Lunar horoscope for Aquarius. Health of Aquarius in the Year of the Yellow Dog

“Aquarius, Aquarius, don’t spill everything you wear!” This is exactly what children usually scream when they play one famous game. So the stars shout to Aquarius so that they do not splash their talents left and right, but try to take a balanced approach to choosing their future path. Nature has endowed the representatives of this sign with high intelligence, developed emotional intelligence and amazing good nature, which irritates many.

Indeed, when a person accepts what is said to him with a smile, it is very easy to mistake him for an arrogant person who is indifferent to others. In fact, this is not so, and many Aquarians themselves suffer from this peculiarity.

Next year, the air sign will have to reconsider its attitude towards life in order to make it even better. Natural courage and perseverance in achieving goals, as well as the support of a four-legged friend - the symbol of the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, will help Aquarius solve a number of vital tasks and free themselves from the pressure of society. The 2018 horoscope for Aquarius will tell you what is in store for this zodiac sign.

Aquarians, whose prime of youth also falls on the new year 2018, must be prepared for the fact that they will finally have to choose their life’s work. If you are tormented by doubts about the need for further education or a change in professional activity, do not worry - feel free to return to the walls of the educational institution and gnaw on the granite of science.

The desire to learn and learn something new is the main trait of any Aquarius, so go ahead to new discoveries. Otherwise, you will face constant regret about the missed opportunity. But there is something to miss, because this kind of decision will have a direct impact on the quality and standard of future life. Simply put, in 2018 Aquarians will be faced with a choice - go with the flow, or take a risk and make their dreams come true.

Don’t give up the chance to do what you love, because it’s not in vain that Saturn shared his best qualities with you: tireless perseverance, frantic efficiency and endless potential for realizing your talents.

In principle, we can say that Aquarius, especially those born in the second half of the zodiac cycle, will one way or another have to reconsider their attitude towards life: clarify relationships with some people, establish new contacts and break ties with old ones that have been dragging them down for a long time to the bottom. It just so happens that many representatives of the air sign are faced with a huge number of envious people hiding behind friendship. The New Year will put everything in its place and help Aquarius accept the fact that not all people are kind and sincere.

FAVORABLE COLORS: shades of blue and blue, blue-green, violet, lilac, gray and silver.

LUCKY NUMBERS: 2, 4, 8 (all numbers divisible by four), 9, 11, 13.

LUCKY DAYS FOR AQUARIUS: Wednesday, Saturday. It is on these days that important things should begin.

Love sphere

Those Aquarians who have already decided on their choice of life partner, exhale - the person snoring on the next pillow is exactly the one destined for you by fate. And this could be called a bold statement if it were not for the fact that not everyone can get along with Aquarius, which means that the person who had the strength and courage to win your heart is simply doomed to die with you on the same day.

No, Aquarians are not particularly quarrelsome, it’s just important for them to be on the “same wavelength” with a person. Then they will be able to completely trust their partner and fall asleep cuddling with him, despite the fact that sometimes it is hot and not very comfortable. Therefore, you should not expect any troubles in the future. On the contrary, there is a high probability that Aquarius, who have not yet legalized their relationship, will have a wedding before the end of the year and, with the permission of the registry office employee, will be able to kiss each other.

Aquarius, who have been married for a long time You also won’t have to worry about the future of your relationship. To maintain your family hearth, try to tell your significant other as often as possible how much you love her and how lucky you are to have her. Usually these words make even the one who pronounces them warmer, let alone the others.

Lonely Aquarius They also run the risk of meeting a person who can replace all the people on earth - friends, parents, brothers and sisters. For single men, the precursor to a fateful acquaintance may be a trip to distant places or a business trip to a neighboring city, and in general, a meeting may take place at the most seemingly inopportune moment for this - at the entrance, in line for chocolates on sale or in a friendly company, where they will lead the mysterious stranger.

And if at first glance it seems that this is not your person, take a closer look - in fact, this is the person you need, and his behavior is caused by nothing more than a desire to attract attention to himself. A cutesy girl most often is not one, but, you see, you want to look at her. So in this case, despite the fact that Aquarians can boast of amazing insight, even they make mistakes, they just do it less often than all other zodiac signs.

Concerning free representatives of the fair sex, then next year the exact man you want to see next to you will appear on the horizon. As someone great said: “Beware of your wishes, they tend to come true,” so when creating the image of an ideal gentleman, be careful - a playful Dog will bring to your door a person who will “meet all the specified requirements,” no matter how funny it is sounded.

