Advice from the clairvoyant Raisa Ryk! Is it worth believing

Most people want to know what the future holds for them. Especially this desire appears with the advent of the new year. Consider the most interesting and popular predictions for 2017 for Russia from famous psychics and clairvoyants.

Prophecies of Nostradamus for 2017

The first prediction speaks of the inevitability of the Third World War, which will affect all major states, including Russia. The confrontation between the countries should end in 2017. During the war, new chemical weapons will be tested, the consequences of which will result in severe skin diseases.

Europe will suffer the most from the war. The population here will be significantly reduced and the European continent will become empty. And then Russia will take the first place, where the remaining European population will begin to move and settle in Siberia. Russia will accept everyone and become the new "cradle of civilization". Later, China will join it, which in 2018 will become an absolutely independent power, claiming world leadership.

In addition, in his forecasts, he connects 2017 with the rise of the global economy. The energy revolution associated with the improvement of solar energy storage methods will provide people with cheap electricity, for the transportation of which nothing is required. The energy will spread through the air.

Vanga's predictions

It should be clarified that Vanga never talked about exact dates, only approximately a specific period of time. However, some analysts are trying to structure the seer's predictions by year.

The famous soothsayer Vanga prophesies Russia in the 21st century with extraordinary spiritual strength and great economic power, which will give hope to our whole world and bring spiritual rebirth throughout the planet.

Vangelia always emphasized in her predictions that Russia would wake up from a dream, reject everything discrediting and negative, and fame would go about her as a superpower. Russia will subjugate the whole world, but not by force and blood, but by authority.

“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia ... She will sweep everything out of her way and not only survive, but also become the ruler of the world”

Predictions of psychic Alexander Sheps for 2017

Psychic Alexander Sheps, who is the winner of the "Battle of Psychics", made his statement regarding the upcoming 2017. According to a promising predictor, Russia's influence in the geopolitical arena will begin to grow rapidly, and powerful countries will begin to seek support from Russia.

According to Sheps, next summer the European Union and the United States will completely lift sanctions from our country and stop returning to the issue of Ukraine and Crimea. These positive changes will have a beneficial effect on the country's economy. The Russian ruble will gradually begin to strengthen against the dollar, although it will never reach its previous positions.

Speaking about Ukraine, Alexander Sheps predicts another coup for this country, though this time without street clashes and bloodshed. The country's parliament will announce its dissolution, and after that, the head of state will also resign. The new political force that will lead Ukraine will begin to build relationships with both Russia and the European Union.

Prophecies of Pavel Globa for 2017

For Russia, 2017 will be a very difficult year, but not a hopeless one. In this difficult year, all countries of the world are facing a serious crisis: unemployment and currency devaluation. The Russian economy will be based on the sale of energy resources, which will allow it to "keep afloat" and increase its influence in the world. As for the United States, the country is waiting for ruin and loss of authority.

The astrologer also talks about the reunification of the Russian Federation, the republics of Belarus and Kazakhstan will want to join it. Following them, the accession of Azerbaijan and Armenia, as well as partially Ukraine, is likely. The unfolding global collapse, the beginning of which we see already today, will cause irreparable damage to Europe and the United States. The European Union will be on the verge of collapse, and economic instability in Europe will significantly reduce its authority in the world political arena.

Also, this large-scale crisis will not bypass the world currency - the US dollar. He is in for a sharp depreciation.

Regarding the internal political situation in our country, the astrologer predicts an alarming situation. The revolutionary revolt and mass protests will grow more and more, the purpose of which will be the overthrow of the current government. All these riots will lead to civilian casualties. The risk of terrorist attacks will also increase, reports.

Next year, natural disasters await the whole world: tsunamis, earthquakes, floods. A large number of accidents, both transport and air crashes, are also predicted. In Siberia, an astrologer predicts fires.

According to Pavel Globa, it is Russia that will become the driving force that can lead the whole world out of the process of stagnation and push for change.

Sobchak was sent on maternity leave, and she went to the presidency

Komsomolskaya Pravda recalled the forecasts and predictions for 2017 by political scientists, economists and psychics. Which of the prophecies came true?



Prophet #1

Yakov Mirkin , Economist, Head of the Department of International Capital Markets at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

What predicted:

A well-known economist warned at the beginning of 2017: do not count on peace and stability. However, as expected low prices. We need to look for new opportunities and ways to preserve what is not lost (or has already been acquired).

