A sedentary recumbent lifestyle causes. Obvious and incredible consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. What does a sedentary lifestyle lead to, why is it dangerous

In people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, the metabolism drops sharply due to insufficient oxygen supply to the body. Hence, many troubles: premature development of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes, lung diseases ... With physical inactivity, obesity occurs, and calcium is lost from the bones. For example, as a result of a three-week forced immobility, the loss of mineral substances in a person is as much as in a year of his life. Physical inactivity leads to a decrease in the micropumping function of skeletal muscles, and the heart thereby loses its reliable assistants, which leads to various circulatory disorders in the human body and cardiovascular diseases.

At rest, about 40% of the blood does not circulate through the body, it is in the "depot". Consequently, tissues and organs are worse supplied with oxygen - this elixir of life. And vice versa, during movement, blood from the “depot” actively enters the vessels, as a result of which the metabolism increases and the human body is quickly freed from toxins.

So, for example, in muscles at rest, only 25-50 capillaries function (in 1 mm 2 of tissue). In a working muscle, up to 3000 capillaries actively pass blood through themselves. The same pattern is observed in the lungs with alveoli.

Muscle inactivity leads to impaired blood circulation in all organs, but the heart and brain suffer more often than others. It is no coincidence that patients who are forced to stay on bed rest for a long time, first of all, begin to complain of colic in the heart and headache. Previously, when patients with myocardial infarction were not allowed to move for a long time, mortality among them was much higher. Conversely, when they began to practice an early motor regimen, the percentage of recovery increased dramatically.

A sedentary lifestyle also leads to premature aging of the human body: muscles atrophy, vitality decreases sharply, it sets performance, early wrinkles appear, memory deteriorates, gloomy thoughts haunt ... Therefore, longevity is impossible without an active lifestyle.

But training the body for physical activity, on the contrary, has a positive effect on the function of all organs and systems, increases the reserve capabilities of a person. So, under the influence of physical exercises, the elasticity of blood vessels increases, their lumen becomes larger. First of all, this applies to the vessels supplying blood to the heart muscle. Systematic physical education and sports prevent the development of vasospasm and thereby prevent angina pectoris, heart attack and other heart diseases.

To prevent blood stagnation in the body, it is necessary to “force” redistribute it between the limbs and internal organs. What needs to be done for this? Force yourself to exercise regularly. For example, during sedentary work, get up more often (several times an hour), do inclinations, squats, etc., take a deep breath, and after work, walk at least part of the way home. At home, it is useful to lie down for ten minutes, raising your legs.

It should not be forgotten that the older a person is, the less functioning capillaries remain. However, they persist in constantly working muscles. In functioning muscles, blood vessels age much more slowly than in internal organs. For example, the vessels of the legs age the fastest due to poor outflow of blood as a result of a defect in the valves of the veins. This leads to stagnation of blood, dilation of veins and chronic oxygen starvation of tissues with the formation of blood clots, trophic ulcers. Therefore, the muscles of the legs need to be given a feasible load throughout life, alternating it with periods of rational rest.

In a person who does not systematically engage in physical exercises, by the age of 40-50, the speed of blood movement noticeably slows down, muscle strength and depth of breathing decrease, and blood clotting increases. As a result, among such people the number of patients with angina pectoris and hypertension is sharply increasing.

At the same time, elderly people who lead an active lifestyle, pensioners who continue to work as hard as they can, do not experience a sharp deterioration in health.

Unfortunately, many older people are overly reinsured, afraid to once again go outside, limit their movements, avoid even a feasible load. As a result, their blood circulation deteriorates sharply, the respiratory excursion of the lungs decreases, the desolation of the alveoli increases, pneumosclerosis progresses rapidly and pulmonary heart failure sets in.

A sedentary lifestyle of a modern person has become one of the main causes of early atherosclerosis, pneumosclerosis, coronary heart disease and sudden death.

