What kind of oil to pour into a gasoline generator - we choose lubricants for gas generators. Choosing oil for gas generators Oil for a 4-stroke diesel generator

There are several classifications of motor oils:

Classification of oils according to the set of API performance properties;
classification of oils according to SAE viscosity.

API engine oil classification for gasoline engines

SL - suitable for all engines. SL grade oils are designed to provide the best high temperature properties and reduce oil consumption.

The API classification distinguishes between oils for gasoline and diesel engines. The first corresponds to the letter S, such as SH, SJ or SL, while the second letter indicates a higher level. So, the SL class was put into practice, improving and partly replacing the SJ engine oil class. API - American Petroleum Institute (API - American Petroleum Institute).

SAE engine oil classification for gasoline engines

SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers - American Association of Automotive Engineers) describes the properties of viscosity and fluidity - the ability to flow and at the same time lubricate the surface of the metal. The SAE J300 standard classifies engine oils into six winter grades (OW, 5W, 10W, 15W, 20W, and 25W) and five summer grades (20, 30, 40, and 50). The double number means all-weather oil (5W-30, 5W-40, 10W-50, etc.).

The combination of summer and winter viscosity values ​​does not mean an arithmetic combination of viscosity properties. For example, 5W-30 oil is recommended for operation at ambient temperatures from -30 to +20 ° С. At the same time, summer oil can operate at temperatures up to 30 ° C, but only at ambient temperatures above zero.
Each internal combustion engine for special equipment is distinguished by a unique combination of the degree of forcing, heat stress, design features, materials used and other nuances.

For gas generators use high quality 4-stroke engine oils that meet the requirements of automakers for service at least SG. It is highly desirable to use engine oils that meet the API SL class, which are labeled accordingly on the packaging. SAE 10W30 engine oil is recommended as a universal oil for operation at all temperatures. Using the above data to select the optimal oil viscosity in accordance with the temperature of the environment in which the generator is operated, another grade of oil can be selected.
However, an almost ideal condition for the normal operation of the gas generator is the use of SL engine oils with viscosity characteristics according to SAE, suitable for the ambient temperature, in the place where the gas generator is operating. Recommended API class oils are at least SJ.

At temperatures above 4 ° C - 10W30, 10W40, 15W30, 15W40, 20W30, 20W40, SAE 30.
At temperatures from -18 °С to +4 °С - SAE 0W40, 0W50, 5W30, 5W40, 5W50, 10W30, 10W40.
At temperatures above +4 °C, multi-temperature oils (10W-30, etc.) are consumed to a greater extent and can cause early engine wear. When using these oils, check the level more often than usual. When using SAE30 at temperatures below +4 °C, starting may be difficult, and the use of this oil may lead to premature engine wear due to lack of lubrication.

Engine oil is an important part of any engine. Regardless of its design, this product is simply vital in it, since it performs two key functions, lubrication and cooling. It prevents the occurrence of excessive friction between metal parts, the formation of metal chips. As a result, moving parts do not jam and work properly. Also, the lubricant is involved in the cooling of the pistons - with its help, the heat generated during their movement is removed. But not all of them are monotonous, each of them is only suitable for a specific task, more precisely the engine and operating conditions, therefore it matters which oil should be poured into - it will behave differently in different conditions.

The issue of choosing oil is revealed in the video below, we recommend viewing

To know exactly which oil is best used for a gasoline generator, you need to understand what it is. In its original form, it raw oil. She is has good lubricating properties and enough viscous to hold onto lubricated parts. These properties of it were discovered at the end of the century before last and patented in the United States. The world's first brand was called " Valvoline". But the product from ordinary oil, although it performs its function, is not clean enough for modern technology - sulfur and paraffin create pollution and fumes, which negatively affects engine performance. Therefore, an alternative has become synthetic oil applicable for a gas generator, which is produced by distilling oil and parsing it to the main components from which the base substance is made.

Various additives are added to it, thanks to which increase its performance.

Another opinion on the choice of oil

Oil classification

In total, several classifications of motor oils have been created for. Each of them in one way or another characterizes the properties and distributes them into the appropriate groups. Among them, there are two main groups of classifications, this is API - in which substances are indicated by the combination of operational properties and SAE - viscosity classification. Both of them characterize for engine oil on a gasoline engine.

