Horoscope september libra love from the past

Favorable days for Libra in September 2017: September 5, 9, 14, 20, 25, 30.
Difficult days for Libra in September 2017: September 7, 22, 26.

Horoscope for September 2017 Libra woman

Love horoscope

September 1 - September 10. It's time to overcome embarrassment and take action. But don't expect everything to be easy - you must understand that someone is opposing your relationship and wants to ruin everything. There may be financial problems that will create unexpected difficulties - you will not be able, for example, to afford to visit a beautician before a date or buy a beautiful dress.

September 11 - September 20. Due to the position of Jupiter and the Sun, you will be a very pleasant conversationalist. Use this to strengthen your relationship. Challenge your loved one to be frank more often - he will share his worries with you, and you can become absolutely necessary for him.

September 21 - September 30. Your desire to meet an interesting man will be heard. Moreover, you will get to know him in a friendly circle. True, now that Venus is in retrograde motion, you need to restrain yourself from active actions. It’s better to do nothing and wait for the initiative from the chosen one. The situation will be complicated by the fact that now you will have little opportunity to make a lasting impression.

Romantic date. It's good if your friends help you arrange dates. They may specifically invite you to visit the same companies or on short trips so that you can get to know each other better. It is in communication that your brightest qualities will be revealed.

Family horoscope

Your family life will largely depend on financial matters. If money problems arise, you may quarrel with someone from your family. You will be accused of spending too much money on entertainment. Only your husband can support you, he will be on your side. When at the end of the month your relationships with family members become much better, you will quickly be able to make peace with them.

The secret of happiness. Lightness and spontaneity. Try to inspire your family. Even if they want to prove that everything is your fault, find the right words and direct the conversation in a constructive direction.

Holiday horoscope

You will best relax in the company of friends. Trips, visits - you will need to communicate with them almost every day. In the company of like-minded people you will feel calm and comfortable. You will enjoy heart-to-heart conversations in the kitchen after midnight and spontaneous meetings in city cafes.

Place of power. Go visit friends living in another city. They will take you to local attractions, and you will certainly find something that suits your taste. During such walks, you will remember your cloudless youth, a life without problems and doubts.

Horoscope of work and money

All that will seriously worry you now is the lack of money. You have big expenses planned for this month, and you don’t agree to delay payment. Wealthy acquaintances whom you persuade to lend you money can help out.

Purchase of the month. Now you will be happy to spend money on organizing a holiday, a picnic, or a trip out of town for your friends. Another expense item is gifts to relatives.

Horoscope health

During this period, you may experience problems associated with irregular nutrition. This threatens to worsen gastritis. But you can weaken yourself even more by late night gatherings with copious amounts of food and drink. Later, your health will improve.

Horoscope for September 2017 for Libra men


Your beloved Libra can really fray your nerves with his almost round-the-clock communication with friends. At the beginning of September, he will tell you that he has certain obligations to his friends, and therefore now after work he will communicate with them, and not with you. But secretly, your partner hopes that you will stop his attempts to start an independent life. Present him with the fact that you miss him and really want to be with him all the time.


Friendly company will inspire your chosen one - perhaps, under the influence of others, he will begin to write poetry, compose songs, dance or actively play sports. You simply won't recognize him. Especially considering that at home he is sometimes too lazy to even get up from the couch.


Because of Saturn, your loved one will now have to save seriously. It is important for you to keep him from reckless spending, debts and loans. Then next month he will thank you and will definitely give you some memorable gift.


Your chosen one will want to share all the hobbies of his friends. If he is invited somewhere to unwind, he will immediately leave, regardless of his business. And all the offers and promises he gave you will be forgotten.

Horoscope for September 2017 Libra child

0–6 years. The Libra baby will be sweet and charming, but he will be very susceptible to the influence of others. And if someone’s toy seems attractive to him, he will make every effort to get one. They can simply give it to him - after all, he asks so convincingly!

7–12 years old. Little Libra will take an active part in school life. Your fidget will sign up for several clubs and, as a result, give up his studies. But as an activist, they will meet him halfway and will not spoil the diary.

13–17 years old. Libra teens will flirt with all their friends of the opposite sex. Such illegibility can cause a real scandal - girlfriends and friends will begin to be offended, until your Don Juan or your Carmen comes to their senses and declares that this is just a joke, nothing more. This is not the right time for a new romance.

Read the horoscope for September 2017 for other zodiac signs:

In September 2017, the zodiac sign of Libra is recommended to act persistently, but carefully. Your key celestial patrons - Venus and Saturn - will support you all month, but it cannot be said that their positions will be particularly strong. In general, now a fairly standard position will develop around you, that is, in fact, it will not be the stars or some planetary combinations that will shape your life, but you yourself. Although it is also important to note here that it is fair to assign a significant role to circumstances, you can very well turn even the most unfavorable third-party factors to your advantage, or at least bypass them. In terms of personal relationships, this period will be quite calm, that is, it is unlikely that you will have to solve any fundamental problems. But the sphere of work and finance will require a certain concentration, but the result in the end will be simply incredible. Although here it is fair to remember Mars, which, in all likelihood, will be strengthened by the position of aggressive Uranus. There is no need to try to resolve the issue by force, but there is no need to openly “slow down” either. With any of these options, the “red planet” will seriously complicate your life.