However, the Aquarius woman should also go towards her happiness, and not coldly accept love that has fallen on her head. Whatever one may say, there are two people involved in a relationship, and if Aquarius cannot trust her lover and release her feminine charm, then there is nothing to expect from such a relationship - not a single man, even one deeply in love, will play with one goal.

In this regard, next year air sign girls need to pay great attention to how they express their emotions and try to get rid of the fear of unhappy love.

Remember, a love prediction guarantees a favorable outcome only if you open your heart, and nothing else.

The Yellow Dog will pay special attention in matters of the heart to Aquarians born in her year, whether they are 12 years old or 60. As a kind parent, she will connect hearts, pushing people together who, at first glance, belong to completely different worlds. But what will this world do if the Dog manages to unravel the tangles of fate and pull out exclusively red threads from them?

  • Aquarius has the best compatibility with the zodiac signs of the air element: Gemini, Libra And Aquarius. There is a favorable prognosis for love and marital relationships here.
  • Good compatibility with Sagittarius And Aries. Love promises to be stormy and can bring a lot of positive emotions to each of the partners. Partners will inspire each other.
  • Union with Scorpio may be useful for your career. Long-term relationships can work out if both partners allow themselves to be controlled a little.
  • Union with Taurus- for emotional support. But if partners find a common language and come to terms with their differences, then the union has a greater chance of becoming happy.
  • Relationship with Pisces can give you an advantage financially. A happy marriage is possible, but it will require the maturity and wisdom of the partners.
  • The best choice for marriage is a lion. Partners will be attracted to each other like magnets.
  • Partnership with Capricorn will be fruitful for spiritual development. This union becomes stronger after some time. This combination is much better for long-term relationships and marriage than for short-term romance.
  • WITH Virgo Strong love and marriage are possible if both partners have strong feelings for each other.
  • Good relationship with Cancer possible if both partners are more attentive and sensitive towards each other.


If we talk about careers and potential heights, then everything is quite simple. At the moment, Aquarius stands at a crossroads of possible roads, so it is quite difficult to predict anything. The success or failure of certain undertakings depends only on their actions.

Representatives of the sign who dare to follow their desires will experience resounding success, especially if they develop in the humanitarian direction: journalists, translators and artists can gain an unforgettable experience of working abroad, and one trip promises to be fateful. The only thing left to do is to put aside the opinions of others and do as your heart desires. And even though many will not approve of your action, at least you can find out who really wants you to be happy, and who is just holding on to your kindness.

For Aquarians with a technical mindset, it will be easier in this regard: having long ago decided on a profession, they only have to move from one career ladder to another, reaching the next professional height. The careers of the so-called “techies” will go up quite quickly next year and this, if you think about it, is not surprising, because the extraordinary intelligence of Aquarius helps them solve complex problems in a short time and generate non-standard ideas that usually cause a sensation.


In the area of ​​health, the Year of the Dog 2018 for Aquarius does not foretell any serious problems. It just so happens that representatives of this sign naturally have good immunity and health, so even a cold can be avoided.

However, in winter it is worth paying attention to the quality of shoes - very high heels or slippery soles can lead to a minor, but very unpleasant injury. To avoid problems with the ankle, try to choose shoes that are not very narrow, otherwise problems with veins may also appear.

For those Aquarians who have difficulties with their physical fitness, the astrological forecast does not advise them to worry about the impossibility of solving their problem; on the contrary, next year is suitable for changes like no other, even if these are changes in lifestyle and appearance.

Before tormenting yourself with diets and looking for a magical method to improve your parameters, pay attention to your eating habits - this will bring much greater results than hoping for revolutionary methods that, as a rule, do not work.

In our article you can read about “”. Sign up for the pool, buy a gym membership and start with something simple, and then the results will not be long in coming. And in general, in this matter it is worth remembering one simple truth: “A healthy lifestyle is healthy because a person must be healthy. And if a person is unhealthy, then this is already an unhealthy lifestyle.”


The Aquarius financial horoscope for 2018 also looks very favorable. Some representatives of the sign will be able to change their field of activity to one that brings more serious income, which means that they will not have to expect financial difficulties.