API System designed so that it can be used to select products that match the service life and type of a particular engine. For oil on a gasoline engine, the mark S is assigned, the second letter characterizes the quality level. Thus, the lowest level is SG, which is suitable for older engines made before 1993. SH is for engines manufactured in 1996, SJ is for 2001, and SL is for more modern ones. In general, this classification presents substances with marks that begin with the first letter of the English alphabet. The farther such a letter of classification from the beginning, the higher the quality of the oil. At the moment, the highest quality product is indicated by the SN marking.

Planning to buy a generator for your home or business? Then you know that to ensure its operation, you need to take care of the fuel and oil for the generator.

In order for the generator to start up and work properly in any operating conditions, you need to seriously approach the issue of choosing fuels and lubricants.

Depending on the type of installed engine, diesel or gasoline can be used as fuel. The quality of the compositions directly affects the serviceability of the parts, as well as the level of their wear. Do not use leaded fuel, as its use generates particulate matter as a result of combustion, which will lead to engine failure.

Generator manufacturers make the following recommendations:

  • for diesel power plants, domestic diesel fuel of the first and highest grade is suitable: summer L-0.2-40, L-0.2-62 and winter 3-0.2 minus 35, 3-0.2 minus 45;
  • for gasoline generators, gasoline recommended by the manufacturer in the instructions is used. Four-stroke engines run on pure gasoline (no oil), while two-stroke engines run on a mixture of gasoline and oil. For engines with side valves, use gasoline with an octane rating of at least 77 (A-80, AI-92, AI-95, AI-98). If the generator engine has an overhead valve arrangement (OHV marking), the fuel must have an octane rating of at least 85 (AI-92, AI-95, AI-98).

Professional advice: so that the fuel does not run out at the most inopportune moment, and the object is not left without electricity, you need to take care of a sufficient supply. You need to proceed from the frequency of using the generator, as well as from the number of liters consumed per hour. For example, portable units can consume about 1-2 liters per hour, and powerful stationary units - more than 10 liters per hour.

Oil for gasoline generator and diesel generator

Oil is an essential consumable for a power plant. It serves to lubricate the friction parts of the gearbox and engine, reducing their wear.

During operation of the equipment, it is necessary to maintain a sufficient level of oil in the crankcase to avoid engine shutdown and serious damage.

In addition, the spent composition requires replacement after running-in (after the first 5 hours of operation), also every 20 to 50 hours of operation and during seasonal maintenance of the generator.

But mindlessly pour the first one that comes across generator oil it is impossible, because a specific composition is intended for each type of engine and operating conditions. A knowledgeable person can easily determine this by reading the information on the package. To make it easy for you, we will tell you more about how the marking is read.

According to the API system (American Institute of Petroleum Products), compounds are marked with two letters. The first letter determines the type of fuel used: S - for gasoline, C - for diesel. The second letter in the marking indicates the quality characteristics of the oil, depending on the use of special additives. For example, oils labeled A, B and C are of a low class.

For diesel generators, it is recommended to use high-quality oils marked CD, CE or CF-4, for gasoline generators - SJ, SL. In addition, different oils are used for 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines (information about this is indicated on the packaging).

The composition distinguishes between mineral, synthetic and semi-synthetic oils. They contain special additives that impart such qualitative characteristics as viscosity and fluidity. Note that under different temperature conditions, these properties can change, therefore, each composition has its own temperature range of operation.

For example, mineral oil is great for use at above zero temperatures, but as soon as the temperature drops below zero, it can crystallize and the generator engine will not start. That is why it is important to distinguish between oils according to the season of use. There is an SAE standard for this.

So that you do not get confused in complex index values, we will present all the information in a table:

The recommendations presented in the table are approximate, since each manufacturer provides a list of the most suitable oils and additives for each brand of internal combustion engine. It all depends on the degree of forcing, the heat stress of the engine and other individual characteristics. You will find information about the compositions for your generator in the instructions.

Professional advice: When using all-weather (or as they are also called multi-temperature) oils of the SAE10W30 type at air temperatures above +4 ° C, be prepared for their excessive consumption compared to summer oils. In this regard, you will have to check the oil level and add it more often than usual to prevent wear on the rubbing parts of the engine.

