Engine and transmission oils for Opel Antara. How to change gear oil in an automatic transmission opel antara What kind of oil in an automatic transmission opel antara 3.2

Maintenance of the car at a certain time has to be done by each owner. The condition for the stable operation of the machine mechanisms is the timely replacement of the lubricant. Despite the fact that many automakers, including Opel Antara, transmission fluid is designed for the entire life of the car, during long-term operation, the properties of ATF are still lost and the box requires a lubricant update. "Opel Antara" the procedure is simple and can be carried out by the efforts of the car owner.

You can do a regular partial oil change in an Opel Antara automatic transmission yourself.

When an oil change is required

First of all, the aging of the fluid, as well as the wear of the gearbox parts, depend on external conditions, such as the operation of the machine under high loads, numerous traffic jams, the climatic zone, driving style and other unfavorable factors. An oil change in an Opel Antara automatic machine is carried out at intervals of 45 - 60 thousand km. run. It is better to carry out the procedure regularly, thereby extending the life of the gearbox. Sometimes a replacement is required when repairing an automatic transmission, it can be partial or complete.

In the case of the first procedure for an automatic transmission of a car with high mileage, only a partial update can be carried out. With this type of work, the system is not flushed, and the liquid is not completely replaced. provides the maximum replacement of old oil with new, but there is no guarantee that system problems will not occur as a result of the procedure. Washing out of accumulated mud deposits and traces of wear of parts can cause clogging of oil channels, disrupt cooling, and thereby disable the automatic transmission. It is preferable to change the fluid using the double drain method, which will allow you to update the ATF as much as possible in a way that is gentle to the system.

For any runs, it should be in case of significant clogging and signs of malfunction of the automatic transmission. The condition of the oil can tell you about various box problems that require timely intervention.

Checking the oil level

Lack of transmission fluid in the gearbox can lead to malfunction or failure of the device. The task of each car owner is to check the oil level in time and top up as necessary. In the process, the degree of contamination of the liquid can also be assessed.

Which ATF fluid to choose

The manufacturer recommends using the original oil under the number GM 19 40 771 for the Opel Antara automatic transmission. It can take up to 10 liters, and with partial - up to 6, so it’s better to prepare a little more than the required volume of liquid in advance. Dexron VI is a recommended original Opel product, however, this oil is not suitable for replacing ATF in automatic transmissions of a pre-styling version of a car. In this case, you can fill in MOBIL JWS 3309. The instruction manual clearly states which oil parameters are suitable for each specific type of automatic transmission.

The procedure for changing the oil in the automatic transmission

To replace the transmission fluid with your own hands, the automatic box of the Opel Antara car will need about 7.8 liters of lubricant. If you decide to change the oil in an automatic transmission without using the services of a car service, to carry out the procedure, you must acquire the following tools and materials:

  • suitable ATF transmission fluid;
  • oil filter (it is better to change it along with the oil);
  • drain plug aluminum o-ring;
  • rubber seal for the indicator probe;
  • a set of open-end wrenches and other tools;
  • filling syringe;
  • gloves, clean rags;
  • container for draining used grease.

Armed with everything you need, we proceed to the process:

It is better to carry out planned work by the method of partial oil renewal, if maintenance actions are carried out in a timely manner, then this is enough for the stable operation of the transmission.

The owners of the once popular Opel Antara SUV are convinced that this car is undemanding in self-maintenance, which, however, is confirmed by numerous reviews from motorists. The car is really made not only with high quality and has good driving characteristics, but also allows you to solve some technical problems on your own. For example, change the oil in the gearbox. In this article, we will consider this procedure in more detail using the example of an Opel Antara with automatic transmission.

To select the right oil for the gearbox of a car of this level, it is necessary to be guided primarily not by the brand, but by the parameters indicated in the operating instructions. If the parameters of the liquid match those indicated in the manual, then such a liquid can be considered for purchase. Of course, the original oil will be most preferable. So, among the recommended options, we highlight Dextron V from Opel.

