A coup is taking place in the DPR

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    05:59 Today

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    19:25 Yesterday

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    10:33 14.06.2019

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    08:07 14.06.2019

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    15:44 13.06.2019

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    13:36 13.06.2019

    Ukraine is a branch of the underworld

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    11:29 13.06.2019

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    09:29 13.06.2019

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    09:26 13.06.2019

    Ukrainians will pay tax on parcels

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    07:22 12.06.2019

    Ecological catastrophy. In Odessa, the sea suddenly turned green due to toxic substances

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    04:15 11.06.2019

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    11:55 10.06.2019

    Ukrainians may be left without milk

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    Today, the ex-president of Georgia and former governor of the Odessa region, Mikheil Saakashvili, announced that he and his party Dvizhente. Saakashvili stressed that he does not need anyone's support. We are talking about a proposal that came from the mayor of Kyiv Vitaliy Klitschko to Saakashvili. Klitschko invited the ex-president of Georgia to become the head of his own party, Udar. Klitschko himself planned to leave the leadership of the party and be only an ideological inspirer. Saakashvili noted that he and Klitschko are not at all on the same path. By the way, elections to the Supreme

    16:21 08.06.2019

    Wine, fruit, shawarma: how Zelensky conducts informal meetings

After the death of the head of the DPR Alexandra Zakharchenko a pressing question arose: who should become the acting head of the DPR until the next elections?

And this is where the fun begins. Article 62 of the DPR constitution states:

In case of early termination of powers of the Head of the Donetsk People's Republic, as well as in cases when the Head of the Donetsk People's Republic is temporarily unable to perform his duties, they are temporarily performed by the First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Donetsk People's Republic, and in the event that the Head of the Donetsk People's Republic does not combine his duties position with the position of Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Donetsk People's Republic, - Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Donetsk People's Republic.

It just so happened that Zakharchenko He also held the position of acting Chairman of the Council of Ministers, that is, he was the acting prime minister of the DPR. Therefore, according to the DPR constitution, in the event of his death, the duties of the head of the DPR are transferred to the First Deputy Prime Minister.

In fact, the DPR has three deputy prime ministers. This Trapeznikov, Matyushchenko And Timofeev. Matyushenko renounced her claims to Vlas immediately. There are two left. But the problem is that both of them have the prefix I.O. that is, acting duties. But the DPR constitution says nothing about acting officials...

Trapeznikov headed the department in the Zakharchenko administration, Timofeev was the Minister of Revenue and Duties. But they had the positions of deputy prime ministers with the prefix IO. And this is understandable, because Zakharchenko himself was an acting executive in the Cabinet. I attach the decrees on appointments below.

We have a very funny picture when the legal framework of the DPR does not provide the opportunity to legitimately appoint an acting head. This is such a flaw. I’m not surprised, it was also similar in the LPR and I wrote about it. As they say, hello to the deputy corps of the DPR, who are not clear what they are doing. Although everything is clear there...

As we remember, he suffered along with Zakharchenko Timofeev, and ended up in the hospital. And then the sprint race begins... On the same day, August 31, Trapeznikov gathers the Cabinet of Ministers of the DPR and allegedly enlists its support. Although in fact, according to the information I have, the Cabinet of Ministers was not assembled in full. This is not surprising, you all know about the “special talent” of the ministers of Donbass and how these characters became ministers. Is it worth requiring them to know the constitution? Or maybe there was no support. Anyway.

After this, Trapeznikov immediately rushes to an emergency meeting of the People's Council, where he reports on what happened to Zakharchenko. He’s just reporting, there was no vote on granting him powers. And he leaves.

Immediately after this, a number of media outlets published materials that Trapeznikov was elected acting head of the DPR. In particular, in Moskovsky Komsomolets.
Changes are made very quickly not only to the government websites of the DPR, but even to Wikipedia.

You may ask, how can this be? And that's it, friends.

That is, in fact, we can say that an anti-constitutional coup is taking place in the DPR and Trapeznikov’s power in the current conditions is not legitimate.
And yes, please note, I am not focusing specifically on Trapeznikov as an employee or just a person. I don't evaluate it, I don't say it's good or bad. No. Maybe he’s not even bad, as a leader and a wonderful person. I don't know him.
Emphasis on the discrepancy between what is happening and the legislation of the DPR.

He is not elected by the people, not approved by parliament and has no legal basis to claim power. But at the same time, he is already designated everywhere as the acting head of the DPR.

Let me tell you more, without prompt amendments to the constitution, none of the candidates has legal grounds to become the acting head of the DPR.

And why all? Yes, because the curators, instead of organizing the legislative process, statehood, the economy and minimizing risks, click their faces and cut the loot. And even if the figure of Trapeznikov is agreed upon, then they themselves knock out the ground of legitimacy from under him. Absurdity and tragicomedy continues.

I have the honor!
Tinyansky Evgeniy.
Deputy of the 1st convocation of the Supreme Council of the DPR, deputy of the parliament of Novorossiya, militia member.

(Part of a caricature by artist V. Kaprelyants was used as the cover of the article.)

