agreement is concluded with Volkswagen for the production of light trucks of the G series (6/9/10 tons of gross weight). MAN produces engines, frames, brakes, front axles and organizes sales.

1978 year. MAN receives the Truck of the Year 1978 award.

1979 year. Within the framework of cooperation between MAN and Volkswagen, a presentation of the joint design series of the G90 is being held.
Also, due to the constant growth of the company, a new reorganization of the structure of the MAN enterprises is being carried out:

Munich-Alach plant

Salzgitter plant

Braunschweig-Querum plant

Penzberg plant

manufacture of heavy trucks

production of medium-sized trucks and all series of buses

units and accessories

In 1980, there were 39 company-owned sales subsidiaries in Germany with 700 employees. In 19 European countries, there are 299 MAN truck dealers.
MAN receives the Truck of the Year award for the second time.
Production of the joint G90 series begins.

1982 year. The 8.136 FAE off-road truck with four-wheel drive and split tires is being introduced into the joint MAN / Volkswagen program.
An agreement was signed for the supply of 390 city buses for Istanbul (MAN / MANASH).

Since January 1987, the production of trucks of the joint MAN / Volkswagen series, with a gross weight of 6 to 10 tons, has been transferred to the MAN Salzgitter plant. The production of the cabs is carried out, as before, at the Volkswagen plant in Hanover. Also included in the joint MAN / Volkswagen production program are the G90 9.150F light trucks with a van.

On August 20, 1988, in memory of Heinrich Büssing, a carefully restored memorial is presented to the public: the house in Nordsteimck, where Heinrich Büssing lived and worked.

In 1989, MAN expanded its V-type diesel engine series with a 22-liter V12 with more than 1,000 hp.
An articulated low-floor bus NG 272 is leaving the conveyors (height of the lower entrance step 320 mm, passenger capacity 164 passengers, engine power 270 hp).

On March 3, 1992, the 500,000th diesel engine rolls off the assembly line at the engine plant in Nuremberg.
At the 54th IAA Auto Show, the new SLW 2000 urban truck and low floor medium shuttle bus are on display.

1994 year. The new F2000 heavy-duty truck series is presented at the IAA International Automobile Show in Berlin.
The Lion's Star coach wins the Intercity Bus of the Year award.

In 1995, for the fourth time, MAN was awarded the Truck of the Year award

History of the German mark MAN vehicles, however, like other well-known brands, DAF, Mercedes, goes far back into the last century.

The lack of demand for cars at that time was reflected in the specifics of factories. MAN is no exception, having started its existence with the production of steam boilers, bridge trusses, turbines, trams, hydraulic pumps and railway cars. The abbreviation MAN comes from the merger of two companies: "Maschinenbau AG, Nuremberg" engaged in the production of equipment intended for construction and the engineering company Ludwig Sander. This happened in 1858, after which the company received its short name "Engineering Factory Augsburg-Nuremberg", which was shortened to the already known abbreviation MAN.

Engineer Rudolf Diesel had a huge influence on the further development of MAN, having received a patent for a four-stroke internal combustion engine in 1893. Rudolf Diesel's idea was continued by Anton von Rippel. And after meeting Adolf Saurer, MAN started production of 5-ton MAN-Saurer trucks in the town of Lindau. The truck was equipped with a 4-cylinder 45-horsepower petrol power unit, which worked in conjunction with a 4-speed gearbox and chain drive.

In 1916, production is transferred to Nuremberg.

In 1919, the production of the models "2Zc" and "3Zc" starts, with a carrying capacity of 2.5 and 3.5 tons.

In 1925, MAN produced the world's first series of diesel vehicles with a payload of 3.5-5 tons.

In 1926 a 3-axle 6-ton diesel truck "S1H6" appears. This car was powered by a 6-cylinder engine developed by Franz Lang and Wilhelm Rim.

In 1927, Robert Bosch's new vertical-nozzle engine family was invented. They were installed on MAN vehicles models "KVB" and "S1H6" with a lifting capacity of 5-8.5 tons.

The sensation of 1931 was the start of a MAN car with a 150hp engine.

From 1933 to 1938 the company's production volume increases from 323 to 2,568 vehicles per year. 25% of them were exported.

During the Great Patriotic War, the plant was badly destroyed. And it began to exist again only on May 8, 1945. Assembly of the pre-war MAN "L4500" series was already started in the fall.

