The magic of numbers. Five of Pentacles Tarot Meaning

Meaning of the Five of Pentacles in the upright position

Deprivation, lack, poverty, loneliness, cooling of relationships. Circumstances are stronger than you, your plans are unrealistic. This is one of the worst cards, it has a negative impact on the entire layout. The Five of Pentacles shows the gap between your desires and reality. You need to show maximum willpower to get through this segment with minimal losses.

  • emotional and financial problems, serious mistake
  • financial difficulties, ruin, health problems, loss of love

The Five of Pentacles tarot card is undesirable in the layout, because... indicates trouble. Their origins may be financial problems, probably related to unemployment; difficulties in relationships with others; difficulties with illegal actions; dissatisfaction in emotional connections and simply a lack of love. This situation inevitably leads to uncertainty and anxiety, but by prioritizing business, the Client can take adequate measures to limit these adversities.

The Five of Pentacles of the tarot suggests that short-term success in business is possible, but losses are not excluded if you do not pay due attention to business. Financial difficulties, deprivations. Poverty and misery, loneliness, sudden loss.

Meaning of the Five of Pentacles Reversed

In an inverted position, this card is even worse and more tragic. Problems will last longer, experiences will be more acute and difficult. But after all this a new life will come, now you need to overcome this dark streak.

  • financial difficulties - collapse, financial crisis, ruin
  • serious difficulties, health problems, extravagance
  • disorder, confusion, chaos, ruin, extravagance, indiscretion, dishonor

The problems associated with the reversed Five of Pentacles Tarot turn out to be more serious and lasting. As a result, the Client's health suffers. At the same time, you need to understand or acknowledge the difficulties in full, which will be the first important step in overcoming them.

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

The Five of Pentacles Tarot is a warning card. There is a very high probability of disaster. Even in a favorable scenario, the Five of Pentacles suggests material difficulties, losses or poverty.

The questioner is or will soon find himself in a situation where money is tight and (or) when the property or income he was counting on will pass by. In some cases, problems may be caused by circumstances beyond your control; other times they are the result of your actions. One way or another, you need to watch your every step to avoid a crash.

Other names for the Five of Pentacles tarot card: Diamonds, Pentacles, Disks, Coins, Bells, Denarii, Pentagrams, Rings, Diamonds, Squares, Money, Diamonds, Buffalo, Buffalo, Ox, Earth

The Five of Denarii is a card of crisis, deprivation and unrest. This is a decline, a failure in business, when we feel pitiful, unhappy, abandoned, and sometimes we are actually in straitened circumstances. At the same time, the Five Denarii rarely serves as a harbinger of truly serious losses, sorrows or ruin, but only indicates the uncertainty of the situation and our subjective feeling of fear of losing the ground under our feet. Such periods of decline are characteristic of any crisis of growth, when a person leaves a certain sphere that has become familiar and stable, and moves into a new, still unfamiliar, and possibly dangerous one.

Work and business

Problems and objective difficulties that can interfere with our business and plans, or even deprive us of our jobs. Thus, the card means the danger of losing something (property, money, position), failing an exam, or generally suffering a fiasco in life. It also often falls out in connection with a change of job, when a familiar job and guaranteed income are replaced by new tasks and increased risk, as, for example, when moving from service in a company to private entrepreneurship. However, the map does not at all indicate the error of such a step. Rather, it is a completely normal feeling of uncertainty when moving from old to new in the process of professional growth. Thus, it characterizes only a subjective feeling, and only in rare cases does it mean actual failure.


A subjective feeling of poverty, decline, although in reality nothing like this may exist. The map only shows that we are concerned about our future fate, although our life may be quite prosperous and even rich. The lesson of such sensations is that poverty of spirit cannot be overcome by any external wealth - and, conversely, that external poverty is not an obstacle to the wealth of the soul. In addition, this card may indicate another crisis of growth, quite natural for any development process, during which our (innate) fear of poverty and decline manifests itself, although the path to new, brighter distances may lie precisely through them.

