How do antibacterial drugs affect the human body? The benefits and harms of antibiotics for the body. How to take antibiotics without harm to health: features and recommendations How taking antibiotics affects the body

There are no harmless drugs. Even the most harmless drugs, if used incorrectly, can cause unwanted effects in a person. These drugs include antibiotics.

It should be taken into account that the development of side effects may not be observed when using such powerful drugs.

But the effect of antibiotics on the body will differ in each specific case. There are various factors that explain this impact.

General information

It may be noted that diagnosing diseases in a six-year-old child (for example) is associated with a viral nature. In this case, there is a bacterial factor. This source of disease can occur for every person, regardless of age.

Medicine determines the following cases in which such drugs will be ineffective:

Why are drugs harmful?

The harm of antibiotics is known to everyone who has encountered them. But why is the use of such drugs limited? The doctor prescribes the use of such drugs for treatment in extreme cases when they are vitally necessary.

As an example, we can note drugs in the treatment of pneumonia, sepsis, and purulent tonsillitis. With short-term use of medications, significant improvements in health can be noted.

If used for too long, severe side effects occur:

Each specific type of antibiotic can complement this list. That is why it is necessary to use antibiotics in a minimal amount, without abusing them, and to strictly follow all instructions and recommendations of a specialist.

Blood test and antibacterial drugs

Taking antibiotics can also affect blood tests. Before prescribing such drugs, the doctor determines the type of pathology: viral or bacterial. Changes that blood tests show also help in making a diagnosis.

If the pathology is caused by a virus, antibiotics will not be appropriate for treatment. In case of a bacterial pathogen, antibiotic medications are a mandatory remedy for treating the disease.

In that situation, if the desired effect from the use of such drugs is not observed, a blood test for bacteriological culture is a prerequisite. This rule is mandatory due to the fact that a blood test can show the presence of an infectious pathogen that is resistant to the drug used.

A blood test for bacteriological culture is a method by which microorganisms that contribute to the development of the disease are detected and identified. If bacteria are resistant, such a blood test helps determine the type of antibiotics that are ineffective when used.

When treating a specific infection, the doctor performs the following procedure:

  1. Blood test for bacteriological culture.
  2. Taking antibiotics.
  3. A blood test after taking medications to confirm the effectiveness of treatment procedures.

Typically, a blood test after taking such drugs is necessary to ensure complete recovery. To finally verify the cure, a repeat analysis is carried out two weeks after stopping the use of medications.

How do drugs affect sperm?

The effect of drugs on the spermogram is that taking antibacterial agents before donating sperm changes the study parameters.

We can also say with certainty that antibiotic drugs significantly affect hormonal levels. As a result, the production of a reduced number of sperm characterized by low activity.

To avoid getting incorrect test results, it is carried out two months after consuming antibiotic drugs. During this period, the male sex cells are completely renewed. If you have recently completed a course of treatment for a viral or infectious pathology, doctors do not perform such an analysis. As a rule, the break between taking antibiotics and having a spermogram should not be less than two months.

Benefits of taking antibiotics

However, the use of antibiotics has undoubted benefits. Antibiotic drugs are the most significant discovery in medicine. Before researchers discovered such drugs, there was a high mortality rate from the disease. Today, the benefit of taking medications is to get rid of serious diseases that were previously considered fatal.

Thus, diagnosing pneumonia, tuberculosis, intestinal infections, sexually transmitted diseases, and postoperative complications requires taking antibiotics, which can prevent further development of complications.

It can also be noted that the benefit of such drugs lies in their relative safety, because during their development, components were taken into account in an amount acceptable for humans. The instructions for use for some antibiotics determine the permissible interaction with alcohol, but you should not abuse this, because it can cause harm to the body.

To summarize, it is worth noting that the benefits of any drug cannot be compared with harm to the body. This is why you should consult your doctor before starting antibiotic treatment.

Sometimes the use of antibiotics leads to serious disruptions in the functioning of organs and systems. To prevent this from happening, it is important to know in what situations you should refrain from taking antibiotics or ask your doctor to choose the most gentle drug.

– drugs that are indispensable in the fight against dangerous bacterial diseases. But in some cases, taking antibiotics can harm your health, causing serious problems in the body.

Antibiotic (antibioticum) translated from Latin means “against life.”

The first antibiotic (penicillin), obtained from mold, had a narrow spectrum of action and was safe for human health. However, modern new generation antibiotics kill all bacteria without exception that are in the body, including beneficial ones. After taking them, the microflora is disrupted, and the immune system is greatly weakened.

To prevent taking antibiotics from worsening the patient’s condition, it is important not only to observe the correct dosage, but also to have an idea of ​​the possible consequences of treatment.

Antibiotics - benefits and harms, side effects

Antibacterial drugs are effective for:

  • treatment of infectious diseases of the nasopharynx
  • severe diseases of the skin (furunculosis, hidradenitis) and mucous membranes
  • bronchitis and pneumonia
  • genitourinary system infections
  • severe poisoning

Antibiotics are often used thoughtlessly and uncontrollably. There will be no benefit from such “treatment”, but it can harm the body. Antibacterial drugs are absolutely ineffective in the treatment of viral diseases. For example, using them to treat acute respiratory viral infections and influenza only adds stress to the body and complicates recovery.

Side effects of antibiotic therapy:

  • dysbacteriosis
  • allergic manifestations
  • toxic effect on the liver, kidneys, ENT organs
  • development of microbial resistance to antibiotic action
  • intoxication of the body resulting from the death of microbes
  • violation of the formation of immunity
  • high probability of relapse after antibiotic treatment is completed

IMPORTANT: Long-term use of antibiotics will certainly have side effects, the main one of which is harm to the intestinal microflora.

Video: Antibiotics benefit and harm

How do antibiotics affect and act on viruses and inflammation?

Virus- a protein structure containing a nucleic acid inside. Viral envelope proteins serve as protection for the preservation of hereditary genetic information. When reproducing, viruses reproduce copies of themselves, also equipped with parental genes. To successfully reproduce, viruses have to get inside healthy cells.

If you try to use an antibiotic on a cell infected with a virus, nothing will happen to the virus, because the action of antibiotics is aimed solely at preventing the formation of a cell wall or suppressing protein biosynthesis. Since viruses have neither cell walls nor ribosomes, the antibiotic will be absolutely useless.