The “labor front” in September 2017 may seem frankly inert to you, but this is only at the beginning, in the first ten days of the month. By the dawn of the second ten days, you will be surprised to find that the situation has changed dramatically. Instead of peace and tranquility, you will simply find frantic dynamics, and there is no way to bypass this stage. Actually, there is no need to bypass anything here, because we are talking about an extremely promising time. The stars recommend that Libra, who has his own business, seriously think about modernizing production this month. This will allow you to significantly save resources, but still achieve decent positions. If you don’t have your own business, then it makes sense to think about it. At a minimum, try to implement your initiatives; now is the best time for this. Do not hesitate to act contrary to the opinion of your management; your achievements will speak louder than any words. But do not forget that you also have ill-wishers on your heavenly ribbon. If you talk too much, trusting important information to those who clearly shouldn’t be trusted, Mars’ position will only strengthen, and then no one will guarantee you a favorable outcome.

As for the sphere of feelings and personal relationships, here in September 2017, Libra, as already noted, will experience one of the calmest and most successful periods in the entire cycle of the Fire (Red) Rooster. At the beginning of the month, you can already lay down key trends that will further develop. That is, if some dilemmas arise on your way, then it makes sense to solve them immediately, despite the fact that, most likely, even taking into account your complete inaction, they will not develop into real conflicts. But why burden yourself with additional troubles? If you are single, then probably the first month of autumn will allow you to significantly reconsider your outlook on life. This will be a meditative period that will bring a unique experience into your life. Married Virgos will definitely be happy, and even indirect equivocations are unacceptable here. Although it is worth noting that due to the unfavorable location of Mars, some problems may still occur. Don’t be lazy, if there is a real need - make every effort to help your loved ones (even if we are talking about distant relatives with whom you seem to have almost no contact). Otherwise, you risk the stability of your position.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for September 2017 for the zodiac sign Libra, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Libra. You can find out a more accurate horoscope by drawing up one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the sign Libra: Personal horoscopes for the sign Libra:

Libra's love relationships have been unstable throughout the year. They had to endure a number of disappointments back in the spring. Now Libra is going through a difficult time - their ecliptic period will begin on September 24. But for now, representatives of this zodiac sign can rest easy. Under the auspices of Venus, Libra will have the opportunity to become truly happy.

Love horoscope for Libra for September 2019

In September 2019, Libra will face the stubbornness of their other halves. This fact will not have the best effect on their relationships with their chosen ones. The innate optimism of Venus’s wards will help correct the situation. The stars in September will create for you all the conditions for a romantic date that will remain in the memory of your halves for a long time.

In September, Libra will feel a sense of peace. Despite the fact that their Patron is not active during this period, their personal life will be very eventful. At the beginning of September, amazing acquaintances are possible that have the prospect of developing into something more in the future.

Closer to the 10th, Libra will begin to show independence that is unusual for them. This may seriously scare loyal fans. Astrologers advise Libra to act carefully and wisely, without contradicting their own nature.

Oddly enough, it is better for Libra to schedule weddings during the period when the Sun is in its zodiac constellation, i.e. from September 24. Such a union will be emotional, rich in various events, but certainly happy.

Love horoscope for Libra women for September 2019

In September 2019, Libra women continue to hope for a successful acquaintance with a promising young man. At this time, the desire to improve your life intensifies even more. The love horoscope does not exclude the possibility of changes even for those representatives of the Zodiac sign who have been legally married for a long time.

You may begin to feel dissatisfied with your spouse, trying in every possible way to change him. If the chosen one has not yet become your husband, he will resist desperately. Then there will be a risk of deterioration of the relationship and even its rupture. This cannot be allowed, because in September Mars is retrograde, so it will not tolerate the reunion of loving hearts after separation.

Beautiful love awaits those Libra women who have not yet experienced it. Libra girls will be able to thoroughly enjoy the new feeling. However, the first September novel is doomed to failure. Libra can only live in the present and not try to resist fate.

Love horoscope for Libra men for September 2019

In September 2019, Libra men will find the strength to change the existing state of affairs, which categorically does not suit them. Men will easily give up time-tested relationships, and in the future they will not even regret it.

Single Libra men will feel a strong pull to remain single, because in September they will meet only unworthy partners along the way. A successful acquaintance is possible only during the period of era change, when Virgo cedes its dominance to Libra.

Mercury will react favorably to the beginning of a romance with Gemini and Pisces. In such a union, Libra will definitely be happy. But girls born under the sign of Sagittarius and Taurus will not bring you either joy or physical pleasure. You will not be able to make Cancer women happy. Even if Libra feels comfortable in such a union, the partner will not experience intense pleasure from the relationship.

Love horoscope for Libra for other months of 2019

Of course, Libra, as always, will be helped by their powerful heavenly patrons. We have already said that at the beginning of this autumn Libra will have few major problems (the heavenly “guardians” of the representatives of this zodiac sign will take care of this). It's time to find out which planets and at what moment will illuminate your September existence with their attention.

So, your main mentor and teacher in this period of life will be Saturn (wise Saturn, who, it would seem, does not know what vanity and confusion are). Of course, your powerful friend will do everything to ensure that your life is not replete with any problems, but there is always a risk that you yourself, with your own hands, will create these problems! In September, you should not allow yourself to be too arrogant (it can cause a lot of problems for you, which will be very difficult for you to get rid of).

In addition to Saturn, the most romantic of planets, Venus, will show a keen interest in your destiny. The “Priestess of Love” will take your personal front under her wing, and this will allow you to forget about any problems related to the sphere of interpersonal relationships for the entire month of September.

However, your September existence clearly cannot be called idyllic, and there are plenty of reasons for that! Two powerful planets will immediately turn against you, and you will have to quickly decide how to protect yourself from this negativity. Neptune and Uranus are the names of your September antagonists. What problems can they bring you? Yes, very different and in different areas of life! And again the advice is relevant - in September 2017, control your every step, avoid excessive impulsiveness and arrogance. Also, if you need any advice, feel free to ask others for help and never try to go it alone!