In general, fortune telling with money is an extremely thankless task, as any astrologer will tell you. A person either knows how to earn money or he doesn’t. And how good it is that Aquarians are precisely those signs that know how to handle money. With due diligence, next year will become a landmark year for many Aquarians, especially for those who dare to develop their own business. Air signs, as a rule, are not stupid and sometimes cunning, so they will not have any special problems with organizing work.

Unexpected sources of income that will fall like snow on their heads include the sudden receipt of an inheritance. The exact date, of course, is unknown, however, this event will most likely happen in one spring month.

Any astrological forecast is fraught with a feature that does not always play a positive role in people’s lives. So, you tell one person that a great future awaits him, and he will lie down on the sofa in order to wait for it faster. To prevent this from happening, it is worth understanding an important point: astrology talks about the possible development of events, but how they will actually develop depends on the person and his personal choice.

As the great Baron Munchausen would have said if he had lived in this amazing time: “Choose, gentlemen, choose, walking along someone else’s road is not yet a sign of a happy future!”

Optimism and love of life will be the main traveling companions of Aquarius in 2018. The luck that the Red Rooster generously bestowed will be there during the reign of the Yellow Earth Dog. The main thing is to make plans correctly and begin to implement them without delay. A more accurate forecast can be found in the horoscope.

General horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius

The Year of the Dog will surprise and make unexpected adjustments to a measured life, so you should prepare for rapid developments of events. Fate will present several opportunities to change your life for the better, but they must be used in a timely manner.

You also don’t have to rely only on enthusiasm and faith in the best - success is only possible if you concentrate on the most important things and work hard. In any endeavor, careful preparation and attitude are important, and the Yellow Dog will be there to support you in time and indicate the desired vector.

Love astrological forecast

2018 is an ideal year to start a family

In the coming year, Aquarius is guaranteed everyone's attention: in an official setting and during leisure time. This is not only about respect for colleagues and care for loved ones, but also about romantic relationships. Increased interest of the opposite sex will lead to dizzying romances and an explosion of emotions, but do not forget that the Dog is the mistress of the year, which means fidelity comes to the fore.

Tamara Globa warns: February is not the month to go straight towards your goal with your head held high. Do not overestimate the importance of your person and beware of arrogance. This is not about you.

In order not to anger fate, it is better to give up affairs and remember about the family: forget empty quarrels and mutual claims, show tenderness and bring a little romance into the relationship. And if your heart is still free from love, and your passport is still free from a stamp, you should look in your surroundings not for beauty, but for sincerity and kindness. Only in this case is a successful love union guaranteed.


Take care of your profits this year and teach this to all family members

Financial revenues in 2018 will be more than stable. The efforts made will be crowned with success, and the income will become regular and progressive. Success will come in earnest and for a long time, but constant doubts will arise: to invest the funds received in business or to skip with a clear conscience. Both are necessary, but within reasonable limits. The Yellow Dog does not advise relaxing and being careless in financial matters, so as not to have to change the tires on the Wheel of Fortune.

Work, career, business

Only efficiency will help Aquarius reach the top of the career ladder. Such people cannot be called slackers, but their inherent slowness and connivance often force them to postpone the start of an important task and, as a result, continue to work by the sweat of their brow.

When changing jobs, Vasilisa Volodina advises choosing a profession that will not interfere with live communication with people.

Aquarians often prefer peace and oblivion, not wanting to take on unnecessary responsibility and take initiative. But if you manage to overcome yourself and not miss the chance provided by fate, career growth and material success will be guaranteed!

In May, be especially careful with money: there is a high chance of losing your wallet or becoming a victim of a pickpocket.


If you have a choice between yoga and CrossFit, give preference to the first direction, because the other may damage your joints

As you know, it is easier to prevent a disease than to fight it later, so you will have to pay maximum attention to your health. Moreover, issues of well-being will depend not on the presence of chronic diseases, but on the emotional state, and if measures are not taken in time, the consequences can be the most unpredictable!

Astrologer Pavel Globa says that Aquarius will be real lucky this year!

There is a risk of problems with the spine, as well as an unpleasant “acquaintance” with rheumatism and arthritis, so it is worth reconsidering your workload and setting your priorities correctly. Complete relaxation and sleep will help eliminate the cause of the malaise, which will put the nervous system in order and allow you to get back on track in time. Moderate exercise, proper nutrition and outdoor recreation should not be ignored. And it’s best to go on vacation to temporarily disconnect from routine worries.

Horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius women

Choose your new partner carefully - The dog does not like fuss and promiscuity

Aquarius ladies will be able to charm literally all the representatives of the stronger sex in their environment: establish trusting relationships with colleagues, make secret admirers fall in love with themselves even more, and even gain the favor of their enemies. There are many social events and important meetings on the horizon where you can make useful and pleasant contacts.

For the first two decades of January you will want to be in splendid isolation, but after gaining strength, after the 20th you will be able to schedule pleasant business meetings and even dates.

However, it should be remembered that bright romances with the obligatory attributes of a beautiful courtship (bouquets, dates under the moon and romantic dinners) do not always lead to a serious relationship. And the amorousness and excessive gullibility of Aquarius can play a cruel joke on them.

And yet fate is ready to present a gift - in the summer there will be a fateful meeting with a magnetic and mysterious man. But to win him, you will have to show miracles of diplomacy and endless charm. And if Cupid’s arrow hits the heart of a stranger, you can safely prepare for the wedding.

What awaits men

Surprise-loving Aquarius will be in for a flurry of pleasant surprises this year.

Career comes to the fore. Aquarius men have no time to think about romance. Solving production problems will require a serious approach, determination and dedication. But don't worry too much. When your strength is running low, loyal friends will be nearby, ready to support you physically, morally and even financially.

Please pay attention to the correctness of the decisions made in November. Their correctness will be clear at the end of this month, so beware of rashness.

The main thing is no irresponsibility or passivity, even if you give up. It is necessary to learn to think constructively and clearly move towards the intended goal. Timely decisions will allow you to win in a controversial situation and take an honorable place in the eyes of others.

A short horoscope for all signs of the Chinese calendar

Each of the 12 animals of the eastern calendar has a personal prediction.


Even the most obstinate fans are at your feet!

For Aquarius born in the year of the Rat, 2018 will bring good luck and prosperity. The Earth Dog will selflessly protect from problems, but one should not abuse its favor. For career growth, it is better to use professional qualities rather than personal charm and flirting with your boss. Connect your personal activity and creative imagination - and you will be able to handle any task! And charisma and charm will be more useful in your personal life.


Clarity and composure should become faithful companions in the coming year. Otherwise, there is a risk of being left behind by more agile competitors. This is the optimal time to introduce your own ideas and know-how, which will attract the attention of business partners and provide encouragement from management. On the love front, it's the complete opposite. Passionate and enchanting romances are not expected, but the Yellow Dog herself will take care of the fateful meeting - and soon a person will appear on the horizon who will become an ideal partner in family life.


The freedom-loving nature of the predator does not allow itself to be forgotten. People born in the year of the Tiger highly value their independence and consider any encroachment on personal freedom almost a crime. However, in 2018, the time comes to think about the future: finally, choose a permanent partner or even decide on marriage. The best candidate for the role of a spouse will be the same freedom-loving nature, otherwise there is a risk of mutual claims simply destroying the existing relationship.

Aquarius-Cat (Rabbit)

2018 is a time of great prospects and opportunities. A successful combination of Aquarius and Cat provides wisdom and knowledge of life, so such people are always listened to and often asked for advice. In gratitude, the Yellow Dog will bring material well-being (a new position, your own living space, and even a surprise in the form of winning the lottery). On the love horizon, it is possible that a person will appear with whom it will be possible to build a strong family union.


Don’t ignite your energy and inner fire on trifles. Do something big and success will come to you

A calm, balanced intellectual - this is how one can characterize the Aquarius-Dragon, who is in no hurry and, thanks to forethought, achieves high results professionally and in his personal life. Meanwhile, you can’t relax so that your usual slowness doesn’t turn into laziness and make adjustments to your usual way of life. It is necessary to gather your will into a fist and, before it is too late, take control of the situation.


Unlike the Dragon, Aquarius-Snake is more purposeful and active, is not afraid of difficulties and quickly achieves solutions to assigned tasks, for which he has earned the respect of others. But sometimes you need to take liberties and be distracted from business, especially since it is during your vacation that you will be able to meet your soulmate. And the one whose heart is already occupied will find a faithful friend who can support even in the most difficult life situations.


One can only envy the potential of Aquarius born in the year of the Horse. They can handle any difficulties and will be able to overcome more than one barrier in terms of professional growth. And if things don’t work out, the faithful Dog will always be nearby, who will help you successfully complete all your endeavors and achieve financial well-being. This year your most cherished dream will come true. If we are talking about starting a family, a marriage entered into in 2018 will be strong and durable.

