Melon compote. Preparing melon compote for the winter, simple recipes with and without sterilization How to prepare melon compote for the winter

Traditionally, compotes are made from common fruits and berries. But there are also exotic recipes according to which drinks are prepared from pumpkin, zucchini, rhubarb, and watermelon. Is it possible to cook melon compote? And how to prepare it for the winter without sterilization?

You can add watermelon, grapes, plums to melon compote for the winter without sterilization.


Melon pulp 200 grams watermelon pulp 200 grams Sugar 200 grams Water 700 milliliters

  • Number of servings: 4
  • Cooking time: 1 minute

The homeland of melon, an aromatic melon crop, is considered to be Asia Minor and Central Asia. Pumpkin plants are rich in carbohydrates and fiber, ascorbic acid, beta carotene, vitamin A. The pulp contains a lot of potassium and magnesium, cobalt, iron, and copper. In the East, where melon has long been considered a delicacy, honey and candied fruits are prepared from it. The melon plant is salted, dried, pickled, and sharbat is made from it, a cold non-alcoholic drink traditional in Arab countries. The seeds serve as raw materials for obtaining healthy and tasty oil with a characteristic intoxicating and at the same time fresh aroma.

Our housewives do not lag behind in culinary matters, offering a lot of recipes for such compote with photos and step-by-step descriptions.

Melon compote recipes

To prepare the simplest version of a refreshing summer drink, take a kilogram of pulp (without peel and seeds), a glass of sugar and a liter of water. The melon is cut into pieces and placed in a pan. Sugar is added there, then the container is placed in the refrigerator. After 2 hours, take out the melon, pour boiling water over it and put it on the fire. After boiling, the compote is boiled for several minutes, then poured into sterile jars and sealed.

The union of melon and watermelon in one drink looks quite harmonious. To prepare this mix you will need:

  • pulp of both ingredients - 200 g each;
  • sugar – 200 g (glass);
  • water – 700 ml.

First of all, syrup is prepared from sugar and water. After boiling, remove the solution and allow it to cool. The pulp of melon and watermelon is cut into slices and poured with cold syrup. After 2 hours, when the drink has infused, it is poured and rolled up.

Melon compote for the winter without sterilization

Preparing drinks without multiple fillings and sterilization - this method is suitable for housewives who save energy and time. Any fruits and vegetables intended for preservation must be thoroughly washed, allowed to drain and the seeds removed. Clean jars are pre-treated with steam.

You can get a rich summer compote from melon (2 kg) and sultana grapes (0.5 kg). For syrup, take 250 g of sugar and 2.5 liters of water. Cooking method:

  1. Melon pulp with peel is cut into medium-sized cubes.
  2. The grapes are sorted and separated from the stem.
  3. Berries and pieces are placed in sterile jars, filling the container by a third.
  4. Add sugar to a saucepan with water. The resulting syrup is boiled for 3 minutes.
  5. The contents of the jars are filled with solution to the very top.

The rolled up jars are placed upside down in a dark place, wrapped in a warm blanket so that the compote cools as slowly as possible. After 1–2 days, the preservation is placed in a pantry or basement.

Most people search for recipes for making melon compote because of the special aroma and taste characteristics of this fruit. If you know the intricacies of preparing such a drink, you can get a very interesting taste that will remind you of summer throughout the winter. It is also attractive because it fights thirst well and is very beneficial for the body.

Before you directly prepare compote, you need to know about the following subtleties of this process:

  1. For compote, only sweet and ripe fruits are used, but not soft ones.
  2. The drink will be stored all winter only if sterilized jars and lids were used for preparation.
  3. In all recipes, only the pulp of the fruit goes into the compote.

Selection and preparation of melon

You can only use melons that have no signs of spoilage. It is also advisable that the berry is not soft, as there is a risk that the result will be porridge. First of all, it is better to pay attention to melons up to 1 kilogram and small in size.

If it is not fresh, the drink will not taste good.

For proper preparation, the fruit is washed well, peeled and cut into 2 halves. Afterwards, you should remove all the seeds and cut it into pieces, 2-3 centimeters in size.

How to make melon compote at home

Before closing the compote for the winter, it is worth preparing jars of the required size (preferably 3 liters) and deciding on the recipe. You can add a lot of fruits and spices to this drink, it all depends on the person’s preferences.

A simple recipe for a 3 liter jar

For this compote you will need 1 liter of water, 1 kilogram of melon and 200 grams of sugar. Cooking method:

  • thoroughly washing and slicing the melon;
  • everything is put into a bowl, covered with sugar and put in the refrigerator for 3.5 hours;
  • sterilization of jars;
  • then you need to boil water and pour it over the fruit;
  • then this container is placed on the stove, where the fruit should be cooked for about 4 minutes;
  • Now the compote can be poured into bottles and sealed with sterilized lids. In this condition it can be stored at least until next summer.