In other words, the structure of viruses differs from the structure of bacteria sensitive to antibiotics, therefore, special antiviral drugs are used to suppress the work of viral proteins and interrupt their life processes.

IMPORTANT: Doctors often prescribe antibiotics to treat viral diseases. This is done to overcome a bacterial complication that occurs against the background of a viral disease.

How do antibiotics affect and act on the heart?

It is a mistaken belief that taking antibiotics does not affect the state of the cardiovascular system. Proof of this are the results of an experiment conducted by Danish scientists in 1997 – 2011. During this time, researchers processed the treatment results of more than 5 million people.

For the experiment, volunteers aged 40 to 74 years took antibiotics often used to treat bronchitis, pneumonia and ENT infections for 7 days. The experiment revealed that taking antibiotics such as roxithromycin and clarithromycin increases the risk of cardiac arrest by 75%.

IMPORTANT: During the experiment, it turned out that penicillin is the least dangerous for the heart. Doctors should pay attention to this fact and, if possible, choose this drug for treatment.
In addition, antibiotics slightly increase the electrical activity of the heart, which can trigger arrhythmia.

How do antibiotics affect intestinal microflora and protein digestion?

Antibiotics inhibit the growth of intestinal microflora, gradually destroying it. These drugs are hostile to intestinal bacteria and at the same time resistant to their influence. Thus, taking antibiotics is a step towards suppressing the activity of beneficial microbes and their death.

Normal microflora will not be able to recover immediately due to a “hole” in the immune system.
Against this background, new diseases often break out and the normal functioning of systems, organs and tissues is disrupted.

All dietary macroelements, including proteins, are digested in the upper part of the small intestine. In this case, a small amount of proteins enters the colon undigested. Here, undigested proteins are broken down into amino acids by microbes that inhabit the large intestine.

As a result of the breakdown of proteins in the colon, compounds that are dangerous to human health can be formed. Their number is so small that with normal microflora they do not have time to cause harm.

However, long-term use of antibiotics can reduce the diversity of the microbiome, making it difficult to digest proteins and slow the elimination of harmful compounds from the intestines.

Taking antibiotics disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

How do antibiotics affect conception, spermogram, pregnancy, fetus?

Taking antibacterial drugs slightly reduces, but does not eliminate, the likelihood of pregnancy. If the father or mother was exposed to strong antibiotics at the time of conception, a miscarriage is likely to occur.

The greatest danger from antibiotics for the fetus is up to the 13th week, the most negative period is 3 – 6 weeks. During this period, the child’s organs are formed, and exposure to potent antibacterial drugs will provoke the development of pathologies in the fetus.

Taking antibiotics causes inhibition of spermatogenesis. Male fertility is reduced for a long time if antibacterial drugs are taken at an early stage of spermatogenesis.

Video: The effect of antibiotics on sperm parameters

Against the background of antibiotics, spermatozoa in most cases are damaged and lose their mobility. These defects lead to spontaneous miscarriage if such sperm take part in fertilization.

After taking antibiotics, the quality of sperm is restored and the spermogram returns to normal, it takes about 3 months. It is after this time that it is permissible to plan a pregnancy. If conception occurred earlier and the development of the embryo proceeds without pathologies or abnormalities, then everything is fine with the sperm.

How do antibiotics affect breast milk?

If a woman needs antibacterial therapy during breastfeeding, then she should not refuse this type of treatment. All antibiotics can be divided into 2 groups:

  • allowed during lactation
  • prohibited during lactation

The first group includes:

  • Penicillins (Augmentin, Ospamox, etc.) - penetrate into breast milk in small concentrations, but can cause allergic reactions and cause loose stools in the child and mother.
  • Macrolides (Erythromycin, Clarithromycin) - penetrate well into breast milk, but do not have a negative effect on the baby's condition.
  • Cefolasporins (Cefradin, Ceftriaxone) penetrate into milk in negligibly small doses and do not affect the growth and development of the child.

Antibiotics prohibited during breastfeeding include:

  • Sulfonamides - disrupt the exchange of bilirubin in the baby’s body, which can cause the development of jaundice.
  • Lincomycin penetrates into milk in large quantities and disrupts the functioning of the child’s intestines.
  • Tetracyclines penetrate into milk and destroy the baby’s tooth enamel and bones.
  • Aminoglycosides are highly toxic and negatively affect the condition of the child’s hearing organs and kidneys.
  • Fluoroquinolones penetrate into milk in quantities unsafe for the child’s health and disrupt the normal development of cartilage tissue.
  • Clindomycin causes the development of colitis.

If a nursing mother is prescribed antibiotics of the second group, there can be no talk of any breastfeeding during the treatment period.

When taking drugs from the first group during breastfeeding, the following rules must be observed:

  • inform the attending physician that the child is breastfed
  • do not change the prescribed dose of the drug yourself
  • take the medicine immediately after breastfeeding

IMPORTANT: To ensure a supply of breast milk during treatment, express excess milk after each feeding and store it in the freezer. After completing the course of antibiotics, lactation can be completely restored.

Almost all antibiotics are excreted by the kidneys. Therefore, if their work changes even slightly, the body is likely to show signs of intoxication.

Aminoglycosides and tetracyclines can damage kidney tissue. The risk is especially high when drugs from these groups are combined with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory or hormonal drugs. Then the urine test will show elevated levels of red and white blood cells, which indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system.

IMPORTANT: Some antibiotics can change the color of urine (rifampicin makes it bright orange, and nitroxoline makes it deep yellow) and contribute to the formation of kidney stones. During and after taking sulfonamides, ciprofloxacin and nitroxoline, epithelial cells, red blood cells and protein are found in the urine.

Taking broad-spectrum antibiotics can cause the absence of urobilinogen in the urine.
Antibiotics cannot significantly affect the results of a general blood test. The only thing you should pay attention to is the ESR and leukocyte formula. It is likely that these data will be somewhat distorted.

How do antibiotics affect hormones?

Some medications can affect hormones, but antibiotics are not one of them. Before taking hormone tests or undergoing any treatment, you must tell your doctor that you are taking an antibacterial drug. But, definitely, the hormonal background will not change in any way from antibiotics of any group.

Antibiotics do not affect the menstrual cycle. It's quite simple to explain. The menstrual cycle has two phases. In the first phase, follicles mature in the ovary under the influence of the pituitary gland. At the same time, the endometrium grows in the uterus under the influence of estrogens. The second phase is characterized by the release of luteotropic hormone in the pituitary gland and the appearance of a mature egg.

