MAN Lion's City MY2018. Hearts fiery motor. Specifications MAN Lion's City MY2018

It happened in 2008, the gamble to bring a double-decker bus to Moscow was started by the official MAN dealer - MAN Automobiles Russia. After all, they resumed the operation of “double deckers” in Berlin. Someone even remembered that the Moscow government advocated the resumption of "two-story routes." There remained sheer nonsense: to combine desires and possibilities in time and space. At the same time, it turned out to be possible to show the bus at the ComTrans exhibition in 2008, what if someone else is interested?

The MAN ND313 Lion's City DD double-decker bus at KomTrans did not go unnoticed and played the role of a show-stopper in the MAN bus exposition. It is not every day that you see the famous German two-deck building in Moscow (they are not as famous as the London two-deck buildings, but have long become a symbol of Berlin). The editors of one automobile magazine also became interested in a double-decker bus, but not as an exotic, but with a desire to check its consumer properties in a test drive format. The representatives of the magazine wanted to draw their own conclusions about the prospects for using this type of rolling stock in Russia.

They were not denied acquaintance with the bus, but the problem with a walk on a double decker arose immediately. The overall height of this monster for a good ten centimeters crawls out of the allowed size of 4 meters. Consequently, trips to all four directions on this bus are impossible: in a good way, its route must be coordinated with the traffic police and receive special permission for this. In practice, this means that the permanent route of a regular bus in the city will need to be “fixed” with a lot of authorities, and any deviation from it or a change in the route will be punished. The representatives of the magazine also had to limit themselves to traffic only in closed areas, without going onto public roads. But even in this case, they had to carefully look up, so as not to accidentally touch the stupidly stretched communications wires. You can't even imagine how many of these wires hang over your heads! But if we simply don’t notice them on an ordinary bus or truck, then on a moving skyscraper, looking for sagging air networks has become the meaning of the whole trip! From the side it seemed that we really considered a raven in the sky. With their heads up, they did not see the danger on the ground!

A small hill, a trifling slope, which you would not notice in another car, turned out to be a stumbling block for the German double decker. Having almost completely descended from a small mound, the bus abruptly stood up, as if rooted to the spot. The engine continued to rumble, the drive wheels - to rotate, but he does not go! What kind of jokes are these?! We go out to assess the situation outside and observe an incredible spectacle. At the exit from the slope, the rear overhang of the bus “rested” on the asphalt. It's good that the driver of the company was driving, and not a representative of the magazine, otherwise they would have got all the bumps ... The rear supporting axle was completely drowned and hung out our middle drive axle. As a result, the suspended wheels rotate stupidly, transferring torque ... to the air.

Attempts to rescue the bus from the captivity of the roller coasters on their own did not bring success. On the contrary, there was a real danger of spoiling his stern. For a laugh, someone even suggested pushing the car with their shoulders: they say, we’ll pile on the whole world and ka-a-ak we’ll go! But evil power is out of place here. I had to resort to outside help, since a suitable jack was found in a nearby truck service station. It was slipped into a reference point between the rear and middle axles. But instead of raising the stern of the bus, the jack smoothly sank into the asphalt, like a vacationer's foot into beach sand. And what do you want: 16 tons make themselves felt! Onlookers appeared and began to advise their ways of solving the problem. Some advocated pulling the truck, others offered to lift the stern with a crane, others simply caught flies for the company and agreed with each of the versions. After a dozen unsuccessful attempts, the joint efforts of repairmen and drivers managed to jack up the bus properly. But then the following “ambush” arose: raising the left corner of the stern, MAN rested on the asphalt with a diagonal right front corner. There was a hopeless situation. A smoke break, thinking about the situation, listening to the versions of the council, again a smoke break ...

Rescued controlled air suspension. Playing on the pneumatic muscles of the undercarriage, we managed to win a few saving centimeters. They still pulled the bus out of captivity, but it was a good lesson - for such a large and heavy car, even a small difference in the height of the roadway can become a real trap. Her role could be played by a speed bump, a pothole in the roadway, a curbstone. And a small incident enriched our experience with double deckers. Actually, the test drive could have ended there, since it became absolutely clear that Russia, with its own destinations, was not ready to receive such high-ranking guests. But interest in everything little studied only inflamed courage. After all, there were still a lot of questions that needed to be answered. For example: how do passengers feel on the first, and especially on the second floor of a double decker? How did German designers manage to fit 83 passenger seats, two stairs, a large storage area, places and ramps for wheelchair users, a comfortable driver's seat and a huge power unit into one car without compromising passenger comfort? And how unpromising is the very idea of ​​two storey buildings in your native Fatherland?

