Disable User Account Control in Windows 7. Why is UAC needed and how to disable it? How to remove existing updates in Top 10

The UAC program allows you to maintain control over records and ensures the security of the OS during high-risk operations. Some users do not want to work with such a function and are looking for options on how to disable it. The rest of the article will describe methods for disabling UAC in Windows 7.

Shutdown options

UAC controls all actions carried out on behalf of the administrator, opening system programs, third-party software, and so on. In this case, a confirmation window for certain user manipulations will appear on the screen. Thus, you can protect your computer from the effects of virus software and hacker activity. Many users do not want to regularly confirm each action performed and believe that such reinsurance is unnecessary. In this case, the question arises about disabling this function. Later in the article, methods for deactivating UAC will be discussed.

Each of the methods suggested below can only be performed if you are logged in as an administrator.

Method 1: Change account settings

The most common method of disabling warnings is by setting up a user account. There are several options to open an account.

Another option for opening the desired window is "Control Panel". To do this, follow these steps:

You can also use the search bar in "Start". To do this, you need to take the following steps:

You can also open the required tool using the window "System configuration".

The last method is the simplest. You can open the required item using the Run menu.

Method 2: "command line"

You can deactivate UAC using an open account with administrator rights. "Command line".

  1. Open "Start" and go to the section "All programs".

  2. Select a line from the list provided "Standard".

  3. Having expanded the block, right-click on the value "Command line" and select the item from the pop-up menu "Run as administrator".

  4. Enter the command:

    C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

    Press the key "Enter" to confirm the actions being performed.

  5. At the end of the uninstallation process, you need to restart your computer. The next time you enable it, UAC warnings will no longer appear.

Method 3: Fix the registry

To disable UAC you can use "Registry Editor".

  1. Press two keys as described above and enter in the empty field "Regedit", then confirm your actions with the button "OK".

  2. Open line "Computer" to expand the directories.

  3. From the suggested folders, open "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", and then "SOFTWARE".

  4. Go to item "Microsoft".

  5. Now click "Windows", and further "CurrentVersion".

  6. Click the items sequentially as follows: "Politics""System""EnableLUA". If the value 1 is written next to the last section, then UAC is enabled.

  7. Change it to 0 to fix this by right-clicking and selecting from the context menu "Change".

  8. In field "Meaning" put a number 0 and press "OK" to confirm your actions.

  9. To complete the UAC deactivation process, restart your PC.

After reading this article, you will notice that there are three options for deactivating the UAC tool. All of them are not complicated and will help you quickly get rid of annoying warnings. But, before you start using any option, consider whether you should disable this feature, as this will reduce the OS's protection against malware. In any case, you can disable this feature temporarily while you are doing some work. You can return notifications at any time, since the previously completed process is reversible.

Annoying User Account Control pop-up messages often plague regular Windows users. UAC tries to improve security so that your computer is not in danger, but it turns out that with its constant alerts it only pushes you away. No matter how much the operating system wants to protect users' computers, sometimes excessive protection becomes very annoying, and it becomes necessary to disable it.

What is Windows UAC

Windows UAC is all about controlling your accounts. For the user, it serves as protection, monitors the compatibility of old programs, helps us protect ourselves from viruses, unwanted programs that may run on us, and various applications. Windows UAC works all the time. Every time you launch a program on your computer, the control will interrupt the launch and a window will pop up asking if the system is allowed to open the desired program.

If you do not have administrator rights, the system will ask you to enter a password.

An example of what the popup message looks like:

Why you shouldn't completely turn off protection
Unfortunately, this technology only causes irritation for the user. Despite the fact that UAC increases the security of your PC, prevents malware from running and protects against viruses, users do not like annoying notifications that interfere with their work. The main reason why you need to disable control is the need to work with several programs at the same time.

In this case, UAC will begin to irritate and interfere with your work.

Microsoft does not recommend completely disabling the monitoring service because there is a risk of accidentally running spyware or downloading viruses that can quickly infect your computer and entire operating system. After all, enabling UAC in Windows was purely for security purposes.

  1. Disabling a service in Control Panel
  2. UAC is enabled on the system by default. Let's figure out how to turn off annoying notifications using the control panel.
  3. Right-click on Start and select “Control Panel”.
  4. A window opens where we see all the elements of the control panel. Among them we find “User Accounts”.
  5. Click “Change UAC settings”.

Here we see the Account Control settings. To turn off the protection, move the slider to the very bottom, to the fourth point.

  1. After this, reboot the PC.
  2. How to turn off using a registry file
  3. To open the Registry Editor, right-click on Start and select “Run” from the list.
  4. In the window that opens, write the regedit command. Confirm the action by clicking “OK”.
  5. After this, a warning immediately pops up, requiring you to restart your PC. User Account Control will be disabled completely.
  6. Reboot the computer.

How to enable/disable a service using the command line

Disabling and enabling UAC is also possible through the console.

