Teachings of Alexander Sviyash. Let me introduce myself or who A. Sviyash is. Space of self-development from Alexander Sviyash

The first thing you need to know about the book is that it was written by information businessmen.
I am very wary of the information business. And this certainly affected the objectivity of this review.

The book itself is not bad.
But the layout of the book is quite strange.

The book consists of two sections that are not at all related to each other + a bonus section.
Only after reading the book in its entirety does it become clear what's what.
Section 1: What gets in the way of quick money. (Alexander Sviyash).
Section 2: Quick money at work. How to increase your salary. (Andrey Parabellum, Nikolai Mrochkovsky).

So here it is. In fact, the first 2 sections are two completely independent books, the names of which are indicated on the cover:
Section 1 - Money consciousness.
Section 2 - Changing settings in 9 days.

There is no point in talking about the bonus section at all (maybe that’s why it doesn’t appear in the title of the book?). This is a shortened version of Alexey Tolkachev's training. It is not clear why this bonus section is in the book. Most likely for those who love all sorts of additional “goodies” and all kinds of bonuses? Or maybe just so that you can use the beautiful word “Bonus”?

While reading the first section of the book, I laughed in places at the stupidity of what was written and the abnormality of the proposed actions, and in others I wanted to throw the book away. In a book with a flashy title “something there... 9 days,” the author writes: “Do not believe those who promise you results in a month/day/hour.” At the same time, he suggests listening to music, breathing in a special way and directing energy to places where this or that idea resonates. And so on for several months, until Zen comes, until consciousness changes.
Shtaa??? What is this anyway?)) Well, in general, the entire first section is in that spirit.
To be fair, it is worth noting that A. Sviyash’s clever things also come through. But they don’t fit in as often and not as succinctly as we would like.

And everything would have been terrible, and the book would have gone to the trash heap with a rating of “1”, if not for Mroczkowski and Parabellum with their second part.

Let me immediately note that I am an entrepreneur and work for myself.
The second part of the book just made me squeal in delight. I haven’t received so much motivation and valuable ideas in a concentrated form for a very long time. Liked? Very. Although the section describes 9 days of the life of an employee at work, although it describes the methods by which you can/should get yourself a salary increase, I swallowed everything. I read it avidly. After reading it, I wanted to get a job, if only to try the things that are written about in the book. In order to gain valuable experience in some large enterprise and receive money for it in the form of wages. To improve your existing skills and gain new ones; find out how others do what I do; just go through interviews (even without the ultimate goal - employment), ask questions that interest me, and “feel” the market.

In general, the second part pulled out the book. Special thanks for some of the speed reading techniques.

Part 1 - 2 of 10
Part 2 - 8 out of 10
Part 3 is just superfluous here.

(1963-02-12 ) (47 years old) Place of Birth: Citizenship: Genre: Language of works: http://www.sviyash.ru

Alexander Grigorievich Sviyash(born February 12, 1963, Kazakhstan) - Russian writer, esotericist. Candidate of Technical Sciences. Author of books on popular psychology, published in Russia and abroad with a total circulation of more than 8 million copies.

President of the Smart Path Center for Positive Psychology, as well as the associated American Academy of Success "The Smart Path".

President and one of the founders of the Association of Personal Development Professionals, along with Norbekov, Levi, Kozlov and Vagin.


In his works, A. G. Sviyash develops his own methodology, in which he offers his vision of the causes of problems that arise in people’s lives and ways to increase personal effectiveness. He is also the author of a series of trainings regularly held in Russia and abroad in this area.

  • Sviyash A.G. Intelligent world. How to live without unnecessary worries. - Centerpolygraph. - ISBN 978-5-9524-4371-6
  • Sviyash A.G. What to do when everything is not as you want. - Centerpolygraph. - ISBN 978-5-9524-4419-5
  • Sviyash A.G., Sviyash Yu. Smile before it's too late. - Astrel. - ISBN 978-5-17-050896-9
  • Sviyash A.G. What is stopping you from being rich.. - Tsentrpoligraf. - ISBN 978-5-9524-4053-1
  • Sviyash A.G. 90 Steps to a happy life. From Cinderella to Princess. - Centerpolygraph. - ISBN 978-5-9524-4163-7
  • Sviyash A.G. Health is in the head, not in the pharmacy. - Centerpolygraph. - ISBN 978-5-9524-3956-6
  • Sviyash A.G. Lessons of fate in questions and answers. - Centerpolygraph. - ISBN 5-9524-0975-X
  • Sviyash A.G. Project "Humanity". Success or failure? - Centerpolygraph. - ISBN 5-17-040578-2
  • Sviyash A.G., Sviyash Yu. Advice for those getting married, those who have been rejected, and those who passionately want to get married. - Astrel. - ISBN 978-5-17-050516-6
  • Sviyash A.G., Nezovibatko I. Sex as a joyful psychotherapy for very busy men and women. - Astrel. - ISBN 978-5-17-060879-9
  • Sviyash A.G., Sviyash Yu. Calendar of positive changes. - Astrel. - ISBN 978-5-17-047072-3
  • Sviyash A.G. How to Learn Life's Lessons and Become Its Favorite. - Rosedog. - ISBN 978-14349-9740-1 (English)

