Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. Russian State Agrarian University - MSHA named after. k.a. Timiryazev. Latest reviews from rgau-msha

Russian State Agrarian University - MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazev (also known as Timiryazev Academy) is the oldest agricultural university in the country, founded in 1865.

Like other higher educational institutions in Russia, this university has its own official Internet resource, thanks to which anyone can easily find all the information they need.

Timiryazev Academy official website - Home page

Thus, the Timiryazev Academy official website contains materials addressed to applicants, students and graduates, which is reflected in the main menu of the site. Also, the tabs of this menu contain information regarding general information about the university (its structure, leadership, history, documentation, etc.), faculties and institutes. It also reflects the various types of activities of the university, such as educational, scientific, international, publishing and others. The last two tabs are dedicated to contact information and the press center.

Thus, applicants to the Timiryazev Academy official website will be able to familiarize themselves with the general rules for admission to university faculties, master's and postgraduate programs, as well as find information regarding preparatory courses, transfer and restoration.

Timiryazev Academy official website - Tab “Applicants”

A separate tab of the main menu of the Timiryazev Academy of the official website is dedicated to students: students, graduate students, doctoral students and applicants. This is where the class schedule, information about scholarships and employment, research competitions, grants and more are reflected.

Timiryazev Academy official website - Tab “For students”

The main page of the Timiryazev Academy official website reflects news, including news of the day, news materials from faculties, the Ministry of Agriculture and sports. The news feed is presented in a separate tab.

Timiryazev Academy official website - News

Links to some materials are collected on the left side of the Timiryazev Academy official website. In many ways, they duplicate the first tab of the main menu “University”; in addition, information about teachers, the central scientific library, accommodation in a dormitory, etc. is reflected here.

Timiryazev Academy official website - Tabs

Those who want to get an education in the field of economics, law, and journalism will find it useful to visit the web resource of one of the country's leading universities -.

Timiryazev Academy official website - timacad.ru

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 17:00

Sat. from 09:00 to 14:00

Latest reviews from RGAU-MSHA

Anonymous review 12:15 07/25/2019

Never enroll in Economic Security at this university if you want to live with healthy nerves and psyche after university. The only positive aspect of studying at a university is being in Moscow and living in a dormitory. They do not teach knowledge here, but require stupid writing of coursework, research work, a diploma “for show” and to satisfy the head of the department. The teachers are constantly on edge, it’s not that they don’t have the strength to impart knowledge, they just don’t have the time to come to classes and do their...

Vladimir Maksimenko 17:42 01/18/2018

The university was good. now acting rector G.D. Zolina diligently ruins everything and fires highly qualified professionals. The agricultural department will probably soon cease to exist. By entering this academy, you have no guarantee that you will complete your studies there, since they want to take away the academy’s land for commercial development, and move the academy itself somewhere far away. Before applying, check the situation on the land issue on the Internet.


general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian State Agrarian University - MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazev"

Branches of RSAU-MSHA


No. 01099 valid indefinitely from 10.10.2014


No. 01250 is valid from 04/09/2015 to 04/09/2021

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for RGAU-MSHA

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)5 5 5 5 5
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study60.46 58.67 57.52 57.12 64.67
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget62.22 61.34 59.37 58.71 68.52
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis56.62 55.01 54.41 54.55 60.05
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled43.65 40.46 38.85 37.51 44.2
Number of students14157 14268 14944 16784 5879
Full-time department10847 11086 11259 11661 5204
Part-time department896 890 1282 2279 532
Extramural2414 2292 2403 2844 143
All data Report Report Report Report Report


Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazeva is a Russian university that is known all over the world. In 2015, the university will celebrate 150 years since its founding. During the work of RGAU-MSHA named after. K. A. Timiryazev trained many highly qualified specialists, and some graduates of Timiryazevka became famous teachers and scientists who made an invaluable contribution to the development of domestic agricultural science and higher agricultural education.

University structure

At the moment, RGAU-MSHA named after. Timiryazev is an educational, research and production complex, which consists of:

  • 8 faculties. These are: agronomic; humanitarian and pedagogical; animal engineering; soil science, agrochemistry and ecology; gardening and landscape architecture; technological; accounting and financial; economic;
  • 63 departments led by true professionals in their field who strive to pass on their experience to students;
  • branch in the city of Kaluga with animal engineering, agronomic and economic faculties;
  • Institute of Further Education, where students can take advanced training courses or receive a second higher education;
  • Graduate School of Agribusiness;
  • postgraduate and doctoral studies, where students engage in scientific research, on the basis of which they write and successfully defend candidate and doctoral dissertations;
  • Central Scientific Library named after. Zheleznova, which has a huge fund of various educational and scientific aids, periodicals, manuals on various disciplines;
  • A linguistic educational center, thanks to which students can deepen their knowledge of foreign languages, which will be their advantage over other job seekers;
  • a sports and fitness center, where students participate in various sports sections and clubs;
  • laboratories where various scientific researches are carried out by students, together with their teachers;
  • experimental bases in various parts of Russia, which apply technological and production innovations in the field of agriculture, invented in the scientific communities of the Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after. Timiryazev.