Is it possible to turn off UAC through the PowerShell console

Setting up UAC

There are four levels of protection in the control settings. Scroll them with your mouse wheel and on the right side you can read the description for any of the four parameters.

  • The first point will always enable UAC to protect your system. If any change occurs in it, a warning message will definitely pop up. If unknown programs try to influence your computer, potentially unsafe software will be installed, applications from suspicious manufacturers will begin to launch, and the control system will notify you on an ongoing basis. Regular users, if they are not administrators, will need to confirm their actions by entering a password.
  • Second-level protection will only work in cases where unknown programs try to perform actions on the system. The settings state that notifications should appear only when applications attempt to make changes to the computer - this setting is built into Windows by default. This means that the user himself does not make any changes to the system, and control monitors the actions of programs.
  • The third option has no special differences from the second. The user's screen will simply stop darkening. With these settings, UAC will only alert you when applications try to make changes to your computer. If you set these settings, viruses will already be able to threaten the security of your computer.
  • The last, fourth item “Do not notify me” can completely disable protection on your PC. It will not bother you with pop-up messages, it will allow you to calmly change your computer settings and open any program without the intervention of User Account Control.

    If you choose this option, you will no longer receive any notifications from the control system. The parameter itself indicates that it is not recommended to disable protection.

Video: how to disable User Account Control in Windows 10

If you want to take a closer look at disabling and configuring UAC in Windows 10, you can watch the video that explains how it's done.

Correctly set User Account Control settings can ensure the desired level of PC security. The main thing to remember is that UAC is a way to protect your system and keep it safe. Control was activated to protect against viruses and malware; you can always turn it back on, and then you won’t have to worry about your system.

Hello, friends! UAC— account control or User Account Control. This feature is specially designed to help users improve the security of their . When you (or any program) try to make changes that may somehow affect the performance of the operating system, UAC asks you again if you really want to do this. That is, thanks to account control, we have another opportunity to check everything. When a UAC warning appears, the entire screen goes dark and the system seems to freeze, waiting for your action. This requires an additional mouse click to install the program and naturally gets boring quickly. Here we will figure out how to disable UAC (User Account Control) in Windows 7.

Go to the tab Service. We are looking for the name of the product " Setting up User Account Control» and press Launch

A window that is already familiar to us will open where you can configure or completely disable UAC.

Naturally, you can disable User Account Control by adjusting just one parameter in the registry. Let's launch regedit

In the field on the left follow the path


Finding the parameter EnableLUA. Double-click on it with the left mouse to change it and in the window that opens, in the section Meaning put 0 . Click OK

In any case, you must reboot for the changes to take effect.


We figured out how to disable UAC or User Account Control in . As for me, yes, I turn it off. I, like many people, find this feature annoying. I have enough security warnings every time I install the program

I always try to download programs and their official websites (links to which I try to provide in articles), which already makes the risk of encountering malicious code much lower.

With each version of Windows and with each update, developers have tried to improve the security of the operating system. New modules and protection algorithms appeared. All this made it possible to use the computer without the use of additional hardware and software. But despite all this, some functions “irritated” users very much.

This is exactly the function that will be discussed in this article, namely Windows UAC Account Control. This service is designed to monitor all applications and utilities that attempt to change the system in an unauthorized manner. The operation of this function can be seen when the user tries to install a program. In this case, when I start the installation, a window pops up saying that the program will make system changes. Here, there are two options to allow or cancel the installation.

If the desire to uninstall arises because UAC occurs very often, then it is recommended to check Windows for viruses and other suspicious software.

Having decided to disable the User Account Control service, the user can use the help of this article, which describes the process of deactivating UAC using the Windows 7 operating system as an example.

In order to stop this service, the user can use three methods.

First method - Standard methods

The simplest and easiest way to manage User Account Control is through the settings in the control panel.

To perform this action, the user must click on “Start”, then select “Control Panel”.

In the menu that opens at the top, select “Category” next to the “View” section. Then click on the line “User Accounts”, then again on the corresponding item and then select the line “User Account Control Changes”.

If everything is done correctly, the user will see a menu with a slider that adjusts the level of Windows protection. The higher his position, the more active and meticulously the service monitors every change in the system. To turn off UAC, you need to lower this slider to the bottom position.

The second method is to disable it in the system registry

As a rule, this method is used if the first one does not work for unknown reasons. In the case when the slider settings do not affect the operation of the service in any way, or its position cannot be changed. It is also recommended to make sure that the system is not infected with a software virus. If everything is in order, then you can use the help of the registry.

In order to get into the registry of the Windows 7 operating system, you need to press the Window + R key combination, then enter the regedit command.

You can also use the search in the Start menu to launch the Registry Manager. This method will also allow you to run the utility with administrator rights.

If all conditions are met correctly, the user will see a menu where the data structure diagram is presented on the left side, and all directory files are displayed on the right.