Relationships and love

In personal relationships, this card signifies a feeling of abandonment, loss. A terrible feeling that we are not loved, that no one needs us. It can also express a feeling of hopelessness, which should be perceived as the approaching “breaking point” phase, when we can finally get rid of old patterns of behavior and build qualitatively new relationships. If it serves as a harbinger of a crisis, then this crisis is an integral element of development, and not a catastrophe. After such a crisis, relations between partners are only getting better.

Inner meaning

The Five of Pentacles Tarot is a warning card; there is a small chance of business success, but a much greater chance of disaster. Even in a favorable scenario, the Five of Pentacles suggests material difficulties, losses or poverty.

The questioner is or will soon find himself in a situation where money is tight and (or) when the property or income he was counting on will pass by. In some cases, problems may be caused by circumstances beyond your control; other times they are the result of your actions. One way or another, you need to watch your every step to avoid a crash.

Combinations with other cards


Tower: Hard Times

3 of Swords: refusal, lack of support

10 of Wands: Trying to make ends meet, hard times

5 of Cups: rejection, lack of support, loss of approval


Strength: strength, endurance

Moderation: Good Health

6 of Wands: recognition, fame

Sun: vitality, strong physique




Mercury in Taurus

0°—10° Taurus

Original title: Lord of Material Hardships Original composition in the Golden Dawn system: out of the clouds at the bottom of the card reaches out a hand holding a branch of a rose tree with white flowers. But the roses fall from the branch, and not a single bud remains on it. Four disks, similar to the one depicted on the Ace, are located at the vertices of the square, and the fifth is in the center

Color of Geburah on the Princess scale: red flecked with black
The colors of Mercury on four scales: yellow; purple; grey; indigo with purple streaks
Taurus colors on four scales: red-orange; dark indigo; warm dark olive; juicy brown
Formula: Five (Geburah) + Disks (Asia) + Mercury in Taurus = ANXIETY.

Despite the active nature of Mercury and some slowness of Taurus, this combination in itself does not cause any particular trouble. People with this aspect in the natal chart are often very patient, practical and conservative. However, Geburah inserts sticks of discord and tension into the wheels of this, by and large, well-coordinated mechanism. And as a result, anxiety arises - anxiety of the kind that prompts us to ask questions: “Have I gotten myself into such a mess from which I can no longer get out? What if I'm in deep trouble? Will I be able to resist the blind inertia of unfolding events?

It is impossible to depict on a plane a system of five bulky gear wheels interlocked with each other, as in the mechanism of some huge grotesque clock. The five discs in the center of the card are just the hubs of said massive wheels. They are arranged in the shape of an inverted pentagram, and each of them depicts one of the five tattvas - Indian elemental symbols: the red triangle of Fire, the silver crescent of Water, the blue circle of Air, the yellow square of Earth and the black egg of Spirit. Taking a closer look, we will find that the black egg of the Spirit is located on the ray of the pentagram that is directed downward. Obviously, the Five of Disks is associated with one of the less pleasant meanings of the inverted pentagram, namely, with the idea of ​​​​the triumph of matter over spirit.


Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

Description of the lasso

The small child depicted in this card is standing outside a door, looking through it. It's so small; he is convinced that he cannot pass through it, and does not see that the door is not locked; he only needs to open it. When we feel abandoned or forgotten, it makes us feel like small, helpless children. Not surprising, because this feeling is deeply rooted in early childhood experiences. The problem is that because it is so ingrained, it plays in our lives like a record over and over again.

Straight position

You have the opportunity to stop this record, stop tormenting yourself with thoughts that you are not accepted well enough by society. Find out. where are the roots of these feelings in the past. and let go of old pain. And you will be able to clearly see the way in which you can open the door and enter where you have always wanted.