Without sterilization

The recipe without sterilization is completely identical to the one described above. The difference is that the jars do not need to be prepared in any way other than a good rinse. It is also worth considering that in this state the compote made will be stored less.

With apple

For this drink, only sweet varieties of apples are used. If you prepare sour fruits, this will negatively affect the taste. During the cooking process, you first need to cut, wash and cut the fruits (apples into slices, melons into cubes). Now you should prepare the syrup and pour it over the apples. They should cook for at least 5 minutes, after which you can add the melon and soak the fruits for a couple more minutes.

With lemon

To prepare this drink, follow these steps:

  1. Peel and pit the fruit and cut into cubes.
  2. Lemon is cut into rings and placed in a bowl on the stove.
  3. Sugar and melon are also placed there.
  4. When it has reached a boil, you need to cook the fruit for no more than 1 minute.
  5. Afterwards the lemon can be pulled out.
  6. Now it is advisable to make blanks of equal weight, put them in jars and fill them with drink.
  7. Containers must be closed with sterilized lids.

With gooseberries

In this case, the compote is prepared according to the standard procedure, but before twisting the jars, you can add gooseberries to the compote. Before doing this, it is advisable to rinse it well and select only sweet and unspoiled fruits.

With watermelon

To prepare such a compote for the winter, the watermelon must be prepared in the same way as a melon, namely, remove the seeds and remove the peel. In the process of preparing syrup with sugar, add pieces of these fruits and cook for 20-25 minutes. Afterwards, the liquid can be poured into sterilized jars and closed with the same lids.

With grapes

For this drink you will need the following ingredients:

  • sweet grapes;
  • lemon juice;
  • melon;
  • sugar.

First you need to prepare the melon according to the standard procedure and wash the grapes well. Sugar is poured into boiling water and grapes are added directly with tassels. When it floats, add melon. After it also appears on the surface, you can turn off the stove and pour the compote into jars.

With orange

Compote with orange is cooked in the same way as with lemon. The only thing is that you don’t have to take it out before pouring the drink into cans. The fruit must be without peel.

With peaches

As in all cases, the melon needs to be prepared by peeling the skin and removing every single seed. Next, you can start preparing the syrup. To do this, add sugar and citric acid to the liquid and cook for 10 minutes. Afterwards they should pour the fruits for 5.5 hours. Next, the liquid, along with the peaches and melon, needs to be boiled for another 5 minutes. The compote is ready!

With spices

The process of preparing such a compote is as follows:

  1. Making regular sweet syrup.
  2. Blanch the melon for 3 minutes.
  3. You can place a vanilla pod on top of the boiling water for no more than 2 minutes.
  4. Pieces of the fruit are placed in jars and cinnamon, lemon zest and cloves are added.
  5. Filling with syrup and twisting the cans.

With plum

To prepare you will need:

  • 3 grams of citric acid;
  • 1 kilogram of melon;
  • 1.4 kilograms of granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 kilograms of plums;
  • 1.4 liters of clean water.

The pits must be removed from all plums. While preparing the syrup, add plums and cook for no more than 3 minutes.

Then you can add the melon for another 6 minutes. The drink is ready to swirl.

With citric acid

Almost any recipe can include citric acid. It is added before pouring syrup over the melon. The process of preparing the drink itself looks like the standard one described above.

With mint

To make compote with mint, you need to prepare 1-2 branches for each 3-liter jar. They are placed in containers immediately before placing fruit and other ingredients on the bottom. The result is a refreshing drink, especially if consumed cold.

How long and how is compote stored?

After the compote has cooled where the sun's rays do not reach, it can be sent to the pantry or other place where the rest of the preserves are stored. It is recommended to drink the drink until the period exceeds 1 year.

Melon is a tasty and healthy fruit that contains many useful substances in its pulp. Melon contains: pectins; healthy sugars; proteins; organic acids; mineral salts.

Did you know? In addition, melon contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, iron and silicon..

It has been proven that melon has a rejuvenating effect on the body. Many people enjoy making melon jam, honey, candied fruits and even compote.

Freezing melon

Melon has a special, warm and fresh aroma, so sweet and not cloying, which only sunny summer days can smell like. Melon is not the best berry to freeze. But if you absolutely love this delicacy, then small difficulties should not be a hindrance for you.

Important! To prepare melon for the winter, you need to use only ripe and sweet fruits. Otherwise, the frozen melon will taste bitter.

The following varieties are best suited for these purposes: “Kolkhoznitsa”, “Krymka”, “Persidskaya” and “Cantaloupe”.