In 1951, MAN began to install a turbocharged diesel power unit developed by Siegfried Meirer. This has resulted in a new family of 6- and 8-cylinder "M-motors" and a new range of MAN trucks.

In 1963, the company released the 10.212 series, with a 6-cylinder 212 hp engine. In the same year, the company became.

Cooperation with the SAVIEM company, by 1967, made it possible to expand the range of cars produced to 22 models.

In 1970, as a result of cooperation with the Daimler-Benz concern, the "D2858" V8 engine with a capacity of 304 hp appeared. designed for long-haul tractors.

In 1970, OAF joined the company, after which the production of special multi-axle chassis, fire trucks and heavy dump trucks begins in Vienna.

After the acquisition of Bussing in 1971, a lion figure appears on the radiator grille with MAN. But this is not all, MAN still has at its disposal new developments in the field of heavy trucks and diesel engines.

In 1978 MAN vehicle wins the title "Truck of the Year". This takes place back in 1980, 1987 and 1995, testifying to the unrivaled quality of the stylish appearance of the truck.

Cooperation with Volkswagen leads the production of middle-class trucks. This happens in 1979.

In 1980, the MAN 19.321FLT, which won the Truck of the Year title, gave rise to the new 6-cylinder D25 series engines, which became the main power unit for MAN.

MAN has been developing new models in the 90s. The family of trucks “L2000”, “M2000”, “F2000” is born. These trucks are equipped with electronic devices designed to regulate the operation of the engine, the position of the driver's seat, suspension, traction control, etc.

In 2000 MAN TG-A was added to the family of cars, which meets the Euro-3 standards. The car is equipped with a 12-13 liter diesel engine with a capacity of 310-510 hp, a manual and automatic transmission. Once again, MAN receives the title of Truck of the Year 2001. Either plastic or wood and leather are used in the interior decoration. Compared to the F2000, the interior space has increased by an additional 9%. Particular attention has been paid to the safety of the cab.

In 2007, the MAN truck takes first place in the Dakar Rally.

The TV show "CREW" consisting of Alexey Mochanov, Orest Shupenyuk conducted a test drive of the MAN TGA 18.480 4X2 BLS car, and this is what happened.

MAN is a German corporation that operates in the field of mechanical engineering. This company produces trucks and buses, as well as various types of engines.

During the last reporting period, the corporation's profit amounted to 20 billion euros, and the annual growth exceeds 10%.

Since 2013, the company began to actively develop its production and presented the following models of heavy equipment to the attention of buyers:

  • TGX (specialized tractors with a work force of 10 to 75 tons, designed for one person operation) and TGS (single tractors with a work force of 6 to 25 tons), which have been introduced since 2008;
  • TGM - medium tonnage trucks, which have a limit of 25 tons;
  • TGL is a small-tonnage truck type with a labor force of up to 7 tons, used in urban areas.

Many MAN vehicles have been awarded the Best Heavy Equipment and Best Truck awards.

MAN positions itself as a professional who constantly monitors the market for these goods and produces equipment that fully meets all international standards.

MAN history

MAN history began in 1758 when the Augsburg-Nürberg Joint Stock Company was founded in Munich, Germany. Since 1915, the now famous MAN corporation began to produce the first models of trucks. In 1927, the first diesel engine, manufactured in Augsburg, was launched. In the same year, the company introduced this engine model to its trucks, launching the world's first diesel truck with a direct fuel function.

During the Great Patriotic War (from 1941-1945) the company was engaged in the manufacture of the famous armored tank "Panther".

From 1976 to 1994, the company expanded its production by inventing more and more tram, truck and turbocharged engines that run on secondary fuel.

In the late 90s, MAN started producing medium and heavy duty trucks that had different workforce readings and were awarded international prizes. The touring bus, launched in 2002, was awarded for its innovative design.

In the early 2000s, the corporation actively promoted its products to the world market, opened several branches, and some truck models won the Dakkar Rally, which was an additional impetus for the development of the company. The current president is Hakan Samuelsson, who was inaugurated in 2005.

Where is MAN assembled?

The main plant where MAN is assembled is the Munich branch, which was founded first. At this stage, MAN production includes several departments for the development and assembly of parts and engines, huge workshops for the production of spare parts for heavy equipment, logistics, analytics and research departments. All specialists of the company have the highest level of qualifications and self-test products for defects and defects.