Apart from hormones, nothing can affect the process of egg maturation. Since hormones do not change from the action of antibacterial drugs, taking them will not affect the menstrual cycle.

How do antibiotics affect potency?

Serious antibiotics can negatively affect male potency. But if, after taking antibacterial drugs, a man notices a decrease in libido, erectile dysfunction, which causes reluctance to have sex, then there is no need to worry too much. Within a short period of time after the end of treatment, your sex life will return to normal.

IMPORTANT: Despite the fact that potency is restored almost immediately after finishing taking antibiotics, planning a pregnancy will need to be delayed. The qualitative composition of sperm will be restored only 3 months after the end of treatment.

How do antibiotics affect the immune system?

Antibiotics kill indiscriminately all bacteria, both harmful and beneficial, that inhabit the intestines and maintain balance in the body. As a result, a serious breakdown occurs in the immune system.

The uncontrolled growth of yeast fungi disrupts the functioning of the intestines - allergic reactions to food products occur, intestinal permeability increases, diarrhea and abdominal pain appear after eating. Women often develop thrush while taking strong antibiotics. At the same time, a general deterioration in health, lethargy and poor appetite are normal phenomena.

IMPORTANT: The immune system will suffer the more the longer it is exposed to the antibiotic. In this case, the method of administration of the drug does not matter.

To somewhat soften the blow to the immune system, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the dosage of the antibiotic and take probiotics and vitamins prescribed by the doctor.

How do antibiotics affect blood pressure?

If the patient strictly follows the doctor’s instructions, he will not notice any serious changes in his body while taking antibiotics. However, even a slight deviation from the rules for taking antibacterial drugs can lead to serious consequences.

Thus, the pressure may rise sharply, and malfunctions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system will appear if, during antibiotic treatment, the patient drank an alcoholic drink or independently added any medication.

If the patient notes that each antibiotic intake is accompanied by a change in blood pressure, he should inform the doctor about this. Perhaps the prescribed treatment regimen needs correction.

How do antibiotics affect the stomach and pancreas?

The pancreas and stomach are the most sensitive organs to antibiotics. Disturbances in their work occur due to a decrease in the protective resident flora and an increase in the number of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, a number of complex chemical reactions take place in the gastrointestinal tract that are impossible in the case of normal functioning of the organs.

IMPORTANT: Signs that negative changes have occurred in the gastrointestinal tract after taking antibiotics are stomach pain, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and diarrhea. To minimize the risk of developing these side effects, probiotics are prescribed.

How do antibiotics affect the liver and kidneys?

Liver- This is a kind of filter in the body. If the liver is absolutely healthy, it will be able to withstand increased load without problems for some time, neutralizing toxic substances. But if liver functions are impaired, antibiotic therapy must necessarily be accompanied by the use of hepatoprotectors (Urosan, Gepabene, Karsil).

Kidneys– an organ that cleanses the blood of harmful substances and maintains the acid-base balance in the body. With healthy kidneys, short-term use of antibiotics will not have a negative effect.

However, diseases of the urinary system or long-term use of antibiotics can cause changes in the processes of excretion and absorption of chemical elements and the development of pathological reactions.

IMPORTANT: Signs that antibiotics have impaired kidney function include lower back pain, changes in the amount and color of urine, and an increase in temperature.

How do antibiotics affect the nervous system?

To find out the effect of antibiotics on the nervous system, scientists at the Center for Molecular Medicine conducted a series of studies, which revealed the following:

  • short-term use of antibiotics does not affect the functioning and condition of the nervous system
  • long-term use of antibiotics not only destroys intestinal bacteria, but also slows down
  • production of brain cells, leading to memory impairment
  • restoration of the functioning of the nervous system is facilitated by taking immunomodulators and probiotics during the recovery period, as well as physical exercise

Long-term use of antibiotics may cause memory impairment

How do antibiotics affect hearing?

It has been proven that some antibiotics can accumulate in the fluid of the ears and cause pathological changes leading to weakened hearing and deafness. Such drugs include:

  • streptomycin
  • kanamycin
  • neomycin
  • kanamycin
  • gentamicin
  • tobramycin
  • amikacin
  • netilmicin
  • sisomicin
  • tetracyclines
  • erythromycin
  • azithromycin
  • vancomycin
  • polymyxin B
  • colistin
  • gramicidin
  • bacitracin
  • mupirocin

The fact that the drugs have side effects in the form of hearing impairment is stated in the instructions for the medicine. However, they are widely used in therapeutic and pediatric practice.

How do antibiotics affect teeth?

To find out the effect of antibacterial drugs on the condition of teeth, medical scientists from Finland conducted a series of experiments, as a result of which it turned out that:

  • Taking penicillin and macrolide by children aged 1 to 3 years increases the risk of developing tooth enamel defects
  • in school-age children, taking antibiotics in many cases leads to demineralization of the enamel
    most often, demineralization occurs after taking macrolide antibiotics (erythromycin, clarithromycin)
  • Each new intake of antibacterial drugs increases the risk of developing enamel defects
  • Frequent treatment of children with antibiotics results in molar-incisal hypomineralization and caries
  • restoration of damaged teeth quickly deteriorates after a course of antibiotics

The negative effect of antibiotics on the tooth enamel of people over 14 years of age is not so pronounced, but their long-term use can also cause harm.

Long-term use of antibiotics reduces hemoglobin. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the body tries to recover on its own, consuming organic iron compounds for this. Iron is necessary for the formation of leukocyte nuclei.

Accordingly, the more serious the treatment, the more the functions of organs and systems are disrupted by antibiotics, the more iron the body will use to attempt recovery.

The hemoglobin level will return to normal faster if you add pomegranate, beef and dried apricots to the menu. Medicinal iron-containing preparations such as Ferrum Lek, Sorbifer, Totema and others will also help.

The rate at which antibiotics are eliminated from the body is affected by its form, group and method of administration. Many injectable drugs are eliminated from the body within 8 - 12 hours after the last injection. Suspensions and tablets act in the body for 12 – 24 hours. The body is fully restored only after 3 months after treatment.

IMPORTANT: How long the drug will remain in the body depends on the age and condition of the patient. The elimination of antibiotics slows down in people suffering from diseases of the liver, genitourinary system, kidneys, as well as in young children.