“In a hypnotic trance, we believed that the price increase would be 4% in 2017. The great and terrible Bank of Russia promises us this. But there are at least two possible scenarios for 2017, giving a new outbreak of inflation:

- drop in world oil prices, for example, to 33 - 36 dollars per barrel with the dollar 1.0 - 1.07 against the euro with the departure of the ruble for 70 - 75;

Growth of prices and tariffs regulated by the state beyond 4%.

Forecast efficiency: low.

Yakov Mirkin, economist

Prophet #2

Igor Nikolaev , Director of the FBK Institute for Strategic Analysis.

What predicted:

“The economic prospects for 2017 will be largely determined by the fact that the presidential elections in Russia are getting closer. Therefore, the authorities will do everything to ensure that the ruble does not fall, prices do not grow, real incomes of the population do not decrease, etc. They will be able to cope with something, with something not very well. The structural crisis, aggravated by external shocks, will remain. There will still be no economic growth. Inflation in the region of 6.0 - 6.5%. In general, the year will be relatively calm. There is still money in the reserves, so there is something to live on.”

Forecast efficiency: average.

What happened:

It seems that our experts have rephrased the old proverb: if you want an economic recovery, give the most pessimistic forecast. In fact, 2017 was not so terrible. Price growth, according to Rosstat at the beginning of December, amounted to 2.3%, which is almost two times lower than in 2016, when it was at the level of 5.4%. Oil prices rose to $65 per barrel for the first time in 2.5 years. The forecast regarding the growth of the dollar and the euro to 61 and 75 rubles, respectively, did not come true either. True, this year the Reserve Fund has been almost completely exhausted. As of December 1, only 995 billion rubles remained in it.

Another result of the year is record low mortgage rates for our country. They fell - no, of course, not to European indicators, but at least they fell below 10% per annum. As a result, for the year, according to estimates, issued mortgage loans for 1.9 - 2 trillion. rubles (not exactly calculated yet) - for the first time in the history of housing loans in Russia.


Prophet #3

Valery Solovey, professor at MGIMO.

What predicted:

“I don’t believe that another Maidan will begin in Ukraine. But if the European Union becomes preoccupied with its internal problems and leans in favor of a positive revision of relations with Russia, then Moscow will be given a signal: Ukraine is your sphere of influence. Then we would try to make it clear to Kyiv that we are interested in restoring economic relations, but they will be built on the basis of pragmatism, and not stories about "brotherly people."

In Russia, we need to expect major resignations among the governors. Those heads of regions who occupy the lower places in the ratings are direct contenders for elimination. There are also veteran governors who would be nice to be replaced. The fight against corruption will continue, but there will be no more high-profile landings at the ministerial level like the Ulyukaev case. We will most likely not see any new bright politicians in Russia until 2018. But, I think that the mass production of new politicians can happen quite unexpectedly for us.

What happened:

Maidan tried to organize and lead Saakashvili with Tymoshenko and Co. who joined him, but the attempt seems to have been unsuccessful, despite noisy detentions. The restoration of economic relations is far away (although coal from the Donbass has been and is being delivered to Ukrainian factories and thermal power plants through Russia).

At the end of the year, two stars flared up in the political horizon: on the liberal flank - Ksenia Sobchak, on the left flank - the director of the Lenin State Farm Pavel Grudinin, both are potential candidates for the presidency of the country. But six months ago, not a single political scientist in the country saw these names in the presidential race.

There were plenty of gubernatorial resignations: 16 since the beginning of the year, and 11 in a short autumn period (Pskov Governor Andrey Turchak turned out to be the last one). Several retirees were taken up by the investigating authorities. But a new high-profile trial like the case of Ulyukaev, who received 8 years of strict regime, did not really arise in a year ...

Forecast efficiency: above average.


Prophet #5

Alexey Martynov , director of the International Institute of Recent States.

What predicted:

"With the departure of the Barack Obama administration, there is a certain hope that there will be no risks associated with a policy of pressure and an attempt to isolate Russia on a number of issues in the international arena." According to Martynov, there is a chance that in 2017 peace will come not only to Syria, but to the entire Middle East: “Those efforts that Russia has made, including in the foreign arena ... will give positive results next year.” .

