Benefits when enrolling in school with temporary registration. School benefits for large families Benefits for large families when enrolling in school

and the authorities of the penal system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and customs authorities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the employee);

  • children of an employee who died as a result of injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties;
  • children of an employee who died as a result of a disease acquired during service in institutions and bodies of the penal system, the federal fire service, the State Fire Service, control authorities

    Benefits for large families when enrolling in school: how the state helps

    If a parent really believes that his child should study only in a gymnasium or lyceum, and enrollment there has already ended, it is better to wait until next year and enroll in a preparatory group. Yesterday's kindergarten graduate will have time to complete the first quarter program at a regular school over the summer. And his chances of admission to the prestigious MAOU will increase significantly. But the status of a large family will not play a role here.

    Rules for admitting children to school and whether children from large families have benefits when admitted to 1st grade

    But everyone knows that there are “good” schools, and there are not so good ones. And in order to get to such a “good” school, parents are ready to take their child across the whole city. As a rule, there are no problems going to school in your own backyard. How can I now go to the school that I want to go to, but it is not in the place where the child is “attached”?

    School benefits for large families

    It often happens that when a child goes to first grade, some sections, clubs, music schools, etc. appear in his life. This happened to us too. Alexandra has been studying choreography at the Children's Art School for 4 years now. School tuition is paid. But we, as a large family, have a 100% discount on payment. That is, we do it for free.

    Features of benefits when entering school

    • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
    • police officers who have died or died from injuries or other health damage, provided that the injuries were received during the performance of their official duties;
    • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia who died due to a disease acquired during the relevant service;
    • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dismissed due to injuries (or who died within 1 year after dismissal), provided that they received injuries during the period of work, after which service in the authorities is excluded;
    • police officers whose children are or were dependent on them;
    • employees of relevant bodies who have received special titles;
    • military personnel (retired, disabled), including those under contract;
    • other categories of citizens in accordance with current legislation.

    Do children from large families entering university need government assistance?

    In this regard, a large family has a great advantage over other families; they do not wait until their turn comes. There are no problems when entering school either., the child is taken to his place of residence, without any kind of trouble.

    Benefits for applicants from large families

    These persons are admitted to the preparatory departments of federal state educational organizations of higher education if they have a secondary general education. The training of such persons is carried out at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget if they are studying at these preparatory departments for the first time. Full-time students in the preparatory departments of federal state educational institutions of higher education are paid a scholarship at the expense of federal budget allocations within the framework of a state assignment.

    What benefits are provided by the state when enrolling in school and how to get them

    School is the first important stage in your child’s conscious life. It is she who gives him the necessary knowledge, allows him to socialize, learn to live in a team, and also choose the field of future activity. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the issue of admitting a child to school as responsibly as possible and to understand all the issues regarding this educational institution.

    Benefits for families with many children when enrolling in school

    • children of a police officer;
    • children of a police officer who died as a result of injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties;
    • children of a police officer who died as a result of an illness acquired while serving in the police;
    • children of a citizen of the Russian Federation who was dismissed from police service due to injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties and which excluded the possibility of further service in the police;
    • children of a citizen of the Russian Federation who died within one year after dismissal from police service as a result of injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties, or as a result of an illness received during the period of service in the police, which excluded the possibility of further service in the police ;
    • children who are (were) dependent on a police officer, a citizen of the Russian Federation, specified in paragraphs 1-5 of part 6 of article 46 of the Federal Law

    Social support for large families

    - monthly allowance for a child from a large family - provided without taking into account income to families in which the child (children) and one or both parents are citizens, stateless persons, including refugees with a place of residence or place of stay in St. Petersburg, foreign citizens who have a place of residence in St. Petersburg, as well as persons without a fixed place of residence;

  • Hello!

    According to the order
    Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 15, 2012 N 107 (as amended on July 4, 2012) “About
    approval of the Procedure for the admission of citizens to general educational institutions" rules
    admission of citizens to municipal institutions for training in basic
    general education programs must provide admission to the specified
    educational institutions of citizens who live in the territory
    municipal district, urban district, assigned by the relevant
    local government bodies for a specific municipal institution (hereinafter
    - assigned territory), and having the right to receive general education
    (hereinafter referred to as assigned persons).

