The key is stuck in the door lock. Still don't know how to remove the key from the lock? Check if the ignition is completely turned off

As long as the locking device works well, many people don’t even think about what to do when the key gets stuck in the door lock? Getting home becomes problematic, and if at the same time you do not know the phone number of a specialist who would help you, then panic may arise. In this case, we recommend that you study this issue in advance and be, as they say, fully armed.

Of course, this matter requires skill, but even basic knowledge of the reasons for the key getting stuck in the lock can help prevent or solve this problem. Let's look at some practical tips that may save you from having to break into a door.

Possible reasons for a key getting stuck

Before talking about any specific actions to remove a key stuck in the lock, you need to find out the reason. One of the main reasons why the key could get stuck in the lock is its improper use. In this case we mean:

In addition, the causes of this problem may be:

  • a key that was poorly turned;
  • broken shape of the blank;
  • the lock pins are jammed, blocking the key;
  • door distortion;
  • debris getting into the lock hole;
  • the key broke inside the lock.

The key is jammed in a mortise or rim lock

What to do if the key is stuck in the door lock and you can’t get it out? Probably only professionals know the answer to this question. The cause of such jamming may be mechanical damage to the lock, and most likely the spring has broken. As a result, the pins fell out, which interfere with the key's progress. Therefore, a specialist will be able to remove the key from the door lock without damage, but even in this case there is no 100% certainty.

If you cannot seek help, you can take independent action.

  • First you need to calm down and pull yourself together.
  • You can spray the keyhole with WD-40, which is based on kerosene. This product is sold in aerosol cans. If it is not possible to buy it, then use a syringe to pour in a little machine oil, or in extreme cases, sunflower oil. This will lubricate the old parts of the lock mechanism.
  • After some time, you need to swing the key from side to side.
  • Now spray the mechanism again and begin to pull out the key. In this case, you can swing it from side to side and at the same time pull it towards you. But you should not do this with excessive force, as this can break off the key. You can pull out the key using pliers, but also carefully.

If you managed to remove the key on your own, then the next thing you need to do is change the lock. The fact is that this problem will probably happen again, but it will be more difficult to remove the key; you will have to break the lock, which will cost you more. When the key cannot be removed from the lock and the door needs to be opened, you will have to remove the cylinder part of the lock. When knocked out with a special tool, the cylinder breaks into two parts, after which it can be easily removed from the lock. Then, using a screwdriver, you need to press on the lock plate and push in the tongue, after some simple manipulations the door will open.

In a situation where the key got stuck in the lock before the door was closed, you can painlessly remove the “core” of the lock. To do this, you need to open its housing on the inside of the door. Then you need to find the fastening element holding the cylinder and unscrew it. Now press on the cylindrical element and remove it. Insert a new cylinder and secure it in the lock mechanism.

When the key bites in the door lock while turning when closing and opening the door, and when the door is open the lock works without problems, then the reason is a skewed door. Or rather, the tongue of the lock does not pass into its counterpart or touches it. In this case, it is necessary to bore the mating part using a file or drill. This situation often arises, especially in new houses where the foundation plays a role.

Preventing situations where the key is jammed in the door lock

To prevent and prevent this situation, it is necessary from time to time to clean the lock from dirt and lubricate it with kerosene or special products against rust, dust and freezing. In addition, in order to avoid the problem of a stuck key and not worry about how to get the key out of the door lock, you can put a cover on the keyhole, which will prevent debris and dust from entering.

Another good tip that you can take note is to install two locks that are independent of each other. This will allow you to use a spare lock if you bite the key when closing the door; you will not have to use a faulty one at your own risk. Otherwise, when you return, you may not get home at all, and there is no time to change the locking device, which is where the second lock comes in handy.

Taking out the key from the padlock

In the case where the door is closed with a padlock in which the key unexpectedly gets stuck, there are two possible exits. One of them is quite radical - take a hacksaw and cut the hinged part of the lock or the shackle to which it is attached. But what to do if you don’t want to spoil the lock, and you don’t have such a hacksaw at hand. In this case, you can follow all the same steps as with a rim or mortise lock. After all, their internal mechanism may be no different and the reason for the key biting will be the same broken spring, preventing the lock pins from moving.

Perhaps the key got stuck in the lock before it was hung on the door, then you can try the following options:

  • soak the entire lock in kerosene or coat it with anti-rust liquid;
  • heat the lock well;
  • replace the cylinder part (cylinder) of the lock.