What happened:

Nuclear war did not happen, but the aggravation did happen. True, not between the United States and Russia - it decided to threaten the DPRK with a nuclear fist. The latter is actively developing intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads, citing the US threat. The last test of the Hwaseong-15 missile, which can supposedly hit a target at a distance of up to 13 thousand kilometers, North Korea conducted on November 29, 2017, saying that it can now launch nuclear strikes across the United States. To which America immediately threatened a naval blockade of the DPRK. In turn, Vladimir Putin said that even one missile launch by the DPRK could lead to a global catastrophe. So, in part, the expert Zakharov turned out to be right in his forecasts. But Martynov's words about warming relations between the two powers did not come true. The West has again extended sanctions against Russia. But on the other hand, it was Russia that managed to defeat the terrorist ISIS (banned in Russia) in Syria and bring closer the day when civil reconciliation will come in this country.

Forecast efficiency: average.

Prophet #4

Mikhail Zakharov , political scientist.

What predicted:

“One of the external risks is the aggravation of the international situation, up to a nuclear war,” expert Mikhail Zakharov suggested at the end of 2016. - Russia has strained the US so much that the only possible deterioration in relations could be a nuclear war. I don't think anyone will go for it. Vladimir Vladimirovich (Putin) told us that only a madman could do this. Let's hope that doesn't happen."

Forecast efficiency: average.


Prophet #6

Mohsen Noruzi, winner of the tenth "Battle of psychics".

What predicted:

A native of Iran in January 2017, Olga Buzova predicted an affair with a new man, but her ex-husband Dmitry Tarasov was supposed to have a son this year. In the future of Ksenia Sobchak, the psychic saw the appearance of a second child - a daughter, but the union of Fyodor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva, according to the clairvoyant, was not destined to develop. But the year should have been especially happy for Anna Semenovich, who in the second half of 2017 could become a mother, and twins at once.

What happened:

Defeat on all fronts! Buzova did not have a new man, moreover, the aspiring singer admitted that in 14 months she had neither kisses nor sex. Her ex-husband did not become a father and does not plan to in the near future. Ksenia Sobchak, instead of having a second child, moved to the presidency, and Bondarchuk and Andreeva live together and, apparently, are happy. Until Anna Semenovich also knew the joy of motherhood. Although, as she recently admitted to KP, she is seriously thinking about having a baby.

Forecast efficiency: extremely low.

Prophet #7

Evgeny Lovchev , Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

What predicted:

He said that Spartak will become the champion of the country in 2017. The forecast was very bold, given that the red-whites could not achieve this for 16 years.

What happened:

Lovchev was right. "Spartak" beat CSKA - 2:1, and then became the champion of Russia in football.

Forecast efficiency: 100%.

Prophet #8

Hayo Seppelt , international sports analyst.

What predicted:

“WADA will announce that RUSADA is not in compliance with the code and keep Russia suspended. This will have consequences and lead to the removal of Russian athletes from the PyeongChang Olympics.”

What happened:

As a result, Russian athletes still go to the Olympics - after a strict selection and, alas, under a neutral flag.

Forecast efficiency: high.

Prophet #9

James Hansen , renowned climatologist.

What predicted:

He suggested that a new phase of warming awaits us, and it will come already in 2017. From the middle of next year, most of the coast of Australia, as well as some islands in Oceania, will gradually go under water. Plus, we're expecting massive floods. Spring 2017 will begin with the flood of the Yenisei, which will flood more than 600 Siberian villages and villages. Heavy rains and downpours will take place in Europe, as a result of which many cities in Italy, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Serbia will be flooded. Natural disasters will also affect America. Tornadoes, the strongest in history, will hit the continent. A tornado will sweep over US cities, which is likely to destroy Denver.

What happened:

The islands of the Pacific Ocean really suffer greatly from the rise in the level of the World Ocean and go under water. Although this is not a matter of one year, but a long process. Australia, fortunately, is in place. The main cataclysm of the year is the hurricanes in the Caribbean, which simply swept away several islands there. In Thailand, there was a flood that has not been seen here for the past 30 years.

The expert did not guess with natural disasters in Siberia either. There were no precipitations here, on the contrary, for the first time in 50 years, meteorologists recorded an atypical heat for Siberia. But in the capital of our Motherland, on the contrary, they could only dream of the heat. In May, a serious hurricane occurred in Moscow, which led to human casualties, snow fell in June, and there were rains in July. But with Europe, the climatologist got to the point: Serbia, the Czech Republic, Hungary felt the consequences of the rains. They waited for the promised tornado in the United States. In the main, Hansen is right: the world is waiting for climate change, which can change nature beyond recognition in the next few years.

Forecast efficiency: average.

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Dear my readers, You often ask me: how to use my photo?