Numerous animal experiments testify to the same. So, for example, birds released from cramped cages, having risen into the air, died from a violation of the heart. Even captive-bred nightingales died from strong trills when they were released. This can happen to a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle.

To maintain the functioning of all organs and systems throughout life, a person must first of all take care of proper breathing. It has been established that the pulmonary artery, its inner membrane, with sufficient oxygen inhalation, activates the functions of certain hormones. This, in particular, is the basis for treatment with oxygen, oxygen foam, as well as the aromas of a number of flowers.

With an insufficient supply of oxygen to the human body as a result of shallow breathing, oxidative processes are disturbed with the formation of under-oxidized products with the so-called free radicals. They themselves are capable of causing a prolonged spasm of blood vessels, which is often the cause of mysterious pains in various parts of the body.

Any weakening of breathing, whether it is caused by improper breathing or little physical activity, reduces the oxygen consumption of body tissues. As a result, the amount of protein-fat complexes - lipoproteins - increases in the blood, which are the main sources of atherosclerotic deposits in the capillaries. For this reason, the lack of oxygen in the body accelerates the development of atherosclerosis in a relatively young. age.

It has been noted that people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and avoid physical labor are more likely to suffer from colds. What's the matter? It turns out that they have reduced lung function.

The lungs, as you know, consist of the smallest bubbles filled with air - the alveoli, the walls of which are densely braided with blood capillaries in the form of a very thin network. When you inhale, the alveoli, filled with air, expand and stretch the capillary network. This creates conditions for better filling them with blood. Therefore, the deeper the breath, the more complete the blood supply to both the alveoli and the lungs as a whole.

In a physically developed person, the total area of ​​​​all alveoli can reach 100 m 2. And if all of them are included in the act of breathing, then special cells - macrophages - freely pass from the blood capillaries into the lumen of the alveoli. It is they who protect the alveolar tissue from harmful and toxic impurities contained in the inhaled air, neutralize microbes and viruses and neutralize the toxic substances they release - toxins.

The life of these cells, however, is short: they quickly die from inhaled dust, bacteria and other microorganisms. And the more polluted the air inhaled by a person with dust, gases, tobacco smoke and other toxic combustion products, in particular, vehicle exhaust gases, the faster the macrophages that protect us die. Dead alveolar macrophages can be removed from the body only with good ventilation of the lungs.

And if, with a sedentary lifestyle, a person breathes superficially, then a significant part of the alveoli does not participate in the act of breathing. In them, the movement of blood is sharply weakened, and these non-breathing parts of the lungs have almost no protective cells. Educated defenseless. zones and are the place where the virus or microbe, which has not encountered obstacles, damages the lung tissue and causes disease.

That is why it is so important that the inhaled air is clean, saturated with oxygen. It is better to inhale through the nose, where it is cleaned of microbes and dust, warmed and moistened, and exhalation can also be done through the mouth.

Do not forget that the deeper the breath, the larger the area of ​​the alveoli involved in gas exchange, the more protective cells - macrophages - get into them. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle need to regularly practice deep breathing in the fresh air.

In inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, on the advice of a doctor, you need to do breathing exercises to prevent wrinkling of the alveoli and prevent their death. At the same time, one should not forget that the lung tissue is capable of regeneration, and the lost alveoli can be restored. This is facilitated by deep breathing through the nose, with the involvement of the diaphragm, which should not be forgotten by obese people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

A person can control his breathing, change its rhythm and depth. In the process of breathing, nerve impulses emanating from both the lung tissue itself and from the respiratory center affect the tone of the cerebral cortex. It is known that the process of inhalation causes excitation of the cells of the cerebral cortex, and exhalation - inhibition. If their duration is equal, these influences are automatically neutralized.

To give vigor, breathing should be deep, with an accelerated exhalation, which will also contribute to an increase in efficiency. By the way, this principle is clearly seen on the example of chopping wood: swinging an ax - a deep breath, hitting a log - a short, energetic exhalation. This allows a person to perform similar work for quite a long time without rest.