    <*> For
    assigned persons under fourteen years of age or under guardianship,
    place of residence is the place of residence of their legal representatives - parents, adoptive parents or guardians (clause 2 of article 20
    Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Registration at place of residence
    (stay) of assigned persons under fourteen years of age is carried out with
    issuing a certificate of registration at the place of residence (certificate at the place of residence

    So mother
    child can receive both permanent and temporary registration according to another - desired
    for study address.

    Upon admission to
    free places for citizens not registered in the assigned territory,
    citizens who have the right to priority have priority rights
    provision of a place in an institution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation
    Federation and regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (clause 18

    In accordance with
    Federal law
    dated February 7, 2011 N 3-FZ “On the Police” (Article 46)
    This benefit is established for the following categories of citizens:

    1) children
    police officer;

    2) employee’s children
    police, killed (died) due to injury or other damage to health,
    received in connection with the performance of official duties;

    3) employee’s children
    police who died as a result of a disease acquired during the period of
    police service;

    4) children of a citizen
    of the Russian Federation, dismissed from police service due to injury or
    other health damage received in connection with the performance of official duties
    duties and excluded the possibility of further service in

    5) children
    a citizen of the Russian Federation who died within one year after
    dismissal from police service due to injury or other damage
    health received in connection with the performance of official duties, or
    due to an illness acquired during police service,
    excluded the possibility of further service in the police;

    6) children,
    who are (were) dependent on police officers, citizens of the Russian Federation
    Federations specified in paragraphs 1 - 5 above.

    In accordance with
    Federal law
    dated May 27, 1998 N 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel” this benefit
    established for the following categories of citizens:

    1) children
    military personnel at the place of residence of their families (Article 19);

    2) children
    military personnel who died (died) during military service,
    who performed military service under contract and died (died) after dismissal from
    military service upon reaching the age limit for military service
    service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing
    events. The specified category of citizens can take advantage of this benefit
    within one year from the date of death of the breadwinner (Article 24). <Письмо>Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 28, 2012 N IR-535/03 “On the rules
    admission to the educational institution"

    From February 1, 2018, a new algorithm for admitting children to the 1st grade of school will be adopted in the Russian Federation. In the new year, enrollment will take place differently compared to previous years.

    The Ministry of Education has notified that parents or legal guardians will need to go through certain procedures to enroll a child in Grade 1. One of these procedures is submitting an electronic application, completing a number of documents and waiting for the verdict of the school management.

    Benefits for admission to school in 1st grade 2018, application deadlines

    The application for admission to the school is completed within a certain time frame. They are combined into 3 categories, for which a specific time for submitting documents to 1st grade for the 2018-2019 academic year is established:

    • December 2017 – 09/05/2018 – children with the right of priority admission, but if the child’s documents are issued after 01/20/2018, then the benefits lose their validity and the child can be enrolled in 1st grade only if the school has free places for this;
    • 01/01/2018 – 06/30/2018 – children who are registered in the house that is assigned to the selected school, but if documents are submitted after the deadline, then enrollment privileges lose their validity and the child is enrolled in the school in the order of priority;
    • 07/01/2018 – 09/05/2018 – children living in other areas who are not assigned to the chosen school, but such children are enrolled in the educational institution only if there is a shortage of students.

    Parents must submit applications strictly within certain deadlines, since if documents are sent earlier than the specified dates, the child will be denied enrollment.

    Moreover, an innovation in 2018 was the electronic submission of an application for admission to the 1st grade at school. To use this service, you must register in the Unified Identification and Authentication System. If you do not have authorization on this service, then there is no way to submit an electronic application. Information about the use of Unified Identification and Autonomy is available on the website of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

    Benefits for entering school in 1st grade 2018, beneficiaries

    Children eligible to participate in the priority wave of enrollment are:

    • whose parents work in the country’s security forces, or previously worked, but were fired for health reasons;
    • whose parents work at the chosen educational institution;
    • whose parents work in the executive, fire, customs services, state drug control, were relieved of duty due to health conditions, or died during the performance of official duties;
    • whose parents died as a result of the performance of official duty or an illness that appeared during the performance of official duties or within a year after dismissal from service due to deteriorating health;
    • whose brothers or sisters are already receiving education in the chosen educational institution;
    • who have official confirmation of disability.

    Only one parent or legal guardian can apply to enroll a child in grade 1 at an educational institution.

