Centrifugal force increases in proportion to the square of speed. What is meant by the driver's reaction time

5. How does the centrifugal force change the magnitude of the speed on the rotation?

1. It changes.

2. Enhancement in proportion to speed.

3. Enhanced in proportion to the square of speed.

6. How changes the length of the braking cargo car when towing a car with a faulty brake system?

1. Dysfast, since the towed car has additional resistance to movement.

2. Enhanced.

3. It changes.
7. How should the driver go in the case of the loss of the clutch of the wheels with the road due to the formation of a "water wedge"?

1. Enlarge speed.

2. The speed of the sharp presses on the brake pedal.

3. Subject speed, applying engine braking.

8. What driver actions will lead to a decrease in the centrifugal force arising on the turn?

1. Dimension to the radius of turning. 2. Enlarging the speed of movement.

3. The speed of movement.

9. What direction does the trailer of the road train shifts on the turn?

1. Not shifted.

2.The refers to the center of rotation.

3.Notes from the center of rotation.

10. How does the driver act on the fuel supply pedal when the drift occurs caused by a sharp acceleration of motion?

1. Suggest pressing the pedal.

2. Do not change the position of the pedal. 3. Quickly pressing the pedal.

1. With complete locking wheels.

2. Motor machine without blocking wheels.

12. What driving style will provide the smallest fuel consumption?

1. Difficult and sharp acceleration with a smooth slowdown. 2. Output acceleration with a sharp slowdown.

3. Output acceleration with a smooth slowdown.

13. When moving on what car increases speed can help eliminate the rear axle drift?

1. In front-wheel drive.

2. On the rear-wheel drive.

14. In turning the rear axis rear-wheel drive car. Your actions?

1. Enlarge fuel supply, steering wheel stabilize movement.

2.Reighten and rotate the steering wheel towards the drift.

3.Lell reduce fuel supply and turn the steering wheel towards the drift.

4. Restlessly reduce the fuel supply without changing the position of the steering wheel.

15. How to properly make an emergency braking on a slippery road?

1. Included clutch or transmission, smoothly press the brake pedal until it stops.

2. It turns off the clutch and transmission, to slow down by intermittent clicking on the brake pedal
16. What is meant under the stopping path?

1. Drafting traveled by the vehicle from the moment the danger driver is discovered until the complete stop.

2. Translucent, corresponding to the brake path defined by the technical characteristics of this vehicle.

3. Transfer, passed by the vehicle from the moment of starting the brake drive to the full stop.

17. What is meant by the driver's reaction time?

1. Lastly from the moment the driver's danger is discovered until the vehicle stops.

2. Early necessary to transfer legs from the fuel supply pedal to the brake pedal.

3. Lastly from the moment the danger driver is found before the adoption of measures to avoid it.

18. In turning the rear axis of the front-wheel drive car. Your actions?

1. Estimibly increase the fuel supply without changing the position of the steering wheel.

2. Easple to increase the supply of fuel, adjusting the direction of movement by the steering wheel.

3.Rimo and turn the steering wheel towards the drift. 4. Distribute fuel supply, steering wheel stabilize movement.

19. In the case when the right wheels of the car are running on the unreeded wet roadside, it is recommended:

1. Play and smoothly send the car to the left side.

2. It is resorting to braking, smoothly return the car on the driving part.

3. Play and stop completely.

20. What should the driver should be taken to prevent the dangerous consequences of the car drift with a sharp turn of the steering wheel on a slippery road?

1. Put on the brake pedal.

2. East, but smoothly turn the steering wheel towards the drift, then with a leading effect on the steering wheel to align the car movement trajectory.

3. Include clutch.

21.The deep snow on the dirt road should be:

1. By changing the speed of movement and transmission, depending on the state of the road. 2. In advance of the selected reduced transmission, without sharp turns and stops.

22.conusing in the forward direction at a speed of 60 km / h, you suddenly got into a small plot of slippery road. What should be taken?

1. Do not change the trajectories and movement speeds.

2. Importantly brake.

the driver must choose

23. In order to brake the engine on a steep gear, based on the conditions:

1. Translation / transmission does not depend on the descent steepness.

2. With the coolest descent, the higher the transmission.

3. For the better descent, the lower the transmission.
24. What moment should be started to let the parking brake when touching on the rise?

