Weaknesses and shortcomings of Daewoo Nexia. Weaknesses and shortcomings of the Daewoo Nexia For what reason in the Daewoo Nexia

Problems that await every Daewoo Nexia owner

When the question arises of buying a car, any motorist, especially a beginner, especially carefully begins to study the weaknesses of the proposed purchase, since today it is not a problem to study reviews. There are a lot of reviews on the Internet from the users themselves, but if you want to find out the weaknesses of the Daewoo Nexia from not ordinary users, but car service employees, then problems arise, since such information is simply not disclosed for some reason. Before buying this car, carefully review this material, thanks to which you will be able to find out in advance about the problems that may arise during the operation of this car.

Major breakdowns

Muffler- it is made of steel that does not quite meet international standards. New "mufflers" are sold at a not quite adequate cost, and almost all motorists buy used ones. Since the dismantling of Daewoo Nexia is common in Moscow, there are no problems with the selection of exhaust systems, but in the regions they get out of the situation by repairing the existing exhaust system. But here another problem arises. If the muffler began to corrode, then the holes go all over the muffler, including the resonator and the barrel, and in this state of affairs, for a mileage multiple of ten thousand kilometers, the muffler may need to be repaired several times.

distributor- it can fail, after which the engine troit. This happens on a run far beyond a hundred thousand. The problem is not significant. Its replacement every five years is not a problem.

Dashboard- a real disaster on all modifications. The shield burns out and the information on it is either not displayed, or it is displayed, but not correctly. It can be repaired by contacting a radio equipment repair center, but it is easier to replace it with a used one. The only thing you need to pay special attention to when applying for analysis is the condition of the shield. If it has traces of prolonged, active use, then most likely this shield will not last much longer.

checkpoint- she just "gets tired" of the run. The average box resource is about 150 thousand kilometers, taking into account average operation. Of course, there are times when boxes serve two hundred or even three hundred thousand, but this is already a rarity. When there is a mention of such a car as Daewoo Nexia, weak points are determined solely by engine size and torque, but no one ever talks about replacing gearboxes, cylinder heads and other serious components.

Timing belt, tension pulley- differ in some specifics during dismantling. They serve as on millions of other cars, but there is one serious design feature. The roller has its own special grooves, but many car mechanics do not know about this and install the tension roller incorrectly, after which either serious problems arise in the operation of the engine, or the roller starts to creak. There were cases when the valve was bent.

Turn signal indicators- like on the Zhiguli, the switches break down regularly. Experienced "Nexiavody" carry turn signals in reserve. They break instantly and for no reason.

backstage Gearbox - wears out, after which gear shifting becomes inaccurate. It cannot be repaired, it can only be changed. You can find a new one, but again, everyone tends to need to buy a used one.

Corrosion- absolutely all parts of the body are subject to it. Through comes on the 12th year of operation. Prevention, like Movil and other anti-corrosion agents, can extend the life of the body by about five years. Broken or repaired parts rot instantly. When buying a car, be sure to check all body parts for their restoration.

That's all you need to know about this car when buying it. Naturally, these are average statistics, or rather the breakdowns that occur on the Daewoo Nexia most often. Some of them are eliminated easily and naturally, but some will either have to be measured or "fork out" for repairs, especially if a gearbox is required. Naturally, you can find new spare parts in free sale and in any quantity, but how much do they cost? Many, relying precisely on the fact of their cost, choose repairs at autodismantling.

Daewoo Nexia is a popular car, and, to some extent, legendary for a Russian car enthusiast. And the point is just the price, and the fact that for relatively little money you can buy a car, the characteristics of which are not too inferior to the average foreign car. And certainly certainly much better than some modern VAZs.

However, not the highest price also makes itself felt, primarily expressed in the "stuffing" and the reliability of some of the details. Therefore, before making such a purchase, it is necessary to carefully study all the shortcomings of Daewoo Nexia, and determine whether all possible breakdowns are worth it in order to have a comfortable and powerful enough (for the city) car.