This is where all system service configuration files are stored. You need to select EnableUC. Then you need to double-click on it with the left mouse button and change the values ​​in the window that opens from “1” to “0”.

By restarting the computer, the user will no longer see service messages about unplanned changes to the installed or launched program.

The third method is the Windows command line

In addition to the first and second methods, there is another method that allows you to quickly and permanently disable the User Account Control service. This is done using the Windows command line. This involves entering special commands that deactivate the function.

The advantage of this method is that all actions are performed very quickly and usually do not last more than 2 minutes. The only disadvantage is that there is a need to know the Windows commands entered into the terminal.

To launch the command line in Windows 7, press the Window + R key combination and enter the cmd command.

If this method does not work, the command line can be found in the Start menu under Accessories. Here, by right-clicking, you can launch the terminal with administrator rights.

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

After which you will need to restart your computer and check the operation of the Windows 7 operating system.

The only point that can be noted is that when turning off the User Account Control service, the user must be confident in the security of the system and have a good and proven antivirus program. You should also make sure that the problem of constant UAC interference is not the work of some malicious program.

In settings Windows 7 user interface has changed User Account Control (UAC) to reflect the move UAC and make it less annoying, more user controls and more user friendly with a friendly approach. IN Windows 7 UAC There is a slider that allows users to customize and select what level of notifications (and therefore protection from unauthorized access and malware) they want. IN fine tuning UAC, the wording "disable" or "enable" is no longer available.

So, how can I disable UAC? Or at least how can you disable the notification bubble or make it appear less regularly? Actually, steps to turn off the control Windows 7 accounts looks like steps - disable UAC in Windows Vista, just with a slight change to the user interface so that turn off UAC.

Method 1: Disable or Enable UAC (accountuser control) on the control panel

  1. For the user control panel to disable UAC in Windows 7 There are several methods to access User Account Control from the Settings page:
  2. Go to Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts and Family Safety -> User account.
  3. Go to Start -> Control Panel -> System and safety -> Action Center.
  4. Click or right-click on the icon in the notification area (system tray), and then open Action Center.
  5. Enter in the field To start searching type - MsConfig to start System setup, then go to the Tools tab, select Change UAC settings, then click on the start button.
  6. Click on the link User Account Control Settings.
  1. Move the slider down (towards Never notify), with a description of the show Never notify me.
  1. Click OK for the changes to take effect.
  2. Restart your computer to disable UAC.

Method 2: Disabling UAC Using Registry Editor (RegEdit)

  1. Launch Registry Editor (Left-click on the button Start,then click Execute,enter in the RegEdit field).
  2. Go to the following registry key:


  1. Find the following REG_DWORD values:
  1. Set EnableLUA to 0.
  2. Optional step to suppress the dialog box UAC,find the following REG_DWORD values:


  1. Set ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin to 0 (optional).
  2. Exit Registry Editor and restart your computer to disable UAC.

Method 3: Disable User Account Control using Group Policy

For Windows 7 Ultimate, Business or an enterprise version of Local Group Policy whose computer is joined to a domain and has Active Directory Group Policy, Group Policy can be used to disable User Account Control for a local computer or multiple computers in large networks at the same time.

  1. Enter gpedit.msc in the field To start searching, to start it Local Group Policy Editor. (Or gpmc.msc to launch the Group Policy Management Console for the AD domain GPO editor).
  2. Go to the next thread:

Computer Configuration -> Windows Configuration -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> Security Settings

In the Group Policy Management Console, locate the required GPO that is associated with the domain or OU where you want to apply the policies.

User Account Control: Elevation Prompt Behavior for Administrators in Admin Approval Mode

Set its value - Promotion without invitation.

  1. In the right pane, find the following policy:

User Account Control: App installation detection and upgrade request

  1. In the right pane, find the following policy:

User Account Control: All administrators operate in admin approved mode

Set its value to Disabled.

  1. In the right pane, find the following policy:

User Account Control: Only UIAccess applications that are installed in secure locations

Set its value to Disabled.

Restart your computer when finished.

Method 4: Use command line options to disable User Account Control

Command line options can also be used in batch file mode, that is, CMD files, providing more convenience to users. In actual commands, which are also used to enable or disabling UAC in Vista,do the same thing by directly making changes to the registry.

  1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator.
  2. To disable UAC, run the following commands:

It is more convenient to call the command line by typing keys + and in the window that opens we write:

Disabling UAC
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

and, additionally, the following COMAND to suppress anything that requires an increase in consent and notification levels:

%WINDIR%\System32\cmd.exe /k %WINDIR%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System/in ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

After this, we reboot the computer so that the registry changes take effect.

Advice: To again enable UAC, team:

Enabling UAC
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

and enable UI consent:

%WINDIR%\System32\cmd.exe /k %WINDIR%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System/in ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f

Disabling UAC may cause gadgets to malfunction Windows 7. A user who encounters such an issue can use another workaround to suppress User Account Control.