To remove the antibiotic as soon as possible, you must:

  • drink plenty of water and herbal teas
  • restore liver function with medications
  • use probiotics
  • eat enough dairy products

How to cleanse and restore the body after antibiotics?

After finishing taking antibiotics, you need to take care of restoring the body. If this is not done, a new disease may develop soon.

First of all, in order to exclude conditions favorable for the development of pathogenic flora, a diet should be organized. To do this, you need to remove confectionery and bakery products, sugar, and potatoes from your diet. Replace milk with fermented milk products containing bifidobacteria. They stick to this diet for about 3 months.

Together with dietary nutrition, the restoration of the body is facilitated by the intake of immunomodulating drugs, vitamin complexes and bacteriophages, which suppress pathogenic flora.

Only an integrated approach can give a lasting positive result in solving the problem of cleansing and restoring the body after antibiotics.

Video: What happens after antibiotics?

1. An antibiotic kills all bacteria. It would seem, well, great! However, not all bacteria are harmful. The intestines alone are home to 2 kg of beneficial microorganisms, not to mention those that live in the nasopharynx and reproductive system. “The mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract contains about 80% of immune cells, so The ability to resist infections directly depends on the state of the intestinal microflora“says Mikhail Shevyakov, professor of the department of clinical mycology, allergology and immunology of the North-Western State Medical University. I. I. Mechnikova. Therefore, the intestines are given the proud title of immune organ. Deprive it of the bacterial population, and the functioning of the entire organism will be disrupted.

And the most annoying thing is that after finishing a course of antibiotics, pathogenic microbes are capable of seizing power in the intestines (and in the vagina, too). Then you will have to treat complications for a long time and persistently. If the drug is chosen incorrectly, a generally absurd situation may arise: “bad” pathogenic bacteria will heroically resist the onslaught of the drug, and “good” ones will die. Cruel and unfair! And most importantly, the inflammation, contrary to expectations, will only expand.

2. The antibiotic stops helping if used frequently. In the 19th century, most adult city residents died from pneumonia, which developed as a complication of the flu. Now, thanks to the heroes of our article, we are insured against danger. However, mankind's passion for antibiotics has led to the fact that pathogens are gradually adapting to them. In medical parlance, this is called “antibiotic resistance” - a global phenomenon that greatly frightens doctors.

“Due to uncontrolled use, medications stop working, and there is a risk that we will eventually return to the situation of the 19th century,” says Vladimir Rafalsky, clinical pharmacologist, head of the research center of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Smolensk State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Doctor of Medicine, Professor. “Already, antibiotic resistance kills more than 25,000 people a year in Europe.” Can you guess what to do to prevent microorganisms from getting used to the drugs? Use medications less often! Quickly defeating a cold with the help of strong remedies “trains” the body to resist them, and when antibiotics are really needed, they may no longer work.

What to do if you take antibiotics:

Choose topical antibiotics. Ask your doctor if possible to prescribe a topical medication. For example, women with certain inflammatory diseases in the vagina may be prescribed tablets or suppositories. The latter is a local antibiotic: it will kill those microorganisms that it “reaches”, but will not enter the bloodstream and will not spread throughout the body. This means that the effect of the drug will not affect the entire body and will not cause complications (intestinal dysbiosis, for example). There are local medications in the form of throat sprays, ointments and gels for external use.

Well, the systemic one must be swallowed in the form of tablets, capsules, syrups or received in injections and droppers. It will act everywhere and at the same time: we treat the throat - we get “thrush” as a side effect. Of course, systemic antibiotics are stronger and in some cases really necessary. Therefore, it is also not worth putting hard pressure on the doctor and demanding a local remedy.

Don't forget about antifungal medications.“You can prevent dysbacteriosis, a violation of the flora of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, vagina and urethra, by simultaneously taking antifungal drugs and probiotics,” says Aksana Tashmatova, general practitioner at SM-Clinic. The latter, as you know, are beneficial bacteria. They should be taken in parallel with antibiotics and thus populate the intestines with good microorganisms. For the best effect, you can diversify your life with probiotic candles. Antifungal drugs are needed to, as the name suggests, destroy harmful fungi that cannot be dealt with by an antibiotic - then they certainly will not take over the somewhat damaged microflora.

Eat properly. In the process of taking antibiotics, pathogenic bacteria will die, and this waste must be removed from the body as quickly as possible - drink more and do not overload the body with heavy food.

– drugs that are indispensable in the fight against dangerous bacterial diseases. But in some cases, taking antibiotics can harm your health, causing serious problems in the body.

Antibiotic (antibioticum) translated from Latin means “against life.”

The first antibiotic (penicillin), obtained from mold, had a narrow spectrum of action and was safe for human health. However, modern new generation antibiotics kill all bacteria without exception that are in the body, including beneficial ones. After taking them, the microflora is disrupted, and the immune system is greatly weakened.

To prevent taking antibiotics from worsening the patient’s condition, it is important not only to observe the correct dosage, but also to have an idea of ​​the possible consequences of treatment.

Antibiotics - benefits and harms, side effects

Antibacterial drugs are effective for:

  • treatment of infectious diseases of the nasopharynx
  • severe diseases of the skin (furunculosis, hidradenitis) and mucous membranes
  • bronchitis and pneumonia
  • genitourinary system infections
  • severe poisoning

Antibiotics are often used thoughtlessly and uncontrollably. There will be no benefit from such “treatment”, but it can harm the body. Antibacterial drugs are absolutely ineffective in the treatment of viral diseases. For example, using them to treat acute respiratory viral infections and influenza only adds stress to the body and complicates recovery.

Side effects of antibiotic therapy:

  • dysbacteriosis
  • allergic manifestations
  • toxic effect on the liver, kidneys, ENT organs
  • development of microbial resistance to antibiotic action
  • intoxication of the body resulting from the death of microbes
  • violation of the formation of immunity
  • high probability of relapse after antibiotic treatment is completed

IMPORTANT: Long-term use of antibiotics will certainly have side effects, the main one of which is harm to the intestinal microflora.

Video: Antibiotics benefit and harm

How do antibiotics affect and act on viruses and inflammation?

Virus- a protein structure containing a nucleic acid inside. Viral envelope proteins serve as protection for the preservation of hereditary genetic information. When reproducing, viruses reproduce copies of themselves, also equipped with parental genes. To successfully reproduce, viruses have to get inside healthy cells.