The meaning of the card

And so, you feel like an outsider. This is good. This is a transition period. Now you need to be vigilant so as not to feel pain and suffering. Now that there is no God, who will console you? You don't need consolation. Humanity has come out of this age. Be a man. Be a woman and stand on your own two feet. The only way to connect with existence is to go within, because at the center you are still connected. You were physically separated from your mother. This separation was absolutely necessary to make you an independent individual. But you are not separate from the universe. You cannot see it, so you have to go deep down with great awareness, alertness, witnessing, and you will find the connection. Buddha is a connection! (Osho)

Knowing the cards in the Tarot deck allows you to correctly read the resulting fortune-telling layout and combine various combinations of cards into one coherent picture.

One of the important cards in the deck is the 5 of pentacles of the Tarot, the meaning of which is deciphered as difficulties in the material plane. But depending on the nearby cards, fortune telling can warn about other things.

Description of the image

Before examining in detail the meaning of the five pentacles (5 coins) tarot card, you need to carefully consider the image. The central place on the map is occupied by a large stained glass window, under which a pair of beggars slowly wanders.

The window is quite brightly lit, and 5 gold denarii are inscribed in the stained glass window. And although the stained glass window on the map is invariably associated with a temple, no one denies that it could be the window of an ordinary house. Indeed, in England in former times such windows were not uncommon.

A significant detail on the map is a bell attached to the young man’s crutches, which may indicate the presence of leprosy. The few bandages on the leg also speak about this.

The second beggar on the map is intensively wrapping himself in a cape, trying to protect himself from the falling snow. And it is unclear whether these tired people will find shelter behind a bright and beautiful window, or whether they will simply have to continue to slowly walk under the thick snow.

Typically, the Five of Pentacles on a map is a symbol of crisis, anxiety and life’s hardships. Coins on the map indicate failure and a certain decline in business, when a person constantly feels pitiful, useless and abandoned.

And he is often in incredibly cramped circumstances. But quite rarely, the Five of Pentacles indicates insoluble problems and serious sorrows.

Usually the symbol of the card is a feeling of uncertainty about the future, because the beggars depicted in the picture are not sure whether they will be allowed to warm up or whether they will have to trudge on further in such bad weather.

And therefore, five denarii on the card often symbolize uncertainty about the future and the internal suffering of a person who does not know how to move forward in life.

But at the same time, they often advise not to become discouraged, but to learn from your own mistakes and look for a way out of a difficult situation.

Basic designation

In the traditional sense, the Five of Pentacles card is called the “Lord of Material Troubles” and signifies the need to reconsider one’s life. And determine for yourself the main goals in life and ways to achieve them.

In direct form, the five pentacles on the map indicate anxiety and often relate to serious losses, fear and forced restrictions.

And often this lasso talks about the severity of the obligations taken, even if there are no visible reasons for concern. Interest in life simply disappears, and depression gradually sets in.

Thanks to all of the above, you can think about the negative meaning that the Five of Pentacles carries. But in its true sense, this card has a deeper and more important meaning.

Problems await only those people who:

  • accustomed to living with momentary desires and emotions;
  • never try to plan their own life;
  • prefer to make quick, rash decisions rather than plan;
  • they do not see a clear picture in front of them and do not know how to reason sensibly.

As a result, the end result of all of the above is often a constant feeling of disorientation, night terrors and anxious restlessness. But over time, mental anguish brings a person the desired cleansing.

And therefore, the five coins on the card calls for patience, renunciation of excessive ambitions and material claims. When combined with a Strength card, the main meaning comes down to a positive result.

When appearing in layouts, the 5 of pentacles is mainly a symbol of the loss of material values, but instead of them life experience comes to the person. Sometimes this also means complications that a person will encounter in the near future. Pentacles are, in principle, associated with material wealth. So, for example, 6 of pentacles means profit, the implementation of plans. But in any case, for a correct interpretation, one should take into account both the type of layout and the arcana located next to the dropped card.

General value

When considering the meaning of this minor arcana in standard readings, it is worth considering that it speaks of crises; the fortuneteller may worry about his financial well-being. Basically, this is a harbinger of problems at work, a warning that a person’s financial situation may become much worse than it was.