Material and technical equipment of the university

RGAU-MSHA is equipped with an educational and material base that fully complies with all existing requirements of educational standards of the Russian Federation, as well as modern requirements of science and agricultural production. The university includes not only educational buildings, where students receive theoretical knowledge in lecture halls and seminars in spacious classrooms. There are also 28 research, production and laboratory buildings equipped with the latest technology, where students, together with their teachers, conduct research work.

In order for students to better assimilate educational material, the university is equipped with special multimedia classrooms and there are computer classes with Internet access.

Also on the territory of the university there are a lot of facilities where students conduct practical classes. It has its own vivarium - a room where animals are kept for laboratory research. RGAU-MSHA has its own equestrian arena, where they raise horses and train them. The university also houses a training poultry farm where poultry is raised; an experimental base on which various experiments are carried out in the agricultural sector; training and production workshops in which university employees bring their ideas to life, and much more.

Employment at RSAU-MSHA

In Timiryazevka, much attention is paid to the employment of university graduates. The university administration believes that their work does not end with the graduation of students. Here they strive to ensure that RSAU-MSHA students can first find a successful job and then make a brilliant career. For these purposes, in 2007, the Department for Assistance in Employment and Relations with Alumni was created under the leadership of Irina Georgievna Barysheva.

The department deals with:

  • providing information and consulting assistance to university students and graduates, explaining to them which specialists are now in demand in the labor market and how best to write a resume and pass an interview in order to be hired;
  • cooperation with various agricultural enterprises and organizations that may be potential employers of university graduates;
  • an association of university graduates from different years, each of whom can become a future employer of current students of the Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after. Timiryazev.

International cooperation at the university

An important part of the university’s activities is its international cooperation in order to implement the principles of the Bologna Declaration and promote high-quality European education for students. For these purposes, RSAU-MSCA cooperates with the best international scientific centers in Europe, as well as international organizations and associations working in the field of agriculture.

At the moment, the university is participating in the development of special educational programs to ensure the environmental safety of the quality of agricultural products together with the European Union. The university cooperates with universities in Poland, the Netherlands, Kazakhstan, Italy, Denmark, Austria, Belgium and some others. With agricultural educational institutions of these countries RGAU-MSHA named after. Timiryazev exchange both students and teachers, as well as textbooks, scientific publications, as well as various scientific discoveries in the agricultural field.

In recent years, the agro-industrial complex has again become one of the mainstays of the Russian economy, so this industry now, more than ever, needs young, highly qualified specialists who can competently organize the agricultural process, produce competitive high-quality products, develop livestock and crop production, rural areas, create better conditions for people to work and live in rural areas and conduct agribusiness.

Why is it worth choosing RGAU-MSHA named after K. A. Timiryazev?

  • “Timiryazevka” is not just the largest agricultural university in Russia and the CIS, it is an entire educational, scientific and production complex. The university includes experimental bases and laboratories, the Higher School of Business, the Institute of Environmental Management named after A. N. Kostyakov and the Institute of Mechanics and Energy named after V. P. Goryachkin, and centers of additional education.
  • The university cooperates with well-known agro-industrial companies in various regions of Russia, government organizations, including the Ministry of Agriculture, so RSAU students have no problems finding internships and permanent well-paid jobs.
  • The university is one of the leading agricultural universities in the world and participates in international educational and research programs. Students can undergo an internship at universities in Germany, China, Belarus, Poland, Portugal and other countries and receive a double diploma.
  • Academy students can undergo training at the military department in military specialties related to automotive technology. After completing the course and training, passing the final exam, they become reserve lieutenants.
  • The campus is located close to academic buildings and a scientific library. There are sports sections, a hairdresser, a cafe, laundries and other necessary infrastructure.

Where are the best chances of getting on budget?

The knowledge requirements for applicants at the Timiryazev Academy are quite high, but it is possible to enroll on a budget. For example, there are good chances in the following areas:

  • “Environmental Management and Water Use” 145 places are allocated, and the minimum passing score is 146;
  • “Agronomy” - 125 people who score more than 163 points will be admitted to the budget;
  • “Agroengineering” - 240 places are planned here, the minimum number of points is 136.
  • 105 places are allocated for “Agrochemistry and Agro-Soil Science”; to be admitted, you need to score more than 157 points.