If you try to use an antibiotic on a cell infected with a virus, nothing will happen to the virus, because the action of antibiotics is aimed solely at preventing the formation of a cell wall or suppressing protein biosynthesis. Since viruses have neither cell walls nor ribosomes, the antibiotic will be absolutely useless.

In other words, the structure of viruses differs from the structure of bacteria sensitive to antibiotics, therefore, special antiviral drugs are used to suppress the work of viral proteins and interrupt their life processes.

IMPORTANT: Doctors often prescribe antibiotics to treat viral diseases. This is done to overcome a bacterial complication that occurs against the background of a viral disease.

How do antibiotics affect and act on the heart?

It is a mistaken belief that taking antibiotics does not affect the state of the cardiovascular system. Proof of this are the results of an experiment conducted by Danish scientists in 1997 – 2011. During this time, researchers processed the treatment results of more than 5 million people.

For the experiment, volunteers aged 40 to 74 years took antibiotics often used to treat bronchitis, pneumonia and ENT infections for 7 days. The experiment revealed that taking antibiotics such as roxithromycin and clarithromycin increases the risk of cardiac arrest by 75%.

IMPORTANT: During the experiment, it turned out that penicillin is the least dangerous for the heart. Doctors should pay attention to this fact and, if possible, choose this drug for treatment.
In addition, antibiotics slightly increase the electrical activity of the heart, which can trigger arrhythmia.

How do antibiotics affect intestinal microflora and protein digestion?

Antibiotics inhibit the growth of intestinal microflora, gradually destroying it. These drugs are hostile to intestinal bacteria and at the same time resistant to their influence. Thus, taking antibiotics is a step towards suppressing the activity of beneficial microbes and their death.

Normal microflora will not be able to recover immediately due to a “hole” in the immune system.
Against this background, new diseases often break out and the normal functioning of systems, organs and tissues is disrupted.

All dietary macroelements, including proteins, are digested in the upper part of the small intestine. In this case, a small amount of proteins enters the colon undigested. Here, undigested proteins are broken down into amino acids by microbes that inhabit the large intestine.

As a result of the breakdown of proteins in the colon, compounds that are dangerous to human health can be formed. Their number is so small that with normal microflora they do not have time to cause harm.

However, long-term use of antibiotics can reduce the diversity of the microbiome, making it difficult to digest proteins and slow the elimination of harmful compounds from the intestines.

Taking antibiotics disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

How do antibiotics affect conception, spermogram, pregnancy, fetus?

Taking antibacterial drugs slightly reduces, but does not eliminate, the likelihood of pregnancy. If the father or mother was exposed to strong antibiotics at the time of conception, a miscarriage is likely to occur.

The greatest danger from antibiotics for the fetus is up to the 13th week, the most negative period is 3 – 6 weeks. During this period, the child’s organs are formed, and exposure to potent antibacterial drugs will provoke the development of pathologies in the fetus.

Taking antibiotics causes inhibition of spermatogenesis. Male fertility is reduced for a long time if antibacterial drugs are taken at an early stage of spermatogenesis.

Video: The effect of antibiotics on sperm parameters

Against the background of antibiotics, spermatozoa in most cases are damaged and lose their mobility. These defects lead to spontaneous miscarriage if such sperm take part in fertilization.

After taking antibiotics, the quality of sperm is restored and the spermogram returns to normal, it takes about 3 months. It is after this time that it is permissible to plan a pregnancy. If conception occurred earlier and the development of the embryo proceeds without pathologies or abnormalities, then everything is fine with the sperm.

How do antibiotics affect breast milk?

If a woman needs antibacterial therapy during breastfeeding, then she should not refuse this type of treatment. All antibiotics can be divided into 2 groups:

  • allowed during lactation
  • prohibited during lactation

The first group includes:

  • Penicillins (Augmentin, Ospamox, etc.) - penetrate into breast milk in small concentrations, but can cause allergic reactions and cause loose stools in the child and mother.
  • Macrolides (Erythromycin, Clarithromycin) - penetrate well into breast milk, but do not have a negative effect on the baby's condition.
  • Cefolasporins (Cefradin, Ceftriaxone) penetrate into milk in negligibly small doses and do not affect the growth and development of the child.

Antibiotics prohibited during breastfeeding include:

  • Sulfonamides - disrupt the exchange of bilirubin in the baby’s body, which can cause the development of jaundice.
  • Lincomycin penetrates into milk in large quantities and disrupts the functioning of the child’s intestines.
  • Tetracyclines penetrate into milk and destroy the baby’s tooth enamel and bones.
  • Aminoglycosides are highly toxic and negatively affect the condition of the child’s hearing organs and kidneys.
  • Fluoroquinolones penetrate into milk in quantities unsafe for the child’s health and disrupt the normal development of cartilage tissue.
  • Clindomycin causes the development of colitis.

If a nursing mother is prescribed antibiotics of the second group, there can be no talk of any breastfeeding during the treatment period.

When taking drugs from the first group during breastfeeding, the following rules must be observed:

  • inform the attending physician that the child is breastfed
  • do not change the prescribed dose of the drug yourself
  • take the medicine immediately after breastfeeding

IMPORTANT: To ensure a supply of breast milk during treatment, express excess milk after each feeding and store it in the freezer. After completing the course of antibiotics, lactation can be completely restored.

Almost all antibiotics are excreted by the kidneys. Therefore, if their work changes even slightly, the body is likely to show signs of intoxication.

Aminoglycosides and tetracyclines can damage kidney tissue. The risk is especially high when drugs from these groups are combined with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory or hormonal drugs. Then the urine test will show elevated levels of red and white blood cells, which indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system.

IMPORTANT: Some antibiotics can change the color of urine (rifampicin makes it bright orange, and nitroxoline makes it deep yellow) and contribute to the formation of kidney stones. During and after taking sulfonamides, ciprofloxacin and nitroxoline, epithelial cells, red blood cells and protein are found in the urine.

Taking broad-spectrum antibiotics can cause the absence of urobilinogen in the urine.
Antibiotics cannot significantly affect the results of a general blood test. The only thing you should pay attention to is the ESR and leukocyte formula. It is likely that these data will be somewhat distorted.

How do antibiotics affect hormones?