Plenty of possibilities. For example, to charge water, you need to hold the photo near a vessel with water for 10-15 minutes, or at the same time put the photo on a glass of water (image down). You can drink water, make compresses, give water to sick animals, water plants in the house and in the garden. Photos can be kept everywhere: in a wallet, on a table, in children's diaries, in a garden, a greenhouse, in a car, in an apartment, business papers. They can be applied to sore spots. You can photocopy and reproduce my photos.
Mentally put me in a car for protection. Put near the house, apartment, workplace, take with you on trips.

Mentally show my photo to a dangerous person. During all the troubles, do not forget to imagine my image and say: "Raisa, help me." This phrase instantly helps in any situation. In other words, all blocks of evil are removed. Everything takes time and patience. You can contact me mentally at any time. All human well-being lies in words and thoughts. Speak, think beautifully and only about good things. May you have no questions. Life is a colorful performance. So imagine your colorful life without evil. Protect yourself and everyone around you.
Good luck to you, my dear readers.

My dear readers, do not forget to remove the "blocks" from yourself, what is popularly called "damage" and "evil eye". To do this, it is enough to mentally apply copper along the back (in the form of a thin ruler). Do not forget to put yourself or the person from whom you remove these "blocks" in three types of churches in turn. For example, in an Orthodox church, a mosque and a synagogue, and then, also mentally, place in a ball, the sun, icons, mirrors, stars of David, etc. These procedures should be done as often as possible, since we receive these "blocks" all the time. Water does a wonderful job with this, so take a shower, bath, swim, go to the bathhouse, sauna more often. Mentally treat yourself - apply copper, ichthyol ointment, various compresses, etc. to sore spots. Heal yourself with words. When you are cleansed, you can order everything for yourself, just try to imagine the fulfillment of your desires in a very specific and vivid way.

Counting - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0 - helps the fulfillment of desires, eliminates bad habits. The second counter - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0 - will help in love. The third - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 - in finance. The fourth - 1, 2, 3, 0 - to open the talent of clairvoyance.

My dear readers, summer is outdoor recreation, this is a forest, this is a river, this is a dacha. If frosts have come, and you don’t have time to go to the dacha, then mentally cover your garden with a film or a duvet. And your plants won't be harmed. So that your animals always return home, also mentally draw a circle around them several times with water, fire or an icon. Do not forget to mentally build a protective circle next to yourself, relatives and friends. Say more often: "Let the evil go!" In general, try to speak only beautiful words, discard all evil.
Take care of the counting: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0. Eat more fruits, vegetables, swim more, go to the forest. Try to protect nature, it's a living being. We have such beautiful forests and fields. Keep in mind - you will have to pay for the most harmless dump, for the garbage you left behind. Your RAISA.

Dear readers and students! Here are ways to find out if a person is alive or not:
1. Imagine two doors - one yellow, the other dark. Only the living will enter the bright door.
2. Look at the person's feet. If he is alive, then they emit a yellow color.
3. If a person is alive, then when you introduce him or simply call his name, the second opposite half flies up to him (a man to a woman and vice versa). Through the big yellow door, you will be able to view other moments of life. For example, you can find out who committed this or that act - it is he who will enter the door. If you are in any doubt, imagine two doors again. Everything that is clean and good that you need to do will enter the big yellow door. Everything negative, unnecessary will pass through the black door.
My dear students, try to think short. Fewer epithets, simplify complex sentences.
If you decide to study something, but you are not succeeding, say to yourself: "I see quickly, I see instantly, I know everything about it." Do this exercise all the time - on the road, transport, at the TV, etc.
The shortest way is to read energy from any object, person. So start listening with your hands. Mentally put your hand on the person's head, his eyes, ears, etc., "listen", take your time. And soon you will not feel any barriers. You will be able to inspect any volcano without instruments and say what is happening there in the depths. To study the bottom of the sea, ocean, to identify radioactivity. But first of all, protect yourself. Extend life. It's simple science, just don't be lazy and you can answer any question. Check your living space and clean it up: for five minutes, mentally imagine yourself, your home, putting your hand on my photo, then put it in a ball, the sun, overlay it with icons, my photographs. I wish you love and happiness.

How to find out if there is damage and who did it?
Imagine this person (whom you want to see) against the background of red and black balls connected by a thin thread. If a person looks in red - everything is fine, but if in dark yes with an arrow down - death. But just in a black ball - this is evil or damage. Mentally imagine in front of this person a large saucer with a large burning candle on the side. Looking into this water, you can see the face that caused damage. Mentally cut the rays from the eyes of this person with a sharp object (scissors). Please note: if the person you are viewing immediately appears in the red ball, then you have removed everything from him.