To freeze a melon, first you need to wash it well under warm water, remove seeds and peel and cut into squares. If you put the resulting squares in a bag and put it in the freezer, then your entire melon will freeze in one solid piece. This will cause a lot of inconvenience in the future when you need to separate the required amount of melon. It's best to freeze each piece separately. To do this, you will need a spreader, cling film and the melon itself. Cover the spread with film, place one layer of melon on it and freeze it. When all the pieces are frozen, feel free to pour them into one bag or a special container and store them. That's all, the melon is ready for the winter.

Important! After defrosting, the melon will lose its former shape, so it is better to use it in making drinks or ice cream.

One way to store frozen melon is to cover it with syrup. Cold sugar syrup is poured into the container with the melon and sent to the freezer. Melon in sugar syrup allows you to maintain its consistency and shape after defrosting, although its taste changes slightly.

Surprisingly, you can make a wonderful meal from melon melon honey To do this, you need to wash the melon, remove the seeds and skin. After this, you need to squeeze the juice out of the pulp, strain it and cook the berries over low heat. If the flesh is too dense and it is difficult for you to squeeze out the juice, then you need to boil the melon for about one hour. Then squeeze out the juice, strain it and boil until tender. Ready melon honey is similar in consistency to thick sour cream, light brown in color with a golden hue. This honey contains more than 60% sugar.

Did you know? If you add milk to the finished melon honey and continue to boil it, the result will be a sweetness reminiscent of toffee.

Melon with sugar

Another very simple recipe for preparing melon for the winter, which will preserve all its beneficial properties and aroma, is melon with sugar. To prepare, you will need to peel and core the melon. The peel must be passed through a meat grinder or blended with a blender. Then cut the melon into pieces, mix it with the mixed peel and sugar. Place the resulting mixture in jars, cover them with parchment or gauze and place in a cool place. This delicacy can be used at any time, just remove the candied crust and enjoy the taste of summer.

Melon compotes are easy to prepare, they are rich in vitamins, quench your thirst well and give pleasant memories of summer days. There are many recipes for such compote; they are prepared both from melon and with the addition of sour fruits. But we will look at the recipe for a classic compote made from one melon.

A ripe melon with elastic pulp is ideal for preparing the drink. If you don’t have such a melon, it doesn’t matter, the compote will still turn out tasty and healthy.

So, take half a kilogram of fresh melon, two glasses of water and half a glass of sugar. Peel and pit the melon, cut into pieces, sprinkle with sugar and refrigerate for 3 hours. Bring the water to a boil and add the melon, which by this time has already released its juice, into it. Cook for a few minutes over low heat. After this, let the compote cool and pour it into sterile jars and seal it. Place the jars of melon compote in a cool, dark place. Whenever you want to feel the aroma of summer, open one of the jars and enjoy the delicate taste of melon compote.

How to pickle melon

Pickled melon is considered a delicacy and gourmet food. In the old days, pickled melon was served as a side dish for meat dishes.

In order to pickle melon, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg melon;
  • 250 g water;
  • 150 g 9% vinegar;
  • 10 g salt;
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • 1 tablespoon honey;
  • a few cloves.

First, prepare the marinade. Mix water, cinnamon, honey, salt and cloves, bring the mixture to a boil, add vinegar, boil for a few more minutes, remove from the stove. While the marinade is cooling, wash and deseed the melon, cut it into cubes and place tightly in sterile jars. Pour the cold marinade over the melon, cover the jars with metal lids and pasteurize for 20 minutes. After this, roll up the lids, turn the jars upside down and wrap them up. After a day, you can put the jars in the pantry or cellar.

Melon jam recipes

Melon jam is not only an incredibly tasty delicacy, but also very healthy. The benefit of melon jam lies in the rich chemical composition contained in the pulp of the berry. Since the beneficial properties of melon decrease during the cooking process, it must be cooked with minimal heat treatment and this process should not be delayed for a long time.

We offer classic melon jam recipe. As a result, you will get a dessert with a delicate aroma and refined taste. To prepare you will need:

  • 1 kg melon;
  • 1.5 glasses of water;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 lemon or 3 g citric acid;
  • 5 g vanillin.

To begin, cut the peeled and pitted melon into pieces. Blanch them for 5 minutes. After this, transfer the melon to a colander to allow excess liquid to drain. While the liquid is coming out of the melon, prepare a syrup from sugar, lemon juice and vanilla. Pour the resulting syrup over the melon and leave to steep for at least 6 hours. After this, simmer the resulting mixture over low heat for 15 minutes. Let the jam cool, put it in jars, close well and place in a cool place.

The next recipe is melon jam with lemon. This jam can easily be called a real culinary masterpiece. To prepare you will need:

  • 1 kg melon;
  • 0.7 kg sugar;
  • 2 medium lemons.
Peel the melon from seeds and peel, cut into equal parts and leave to infuse, sprinkled with sugar. When the juice is released, simmer the melon over low heat for 10 minutes. Leave the resulting jam to steep for 10 hours and boil it again for 15 minutes. Let the jam brew again for about 10 hours and add the lemon, cut into slices along with the peel. Then boil for about 15 minutes. Let cool and re-boil the jam, then pour it into sterile jars and seal them. You can make melon and orange jam in the same way.