Some medications can affect hormones, but antibiotics are not one of them. Before taking hormone tests or undergoing any treatment, you must tell your doctor that you are taking an antibacterial drug. But, definitely, the hormonal background will not change in any way from antibiotics of any group.

Antibiotics do not affect the menstrual cycle. It's quite simple to explain. The menstrual cycle has two phases. In the first phase, follicles mature in the ovary under the influence of the pituitary gland. At the same time, the endometrium grows in the uterus under the influence of estrogens. The second phase is characterized by the release of luteotropic hormone in the pituitary gland and the appearance of a mature egg.

Apart from hormones, nothing can affect the process of egg maturation. Since hormones do not change from the action of antibacterial drugs, taking them will not affect the menstrual cycle.

How do antibiotics affect potency?

Serious antibiotics can negatively affect male potency. But if, after taking antibacterial drugs, a man notices a decrease in libido, erectile dysfunction, which causes reluctance to have sex, then there is no need to worry too much. Within a short period of time after the end of treatment, your sex life will return to normal.

IMPORTANT: Despite the fact that potency is restored almost immediately after finishing taking antibiotics, planning a pregnancy will need to be delayed. The qualitative composition of sperm will be restored only 3 months after the end of treatment.

How do antibiotics affect the immune system?

Antibiotics kill indiscriminately all bacteria, both harmful and beneficial, that inhabit the intestines and maintain balance in the body. As a result, a serious breakdown occurs in the immune system.

The uncontrolled growth of yeast fungi disrupts the functioning of the intestines - allergic reactions to food products occur, intestinal permeability increases, diarrhea and abdominal pain appear after eating. Women often develop thrush while taking strong antibiotics. At the same time, a general deterioration in health, lethargy and poor appetite are normal phenomena.

IMPORTANT: The immune system will suffer the more the longer it is exposed to the antibiotic. In this case, the method of administration of the drug does not matter.

To somewhat soften the blow to the immune system, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the dosage of the antibiotic and take probiotics and vitamins prescribed by the doctor.

How do antibiotics affect blood pressure?

If the patient strictly follows the doctor’s instructions, he will not notice any serious changes in his body while taking antibiotics. However, even a slight deviation from the rules for taking antibacterial drugs can lead to serious consequences.

Thus, the pressure may rise sharply, and malfunctions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system will appear if, during antibiotic treatment, the patient drank an alcoholic drink or independently added any medication.

If the patient notes that each antibiotic intake is accompanied by a change in blood pressure, he should inform the doctor about this. Perhaps the prescribed treatment regimen needs correction.

How do antibiotics affect the stomach and pancreas?

The pancreas and stomach are the most sensitive organs to antibiotics. Disturbances in their work occur due to a decrease in the protective resident flora and an increase in the number of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, a number of complex chemical reactions take place in the gastrointestinal tract that are impossible in the case of normal functioning of the organs.

IMPORTANT: Signs that negative changes have occurred in the gastrointestinal tract after taking antibiotics are stomach pain, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and diarrhea. To minimize the risk of developing these side effects, probiotics are prescribed.

How do antibiotics affect the liver and kidneys?

Liver- This is a kind of filter in the body. If the liver is absolutely healthy, it will be able to withstand increased load without problems for some time, neutralizing toxic substances. But if liver functions are impaired, antibiotic therapy must necessarily be accompanied by the use of hepatoprotectors (Urosan, Gepabene, Karsil).

Kidneys– an organ that cleanses the blood of harmful substances and maintains the acid-base balance in the body. With healthy kidneys, short-term use of antibiotics will not have a negative effect.

However, diseases of the urinary system or long-term use of antibiotics can cause changes in the processes of excretion and absorption of chemical elements and the development of pathological reactions.

IMPORTANT: Signs that antibiotics have impaired kidney function include lower back pain, changes in the amount and color of urine, and an increase in temperature.

How do antibiotics affect the nervous system?

To find out the effect of antibiotics on the nervous system, scientists at the Center for Molecular Medicine conducted a series of studies, which revealed the following:

  • short-term use of antibiotics does not affect the functioning and condition of the nervous system
  • long-term use of antibiotics not only destroys intestinal bacteria, but also slows down
  • production of brain cells, leading to memory impairment
  • restoration of the functioning of the nervous system is facilitated by taking immunomodulators and probiotics during the recovery period, as well as physical exercise

Long-term use of antibiotics may cause memory impairment

How do antibiotics affect hearing?

It has been proven that some antibiotics can accumulate in the fluid of the ears and cause pathological changes leading to weakened hearing and deafness. Such drugs include:

  • streptomycin
  • kanamycin
  • neomycin
  • kanamycin
  • gentamicin
  • tobramycin
  • amikacin
  • netilmicin
  • sisomicin
  • tetracyclines
  • erythromycin
  • azithromycin
  • vancomycin
  • polymyxin B
  • colistin
  • gramicidin
  • bacitracin
  • mupirocin

The fact that the drugs have side effects in the form of hearing impairment is stated in the instructions for the medicine. However, they are widely used in therapeutic and pediatric practice.

How do antibiotics affect teeth?

To find out the effect of antibacterial drugs on the condition of teeth, medical scientists from Finland conducted a series of experiments, as a result of which it turned out that:

  • Taking penicillin and macrolide by children aged 1 to 3 years increases the risk of developing tooth enamel defects
  • in school-age children, taking antibiotics in many cases leads to demineralization of the enamel
    most often, demineralization occurs after taking macrolide antibiotics (erythromycin, clarithromycin)
  • Each new intake of antibacterial drugs increases the risk of developing enamel defects
  • Frequent treatment of children with antibiotics results in molar-incisal hypomineralization and caries
  • restoration of damaged teeth quickly deteriorates after a course of antibiotics

The negative effect of antibiotics on the tooth enamel of people over 14 years of age is not so pronounced, but their long-term use can also cause harm.

Long-term use of antibiotics reduces hemoglobin. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the body tries to recover on its own, consuming organic iron compounds for this. Iron is necessary for the formation of leukocyte nuclei.

Accordingly, the more serious the treatment, the more the functions of organs and systems are disrupted by antibiotics, the more iron the body will use to attempt recovery.

The hemoglobin level will return to normal faster if you add pomegranate, beef and dried apricots to the menu. Medicinal iron-containing preparations such as Ferrum Lek, Sorbifer, Totema and others will also help.