MAN manufacturer also has factories and service stations in Russia and Uzbekistan, where assembly and manufacture of some models of tractors and other parts is carried out. The company provides maintenance services and supplies its goods to all countries of the world, with a clearly established logistics system.

Official dealers of MAN in Russia

Eland, SCANIA official dealer


Irkutsk region, Russia, 664048

7 395 255-33-10

LLC "Scania-Rus"

Moscow city

st. Obrucheva, 30, building 1, business center "Krugozor"

7 495 787-50-00

MAN Truck & Bass RUS

Moscow city

st. Road., 29

Moscow city

Man Cars Russia

St. Petersburg

Aeronautical street, 19

7 812 449-52-52

Man Center Surgut


st. Rationalizers, 14

7 346 255-59-62

"TradeTrack and Service"

St. Petersburg

Volkhonskoe sh., 5

7 812 677-66-92



Moskovskoe highway, 14-a,

7 842 268-03-04

Man Center Ufa

Rep. Bashkortostan, Russia, 450095

7 347 281-88-33

LLC "MAN Truck and Bus RUS"

Moscow city

Simferopol highway, 22, building 9

7 495 969 25 14

LLC "AAA Trakservice"

Moscow city

Pavlo-Posad district, der. Blacksmiths, 58 D

7 495 777 77 36

Manufacturing country "MAN" (Maschinenfabrik Augsburg Nürnberg) - Germany. The concern specializes in the production of various types of trucks, buses, diesel turbines and engines. The company was founded in 1958 and is headquartered in Munich. The company celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2008, it has over 50 thousand employees, and its annual sales volume in 120 countries is about 15 billion euros per year. Consider the features of creating a company, as well as a brief description of the most popular cars of this brand.

Historical facts

Continuing to study the country of manufacture of "MAN", it should be noted that the historical origin of the enterprise began in 1758. At that time, the metallurgical plant "St. Anthony" began its work in Oberhausen. In 1808, the plant merged with two more companies, as a result of which the Jacobi Iron And Steel Works Union And Trading Company was founded (metallurgical production from Jacob Iron, Steel Works and the Trading Company).

The first enterprise in southern Germany, known as MAN, was established in 1840 by engineer Ludwig Sander. At one time, the name changed to Maschinenfabrik, and later to MAN-Werk Gustavsburg. In 1908, the company received its current name, but the priority direction was ore mining and pig iron production. Although the machine-building direction was not disregarded.

Years of war

Few people do not know the MAN country of origin, since these trucks are common all over the world. It should be noted that during the war period the economic situation of the corporation deteriorated significantly. This was largely influenced by the repatriation after the First World War, the occupation of the Ruhr region, as well as the general financial crisis.

In just a couple of years, the number of employees was cut in half. The collapse of civilian industry was observed, and the military sphere developed rapidly within the framework of the National Socialist idea. MAN produced diesel engines for tanks and submarines, cylinders for projectiles and pistol parts. After the end of the Second World War, the allies divided the enterprise into parts. The main focus was the manufacture of commercial vehicles and typewriters.

Another crisis

In 1982-83, the MAN producer country experienced another crisis associated with a poor financial situation and the world oil collapse. The enterprise itself was in for deep corporate decline. Mostly the problem was reflected in the decline in sales of commercial vehicles. An additional factor behind the decline in production was the outdated structure of the firm with significant cross-subsidization between branches. The company was renewed in 1986, the head office was moved to Munich, the official name of the corporation became MAN AG.

Two thousandth

In the manufacturing country of the MAN car, a lot has changed in 2006 (regarding the specified enterprise). The management of the concern entered into an agreement with Force Motors, a company from India. The agreement provided for the creation of a joint plant in equal shares for the production of trucks and buses operated in the domestic and foreign markets. Production facilities opened in Pitampur, Madyah Pradesh. The first truck of Indian origin rolled off the assembly line in 2007. Four years later, the German concern bought out part of its eastern partner, after which a subsidiary representative office began to operate in India.

In the fall of 2006, an attempt was made to take over the Swedish Scania, which was supported by the European Commission. However, after a couple of months, the offer was withdrawn due to the refusal of influential shareholders. The MAN company celebrated its 250th anniversary on a grand scale (2008). The program includes exhibitions in various museums, as well as a tour of antique models under the slogan “MAN is on the road again”.