The tragic death of the head DPR Alexandra Zakharchenko opened a new stage in the history of the DPR. Over the past year and a half, there have been no significant changes in the republic, but now everything can and will change. Extraordinary elections for the head of the DPR are scheduled for November 11. What can you expect? Donbass in the near future - in the material.

After Zakharchenko’s death on August 31, complete uncertainty remained for several days. The words of the Presidential Press Secretary brought clarity Russia Dmitry Peskov that Russia. Obviously, three days in Kremlin We assessed our options and decided that nothing better could be done. A day or two later, reports began to appear in the media that in Moscow consider it necessary to hold elections in the DPR. On September 6 this, and on September 7 the People's Council of the Republic made this decision and appointed an acting head of the DPR Denis Pushilin.

In order to adhere to the letter of the law, on the morning of September 7, on the eve of the parliamentary meeting, the DPR Prosecutor General's Office made a statement that it had named the appointment Dmitry Trapeznikov inconsistent with the constitution (there was no first deputy prime minister in the DPR), preparing the ground for his removal. However, the fact that Trapeznikov was a temporary figure was clear from the very beginning. It seems that he himself did not aspire to occupy this post and did not make a single decision in a week. Now, until the elections on November 11, Pushilin will occupy it.

In this regard, a number of questions arise. Who will lead the DPR after the elections? What will happen in the DPR? And what are the prospects for resolving the conflict and the future of Donbass in general?

As long as they do not go beyond the framework of the “no alternative” Minsk process, which is not being implemented and will not be implemented by the current Ukrainian government. Theoretically, changes are only possible if Petra Poroshenko and appearances on Ukraine a new president who will not be bound by his previous uncompromising promises and bellicose statements. Currently there are high chances Yulia Timoshenko, who has long been eager to run for president. At the end of August I met her in Kyiv President's advisor USA on national security issues John Bolton. After this, Tymoshenko announced that she would run for president. Poroshenko in the United States is not very happy. This is evidenced by constant revelations in the media, including Western ones, about his various machinations. Currently, Tymoshenko's rating is twice as high (16 versus 8%), and the gap appears to be tending to widen. And ratings do not so much reflect sentiment as shape it.

“Under the current government in Kyiv, direct negotiations between the Donbass republics and Ukraine are practically impossible, but we must not forget that elections will be held in Ukraine next year and it is quite possible that the new government will take such a step,” the director of the Institute for Peace Initiatives also believes Denis Denisov.

However, even the election of Tymoshenko in itself will change little. Ukraine can only be forced to comply Minsk agreements, and only the United States can do this. But what is the interest here for the United States? This question remains unanswered.

The situation in the DPR itself is now more interesting and multivariate. Who will lead it? The most likely candidate is Pushilin. It has a number of advantages. He has been participating in the Donbass struggle for freedom since the Russian Spring. He appeared at the very end of mass rallies in Donetsk, but at the most opportune moment - on the eve of the capture of the regional administration and the proclamation of the DPR. Pushilin was one of the co-chairs of the provisional government, and his voice has been familiar to residents of Donbass since the emergence of the DPR.

Another advantage of Pushilin, especially in the eyes of Moscow, is that he always clearly and distinctly articulated Russia’s position on Donbass as the position of Donbass itself. He did not allow himself any wobbles or ambiguities, so he did not have to retract his words or regret what he said, assure that he did not mean it, etc. True, there was one episode with a careless statement of his (after leaving Slavyansk, he complained on the social network about Russia’s inaction), but it seems that it was covered up by Pushilin’s further work. It is believed that he was always supported by the assistant to the Russian President Vladislav Surkov.

“He is a negotiator in the Minsk Contact Group. He is quite well-known both in the region and in Russia. He is understandable. He is more of a diplomat than a military man. It is logical that after Zakharchenko there will come a man who prefers to walk around not with a machine gun, but in a tie “This is normal if we proceed from the fact that the conflict in Donbass must have a peaceful resolution,” says the executive director of the Progressive Policy Foundation. Oleg Bondarenko.

Another significant advantage of Pushilin is his many years of participation in the Minsk negotiations, where he was the official plenipotentiary representative of the DPR. The point is that if he remains one and is elected head of the DPR, then Minsk Ukraine will have to negotiate with the head of the DPR, i.e. participate in direct dialogue with the DPR. True, one should not seriously expect any changes in its position from Ukraine in this regard. Ukraine negotiated with the DPR plenipotentiary representative - so what? It’s as if she doesn’t see the DPR and LPR, he will never see it.

Pushilin has two shortcomings, but they are significant. The first is that he does not enjoy authority among the military. It is difficult, if not impossible, to imagine him as commander in chief. Maybe the functions of the head and commander-in-chief will be separated? The second drawback is that Pushilin is not perceived as a leader in the DPR. He is a pure politician, speaker, negotiator. But not a leader. At least for now.

The journalist notes this Andrey Babitsky, who does not believe at all that Pushilin will lead the DPR.

“It seems to me that he shouldn’t even try his luck in this clearing. It seems that any stranger will be able to overtake him in votes,” says Babitsky.

However, he admits that “the election field is absolutely empty.”