1. One way with the beginning of the movement.

2.After the start of the movement.

3.Dell the start of movement.

25. The vehicle braking route is achieved:

1. Brake with wheel lock (USD).

2. The machine can on the verge of blocking by the method of intermittent pressing on the brake pedal.

26. Why is it dangerous long-term braking with clutch (transmission) on a cool descent?

1. The wear of the components of the brake mechanisms is performed.

2. The brake mechanisms are distinguished and the braking efficiency decreases.

3. Tire tire wear wear increases.

27. How does the long overclocking of the vehicle with the first transmission on the fuel consumption affect the first transmission?

1. The field of fuel does not change. 2. Fuel increase increases. 3. Fuel is reduced.

28. Does the anti-lock system (ABS) possibilities for the occurrence of drift or demolition when turning the turn?

1. The benefit excludes only demolition.

2. Fully eliminates the occurrence of only driving.

3. It excludes the possibility of demolition or drift.

29. What should be done by the driver to prevent the occurrence of drift when driving a steep turn?

1. Land turning to reduce the speed, if necessary, turn on the downward transmission, and when the turn turns sharply not to increase the speed and do not slow down.

2. Fast turning to reduce speed and squeeze the clutch pedal to allow the car to move rolling on the turn.

3. Details any of the listed actions.

30. What advantages gives you the use of winter tires in the cold season?

1. The appearance of the possibility in all weather conditions to move with the maximum permissible speed.

2. Distribution of slippage and slip wheel on slippery coating.

3.Instation of the ability to occur.

31.The view of the brake path of the car in the presence of an anti-lock system (ABS) is achieved?

1. The machine can on the verge of blocking by the method of intermittent pressing on the brake pedal.

2. Page on the brake pedal and hold it in this position.
32.What is called braking?

1. Drain, passed by car from the moment the driver's danger detects until the vehicle stops.

2. Transfer, passed by the car during the transfer of legs with the fuel supply pedal on the brake pedal.

3. Transfer, passed by car from the moment of the start of braking until the vehicle stops.

33. Sustainment, this is:

1. Distribution, corresponding to the braking path, a certain technical characteristics of this vehicle.

3. Transfer, passed by the vehicle in the time required to transfer legs from the fuel supply pedal to the brake pedal and the time from the moment the brake drive is started until the stopper is stopped.

34.weese distances, it is:

1. Drafting traveled by the vehicle during the detection of the driver's driver.

2. Transfer, traveled by the vehicle during the detection of the driver's danger, the time required to transfer the foot from the fuel pedal to the brake pedal and the time from the time the brake drive is started until the brake drive is stopped.

3. Trade, passed by the vehicle during the detection of the driver's danger and during the time required to transfer the foot from the fuel pedal to the brake pedal.

35. What are the main criteria for the landing of the driver?

1. Ready to emergency action.

2. Common and comfort.

3. Driver's health care.

36. Does landing change depending on the type of drive to drive wheels?

1. It changes. 2. Displays.

Developed the Head of School A.V. Rolls

Appendix 4.


Head Night Kolomenskaya School



for the subject of "First Aid at a Road Accident" for the theoretical stage of the interim and final certification of students

1. What information should be reported to the dispatcher when calling "ambulance" during an accident?

1. Support well-known guidelines closest to the traffic accident. Report quantity

affected, specify their gender and age.

2.Cow the street and the house number coming to the traffic accident. Report who suffered in an accident

(Pedestrian, car driver or passengers), and describe the injuries they got.

3. Tin the exact location of the accident (call the street and house number and well-known

landmarks closest to the traffic accident). Report the number of victims, their floor,

approximate age and the presence of signs of life, as well as strong bleeding.

2. How should arrange hands on the chest victim when performing an indirect heart massage?

1. When the palms of both hands should be located on the chest for two fingers above

mesia-shaped process so that the thumb of one hand pointed towards the left shoulder

the victim, and the other - towards the right shoulder.

2. The foundation of the palms of both hands, which are superimposed by one to another, should be located on the sternum on two fingers above the sword-shaped process so that the thumb of one hand pointed towards the chin of the victim, and the other - towards the belly.