    Benefits for enrolling in school in 1st grade 2018, who is admitted and under what conditions is admission denied

    A child aged from 6.5 to 8 full years has the right to be enrolled in first grade. There should not be any contraindications in terms of the child’s health.

    If the age of a child who wants to be enrolled in 1st grade exceeds the norm, then an application must be sent to the school management, who will then make a decision on enrollment. Before this procedure, parents or guardians must obtain permission from the executive bodies of state power that have jurisdiction over the school.

    There are no tests for admission to grade 1.

    There may be 2 reasons why a child will be denied enrollment:

    • lack of empty seats in classes (SanPino standards provide for no more than 25 students in a class);
    • lack of necessary documents.

    If applicants are refused for one of the reasons, then they must contact the education department, where they will suggest a school with free places.

    Benefits for admission to school in 1st grade 2018, required documents

    After the application has been submitted, parents are required to provide the school administration with a package of documents within 3 working days:

    • a document that confirms the identity of the applicant (passport of a Russian citizen, temporary ID);
    • child's birth certificate (copy and original);
    • documentary evidence of priority right to study (if any);
    • a copy of documentary evidence of the place of registration/actual residence;
    • medical card and medical insurance policy;
    • conclusion of a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission confirming the possibility of studying according to the school curriculum before reaching 6.5 years or after a full 8 years (if necessary).

    Foreign citizens and those who do not have citizenship at all will need to provide documents that will confirm the family ties of the applicants or the legality of representing the interests of the future first-grader. Also, all documents must be translated into Russian in special. office and have them notarized. If the submission of documents is late, the child’s enrollment will be denied.

    According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, they are provided for first-graders. Such families include those who have three or more minor children. The allowance is intended to help the child go to school, buy him office supplies and other things necessary for his studies.

    Who has the right to apply for funds, and what financial assistance is available to future first-graders? Let's look further.

    Financial assistance to parents of first-graders: who is entitled to

    Financial support from the state is provided to large families with one or more children going to first grade. This type of social support from the state is also provided to low-income families in which parents cannot provide the first-grader with everything necessary for school. Who is entitled to receive benefits for first-graders:

    • families with low income;
    • a parent who is temporarily raising children alone due to the fact that the other is in military service;
    • single-parent families where there is only one parent;
    • parents raising more than two minor children.
    The main criterion for determining a low-income family is the income for each of its members. To understand whether it belongs to the low-income category, it is necessary to divide the total total income by the number of people in it. When the result per person is below the minimum subsistence level designated in a particular region, then she is considered low-income.

    Types of financial assistance for first-graders for large families

    If the family is low-income, it is entitled to financial assistance.

    In 2018, the amounts of state aid were:

    • a one-time social payment from the state to prepare a child for first grade in the amount of 7500 rub..;
    • one-time payment for schoolchildren in grades 2-11 in the amount of 5000 rub. for each child;
    • cash benefits for the purchase of office supplies, which are accrued every month.

    The first type of financial assistance is provided to the family once, but for each of the children, in the years when they started school. If several children go to first grade in the same year, then the parents of first-graders receive financial assistance for each of them.

    For families raising more than ten children, the state has provided a benefit in the amount of 15,000 rub.

    Each region establishes additional measures to support large families. The amount of assistance depends on the capabilities of the regional budget, and must be regulated by a certain regulatory act. It will specify the conditions for receipt, timing and amount of payments for citizens who live in this region.

    The amount of such support varies from 1500 to 14700 rubles. based on your region of residence.

    The second type of financial assistance is one-time payments for the purchase of various office supplies. The amount of such payments is much lower than the benefit before the start of first grade, but it is paid every month.

    The basis for receiving such payments is the Decree on regional one-time benefits in a certain region. The funds paid to prepare children for school have a specific purpose, but parents do not have to submit reports to the authorities.

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    The following are entitled to receive benefits for first-graders:

    • one of the parents of a first-grader;
    • adoptive parent;
    • one of the guardians.

    Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

    List of required documentation

    To pay cash benefits to a large family when a child enters first grade, you must submit a certain list of documents to the department of benefits and other social payments at your place of residence. To receive payment to a first-grader, you must provide:

    • statement;
    • passport of the person submitting the claim;
    • a certificate containing information about family composition;
    • birth certificate of the child for whom financial assistance is required, as well as other children under age;
    • a certificate from the educational institution proving that the child has entered their education;
    • bank details where financial assistance should be transferred.