Advisor to the head of the DPR located in Moscow Alexander Kazakov listed other candidates for the post of head of the republic: former head of the DPR Security Council Alexander Khodakovsky, former "people's governor" Pavel Gubarev and even the widow of the deceased head Natalia Zakharchenko. However, they are all rather hypothetical candidates.

Gubarev has long been removed from power, where he is not trying to get into. He is an ideological and straightforward person, and the road to power is closed to him. The widow of the deceased Alexander Zakharchenko has four children, one of whom is very small, and she has never participated in politics. Khodakovsky had strained relations with the leadership of the DPR. He criticized him, did not show any claims to power. And on September 7, in his Telegram channel, he wrote: “I am out of the game in this context. I believe that elections should take place, and the winning candidate should form a coalition government.” It seems that Khodakovsky can be safely crossed off from the list of candidates, like the former Deputy Prime Minister Alexandra Timofeeva, accused the day before of seizing property and deprived of his post. So there are no real candidates yet in sight, and therefore Pushilin simply has no rivals left. Whether they will appear soon, hardly anyone can say for sure now.

What awaits Donbass now? In the DPR, discussions do not go beyond the “Minsk process,” but in Ukraine, opinions on this differ. Kyiv political scientist Dmitry Korneychuk links the resolution of the conflict to the new Ukrainian president. Elections, in his opinion, are needed to bring to power politicians who will not cause rejection Kyiv. They will begin the “reset” of relations with Ukraine.

“According to Ukrainian law, there will be no local elections in Donbass before the presidential elections until the fall of 2019. But this was already clear when the topic of peacekeepers appeared. It is impossible to hold elections in Donbass while Poroshenko is president,” Korneichuk believes.

However, he believes that even before the presidential elections, peacekeepers will be deployed to the demarcation line, the economic blockade of Donbass will be lifted and Kiev will fulfill its political part Minsk agreements.

“And the real reintegration of Donbass and elections with the deployment of peacekeepers throughout Donbass will take place under the new president,” Korneychuk is sure.

The director of the Agency for Social Communications has a different opinion. Sergey Belashko. According to him, it was decided to “freeze” the situation in Donbass following the example Cyprus for many years, the DPR should be united with the LPR, and one of the security forces should be put at the head of the unified republic.

“It is obvious that the leader of this association will be from Donetsk, which has always played a dominant role in the Donbass. And, most likely, this person will be associated not with conversational politics, but with power politics. Obviously, he must have experience in combat,” - says Belashko.

According to him, Moscow will try to restart the Minsk process again, but it does not suit anyone.

“Most likely, the conflict will be frozen. And in order to effectively freeze it, some kind of self-sufficient entity must be created that would be at least as viable as Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, or Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, or Abkhazia", says the Ukrainian political scientist.

Director of the Institute for Global Strategies Vadim Karasev I am sure that Pushilin’s appointment indicates that Moscow will try to return Donbass to Ukraine and is betting on playing with the Ukrainian opposition.

“[Pushilin was appointed] in order to push the DPR into Ukraine... He is a negotiator, and the focus is on creating conditions for the possibility of direct negotiations between “big Ukraine” and the LDPR,” Karasev said on television.

But the general and former head of the main investigative department of the SBU Vasily Vovk believes that Russia, on the contrary, is determined to liberate the entire territory of the former Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

“They didn’t succeed then, but this is what they always dreamed of, and this dream does not leave them. Moreover, we must not forget that Russia continues to dream of Novorossiya", said Vovk.

Important news was the message of the Ukrainian media that Pushilin’s entourage will consist mainly of specialists from Moscow in order to no longer allow excesses of local performers. Surkov’s proxies will allegedly work with Pushilin at his election headquarters. In particular, Denis Denisov will be sent from Moscow as a coordinator for PR issues, work with the media and social networks. This suggests that Moscow, apparently, decided to take a closer look at Donbass.

The second important message was the message from the militia Alexander Zhuchkovsky that the Ministry of Defense of the DPR will be abolished and replaced by the Directorate of People's Militia. This is supposedly connected with the Minsk agreements.

“Of course, there are no signs of a “drain of Donbass” in this; in fact, the army will remain an army, but the rhetoric is in accordance with the vile “Minsk process” (according to which we have, like, not an armed forces, but a “people’s militia”),” he wrote Zhuchkovsky on his VKontakte page.

According to his information, Vladimir Kononov will become rector of the military school in Donetsk. As for the DPR Ministry of Defense itself, Zhuchkovsky believes that it has long been nominal and purely representative in nature, and in fact the army was not led by Kononov or even Zakharchenko.

“The current (and possibly future) head of the DPR Pushilin, of course, will not have a direct relationship with the army, and everything will remain the same,” notes Zhuchkovsky.

If this is so, then this is done, of course, not “under Pushilin,” but rather Pushilin was chosen for the processes that, under the influence of Moscow, are taking place in the system of government of the republic.

It is noteworthy that Surkov himself announced his support for Pushilin in his congratulations on his appointment. So it looks like the bet is on him. Well, only time will tell what will come of it. In the meantime, the DPR is awaiting elections. On September 8, the Central Election Commission approved the start of the electoral process in the republic.

DPR Central Election Commission building