3. The heart of the heart massage perform the base of the palm of only one hand, located

on the chest for two fingers above the sword-shaped process. Direction of thumb

the value has no value.

3. What is the first assistance of the victim, which is in consciousness, if the spine is damaged?

1. Writing the victim on the side.

2. The delicious victim does not move. It should be imposed on his neck improvised

neckline without changing the positions of the neck and body.

3. Theorest, lying on the back, put a roller roller under the neck and lift

4. In the open fracture of the limbs accompanied by bleeding, first aid begin:

1. With the overlay of the improvised tire.

2. With the imposition of the harness above the wound at the site of the fracture.

3. With the imposition of the gulling bandage.

5. What is the first help in the injury of the scalp?

1. Apply an improvised cervical tire. To the wound of the scalp of the head, apply a gulling bandage from a sterile bandage, injured to put on the side with his legs bent in her knees, to attach a cold to his head.

2. To impose an improvised neck bus, to the wound to put a sterile cotton swab, injured to put on the back, raising my legs. At the head applied cold.

3. The tire does not impose, wound the medical adhesive plaster, to put the victim on the side only in the event of the loss of consciousness.

6. In the loss of victims of the consciousness and the presence of a pulse on a carotid artery to provide first aid to put it:

1. On the back with a roller-fendered under the head.

2. On the back with the elongated legs.

3. On the side so that the bent knees rely on the ground, and the upper hand was under the cheek.

7. What time can the hemostatic harness be imposed?

1. More than half an hour in the warm season and no more than an hour in the cold season.

2. No more than an hour in the warm season and no more than half an hour in the cold season. 3. The time is not limited.

8. But what injuries of the victim can testify the floor of the "Frog" (the legs are bent in the knees and divorced, and the feet unfolded to each other) and what first help you need to have?

1. The injury may be an injury injury, ankle fracture, bone fracture

feet. When first aid, stretch your legs, impose tires on both legs from ankle

sustav before the armpit.

2. The victim can be a fracture of the hip neck, pelvic bones, a spinal fracture,

damage to the internal organs of a small pelvis, internally bleeding. I will not change pose

do not pull legs, do not apply tires. When first aid, put on your knees roller

soft fabric, to the stomach, if possible, attach cold.

3. The victim can be a fracture of the bones of the leg and the lower third of the thigh. With the first

help put tires only on the injured foot from ankle to the knee

sustav, without pulling out the leg.

9. How to determine the presence of a pulse at the carotid artery of the victim?

1. The finger of the finger is located on the left side of the neck under the lower jaw.

2. Tree finger hands are located with the right or left side of the neck under the lower jaw on

the level of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx (Kadyk) and gently promote deep neck between

thyroid cartilage and nearest to cart the muscle.

3. The small finger is located on the neck under the chin of the larynx, and the remaining fingers - with

the other side.

10.Wened to hold the surrendant?

1. In the loss of victims of consciousness, regardless of the presence of a pulse at the carotid artery and


2. In the loss of victims of the consciousness and the absence of the pulse, as well as signs of breathing.

11. What should be done to extract a foreign body that has fallen into the respiratory paths of the victim?

1. Support the victim to his knee face down and hit a fist on the back of several

2. Watch vomiting, pressing the root of the tongue. With a negative result, hit the rib

palm on the back of the victim, or stand in front and strongly pressing the fist on his belly. 3. Advice several times palm on the back of the victim. With a negative result

stand behind, clasp it with both hands at the level of the lower ribs, catch your hands in

fist, at the same time surpassed his ribs and abruptly press on the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen with a fist in

the direction is inside and up.

5. How does the centrifugal force change the magnitude of the speed on the rotation?

1. It changes.

2. Enhancement in proportion to speed.

3. Enhanced in proportion to the square of speed.

6. How changes the length of the braking cargo car when towing a car with a faulty brake system?

1. Dysfast, since the towed car has additional resistance to movement.

2. Enhanced.

3. It changes.
7. How should the driver go in the case of the loss of the clutch of the wheels with the road due to the formation of a "water wedge"?