    In cases where one of the family members is registered in another city, you may need a paper from the branch of the Ministry of Social Development located in this region stating that the benefit was not paid there.

    You don’t have to submit documents exactly by September 1st; the main thing is to submit them between August 1st and December 31st. Even if parents independently bought a school uniform and all other things for their child, the money will be returned as compensation.

    In order to receive monthly assistance in the form of cash payments to the office, you need to provide:

    • parent's passport;
    • child's birth document;
    • a certificate containing information about the financial status of the family;
    • a document certifying the child’s enrollment in school.

    When a legal representative brings documents to the authorities, he must provide his passport and a power of attorney confirming his authority. If the child is under guardianship, then the guardians must bring an extract about this.

    When making monthly payments, you must apply no later than December 31, the year in which the first-grader went to school.

    Algorithm for applying for child benefits at the beginning of the school year

    To receive a one-time payment for a child who has gone to school for the first time, you need to submit an application with a list of papers to the public protection authorities located at your place of residence. They can be submitted:

    • by appearing in person at a social service institution;
    • by registered mail, with notarized copies sent.

    Employees of the Department of Social Protection of the Population have the right to require the applicant to provide additional documents, as well as request information necessary for registration from other authorities. Each citizen has his own personal file in which all the papers submitted by the person are stored.

    A positive or negative decision on the transfer of this benefit is made by the head of the authority no later than 10 days. When a decision is made to refuse financial assistance, all documents are returned to the applicant and the reason for the negative decision is explained. If a satisfactory decision is made, the money is transferred to the citizen’s bank account within 5 days from the receipt of funds from the budget.

    Benefits will not be accrued in the following cases:

    • moving to another region (parents will have to register it at their new place of residence);
    • upon loss of rights to provide social support (deprivation of parental rights, etc.);
    • death of the person who was entitled to the benefit.

    Any citizen can find out the specific amount of this assistance by contacting the social protection authority of their city or leaving a request on the website on the Internet. In it you need to outline your family financial status, how many children you have, etc. Leave your questions, for example:

    • what kind of assistance from the state is provided for your family;
    • procedure for processing cash payments and benefits;
    • the amount of financial assistance in a particular region;
    • legal norms governing their payments.

    This will allow you to submit the necessary documents the first time, learn the registration procedure, and also familiarize yourself with the regulations on benefits that apply in your city.

    Thousands of families across Russia need to pay for basic needs for first-graders. Payments to large families for a first-grader vary significantly in different regions, sometimes amounting to several thousand rubles.

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    School is the first important stage in your child’s conscious life. It is she who gives him the necessary knowledge, allows him to socialize, learn to live in a team, and also choose the field of future activity. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the issue of admitting a child to school as responsibly as possible and to understand all the issues regarding this educational institution.

    Such issues include the choice of a specific institution, admission rules, and any legislative norms that will be in force in 2017. It is also important to pay attention to the benefits for admission to secondary school provided by the state for certain categories of citizens. In this article we will consider each of these issues in as much detail as possible.

    The right choice of educational institution

    The first and most important question is the right choice of school. Today, in our country there are not only general education institutions, but also educational institutions with in-depth study of certain subjects. Assess your child's capabilities. It is quite possible that it would be much better for him to choose the second option. Otherwise, you risk depriving your child of all desire to learn, making him boring and uninteresting.

    For children who do not show special learning abilities or have a number of health problems, the best choice would be a regular school. In the latter, mental and physical activity meets the general requirements.

    During the selection process, pay attention to where exactly the educational institution is located. The ideal option is its location in close proximity to the house. If a child spends a lot of time traveling there and back, he will be very tired and will not be able to concentrate properly on the learning process.

    Do I need to prepare specially for school?

    Many parents ignore the need to study with their children at home before entering school. Let's say right away that this is a serious mistake. Yes, it is the responsibility of the educational institution to teach a first-grader to read and count, but if you give him basic knowledge, learning will be much easier.

    Today, a huge variety of literature for preschoolers is being published, which can be a great start. Take time for your child, and his entry into the educational process will be as comfortable as possible.

    What are the conditions for enrollment in school?