Aquarius-Goat (Sheep)

Finally, your significant other will calm down and stop demanding a star from the sky from you, enjoying what they have

It is worth being patient: the coming year will be full of events (new meetings, business contacts, events and romantic dates). This is a good time to realize your creative abilities, which will be appreciated by others. A favorable period for starting your own business: a successful start and rapid development will be guaranteed. However, you should not revel in fame too much and rest on your laurels, otherwise success can just as quickly turn into failure, and it will not be easy to restore your lost status.


Activity and rich creative potential will bring Aquarius-Monkeys fame and recognition. But on the way to the cherished goal, many temptations will appear, which only the most persistent natures can resist. Friends and fleeting love affairs can distract you from implementing your plans, so success will require self-control and willpower.


Aquarius-Roosters will have to collect a lot of trophies on the love front. But you shouldn’t rely on your own attractiveness and expect a gift from fate in the form of a fan who is ready to indulge all the whims. Only those who are not too arrogant can create stable and strong relationships. The main secret of success is the ability to give in and put yourself in your partner’s place.


New acquaintances can be useful both spiritually and materially

Despite the desire for innovation and a keen sense of justice, Aquarius-Dogs are often modest and reserved. In 2018, it's time to break this stereotype and go out into the world. This step will allow you to make useful contacts and demonstrate your potential, which will lead to success in your professional activities. But first you need to think about everything and develop a clear plan of action.

Aquarius-Pig (Boar)

The Yellow Earth Dog will bring a lot of opportunities for self-realization. Purposefulness and activity will allow you to achieve what you want both in your career and in private relationships. The second half of the year promises career advancement and increased authority in the eyes of superiors and colleagues. It is important to maintain adequate self-esteem and not be dizzy with success.

2018 provides Aquarius with complete carte blanche, and success in life largely depends on their own efforts. The main thing is to correctly calculate the possibilities and boldly move forward. Catch a wave of luck, believe in yourself, and you will definitely succeed!

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2018 will be an interesting year for sensitive women and dreamy men born under the sign of Aquarius. The mistress of the year, the Yellow Dog, has prepared many joyful events and favorable situations for this sign. She also took care of adventures and trials. The horoscope for Aquarius for 2018 will tell you everything in detail.

The distinctive character traits of this sign are independence and creativity. There is never a dull moment with these people; they are full of ideas, the most fantastic and unconventional ones. Aquarians love to receive bright and unusual impressions from life. They find hobbies and acquaintances that are not always clear to others. The measured and standard life of this sign is disappointing.

Aquarians love and know how to make friends. You can share with them not only good news, but also difficult life situations. They always get to the heart of the matter and can give practical advice.

Aquarians, as a rule, do not react to criticism and discussions of their actions. They do not depend on opinions or generally accepted trends and adhere to rules only when necessary. They can take risks, but within reason.

If they experience self-doubt or low self-esteem, it is somewhere very deep. In fact, they are determined, attractive optimists who know and understand what they should do in any situation. Sometimes they may look helpless, but this is just to attract attention.

Because of their reluctance to act independently and delve into the essence of the current circumstance, they portray weakness or misunderstanding, and thus shift the solution of the issue to others.

Men and women of this sign often look inside themselves and engage in self-development throughout their lives. They are prone to introspection and love to explore who is nearby. Moreover, deduction is not their method. What Aquarians call logic, everyone else considers a happy coincidence.

Aquarians can be found at all kinds of seminars and trainings on the psychology of relationships. They regularly turn to astrologers and mystics. They read a lot of esoteric literature, thus trying to find answers to troubling questions and change the internal processes in themselves.

Career and finances in the year of the Yellow Dog

Aquarians will be passionate about work this year. You’ve been searching for so long and couldn’t decide on a field of activity that once you find your business, you’ll throw yourself into it.

It is during this period that a person will appear in your life who will become your teacher and patron in your career and business. You needed it so much before, during a period of complete uncertainty and instability. But believe me, you need it more now. The Yellow Dog thus helps you and rewards you for the great work you have done in self-determination.

For those interested in career growth, it is important to fulfill their responsibilities efficiently, engage in self-development and improve their professional level. Management will evaluate your approach to work and offer you a larger and more responsible position in the first half of the year.