How much to fill

  • Opel Antara gearbox requires only 7.8 liters of transmission fluid
  • What replacement tools will be needed
  • A set of tools, including open-end wrenches and sockets
  • filling syringe
  • New gear oil
  • New oil filter (if necessary)
  • Container for draining waste liquid
  • Towel, rubber gloves

Sequence of work

  1. A car with a preheated engine is driven onto an observation deck, providing full access to the bottom of the car. Alternatively, a lift or pit is suitable, or you can use a jack
  2. Climb under the car, find the attachment points for the protection of the pallet, behind which the gearbox is located
  3. We unscrew the bolts, then carefully remove the pan, in which there may be remnants of old oil and mud deposits.
  4. We unscrew the drain plug, and drain the waste liquid. Wear gloves and avoid splashing hot oil. It is desirable that the oil drain immediately into a pre-prepared container
  5. Please note that it will take at least 3.5 hours to completely drain the waste fluid. Therefore, you can leave the oil to drain overnight
  6. So, the oil is completely drained into a technical container. The next step is to fill in a new fluid. Initially, only 6 liters are required
  7. Before filling in new oil, it is important to make sure that the drain plug is tightened tightly enough.
  8. Fill in new fluid, then check its level with a dipstick. The oil mark on the dipstick must be between the Max and Min marks. In this case, the oil change in the Opel Zafira automatic transmission was successful.

If you do not change the oil in the automatic transmission on time, there may be problems with the further operation of the Opel Antara car. In the material below you can find detailed instructions for changing the oil in an automatic transmission.

Functions of automatic transmission oil in a car

Changing the oil in an automatic transmission on an Opel Antara cannot be done without diagnosing the oil fluid. Oil for Opel Antara plays an important role. It performs functions such as:

  • Lubrication of knots;
  • There is a smooth transfer of power from the engine to the transmission;
  • The gearbox will not work;
  • Rapid heat dissipation and mechanism cooling;
  • Reducing the load on the nodes.

The fluid helps keep the transmission free of corrosion due to the formation of microparticles. The color of the ATF fluid lets you know which transmission system the leak is from.

How to independently change the oil in an automatic transmission in an Opel Antara?

It is necessary to be sure of the need to replace the ATF fluid. The period in which it is necessary to change the lubricant is 45,000 km. An automatic transmission will last a long time and without breakdowns with regular inspection and diagnostics. Change the fluid more often than the specified period is necessary only in unforeseen situations.

To repair an automatic transmission, you need a change of clothes and a number of tools. The list of tools for changing oil in automatic transmissions in Opel Antara includes:

  • Open-end wrench 24 or short head for drain plug;
  • Open-end wrench for 12;
  • Filling syringe for transfusion of new transmission fluid;
  • A flashlight so you can look under the bottom of the vehicle.

Changing the oil in an automatic transmission for an Opel Antara is done strictly according to the regulations. If the procedure is treated negligently, in the future there may be problems with the working condition of the Opel car. Before performing the technical procedure, it is necessary to prepare the car for repair work. It is better to drive transport onto a flyover or into a repair pit.

The process of replacing a new oil fluid in an automatic transmission includes: draining the old oil, flushing the sump and filling in a new fluid. To replace, you must purchase a canister with six liters of ATF oil.

Draining the old oil and flushing the sump with the removal of chips

Changing the oil in an automatic transmission Opel Antara diesel includes the following sequence of actions:

  • Drive the car to the territory where it will be convenient to do a complete fluid change;
  • Get under the car;
  • Unscrew the fastenings of the pallet protection;
  • Remove the filler cap by unscrewing the indicator probe and drain plug;
  • Drain the old fluid. The process takes approximately 3 hours. The duration of the procedure is due to the fact that the substance flows out slowly. The result should be about 3.5 liters of old mining.

After draining the substance, you need to look at its color. Liquid that has passed its expiration date will be dark in color.

After the ATF is drained, it is necessary to substitute the old plug. Next, the crankcase is washed with oil. About 200 ml of liquid is poured and drained back, it should darken after the procedure. After that, the automatic transmission pan is removed and also washed with oil from the sediment accumulated on it. After removing the chips from the lid of the pallet and the magnets that hold the metal suspension, the part is wiped dry with a rag and installed in place.

Filling new oil in automatic transmission

After flushing the automatic transmission, approximately 6 liters of a new solution are poured. The dipstick checks the level of the oil solution. At the end of the procedure, the probe returns, the engine starts and the gearbox switches with interruptions of 7-9 seconds.

The further procedure obliges the motorist to check the gearbox. The vehicle should not twitch when changing gears. If the procedure for changing the oil substance is successful, the machine will not hesitate during further operation.

The choice of oil for Opel Antara

More liters may be required to replace the oil substance in other models. The amount of oil depends on the type of gearbox. For GM 6T70 / 6T75E, up to 9.5 liters will be required. For an automatic transmission, the regulation sets a volume of 7.8 liters. The manufacturer advises buying the original DEXTRON V substance from Opel.

Additional spare parts are also needed for a quality oil change: an aluminum sealing ring for the drain plug and a rubber sealing ring for the indicator dipstick.