    In 2017, admission to general education institutions will be carried out according to the following rules established by current legislation:

    • as before, children aged 6 to 8 years are allowed to study in first grade. If you think that your child is ready to cope with the school curriculum at the age of five, do not rush to send him to school. The legislation provides exceptions for well-developed children, but they can enter school only after passing a special interview with an experienced psychologist;
    • According to the new rules, children are admitted on the basis of registration. That is, a child living in close proximity to it will have the priority right to enroll in a specific educational institution. Each school is now assigned a list of addresses that must be given preference. Previously, we would like to remind you that the first to be enrolled were those children whose parents had previously submitted the corresponding application;
    • if the child’s parents choose a general education institution located on the territory of another municipality, then they can submit an application only after August 1. First, the institution considers appeals from citizens living in the district (they have the opportunity to enroll children in school as early as March 1);
    • a general educational institution may well require any documents regarding the registration of a child in the territory of a particular municipality;
    • Admission of first-graders is carried out on the basis of an application. In addition, it must be accompanied by a whole package of additional documents, the composition of which we will discuss below.

    Documents required for admission to school

    The list of documents that are required to be attached to the application for admission to school is usually determined by the specific educational institution. But in the vast majority of cases it includes the following documents:

    • a copy of the birth certificate with an insert confirming citizenship;
    • certificate of passing a medical commission with the conclusions of doctors;
    • conclusion on all necessary vaccinations. Legislation today allows you to refuse them, but we do not recommend doing this, as problems may arise with admitting your child to kindergarten or school;
    • registration documents (not required, but the administration of some educational institutions insists on the need to submit them);
    • a copy of the general passport of the child’s legal representatives (one of the parents or guardians).

    Additionally, the educational institution may require other documents, so it is better to clarify this information in advance.

    Benefits provided upon admission to school

    • children, older brothers or sisters are already studying at a specific educational institution;
    • people from families of military personnel and law enforcement officers;
    • children from large families (3 or more children);
    • children whose parents died as a result of participation in armed conflicts or in the performance of their official duties.

    Who else is eligible for priority admission to school? Preferential categories also include children with disabilities or those from families raising another child with disabilities.

    To take advantage of the preferential right to enroll in a general education institution, you must, in addition to the papers listed above, provide a certificate of receipt of benefits.

    Rules for admitting children to school and do children from large families have benefits when admitted to 1st grade?

    Since 2012, admission to first grade in Russian schools has been carried out according to new rules. According to these rules, children “attached” to the school, that is, children from nearby houses, have priority to enroll in school. Applications to schools under the new rules are accepted from March 1 to September 5.

    Do children from large families have benefits when admitted to 1st grade according to the new rules?

    Rules for admitting children to school

    According to the new rules, children are “attached” to schools in their place of residence. The exceptions are specialized schools, schools with in-depth study of certain subjects and schools for gifted children.

    It will be up to the territorial education authorities to decide which houses belong to which schools. Parents will be required to provide, in addition to the standard set of documents, a certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence of the parents.

    The school can refuse “assigned” children only if there are no places there. Then the territorial education authorities must find a replacement.

    But everyone knows that there are “good” schools, and there are not so good ones. And in order to get to such a “good” school, parents are ready to take their child across the whole city. As a rule, there are no problems going to school in your own backyard. How can I now go to the school that I want to go to, but it is not in the place where the child is “attached”?

    If there are still free places in the school after all the “attached” children have been recruited, then any children who apply can be accepted for these places. Admission for available places will take place from August 1 to September 5.

    All schools accept children without entrance examinations, except for specialized schools, specialized schools, schools with in-depth study of any subject, or sports and creative schools.

    Benefits for large families

    Are there any benefits for children from large families when entering 1st grade? Yes, I have. First of all, children with benefits will be taken to vacant places: children of deceased military personnel, children from large families, children with disabilities. In specialized schools, specialized schools, sports and arts, the rules for enrollment in the first grade have not changed.