Since ancient times, man has wanted to know the future: personal, relatives and friends, his country. This desire has not disappeared in the age of electronics. What are the predictions for 2017 for Russia from psychics, saints, hermits - those who managed to open the veil of a foggy future? It is not entirely clear what awaits us in 2017 - the prophecies are numerous and ambiguous, but the issues of war and peace, global catastrophes and the fate of national leaders occupy the main place.

World War III will start in 2017?

About Russia, which the seer loved very much, she left many prophecies. She herself was born in Yugoslavia and lived in Bulgaria, but she always said that the Soviet Union would become Russia. She prophesied to her the role of a spiritual leader in the many trials that will befall humanity in the 21st century. Vanga's previous predictions came true, so we have no reason not to trust these words.

Will there be a war in Russia in 2017?

After many years of crisis, one of the states (presumably Russia) will spiritually revive, and other peoples will follow it, Vanga expressed this opinion. This role of Russia will become real because it has huge natural resources. The country will not suffer from crises as much as other states. But natural disasters will not bypass any country, and the reason is the carelessness of man, his disrespect for nature and the decline in morals.

What awaits us in 2017 according to the predictions of modern soothsayers? Pavel Globa, a modern astrologer, has a favorable forecast for Russia. In his opinion, it is not worth even talking about whether there will be a war in Russia in 2017 - the opposite will happen. In 2017, the country will become a member of new international unions and interethnic associations. In contrast, old unions, such as the European one, will begin to collapse due to the withdrawal of economically strong states from them. Globa thinks so, and the recent events of Brexit clearly demonstrate this.

War in 2017: predictions of the saints

One of the most respected seers in Russia -. She was born blind in 1881, and at the age of 17 the girl lost her legs. These misfortunes did not embitter the woman's heart, she sacredly believed, helped people. Matrona foresaw her own death in three days, and in 2004 she was canonized as an Orthodox Saint. Among the people, Saint Matrona is known for her prophecies.

If we consider the problem of war in 2017, the Saint's prophecies paint a different, but no less bleak picture. Matrona said that people would fall dead in the evening, and in the morning they would go underground. “Without war, war goes on,” is the literal prediction of St. Matrona. What is it - an earthquake with a displacement of the earth's crust and a preliminary release of underground gases to the surface? Is this a natural phenomenon or a large-scale terrorist act? One can only guess and build versions.

Orthodox believers are concerned about the words of the holy old woman, but maybe her predictions, like the words of other soothsayers, are allegorical images. Maybe they need to be taken not literally, but interpreted? Allegoricalness is characteristic of many who foresaw the future, it is likely that Matrona is no exception.

Putin in 2017: Predictions

Russia is the largest state on the planet, it is logical that the influence of this country in the world is considerable. Russian President Vladimir Putin is by far the most discussed and influential person on Earth. Many are thinking about Putin's future, because it is inextricably linked with the fate of the country. Regarding Putin in 2017, the prophecies vary greatly depending on the country of residence of the predictor. So, psychics from Ukraine, as if by agreement, paint the future of Vladimir Vladimirovich in the blackest colors. Russian astrologers give diametrically opposite forecasts. Let's not indiscriminately accuse soothsayers of fraud. It is more likely that the personality of the seer leaves a certain imprint on his perception of the future. It is more reasonable to consider the prophecy of someone who in no way feels antipathy or sympathy for Putin. Ideally, if such a person died many years ago, did not see the modern leader of Russia, did not hear about the country of Ukraine.

Such a person is the already familiar Vanga, a blind Bulgarian seer. She is neither a supporter nor an enemy of Putin, but she said important things about him. The prediction of the old woman was recorded by the writer V. Sidorov in 1979. At this time, young Volodya Putin studied at the university, was unknown in wide circles. The USSR was led at that time by Leonid Brezhnev, but Vanga firmly stated that in the future the country would be called Russia, as in the old days. The blind woman predicted that Vladimir had already been born, whose fate is to glorify the Motherland and unite Bulgaria, Russia and other Slavic states against the enemy who tramples on Christian values. Vanga said that during the reign of Vladimir, the people would have to overcome many difficulties together with him. These sacrifices are not in vain - the people will overcome everything, achieve prosperity and leadership in the world. In difficult times, Russia will not lose anything, but will gain something new (are we talking about Crimea?). Vanga's words are surprising, she assured that Vladimir was destined to rule.