1. Enlarge speed.

2. The speed of the sharp presses on the brake pedal.

3. Subject speed, applying engine braking.

8. What driver actions will lead to a decrease in the centrifugal force arising on the turn?

1. Dimension to the radius of turning. 2. Enlarging the speed of movement.

3. The speed of movement.

9. What direction does the trailer of the road train shifts on the turn?

1. Not shifted.

2.The refers to the center of rotation.

3.Notes from the center of rotation.

10. How does the driver act on the fuel supply pedal when the drift occurs caused by a sharp acceleration of motion?

1. Suggest pressing the pedal.

2. Do not change the position of the pedal. 3. Quickly pressing the pedal.

1. With complete locking wheels.

2. Motor machine without blocking wheels.

12. What driving style will provide the smallest fuel consumption?

1. Difficult and sharp acceleration with a smooth slowdown. 2. Output acceleration with a sharp slowdown.

3. Output acceleration with a smooth slowdown.

13. When moving on what car increases speed can help eliminate the rear axle drift?

1. In front-wheel drive.

2. On the rear-wheel drive.

14. In turning the rear axis rear-wheel drive car. Your actions?

1. Enlarge fuel supply, steering wheel stabilize movement.

2.Reighten and rotate the steering wheel towards the drift.

3.Lell reduce fuel supply and turn the steering wheel towards the drift.

4. Restlessly reduce the fuel supply without changing the position of the steering wheel.

15. How to properly make an emergency braking on a slippery road?

1. Included clutch or transmission, smoothly press the brake pedal until it stops.

2. It turns off the clutch and transmission, to slow down by intermittent clicking on the brake pedal
16. What is meant under the stopping path?

1. Drafting traveled by the vehicle from the moment the danger driver is discovered until the complete stop.

2. Translucent, corresponding to the brake path defined by the technical characteristics of this vehicle.

3. Transfer, passed by the vehicle from the moment of starting the brake drive to the full stop.

17. What is meant by the driver's reaction time?

1. Lastly from the moment the driver's danger is discovered until the vehicle stops.

2. Early necessary to transfer legs from the fuel supply pedal to the brake pedal.

3. Lastly from the moment the danger driver is found before the adoption of measures to avoid it.

18. In turning the rear axis of the front-wheel drive car. Your actions?

1. Estimibly increase the fuel supply without changing the position of the steering wheel.

2. Easple to increase the supply of fuel, adjusting the direction of movement by the steering wheel.

3.Rimo and turn the steering wheel towards the drift. 4. Distribute fuel supply, steering wheel stabilize movement.

19. In the case when the right wheels of the car are running on the unreeded wet roadside, it is recommended:

1. Play and smoothly send the car to the left side.

2. It is resorting to braking, smoothly return the car on the driving part.

3. Play and stop completely.

20. What should the driver should be taken to prevent the dangerous consequences of the car drift with a sharp turn of the steering wheel on a slippery road?

1. Put on the brake pedal.

2. East, but smoothly turn the steering wheel towards the drift, then with a leading effect on the steering wheel to align the car movement trajectory.

3. Include clutch.

21.The deep snow on the dirt road should be:

1. By changing the speed of movement and transmission, depending on the state of the road. 2. In advance of the selected reduced transmission, without sharp turns and stops.

22.conusing in the forward direction at a speed of 60 km / h, you suddenly got into a small plot of slippery road. What should be taken?

1. Do not change the trajectories and movement speeds.

2. Importantly brake.

the driver must choose

23. In order to brake the engine on a steep gear, based on the conditions:

1. Translation / transmission does not depend on the descent steepness.

2. With the coolest descent, the higher the transmission.

3. For the better descent, the lower the transmission.
24. What moment should be started to let the parking brake when touching on the rise?

1. One way with the beginning of the movement.

2.After the start of the movement.

3.Dell the start of movement.

25. The vehicle braking route is achieved:

1. Brake with wheel lock (USD).

2. The machine can on the verge of blocking by the method of intermittent pressing on the brake pedal.

26. Why is it dangerous long-term braking with clutch (transmission) on a cool descent?

1. The wear of the components of the brake mechanisms is performed.

2. The brake mechanisms are distinguished and the braking efficiency decreases.

3. Tire tire wear wear increases.

27. How does the long overclocking of the vehicle with the first transmission on the fuel consumption affect the first transmission?