    Video materials on the topic of the article

    Rights and benefits of large families:

    What benefits can large families count on:

    New school admission rules:

    Instructions for enrolling a child in 1st grade:


    Use of materials from the site is possible only with a direct active hyperlink to the women's site Diana

    El No. FS77-61449 dated 04/10/2015

    The following have the priority right to enroll in educational institutions at their place of residence:

    • children of a police officer;
    • children of a police officer who died as a result of injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties;
    • children of a police officer who died as a result of an illness acquired while serving in the police;
    • children of a citizen of the Russian Federation who was dismissed from police service due to injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties and which excluded the possibility of further service in the police;
    • children of a citizen of the Russian Federation who died within one year after dismissal from police service as a result of injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties, or as a result of an illness received during the period of service in the police, which excluded the possibility of further service in the police ;
    • children who are (were) dependent on a police officer, a citizen of the Russian Federation, specified in paragraphs 1-5 of part 6 of article 46 of the Federal Law

    dated 02/07/2011 No. 3-FZ “On the Police”;

  • children of an employee who has special ranks and serves in institutions

    and the authorities of the penal system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and customs authorities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the employee);

  • children of an employee who died as a result of injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties;
  • children of an employee who died as a result of a disease acquired during service in institutions and bodies of the penal system, the federal fire service, the State Fire Service, control authorities

    for the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and the customs authorities of the Russian Federation;

  • children of a citizen of the Russian Federation dismissed from service in institutions and bodies due to injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties and excluding the possibility of further service

    in institutions and bodies of the penal system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and customs authorities of the Russian Federation;

  • children of a citizen of the Russian Federation who died within one year after dismissal from service in institutions and bodies of the penal system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and customs authorities of the Russian Federation due to injury or other damage health received

    in connection with the performance of official duties, or as a result of an illness acquired

    during the period of service in institutions and bodies that exclude the possibility of further service in institutions and bodies;

  • children who are (were) dependent on an employee, a citizen of the Russian Federation, specified in paragraphs 1-5 of part 14 of article 3 of the Federal Law of December 30, 2012

    No. 283-FZ “On social guarantees for employees of certain federal executive authorities and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”;

  • children of military personnel at the place of residence of their families;
  • children of military personnel when changing the place of military service, children of citizens undergoing military service under a contract, as well as upon dismissal from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health reasons or due to

    with organizational and staffing events, to educational organizations, the nearest

    to a new place of military service or place of residence.

  • brothers and sisters of children studying in this general education organization;
  • children whose parent (legal representative) holds a full-time position in a given educational organization.
  • For admission to the first grade of an educational organization, parents (legal representatives) present the following documents to the educational organization:

    • - child’s birth certificate;
    • - certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence or place of stay

    in the assigned territory or a document containing information about the child’s registration

    at the place of residence or at the place of stay in the assigned territory;

  • - documents confirming the preferential right to enroll citizens in an educational organization (if available).
  • Forum for parents with many children

    And those who wish to join our ranks

    Education and development of our children ⇒ Benefits for admission to gymnasiums, lyceums and schools

    And there are also several legally established ways to be guaranteed to be a high school (lyceum) student, which not everyone may know and which prevent the emergence of corruption, preventively, of course - we know that there is no corruption. These methods are not feasible for everyone, but many to whom they are available are simply not aware that they can be implemented. If the information helps, that would be great.

    1. the most difficult: to become a judge. It's incredibly difficult. It’s more difficult than walking past a gymnasium and accidentally being enrolled in it. and of course, whoever is already a judge knows this method :) I am writing it for the sake of completeness of the list.

    2. difficult but possible: You are a mother of many children. You have the right to priority place not only in kindergarten but also in school, including any lyceum and gymnasium. This year, for example, there are only 6 twins in VGG. and there are also kids from large families too :)

    3. not really a way, but if life turns out in such a way that your family is a military family, and you want to give your children a lyceum education, don’t miss the opportunity, you have the right!

    4. quite simple - enroll in a preparatory class - with FML and MAPLE there is no, but with VGG there is - in this case you must be accepted into school!

    5. also simple - if the child’s father is a police officer/prosecutor’s office employee, the child has the right to enter the lyceum/gymnasium in the first place. Teaching staff are always needed, there is a lot of turnover. Sometimes people don’t even work for a year; it’s a difficult job. But on the other hand, this is a possible pleasant bonus - no one will require any requirements for work experience at the time of admission of a child to a lyceum or gymnasium - only a certificate from the place of work.

    These rights are secured by law. They do not depend on whether the child attended any courses or interviews or not.

    There is no need to talk much about having many children - everything has already been explained:

    and from this year we were assigned to a school where it’s a 20-minute walk and we have to cross the road

    Although there are 2 schools nearby - 5 and 10 minutes walk.

    There are no benefits for people with many children, and neither do brothers/sisters of students.