The rate at which antibiotics are eliminated from the body is affected by its form, group and method of administration. Many injectable drugs are eliminated from the body within 8 to 12 hours after the last injection. Suspensions and tablets act in the body for 12 – 24 hours. The body is fully restored only after 3 months after treatment.

IMPORTANT: How long the drug will remain in the body depends on the age and condition of the patient. The elimination of antibiotics slows down in people suffering from diseases of the liver, genitourinary system, kidneys, as well as in young children.

To remove the antibiotic as soon as possible, you must:

  • drink plenty of water and herbal teas
  • restore liver function with medications
  • use probiotics
  • eat enough dairy products

How to cleanse and restore the body after antibiotics?

After finishing taking antibiotics, you need to take care of restoring the body. If this is not done, a new disease may develop soon.

First of all, in order to exclude conditions favorable for the development of pathogenic flora, a diet should be organized. To do this, you need to remove confectionery and bakery products, sugar, and potatoes from your diet. Replace milk with fermented milk products containing bifidobacteria. They stick to this diet for about 3 months.

Together with dietary nutrition, the restoration of the body is facilitated by the intake of immunomodulating drugs, vitamin complexes and bacteriophages, which suppress pathogenic flora.

Only an integrated approach can give a lasting positive result in solving the problem of cleansing and restoring the body after antibiotics.

Video: What happens after antibiotics?

We will talk about antibiotics, a kind of “heavy artillery” of modern medicine. Everyone knows that this is an effective remedy against infectious diseases... with a bunch of contraindications. Still widely used. A person who has become closely acquainted with medicine has certainly encountered these drugs and experienced first-hand the “meanness” of their use. It is quite difficult to jump off the assembly line of problems associated with such treatment, and further restoration of health in such a situation will require significant effort.

This is an article about understanding the principles of antibiotics and their negative effects on our body and microflora.

Antibiotics - history of creation

In a few words, then antibiotics- these are substances that can inhibit the growth of microorganisms or completely destroy them.

The ancestor of modern antibiotics, penicillin, was discovered by Alexander Fleming back in 1928. Its first versions worked very unstably, and were reminiscent of modern cancer drugs: no one could guarantee who would die faster, the patient or the bacteria that cause the disease. A little later, pure forms of the antibiotic were isolated, which of course alleviated the situation. It was a revolutionary discovery in medicine and very timely: during World War II, penicillin saved a huge number of lives and made fortunes for those who produced it. Given the times and the shortage of drugs, its use was justified. This is, perhaps, the beginning of the faith of sick people in the “panacea” of antibiotics, and their adoption into the arsenal of medicine as the basis for the fight against bacterial diseases and

That was in the past. And in the future, all we can do is deal with the consequences of this invention and its thoughtless applications. And with each new generation of work, more work is added. And this is the most “mean” thing: the negative effects accumulate and manifest themselves significantly mostly after generations. Remember the health of our fathers and grandfathers - although they did not eat the best, most of them nevertheless had fairly good health. Now diseases are falling literally from the cradle. Moreover, those of them that were characteristic only of adults. Yes, the problem here is not only in antibiotics, but it is their use that lays the foundation that attracts a huge number of problems.

Negative effects and effects of antibiotics on our body

Even the most perverted nutrition is not capable of “breaking” us and our microcosm as much as “treatment” with antibiotics. The last hundred years since the discovery of penicillin and the subsequent increasing use of its variations with and without cause have produced more health problems than all previous human “pranks” over the centuries.

This is part of the harmful effects common to most types of antibiotics. Other variations of hazards will depend on their specific types. Fortunately, there are countless numbers of them today.

Antibiotics and microflora

The main effect of antibiotics, as is known, is aimed at inhibiting growth and its destruction.

Many types of drugs are made from mushrooms due to their properties to suppress the surrounding microcosm. Fungal microbes are active and “hostile” to most bacteria and are quite resistant to their influence. Such fungi are real “barbarians” of the microworld. Although there are other types that are used in the manufacture of drugs that “boost” our immunity.

The organism and all its inhabiting microflora form a stable one. Exactly stability and balance All processes and interaction with the microbes that inhabit us determine the quality of our life. Any antibiotic- inhibitor. It suppresses vital chemical reactions of microbes, which leads to their death. The use of any such drug is a serious “distortion” of our homeostasis and the stability of the microcosm.

Antibiotics provide short-term “sterility” inside us. Which is mistakenly interpreted by many as a “good”, due to a lack of understanding of the role of microflora in our lives. It is its development in humans that is the highest “acquisition” in evolution, and it is thanks to cohabitation with symbiotic microorganisms that we acquire the highest adaptability, immunity and flexibility among all living beings. Any serious imbalance that the body fails to compensate for triggers a domino-like sequence of serious disorders and pathologies!

It is a widely known fact that antibiotics undermine the so-called “fungal-bacterial balance” in the body. When the bacteria were mercilessly “killed” by fungi and the latter began to predominate, doctors came up with the idea of ​​additionally administering the antifungal drug “Nistanin” in order to curb the aggression. Then it became noticeable that against the backdrop of all this, his immunity was falling - and they thought of helping him with a pill. Etc. By killing some, others multiply. We kill others - they reproduce without getting caught. So we are gradually striving “on the wave” of antibiotics towards sterility. Which for us is death.

Natural antibiotics

The microworld “fights” for territory at every moment of time. In nature, there are bacteria that are symbionts, and there are enemies. Most artificial antibiotics target a wide range of microbes, and they create conditions unfavorable for our bacterial symbionts. Natural “medicines” are more gentle on our “cohabitants” who are friendly to us.

The most famous natural antibiotics are garlic, onions, hot peppers and various herbs. They perfectly suppress pathogens, although “friends” get it too. Therefore, in situations where the former clearly predominate, eating special foods is certainly justified. And the first sign that natural antibiotics are needed is the call of the body. The smell will simply drive you crazy - you will not miss the craving for garlic or onions.

The natural “version” of drugs differs from the one created in the laboratory in the number of side effects. They are minimal. If medicine is secondary to the harm caused to the liver and our tissues, then nature is not. But still, damage is possible, although it can be easily compensated, so eating these products for a healthy person is not necessary.

