What is “end-to-end analytics”? End-to-end analytics system Why do we need an end-to-end analytics system

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End-to-end allows you to track the full path of the client from the first contact with an advertisement to making a purchase or sale.

To understand what end-to-end analytics is, let’s look at a simple analogy. Almost all modern offline companies evaluate and reward their employees based on the specific results of their work (fulfillment of the plan, sales volume, volume of attracted clients). That is, the work is not assessed by the number of calls made, the number of meetings or the volume of documents analyzed. This is necessary so that the employer knows how much the company has earned with the help of this employee, and whether it is advisable to continue cooperation with him.

End-to-end web analytics has a similar mechanism; it allows you to clearly answer the questions: how much was spent on advertising; how much did you manage to earn from this?

Why do you need an end-to-end analytics system?

End-to-end analytics for the website provides data from all stages of the sales funnel. This allows you not only to select high-quality traffic, but also to analyze where the client was not “pressed”.

Experts identify 3 main functions of end-to-end analytics:

  1. Detailed analysis of the payback of each traffic channel. Here you can calculate ROI (return on investment) not only for the whole company, but also for a specific tool (banner, teaser or even keyword).
  2. Identification of the audience who made an application, became interested, but for some reason did not complete the order. Additional advertising needs to be directed to this group, motivated and brought to the desired result.
  3. Disabling advertising for existing clients/ setting up different advertising for existing clients. This will save your budget and not irritate your customers.

How to set up end-to-end analytics

For this you will need at least Google Analytics. It is necessary to combine them into a single whole. Setting up end-to-end analytics involves 3 simple steps:

  1. After the visitor has submitted an application on the site, his Client ID (client ID or cid) is transferred to the CRM system.
  2. If a lead is interested in making a purchase, when the status in CRM changes, it is transferred to Google Analytics (GA). If the purchase is completed, the transaction amount is transferred to the GA.
  3. In principle, the task is to enrich the GA with data from CRM. As a result, we have an effective tool for drawing up convenient reports in various directions and sections.

To convert a visitor into a lead, you need to use 3 different contact formats. The main task: to transfer the client’s ID after contact with him.

Possible contact types:

  • Standard application, order form.
  • Telephone. It is most often used by users who prefer to place an order with an operator over the phone.
  • Online consultant.

To set up an end-to-end analytics system, you will need the following tools:

  • Web analytics system (GA)
  • CRM system
  • Integration service (for example, Albato.ru)
  • Service
  • Online consultant
  • If necessary, additional forms of interaction with clients.

Step 1

First of all, we set up a function in CRM to transmit the cid of those visitors who have shown interest. This cid is assigned by the GA and is unique for each user; it is presented as a digital combination, for example: 758596365.0236524158. The Cid is placed and permanently stored in the Internet browser cookie; it is assigned to the visitor by those sites where the GA is installed. Now you are looking for useful information for yourself and reading an article, and in the meantime, the site has already assigned you a cid. To find out your cid, press the F12 key, then select the “Application” section, then “Cookies” and you will see your cid.

There are several ways to send cid to CRM. If the site has a contact form, you can embed an additional item into it (it will be hidden) to automatically send the cid to the system.

Before this, in the CRM system itself, you need to open a field where user cids will flock. This can be done by a webmaster or programmer. If it is not possible to use their services, use a ready-made CRM form designer, which already has the option to send cid. For example, amoCRM (note that here you need to check the box next to GA.

Now our order or application form is integrated with CRM and transmits cid. If the site has additional communication channels, they also need to be integrated with the system. Most call tracking services and online consultants have an option for integration with CRM in the settings; just make a couple of clicks (to find out which clicks you need to make, read the help of the application you are using).

Step 2

Setting up data export to GA from CRM

The cherished cid, which is talked about so much today, is the key to linking the history of actions and site visits. You can configure the export of any actions based on your business needs. For example, consider the export of the following actions: changing the status to “Application confirmed” and changing the status to “Transaction completed” indicating the transaction amount. We will set up the connection using the unified integration service Albato.ru (small companies may well limit themselves to the free version, but for large businesses it is better to purchase a paid version with a payment of 999 rubles/month).