    Wall-sweet feb. 2003, Alenka Dec. 2010, Semyon July 2013

    Benefits when enrolling in school

    Dear lawyers! Please tell me! Now we have passed a law on admitting children to school strictly in the adjacent area. Our school is filled with "foreign" citizens. There is constant theft, fights, and ethnic squabbles. Of course, you don’t want to send your child here. We chose a gymnasium school, and now we go there for preparatory courses. But most likely they won’t take you without registration. The daughter wants to temporarily register the child with friends. How legal will it be for admission to school? Or are there some other methods to solve this issue. How will registration itself be carried out, what documents are needed, for what period can I register? Maybe there are some benefits when entering school; my daughter has the status of a single mother. Thank you in advance.

    Lawyers' answers (9)

    According to Article 5 of the Federal Law on Education in the Russian Federation - Right to education In Russian federation guaranteed regardless gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property, social and official status, living place, attitude towards religion, beliefs, membership in public associations, as well as other circumstances.

    Thus, you have the right to enroll in any educational institution on the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of your place of registration.

    However, when recruiting to educational institutions, the primary advantage of enrollment is registration at the place of residence, which belongs to the territorial educational institution.

    Therefore, in order to avoid any problems and you have first priority for enrollment in the chosen gymnasium, it is better to temporarily register with friends. It will be absolutely legal. The period of temporary registration can be up to 5 years.

    In order to obtain temporary registration, you must contact the territorial department of the Federal Migration Service with an application for temporary registration. For this you need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation for your daughter, a birth certificate of a child (grandchild), also written consent from friends for registration, a certificate of ownership of the apartment.

    Best regards, Sergei.

    Client clarification

    My daughter's friend is a widow. At this point in time, she wants to apply for a subsidy. The question arose whether my daughter’s temporary registration would affect the application for a subsidy?

    Have a question for a lawyer?

    Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 15, 2012 N 107 (as amended on July 4, 2012) “About

    approval of the Procedure for the admission of citizens to general educational institutions" rules

    admission of citizens to municipal institutions for training in basic

    general education programs must provide admission to the specified

    educational institutions of citizens who live in the territory

    municipal district, urban district, assigned by the relevant

    local government bodies for a specific municipal institution (hereinafter

    Assigned territory), and having the right to receive general education

    assigned persons under fourteen years of age or under guardianship,

    place of residence is the place of residence of their legal representatives - parents, adoptive parents or guardians (clause 2 of article 20

    Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Registration at place of residence

    (stay) of assigned persons under fourteen years of age is carried out with

    issuing a certificate of registration at the place of residence (certificate at the place of residence

    So mother

    child can receive both permanent and temporary registration according to another - desired

    free places for citizens not registered in the assigned territory,

    citizens who have the right to priority have priority rights

    provision of a place in an institution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation

    Federation and regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (clause 18

    In accordance with

    This benefit is established for the following categories of citizens:

    2) employee’s children

    police, killed (died) due to injury or other damage to health,

    received in connection with the performance of official duties;

    3) employee’s children

    police who died as a result of a disease acquired during the period of

    police service;

    4) children of a citizen

    of the Russian Federation, dismissed from police service due to injury or

    other health damage received in connection with the performance of official duties

    duties and excluded the possibility of further service in

    a citizen of the Russian Federation who died within one year after

    dismissal from police service due to injury or other damage

    health received in connection with the performance of official duties, or

    due to an illness acquired during police service,

    excluded the possibility of further service in the police;

    who are (were) dependent on police officers, citizens of the Russian Federation

    Federations specified in paragraphs 1 - 5 above.

    In accordance with

    established for the following categories of citizens:

    military personnel at the place of residence of their families (Article 19);

    military personnel who died (died) during military service,

    who performed military service under contract and died (died) after dismissal from

    military service upon reaching the age limit for military service

    service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing

    within one year from the date of death of the breadwinner (Article 24). <Письмо>Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 28, 2012 N IR-535/03 “On the rules

    But most likely they won’t take you without registration. ..

    They'll take it! They have no right to refuse!

    According to the letter of Rosobrnadzor dated July 24, 2006 N 01-678/07-01

    “On the right of children to education in the Russian Federation”:

    Article 2 of Protocol No. 1 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms prohibits denial of the right to education.

    In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of citizens are not subject to restrictions on the basis of registration at the place of residence. Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation proclaims the right of everyone to education. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Article 5) guarantees the right to education regardless of place of residence.