But a short inhalation and an extended exhalation, on the contrary, relax the muscles, calm the nervous system. Such breathing is used to move from wakefulness to a state of rest, rest and sleep.

The opening of the alveoli is also facilitated by an increase in intrathoracic pressure. This can be achieved by inflating, for example, a rubber toy or a ball bladder. You can also do it with effort, exhaling through the lips stretched forward and folded into a tube, pronouncing the letters “f” or “fu”.

A good breathing exercise is also cheerful, perky laughter, which at the same time massages many internal organs.

In a word, in order to neutralize the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle that are detrimental to health, you need to regularly, until very old age, exercise in the fresh air, breathing exercises, harden, eat rationally. And in order for physical education and sports to bring tangible benefits, they must be practiced at least 6 hours a week.

But before you start training, be sure to see a doctor and consult with him, master the skills of self-control over your body, keep a diary of self-observation. And always and in everything observe the rules of personal and public hygiene, give up unhealthy habits.

L. N. Pridorogin, doctor.

The stronger humanity develops, the less the need for physical labor. The overwhelming majority of modern people engaged in intellectual work are constantly at the computer, and when they come home, they sit down at the TV or again at the computer. Everything seems to be logical, a comfortable life is provided, but why does sedentary influence negatively on health? Fewer and fewer people can boast unlimited energy, no headaches, no back pain.

In fact, the human body is designed for static and even long loads. If they are not present, and the body is in a constant sitting position, problems begin. Muscles lose their elasticity, atrophy, blood circulation slows down, and weight only increases. This is a natural reaction of a living organism to the inability to spend calories.

How to determine if you are at risk?

It is enough to simply determine whether you will have problems with a sedentary lifestyle in the near future. If these statements are true for you, then you are at risk:

  • at the workplace, spend about 6-7 hours in a sitting position;
  • very rarely take breaks;
  • practically do not move on foot;
  • you get to work and home on your own vehicle or in convenient public transport;
  • do not walk up the stairs, move exclusively by elevator;
  • Do you prefer passive recreation: going to the cinema, watching TV, and so on;
  • additional activities or hobbies are also related to sitting;
  • you don't do any sports.

And the easiest way to check is to observe yourself for one day, and if you spend 7 or more hours sitting, you automatically fall into the risk group.

Negative consequences

It can lead to the development of all kinds of diseases. And it can aggravate the situation with an already existing pathology, accelerate its development.

In addition, most of the population of large cities eats the “wrong” foods, preferring fast food and convenience foods. And this is another important provoking factor in the development of dangerous pathologies. And all this happens against the backdrop of dirty air, both on the street and in the office.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

The most common consequence of a sedentary lifestyle are problems with the spine. These are pains in the lower back, cervical region, scoliosis and curvature. Over time, osteochondrosis develops, there is a limitation of motor function, pain in the lower and upper extremities. Sprains, dislocations, and even fractures often appear.

This problem occurs against the background of leaching of calcium from the bones. Muscles weaken and decrease in volume, the condition of the ligamentous apparatus worsens.

Definitely, there are changes in the joints, they become inflamed, because they do not perform the function assigned to them. To date, the problem with the joints does not occur in old age, but also appears in young people.

Problems with blood vessels and heart

Why is a sedentary lifestyle dangerous? It can cause the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular system. The heart muscle is so weakened that even a short run to the same tram causes the heart to work at its limit.

There is a frequent heartbeat, tachycardia develops, which can cause arrhythmia. And all this can end with a myocardial infarction.

Constant sitting causes pressure surges, and with persistently elevated pressure, there is a huge risk of developing a stroke.

Excess weight

Another problem that inevitably arises with a sedentary lifestyle is obesity. Excess body fat is inherently a "freeloader" for the body. Fat takes oxygen from the body, nutrients from food, without giving anything in return.