Exploring the interior of the German liner, they were amazed at how well everything was thought out and done in a human way. Why can't ours do it? I would advise all Russian designers responsible for the layout of our buses to spend one day of their lives and carefully study the MAN ND313 Lion's City DD. I think that this is a masterpiece in planning and there is a lot to learn here. Take at least the location of the rear double seats on the first floor, arranged vis-a-vis. Or the shape and location of bright handrails. Surprisingly, it is a fact: they are always at hand, no matter where you are in the cabin, and it is easy for a passenger of any height to reach them, and not just “Uncle Styopa”. At the same time, they do not interfere with leaving places located on high ramps, unlike domestic buses. In ours, people with a height of more than 180 centimeters constantly beat their heads against them. The first floor is not much different from ordinary city buses, except that the ceiling is noticeably lower, but this does not interfere with free movement around the cabin.

Another thing is envious: with such a difficult task as the layout of a double decker, the MAN designers, with all the compromises, created a completely low-floor liner in the lower floor - there are no steps along its entire length! Moreover, two of the three entrances are equipped with ramps for wheelchairs, and a wide passage between the seats allows the disabled person to move around the cabin in a wheelchair. In the middle part of the bus there is a huge storage area with folding seats. Few people - you can sit down, and if there is a crowd, then folding strapontens will free up space for a couple of additional passengers. Stairs are of particular interest. In the 1930s, one of the main complaints about the double-decker EEC Guy and YaTB-3 trolleybuses plying around Moscow was the presence of only one narrow and steep staircase, which caused confusion during peak hours, since two passengers on it could not disperse.

With this bus, this problem is minimized - there are two stairs, they are wider so that they sideways miss each other with an oncoming passenger. The second floor is completely given over to seating - it is forbidden to stand there while driving. Firstly, it is inconvenient for passengers, since the cabin height on the second floor is only 170 cm, and secondly, the driver monitors compliance with the strict rule through a video camera. There is a rational grain in this, since standing passengers on the second floor increase the center of gravity of the bus, and therefore cornering stability decreases. Crown places of the second floor, of course, at a windshield. Unprecedented driving sensations - above all trucks and neighboring buses - are incomparable with anything! Now it is clear why many double-decker city buses are used as tourist, sightseeing and interregional buses - the view from the second floor is amazing. The delight of being elevated above the traffic and the hustle and bustle of the city allows you to relax and enjoy the cityscapes.

For the driver, driving the bus is as easy as possible - it has an automatic gearbox with three buttons Drive, Neutral, Revers, a powerful power steering and two pedals: travel and brake. Everything is tailored for the driver: less tired and distracted. As is customary in warm Europe: the driver's seat is separated only by a small barrier instead of a blank bulkhead, and he, meeting passengers, sells them tickets. To do this, he has a cash register and money trays right at his fingertips, on the barrier. The steering column is adjusted along with the instrument panel. Of the instruments in front of my eyes, only a speedometer combined with a tachograph, and all other information about the systems of the liner is displayed on the information display, moreover, as the information is in demand, without distracting the driver’s attention over trifles.

At the disposal of the captain of the land vessel and a color monitor above the windshield, on which, depending on the situation, video information is automatically transmitted. When the bus stops at the stop, you can watch the far entrance area. If the bus picks up speed, the monitor shows the situation on the second floor. And if the driver decides to reverse during maneuvering, then the image on the screen will be transmitted from the rear external camera. It remains only to envy the German bus drivers, and wait for such a complete set of city liners to become the norm for domestic fleets.

Manufacturer: MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG (Ankara, Türkiye). Model: MAN Lion "s City A78 EL283. Start of sales: 2010. The bus for the test was provided by MAN Automobiles Russia LLC

End of the school day. The students storm my Ikarus 260 to drive two stops to the subway. Requests not to squeeze into the bus and the MAZ-105 rolling up behind are perceived only by a dozen people. It is they who leave for the coveted metro, and the rest watch how my liner, into which they are so well packed, slowly sags on air springs. "The bus won't go any further!" - and the whole crowd reluctantly falls back. This is how the large passenger capacity, for which the Hungarian cars were famous, played a cruel joke with them more than once.