But this is not at all a reason to consider the meaning of the Five of Pentacles in the Tarot as a symbol of complete bankruptcy or the inability to solve problems with money. Because the card rather speaks not of real ruin, but of a person’s fears. Very often, this card falls out to people who will soon change jobs, get a new position, or plan to open their own business.

Arcanum in straight position

Falling out in an upright position, this card indicates the onset of a not very positive period in the life of the fortuneteller. Often it indicates the possibility of losing money or large waste. It is very important to take into account the major arcana located next to it in the reading. If there are a lot of negative cards, a person should be prepared for the fact that in addition to his job, he may also lose his home. This may be due to a sudden loss of earnings or improper investment of one’s finances in a previously unprofitable business. In this case, cards are advised not to lend money to people and not to take out loans yourself.

It will not be possible to return them, and interest rates on loans can greatly harm the family budget. Another meaning of the Five of Pentacles Tarot is a decrease in vitality, difficulties in solving current problems and the likelihood of serious health problems that a person cannot quickly cope with, but will spend a lot of money on treatment. There is a high probability of meeting a person who has the same problems, but the understanding that the fortuneteller will receive from him is not long-term, and you should not get used to this person.

His depression and suicidal tendencies will stop him and prevent him from getting out of the current situation. An old friend may also appear, confused in his life and unwilling to solve his problems. If a fortuneteller offers him help, there is a high probability that this friend will try to shift his problems onto him. If we are talking about a “Yes-no” situation, then the answer is negative. In any case, the Five of Pentacles card is a direct sign that a person will soon have to spend a large amount of his budget to solve problems that have arisen.

Arcana in reversed position

But falling in an inverted position in ordinary layouts, this card warns the fortuneteller about excessive waste of one’s vital forces, almost complete devastation, provoking the development of fears and deterioration of relationships with others. The person is practically in despair, and this does not allow him to find the right path and way out of the situation.

The Five of Pentacles inverted advises the fortuneteller to take the situation into his own hands, since no outside help should be expected, and the person will be responsible for each action himself. To avoid problems and large financial losses, you should be careful, exercise caution and avoid all kinds of scams.

Direct position of the card in love readings

In relationship readings, this card speaks of the fortuneteller’s excessive irritability, his fear and dissatisfaction, which arises against the background of distrust of his partner. The meaning in relationships of the Five of Pentacles is most direct to the crisis that both partners and one of them can experience. If only one partner has it, then with his behavior he causes pain to the person who loves him. If there is a major lasso of the Hanged Man next to the card, then these are problems in the relationship as a whole, both partners are dissatisfied with what is happening.

If we consider the event level, then this card is interpreted as quarrels against the background of blind accusations that have no evidence. Or the 5 of Pentacles can be interpreted as the self-sacrifice of one of the pair, and its price is extremely high from the point of view of morality and human psychology. The partner gives himself completely to this relationship, turning a blind eye to all the pain that his loved one causes him. Another designation of this card in such layouts is discomfort due to established rules, orders and restrictions in a couple. 5 cups or 6 pentacles falling nearby indicate that society will not support such relationships and will condemn them.

Reversed card position in love readings

If in a reading this minor arcana appears in an inverted position, then this means that there are significant problems, for example, this person is not really the one who is needed, or his lifestyle is harming the lover. It may be that one of the couple is constantly cheating on the other, without considering that this causes pain and in general can somehow harm him.

But it is in its inverted form that this card indicates that the situation can be corrected, the main thing is to find the right approach to the issue. The Five of Pentacles has a particularly positive Tarot meaning next to the Wheel of Fortune. This combination suggests that at the moment this is just a misunderstanding, and a positive period in the relationship will soon come. And if there is also the Three of Wands, then changes for the better have already begun to occur; the main thing is to carefully analyze the situation, and this will become immediately noticeable.

Direct position of the card in business layouts

As for the work sphere, the meaning of the Five of Pentacles of the Tarot is interpreted as instability. A person does not have balance, he expects something, a check or a decision on a completed project. And if the Emperor is next to the lasso, then we can even talk about dismissal. The very position of the fortuneteller can be compared to the fact that he is sitting on a powder keg. In other words, in career matters, this card also speaks of anxiety and doubt.