Weaknesses of Daewoo Nexia:

  • Various sensors that, after several years of operation, may not show accurate information, or stop showing it at all;
  • High wear of shock absorbers, which are completely unsuitable for our roads;
  • A silencer that has a simply phenomenally poor service life;
  • The gearbox, although this is a problem for many cars, but on the Nexia it should be monitored already at a run of 150,000 kilometers.
  • Turn signal toggle switches that just break, suddenly, for no particular reason;
  • Corrosion, which, as already mentioned, can naturally "eat" your car if you do not look after it.

Perhaps one of the most important drawbacks of Daewoo Nexia is that it does not live up to expectations. The car looks very solid, which captivates inexperienced owners, and in the future they are simply disappointed. After all, they expect some kind of premium car, but in reality they get only a good foreign car of the last decade.

metal quality

One of the weakest points of Daewoo Nexia is the quality of the metal, which should definitely be better. For this reason, even a new car should be carefully treated with various compounds that are designed to help fight corrosion. This is especially true in large cities, where roads are sprinkled with various harmful compounds.

You should also keep an eye on various electrical appliances. In these cars, the rapid wear of wires is very highly developed, and they can withstand various external influences very poorly. Even components such as, for example, the ignition switch, can fail due to external factors. And, by the way, severe Russian frosts and the same powder on the road also have a very negative effect on all this. And more “open” parts, such as a clutch, can make you a frequent visitor to the service station, because such a breakdown can hardly be called petty, and this repair will need to be done immediately.


I would like to highlight shock absorbers as a separate point, as a sore spot for Daewoo Nexia. The fact is that although the car was created mainly for bad Russian roads, it is difficult to call it reliable in this regard. For this reason, the suspension, shock absorbers, and all other components of this plan fail very quickly, letting the driver down at the most unexpected moment. In particular, factory springs begin to “crumble” after 50,000-60,000 kilometers, and if you miss this moment and do not repair, then further damage will be much more difficult and costly.

Rust and paint problems

When buying a Daewoo Nexia, special attention should be paid to the body. Because he is not capable of fighting the salt that is showered on the road. And problems begin even with paint, after several years of operation. Surprisingly, when choosing a car, there is an opportunity to protect yourself, and in a very unusual way - you need to choose a metallic color. Apparently, due to the characteristics of the paint, it is able to withstand much more than other types of color.

Disadvantages of Daewoo Nexia:

  • door locks;
  • electrical appliances;
  • Fog lights;
  • Equipment.

Door locks

In addition to problems with paint, you should prepare for the fact that you will be “tormented” by the wear of the door lock larvae, up to their complete failure. This will be especially felt on the trunk lock.

Yes, and the windshield can hardly be called reliable, small stones from under the wheels of oncoming cars in three or four years will give it a not quite marketable appearance, and may even affect the view in the car.

Complicated electrical

The electrics in the car, although working properly, but not for long. This is especially true of the instrument panel, which can simply fail at one moment due to a broken wire.

And in general, all elements of the car that use electricity quickly fail, including such key ones as a generator or starter. And to stay with the window open, simply because the motor is not able to lift it back - can also be very disappointing.

Fog lights

I would like to single out fog lights as a separate item, which experts generally advise not to include in dampness - they simply burst from the unexpected ingress of cold water. A little strange, considering that the fog appears just in wet weather.

Ease of assembly

Special attention certainly requires the choice of equipment for this car. And if the characteristic does not change too much, then the variety of options is amazing.

In the cheapest configuration, the car will be equipped only with a radio and alarm. None of the features that are now standard, such as electric lifts, power steering or air conditioning, are here. Even the tachometer will be missing. Although, as more expensive "stuffing" they will still appear in the car.

Thus, the most complete set will have all the "goodies" of a good foreign car - electric windows for all windows, air conditioning, heated seats, power steering, fog lights, and much more. Of course, you will have to pay extra for all this, and not the smallest amount.

On the other hand, if you look at the “rivals” of Nexia, and most often they put the domestic VAZ in opposition, it generally lacks some functions, even in expensive trim levels. Yes, and to buy a car with a set of options, or not - it's everyone's decision.