Awards and titles


Alexey Slyusarenko, assistant at the Department of Religious Studies, East Ukrainian University. V.I. Dalya accuses Sviyash of lying

Sviyash and sects

The name of Alexander Sviyash has been repeatedly associated with sects, not only by sectologists or Orthodox leaders, but also by completely “civilian” journalists from MK and the magazine Hacker. Sviyash himself claims that “his method is far from magic and witchcraft.”


Wife Yulia Sviyash is a writer, esotericist, co-author of the “Reasonable Path” method, co-author of several books by A. G. Sviyash.


see also


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    The International Association of Personal Development Professionals is a professional association of professional psychologists and other specialists involved in personal development. Established in 2006. Founders: A. Sviyash, I. Vagin, N. Kozlov, V. Levi, M. ... ... Wikipedia

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  • Books

Who among us has not set out to change our lives for the better? Probably someone who has already done it.

Alexander Grigorievich Sviyash, supervisor Center for Positive Psychology "Smart Way" is of the opinion that any person can radically change his life the way he wants it. What is needed for this? Common sense and desire!

Every person sooner or later faces difficulties and begins to look for answers to vital questions. If a person is not satisfied with something, what does he want to change first? Right. Parents, children, boss, job, education, husband or wife, friends, country.

A person sees dissatisfaction with the world around him as the main source of problems that arise. Hence the discomfort, negative experiences, negative emotions. The only effective way to change your own life is to change yourself. Here it is, the answer to all our questions.

"You need to accept the world around you as it is at the moment, despite its obvious imperfections“, - you’ve probably already been told this phrase more than once. How did you react to it?

Alexander Sviyash considers man and his relationship with the world around him quite broadly. He admits that there is something in the world that we have not yet known, but with which we can interact and calls it the words Life, Creator, Higher Powers. It provides a tool, owning which, a person will be able to identify and understand the peculiarities of his relationship to the world.

Methodology "The Smart Way" is a system of beliefs that allows a person to understand the reasons for the problems that arise in his life and change himself and his reality. The method works because it is truly the author’s, well-developed world-building system with specific and well-developed methods for a prosperous existence in this world.

The essence of the Intelligent Life method can be expressed in several statements:

  • man is born for joy and spiritual development;
  • every person potentially has unlimited possibilities for creating his own life;
  • the current situation of each of us is the best situation for us. This is the result of our own efforts and we need to rejoice here and now;
  • We ourselves are responsible for everything that happens to us. There is no one but us who creates problems for us;
  • at any point in time a person can change his situation. You just need to realize how he created problems for himself and change his attitude towards the situation;
  • By changing his thoughts, a person can change his reality, since our consciousness in the form of obvious and hidden thoughts and attitudes determines our actions, and actions shape the life with which a person is dissatisfied.

How does the Intelligent Path differ from other paths taken by the people of this planet?? The smart way is a belief system that has already allowed many people in many countries around the world to make their lives the way they want. They moved from a state of struggle and overcoming problems to a state of successfully realizing their desires. What can a person achieve using the ideas of the Reasonable Way? Almost everything, within the limits of reason and achievability, that a person can desire, says A. Sviyash. First he recommends come into harmony with your surroundings. Then you need to correctly formulate that goal where you want to come and make an effort to achieve it, removing internal barriers that arise along the way and prevent you from moving towards your goal. Often a person declares one thing, but in his heart he is sure that he is not worthy to receive what he strives for. If a girl sincerely strives to meet a handsome prince and become his wife, and she is surrounded by far from princes, then the problem is not the absence of princes, but how she positions herself in the world. Self-esteem will change, and reality will change. How do you understand what kind of reality you are creating for yourself? Very simple. You just need to remember what is the main topic of conversations with family and friends? That everything is bad, that no one gets paid, or something more positive? If a person is sure that everything around him is bad, there is no money and there won’t be any, then in his own Universe everything will happen exactly like this. And other people can live in a completely different Universe, where there is a lot of money, work and other benefits. What do you need to do to find yourself in a wealthy universe? Stop concentrating on negative events and discuss various troubles and troubles with friends. Meet those who are looking for ways to increase their success and try to behave the same way. Start smiling! "The smart way"is a technique for increasing the effectiveness of a person’s success on the path to their goals in any area of ​​life. We have little chance of changing anything in it, but enough chances to make our own life successful and joyful. We cannot accumulate experiences! We need to learn to accept the world around us as he is, despite his imperfections. Worrying is not profitable! Take this as a rule. It's unhealthy. Every thought we have is a small one "order" given by us to the Universe. We thought once, thought twice, added emotion, and... the process began! The Universe (Life, God, Cosmos, Supreme Mind) conducts a constant dialogue with us. She hears us, answers us, teaches us. Since the source of everything that happens is ourselves, it means that we have the strength and ability to change our reality in accordance with our own desires. Life is a cool thing and you need to live to the fullest!