    Russian legislation does not allow the exercise of this right by children to depend on registration at the place of residence of the parents, that is, lack of registration cannot be a basis for refusal of admission to an educational institution.

    Good afternoon, Nina.

    One of the principles of the Federal Law on Education in the Russian Federation is the following:

    freedom of choice obtaining education according to a person’s inclinations and needs, creating conditions for the self-realization of each person, the free development of his abilities, including providing the right to choose forms of education, forms of training, organization carrying out educational activities, the direction of education within the limits provided by the education system, as well as providing teaching staff with freedom in choosing forms of education, methods of teaching and education;

    The right to education in the Russian Federation is guaranteed regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property, social and official status, living place.

    However, priority for admission to educational institutions is given to those who are registered at their place of residence in a given area. Upon temporary registration, you are also required to be accepted. To do this, according to the rules of registration at the place of residence, you must:

    Citizens who arrived for temporary residence in residential premises that are not their place of residence for a period of more than 90 days are required, after the expiration of the specified period, to contact the officials responsible for registration and submit:

    identification document;

    application in the established form for registration at the place of residence; a document that is the basis for the temporary residence of a citizen in the specified residential premises (lease (sublease) agreements, social tenancy of residential premises, a certificate of state registration of the right to residential premises or an application from the person providing the citizen with residential premises).

    As for benefits for single mothers, they have a priority right only for admission to a preschool educational institution, provided that the parent works. Single mothers do not have any benefits when enrolling in school.

    Regarding school, single mothers are entitled to two free meals per day for their child.

    Best regards, Sergei.

    The Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” indicates that admission to a state or municipal educational organization can be denied only due to the lack of free places in it.

    If there are no places in a state or municipal educational organization, the parents (legal representatives) of the child, in order to resolve the issue of his placement in another general education organization, apply directly to the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out public administration in the field of education, or the local government body that carries out management in the field of education.

    Meanwhile, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 15, 2012 N 107 (as amended on July 4, 2012) “On approval of the Procedure for admitting citizens to educational institutions” establishes the following:

    The rules for the admission of citizens to municipal institutions for training in basic general education programs must ensure the admission to these educational institutions of citizens who live in the territory of a municipal district, city district, assigned by the relevant local government bodies to a specific municipal institution (hereinafter referred to as the assigned territory), and who have the right to receive general education (hereinafter referred to as designated persons).

    For assigned persons under fourteen years of age or under guardianship, the place of residence is recognized as the place of residence of their legal representatives - parents, adoptive parents or guardians (clause 2 of Article 20 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

    Registration at the place of residence (stay) of assigned persons under fourteen years of age is carried out with the issuance of a certificate of registration at the place of residence (certificate at the place of stay) (clauses 28 and 29 of the Rules for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995 N 713. Assigned persons may be refused admission only due to the lack of free places in the institution.

    Thus, in accordance with the above standards, you do not have the right to refuse admission, however, priority, as colleagues indicated, will go to children whose parents are registered on the territory of the educational institution. The procedure is as follows: try to place your child in an educational institution, without registration. If it is refused on the basis that the child’s parents do not have a residence permit on the territory of the institution, then such a refusal can actually be appealed to the court, on the basis that the Federal Law directly provides for only one reason for refusal - in the absence of places in the educational organization.

    “My daughter’s friend is a widow. At this point in time, she wants to apply for a subsidy. The question arose: will my daughter’s temporary registration affect the registration of the subsidy?”

    No, it will not affect, since this registration is temporary and cannot serve as a basis for changing the amount of the subsidy or refusing subsidies. I hope I understood your clarification correctly

    In addition, according to temporary registration, a citizen moves into a residential premises not as a family member, accordingly, cannot be the basis for the deterioration of living conditions.

    Best regards, Sergei

    Client clarification

    Thanks for the consultation.

    Regarding the subsidy, everything is correct, it will not affect, but it is better to draw up a commercial lease or free use agreement, which will be formal, but if questions arise, it will indicate the nature of the legal relations that have arisen, and clearly indicate the legal status of the parties to the agreement.

    Nina, if a subsidy is provided to pay for utilities, then when receiving it, the official income of all citizens registered in the apartment will be taken into account. It may affect the size of the subsidy, but in which direction depends on your daughter’s income.

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