1. The field of fuel does not change. 2. Fuel increase increases. 3. Fuel is reduced.

28. Does the anti-lock system (ABS) possibilities for the occurrence of drift or demolition when turning the turn?

1. The benefit excludes only demolition.

2. Fully eliminates the occurrence of only driving.

3. It excludes the possibility of demolition or drift.

29. What should be done by the driver to prevent the occurrence of drift when driving a steep turn?

1. Land turning to reduce the speed, if necessary, turn on the downward transmission, and when the turn turns sharply not to increase the speed and do not slow down.

2. Fast turning to reduce speed and squeeze the clutch pedal to allow the car to move rolling on the turn.

3. Details any of the listed actions.

30. What advantages gives you the use of winter tires in the cold season?

1. The appearance of the possibility in all weather conditions to move with the maximum permissible speed.

2. Distribution of slippage and slip wheel on slippery coating.

3.Instation of the ability to occur.

31.The view of the brake path of the car in the presence of an anti-lock system (ABS) is achieved?

1. The machine can on the verge of blocking by the method of intermittent pressing on the brake pedal.

2. Page on the brake pedal and hold it in this position.
32.What is called braking?

1. Drain, passed by car from the moment the driver's danger detects until the vehicle stops.

2. Transfer, passed by the car during the transfer of legs with the fuel supply pedal on the brake pedal.

3. Transfer, passed by car from the moment of the start of braking until the vehicle stops.

33. Sustainment, this is:

1. Distribution, corresponding to the braking path, a certain technical characteristics of this vehicle.

3. Transfer, passed by the vehicle in the time required to transfer legs from the fuel supply pedal to the brake pedal and the time from the moment the brake drive is started until the stopper is stopped.

34.weese distances, it is:

1. Drafting traveled by the vehicle during the detection of the driver's driver.

2. Transfer, traveled by the vehicle during the detection of the driver's danger, the time required to transfer the foot from the fuel pedal to the brake pedal and the time from the time the brake drive is started until the brake drive is stopped.

3. Trade, passed by the vehicle during the detection of the driver's danger and during the time required to transfer the foot from the fuel pedal to the brake pedal.

35. What are the main criteria for the landing of the driver?

1. Ready to emergency action.

2. Common and comfort.

3. Driver's health care.

36. Does landing change depending on the type of drive to drive wheels?

1. It changes. 2. Displays.

Developed the Head of School A.V. Rolls

Appendix 4.


Head Night Kolomenskaya School



for the subject of "First Aid at a Road Accident" for the theoretical stage of the interim and final certification of students

1. What information should be reported to the dispatcher when calling "ambulance" during an accident?

1. Support well-known guidelines closest to the traffic accident. Report quantity

affected, specify their gender and age.

2.Cow the street and the house number coming to the traffic accident. Report who suffered in an accident

(Pedestrian, car driver or passengers), and describe the injuries they got.

3. Tin the exact location of the accident (call the street and house number and well-known

landmarks closest to the traffic accident). Report the number of victims, their floor,

approximate age and the presence of signs of life, as well as strong bleeding.

2. How should arrange hands on the chest victim when performing an indirect heart massage?

1. When the palms of both hands should be located on the chest for two fingers above

mesia-shaped process so that the thumb of one hand pointed towards the left shoulder

the victim, and the other - towards the right shoulder.

2. The foundation of the palms of both hands, which are superimposed by one to another, should be located on the sternum on two fingers above the sword-shaped process so that the thumb of one hand pointed towards the chin of the victim, and the other - towards the belly.

3. The heart of the heart massage perform the base of the palm of only one hand, located

on the chest for two fingers above the sword-shaped process. Direction of thumb

the value has no value.

3. What is the first assistance of the victim, which is in consciousness, if the spine is damaged?

1. Writing the victim on the side.

2. The delicious victim does not move. It should be imposed on his neck improvised

neckline without changing the positions of the neck and body.

3. Theorest, lying on the back, put a roller roller under the neck and lift

4. In the open fracture of the limbs accompanied by bleeding, first aid begin:

1. With the overlay of the improvised tire.

2. With the imposition of the harness above the wound at the site of the fracture.

3. With the imposition of the gulling bandage.

5. What is the first help in the injury of the scalp?

1. Apply an improvised cervical tire. To the wound of the scalp of the head, apply a gulling bandage from a sterile bandage, injured to put on the side with his legs bent in her knees, to attach a cold to his head.