It is advisable for Aquarius to enter the Year of the Dog without debt. Try to repay all the loans and then you will not be burdened with obligations, and you will be able to freely manage your finances. Overall, 2018 was a financially successful year. After all, you will work a lot and with a great desire. Plus, you will have the opportunity to invest your money profitably. Dividends may be small, but the investment is reliable and stable.

In the business sphere, show more self-confidence, do not be afraid to make decisions and take responsibility. The symbol of the year adores hardworking, smart and disciplined people, which are Aquarius. The only place where confidence will be superfluous is in operations with documents. Measure seven times, double-check seven more, and only then let the papers move.

Love horoscope

Tell me, dear Aquarius, what prevents you from being in pure and mutual love? That's right, the habit of endlessly analyzing the past, poking around and looking at every little thing under a microscope in the present and even in the future. You are busy exploring subtexts, conducting psychological experiments, and then you wonder why your personal life is not working out.

In the year of the fair, honest and open Dog, you will have to abandon your methods and simply plunge into feelings without judgment and without prediction. And the Yellow Dog will try to ensure that your chosen one exceeds all your expectations and reciprocates.

Aquarians are wonderful family men and parents. In marital love they manifest themselves brightly and originally. They do not tolerate betrayal, although they themselves need to communicate with the opposite sex outside the family. But there is nothing reprehensible in light flirting.

You do not go far by remaining faithful to your partner, but you gain new impressions and vital energy. And in the year of creation and creativity, such updates will only benefit you. Let's hope that your significant other will understand you and will not pester you with jealousy and resentment.

Aquarius health in 2018

Among Aquarius you can find a large number of vegetarians and vegans. You enjoy taking care of your body, eating right, and improving your physical fitness. But sometimes you allow yourself to have breakdowns. You can eat half a grilled chicken at once or skip a workout for no reason.

Of course, such actions provoke a malfunction in the body and weaken the immune system. The events of 2018 will require endurance and well-being from you. Getting sick is out of the question. Therefore, strictly adhere to your usual regime, and leave liberties in the past.

If you are engaged in physical labor, be careful and clearly control the load. Remember that your weak point is blood vessels and joints.

Aquarius predicts a lot of success in business and in personal life. Consequently, there will be plenty of reasons for celebrations and feasts. Be careful with alcoholic drinks and heavy snacks. A shortage is better than stress for the body.

Good news awaits those who have long wanted to lose weight. You will find a weight loss system for yourself, and it will give visible results quite quickly. After 3-4 months you will have to start updating your wardrobe, and the new things will be two or three sizes smaller.

Horoscope for Aquarius woman for 2018

Single Aquarius women will devote the entire 2018 to finding a partner with whom they could build a promising relationship, or rather, subsequently marry him. The timely and correct intention of the wise Aquarius will arouse the approval and support of the Yellow Dog.

Many of you will actually get what you want, even ahead of schedule. Wedding ceremonies are planned for the symbol of the year in the near future. Only those who cannot decide on their desires will be unlucky. And you want to get married, and you want to stay with many admirers, and the image of the desired man does not emerge clearly. You don’t know what you want, so you won’t get anything.

Married women will experience several dramatic situations this year. A person from your past will suddenly invade your life. This could be your first love or your ex-spouse. Do not give in to emotional impulses and memories, look at the situation coldly and soberly. It is given to you to test the strength of feelings in your married couple.

In order to protect yourself and not harm your family, do not involve your husband, girlfriends, relatives in this event, talk less about it and even more so think about it.

Horoscope for Aquarius man for 2018

Something incredible will happen to Aquarius men this year. Unbridled energy, fantasies, amorousness will flow out of you like a fountain. Free representatives of the sign should not restrain themselves, there is no reason for this. But married men must control their impulsive energy and direct it in the right direction - into a marital union.

Any rash action of yours will be severely punished by the Yellow Dog, the guardian of the hearth and marital fidelity.

But all Aquarius men will have to gather their courage, be optimistic, proactive and persistent. This year will take you on a roller coaster ride in business and finance.

To implement the idea, you will have to invest all your savings at the beginning of the year. This risk, although not immediately, will be justified pretty soon. The whole world will help you, because you have taken on the fulfillment of your old dream.

Some Aquarians will be unemployed this year. There is no need to be upset, these are changes for the better. You need to make room for the arrival of a new position and, accordingly, higher income.