First you need to register with the service and add the amoCRM - GA link.

After this, a new window will open where we specify the connection parameters. In the “amoCRM” item we set “Transaction status update”, in the GA item – “Event”.

In the third step, select the connection that you created before.

  • Tracking ID is the number of the counter used in GA
  • Client ID. This is the same cid. Client IDs were collected in advance and linked to clients in the CRM system.
  • Event category. This can be any parameter, the main thing is that it is more convenient for you.
  • Event action. Any name can be entered here too.

After that, save the changes made and see our link:

amoCRM:: Deal Status Update > Google Analytics:: Event

Next, we specify in the filter the events that we will transmit. For example, you want to view in GA the source of traffic that brings confirmed transactions. To do this, change the link by clicking the pencil icon. Next, click on the icon in the middle.

A window will open in which you need to enter the necessary data, namely, we change only one line. We specify that when the status is changed to “Confirmed transaction”, the event should fire (in our example, the number 14843968 corresponds to this status). Save the change.

As you understand, we need to know the ID of all statuses of the CRM system. To do this, in the same Albato, open “Connections”, go to amoCRM and select the “Edit entry” item. Next, a window with statuses will open.

Next, “Start the connection” and look at the status. It should change from "Suspended" to "Pending". If the status has changed, everything is done correctly and the link is attached. A second link is created in a similar way so that not only order confirmation events are transmitted to the GA, but also completed sales indicating the amount.

As a result, we have 2 working links.

Today there are various end-to-end analytics services; you shouldn’t limit yourself to Albato. You can try Roistat, PrimeGate.io, CoMagic. End-to-end analytics + Comagic Call Tracking, K50 and so on. Some services are paid, some provide free versions for small companies. Try different services and choose the functionality that is more convenient for you to work with.

Most modern businessmen advertise their business on the Internet. Yandex.Direct, Google Adwords, YAN, GDN, Yandex.Market, Google Shops, Google Merchant Center, teaser networks, banner networks, e-mail marketing, posts, VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, messengers - there can be an incredible number of sources.

To bookmarks

Of course, tough b2b businesses, such as suppliers of some special-purpose plastics or spare parts for tankers, will object and say that they don’t need this at all. They say they have 5,000 client companies throughout Russia. But they will be wrong - having the contacts of your potential clients - e-mails and phone numbers, you can always be shown to specific people in many advertising systems. Or at the office address, or... but that’s a different story, we’re talking about end-to-end analytics.

So, let’s say there are 6 traffic sources to the site - 6 advertising channels. We invest 10,000 rubles a month in each. How to understand where applications came from?

What happens if you reveal each of the sources?

How to understand where sales requests (cross out) came from?

There are UTM tags and analytics systems for this. At the end of the month, we calculate that one of the sources received the most applications. It would seem logical to start investing more budget in this channel; applications are coming. And this is where end-to-end analytics comes into play. Let's say you have implemented amoCRM. Either bitrix24 or RetailCRM - it doesn’t matter. And if you haven’t implemented it yet, it’s time to implement it! Managers process requests, record sales amounts, dates, composition of orders, etc.

If so, then you have very valuable information - you know which application led to a sale and which did not. That is, it is not so important how many requests come from each channel. Or how many clicks you got for your advertising budget. Clicks cannot give out salaries, and applications cannot buy a new car. Only sales matter.

You can take an EXCEL table and collect data by combining information about which application from which source brought in how much money. Combine requests by source and obtain information about the amount of sales and profit from each channel. Everything would be fine, but what to do with calls?

Example of call tracking interface

Everything would be fine, but what to do with calls?

And for calls you need call tracking. When client A goes to the site, he will see one phone number. Client B, who visits the site at the same time, will see a different phone number. Each client will be assigned a unique visit number, by which it will be possible to determine from what source the client came, what he did on the site, how long he stayed, and much more. And at the time of the call, all this data will go to our CRM.