Another consequence of a sedentary lifestyle is the stomach. In particular, the abdomen appears in men, but the fat in this area is quite difficult to remove. In men, fat lies deep inside the body, mainly around the intestines, so getting rid of such an abdomen is quite difficult. As a result, there are problems with the heart, shortness of breath.

Psychological changes and headaches

What does a sedentary lifestyle lead to? There are mental health problems. It means that without physical activity, the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) is reduced. And this inevitably leads to a depressive state, people constantly feel moral and physical fatigue, their mood is bad. Some people even have suicidal thoughts, there is no sense of fulfillment. After all, there can be no question of any social activity if a person is in a depressed state and is only capable of solving his current everyday problems.

Often, a modern person has nervous disorders, in particular chronic fatigue syndrome, which is accompanied by insomnia.

And, of course, if physical activity is reduced, then where without headaches? After all, blood circulation is disturbed, an insufficient amount of oxygen enters the brain, hence the migraine, a bad mood. Whence there will be a good mood if the head hurts.

Varicose veins and hemorrhoids

Due to the fact that a person moves little, he has a stagnation of venous blood in the small pelvis. And this is a direct path to the development of hemorrhoids.

Varicose veins are another scourge of modern man. If earlier it was believed that this disease is more characteristic of the female half of humanity, now it is often found in men. the formation of blood clots, which at any time can clog the blood vessels leading to the lungs, heart muscle or brain.

The risk of developing varicose veins increases if a person has a genetic predisposition to this disease. Especially harmful is the sitting posture when the legs are laid on top of each other, then the blood vessels are additionally pinched.

Sexual sphere

The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle for men are a huge risk of developing impotence and prostatitis. The lack of physical activity leads to the fact that stagnant processes in the pelvic area begin, and this is a huge risk for both men and women.

Respiratory problems

Doctors have long noticed that the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle are frequent colds. And everything is connected with the fact that if physical activity is reduced, then the functional ability of the lungs also decreases. In the process of the respiratory act, special cells called "macrophages" are produced that protect the alveoli from germs. Their life cycle is short. Their number is sharply reduced if a person moves little and stays in a polluted room for a long time. Hence the conclusion that in addition to a sedentary lifestyle, polluted office air carries a huge risk for the respiratory system. After all, macrophages quickly die from inhaled dust. In addition to dirty office air, the risk increases with smoking, constant inhalation of exhaust gases from vehicles.

A person who moves little breathes superficially, that is, all the alveoli of the lungs are not involved in the process. As a result, dead microphages are poorly excreted and blood flow is weakened. This is how unprotected areas of the alveoli appear, into which microbes and viruses penetrate without any problems. Hence colds and lung diseases.

What other problems might arise?

The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle in women are stagnant processes in the small pelvis, and these are problems with the uterus, appendages and other organs. In addition, both men and women may experience problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, a huge risk of developing diabetes and hypertrophy of connective tissues.

The latest research, which was carried out by specialists from the University of California (USA), proved that a sedentary lifestyle is directly related to the thinning of the brain area responsible for memory.

What to do?

The easiest and best way to change your lifestyle. Although this is not always possible.

How to avoid the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle? You should follow some rules that will reduce the negative impact of a sedentary lifestyle.

During the working day, try to use every opportunity to move. Set an alarm every 30 minutes to remind you to stretch.

For lunch, go to the farthest catering establishment. If possible, engage in active games during the break or do warm-ups with employees.

Do not deny yourself a visit to the fitness or swimming pool. It is best to devote time to sports activities at least 2-3 times a week. If the office has an elevator, then refuse it, go down and up the stairs. Walk to and from work, at least a few stops. Arriving home, do not immediately sit down at the computer or TV. If you have children, take them for a walk, or take your dog for a walk.

Yoga can help with back problems. Sign up for classes and don't miss them.

Do not be lazy, do gymnastic exercises in the morning for at least 10 minutes. Get active on the weekends as well. A trip to nature is a great opportunity to combine relaxation and playing badminton or a ball.