I don't recognize you in makeup

You can walk past this bus and not stop - you never know around MAN A74? And then look back and see that his face is like that of a low-floor MAN A21. And when, having thought about it, you nevertheless return and look into the salon ... This is how this semi-low-floor vehicle came to us for a test.

Inside the bus is strictly divided into two parts - one for those who ride sitting, the second for those who have to stand. No, of course, no one put up a wall, but the division is very clear: there is only one seat in the front of the bus, and there are no horizontal handrails under the ceiling in the back. However, everything looks great in the photo. I will only note that it is comfortable to sit there. Nothing hangs over your head, and the noise of the engine does not press on your ears.

Those wishing to leave just press the button on the handrail and the driver will be notified by sound and light signal. That's just the buttons themselves, installed in accordance with the regulations, constantly fall "at hand", even when you are not going to press them at all. Maybe it's time to rethink the rules?

Given that the folding ladder is located only at the 2nd door, there is a separate notification button at the wheelchair attachment point, the signaling of which is a priority. By the way, a loop is provided on the lid for unfolding the ladder, and the driver does not have to fiddle with a removable hook, as with domestic counterparts.

The door drive is different: the 1st one is a rolling type, and the 2nd one is a sliding type on a swivel hinge. Of course, the sashes are protected against pinching, both for closing and opening - having encountered an obstacle on the way, it automatically returns to its original position. But the resistance must be very strong - the door can "ignore" the child.

Naturally, like any decent city car, the A78 can "squat" - in the area of ​​​​the 1st door by 100 mm, and at the 2nd door - by 70 mm. It should only be remembered that this must be done before opening the doors, otherwise the "trick" will not work.

There is not much to say about the cabin. The interior is similar to the MAN A21, except that the exotic foot button for turning on the microphone has been replaced by the familiar button on the panel, and the excellent interior mirror has disappeared. To say that the driver's workplace has become worse in terms of comfort, the tongue does not turn - rather, "some" baubles disappeared. "So the wall behind him became deaf, and the door narrowed, although it still has a pocket. About the size of the glove box above your head says the fact that the driver can put gloves in it without taking them out of the pockets of his sheepskin coat... Oh, and the cabin, fenced off from the cabin ...

virgin snow

It was for her that we had a chance to test the bus. Three days ago we successfully skated the Mercedes-Benz Atego, and now snow whirlwinds are spinning around the snow-white MAN. Oh well, stoves to the maximum, heated mirrors to "on." - and forward. We must pay tribute, the snow came off the mirrors quickly, and the air from the deflectors on the panel went so hot that the autonomous heater had to be turned off almost immediately, and the fan switched from 2nd speed to 1st. Yes, and a huge salon warmed up pretty quickly. But at first I had doubts that in the absence of "heat guns" standard on-board heaters would cope with this task.

We didn’t manage to ride on the “dynamka” - in the snow it is closed so that an ice pillow is not created from the rolled snow. I didn’t dare to accelerate more than 75 km / h on ordinary roads of the landfill - the snow fell without ceasing, and I was not used to fully relying on ESP and “maybe”. So the declared "maximum speed" of 85 km / h and the operation of the limiter at this mark remained on the conscience of the MAN designers. But I can say with confidence that on a 10-centimeter virgin snow, an empty bus at speeds of 70-75 km / h behaves no worse than on asphalt. Handling on snow is also "on top", and with a full load, when the weight of the bus is even greater, it will only improve.

In general, I liked the bus, but there is one nuance that I would like to talk about, it will suddenly come in handy. The fact is that various maneuvering and movement at high speeds on the snow cover did not pass without a trace - the inscription "ABS is faulty" lit up, and at some point I felt that the bus began to pull to the right. Moreover, this process was not accompanied by any extraneous sounds and inclinations characteristic of a flat tire. Stop and inspection showed that all the wheels are inflated. I tried to continue driving, but MAN was definitely striving for the side of the road, and we moved to the parking lot. And only with a large "eversion" to the right, I saw in the mirror that the right front wheel was wedged. Moreover, everything is in order on the pavement, and a little rolled snow glides like a ski. In order not to paint the whole saga of identifying the causes of the problem, I will immediately move on to the method of its treatment. You just need to ... turn off the engine and stand still for a bit. The snow melts, the inscription on the panel goes out - the bus is ready for further work.

And the conclusion of this whole story is quite simple - the roads must be cleaned BEFORE public transport enters the line. And if the authorities nevertheless forced you to "sled the way", do it carefully. The destiny of the MAN A78 is not to pretend to be a snowmobile, but to comfortably carry people, although the absence of dangling hoses and wires under the bottom allows the first option.