2. To impose an improvised neck bus, to the wound to put a sterile cotton swab, injured to put on the back, raising my legs. At the head applied cold.

3. The tire does not impose, wound the medical adhesive plaster, to put the victim on the side only in the event of the loss of consciousness.

6. In the loss of victims of the consciousness and the presence of a pulse on a carotid artery to provide first aid to put it:

1. On the back with a roller-fendered under the head.

2. On the back with the elongated legs.

3. On the side so that the bent knees rely on the ground, and the upper hand was under the cheek.

7. What time can the hemostatic harness be imposed?

1. More than half an hour in the warm season and no more than an hour in the cold season.

2. No more than an hour in the warm season and no more than half an hour in the cold season. 3. The time is not limited.

8. But what injuries of the victim can testify the floor of the "Frog" (the legs are bent in the knees and divorced, and the feet unfolded to each other) and what first help you need to have?

1. The injury may be an injury injury, ankle fracture, bone fracture

feet. When first aid, stretch your legs, impose tires on both legs from ankle

sustav before the armpit.

2. The victim can be a fracture of the hip neck, pelvic bones, a spinal fracture,

damage to the internal organs of a small pelvis, internally bleeding. I will not change pose

do not pull legs, do not apply tires. When first aid, put on your knees roller

soft fabric, to the stomach, if possible, attach cold.

3. The victim can be a fracture of the bones of the leg and the lower third of the thigh. With the first

help put tires only on the injured foot from ankle to the knee

sustav, without pulling out the leg.

9. How to determine the presence of a pulse at the carotid artery of the victim?

1. The finger of the finger is located on the left side of the neck under the lower jaw.

2. Tree finger hands are located with the right or left side of the neck under the lower jaw on

the level of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx (Kadyk) and gently promote deep neck between

thyroid cartilage and nearest to cart the muscle.

3. The small finger is located on the neck under the chin of the larynx, and the remaining fingers - with

the other side.

10.Wened to hold the surrendant?

1. In the loss of victims of consciousness, regardless of the presence of a pulse at the carotid artery and


2. In the loss of victims of the consciousness and the absence of the pulse, as well as signs of breathing.

11. What should be done to extract a foreign body that has fallen into the respiratory paths of the victim?

1. Support the victim to his knee face down and hit a fist on the back of several

2. Watch vomiting, pressing the root of the tongue. With a negative result, hit the rib

palm on the back of the victim, or stand in front and strongly pressing the fist on his belly. 3. Advice several times palm on the back of the victim. With a negative result

stand behind, clasp it with both hands at the level of the lower ribs, catch your hands in

fist, at the same time surpassed his ribs and abruptly press on the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen with a fist in

the direction is inside and up.

On the dry road, the wheels hold reliably for the road surface, and the centrifugal force cannot carry the car.

But it can turn it over!

And that's what else is important to know the driver. The lowest location of the center of gravity is an empty car. With full load (with a cargo in the trunk and passengers in the cabin), the location of the center of gravity increases significantly.

And the centrifugal force is just attached to the center of gravity of the car, and when turning the turn it must be considered.

With cargo and passengers, the probability of tipping over!

And now I remember school physics:

The centrifugal force is directly proportional to the mass of the car, directly proportional to the square of the speed and is inversely proportional to the rotation radius.

If the speed is increasedtwice, centrifugal force will increasefour times.

And vice versa, if the speed is reducedthree times, centrifugal force will become lessnine times!

With a rotation radius, too, everything is clear - the greater the turning radius (that is, the smaller the curvature of the turn), the smaller the centrifugal force.

Interestingly! Not even knowing about the existence of this formula, in life we \u200b\u200bdo strictly in accordance with it - in front of the entrance, we reduce the speed, and, passing the turn, we try to the maximum "hide the curve", that is, if possible, try to increase the rotation radius. Such actions tells us the vestibular apparatus embedded in us by the creator.

And what will happen if in the process of passing the turn to the brake pedal?

With any braking, the weight of the car is transferred to the front wheels. That is, the front wheels are tightly pressed to the road, and the rear wheels on the contrary tend to break away from the road.

