Wangi's true dream book. Wangi's dream book: interpretation of dreams for free. Interpretation of dreams according to Vanga's dream book

Vanga (Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova) (1911-1996), Bulgarian clairvoyant and healer. In our online interpreter you will find Vanga's Dream Interpretation for the interpretation of dreams and free interpretation of dreams from the great soothsayer.

Interpretation of dreams according to Vanga's dream book

Her name is widely known not only in Bulgaria and Russia, but all over the world. The Vanga phenomenon has never been studied, although well-known scientists, such as Academician Natalya Bekhtereva, a prominent specialist in the field of neurophysiology, have been studying her abilities. Vanga was born and lived in Bulgaria, in the village of Petrich, it was there that people from all over the world came to her. The predictions made by Vanga have always been fulfilled and continue to be fulfilled exactly, and therefore Vanga's dream book can be safely trusted.

Detailed information about Vanga's personality is presented in the encyclopedia.

Wangi's dream interpretation - alphabetical interpreter:

Vanga's dream book will help you not only find out your own future, but also get additional information about your inner world.

Biography of the famous interpreter Vanga

Before moving on to Wangi's Dream Interpretation, learn more about her. A great many tests fell on the share of the clairvoyant. When Vanga was four years old, her mother died. Soon the First World War began, and Vanga's father was mobilized into the Bulgarian army. She grew up under the care of a neighbor.

Returning from the war, his father married again. By this time, Vanga is already beginning to discover her extraordinary abilities. She invents strange games for herself: for example, hiding some object, blindfolded, she tries to find it.

Vanga regularly came into contact with dead people.

She said that she was the gateway to this world for them and that when one of the visitors comes to her, the deceased relatives of this person surround her, talk to her, and she only conveys what she heard.

She met with many magicians and psychics, including Chumak, Grabov, Kashpirovsky, Globa. Many came to her with great conceit and ambition, and left ashamed and discouraged. Somehow Larisa Shepitko, a film director, came to her. She tragically died in a car accident in 1979. Vanga said to her: Young, sorry for you, you will die soon!

Visitors always had to come to Vanga with a piece of refined sugar: the crystal lattice of sugar stores information about a person. In addition to sugar, one could leave unpretentious gifts for her, for example, plush toys that Vanga loved to stroke, touch, remembering those who gave them.

Vanga knew the fate of people who were not yet born, and those who died more than 100 and 300 years ago. This, according to scientists, is the most extraordinary manifestation of her clear. She also talked about the future, although she did so reluctantly. For example, Vanga predicted the assassination attempt on John F. Kennedy, the collapse of the USSR, the death of Princess Diana. Once she said: Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn it ... The meaning of this phrase, which at first caused bewilderment, became clear in August 2000, when the nuclear submarine Kursk sank.

On August 3, 1996, Vanga was placed in the intensive care unit of the government hospital in Sofia. She had breast cancer. Thousands of people stood day and night outside the hospital. Vanga foresaw her death, she died on that day and at the hour that she predicted for herself - August 11, 1996 at 10:10 am.

The great seer Vangelia Pandeva Guterova (later known to the people as Vanga) was born on January 31, 1911, in a small village in the Republic of Macedonia, in a far from rich family. Her father was a poor peasant. The name Vangelia means in Greek - Brings good news.

In our online Dream Book of Vanga you will find interpretations of dreams and free interpretations of dreams from the famous clairvoyant.

At the beginning of the First World War, Vanga's father was mobilized into the ranks of the Bulgarian army, and his mother died suddenly from a serious illness, at that time the girl was not even four years old. Vanga's father returned from the war and married a second time. After some time, the family moved to their father's homeland in another village, not far from the former village.

When Vanga was twelve years old, in 1923, she had to face an event that radically changed her future life. While playing with other children not far from the house, clouds suddenly thickened, and thunder struck, the children fled. A strong wind formed a whirlwind that lifted the running Vanga, carried more than a hundred meters above the ground, and then threw it to the ground.
Vanga lay unconscious, her eyes were covered with sand. A passer-by accidentally saw her, took her in his arms, carried her to her parents.

As a result of this incident, Vanga became blind. In 1925, Vanga was sent to the House of the Blind, where she spent time until she came of age. There Vanga learned to read, needlework and cookery.
After some time, Vanga's father came and took her home.

Since then, Vanga's life has become terrible. Poverty forced her to work tirelessly. In 1930, Vanga caught a cold and as a result fell ill with polio. The disease was very serious, but the incredible happened, Vanga quickly recovered and was soon completely cured. After her recovery, she gained the ability to clairvoyance. Afraid that she might be called crazy, she did not tell anyone about her clairvoyant ability. But still, she did not manage to hide it for a long time. In 1940, Vanga announced the upcoming war to her friends, who did not believe her. And only when Hitler entered Yugoslavia with troops, Vanga was recognized as a people's seer.

Day by day, many people came to her asking for help. Boris III himself, the Bulgarian Tsar, paid her a visit. In 1942 she got married and she and her husband moved to Petrich. In 1967, Vanga was officially registered as a civil servant. The money that people paid for visiting went to the state treasury.

The seer predicted many events, such as: the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the September 11 terrorist attack in the United States, the end of World War II, etc.

On August 10, 1996, the heart of the great Vanga could not stand it. Her cause of death was breast cancer. She also predicted the exact date of her death and unexpected news about a girl who was born in France and endowed with the ability to predict the future. According to Vanga, this girl will be a world famous clairvoyant.