I note that the A78 is well prepared for the STO and current repairs. All major necks and controls are within reach. The battery and a bright toggle switch for turning off the "mass" are located along the side in the rear overhang. There is also a fairly large compartment for tools. And how do you grouped for diagnostics conclusions of pneumatic systems with signatures in Russian? I also remember that the engine compartment is not girded with belts - which means that if one breaks, you won’t have to remove a couple more. And the number of technological hatches in the cabin floor is impressive. Convenient access to electrical equipment. If something happens to the tachograph, radio or ventilation control unit, you do not have to pick the panel - open the cover of the switching unit and you can dismantle them without unnecessary difficulties. Clearly, it was made for people.


The appearance of a bus with a similar layout in Russia has remained a mystery to us - it is too highly specialized car, we are not ready for this yet. There is a real suspicion that our customs duties are to blame, which quite recently were somewhat softer for buses with a large passenger capacity, but these are just guesses.

It is clear that there are those who will say: "Why guess? We must use the size to the fullest!" I do not recommend. Large storage areas are no reason to use the MAN Lion's City A78 to replace articulated or 15-meter buses when taking fans out of football matches. It will be good during off-peak times, when mothers with prams take their children for a walk, and people with disabilities go to shops or clinics. Or on weekends, when young people go skiing, and parents finally find time to take their children on a sled. They will also appreciate it at the service of some construction hypermarket, from where you need to bring things that are not so heavy, but quite voluminous and oversized (cornices, plinths, blinds, etc.). Just in case, it is worth taking a look at this bus and the orchestras of law enforcement and other structures performing at ceremonial events - there is enough space for the musicians and for a large number of instruments with full dress. And for small airports, this machine can generally become universal.

It would be nice to use it for suburban transportation. Young parents also live in villages and small towns, who need to go to the regional center, and the stroller is not included in every bus. This is especially noticeable in the summer, when pensioners, trying to somehow improve their financial situation, carry huge baskets, buckets and bags with the grown crop to the city markets. For them, such a bus will be just a treasure. But two questions arise. Will our regional ATPs pull the purchase and maintenance of this far from cheap car? And will they be able to find drivers who are ready to forcibly abort the landing and thereby save the suspension and roads from premature destruction?

And you should also take into account the emerging fashion to celebrate weddings and birthdays in rented buses, trolleybuses and even trams. For this, the MAN A78 is ideal. I have never met such a "dance floor" in public transport, and a separate place for the toastmaster is provided.

By the way, the end of the story about Ikarus 260 is not at all sad. After 200 meters, the compressor had already pumped enough air into the suspension so that I could continue on the route. Passengers at the next stop rejoiced, entering a completely empty cabin.

Technical characteristics of the bus MAN Lions City LE A78LE283

Gross weight, kg


Passenger capacity, pers.

including sitting

1st axle, kg

2nd axis, kg





working volume, cm3

power, hp

torque, Nm

MAN D 0836 LOH 55 (Euro4)

6-cylinder, turbodiesel with air intercooler


280 at 2300 min -1

1100 at 1200-1800 min -1



number of steps

back and forth




Front dependent, pneumatic with two shock absorbers, stabilizer and body position regulator Bridge MAN VOK-07-B

Rear dependent, pneumatic with four shock absorbers and two body position regulators MAN HY-1336-B, hypoid with final drive ratio - 5.571

Brake system

Disc with EBS (ABS / ASR)

Wheel formula


Minimum turning radius, m

10,9 8

Fuel tank capacity, l


The MAN Lions City LE A78 bus came to us for a test back in December 2009, just after the completion of certification tests. It is a 12-meter city car with a variable floor level, and ... a very peculiar interior. The thing is that this model appeared in Russia when customs duties were more loyal to buses with a high passenger capacity. And it is very likely that this interior layout was the result of a desire to maximize the number of passengers and, thereby, reduce the price of the bus. But, this is just an assumption, and the actual state of affairs is best seen in the photographs.

The salon is quite clearly divided into two zones. In the first one, you can comfortably ride standing up or with overall things. The entire front end is completely free from seats - the only place on the wheel arch behind the driver does not count. There is a lot of free space, handrails are everywhere at hand. There are belts for wheelchair users, as well as a folding ramp in the 2nd door.