Auto assembly can be completed:

  1. in Korea, at the car's home factory. And although cars have been fussing from there for a long time, they began to gain popularity only after the price of a car fell sharply. The reason was not a change in characteristics, or something else, but that the cars were dismantled at the border, and then dismantled already on the territory of Russia. Thus, it was possible to save on duty, and as a result, reduce the final price.
  2. in Rostov, at the Krasny Aksai plant. And although it is customary to think that cars assembled in Russia suffer in terms of quality, this is clearly not the case. The peculiarity is that such cars are assembled completely with the help of parts sent from Korea. So, the quality is the same.
  3. Another assembly option is in Uzbekistan. And surprisingly, it is here that the best quality cars are assembled, at the same time, cheaper in price. The secret lies in the fact that many parts are produced in the same place, and the assembly uses mass production, and not "screwdriver assembly". Although, the old generation of cars assembled there may indeed be of lower quality, possessing, as auto mechanics put it, "childhood diseases."

It is quite easy to determine the place where your car was assembled specifically - using the VIN code that is on any car, as well as additional notes. For Rostov cars, this is the "Plant" Red Aksai"", and for Uzbekistan - the inscription " ULV» in the vehicle's VIN.


To summarize, then, despite all the pros and cons, we can safely say that it makes sense to buy such a car.

One of the key features of a car when buying is a fairly high-quality assembly for a cheap price. There are simply no alternatives to the car among the new ones, not counting the VAZ, but it is he who loses to Daewoo Nexia in all respects. But, just like with VAZs, you need to be prepared for periodic repairs and replacement of parts. On the other hand, if you use high-quality parts, then repeated breakdowns will not appear soon.

The parts themselves are very cheap, and finding them will not be a problem, because most of them are made in Russia, and thanks to the popularity of the car, key “consumables” will always be available in car dealerships and service stations.

So, if you are ready for the fact that the car will need to be monitored and sometimes repaired, and the vulnerable sides do not scare you - choose Daewoo Nexia and enjoy ownership. Moreover, there really is something to choose from, thanks to a large number of very different trim levels.

P.S.: Dear car owners, if you have noticed systematic breakdowns of any parts, assemblies of this model, please report it in the comments below.

5.1.6. The car accelerates badly

There are many reasons for the deterioration of the dynamics, the main ones can be defined as follows:

1. Engine malfunction - a decrease in compression in one or more cylinders, a change in the valve timing when the camshaft drive belt jumps, additional air leaks between the carburetor and the combustion chamber in the engine. Coking of the exhaust system.

2. Malfunction of the power system - clogging of the entire system, fuel filters, carburetor. Insufficient fuel pump supply. Incorrect carburetor adjustment (mixture too lean or too rich). The use of low-quality fuel.

3. Malfunction of the ignition system - failure of the spark plug, breakdown of the high-voltage circuit of the system, incorrect setting of the ignition timing.

4. Clutch slip due to wear or misadjustment.

5. Malfunction of the brake system - braking of one or more wheels on the move, incorrect adjustment of the parking brake.

6. Insufficient tire pressure.

7. Car overload.

Full diagnostics of the car must be carried out by highly qualified craftsmen using special diagnostic equipment, therefore go to car service.

You can independently carry out the following work:

1. Check and adjust the air pressure in the tires.

2. Check the operation of the service brake system and parking brake. It is not necessary to remove the wheels for this. Find a flat stretch of road and, in dry, calm weather, drive to determine coastdown car. The car must be fully fueled, only the driver is in the cabin. Accelerate the vehicle to 50 km/h, level off the speed, and then disengage the gear and coast to a complete stop. Make another run in the opposite direction. The overrun should be about 500 m.

3. Check the operation of the carburetor and ignition system as described above.


Take a test drive. If, after increasing the ignition timing during a sharp acceleration, detonation appears - you will hear ringing metallic knocks lasting more than 2 seconds (the so-called finger knock), the ignition timing will have to be reduced to its original value. Engine operation with detonation is strictly unacceptable!