So, the question of how to remove the key from a door lock requires a thorough approach, and in practice it will also require skill. If you are not confident in your own abilities, then do not try to remove the key, you will break it, and you will not be able to open the door without damage. Contact the Ministry of Emergency Situations or a special service, where qualified and experienced employees will help you open the door and remove the key from the lock. And in the future, be vigilant and do not allow such situations to happen.

It can happen to any of us that when closing or opening the front door of an apartment, house or garage, the key in the lock breaks. How to remove the remaining piece of the lock and open the door. If you don’t panic and approach the issue calmly and competently, then in 80% of cases you can cope with the problem without losses, and in another 10% you will be able to limit yourself to replacing the cylinder or lock.

The main reasons why a key breaks in a lock

There are quite a few such reasons, but the main ones are the following:

  • Wear and tear of the internal lock mechanism and the key itself.
  • Contamination of the secret mechanism or entry of foreign objects into the well.
  • Error when opening the lock (key not fully inserted or another one inserted by mistake).
  • Trying to turn a jammed key using improvised objects and tools (pliers, hammer, steel pin, etc.).
  • Poor quality material from which the lock is made.

But whatever the reason, if the key breaks and a piece remains in the lock, you need to decide what to do in this situation.

How to remove a broken key from a keyhole

If the key in the lock breaks, you should not immediately resort to radical measures - breaking the door or cutting it with a grinder. You need to try to remove the fragment and open the door.

Under no circumstances should you immediately throw away the piece of key remaining in your hands. If you manage to remove the stuck part, then using two halves, specialists in the workshop will make a new key in a few minutes that can be used to open the lock.

Before taking any action to remove the stuck part of the key, you need to drop grease into the keyhole several times and wait 15-20 minutes until it spreads over the entire surface of the fragment and the lock mechanism. This will significantly increase the chances of success. Suitable lubrication is WD-40, gun and machine oil (spindle), any transmission or automobile oil, as well as brake fluid.

  • The ideal and easiest option for removing a broken key is to disassemble the lock and remove the broken piece. But this can be done when the door is open (or it is possible to open it from the inside). If you plan to use the lock in the future, then before assembly it must be thoroughly cleaned and lubricated.
  • If a piece of the key sticks out of the hole, you can try to grab it with round nose pliers, small pliers or tweezers. This must be done carefully. Do not apply great force or jerk sharply. Gently rocking up and down and from side to side, you should try to pull out the stuck part. You can simultaneously lightly tap on any accessible part of the lock. Vibration and shaking will help move the fragment from its place.
  • If possible, insert two thin awls into the cracks between the fragment and the keyhole from above and below (or from the sides) and, swinging the stuck part, try to remove it.

  • A truly jewelry, but very effective way to remove a piece of any key is with the help of a self-tapping screw. It is necessary to drill a thin hole at the end of the fragment, being careful not to damage the lock or break the drill. A self-tapping screw of the appropriate diameter must be screwed into the resulting hole. Then, holding the head of the screw, constantly shaking the stuck piece, carefully “fish” it out of the lock.
  • A less effective, but quite effective method is using a jigsaw file. It is necessary to cut off the fastening tip of the file. The file must be inserted under the key so that the inclination of the teeth is “towards you”, carefully turn the teeth towards the fragment and pull outward. The operation is repeated several times until the stuck fragment can be removed.

  • If the key is made in the form of a cylindrical pin with bits (level locks), then you can remove the fragment using a copper or brass tube of a suitable diameter. Its size is selected according to the part remaining in the hands. The tube must be placed on the pin with very great force. Having slightly widened the very tip of the tube, you need to heat it with a blowtorch or over a gas burner, then forcefully put it on the fragment sticking out in the lock. After waiting for the tube to cool well, pull it out of the lock along with the clamped part of the key.

Opening a door with a damaged lock

What to do if the key in the lock breaks and you cannot remove the piece. To open the door, you will have to sacrifice, at best, the lock cylinder, at worst, the lock itself.