When changing from mineral oil to synthetic oil (and vice versa), it is recommended to completely drain the old oil and refill with new oil to avoid additive incompatibility when mixing. So you can avoid serious problems in the operation of the engine and related repairs.

What kind of oil to pour into the generator?

So, we figured out the choice of basic consumables. Now let's move on to the question of what else is useful when working. Unfortunately, not all buyers pay attention to such trifles, but in vain. Lack of important accessories such as an extension cord can cause downtime.

In order for you to be able to work at a considerable distance from the power source, we recommend purchasing an extension cord. It is useful at a construction site, in a workshop, in everyday life for connecting power tools, a pump and other equipment to a generator. The length of the wire for different devices can be from 10 to 50 meters.

In the case when the power plant will be used permanently at an enterprise or in a residential building, and will also be used as a backup power source for lighting and household appliances, you need to purchase a conductive wire to connect all consumers to the generator.

In this case, the number of cores should be taken into account: a two-core cable is suitable for an installation that produces a current with a voltage of 220 V, a three-core cable for equipment that produces 380 V.

All plastic parts are resistant to high temperatures, which eliminates fire, and most products have grounding contacts. By purchasing such devices, you can be sure of the safety of the entire electrical system. To prevent fluctuations in the voltage generated by the generator from causing damage to such highly sensitive equipment as computers, medical equipment and alarm systems, we recommend purchasing a stabilizer.

When servicing the generator, it is recommended to wear gloves on your hands so as not to burn yourself on hot parts, and also not to get dirty when pouring fuel and oil into the tanks. Don't forget the oil and fuel canisters as well. These containers are very convenient for both storage and transportation. They have convenient handles, and the neck is tightly twisted with a lid so that the liquid does not spill.

The most convenient are double canisters, in which one compartment is designed for oil, and the other (larger volume) for gasoline. These canisters are in the range of Husqvarna, Champion, Stihl. Depending on the volume of the tank of your generator, as well as on the average fuel consumption, you can choose a tank with a volume of 1 to 6 liters.

Gasoline power plants, depending on the type of engine installed, require oil with certain properties and characteristics to operate. When choosing fuel and lubricants, first of all, pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations. The technical documentation for each model says which oil needs to be filled in to ensure optimal conditions for engine operation. The instructions also indicate how many fuels and lubricants of each type and how often it needs to be changed. For station owners who, for some reason, are forced to choose lubricants themselves, the general recommendations presented below will be useful.

Type of oil depending on the type of engine

Gasoline power plants can be equipped with two-stroke or four-stroke engines. A feature of a two-stroke engine is that its design does not provide for a separate crankcase into which oil must be poured. This type of engine consumes a mixture of gasoline and oil previously prepared in certain proportions. This type of generator requires oil that will quickly and completely dissolve in gasoline. It should also burn out completely, leaving no marks on the motor valves. Especially for two-stroke engines, a series of oils of the T2 standard is produced.

But in this case, you need to be careful. This series of oils for two-stroke engines also includes the TC-W3 fuel and lubricant type. But they cannot be used in generator motors. This is a series of oils for engines of motor boats and jet skis in constant contact with water.

Gasoline power plants equipped with four-stroke engines have a wide range of engine oils. This somewhat complicates the choice of fuel and lubricants if the technical documentation for the generator is lost. Oil for four-stroke engines is evaluated according to two main criteria:

  • Viscosity (SAE);
  • Performance properties (API).

Viscosity indicates to us the air temperature at which the use of oil of this variety will be most effective and beneficial to the engine. There are lubricants for winter and summer periods of operation. By choosing the appropriate type of oil, you ensure the best lubrication of every part of the engine, which means you prolong its life. Depending on the outside air temperature, you need to use oil of the following viscosity grades:

  • At +4 °C and above: 10W30, 10W40, 15W30, 15W40, 20W30, 20W40, SAE 30.
  • At temperatures from -20 °C to +4 °C: 0W40, 0W50, 5W30, 5W40, 5W50, 10W30, 10W40.

In summer, 10W30 oil may be the best choice; in the off-season, it is better to give preference to samples of 0W40, 0W50 (but preferably those that are labeled according to API SJ or SL). This marking indicates that these fuels and lubricants belong to the category of high-tech, in terms of their properties and characteristics, they perfectly meet the requirements of four-stroke gasoline engines.