Despite the sharp fluctuations in their financial condition, by the end of the year Aquarians will be in a good “plus”, which will be able to please not only themselves, but also their loved ones.

Promises bright and impressive events, good luck in business and success in your personal life. You will be satisfied with the patronage of the Yellow Dog and will meet the next year in a great mood, with a noticeable supply of energy and strength.

Video horoscope

Today we will talk about Aquarius, or rather about what awaits the representatives of this zodiac sign in the coming year and what prospects will open up for them. By the way, there will be a lot of them, so other zodiac signs will definitely envy you.

So, in 2018 you can expect many opportunities, which not everyone will be able to see, since they will not always be too noticeable and obvious. This will be your advantage over others.

The whole of 2018 will go under the motto of calm and tranquility, including for Aquarius. Your distinctive positive feature is that you have the ability to achieve a high level in those areas that others do not want to get into, and cannot, even if they wanted to.

The New Year for Aquarius will be an excellent chance to catch luck by the tail; this is the only thing you need to improve your situation and positive changes in the future. The main thing is not to miss this chance.

The most active influence this year is exerted by the Moon, Mercury and Venus. But on Aquarius their influence will manifest itself in little way. However, this will not prevent them from finding a lot of positive things in many areas of activity in the new year.

It happens that Aquarius may regret their actions in the past. Maybe a good employee was fired, for example. And then start thinking too much about it, about the fact that you will have to look for a new person for this position with the same abilities. But sometimes you push yourself too hard and worry for no particular reason.

So, if you make a mistake, learn to simply admit it right away, and not look for excuses and not torment yourself with speculation about what will happen next. Just relax and don't worry, everything will be as it should be.

What to change in the new year

Although the Stars promise a rather calm year, you will notice a surge of strength and vigor from its first days. Sometimes Aquarius may feel like they can do anything, even the most incredible things. But this is quite possible, the main thing is not to rush things.

It is better to spend this time usefully, that is, be ready for changes and not be afraid of them. Maybe you're tired of boring work? Or a long relationship that takes away all your strength? So, the time has come when you can safely part with what does not bring any benefit.

Instead, new prospects will open up, which in the future will turn out to be much better than the previous ones. Don't look back and use the same methods as before. Now they may not be relevant, because each situation has different circumstances.

All events in our lives are unique, so do not look for answers to your questions in the past. Don’t be afraid to act and move forward, and then this period will not seem boring to you.

If Aquarius takes a more responsible approach to work, then they can get a promotion and the respect of their colleagues. Improvements in finance are also expected; for this to happen, do not forget about your debts and pay them off at the first opportunity.

Personal life of Aquarius in 2018

The coming year will help you, dear Aquarius, together with the Yellow Dog. It will definitely help you achieve great success, and in different directions. Single representatives of this sign will be able to find their other half, and married ones will renew their relationships and improve them.

Sometimes Aquarians really like to sort things out with their family. To avoid scandals, it is important to remember that your loved one is nearby, and not your main enemy. Therefore, learn to conduct dialogue more often, trust each other, share experiences, feelings, emotions. In this case, the relationship will become even stronger and move to the next level.

You will make new acquaintances that you should not become attached to right away. Of course, you don’t need to run away from all strangers or people you barely know, you just need to understand who you can trust and who you shouldn’t trust yet.

At least you can trust your old friends and family 100%. You can even ask them whether those new acquaintances are trustworthy; they will definitely help you understand the situation. Yes, and you yourself should be more discerning in people, analyze their actions and attitude towards you, the main thing is not to waste time.

You can completely rely only on those people whom you have known for a long time and who have never been involved in work or other matters. If suddenly Aquarians feel that someone is pursuing selfish goals in communicating with them, then their instinct will not let them down. It is better to limit your relationship with this person.

Also, Aquarius should not share their plans and desires with everyone. No, no one will deliberately spoil the situation or betray. Sometimes even one random word can be a disaster. Therefore, keep your mouth shut and do not show all your emotions to others.

Health of Aquarius in the Year of the Yellow Dog

Spend more time on your health, otherwise you may get a serious illness. And all because you simply will not pay attention to the symptoms, and in the end you will start the situation, then it will be more difficult to correct it. There is a risk of problems with the genitourinary system, pay attention to it.

If you take care of your health in time, nothing bad will happen. Get checked by professionals, but you will be calm and know exactly what you shouldn’t worry about and what you will have to pay attention to.