If the Jester falls next to the lasso, then we are talking about disproportionate wages, that is, a lot of effort has been put in, but the end result is completely insignificant. If the Chariot falls nearby, then the problems are directly related to relationships in the team. In some layouts, a five can also mean an incorrectly chosen field of activity or work that is associated with suffering and anxiety, for example in a hospital or social service.

Reversed position of the card in business spreads

In this form, the lasso speaks of stagnation in business, the overexpenditure of the fortuneteller’s strength. If the Hanged Man falls nearby, then the person simply brings himself to exhaustion, doing more work than he is capable of, and the result of this may be illness or depression. Sometimes a person, completely immersed in work and unable to cope with it, crosses the line, violating his moral and ethical boundaries in order to gain profit. The card warns that in such a state the fortuneteller attaches more importance to the problem than necessary; in fact, everything is not as bad as it seems, and fears and worries are to blame. Especially if there is a Justice lasso nearby, the five means that you should not panic, you need to act sensibly and measuredly.

Interpretation in health charts

The meaning of the Five of Pentacles of the Tarot in the upright position in a health reading indicates that the disease will not proceed in the most positive way, or that the person will soon have serious health problems. Very rarely does it warn of the possibility of death. If it falls in an inverted position, then its interpretation indicates a low energy potential or the fortuneteller has an incurable illness.

If a five appears in this situation, it indicates that the fortuneteller in an unsuccessful period is prone to despair and despondency. And this is a completely wrong approach to the current situation. Many events in life can provoke a person to worry and worry. But do not forget that problems are not always as terrible as they seem at first glance.

Human consciousness - Five of Pentacles

The fortuneteller’s love for increased attention to the future is how this card is interpreted. This attitude to the situation not only gives rise to many doubts, anxieties and worries, but also affects a person’s determination. In addition, the lasso can indicate a base mental organization. She warns that no matter how much material wealth he has, the inner emptiness will still not disappear.

Card of the day

Dropping out as the card of the day, five indicates that all plans will be disrupted. A person will not be able to fully satisfy his needs. The problem may lie in the fact that before this little attention was paid to the business sphere and the fortuneteller was not very concerned about his own well-being. Most likely, many trials await a person ahead, but if he adequately copes with everything that fate throws at him, there is a high probability that new prospects will open up before him.

Tarot: combination of the Five of Pentacles with the Major Arcana

Only the interpretation of cards that also takes into account combinations of arcana can be considered complete. It is not enough to decipher each individual card, you need to see the overall picture. The major arcana that fall next to each other play a very important role in the meaning of the five:

  • Jester - the possibility of losing a large sum of money, poverty.
  • The magician is apathy, the person does not want to do anything.
  • High Priestess - the fortuneteller may lose his skills, he will not be able to do his usual work.
  • The Empress is a warning that the money invested will not bring the expected profit.
  • Emperor - in the love sphere it means the end of a marriage, in business it is interpreted as dismissal from work.
  • A hierophant is a person’s unworthy behavior, he is atheistic, he has no conscience, he does not consider those around him at all.
  • Lovers - you can’t expect support from your partner in solving problems that have arisen.
  • Chariot - problems can be solved, but a difficult path awaits the fortuneteller.
  • Strength - a person has no desire to move forward.
  • A hermit - tormenting himself from the inside, worrying about the lack of support, feeling like he has abandoned everything.
  • Wheel of Fortune - luck is not on the side of the fortuneteller, there is a crisis ahead.
  • Justice - a person has not succeeded as a person.
  • Hanged Man - all problems cannot be solved; too much depends on the current circumstances, and they are far from positive.
  • Death - health problems may appear.
  • Moderation means fatigue, a person has come to terms with what is happening.
  • Devil - problems are associated with the base feelings of the fortuneteller.
  • Tower - you will have to change your place of residence, perhaps due to illness.
  • Star - there is hope that everything will work out.
  • Moon - the fortuneteller has no outside support.
  • Sun and Judgment - there is a chance that the situation will soon change for the better.
  • Peace - despite problems and worries, a person feels protected.