The generator will work for a long time and flawlessly if you adhere to the following simple rules during its operation:

  • Maintain the "break-in" mode of the new motor. Usually this is the first 20 hours of operation. After that, it is advisable to change the oil.
  • Follow the service intervals recommended by the manufacturer. Change after 50-100 hours of operation, depending on the type of oil used (mineral or synthetic).
  • Before draining the old oil and filling in new oil, it is advisable to warm up the generator motor and carry out this procedure at its operating temperature.
  • Before each start of the engine, check the oil level using a special dipstick. If necessary, add to the minimum value.
  • Immediately after starting the generator, let it idle for a couple of minutes, and only after the engine has warmed up, connect the load.
  • If the unit is to be operated continuously for several hours, periodically check the oil level.
  • Regardless of whether you start the station or not, the oil must be changed in autumn and spring (according to the season of operation).
  • Remember that the gasoline generator cannot run continuously, it needs to be turned off periodically to cool the engine.

And most importantly - do not save on the quality of fuel and lubricants and the frequency of oil changes. Depending on what kind of oil you pour into the crankcase, the generator will work reliably and for a long time, or it may constantly break down and “act up”. It is important not only to change the oil on time, but also to fill it in accordance with the operating season. One of the most common reasons why a generator can fail is a lack of lubrication in its crankcase.

To make the right choice and for sure decide which oil is best for your generator engine, contact our consultants for help. Use the feedback form to ask your question, and in the very near future you will be provided with a qualified recommendation.

Most electric gas generators are bought as a backup power source for a country house and home garden. As a consequence, the technique is used for the most part sporadically, only at times of power outages. It often happens that the generator turns on only a couple of times a year and for five years the factory oil does not change at all. At the same time, many users store generators and other garden equipment in the far corner of a damp garage, often filled with fuel. Or they store gasoline, especially for the generator, for many years, without spending it, in cans. Because of this, in general, problems arise in operation. And when you have to get a gas generator for use, it often fails to start or start-up is significantly difficult.

Typical malfunctions of this method of operating a gas generator: carburetor corrosion, valve sticking, spark plug contamination, etc. But after spending only half an hour a year (!) You can get rid of problems and have a mechanism always ready for operation. An additional bonus is not to carry a faulty generator to a specialized workshop, often located tens of kilometers away and clogged with similar equipment of fellow sufferers.

How to maintain a gas generator?

Everyone can service the generator on their own; special knowledge and professional tools are not required for this. All 4-stroke gardening engines are similar in design, and once you service one generator, you can also work with a lawn mower or snow blower without any problems.

Oil change

The first thing to do at least once a year is an oil change. If the oil has not been changed even once in several years (and this is not uncommon!), Then use an oil system flush. To do this, it is quite possible to use a car flush, for example: Liqui Moly Oilsystem Spulung Effektiv. In this case, flushing will require quite a bit of 30-40 grams, because the oil capacity in the generator is on average only 600 ml. The rest of the flush can be used in your favorite car. The sequence of actions is as follows: start and completely warm up the generator, open the filler neck and fill in the flush. Next, start the generator again and let it run without load for another 10 minutes. Drain the oil and refill with fresh oil.

The choice of oil must be approached carefully and read the instructions for the unit. However, it often happens that the instruction is lost at the time of unpacking a freshly purchased generator. What to do, because we read the instructions when nothing else helps. And the generator is not a car, knocking on the wheels and wiping the headlights does not work with it. Then decide for yourself whether you are going to operate the equipment only in the summer or all-season.

For summer operation, Liqui Moly Rasenmaher-Oil SAE 30, a summer mineral motor oil specifically for air-cooled engines, is suitable. This oil is characterized by outstanding high temperature stability and the correct viscosity, specially selected for power engineering engines. After all, such engines do not have an oil pump, and the lubricant is supplied to the rubbing surfaces with a special scoop on the connecting rod bearing cap and sprayed onto the cylinder walls.

For all-weather operation of the generator, Liqui Moly Universal 4-Takt Gartengerat 10W-30 oil is not just for all-weather use, but also universal, that is, for generators, lawn mowers, and snow blowers. Moreover, both for gasoline engines and diesel engines, although there are not many of them. By the way, the canisters are equipped with a filling tube and an additional funnel is not needed.