It would seem that everything is fine. You can add call data to the report and now get a more complete picture. But it’s only one thing to constantly compile reports in EXCEL and learn about the effectiveness of advertising channels after the fact, and quite another thing to see clear reports and graphs, according to which you can quickly, every day, make decisions about how effective advertising is, how much one client costs, how much does one lead cost, etc. And there may be more sources of requests - affiliate programs, requests to chat on the site, telegram messages... And the report becomes more and more, and instead of doing business, you turn into a master of construction reports... It should be easier, right? This is why end-to-end analytics systems exist, and we are the implementers of such systems.

What does level 80 analytics look like?

Level 80 Analytics

Thanks to end-to-end analytics, you can connect data between a variety of advertising accounts, CRM systems, online chats, call tracking systems into a single system that can answer the questions: “where to invest the advertising budget?”, “What is the return on sales?” , “What is the maximum discount that can be given to a client?” etc.

There is another nice bonus - if usually in advertising accounts you most likely optimize ads for the number of clicks (or likes), then with the end-to-end analytics system you optimize advertising campaigns for the number or amount of sales. Moreover, you can optimize even for pure profit - this is almost aerobatics. Or under LTV - if sales are regular.

Thus, by constantly monitoring indicators, you can reduce your advertising budget by 6-8 times in a few months. Or redistribute it to effective channels and get more clients from the same budget.

Do marketing for sales, not likes!)

Today, online advertising is very popular, even though there are other equally effective analogues. What is the secret anyway? The main difference between Internet marketing is the ability to launch a process called end-to-end analytics. Experts emphasize that it is necessary to evaluate advertising costs before making a transaction. It is incorrect to evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign by the cost per lead. Today, end-to-end analytics has become available not only to large companies, but also to small firms.

Business intelligence system

With this system, all stages of the transaction are monitored and analyzed. The client's interactions with the business, from visiting the website to sales, come into view. Returns, junk applications, duplicates, and refusals must be taken into account. Let's look at this further with an example.

All data, incoming calls, completed applications on the website will flow into one place. Next, the manager processes leads and issues invoices. Payment information is sent to the addressee and payment messages are sent to CRM. This scheme allows you to track the number of transactions, evaluate advertising campaigns, and monitor the work of managers. In addition, it is accessible in a couple of clicks and is easy to understand.


E This is a ready-made analytical module, the ability to integrate with most popular CMS and CRM systems. The purpose of creating the service is to create a system that will unite all Internet marketing tools. The following advantages of conducting analytics in Roistat can be highlighted:

  1. All deals are automatically distributed into funnels.
  2. There is an option to discard junk transactions.
  3. Adding offline sales and displaying analytics of the entire business on one screen.
  4. Carrying out cost accounting of transactions.
  5. Transaction information is updated in real time.
  6. Create deals instantly when making a call. The telephony report goes to the same place where Internet sales data is sent.
  7. You can set up bid management.
  8. Connect a lead catcher, i.e. There is a call back service.
  9. Split testing for conversion and profit.

Good systems

Each organization, to one degree or another, regularly analyzes its activities and makes forecasts. For this it is advisable to use modern technologies. We invite you to get acquainted with end-to-end business intelligence systems that are worth paying attention to:

  • Roistat mentioned above. The service is paid, but effective;
  • to manage contextual advertising, choose Alytics. It automates bids and optimizes the cost of a click; reports display the number of attracted customers, conversions, revenue, and return on investment. The functionality is paid, it is possible to use a trial version;
  • CoMagic will satisfy the needs of almost any business. Conducts analysis of advertising as a whole and separately; reports can be detailed. The service is paid;
  • Google Analytics Universal. Free access is offered, but you will have to put up with an overloaded interface. There are specialists who can configure the service for convenient operation. When working, you need to use third-party resources to track calls ov.

End-to-end analytics will be simple and understandable when you select the right tools to carry it out. Each of the listed services is a whole constructor from which you can take the necessary details.