5. Check clutch operation.

The initial check is carried out on a flat, obstacle-free area. Set the choke control knob to a high idle speed - approximately 1500 min -1. Depress the clutch, engage first gear and depress the brake pedal. Then begin to slowly release the clutch pedal. If the engine stalls - the clutch is working properly and does not slip.

In this case, check the adjustment of the clutch actuator. (See "Clutch Actuator Adjustment" below.)

If these measures do not give the desired effect, contact a car service for a complete diagnosis of the car.

Clutch drive adjustment


1. Park the vehicle on level ground and try to start in first gear by gently releasing the clutch pedal. Try to determine at what position of the clutch pedal your car starts to move.

Does the car start to move about half way through the clutch pedal?

No: see point 3

2. Clutch adjusted correctly.

3. If the car starts to move at the end of the clutch pedal travel, then it does not have free play and needs to be adjusted. The clutch of front-wheel drive VAZ vehicles is actuated by a cable connected to the clutch pedal. To adjust this clutch, just open the hood.

4. There are two nuts on the threaded part of the cable, with which the cable is attached to the bracket. These nuts can be used to adjust the travel of the clutch pedal.

5. To increase the free play of the clutch pedal, slightly unscrew the nut inside the bracket, and tighten the nut located outside.

6. If the threads are rusted and the nut will not loosen, moisten it with any thread-breaking fluid (such as WD40). If there is no such composition at hand, you can moisten the threads with brake fluid or engine oil, which are always in the car.

7. After adjusting the clutch, be sure to check it, as described earlier.

8. If the clutch on your car is adjusted correctly, the full travel of the pedal when moving it from the highest position to the stop at the bottom should be 125–135 mm.

9. If the adjustments did not help and the clutch continues to slip, then it is faulty and needs to be replaced. It is better to entrust such work to specialists, since appropriate tools and skills are needed.

Daewoo Nexia: Does not pull when accelerating


Daewoo Nexia: "Does not pull when picking up speed"

... and not only does not pull when picking up speed. When this car drove into our box,then he stopped by for about five minutes. The client presses on the gas, and the car "dulls", does not pull andcan’t even move a small hillock… but then the client was lucky, he helped acceleration with your foot and ... the car is in boxing.

Car recommended by a friend. Not profile. This case was interesting.by the fact that the client has already traveled around “a certain number of car services”, spent “a certainamount of money", but the result was zero. Then he decided to repair himself (the Internet is big ...).

Changed the spark plugs - didn't help. I cleaned the injectors - nothing changed.
He had to go back to bow to car services. Found one. They agreed to take over the repairs.

But they set the following condition:
- Find the same car as yours, we will put it next to you and take pictures one by onefrom there and put on your car… the way is very good! One hundred percent guarantee!

For some reason, the client decided not to contact this car service. Found another. There he immediately stated:

This cause of the malfunction is known to us - we are repairing ...
- So what's the reason?
- Catalyst! Right now, we will knock it out for you and ...

The client turned out to be "finicky". Well, he did not like it either there or here. Some kind of "sixth feeling,” he realized that he had to make the only right decision: “Go to the diagnosticsto the "correct" car service. I decided to decide, but I was afraid: “And how much money is they stealing there? ...”.
Looking ahead, I’ll say: “They screwed up a little.” Yes, and they didn’t “stupid” at all. Just spent the "correct"
self-diagnosis, and when the client was told the price for the work done, he was very surprised:
- And just something?

Well, let's start to tell and show ...

Plugged in a vacuum gauge. It showed low vacuum in the intake manifold.What does it say? The fact that "something is wrong with the gas distribution system in the engine."Here either the timing belt jumped, or there are questions to the gear,it could be tritely "broken".

A similar situation was described in an article at:
and this motor was similar in operation to the work of that motor on the Mitsubishi Lancer.

Next, we take the Postalovsky oscilloscope. Instead of a spark plug, we screw in the pressure sensor, start the engine, look ... and make sure of the initial diagnosis: the oscillogram shows many deviations from correct operation. It turns out that the "phases are shifted."

I want to focus on one parameter: the ignition timing is very late, that is, the correct “minus” value went “plus” and on the oscillogram shown it appears as “25 degrees after top dead center”, although we know that the “correct” ignition should be BEFORE dead center under these operating conditions at the time of acquisition of the waveform.