Corrosion protection of moving parts

After changing the oil, it is necessary to lubricate and protect the moving parts of the generator, fasteners and ignition contacts from corrosion. The best spray for this is Liqui Moly LM-40, a penetrating multi-purpose lubricant. The preservative and protective effect from the use of the product is up to a year, and you can operate the equipment as usual. The spray displaces moisture, lubricates, eliminates jamming and creaking, cleans and protects rubber and plastic. The composition is ideal for the protective treatment of electrical contacts. The spray can, bought to service the generator, will come in handy more than once in everyday life, in the household.

Rodent protection

It is necessary to pay attention to the protection against rodents, in nature they are in abundance, they can run into the garage and into the house. Inexplicable but the fact! Mice and rats are very fond of chewing on insulation on wires, and the fact that they can die from electric shock does not stop them at all! To protect wires and repel rodents, Liqui Moly Marder -Schutz-Spray is used - an aromatic compound that discourages appetite in rats and mice. Protects guaranteed for two weeks, additional processing will be required to prolong the effect. This drug is also useful for protecting electrical wiring. car.

Gasoline stabilization

You can complete the list of necessary chemistry with a gasoline stabilizer. Since the fuel is stored in the generator tank and is not consumed immediately, gasoline, especially modern EURO 4-5, oxidizes and loses its octane number. After six months, gasoline may generally lose its ability to ignite from a spark of a candle and will only be suitable for lighting a barbecue. Yes, and the power supply system of the generator, the carburetor, is not good for long and simple without protection.

Liqui Moly Benzin Stabilisator, approved, by the way, by leading manufacturers of power equipment, will help stabilize gasoline and protect the entire power system from corrosion. Before we remove the generator for “combat duty”, we fill the tank with gasoline and fill it with 5 lm of additive for every 5 liters of fuel. Then, we start the engine for a couple of minutes to spread the "potion" through the system and turn it off. Now the generator can be pushed back into the far corner of the garage in anticipation of another utility emergency.

P.S. And if the generator service cannot be started because it simply does not start, then use the Liqui Moly Start Fix quick start aerosol. A couple of seconds of spraying, five seconds of pause and pull the cord. The engine will work even with a filled candle or in severe frost, it is important not to overdo it and not pour half a cylinder into the filter at a time.

About how to prepare the gas generator for the winter tells the technical specialist of the company - Dmitry Rudakov.

The following autochemical compounds and oils were used to process the gas generator:

LIQUI MOLY Oilsystem Spulung Effektiv - oil system cleaner, art. 7591


Quick engine flush LIQUI MOLY Oilsystem Spulung Effektiv is used to effectively clean the engine when operating in frequent traffic jams, with an aggressive driving style and exceeding the standard oil change interval. Does not require special training.

The 300 ml flushing bottle is used for 5 liters of oil.


LIQUI MOLY Oilsystem Spulung Effektiv allows you to clean the engine even from difficult contaminants under severe operating conditions and exceeding oil change intervals, which prevents a whole range of possible problems, the elimination of which can be very costly.

With the help of a reinforced engine oil additive package, it effectively dissolves deposits and complex contaminants without clogging the oil receiver, channels and ducts of the oil system. Significantly reduces stubborn residue and extends new oil life

Thanks to a package of protective motor additives, it safely cleans the engine and forms a protective layer that reduces friction

The composition contains a complex for the care of rubber parts of the system and completely leaves the system along with the old oil. Suitable for both petrol and diesel engines without restriction


LIQUI MOLY Oilsystem Spulung Effektiv cleaner must be added to warm oil before changing at the rate of 300 ml of additive per 5 liters of engine oil. Then start the engine and let it run for exactly 10 minutes at idle. MOVE ON CAR DO NOT FILL WITH NEW OIL!. Next, you need to drain the oil, replace the oil filter. Fill with fresh high quality oil.

LIQUI MOLY Benzin-Stabilisator - gasoline stabilizer, art. 5107


The LIQUI MOLY Benzin-Stabilisator for lawn mowers, garden motor vehicles and other equipment on 2- and 4-stroke engines preserves the properties of the fuel and protects equipment parts from corrosion and deposits during storage. The latest developments in the field of fuel additives are used.

Convenient packaging with a LIQUI MOLY Benzin-Stabilisator dispenser allows you to accurately measure the required amount of additive for the available volume of gasoline.