I would also like to additionally mention such a “healer” as oxygen. Abundantly entering the blood, it kills anaerobic organisms, which are many pathogens, being a kind of antibiotic that is devoid of flaws. An abundance of oxygen in tissues is the norm for humans, and the best way to “pump it up” is aerobic exercise. This is an “injection” of vital energy for us.


Modern nutrition, chemical poisoning of the environment and of course use of antibiotics led almost all people to an anaerobic existence. Most modern medicine nullifies our immunity and disrupts the normal functioning of tissues and organs. The prospects are not bright. Today, even most of them contain antibiotics. This prevents its deterioration and prolongs the preservation of its presentation. Antibiotics are increasingly turning into a kind of snowball, which is beneficial to the manufacturer, but not to the consumer. Microbes adapt to antibiotics quite quickly, which forces them to increasingly develop pharmaceuticals and endlessly improve drugs. At the same time, we generate new pathologies, which we regularly accumulate and pass on to our offspring. If it is quite easy to recover from diseases caused by poor nutrition, then after intensive “treatment” of medicine, the dose of effort increases unspeakably.

But the main problem with using drugs is our laziness. Not the laziness of doctors who make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment, although it did not bypass them either - and above all our. This, combined with irresponsibility and illiteracy regarding health issues, forces the use of antibiotics for the slightest relief and colds. Even in treating your children. Most users do not even know that antibiotics are absolutely useless against viral infections.

How many people do you think, when diagnosed and prescribed a course of antibiotics, will “Google” on the Internet the reasons for the disturbing symptoms, the diagnosis made, the prescribed drug? Units. And those who “dared” to do this quickly found alternative ways of more adequate and effective treatment.

Total comments: 32

    Yuri, thank you for the article, very informative. I need your advice. I took an antibiotic for 7 days, after which I was also prescribed suppositories to boost immunity and suppositories to restore microflora. But on the 7th day of taking antibiotics, after talking with my brother, I decided not to take any more medications, but to switch to a raw food diet, which I did on the same day. Now I’m only on the 4th day of a raw food diet, so far everything is great, I was surprised that I want to eat everything separately. The question is: do you think I should use the prescribed suppositories or will I only make things worse for my body? It seems like I decided to give them up, but now I doubt it...What do you think if I do.

    Antibiotics damage the liver and harm the microflora, now they are the only treatment, so you have to take additional hepatoprotective drugs, otherwise it will be very bad in old age. When I was prescribed a course of Ursosan, I was just upset - taking pills again, now I only think about how good it is that they prescribed it to me , without it, I would have to greatly limit myself so as not to harm the liver, and even examinations show that now it is in very good condition.

    Yes, antibiotics destroy the microflora in the bud. Along with antibiotics, you have to take a bunch of additional medications to protect the body. Lately I have also added Ursosan to this list. Because the liver began to suffer from the consequences of taking antibiotics. It is necessary to somehow protect and restore it.

    My friend was prescribed Hilak Forte along with antibiotics to prevent dysbacteriosis. It seemed to help. In any case, there were no consequences. I'm thinking - maybe I should try too? Judging by the reviews, it really has a very good effect on the microflora after antibiotics.

    It is clear that the body must be protected. If you have already prescribed antibiotics, you need to be on the safe side. I was also prescribed probiotics and Ursosan. What should I do if my microflora and liver are the most vulnerable places? The liver especially. That's why I take a heparoprotector.

    If you do not take antibiotics spontaneously, but according to a doctor’s prescription, then there will be no great harm, and the inflammation will disappear. Well, if it’s really scary, then you can really, as we said above, ask your doctor to prescribe medications for the liver and intestinal microflora. My intestines do not suffer from taking antibiotics, but I am afraid for my liver, so I am always prescribed Ursosan.
    Everything seems to be fine with the body
    And, even when I was treating inflammation of the appendages, they prescribed something else for that microflora. Not every case either.

    I study aromatherapy and use it and traditional methods in the treatment of ARVI, I am convinced that all diseases of this kind are associated with poor nutrition, and therefore contamination of the intestines, liver and physical inactivity. I really liked the article, people are really lazy and want an instant effect of a magic pill - here antibiotics are just what is “needed”... but at what cost... up to the destruction of the cell’s DNA. The body after seven to ten days of using them is a scorched desert... Of course, there are cases when the question is about life and death, but very often in everyday life, without trying anything natural, they immediately drink antibiotics and give them to children (which is the worst thing, I think) without taking into account the dosage or any preliminary tests. Thanks for the article, sensible and useful.

    Well, it has long been known about microflora that it is imperative to take medications to maintain and restore it, along with antibiotics (I don’t mean garlic, of course, but strong “chemical” broad-spectrum antibiotics). But I only recently learned that you also need to support your liver. The doctor prescribed me to drink Rezalut in combination. I started reading about it on the Internet, articles about hepatoprotectors in general, and decided to drink it anyway. Everything is fine after, no complaints from the liver, thank God.

    I have now started taking hepatoprotectors to restore my liver after antibiotics. Previously, it was limited only to pro- and prebiotics. But the last time, after taking a course of antibiotics, heartburn and bitterness appeared. I read it, it turns out that you need to drink something restorative for the liver. I settled on Result, there are a lot of positive reviews about it on the Internet. And it was not produced here, but in Germany, which seems to me more reliable. After taking the course, the discomfort went away. Now I will always take a hepatoprotector too.

    Thanks to antibiotics, the mortality rate of humanity has decreased significantly. Was it better when more people died in the plague epidemic than now in wars? From the point of view of natural selection, probably yes. When, for example, your child gets sick with bronchitis and you don’t give antibiotics, there can be very serious complications, even death.
    Antibiotics are a great invention, and of course they need to be approached wisely and used only as prescribed by a competent specialist, and sold in pharmacies only by prescription.
    Good luck!

    After antibiotics, there really is a complete breakdown in the body from all sides. I try to take them as little as possible, but sometimes of course I have to (((well, in such cases, I immediately start the alphabet classic vitamin course in order to help the body in some way. In any case, now the consequences after antibiotics with the help of vitamins are not so extensive.

    Good day! Tell me how we can help or where this will all lead... My father was hospitalized with a stroke, as a result, for a month now he has been fed monstrous quantities of antibiotics without stopping... Prevention of stroke, treatment of pneumonia due to a bedridden state, even when problems with urine output and diarrhea began , they prescribed additional antibiotics for each of these points... The treatment is changed every week, but there are only more drugs...