If there are problems with the veins, then compression stockings can act as a prophylactic. It is suitable for both healthy people and those who have varicose veins at an early stage.

Constantly follow the path of reducing the amount of food consumed. With each year of growing up, it will be harder and harder to get rid of the fat layer. Although you can fight obesity not only with the help of the gym, but also with healthy and passionate sex.


To reduce and get rid of excess weight, it is recommended to eat on a schedule. No need to snack on chips and chocolates. Snacks with good food should be every 2-3 hours. Portions should be small. Look at your lunch taken from home - do not be afraid, divide it into two, but rather three meals.

Refuse any products that can provoke the appearance of excess weight, cellulite. Such products include: smoked meats, fried poultry with skins, sweets and pastries, fatty sour cream, coffee, carbonated drinks and bananas. Useful products include: vegetables, fresh and steamed, fruits, crumbly cereals, dried fruits, sour-milk products.

A sedentary, sedentary lifestyle is what characterizes the modern life of most people. Unfortunately, a person leading a sedentary lifestyle puts himself at risk of getting sick.

Worst of all, the negative effects do not appear immediately, which in turn gives the illusion of no harm. But there is harm, and in this article we will look at the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle, what health problems it leads to.

"Criticizing - offer!" - we think, therefore, the Healthy Lifestyle has prepared for you, dear readers, specific recommendations on how to stay healthy in a sedentary lifestyle.

Sedentary lifestyle: causes and harm

The reasons for a sedentary lifestyle are obvious. The technosphere is why we move less and less.

See what's the problem. If earlier a person was constantly on the move, now we are increasingly working with information: computers, documents, telephone conversations ... Accordingly, we are more and more often sitting on the priest, and less and less moving.

Why is there work, now even many entertainments - and those take place in virtual reality, on the other side of the screen. Computer games, films and TV shows - all this replaces the motor activity we need with sitting in front of the screen. And, my friends, the situation does not even think to improve. On the contrary, technology is actively developing in this direction, so things will only get worse from there.

In addition to the technosphere, Another reason for a sedentary lifestyle is ourselves. We ourselves make a choice in favor of sticking in front of the screen, no one is forcing us to do this. That's how things are, guys. The Healthy Lifestyle recommends not blaming external circumstances, but acting. But this is so, by the way.

Okay, we figured out the reasons, but what are the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle? Maybe it's not so scary?

Alas, the answer is rather negative. and suffers from a sedentary lifestyle, this is a fact. It is not right when, instead of moving, we constantly sit still, like plants. Sooner or later, this leads to problems.⛔️

Of course, our bodies have some margin of safety - but this margin is limited. And when we cross this invisible line, then the consequences appear.

Worst of all, a sedentary lifestyle ruins our health in a complex way. That is, the level of health decreases in general, which, in turn, leads to diseases. But to what kind of diseases - it is for each individual. Here are the diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle:

1⃣ Overweight, obesity
2⃣ Diseases of the back and joints
4⃣ Diseases of the cardiovascular system
5⃣ Constipation, hemorrhoids, prostatitis

Yes, these are the unpleasant consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. And this is only a small part of what can happen to us. After all, as mentioned above, for each person everything is individual.

There is even a disease, the essence of which lies in a sedentary lifestyle. Her name is hypodynamia. This is a violation of the functions of the body, caused by a lack of physical activity. The diseases listed above are just the same consequence of hypodynamia.

So, friends, a sedentary lifestyle is wrong. Of course, it will not be possible to completely abandon it - scientific and technological progress changes the life of each of us. And, as we can see, not always for the better. However, not everything is so scary. You can stay healthy even with a sedentary lifestyle. To do this, you should apply simple recommendations from the SILS.

How to maintain the health of people leading a sedentary lifestyle?

1⃣ Captain Evidence gives us the first advice - move more! Seriously - try to get up, walk, stretch as often as possible. It is very important.