Well. In principle, everything is clear, we must do it ... I turned around, looked ... unfortunately, all our locksmith posts were occupied. Looking at the client

Do you know a locksmith? Who could do what I tell you?
- Well, in principle ... there is ... I will find it!
- Then listen to what needs to be done ...

In a few minutes, he told the client in detail - what and how to do. And finally asked:
- just let them not throw anything away, bring it to me, agreed?

... the client arrived ... no - the client "broke" into our box literally the next day:

- Thank you! No, you have no idea how much you helped me! I couldn't get the right solution to my problem anywhere and from anyone!

And the problem was this, see photo:

If you look "offhand and from the side", then everything is fine?

Let's take a closer look:

Yes, this is the so-called "banal veneer-groove". Broken.

Outwardly, there is no way to determine that the veneer groove is broken.

Moreover, it is structurally made at the same time with the whole detail. So to speak, "the whole detail." And if you look at the gear "simple and from the side", it is difficult to determine the malfunction. And you can watch for a long time ...
In that car service, they were very surprised when they followed all our recommendations and, indeed, the gear turned out to be broken! They were very surprised...

Just do not think that now he praised himself, they say, look how smart No, there is nothing "smart" or brilliant. It's just "such a job" when you need to keep a lot of information in your head and use it in time.

Kudryavtsev M.E.
© Legion-Avtodata

Kudryavtsev Mikhail Evgenievich
Auto service "VTS"
Suzdalskaya st., 9
You can call during business hours:

Daewoo Nexia is a very popular model on the Russian market. The combination of consumer qualities attracts many motorists. A spacious interior, a roomy trunk, inexpensive spare parts make it one of the leaders in the secondary market among budget cars. But, as always, there are flaws here, in particular, this is the design of the heating system. If the car is even more or less new, then there is no problem with this. But if it has already “exchanged” a hundred thousand kilometers, then in the cold Russian winters, the insufficient efficiency of the heater causes discomfort. What to do when the stove does not heat well in the Daewoo Nexia car? Repair (see photo in our article), and more often modernization, it is quite possible to carry out independently. Of course, provided that the power unit itself is in full working order, and the coolant is filled in the right amount. So let's look at the problem.

Why does the stove heat poorly in the Daewoo Nexia car? Causes of the malfunction

There may be several reasons:

  • The thermostat is not working properly.
  • Airing the cooling system.
  • Clogged heater core.
  • Loose fit of the parts of the body of the stove.
  • Incomplete closing of the cold air damper in the heater housing.

Let's consider all the faults in more detail.

Preparatory stage

First of all, you should make sure that all operating fluids are filled in according to the instructions, the engine is in good condition and is working normally.

Also check that the heater fan is running and that at least cold air is blowing out of the deflectors. And only after that you should proceed to troubleshooting and finding out why the stove does not heat well in the Daewoo Nexia car. The stove is powered by antifreeze. So let's go under the hood.

Methods for detecting a malfunction under the hood

First, check the level of antifreeze in the expansion tank. It should be, according to the instructions, between the risks on its walls. If the level is lower, antifreeze must be topped up. By the way, if the coolant has not changed for a long time (and just with the onset of winter), it is advisable to replace it entirely to be completely sure. The fact that antifreeze is already old can be indicated by its dark color with rust. Next, start the engine and warm it up to operating temperature. After the engine has warmed up, you should feel the pipes suitable for the engine radiator and the stove radiator. If the first ones are hot and the second ones are cold, then there is air in the cooling system. When the top hose is hot and the bottom hose is cold, the thermostat does not work properly and the engine does not warm up to operating temperature. In this case, do not wait for hot air from the stove, even if everything is in order with it. Work can only be continued after the thermostat has been repaired or replaced.