Combination with wands

  • Five with an Ace is the light at the end of the tunnel.
  • With a two, a person does not see the opportunities that he has.
  • With the troika, the situation is difficult, but there is already progress for the better.
  • With a four - the goal has not yet been achieved, efforts need to be made.
  • With five, you will have to fight to survive.
  • The Five of Wands with the Knight of Pentacles means that the person has business acumen.
  • With a six - your financial condition will deteriorate significantly, and the direction of your activity is wrong, you need to change course.
  • With a seven, a person is unable to set aside his opinion.
  • With an eight - probably a psychological fall down.
  • With a nine - the fortuneteller is very tired of problems, he has practically no strength left to fight.
  • With a ten - there are problems with health and finances.
  • With Page - the fortuneteller will soon receive bad news.
  • With the Knight, there are many trials and separation ahead.
  • With the Queen - a person conducts business unwisely and does not believe in his own strength.
  • With the King - the fortuneteller does not have enough energy for action, he is short-sighted and imprudent.

Other combinations

If in a layout with a five a seven of the same suit appears, it means that the person does hard work and receives a minimum profit for it. With an eight, he gets pleasure from his work, but there is no material gain. Knight of Swords and Five of Pentacles - a feeling of helplessness, and with 10 of Pentacles - a person cares about his family, but not about himself.

With 6 cups - the fortuneteller will receive friendly help in difficult times, with 7 - loss of everything due to illusions and hopes, with 9 - a fall from the top. This card in combination with the Ace of Swords means risk and loss, with 2 - inaction because there is not enough strength and resources, and with 5 - completely losing everything. But the Ace of Cups and the Five of Pentacles mean that the fortuneteller is asking for help from higher powers.


In general, the five speaks of financial losses, often indicating doubts, anxieties and worries. But in reality, most often the problems are much smaller than they seem to a person and they are easy to solve. The main thing is to stop thinking about them a lot and start acting soberly and sensibly, without panic and doubt.

Despite the fact that the card does not have a very positive meaning, it does not indicate a complete collapse, but only warns of future problems that can always be solved. The main thing is not to become discouraged, not to give in to fears and doubts. Everything will definitely work out, you just need to find the strength within yourself and go through this difficult path. This minor arcana is a warning, but not the final point in the well-being of the fortuneteller.

Two men in shabby clothes make their way through the snow under a large stained glass window decorated with golden 5 of pentacles. The window is illuminated with golden light, contrasting with the blizzard with its warmth. The beggars passing by must do something to improve their deplorable situation. This is what the Five of Pentacles looks like

General meaning of the card

The Five of Pentacles is a tarot card that appears when a person's economic situation becomes poor. It also falls out when someone loses faith in relationships, the institution of family, or simply in themselves. This is a symbol that illustrates the lack of faith in difficult times. It can be called differently:

  • 5 of pentacles;
  • 5 denarii;
  • 5 coins.

Despite the fact that the meaning of the 5 of Pentacles in the Tarot does not evoke good feelings, this card seems to indicate that a person is capable of much. He can find a simple solution to what worries him, but only if he can muster all the strength to ask for help.

The Five of Pentacles is not an inherently bad card sign. This card can serve as an eye opener, telling the person to examine their feelings and come to an understanding of the root of the situation. To look at life from a positive point of view, you need to empty your heart of what brings you grief.

Upright and inverted positions

The Five of Pentacles is a card with a very ambiguous meaning. Its place in the layout can greatly influence what the value of 5 Tarot Coins will be. This feature is much more pronounced than in other representatives of the Minor Arcana. When doing fortune telling, you should also pay great attention to the surroundings of the card, as it can radically change the meaning.

As a rule, the reversed 5 of Pentacles has a good meaning. This is a clear sign that the person has managed to avoid financial or emotional difficulties, whether they realize it or not. It’s good when the card falls out in a past scenario. If it appears in the future, it is advisable to look at other Tarots to see what exactly will have to be overcome. It’s not a fact that everything will turn out rosy, so it’s better to come up with a plan B just in case.