In such a situation, a small lateral effort is enough for the rear axle of the car to rotate around the front axle.

This phenomenon is called car drift.

Where does this side effort get? To the greatest regret it will definitely take, and reasons for this. What is only one centrifugal force!

When passing any turn on the car, a centrifugal force applied to the center of gravity of the machine.

Since the front wheels are always better to hold the road (they are loaded with a heavy engine), then, as a rule, the centrifugal force shifts the back axis towards the back. There is a car drift when turning turning.

If you continue to slow down with fear, two more to the centrifugal force is added to the centrifugal strength, and the inertia's emerging force is immediately.

Looking at the drawing, it should be clear that now the car will throw off on the side of the road and there it will definitely turn over.

Therefore, it is extremely undesirable to slow down in the process of rotation. It is necessary to reduce the speed before entering the rotation, and the turn should be done, as it is called, "in the stretch".

That is, the gas pedal is given, but very rustually so that the car turns the turn and without slowing down, and without acceleration. In this case, no strengths (except the centrifugal) do not act on the car, and the centrifugal force itself has been reduced to a safe limit by reducing the speed before entering the turn.

It is necessary to understand - in order to create conditions for driving a car,

it is not necessary to move along the curvilinear portion of the road.

The drift of the car can occur both in the straight line, and sometimes it is enough to brake or, on the contrary, pull the gas pedal sharply, or pull the steering wheel when the obstacle is sharply.

And what should I do if the skid begins?

The answer is very simple - you need to immediately get rid of the reason that caused the skid!

1. Car drift can occur with a sharp braking.

When braking the car, the car is driven forward one of the only power - the power of inertia. And this force is attached to the center of the severity of the car.

And resist the power of inertia as much four strength, namely, the thumbnailing efforts of four wheels of the car. At the same time, the main load falls on the brake mechanisms of the front wheels (no wonder the front brake pads wear the rear faster).

So, when braking, the rear wheels are slightly pressed to the road and therefore prone to blocking. It is enough to dramatically press the brake pedal, and now they are no longer rolling, but slide, losing the grip with the road surface. In this case, almost all braking is carried out only by the front wheels.

And now we will imagine that the left front wheel slows down more efficiently. This may be a variety of reasons - for example, various tire pressure, or on the left asphalt dry, and the right is wet. Yes, sometimes it is enough that one of the wheels rolling along the road markup, and the other on the asphalt!

In this case, when braking immediately arises the moment of forces seeking to expand the car.

As a result, the left part of the car begins to move slower than the right. The rear axle of the car or simply driving a car occurs.

If now does not stop braking, further movement will resemble the movement of the stone thrown on the ice - the stone spins-spinning, but flies on a straight line where the inertia is dragged.

The first natural reaction of an inexperienced driver is to put on the brake even stronger. As you understand, it means that the skid will continue.

Change situations can reverse action - remove the leg with brake pedal.

They removed the leg with the brake pedal, and immediately disappeared the moment of the forces, unfolding the car (wheels freely rolling). But the power of inertia is not doing anywhere, she still drags the car forward!

Do not matter, turn the steering wheel towards the drift and align the trajectory of the car movement.

(Compare this drawing with the top. See how the driver turned the front wheels towards the drift).

Note. As we have already decided, the drift of the car is the lifesta of the rear axle. Rear wheels seek to close up with the front. In this case, leveling the car, the driver turns the steering wheel towards the approaching rear wheels.

It is called "Steering wheel rotation in the side of the drift».

2. Car drift can occur with sharp acceleration.

When overclocked, the balance of strength is directly opposite.

Now the power of inertia is directed back, and the leading wheels are pulling the car. And if the leading wheels reliably hold the road (not let), then the car behaves perfectly, obediently performing all the desires of the driver.

However, there is no guarantee that the left and right wheels always hold out the way is absolutely the same. We have already mentioned the possible difference in tire pressure, or, say, on the left, the driving part is dry, and the right is wet.

Therefore, the skid can be obtained not only when braking, but also at acceleration.

It is enough to dramatically press the gas pedal (especially on slippery coating) and leading wheels will start rotating with slipping. And any slippage of wheels is a loss of clutch with an expensive.