To open the lock, you can do the following:

  1. If the lock is not installed correctly, the cylinder mechanism may protrude above the escutcheon. In this case, the end of the cylinder can be clamped with a gas wrench and rolled up. All that remains is to clear the hole from debris and open the door with a flat-head screwdriver.
  2. If the cylinder does not protrude, then you can additionally sacrifice the trim by tearing it off with a nail puller or chisel, after which you can use a gas wrench.
  3. If you don’t have a gas key, you can knock out the cylinder with a hammer, but it is advisable to do this after the internal armor plate has been removed, which is not always possible. It must be borne in mind that after such an opening, the lock will most likely have to be replaced.
  4. Using a drill, you can drill a cylindrical insert slightly below the key hole. This will destroy the tsugali - the mechanism of the code. Then, having pulled out the drill, lightly tap the end of the cylinder so that the debris falls down and does not jam the lock. All that remains is to insert a flat-head screwdriver instead of a key and open the lock. If the key is double-sided (has shaped cutouts on both sides), then you need to drill from both sides.
  5. You can completely drill out the cylinder mechanism. For this, a drill with a diameter of 6-10 mm is used. This usually damages the cam. To unlock the lock, you need to bend the end of a screwdriver or strong wire about 1 cm (it should reach the locking mechanism), insert it into the hole and move the bolt.

If you can’t cope with the problem yourself, then breaking or cutting the door is still not worth it. It is better to contact a service department whose employees know what to do in a specific situation.

The cause of key failure is often contamination or wear of the lock. You can extend its performance by periodically lubricating the mechanism with spindle or gear oil. If the lock begins to periodically jam, it is better to repair or replace it.

There are many tools for removing a broken key from a lock, but not all of them may be at hand at the right time. What can help to unlock the door and remove part of the key will be discussed in this article.


To remove the key, tools such as a screwdriver, awl, hairpin, jigsaw, pliers, nail puller, tweezers, hammer, drill, grinder can be useful. All methods of extracting a key are divided into three groups: gentle, with damage to the lock and rough. In the first case, the fragment is removed without disturbing the internal mechanism, in the second, the lock is removed and disassembled, and then most often a new one is purchased. The last method involves removing the door leaf.

Removing the wreckage

Most often, the key gets stuck due to poor maintenance of the lock, accumulation of dust and dirt in it. Therefore, the first thing you can do is pour oil into the keyhole using a syringe and pull out the key by the protruding edge using pliers or tweezers.

A jigsaw is used to remove debris without protruding edges. Its blade is inserted into the core under the key and turned so that the teeth point upward. They need to hook the fragment and pull it out.

If the key fragment is thick enough, you can use a drill and a self-tapping screw. A hole is drilled in the key and a self-tapping screw is screwed into it. After establishing strong contact, the structure is removed with pliers or tweezers.

Vibration is suitable for locks with a disc mechanism. At the preparatory stage, all pins are lubricated with oil and installed in the same position with the fragment. To create vibration, a hammer is used to tap the back of the lock. If the method works, then the fragment should appear from the well.

Removing the lock

If none of the gentle methods work, you have to remove the locking mechanism. There are five working methods.

Knock out the cylinder

The armor plate is removed from the reverse side, the screws are unscrewed, and the cylinder is removed by tapping with a hammer.

Prying the core

For this method you will need one of the tools: an awl, a screwdriver or a hairpin. The tool must be inserted into the hole and the pins must be pryed, this will release the fragment and the lock will open. With this type of impact it is easy to damage the mechanism.

Even the most durable lock can wear out due to daily use. Dust can accumulate inside the well, and practically no one monitors the system. This is why the structure can be deformed. That is why the question often arises of how to remove a broken key from a lock without opening the entire door.

Gentle ways to solve the problem

There are several known ways to extract a key from a common system. To unlock the structure and pull out a piece of the part, use:

  • tweezers
  • hairpin
  • screwdriver
  • pliers
  • nail puller

In some situations, a piece of the key gets stuck so tightly that it is impossible to do without a hammer, drill, jigsaw or grinder.

If possible, you should try to remove the fragment from the structure using gentle methods. In this case, the mechanism remains intact and can be used in the future. In this situation, it is extremely important to prevent deformation of the pins located in the inner part of the secret. Often, to solve the problem, it is enough to simply clean the system of accumulated dust. To do this, the lock is lubricated with grease, machine oil, and liquid silicone. You can use lithol or WD-40.

If none of the suggested remedies are available, then you can pour a little sunflower oil into the structure. The easiest way to perform the procedure is with a medical syringe or a special syringe. You will need to rinse the entire core with oil. It is very important not to make any sudden movements.

It is also important to use something long, thin and sharp to pick up or push through the deformed particle. It is recommended to slightly loosen the structure, after which the part literally falls out. It will be especially convenient to use a hairpin or pin. These handy tools can easily free a broken key from a keyhole.