Another interesting one recipe for melon jam with bananas. The taste is quite original, but it takes several days to prepare. You will need.

Many housewives prepare compotes for the winter. But I think I won’t be mistaken if I say that melon compote is made extremely rarely. But in vain! The aroma and taste of this drink can only be compared with pineapple. Moreover, the harvesting process itself takes very little time, because melon is a very delicate fruit, and processing can only be minimal. To surprise friends and family in winter, prepare this incredibly tasty drink with the aroma of sunny summer. I offer 2 recipe options - with and without sterilization. What suits you best - choose for yourself.

Recipe for melon compote for the winter without sterilization



Preparing melon compote

Video recipe for melon compote for the winter

Video tutorial on how to prepare delicious melon compote for the winter without sterilization.

Recipe for melon compote for the winter with sterilization

Cooking time: 40 minutes.
Number of servings: 2.
Kitchenware: saucepan, 1 liter jars, lids for seaming, seaming key.


Preparing melon compote

Video recipe for making melon compote for the winter

A detailed master class on preparing melon compote for the winter with sterilization.

The sterilization time for such compote depends on the volume of the selected jars. If you take one and a half liter jars, you need to sterilize for 10 minutes, two-liter jars require sterilization for 15 minutes, and three-liter jars - 20 minutes. For lovers of exclusives I can recommend experimenting - at your own peril and risk - and preparing drinks from melon with any fruit - melon-watermelon, melon-plum (the sourness will be very useful), melon-apple. There will be something to surprise your loved ones!

In general, a variety of prepared compotes never hurts. At least little by little, I make different drinks, and I try to be original and use extraordinary recipes. For example, have you ever tried

How to prepare compote

melon compote for the winter

3 l

30 minutes

16 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

We all know what compote is and what it comes in. I have a clear association since childhood that the compote is red and with cherries. Maximum – green and mint. But recently I began to discover the world of compotes and with each recipe I was more and more surprised. And so I found the very drink that I can drink in liters - melon compote.

When you drink it, it’s like you’re taking a piece of summer out of a jar (remember Bradbury’s dandelion wine?), which is sometimes so lacking in winter. In general, it is difficult to explain its entire taste, you just need to prepare and try this wonderful drink, so quickly read the recipe.

Melon compote

Kitchen utensils and appliances: knife, cutting board, bowl, pan, sterilized jar, lid.


How to choose the right ingredients

  • The melon for the compote should be juicy and sweet, but not soft.
  • To select a ripe melon, lightly slap it. If the sound is dull, then melon suits us.
  • If pressing on the peel leaves a dent on the fruit, then it’s time to throw it away and not take it for compote. The skin of a good melon should be springy.
  • Smell the fruit: if it doesn't smell or smells green, set it aside. Ripe melon has a subtle pleasant aroma.

Cooking process

What to serve compote with

Melon compote is very refreshing, so you can drink it just like that and in large quantities. Moreover, it is perfect for both summer heat and winter evenings.

You can pour a glass of compote over fresh pies or buns for a snack or to please the children for an afternoon snack. You can wash it down with a delicious fruit pie or fresh cookies. You can even just drink it with one or a couple of sweets. My grandmother loved to pour compote over boiled rice to eat it either as a dessert or as a soup. In a word, it goes with everything, because the drink is simply wonderful.

Video recipe for making melon compote for the winter

Although the recipe is very simple, it is better to watch how it is prepared again to get it right. The video is short and clear, so you definitely won't get confused.

Melon compote for the winter

How to prepare melon compote for the winter.
We prepare melon compote for the winter according to a step-by-step recipe -

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  • You can transfer the melon pieces into a jar to enhance the flavor of the preserve.
  • Sterilize the jars well, as without this they will not be stored for long.
  • Jars can be sterilized either by steaming or in the oven.
  • The jar lids should also be clean and fit tightly to the jar.

Other options

If you love compotes, then you have a huge choice of how and what to prepare them from. If we are talking about traditional fruit compotes, then you can close the apricot compote for the winter, with these tender and sweet pieces of fruit. Don’t forget about our childhood favorite cherry compote, which we were given at home, in kindergarten and at school. Or prepare a less common option, which has a slightly specific taste, but you might like it.

You can also make compotes from vegetables, and they turn out as sweet and tasty as fruit ones. For example, you can make one that tastes like pineapple. Or try something unusual and cook it, just try it first, and then roll up the jars. So you can roll any fruit and vegetable into jars if you know a couple of secrets.