Did you know that a sedentary lifestyle negatively affects health even with regular exercise? Researchers from Toronto analyzed the results of 41 studies and came to a disappointing conclusion: a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and premature death despite exercising once a day.

Friends, 30 minutes a day is not enough to wave your arms and legs and consider your mission accomplished.

It is advisable to get up every hour and warm up, periodically transfer your body to a standing position. Get moving and stay healthy.

2⃣ Eat right. If we spend a lot of time in a sitting position, then we can try to catch up on health with proper nutrition. What is proper nutrition? Eat more and drink. We are not even talking about eating fast food - otherwise, in combination with a sedentary lifestyle, we will get a time bomb directed against our health.

Speaking about proper nutrition, it is impossible not to mention how to chew. Yes, yes, you also need to chew correctly. The better we are, the more useful we extract from it, and the less we pollute and strain our body.

3⃣ This is also a great bonus to health.

4⃣ Give up bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol and other drugs with a sedentary lifestyle does much more harm. The human body and so can not fully get rid of all the toxins that enter it from the environment. And if we additionally poison ourselves and in addition to this we constantly sit, then the body goes into "sleep mode" and performs cleaning functions much less efficiently. In other words, if the human body in motion can still to some extent get rid of the consequences of bad habits, then with a sedentary lifestyle, all the harm accumulates inside. Which in turn leads to health problems.

The main exercise is to be aware. That is, always be aware that a sedentary lifestyle is bad and, accordingly, take steps to neutralize the harm and consequences.

If we are used to sticking to the monitor and forgetting about everything around at this time, then one trick will help us here. There are those that block the computer at certain intervals. Install one of them and you have to take breaks from computer work. Spend this time usefully, for example, by doing short exercises to warm up and thus replenish the lack of physical activity in the body.


Friends, we have examined the causes and harms of a sedentary lifestyle, and also learned how to neutralize this harm. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle get problems and diseases. But, no matter how cruel it may sound, people themselves are the cause of their troubles.

Of course, the development of the technosphere affects our lives, but we can still control HOW we live.

No one can take care of us better than ourselves. We alone are responsible for our health. Please never forget this.

I hope, dear reader, this article will not become one of the many read and forgotten, but will really encourage you to change something in your life. And if you also write a comment or share a link in social networks, then this will be the best reward for us!

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Technological advances are progressing at breakneck speed. First of all, the achievements of science and technology are designed to simplify human life. But at the same time, the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle became very noticeable. Now you can rarely see actively moving teenagers or children, they spend most of their time at the computer. Most working people understand relaxation as sitting in front of the TV or lying passively on the couch. A healthy mobile lifestyle is being replaced by a passive pastime.

Rapidly developing progress frees a person from physical activity, his appearance is gradually changing, and not for the better. Everywhere you can notice stooped backs, excess weight, spoiled vision, lethargy of movements, a detached look. There has been a significant increase in the number of chronic diseases that have recently affected predominantly the elderly. These phenomena are the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle of a modern person.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

The most common diseases of our time are diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Curvature of the spine, or scoliosis, and subsequently osteochondrosis, constantly haunt a sedentary person. The consequence of such diseases are constant aching pain, limited motor ability of the spine, periodic pain in the arms or legs.

A significant decrease in physical activity leads to the leaching of the necessary calcium from the bones, which is a provoking factor that causes numerous fractures. Human muscles are significantly reduced in volume, the ligamentous apparatus is weakened, therefore, dislocations of limbs, sprains of ligaments are very common today.

The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle undoubtedly affect the human joints. They practically stop working in the proper mode, become inflamed, and in fact recently such problems arose exclusively among people of advanced age.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

It's amazing how rejuvenated diseases of the cardiovascular system. The human heart without the necessary load loses strength, endurance. Even minor efforts, for example, a quick short run, force the heart muscle to work at maximum load. The heart just "pops" out of the chest. An untrained heart begins to contract very quickly. Tachycardia occurs, which is extremely dangerous for the development of arrhythmia, and subsequently the occurrence of a dangerous disease - myocardial infarction. A consequence of a sedentary lifestyle is also jumps in blood pressure. High blood pressure increases the risk of an extremely dangerous disease - a stroke.