For those who travel far, the second part of the bus is intended, completely filled with seats. There, the steps are quite high, and the ceiling handrails, on the contrary, are absent. But on each vertical handrail there is a button "demand to stop". So separation in action.

The bus has a passenger door scheme quite common for imported vehicles of this class: 2-2-0. Moreover, the leaf drives are made in completely different ways - in the 1st door it is classic, rolling, and in the 2nd door it is of a reclining-sliding type. I don’t know what the German designers were guided by, but as a result, the opening of the 2nd door turned out to be 100 mm wider, which makes it easier to move with a pram and simplifies the landing of wheelchair users. Yes, and in winter, when the snow begins to "compact" on the platforms near the doors, limiting their course, such a drive is more convenient.

In addition, both doors have built-in pressure sensors that work both for closing and opening and to prevent the passenger from being pinched. A kneeling system is also available. The only caveat: the system works only when the doors are closed, and after opening it is no longer possible to change the initial position.

The mechanical component in German is pedantic and well thought out. The engine is placed longitudinally in the stern. Everything in the compartment is smart and compact. There are two technological cutouts in the metal protection of the engine compartment to facilitate maintenance. And the availability of all auxiliary systems, including access to lighting equipment, is well thought out. In the front overhang on the left there are control pneumatic outlets of the system with signatures in Russian. The switching units are hidden in the wall of the driver's cab. In general, MAN is MAN.

After long trips to exhibitions and presentations in 2010, this car finally arrived to the customer - MPV "VPOPAT No. 1" in Vladivostok. Then another 32 buses of this model arrived, differing from the car we tested only in the absence of air vents, the presence of an air conditioner and a one and a half seat for passengers with children and the disabled, located immediately behind the 2nd door. Before leaving, buses must be equipped with GLONAS satellite navigators, video recorders, wireless Internet and voice informants.

In October and November, 20 cars were also delivered to TOO "Autopark No. 3" of Karaganda. Thus, 53 brand new MAN Lions City LE A78 are already traveling in our open spaces, which means that transport workers liked the model.

City bus A78:

Engine - MAN (280 hp),
Euro 4, ZF automatic gearbox,
Number of seats for passengers and crew: 35,
Estimated total number of passengers: 95.
Fuel tank: 125 + 175 l., EBS, ABS, TCS.,
Air conditioning, climatic version - 35 C,

Specifications MAN Lion's City A78

Class - urban low entry
Wheel formula - 4 x 2.
Door formula 2-2-0
The location of the engine is rear, longitudinal, vertical.
Maximum speed in top gear at full weight, km/h 85 (limiter)

Dimensional and weight parameters of the city man bus

Length: 11,857 mm
Width: 2550 mm
Height: 3088 mm
Base: 5 725 mm
Gross weight: 18,000 kg

man bus capacity

Number of passenger seats: 35
Estimated total number of passengers: up to 100
city ​​man bus engine


MAN D0836 LOH 55 Euro 4
Power: 206 kW (280 hp)
Gearbox Automatic transmission ZF 6 AP 1200 EcoLife with integrated retarder
Axles MAN, i=5.57

Fuel system MAN city bus

Fuel filters heated.
Additional fuel filter Separ - 2000, heated.
Suspension Front dependent, with 2 air springs, 2 shock absorbers with built-in rebound and stabilizer.
Rear dependent, with 4 air springs and 4 shock absorbers with built-in rebound.
Kneeling system
Fuel tank 125 + 175 l., filler neck on the right side.
Brakes Pneumatic, 2-circuit, disc, asbestos-free, rear wheel energy accumulators, lining wear sensors, EBS, ABS, TCS.

Steering e

Integral steering gear ZF 8098,
Steering column tilt adjustment.


All-metal, welded, closed, low-floor, load-bearing, wagon layout with 2 doors, galvanized sheet on the sides, roof, steps and wheel arches. It has a tiktyl, anti-corrosion coating. It has a soundproof coating. Painted with acrylic paint RAL 9010 color white
Glazing, mirrors Windshield, laminated glass without tinting.
Side and door glazing with safety double-glazed windows, electric heating of the windshield, mirrors, driver's windows


Seats City Schale color gray upholstery color blue, equipped place for the carriage of a stroller, mechanical folding ramp, plastic side wall lining, flooring Altro Cortina BX 191002 light blue wear-resistant with abrasive, 4 speakers

Man bus interior layout

Driver's workplace

Heated Grammer MSG seat, electric sunblind, additional heater, air conditioning, Blaupunkt microphone, DTCO tachograph, CD+MP3, Blaupunkt amplifier, 2 speakers

Heating and ventilation

Air conditioner Konvekta 32 kW, Heater Spheros Thermo 350, convectors in the passenger compartment, three additional stoves. Two fans at the back of the bus. Cold pack - 35 C.