If you can’t get it on a budget, you can use an educational loan with state support to pay for your studies.

Are you eligible for non-competitive admission?

Benefits upon admission are provided to all categories of persons provided for by Russian legislation,

What will you become after graduating from Timiryazevka?

In 2017, admission of students to the following areas has been announced:

  • agronomy;
  • biotechnology;
  • hydrometeorology;
  • economic security;
  • veterinary and sanitary examination;
  • animal science;
  • biology;
  • agrochemistry and agro-soil science;
  • forestry;
  • ecology and environmental management;
  • gardening;
  • landscape architecture;
  • production and processing of agricultural products;
  • food products of plant or animal origin;
  • information systems and technologies;
  • business Informatics;
  • management;
  • veterinary medicine;
  • agricultural engineering;
  • technosphere safety;
  • environmental management and water use;
  • construction;
  • ground transport and technological complexes;
  • technological machines and equipment, other specialties.

You can apply for any three areas.

TASS DOSSIER. Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after. K.A. Timiryazeva is a federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education. The oldest, one of the main Russian agricultural universities.


The initiative to create an educational institution for training agronomists was taken in 1857 by the Imperial Moscow Society of Agriculture. It was decided to locate the new institute on the outskirts of Moscow, on the territory of the Petrovsko-Razumovskoye estate near Moscow, which in 1860 was purchased by the treasury from private owners. In 1865, according to the design of the architect Nikolai Benois, the main educational building was built, and even before that, experimental fields and summer cottages were equipped. The founding date of the university is considered to be December 3, 1865, when the order of the tsarist government was announced on the opening of the Peter the Great Agricultural and Forestry Academy.

On May 30, 1889, the forestry department was liquidated from the academy. On February 1, 1894, the academy was closed due to the growth of revolutionary sentiment among the students. Instead, the Moscow Agricultural Institute was formed.

In 1917, the institute was named the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy. In the same year, the territory where the academy was located became part of Moscow. In December 1923, the academy was renamed the Moscow Agricultural Academy (MSHA) named after. K.A. Timiryazev. It was named in honor of the outstanding Russian naturalist and botanist, one of the founders of the Russian school of plant physiology, Kliment Timiryazev (1843-1920).

In Soviet times, the university was awarded the Orders of Lenin and the Red Banner of Labor.

On June 20, 2005, the academy was renamed the Russian State Agrarian University - MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazev.

On September 11, 2008, RGAU-MSHA was included in the State Code of Especially Valuable Objects of the Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation.


The university has 14 faculties, the Institute of Mechanics and Energy named after. V.P. Goryachkin and the Institute of Environmental Management named after. A.N. Kostyakova, Higher School of Agribusiness, branches in Kaluga and Dmitrov (Moscow region), 12 museums, as well as a number of breeding stations. The founder of the university is the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

The total number of university students is about 18 thousand people, the number of employees is 4 thousand people.

The president of the university is Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN), Doctor of Economics Vladimir Bautin. Rector - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Vyacheslav Lukomets.

Currently, the RGAU-MAA occupies an area of ​​about 500 hectares in the Timiryazevsky district of Moscow, of which the main part is the forest experimental dacha of the MCAA. Also part of the territory is occupied by experimental fields and gardens, including the Michurinsky Garden (founded in the fall of 1939).

Official website of the academy - www.timacad.ru

Conflict over land transfer

On March 4, 2016, the Government Commission for the Development of Housing Construction and Assessing the Efficiency of Use of Land Plots Owned by the Russian Federation, chaired by First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, by absentee voting, decided to transfer two plots belonging to the Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Agricultural Academy to the Federal Development Assistance Fund housing construction.

On March 16, 2016, the Federal Property Management Agency decided to terminate the academy’s right to perpetual ownership of these plots. Their total area is 101.58 hectares, cadastral value is 27.7 billion rubles. In particular, the Michurinsky Garden and an experimental field with a precision farming center are located on them.

At the end of March 2016, the decision to alienate the lands of the Timiryazev Academy caused a great public outcry. The academic council of the university was categorically against it. A public petition on the website Change.org against land development was signed by about 30 thousand people. The first vice speaker of the Federation Council, former head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Nikolai Fedorov, also opposed this.

According to the General Director of the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending, Alexander Plutnik, the lands alienated from the academy “are not used in any way and are wastelands: there are no relict or especially valuable plants, as well as academy buildings there; part of one of the plots is occupied by golf courses.”