The complex of antioxidants and anti-corrosion additives that make up LIQUI MOLY Benzin-Stabilisator keep gasoline from gumming and dropping the octane number. Anti-corrosion additives create a layer of polar molecules on metal surfaces that prevent water molecules from attracting to surfaces.

The drug: prevents oxidation, gumming and aging of fuel, prevents the drop in the octane number of gasoline, has a long-term effect of action, increases the reliability of equipment operation.

The use of LIQUI MOLY Benzin-Stabilisator for preserving gasoline helps to avoid problems with oxidation of the oil and fuel system of garden and other 2- and 4-stroke equipment during its storage period.


Add LIQUI MOLY Benzin-Stabilisator to the tank at the rate of 25 ml for 5 liters of fuel and start the engine. Let it idle for about 10 minutes. The additive is self-mixing with the fuel. After that, you can turn off the engine and put the equipment into storage.

LIQUI MOLY Start Fix - engine starter, art. 3902


LIQUI MOLY Start Fix is ​​designed to easily and quickly start all types of 4- and 2-stroke gasoline and diesel engines, as well as rotary piston engines, when starting problems occur due to batteries, wet spark plugs, cold and wet weather, etc. d.


To start gasoline engines, spray LIQUI MOLY Start Fix directly into the air filter or intake manifold and start the engine immediately. To start diesel engines, turn off the glow plugs and heated flanges, open the throttle to full, spray the agent into the intake manifold and start the engine.

LIQUI MOLY Marder-Schutz-Spray - protective spray against rodents, article 1515


LIQUI MOLY Marder-Schutz-Spray - Protects against rodent damage to wires, rubber and plastic products in the car, preventing costly repairs. A mixture of odorous substances repels rodents, but is absolutely harmless to the environment and animals. Treat all plastic and rubber parts on all sides. Repeat treatment every 14 days.


If there is a risk of damage to car parts by rodents, it is necessary to treat all accessible rubber and plastic parts of the engine compartment and wheels with LIQUI MOLY Marder-Schutz-Spray. Spray on all plastic and rubber parts. Repeat the treatment after 14 days.

LIQUI MOLY LM-40 - liquid key, test

In addition to good results, LIQUI MOLY LM-40 was remembered for a very pleasant vanilla smell, and if you are going to use a similar product at home, then it is better to use LM 40 than to "eat" the incense of a solvent mixture with kerosene and other chemicals. As for the tests, here the drug showed good results, which made it possible to stake out a place in the middle of the standings. The average loosening moment was 8.96 kgf/m, which is almost 2 kgf/m lower than the initial moment.

ADVANTAGES: pleasant smell, good performance in the test.

DISADVANTAGES: with this attachment of the spray nozzle, the latter is very easy to lose.

GENERAL EVALUATION: The habitat of LIQUI MOLY LM-40 is not only the trunk of a car, but also a shelf in the house.

LIQUI MOLY Rasenmaher-Oil 30 - mineral engine oil for lawn mowers, art. 3991


LIQUI MOLY Rasenmaher-Oil 30 is a year old engine oil for 4-stroke lawn mowers, power plants, motor cultivators and other equipment. Provides excellent engine cleanliness and excellent anti-wear properties. The increased content of additives provides excellent lubrication and prolongs engine life. Protects against corrosion even under severe operating conditions. Tested for compatibility with the catalyst.


LIQUI MOLY Rasenmaher-Oil 30 is specially formulated for 4-stroke lawn mower engines and engines requiring SAE 30 HD viscosity oil. The regulations of vehicle manufacturers and engine manufacturers must be taken into account when applying.


API SG; MIL-L-46 152E

LIQUI MOLY Universal 4-Takt Gartengerate-Oil 10W-30 - mineral engine oil for lawn mowers, art. 8037


LIQUI MOLY Universal 4-Takt Gartengerate-Oil 10W-30 is a multigrade 4-stroke engine oil for agricultural machinery. created on the basis of the latest technologies. Exceeds the requirements of motor manufacturers like Briggs & Stratton, Honda, Tecumseh, etc.


When using LIQUI MOLY Universal 4-Takt Gartengerate-Oil 10W-30, the recommendations of the manufacturers and engine manufacturers must be followed.