]City (low-floor) Intercity (low-floor)

Type design system [edit]

The type designs were used to define all models prior to 2004. With the introduction of the model names in 2004, the system is still in use on all vehicles, but is more for internal use. In most cases it can be found on the plate inside the bus where one find the VIN.

floor height

  • N: Low-floor bus (German : Niederflur)
  • E: Low-entry bus (Some low-entry versions have letter N instead when they are built technically similar to the low-floor version.)
  • DD: Double decker bus (German: Doppeldeckerbus)
  • G: Articulated bus (German: Gelenkbus)
  • L: Rigid bus (no special adaption) Linienbus)
  • M: midibus
  • Ü : Intercity bus Uberlandbus)
power code
  • xx: First two digits of power output in hp (nearest ten)
  • 3 : third generation
  • F: Denotes that it is built as a chassis for external bodywork (German: Fahrgestell)

This means that a ND363F has a power output of 360 hp.

Chassis variants (for external bodywork)[edit]

MAN ND313F / ND363F (A34)
MAN ND243F / ND283F (A48)
MAN ND323F / ND363F (A95)
  • 2003-2006 (A34)
  • 2006-2010 (A48)
  • 2014-present (A95)
body and chassis
classbus chassis
body styledouble decker bus
Doors1 or 2 doors
floor typelow floor
relatedMAN NDxx3 Lion's City DD (A39)
power output240–360 hp (180–270 kW)
transmissionVoith DIWA
ZF EcoLife
Length10.85m (2-Axle)
12m, 12.8m (3-Axle)
Height4.1m, 4.2m, 4.3m, 4.4m

MAN ND243F / ND283F (A48) [edit]

In 2006, a 10.85-metre two-axle version was launched as the MAN ND243F and MAN ND283F, with chassis code A48.

In late 2017, under a negotiated tender, the Land Transport Authority ordered 250 MAN buses, which comprised of 150 MAN NL323Fs and 100 MAN ND323Fs, equipped with Euro VI engines and minor differences to the bodywork in the previous batch; these buses were equipped with two wheelchair bays as compared to one in previous batches. An option was excised in 2018 to procure an additional 150 MAN ND323Fs in this batch; these buses entered revenue service in May 2018 and are currently assigned to SBS Transit, SMRT Buses and Go-Ahead Singapore for fleet additions and replacement of retiring buses.

In July 2018, a tender was awarded by LTA to ST Kinetics for the procurement of 111 MAN ND323Fs, which were expected to be delivered with similar specifications to the earlier batch; these buses were expected to enter revenue service in 2019, with the final bus delivered in 2020. Similar to the previous batch, these buses will be assigned to various bus operators for fleet additions and replacement of retiring buses.

Following the successful trial of the three door MAN ND323F, the Land Transport Authority announced that 50 production batch 3-door ND323Fs will be procured along with 50 3-door Alexander Dennis Enviro500s; these buses will be released on the roads in 2020.

Hong Kong [edit]

In August 2014, Kwoon Chung Motors Company (KCM) ordered 9 ND323Fs replacing 8 Dennis Tridents and 1 MAN 24.310 . Also, KCM"s subsidiary company New Lantau Bus (NLB) purchased 10 ND323Fs, they were delivered to Hong Kong in June and August 2015 respectively. Moreover, in 2017, NLB purchased 16 ND363Fs with Gemilang Lion"s city DD facelift body, they were delivered to Hong Kong since November 2017 and registered since February 2018; the order has been increased to add another 13 vehicles and registered since June 2018. In 2018, NLB purchased 5 ND363Fs with Gemilang"s Lion"s city DD facelift body which is equivalent to the previous order and equipped with a Euro 6 engine, they are being delivered to Hong Kong since February 2019.

Gallery [edit]

NL 263 (A21) in Oslo

NG 313 (A23) in Mülheim an der Ruhr

ORN Lion's City G at Mainz main station.