Jigsaw and vibration are popular methods

A jigsaw helps to cope with the problem perfectly. It must be taken into account that you will not have to work with the entire device, but only with its cutting part. Where to begin? You just need to push the blade inside and try to insert the tool under the broken part of the key. All actions are carried out very carefully. The fragment must be picked up, after which the part is carefully pulled out.

Another option (quite popular) is vibration, which is optimal for releasing the disk structure. First, the pins are thoroughly lubricated. Next, these mechanisms are moved together with the broken part of the lock into a single position. It’s good if there is someone at home, because it is necessary that the system be periodically hammered on the back side. Due to the creation of vibration, the fragment should “go” outward, where it is easiest to pick it up with pliers.

Don't forget that there are many other ways to remove a broken key from a keyhole without damaging it.

Locks are becoming very difficult to open these days. Lock systems have become more complex, but the keys have not become stronger. Consequently, no one is immune from such a nuisance as a key breaking in a lock.

You will need

  • Thin jigsaw file
  • Pliers
  • A piece of iron wire
  • Super glue


1. In order to get a broken key in a lock, you need to take a thin file from a jigsaw, and then insert it into the lock so that the teeth of the file are located upward. After this, you need to turn the file so that it catches on the key. Next, you need to carefully, without jerking, pull out the file together with the key fragment.

2. If a piece of the key is sticking out of the hole, you can use ordinary pliers. The main thing is to firmly grasp the fragment in such a way as to pull out the key.

3. If the key fragment is not visible from the outside, then pliers will not help. You need to try to remove the key using a piece of iron wire.

4. If there is a possibility of dismantling the palace, then this would be the best solution. In this case, the tea can be kept in working order and there is less chance of damaging it.

5. You can also try to remove the key fragment using superglue. To do this, you need to purchase superglue, apply it to the rest of the key and carefully insert it into the palace. After this, you should slightly press the parts of the key, wait, and carefully remove the whole key. Later, it’s better not to use this key.

One of the most common problems encountered during operation cars, – jamming of the front door lock. To find out the cause of the breakdown, you need to pull out lock from cars. You can do this operation yourself, without resorting to car service.

You will need

  • – Phillips screwdriver;
  • – slotted screwdriver;
  • – pliers;
  • – wrenches number 8 and 10;
  • – marker.


1. To pull out lock from the front door cars, lift the window and remove the trim. To do this, take a Phillips screwdriver and pry it off the part that is the armrest plug. Remove the plug by hand. Unscrew the three fastening screws located in the armrest recesses using a Phillips screwdriver. Insert the end of a slotted screwdriver between the trim of the handle located on the window regulator and the socket. Separate the handle trim from the socket by pressing them apart. Remove the handle cover material. Pull out the socket and the handle itself from the door. Remove the trim material from the small lock lever by prying it off with a slotted screwdriver. Using a slotted screwdriver, press out the seven plastic clips that secure the upholstery, located on the side of the door. Pull the trim down and remove it from the inside door handle.

2. Proceed to remove the lock. Using a Phillips screwdriver, remove the two rear groove screws located on the end of the door. Lower it a little lock and remove the tongue from the groove. Move lock to the side. Disconnect the button rod that closes lock. Disconnect the switch rod located on the outside of the door.

3. Unscrew the nut securing the front channel using a number 8 wrench. Move the plastic plug, lower the channel down and disconnect it from the rotary glass frame. Remove the front channel from the door. Remove the two screws located on the front door handle using a Phillips screwdriver. Push the handle into the door. Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the three screws located at the end of the door that secure lock. Take out lock from the door together with the handle and pull. Remove the three lock retaining bolts using a number 10 wrench. Remove the lock retainer.

Video on the topic

It is best to carry out all types of work while wearing protective gloves, because virtually all manipulations are performed in very inconvenient places, and there is a high probability of injuring your hands on the metal edges of the door partitions.

Helpful advice
In order to improve the operation of the lock, unscrew the lock screws halfway and move the palace to the desired location at which it will open and close easily.

Broken key, say, from an apartment or from a garage, represents a lot of trouble. But it brings great trouble key then when it is broken at ease in the castle. To remove a fragment from a lock, you can use different methods, but it is not a fact that they will always be effective. In such a matter, in addition to skill, you also need to have a little luck. Each individual case requires a separate approach.

You will need

  • Pliers, rust remover, brass tube, blowtorch, screwdriver, magnet.


1. If key broke in the garage lock and part of the fragment is sticking out, try using pliers to turn it back and pull it out. If there is not enough effort to turn the broken key Well, spray some anti-rust liquid into the keyhole in advance and wait a little while until the liquid does its job.