Air lock removal

This plug is formed when antifreeze enters from the return pipe into the liquid, when drained, it forms air bubbles, which subsequently form into a plug. It prevents the normal circulation of fluid in the cooling and heating system. To fix it, you need to do the following. Park the car on a hill so that the front is higher than the rear. Start the engine and open the hood. The expansion tank cap must be removed. Use the throttle cable to maintain an average engine speed (about 3000). With the second hand, it is necessary to compress and unclench the hoses leading from the expansion tank and the stove radiator. The fluid in the tank will gurgle and leave if there is an air lock. At the same time, antifreeze must be added. Then you can close the tank and check the operation of the stove.

The work is simple, but due to the imperfection of the design of the cooling system, the air lock may reappear. In this case, it is easier to improve the system a little.

Installing a tee in the cooling system

The main reason for the appearance of an air lock is the occurrence of air bubbles when draining the return into the tank. Using a tee, you can redirect its path directly to the hose leading from the tank to the thermostat. Thus, the appearance of air in the heating system will be excluded. The tee is made according to the size of the hoses or is selected from suitable plumbing products.

It cuts into a hose running vertically down from the expansion tank. A hose from the heating of the throttle assembly is connected to the third outlet of the tee, which is simply disconnected from the tank. The return fitting in the tank is then muffled. It should be noted that in this case the air lock is created artificially. It must be removed in the manner described above. After that, an air lock in the converted system should not occur, and the efficiency of the heating system will increase.

Methods for detecting malfunctions in the cabin

Another reason that the stove does not heat well is that there may be malfunctions already in the passenger compartment.

They are connected with the operation of the heating system itself. Over time, the stove radiator inevitably becomes clogged with rust particles and deposits from the engine block. They interfere with the effective heat exchange of the radiator - and that heats the air less. In this case, you can remove the stove radiator and rinse it or replace it entirely.

Exchanger replacement

To remove the radiator, it is necessary to remove the passenger seat, disassemble the lower part of the console and dismantle the air distribution cover.

It should be noted that before replacing the radiator, all coolant is drained. The heat exchanger itself is held on brackets. They need to be bent. Reassemble in reverse order. But replacing the heater radiator is still a radical method, and it must be used when nothing helps. In general, clogging of the heater heat exchanger occurs for a long time, subject to timely prevention and flaws in the assembly of the heater housing are more common. Below we will consider this problem.

Elimination of loose fit of body parts

The body of the stove consists of several plastic parts. Cold air enters it with the help of a fan and is heated by a radiator. This is the principle of operation of the heater. In the Daewoo Nexia car, the stove does not heat well (photos of some malfunctions, by the way, are presented in the article) when there are gaps between the body parts. The heated air goes to the wrong place, or does not reach the radiator itself. Then the air from the stove blows not only cold, but also a weak stream. To avoid this, you should disassemble the body and glue all the joints with a furniture D-shaped seal or self-adhesive foam rubber.

Bitoplast cut into narrow strips is well suited. Now the body of the stove will be as airtight as possible, and it should not blow out of the slots.

Incomplete closing of the cold air damper

A common breakdown, due to which the stove does not heat well in a Daewoo Nexia car, is the operation of the damper. It blocks the air supply to the radiator. The shutter is in front of him. And in order for cold air to be supplied to the heat exchanger, the part must be raised. It is controlled by a cable drive. If it works with backlash, then the damper will open slightly under the influence of its own weight - cold air from outside will flow through the slot. This gap will be small. But it is enough to significantly cool the air entering the cabin.

When transferring the control knob to the “warm” position, there should be no free play. If there is no backlash, but the expected effect is also not observed, it will be necessary to glue the edge of this damper using a D-shaped seal. To do this, it is necessary to dismantle the lower radiator casing, having previously removed the lower part of the console, partially disconnect the radiator, moving it slightly down. The damper edge can only be felt. Access to it is difficult, but the effect of such work is guaranteed. Along the way, you can glue the rest of the heater housing, as well as the heat exchanger itself around the perimeter, so that there are no gaps.


Thus, troubleshooting the heating system, when the stove does not heat well in the Daewoo Nexia car, you can do it yourself. When all components are working properly, it is very effective, and a comprehensive troubleshooting method almost always leads to the desired result. Also, do not forget to change the coolant in time. For "Nexia" it is recommended to use antifreeze of the 12th and 13th groups.