Is it worth believing?

Is it possible to believe the words of a blind old woman? Everyone decides for himself, an argument in favor of Vanga: she foreshadowed the collapse of the USSR 12 years before this event, when no one thought about this. She spoke about the revival of a new Russia, about the inseparable connection of a great country with her beloved homeland Bulgaria. As an attentive reader noted, the predictions for 2017 for Russia of psychics, astrologers, saints are different. This gives hope to humanity that the future is not entirely predetermined - with a great desire, you can correct and rewrite the gloomy pages of the future. The past cannot be changed, but the future is in the hands of humanity itself!

We have 2017 ahead of us and it does not look very rosy. We have collected for you the prophecies of the most famous and reliable astrologers, clairvoyants and scientists, whose words are worth listening to.

Humans are naturally curious creatures. We all want to know our fate and look into the future, but few of us have such unusual abilities.

Nostradamus Predictions for 2017

The great astrologer, who lived in the 16th century, is considered one of the most powerful and authoritative soothsayers. His quatrains describe many facts that have been embodied in reality. All his predictions came true, thus causing deep respect and reverence for the written words of the seer.

Michel Nostradamus predicted a great threat of extinction to mankind between 2015 and 2020. He also wrote that 2017 will be especially difficult for many because of the terrible drought. An unprecedented natural disaster will happen to fresh water. In addition, there will be various environmental problems.

What Vanga predicted for 2017

Physically blind, but possessing inner vision, the clairvoyant Vanga, who lived quite recently, predicted terrible troubles that would hit the earth as early as 2017. And the fault of all misfortunes will be the people themselves. These are large-scale wars, and terrible bloody clashes within states, and outbreaks of diseases (most likely due to the use of biological weapons), and general environmental degradation.
Specifically for 2017, Vanga foresaw the beginning of a terrible war that would gradually engulf the whole world. This war will begin in the East and will bring with it suffering, hunger and devastation to almost the entire world.

Pavel Globa's forecast

Our contemporary, a well-known astrologer who earned fame throughout the post-Soviet space with his accurate forecasts, Pavel Globa predicts significant geopolitical changes in 2017.

New alliances are coming, the old coalitions of states will disintegrate due to the withdrawal of leading countries from them (this applies, first of all, to the EU).
For Russia, Globa has a favorable forecast - in early 2017, the state will become a member of completely new economic alliances and political associations. This will significantly increase the weight of Russia on the world stage, making it almost the most powerful country.

Predictions of Bakhyt Zhumatova for 2017

The finalist of the “Battle of Psychics”, clairvoyant Bakhyt Zhumatova predicted Kazakhstan, her homeland, a way out of the crisis exactly in 2017. Happy times will come for the country, Kazakhstan will flourish.
Also, according to her, the terrorist organization ISIS, which has brought so much suffering, will not be able to conquer the world, but will simply cease to exist very soon.

The psychic also sees not very good things - in the near future, most of the territory will go under water. Israel will disappear, Afghanistan will completely disappear, Japan will be flooded and the Japanese will move to Kazakhstan.

What does James Hansen predict?

The famous climatologist James Hansen does not have time to talk about the impact of mankind on catastrophic global climate change. And in 2017, according to Hansen, natural disasters such as a sharp warming, large-scale melting of glaciers, and the disappearance of a large part of the land under water await our planet.

If humanity does not come to its senses, then, according to the climatologist, due to a violation of the energy balance of the Earth (in which people themselves are to blame), disasters of unprecedented proportions await us all with the disappearance of entire species of plants and animals, and, ultimately, all this will entail end of the world.

What other forecasters foretell for 2017

If you believe the theory of hierarchical catastrophes, based on the statistics of all global incidents, given the cyclicality, then in 2017 the planet will face the end of the world.
The beginning of the space age is promised to humanity by the works of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. Blavatsky also argued that the fateful five-year plan that began in 2012 will determine what the relationship between man and nature will be in 2017.

And Tsiolkovsky, in turn, emphasized that the coming year would be a time of high technology, which would either benefit the planet or cause a global man-made disaster.
The winner of the show "The Battle of Psychics", as well as a member of the futurological communities, Alexei Pokhabov predicted a significant increase in the price of all natural resources in 2017. Those countries that have significant mineral resources will prosper.
To believe the predictors or not is a personal matter for everyone. To what extent their predictions are correct, we will be able to find out very soon. One thing is known for sure - the people of the whole earth should seriously think about their actions and, before it's too late, carry out "work on the mistakes."