A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the occurrence of venous blood stagnation in the pelvis, which leads to an increase in hemorrhoids and the development of a very unpleasant disease - hemorrhoids. In addition, such a disease as varicose veins has significantly rejuvenated. Inactivity is dangerous by slowing down blood circulation, which invariably leads to the formation of blood clots, which can easily clog a vital blood vessel in the heart, lungs, and brain.


Another undoubted danger to human health caused by the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle is the appearance of excess weight. Excessively increased body fat has an extremely negative effect on the entire human body. Fat cells, by their nature, are "freeloaders", pulling away a significant part of the oxygen necessary for normal human life. They take away the nutrients that come with food, giving nothing in return.

Other diseases

All these unfavorable factors subsequently lead to heart failure, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and other life-threatening health disorders of a modern person. A sedentary lifestyle is a regular disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation, decreased vision, chronic ischemia, male impotence, connective tissue hypertrophy, flat feet.

Hypodynamia and psychological state

All of the above diseases can be overcome with the help of medicines, but medicines cannot create joy in life. This must be done by yourself. In the process of active movement, serotonin is produced - the hormone of joy. This helps to maintain a positive mood background, which directly affects the strengthening of immunity. A dynamic life also implies active social contacts, which protects against loneliness, feelings of uselessness and abandonment, and as a result, the development of depression (even with suicidal tendencies). Active social relations are friendship, love, communication, care for nature, loved ones or strangers, all this gives meaning to our existence. Own activity gives joy, brings a sense of fulfillment, improves the quality of life. Which most directly affects the improvement of health and prolongs life.

Perhaps it is time to seriously think about the future, to stop living only with the daily natural needs of the body. We need to help him get better. It is necessary to give the body an initial, at least minimal load, so as not to bitterly regret the lost time when vitally dangerous ailments appear, when nothing can be changed. Life is fleeting, do not shorten it with your unreasonable behavior. Take care of your health!

In the age of technological progress, when new inventions make it possible to significantly simplify a person's life, freeing him from physical exertion, more and more people spend their time at the computer or relax lying in front of the TV. It is less and less common to meet children at playgrounds playing “Cossack robbers”, fewer and fewer teenagers are involved in sports sections, and more and more adults forget about the presence of sports grounds, stadiums and horizontal bars. This activity is called a sedentary lifestyle and is characterized by minimal and irregular physical activity.

Sedentary lifestyle (lack of exercise)- this is one of the most acute problems in the modern world, which negatively affects the human condition, can cause many serious diseases and even death. Changing the habit of moving a little, starting to play sports, or at least daily in the morning doing exercises or walking to work on foot, laziness interferes with a person. As a result, physical activity today is turning into a real feat, and more and more often on the street there are stooped silhouettes, gray faces, fat figures, lethargy of movements. Among young people, the number of chronic diseases is increasing every year, which used to be mostly the elderly. All this is the result of the negative impact of sedentary life on modern man. In this article, we will take a closer look at how a sedentary lifestyle affects a person, what are the consequences of such an addiction and how to get rid of it.

If you often stay in a sitting position or lying on the couch, then this can have an extremely negative impact on health, can lead to the emergence of a variety of pathologies and the development of serious diseases, the fight against which sometimes does not bring results.


Refusal of activity and sports has a bad effect on the figure and provokes an increase in body weight, because with a lack of motor activity, the metabolism in the body slows down and the number of calories burned decreases, the excess of which is deposited in the form of fat.

Therefore, the body loses its elasticity, various diseases appear:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • pathology of bone tissue;
  • mental disorders due to decreased self-esteem and depression.

Any load, on the contrary, will help maintain normal weight, keep the body in good shape, and increase self-confidence.