Lion's City DD in Berlin

see also [edit]

References [edit]

  1. "Linienbusse" (in German). MAN Nutzfahrzeuge. Archived from the original on April 13, 1997.
  2. "MAN: Fuel Cell City Bus (2000)" the original on 19 July 2011.
  3. "MAN: low floor bus with FC and LH2 (2001)". netinform - Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzellen. Archived from the original on July 7, 2010.
  4. "Premiere in Helsinki: MAN Lion"s City Hybrid-Stadtbus der neuesten Generation" (PDF) (in German). Neoman Bus Gruppe. 22 May 2007. Archived from the original (PDF) on 6 December 2008.
  5. "Hybrid drive" . MAN Truck & Bus. Archived from the original on August 25, 2011.
  6. ^ AG, MAN Truck & Bus. "MAN Lion"s City model series | MAN Bus Germany" . Retrieved December 15, 2018.
  7. ^ "MAN Bus Program" the original (PDF) on 23 December 2005.
  8. "IAA 2002 - MAN Bus Highlights" (PDF) (in German). MAN Nutzfahrzeuge. Archived from the original (PDF) on February 16, 2004.
  9. "MAN A84 - 18.280 HOCL-NL Lion"s City LE" (PDF). MAN Truck & Bus (S.A.) (Pty) Ltd.
  10. Olifantsfontein. MAN Truck & Bus (S.A.) (Pty) Ltd. Retrieved October 8, 2016.
  11. ^ "MAN bus chassis - Program 2008/2009" (PDF) . MAN Nutzfahrzeuge. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2009.
  12. "Joint News Release by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) & SMRT - Buses with USB Charging Ports to hit the road on 1 September" . Land Transport Authority. August 31, 2016 August 20, 2019.
  13. "MAN Lion" s City DD L Mock-up Bus ". Land Transport Guru. 12 March 2016. Retrieved October 8, 2016.
  14. Singapore authority assesses three-door double-decks Bus & Coach Professional May 6, 2016
  15. "MAN A95 (ND323F)". Land Transport Guru. September 24, 2014.
  16. "The lion is roaring in Singapore". MAN SE. September 8, 2016 . 16 September 2016.
  17. "MAN A95 (Euro 6) - First Production Batch". Land Transport Guru. May 23, 2018 August 20, 2019.
  18. "LTA Awards Contract for 111 Double Deck Buses to ST Engineering Land Systems Ltd". Land Transport Authority. July 11, 2018 August 20, 2019.
  19. "LTA Awards Contract for 100 Three-Door Buses to Two Tenderers". Land Transport Authority. April 25, 2019 August 20, 2019.
  20. Hong Kong Buses Yearbook 2016, Northcord International Limited, ISBN , pages 30 to 41.
  21. MAN double deckers for Sydney Northern Beaches Australasian Bus & Coach September 15, 2016
  22. Sydney Metro MAN A95 buses delivered Australasian Bus & Coach 30 November 2017

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Public transport bus services are based on regular operation of transit buses along a route calling at agreed bus stops according to a published public transport timetable. While there are indications of experiments with public transport in Paris as early as 1662, there is evidence of a scheduled "bus route" from Market Street in Manchester to Pendleton in Salford UK, started by John Greenwood in 1824. Another claim for the first public transport system for general use originated in Nantes, France , in 1826. Stanislas Baudry, a retired army officer who had built public baths using the surplus heat from his flour mill on the city's edge, set up a short route between the center of when Baudry discovered that passengers were just as interested in getting off at intermediate points as in patronizing his baths, he changed the route's focus. His new voiture omnibus combined the functions of the hired hackney carriage with a stagecoach that travelled a predetermined route from inn to inn, carrying passengers and mail.

His omnibus had wooden benches. In 1828, Baudry went to Paris, where he founded a company under the name Entreprise générale des omnibus de Paris, while his son Edmond Baudry founded two similar companies in Bordeaux and in Lyon . A London newspaper reported on July 4, 1829, that "the new vehicle, called the omnibus, commenced running this morning from Paddington to the City", operated by George Shillibeer ; the first omnibus service in New York began in 1829, when Abraham Brower, an entrepreneur who had organized volunteer fire companies, established a route along Broadway starting at Bowling Green. Other American cities soon followed suit: Philadelphia in 1831, Boston in 1835 and Baltimore in 1844. In most cases, the city governments granted a private company—generally a small stableman in the livery or freight-hauling business—an exclusive franchise to operate public coaches along a specified route. In return, the company agreed to maintain certain minimum levels of service. In 1832 the New York omnibus had a rival when the first trams, or streetcars started operation along Bowery , which offered the excellent improvement in amenity of riding on smooth iron rails rather than clattering over border setts , called "Belgian blocks".