In 2009, the company re-registered under the European brand MAN SE. In the summer of the same year, MAN Turbo and MAN Diesel merged into one project called Power Engineering. In addition, the corporation has signed a strategic agreement with Chinese partners that produce the Sinotruk truck. During this period, some of the small subsidiaries were sold out.

The MAN truck-producing country has not been without scandals. In 2009, Munich prosecutors exposed a corruption scheme that was practiced by the firm's management in terms of bribery of business partners and government members in several dozen countries. To get a contract for the period from 2001 to 2007 for the production of buses and trucks, part of the "top" of the company, led by General Director Samuelson, were forced to resign.

The situation with Volkswagen

The history of the creation of "MAN" continued in the summer of 2011. Then the Volkswagen AG group bought over 55 percent of the voting shares and half of the capital in MAN SE. It was planned to merge with Scania, which would allow the updated brand to become the largest manufacturer of European trucks. Such a scheme would save about half a billion euros by combining the procurement of consumables and spare parts. The regulatory part of this agreement ended in November 2011.

For reference:

  • in the spring of 2012, Volkswagen increased the share of votes to 73 percent;
  • in June of the same year, the figure rose to 75%;
  • the results obtained make it possible to open a domination agreement.

MAN - Whose Brand?

The country of origin of the car in question is Germany. In the modern model range, there are several types of machines, the brief parameters of which will be discussed below. Let's start with the THC series.

These vehicles are optimally suited for long-term transportations, differing in overall dimensions. The cab of the car is characterized by good visibility, the upper hatch opens with a spoiler. The largest driver's seat in the XLL series. There is practically no noise inside, and the decoration and appliances are of the highest level.

TGA and TGS models

Which country of origin "MAN" is discussed above. Next, we will briefly study the features of the TGA truck tractor. The cab and platform of these machines is focused on the transportation of construction materials and equipment, with a total weight of 50 tons. The car is equipped with a six-cylinder engine with a volume of 10.5 liters, with a capacity of up to 440 "horses". The height of the cab is 2.2 meters and the width is 0.79 meters.

Trucks of the TGS line are equipped with one of the types of cabins:

The width of the first "compact" variation is 0.75 m. All of these versions are quite tall, equipped with the necessary equipment for optimal performance. The power indicator of the truck of this series is 330-430 horsepower with a volume of 10.5 liters. Reliability of assembly and quality parameters have been tested by time.

Modifications of THM and THL

MAN TGM vehicles weigh 26 tons and are equipped with eight types of wheelbases (from 3.52 to 6.17 meters). Such machines are designed to transport construction materials or waste without leaving the village. The body length varies from 3.9 to 8.1 meters. The car is equipped with a six-cylinder diesel engine with a capacity of 240, 280, 326 horsepower. Compliance standard with environmental standards "Euro-3".

The THL version is designed for excessive loads, it is equipped with a special filter that serves to clean the air during ventilation or heating. The cab is equipped with a pair of suspension driver's seats. The power unit is an "engine" with four cylinders, a volume of six liters and power indicators from 150 to 206 horsepower.

When asked who manufactures MAN, Germany is mentioned as the country of origin. It should be noted that Rudolf Diesel made a significant contribution to the development of the brand. The engineer in 1893 received a patent for the development of a four-stroke engine. Four years later, a full-fledged engine was created, working on the principle of compression ignition.

In 1925, machines of the MAN S1H6 type were produced, with a cargo volume of up to 5 tons and an engine with six cylinders. In 1955, the company received a plant in Munich, which had previously developed power units for various BMW series. Since that period, the production of trucks began to grow actively, and instead of V-shaped engines, six-cylinder versions began to be installed. In 1978, the MAN brand received the title of Truck of the Year, after which they made a special production line MAN Nutzfahrzeug AG. A team of over 20 thousand employees worked in this direction. In 2007, one of the MAN cars won first place at the Paris-Dakkar rally.


Trucks of the considered brand are focused on the transportation of goods over long distances. They are actively used for urban and interregional transportation. In the line of trucks, versions have been developed that are equipped for various purposes. All cars are distinguished by a good indicator of carrying capacity, reliability and the most comfortable design of the workplace.