And we are ready to act for this, our article. Alexander Sviyash is exactly the author who helps you walk the path of self-improvement. He has every right to recommend certain techniques, since he has tested them on himself, got results and knows how it works.

Biography of Alexander Sviyash

Learning from a practitioner, and not from a theorist, means following an already paved path with all the pointers, recommendations and explanations. This is the same as going to unfamiliar places with a guidebook and a detailed map of the area in hand.

Alexander Grigorievich Sviyash, whose biography is a clear example of how you can qualitatively change your life, created “guide” books on various areas of human life.

Alexander Grigorievich was born (02/12/1953) into a military family, which meant frequent moving, changing cities, schools, making new friends and parting with old ones. Interest in radio engineering as a child led Alexander Sviyash to enter the Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering at the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers.

While working on the Moscow Railway, he was able not only to complete graduate school in absentia, but also to receive the title of Candidate of Technical Sciences, having defended his dissertation in 1983.

At this point, interest in technology began to decline and the search began for what Alexander Sviyash really wants to do in life. The writer's biography makes a sharp turn from a technical and teaching career at a university to work as a senior researcher at the Technical Laboratory. creativity, part of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.

From 1989 to 1998, the writer worked with young people as part of his creative cooperative “Center for Children's Invention”. During the same period, Alexander Grigorievich Sviyash intensively studied everything related to personal growth. He is also interested in changes in consciousness, as well as human parapsychological abilities. The author comes to the conclusion that it is impossible to change oneself from the outside.

Once again Alexander Sviyash changes his direction in life. The writer’s biography is now associated with writing books and conducting trainings on what actions with the conscious and subconscious mind a person can independently change the quality of his life.

The very first book, published in a small edition at the expense of the author, was a great success, which inspired him to write further works.

“How to shape the events of your life”

For most people, it remains a mystery why events happen in their lives that they would happily avoid. It is also beyond their understanding why things don’t happen the way they would like, and if luck comes into their life, it happens spontaneously.

It was this question that Alexander Sviyash began to study. The list of books of the aspiring writer is headed by a work published in 1998 entitled “How to shape the events of your life with the help of the power of thought.”

This book, in an accessible form and with the author’s characteristic sense of humor, explains why life “slaps you in the face” and how to avoid it.

Perhaps for the first time, in a language accessible to the common man, the concept of the subtle world, the energies flowing through and around it, was revealed, and guidance was given on how to contact and interact with them.

What is noteworthy is that the author does not stand on ceremony with readers, does not make promises to them, but immediately warns them that all their problems and failures are their own doing. For the lazy and those who think that someone will come and change everything in their life for the better, this book is not suitable. Already in the first chapter, Alexander Sviyash forces readers to take responsibility for themselves, as the creators of their own lives and all its (both pleasant and not so pleasant) events.

Based on an analysis of past actions and thoughts, step-by-step instructions lead readers to consciously monitor what they think about and what they truly want in life.

The answer to the question “how to be”

The reader is relatively familiar with the question “what to do”, thanks to the Russian classic Chernyshevsky, but Alexander Sviyash, whose bibliography includes 15 works, voiced the question “what to do.” Moreover, he gave a comprehensive answer to it in his book “What to do when everything is not as you want,” which has already helped hundreds of people change their consciousness and destiny.

Many are accustomed to building their lives with a constant feeling of lack of certain values, both spiritual and material. Alexander Sviyash (the photographs on the covers of the books confirm this) is a very positive person, so at the very beginning of his book, with his characteristic sense of humor and generosity, he shares with readers information that the world is not only big, but also abundant.

The path to a free and harmonious life begins with understanding the simple laws of nature, which every person should learn to apply in their life as naturally as breathing. Perhaps the most difficult thing for those who have embarked on the path of self-improvement is point one - accepting the world as it is.

The step-by-step methods for harmonizing living space, proposed by the author in this book, really change the lives of those who apply them in practice.

"Reasonable World"

The time has come to show how unreasonably he behaves in the harmonious world around him. Alexander Sviyash managed this like no one else.