Past, present and future

If the symbol appears in the last part of the layout, this indicates that the hopeless period of life is over. According to the Tarot meaning of 5 denarii, this is the best placement for this card. A person may learn that past loss of faith is the root cause of current dilemmas.

When a card appears in the present part of the spread, it indicates that the person is not noticing some great opportunity that is right in front of him. Often this card appears in the present, when a generous and loving person makes it clear to the fortuneteller that he would like to connect his life with him. The symbol warns against missing out on your happiness by running after an empty person who will ultimately turn out to be a loser.

This card encourages you not to lose faith and to see those things in life that are nearby but remain unattended. Anyone who listens to wise advice will find happiness by avoiding adversity.

In different scenarios, the symbol takes on its own meanings:

  1. Advice - The 5 of Pentacles advises you to prepare for a hike in the arid desert.
  2. A word of caution: don’t try to improve one area of ​​your life while paying less attention to another. This approach to solving problems will result in a major fiasco.
  3. Fortune telling “yes or no”: the answer is “no”.
  4. How the card of the day 5 of Pentacles marks a shortage of cash, a change in plans for a major purchase. A person must tighten his belt for a while, then he can get out of the financial hole.

If the Arcanum falls in a future position of the reading, the future will challenge the fortuneteller. He will have to make a choice on which side of the stained glass window he wants to be on. If you go with the flow, then only outside in the cold and in tattered clothes. The Five of Pentacles reminds us that life is a banquet where only the poorest fools go hungry.

On the other hand, this card allows a person to realize that it is time to live their life, and not just trudge through it.

Impact on areas of life

It is necessary to take into account which area of ​​life interests the fortuneteller. The answer to exciting topics will depend on this:

The not-so-pleasant meaning of the card in all areas is not a reason to panic, it is a signal that the time has come to make the necessary changes in your life.

Tarot card combinations

In order to most correctly interpret the combinations of the Five of Pentacles, it is necessary to consider the relationships in the deck. All cards marked 5 in the Tarot are an echo of card number 5: The Hierophant. It is a card of established order and commitment to social interaction. In addition, each representative numbered 5 is also an echo of the shadow card of the Hierophant, card number 15: Devil. This is a symbol of the abandonment of all principles in the pursuit of pleasure, such deep selfishness that a person becomes a slave to his desires.

All Pentacle cards deal with the energy surrounding the material world, energy that most often expresses itself in the form of money.

So, the meaning of the Five Tarot Coins lies in the question of whether a person really wants to follow his selfish pursuits and ignore the great gifts of the Universe that await the one who is able to refuse temptations for the good of society.

Combinations with other Tarot can enhance the card or change its meaning:

  1. If the card appears in a reading with many other pentagrams, the fortuneteller’s problem is money and its alienating power. Perhaps a person is in a social relationship with women who are financially better off than himself, and this makes him feel bad.
  2. If the Five of Denarii appears in a reading with a large number of Sword cards, the state of alienation has a basis in angry words or hasty actions. Perhaps the fortuneteller was recently excluded from his circle of friends after a serious argument or disagreement.
  3. If Pentacles are accompanied by many Cup cards, this is a sign that apathy is caused by emotions. This situation often accompanies situations when a person himself distances himself from loved ones who love him.

Some of the major Arcana cards combine with the 5 of Pentacles in interesting ways. When this card is connected to the Emperor or the Fool, this is a symbol of the exacerbation of the “bad boy” addictions. The combination with the Tower says that a person is just a victim of circumstances and external forces, and his self-confidence was the saddest loss in recent life upheavals. When Pentacles are paired with the Wheel of Fortune, the person is likely to be in the middle of a game and losing faith in their bet.

There is a special combination that is firm and permanent - an alliance with the Justice card. It indicates that on the path of life the fortuneteller has reached a crossroads; there can be no return. Die is cast. Immediately after a Tarot reading with such a combination, all decisions and actions will have special significance in the short and long term.