Interpretation of Vanga's dream book

During her life, Vanga not only predicted the future, but also made interpretations of dreams. Based on her interpretation of dreams, Wangi's Dream Book was compiled.

Wangi's dream book is an invaluable asset for all people. With the help of Vanga's dream book, many residents of not only Bulgaria, but also other countries were able to get an interpretation of their dreams.

Wangi's dream book has long entered their daily life.

Vanga's dream book is available at the House of the Sun online. Use the search on Vanga's dream book or search for the interpretation of dreams using the alphabetical index.

Many scientists have tried to solve the mysteries of dreams, trying to explain this mysterious phenomenon from a scientific point of view. Even in ancient times, the first collections with the interpretation of dreams appeared, compiled by clairvoyants of that time. And now everyone can open a dream book and find out online the decoding of Vanga or Freud.

On our website, you can watch Vanga's dream book online and solve your dreams. It is very easy to use, we have prepared detailed instructions for you.

There are two ways to search for a given word in a dream book: alphabetically and by specifying a search word. In the first case, you should select the desired letter of the alphabet, and then select the word of interest from the provided list. Vanga's dream book will tell you for free what your dreams mean.

If you decide to use the second method - to search for the entered word - we recommend that you follow these rules:

  • The word must contain only Russian letters.

  • The word must not contain less than two letters.

  • A single query means entering only one search word.

  • Advanced search displays all words that have the required combinations. Suppose, during an advanced search for the word "mouth", the program will give all possible interpretations of this word and the word "turn".

  • When entering, the case of letters does not matter much. For example, the word "salt" with any introduction (SALT, Salt, salt) will give the same result.

The mystery of the signs of sleep

Vanga interpreted dreams, following only one method known to her. The clairvoyant was sure that in a dream fate shows secret signs to people, the correct interpretation of which will help determine not only the future of a particular person, but even the fate of individual countries.

Vanga's dream book, along with the interpretation of individual signs (objects, things, living objects), also contains an explanation of various situations, based on which other phenomena and objects can be considered.

Although there are only a few people in the world who have such a gift, everyone can try to look into their future. Traveling in the labyrinths of dreams, a person can understand the essence of ongoing events and find out what awaits him next. Only dreams give us such a unique opportunity. It is no coincidence that the visions that come to a person in a dream are called the mirror of life. Indeed, in dreams the depths of our subconscious are reflected, by transmitting prophetic symbols, by guessing which you can find out your future fate.

Our Vanga dream book can be used for free. It is based on the knowledge and revelations of the famous seer. It will help you give the correct interpretation of what you saw in a dream, draw up a complete picture of the signs and understand what to expect and what to be afraid of.

Why Vanga's dream book is trustworthy

Vanga believed that dreams are important for a person. To decipher them, she resorted to telepathy, giving advice and warning against dangers. The Bulgarians value this dream book, because for them it has become a book of truths and an invaluable gift left by the great prophetess. And this reflects reality, since all the vast experience of the clairvoyant is invested in the dream book, and therefore it deserves full trust.

Our dream book offers an interpretation of Vanga's dreams. Using it, you will find out what awaits you in life and will be able to prepare for upcoming events. Of course, Vanga's dream book does not contain a large number of deciphered images, but this shortcoming is compensated by a versatile approach and many possible situations. It is impossible to discount the predictions successfully made by Vanga, which makes the attitude to the dream book even more trusting.

Seeing a fur coat in a dream means that a person who sees such a dream suffers from his own laziness, gluttony and voluptuousness.

This dream portends that you need to think about life and categorically change something in it.

Free online dream interpretation - to get results, enter a dream and click on the search button with a magnifying glass

Vanga's dream interpretation to see yourself in a wedding dress, ride a bus or car, train

According to Vanga's dream book, seeing yourself in a wedding dress is not a good sign.

It portends bad events that will soon occur in the life of a person who has such a dream.

Take two red threads from identical spools.

Twist them and wrap them not too tightly around the ring finger of your right hand, reading the plot:

“I do not twist the threads, but I twist the fate. There were the Servant of God (name) and the Servant of God (name) separately, but they will become together. One soul, one blood, one flesh. Amen!"

Carefully remove the resulting ring from your finger and hide it under your bed.

If no external circumstances prevent the desired union with the chosen young man, your most cherished dream will soon be fulfilled. It is possible that the case will quickly reach the crown.

- Divination with two threads

And if the sleeping person also dances in a wedding dress and has fun, then there will be twice as many problems and serious troubles.

However, if a bride dreams of a wedding dress on herself on the eve of the wedding itself, then such a dream means absolutely nothing.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that best suits you and find out what hidden magical abilities you have.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden abilities.

Remember that the absence of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devilish influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With certain efforts and the support of higher powers, one can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help to cope with them, breaks in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications - a medium. We are talking about the ability to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is disturbed, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of goodness and strength that could serve for good, I will move into another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all indications - witchcraft. It is feasible for you to study and induce damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an impossible task.

But everything must be used exclusively for good and done so that others do not suffer in their innocence from your superpowers, bestowed from above.

It takes at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor to develop inner strength.

Most of all you have telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small, and over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future that can be darkened by going to the dark side if there is not enough strength to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and everything connected with this is not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream, which you will never be able to forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise darkness will swallow you up and this will be the beginning of the end.

This is considered psychological stress before a solemn event.

If a person dreams that he is traveling by bus or car, then this portends an early meeting with close, good friends. However, if a person who dreams of such a trip is traveling alone on a bus or car, then this means possible condemnation and slander from relatives.

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