An electric vehicle called an EV, uses one or more electric motors or traction motors for propulsion. An electric vehicle may be powered through a collector system by electricity from off-vehicle sources, or may be self-contained with a battery, solar panels or an electric generator to convert fuel to electricity. EVs include, but are not limited to, road and rail vehicles and underwater vessels, electric aircraft and electric spacecraft. EVs first came into existence in the mid-19th century, when electricity was among the preferred methods for motor vehicle propulsion, providing a level of comfort and ease of operation that could not be achieved by the gasoline cars of the time. Modern internal combustion engines have been the dominant propulsion method for motor vehicles for 100 years, but electric power has remained commonplace in other vehicle types, such as trains and smaller vehicles of all types. In the 21st century, EVs saw a resurgence due to technological developments, an increased focus on renewable energy.

Built an electric locomotive that attained a speed of four miles per hour. In England a patent was granted in 1840 for the use of rails as conductors of electric current, similar American patents were issued to Lilley and Colten in 1847; the first mass-produced electric vehicles appeared in America in the early 1900s. In 1902, "Studebaker Automobile Company" entered the automotive business with electric vehicles, though it entered the gasoline vehicles market in 1904. However, with the advent of cheap assembly line cars by Ford , electric cars fell to the waysideDue to the limitations of storage batteries at that time, electric cars did not gain much popularity, however electric trains gained immense popularity due to their economies and fast speeds achievable. By the 20th century, electric rail transport became commonplace. Over time their general-purpose commercial use reduced to specialist roles, as platform trucks, forklift trucks, tow tractors and urban delivery vehicles, such as the iconic British milk float.

Electrified trains were used for coal transport, as the motors did not use precious oxygen in the mines. Switzerland "s lack of natural fossil resources forced the rapid electrification of their rail network. One of the earliest rechargeable batteries - the nickel-iron battery - was favored by Edison for use in electric cars. EVs were among the earliest automobiles, before the preeminence of light, powerful internal combustion engines, electric automobiles held many land vehicle speed and distance records in the early 1900s, they were produced by Baker Electric Henry Ford Germany . 31 boroughs, which are compact conurbations with wide stretches of open country between them; the main shopping street of the young city is in the borough of Lebenstedt, the central business district is in the borough of Salzgitter-Bad. Elbe Lateral Canal by a distributary ; the nearest metropolises are Braunschweig, about 23 kilometers to the northeast, Hanover , about 51 km to the northwest. The population of the City of Salzgitter has exceeded 100,000 inhabitants since its foundation in 1942, when it was still called Watenstedt-Salzgitter.

Compressed natural gas is a fuel which can be used in place of gasoline , diesel fuel and propane/LPG. CNG combustion produces fewer undesirable gases than the aforementioned fuels. In comparison to other fuels, natural gas poses less of a threat in the event of a spill, because it is lighter than air and disperses when released. Biomethane – cleaned-up biogas from anaerobic digestion or landfills – can be used. CNG is made by compressing natural gas, to less than 1 percent of the volume it occupies at standard atmospheric pressure, it is stored and distributed in hard containers at a pressure of 20–25 MPa in cylindrical or spherical shapes. CNG is used in traditional gasoline/internal combustion engine automobiles that have been modified or in vehicles which were manufactured for CNG use, either alone, with a segregated gasoline system to extend range or in conjunction with another fuel such as diesel. Natural gas vehicles are used in Iran Argentina and India .

With the Asia-Pacific region leading with 5.7 million NGVs , followed by Latin America with four million vehicles. Several manufacturers sell bi-fuel cars. In 2006, Fiat introduced the Siena Tetrafuel in the Brazilian market, equipped with a 1.4L FIRE engine that runs on E100 , E25, Ethanol and CNG. Any existing gasoline vehicle can be converted to a dual-fuel vehicle. authorized shops can do the retrofitting and involves installing a CNG cylinder, plumbing , a CNG injection system and the electronics; the cost of installing a CNG conversion kit can reach $8,000 on passenger cars and light trucks and is reserved for vehicles that travel many miles each year. CNG costs emits up to 90% fewer emissions than gasoline. CNG locomotives are operated by several railroads; the Napa Valley Wine Train retrofit a diesel locomotive to run on compressed natural gas before 2002. This converted locomotive was upgraded to utilize a computer controlled fuel injection system in May 2008, is now the Napa Valley Wine Train's primary locomotive.