2. If key does not turn, carefully tap the fragment and try to turn again key. Do not bend the fragment in order to make it more comfortable to grab onto it, unless you are completely sure that it will not break.

3. If key broke and the fragment remained inside the well, select a brass tube of such a diameter that when attached to the fragment it fits with tension. Heat one end of the tube with a blowtorch and press it onto the shard.

4. Wait for the tube to cool completely, spray liquid into the well in spite of rust. After this, carefully bending the tube, try to turn key and pull it out.

5. If the flat one breaks key in the door lock, then try to turn it with a screwdriver to a position where it should come out freely. After this, use two needles to hook the fragment on both sides and, leaning on the edges of the hole, pull it out. If key turned out to be iron, try using a powerful magnet.

Video on the topic

Imagine the situation for a moment: after a hard day of work, you returned home, pushed the key into the keyhole, but instead of the click of the lock opening, you hear the crunch of the key. Accident! How to get to the apartment? Don't panic: the situation is fixable.

You will need

  • – a jigsaw file;
  • – pliers;
  • – drill with drill bit;
  • – Bulgarian;
  • – screwdriver;
  • - crowbar.


1. First, pull out the broken key stuck in the keyhole. Ask your neighbor for a jigsaw file. Take it and insert it into the keyhole so that the teeth of the file are directed upward. After this, slowly turning the nail file, try to hook the key. After this, slowly pull the nail file with the key out of the keyhole.

2. If a piece of the key is peeking out of the door, then you can open the front door and pull out the key with the help of pliers. Hook the tool on the protruding edge of the broken key and carefully turn it in the direction in which you turned the key to open the door. After the door opens, carry the key on yourself.

3. If you managed to pull out the key, but the palace still did not open, it is possible that the problem lies in the fact that the palace itself was broken. Try to get to the internal mechanism of the lock. This is not at all difficult to accomplish if an “English” palace is installed on the front door. To get to the internal mechanism, drill out the cylinder, then remove the lock “cylinders”, and later, using metal hooks, hook the drive mechanism, as a result of which the bolts will be in the lock body.

4. If the lock bolts are visible between the door leaf and the frame, cut them using a grinder.

5. If the front door has even small gaps, try to pry it open with a strong screwdriver and a crowbar: this manipulation will allow you to determine the weak spot of the door, so that it can be opened without damaging the door leaf.

If you decide to go extreme, climb from your neighbor’s balcony to your own, weigh your probabilities. Acceptable, the risk is not justified! It's too unsafe to do this at high altitude without a safety net!

Helpful advice
Use the services of the service, whose experts, if you have a passport or other document proving that you truly live in this apartment, will open the front door for you.

Mazda 3 owners are faced with the problem of rapid consumption of antifreeze fluid. This happens due to its continuous loss through washers headlights, which the manufacturer did not provide for manual shutdown in this car.

You will need

  • – Mazda3 car
  • – access to the engine compartment fuse box
  • – diagram of the engine compartment of the car
  • – fuse puller
  • - flashlight


1. Turn off the ignition and remove the key from the lock. Get out of the car, take a flashlight and fuse puller, and lift the hood.

2. Locate the engine compartment fuse box. This is a black box located in the engine compartment. Open it.

3. Observe the contents. The fuse you need should be yellow. The inscriptions on it may vary, say, 20A No. 23 or with the addition: H.cleaner. In the manual it is listed under No. 7–20A. Correctly identify it in your car, focusing on the color.

4. Use a puller to remove it from the box. Save the washer fuse headlights! It can come in handy at any moment.

5. If you don’t want to get rid of the washers at all and are not afraid of getting stuck in the standard wiring, you can install a special button for the washers. Don't try to do this independently. Contact the service center.

6. Another option is to purchase washer control headlights in Mazda 3: switch to dimensions all the time before turning on washer glass so that the “sprinklers” do not work.

Video on the topic

Do not attempt to pull out the fuse with your bare hands without a puller. Such actions may result in both your personal injury and vehicle injury. Cancellation of the washer fuse can only be done if you do not have a diesel engine. In a diesel car, this fuse is also responsible for heating the fuel.

Helpful advice
In winter, it is better not to remove the washers completely. A snowy mess of dirt, dust and sand will continuously haunt you. Thanks to the washers, the headlights will always be clean and will be able to clearly illuminate the situation on the road.

Helpful advice
If you order duplicate keys, make sure that the blanks for them are made of strong metal.