The heart suffers the most from a sedentary lifestyle, so people who move little and do not play sports increase the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system, for example, coronary disease or hypertension.

Please note: Even the refusal of the simplest morning exercises impairs the blood supply to the organs and systems of the body.

The result of a deterioration in blood supply is a decrease in the activity of enzymes that are responsible for burning fat and destroying triglycerides in the blood, which provokes the formation of plaque on the walls of blood vessels. It can cause atherosclerosis and even a heart attack. Only active sports will help restore the functioning of the heart and circulatory system and will have a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person.

Muscles and bones

With insufficient mobility of a person, lack of sports and a decrease in activity, his body becomes weak, muscle tissue atrophies, bones become brittle, therefore, for a person who has a sedentary lifestyle, the daily implementation of elementary procedures becomes more difficult.

In addition, a sedentary lifestyle and a constant sitting position of the body lead to serious back problems:

  • violation of posture;
  • osteoporosis;
  • arthritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • brittle bones

This is due to changes in the muscles that support the spine: they weaken and lose their elasticity.


Even regular exercise will help keep your blood sugar under control.

Please note: If a person is not active in life and eschews physical education and sports, this leads to an increase in blood sugar, an increase in insulin production and the development of diabetes.

Therefore, a sedentary lifestyle is dangerous for life in general. The high sugar content also leads to a strong effect on the digestive organs. Therefore, people who spend most of their lives sitting, suffer from bowel, colon and rectal cancer.

Acceleration of the aging process

At the ends of human chromosomes are the so-called telomeres, which shorten as the body ages. And in the complete absence of any human mobility, these chromosomal regions shorten many times faster than with an active lifestyle, resulting in the manifestation of age-related signs and the premature appearance of symptoms of aging.

Mental disorders

Probably the most unpleasant consequences of a sedentary lifestyle for the body are mental disorders. Since with a decrease in a person’s activity and the absence of physical activity in his life, body weight increases, muscle elasticity is lost, forms blur, a person begins to treat himself with disgust and becomes unsure of himself.

As a result:

  • depression develops;
  • there is a feeling of anxiety;
  • intellectual abilities decrease;
  • memory deteriorates.

And playing sports and actively improving your appearance will help increase self-esteem and believe in yourself.

Sleep disturbance

A sedentary lifestyle can affect sleep and its quality. The fact is that the body in the absence of movement practically does not feel the need for relaxation and rest. Only the rejection of a sedentary lifestyle and regular exercise can normalize sleep and completely get rid of insomnia.

Advice! Do not exercise just before going to bed, because the body will cheer up, and you simply will not be able to fall asleep.

Increase in financial costs

Lack of physical activity requires a lot of money for regular check-ups and treatment of emerging diseases, for the purchase of medicines, for rehabilitation and recovery. At the same time, illness or obesity, which has developed due to a sedentary lifestyle, can interfere with work, which ultimately leads to unemployment and financial hardship.

Male pathologies

Insufficient activity threatens not only girls, but also representatives of the strong half of humanity. So, in addition to the above problems, a sedentary lifestyle of a man provokes the development of erectile dysfunction, inflammation of the prostate gland. Which leads to loss of male power and infertility.

The impact of a sedentary lifestyle on a child's body

For both adults and children, lack of physical activity and sports is dangerous to health.

It can provoke:

  • metabolic disorders in the body of a teenager, which leads to weight gain;
  • slowing down the development of the child's body as a whole;
  • retardation of the motor skills of the limbs and impaired coordination of movement;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • reduction of muscle mass and deposition of fat;
  • fragility of bones;
  • disorders in the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • pathologies in the work of the central nervous system;
  • decreased immunity;
  • vision problems.

Therefore, if you notice symptoms of apathy and drowsiness in a child, weight gain and fatigue, which leads to a sedentary lifestyle, you see that he began to get sick often, change his lifestyle, teach him to play sports, set an example. And then you can save your child from even greater health problems and save his life!