Most people have a negative perception of reality, therefore, when assessing the world, they most often call life difficult, hectic, uninteresting, difficult, and many other similar epithets. Naturally, every time you “reward” your life with such assessments, you can be sure that this is what it becomes.

Alexander Sviyash, whose list of all books and trainings is devoted to each aspect of human activity, in his work “The Reasonable World, or How to Live Without Worries” concerns life in a conscious choice.

This most complex topic is revealed with such simplicity that even a person who is far from psychology or is skeptical can get the result.

The author's main goal was to show readers the pointlessness of worries and fears about a future that does not yet exist. The book teaches how to enjoy the present and build the desired future, which is anticipated with joyful anticipation of adventure.

"Smile before it's too late"

The book “Smile before it’s too late” is the result of the collaboration of two creative, talented people - Alexander and Yulia Sviyash.

An interesting proposal - to solve all life's difficulties with the help of a smile and a sense of humor, may seem frivolous to people who consider their problems the most global in the world.

This book is not for them. It is for those who want to live an easy, fun and interesting life and are ready, using the techniques and methods proposed by the authors in practice, to do this while laughing and playing.

The book is based on the real results of people who received live training from Alexander and Julia. By learning about other people's problems and their solutions, readers understand that their own temporary troubles are by no means of a universal scale, as they previously thought.

"Lessons of Fate"

Alexander Grigorievich’s new book, “Lessons of Fate in Questions and Answers,” has become a kind of guide for readers who did not understand something from the material they read in previous books or did not get the results they expected.

This author’s work is based on real questions that readers ask in the “Club Dispute” column of the “Reasonable World” newspaper. Alexander gives detailed answers to them with recommendations on how to achieve a positive result.

The book also includes stories about people who have achieved qualitative changes in their lives thanks to the author’s methods. Alexander Sviyash (his photo is above) has many followers and students. Their life situations are discussed in the book to motivate others to do similar work.

The publication is suitable for those who have already read the author’s works or completed his trainings, and are also currently in the process of self-improvement.

Health correction

Another area that Alexander Sviyash could not miss in his books is the causes of diseases and their correction.

It is impossible to say that a book is a panacea for problems and diseases if you only read it. This is a clear guide telling you how and what to do in order to regain a harmonious life with all the ensuing consequences.

Solving the problem of loneliness

Alexander Sviyash’s book “Advice to those getting married, already rejected and passionately wanting to get married” was published in 2011 and added to the list of publications devoted to various areas of human activity.

There are 7 billion people living on our planet, but loneliness, in general and in love in particular, is a real psychological problem for many.

The techniques presented in the book help people look at their actions from the outside and change mental habits that can cause more harm than addiction to smoking or drinking alcohol.

Financial sphere of human life

Another area without which human life will not be harmonious is success in finance. This is what the book “What’s stopping you from being rich” is about. It is this topic, as Alexander Sviyash himself believes, that tops the rating of books on space harmonization written by him personally.

No matter how much adherents of spiritual values ​​extol them at the expense of material wealth, even they want to eat, drink and live in good conditions.

The book is built on the principle of self-diagnosis. The author gives examples of attitudes that interfere with living well, and the reader must conscientiously and ruthlessly get rid of them using the proposed techniques.

A book for those who are ready to work on themselves and take action.

Cleaning karma

There are often people who quite seriously blame a lady they don’t know named Karma for their failures. In the book “How to clean your “vessel of karma””, Alexander Grigorievich in an accessible form reveals the relationship between a person’s mental body and events in his life.

This topic is quite sensitive, since for many people the concept of any other body other than the physical one is considered nonsense and heresy, only if they are not Hindus. Here it is difficult to cope with just one body, and you also need to clean some invisible karmic vessel.

Cleaning is vitally necessary, since it accumulates all the emotional “attachments”, judgments and ideas of a person about the world around him.

Connecting to an information channel

It is naive to believe that we, people, are the only and unique crowns of creation, and there is no one else in the universe except us.

In the information age, there is enough data confirming the existence of subtle worlds and matters. These worlds are inhabited by entities with which any person, after some practice, can come into contact.

Alexander Sviyash’s book “How to Receive Information from the Subtle World” is a reference book and guide for traveling to the subtle worlds. The reader not only gets acquainted with the inhabitants of this world, but also gradually begins to feel their presence in his life. This is another type of awareness when a person performs actions not under the influence of the mentality or habitual stereotypes, but realizing the consequences of his choice.

Spheres of human life

Books by Alexander Sviyash help readers not only change the quality of their lives, but also rise to a new spiritual level of consciousness. Starting with the most pressing problems, following all the author’s recommendations, people change not only themselves, but also harmonize the space around them.

It is enough to choose which area of ​​life is most important at a given moment in real time in order to begin changing it by reading the author’s books. This is a recipe for those who are ready to act and have translated their desires into the category of intentions.