If the leading wheels are rear, will bring the rear axle.

If the leading wheels are the front, will demolish in front of the front.

So in all cases a recipe one - it is necessary to get rid of the cause of the driving,

that is, in this case, it is reduced to press the fuel supply pedal.

3. Car drift can occur with a sharp turn of the steering wheel.

Sometimes drivers have to drag the obstacles in the details.

Imagine that the driver, moving at a speed of 60 km / h, at the last moment I decided to drive around the sewer hatch.

But after all, the sharp turn of the guide wheels is also a kind of braking. In the forward direction, the speed of the car drops sharply, and the machine marks noticeably on the front wheels.

And since there is a braking, the power of inertia immediately appears, while the car body is already deployed - ideal conditions for driving!

In the summer, on dry asphalt, nothing terrible will happen, just the car swings there and here when the obstacle's details.

But in the winter on a slippery road is guaranteed. Moreover, the next moment to slide all four wheels.

And in the summer, if the speed is a hundred, the events will develop in the same way.

What to do?

Yes, all the same. As soon as the driver felt that the car goes into a skid, it was necessary immediately get rid of the reason that caused a skid. And now God is with him, with this hatch.

Quickly (but smoothly!) Turn the steering wheel towards the drift.

The front wheels "cling" the road (stop sliding), the car handling is restored, and the car obediently returns to its lane.

It's time to talk about the difference in management front-wheel drive Car and rear-wheel drive.

And he, and the other exactly equally go into skid. But they are chosen from the drift in different ways. This is due to the fact that the rear wheels pushing car, and front - pull car.

Imagine a person who tied a stick to the back of the sink and tries to push these sleds.

After all, they will immediately begin to develop left or right. That is, by analogy with the car, the rear axle will bring pushing effort.

If a person guess to tie a stick or just a rope in front and pulls sledges, they will follow him like a thread behind a needle without any drifts.

This is exactly what the front drive differs from the rear. If the rear wheels pushing Mass, located in front of them, the front wheels pull Massoring after them.

That is why leaving the rear drive drift, we smoothly reduce the press on the gas pedalWhen trying to doubt the centrifugal force and restore the car handling.

And that is why on the front drive, we slightly increase the pressure on the gas pedalSo that the front wheels pulled us from the drift.

How to get out of drift on the rear drive.

So, on the turn there was a drift of the rear axle of the car (the rear wheels slide along the road, and the centrifugal force carries them to the roadside). And it is the rear wheels we lead.

If you now add a torque to the driving wheels (that is, click on the gas pedal) The situation is only aggravated - not only that the rear wheels slide, so now they are also dropped, and the clutch with the road is lost finally.

At the same time, it is impossible to press the brake pedal or sharply throw gas - in this case, the power of inertia is also added to the centrifugal force, and this will only strengthen the skid.

We remember our common universal principle - it is necessary to get rid of the cause that caused the skid.

And the centrifugal force lies us. Well, it's impossible to get rid of it, but you can reduce it if you reduce the speed.

Only reduce speed need smoothly, slightly reducing the fuel supply, while turning the steering wheel towards the drift.

After the car's handling will be recovered, complete the rotation.

How to get out of the drift on the front drive.

And again on the turn there was a drift of the rear axle of the car. Only this time a car front-wheel drive.

What do you think, if you now turn the steering wheel towards driving and add torque to leading wheelswill the front wheels stretch out of the drift?

But, perhaps, stretched out!

Just remember!

Increasing the pressure on the gas pedal must be slightly, very smoothly and very carefully, not allowing the slip of the front wheels. How will they pull if they start to bust?

Modern cars are equipped with all sorts of devices that helps the driver avoid trouble on the road.

Among such smart devices, first of all, Abs anti-lock brake system.

However, it should be known that the anti-lock system is very good only in rectilinear areas. When braking, she so skillfully redeplies the braking force on the wheels of the car, that all four wheels always reliably hold onto the road. And this, in turn, excludes the drift of the car.

But against lateral effort, that is, against the centrifugal force arising on the turn, ABS is powerless.

On a dry coating, the centrifugal force may simply knock the car.

On the slippery coverage, the same centrifugal force can easily put the rear axle of the car ...

... or even completely demolish the car from the road. And here no ABS does not help.