Each owner of the Opel Antara crossover eventually has to face the problems associated with the maintenance of this car. Features of a German car require a mandatory oil change in an automatic transmission. Only by replacing the working fluid in the box in a timely manner, you can be calm about the operation of your car.

Oil change in automatic transmission Opel Antara

Partial Antara is done very quickly, the gearbox is not washed, and the old oil is not completely removed. The process takes only thirty minutes. On average, a partial replacement requires about five liters of transmission fluid, which mixes with the one already in the system, which ensures smoother operation of the box.

Most Opel Antara owners believe that full oil change in automatic transmission Opel Antara, accompanied by flushing the system, causing the displacement of old oil by 100%. Maximizing profit is not our goal, so we warn our customers about the possibility of breakdowns during a complete oil change (in some cases).

The procedure for repairing your car in "Automatic Service"

Step 1. After the client's call, the employees select the most convenient time for him to repair the car. If the vehicle is not on the move, then it can be delivered to the service using a tow truck. The car will be brought to the free guarded parking lot of the technical center.

Step 2 In the process of diagnosing and troubleshooting, the causes of the breakdown will be found. Based on this, the price of repair work will be set.

Step 3 Car service specialists determine the order of repair, and make a list of necessary spare parts.

Step 4 A preliminary estimate of repair work is being formed. The set amount is agreed with the client. After that, the mechanics begin to carry out repairs.

Step 5 In the process of work, all requirements and recommendations of the manufacturer are taken into account.

Step 6 After completion of work, the car is tested. Thus, the quality of the repair carried out is checked.

Step 7 Service station employees hand over a serviceable car to the client. In the presence of the client, the operation of the vehicle is checked again.

Step 8 All necessary papers are signed. Among them is an act of repair work performed and a warranty card.

Step 9 After a quality repair, the client leaves the car service in his car. Professionals of the technical center guarantee the quality of repair work!

Changing the oil in an automatic transmission Opel Antara

This applies primarily to cars with high mileage (more than one hundred thousand kilometers), which have not had a fluid change in the automatic transmission. For owners of such vehicles, we recommend a partial replacement of the transmission fluid.

A complete replacement in such cases can completely “kill” the box, because the flushing of the system that accompanies the replacement leads to the washing out of the deposits contained in it, which in turn clog the oil channels, resulting in impaired cooling.

Overheating can very quickly disable the automatic transmission! In such cases, the fluid must not be completely changed, at intervals (200-300 km). This will allow you to displace the old fluid as much as possible.

However, the decision on partial replacement is made only by the master. In some cases, partial replacement simply does not work. In what cases is a complete oil change in automatic transmission Opel Antara?

If the transmission fluid is in a terrible state and deposits in the boxes have reached a critical level, then a complete oil change in the automatic transmission is necessary.

Another option for a complete replacement is constant scheduled maintenance, if the oil always changes on time, then adhering to the regulations, it is worth making a complete oil change, alternating it with a partial one, according to the advice of the master.

Changing the oil in the Opel Antara gearbox is most often associated with the repair of the automatic transmission itself, or it is replaced with a new one in the course of repairing oil leaks, since it must be drained for work. The oil in the automatic transmission is filled in by the manufacturer once for the entire life of the car. It is recommended to entrust the oil change in the Opel Antara automatic transmission to professionals, but in some cases this operation can be handled on your own.

Functions of ATF oil in automatic transmission Opel Antara:

  • effective lubrication of rubbing surfaces and mechanisms;
  • reduction of mechanical load on the nodes;
  • heat dissipation;
  • removal of microparticles resulting from corrosion or wear of parts.
The color of ATF oil for Opel Antara automatic transmission allows not only to distinguish oils by type, but also helps to find out in the event of a leak from which system the fluid escaped. For example, the oil in automatic transmission and power steering has a red tint, antifreeze is green, and in the engine it is yellowish.
Reasons for oil leakage from automatic transmission in Opel Antara:
  • wear of automatic transmission seals;
  • wear of the shaft surfaces, the occurrence of a gap between the shaft and the sealing element;
  • wear of the automatic transmission sealing element and the speedometer drive shaft;
  • play of the input shaft of the automatic transmission;
  • damage to the sealing layer in the joints between parts of the automatic transmission: sump, automatic transmission housing, crankcase, clutch housing;
  • loosening of the bolts that provide the connection of the above parts of the automatic transmission;
The low oil level in the Opel Antara automatic transmission is the main reason for the failure of the clutches. Due to the low fluid pressure, the friction clutches are poorly pressed against the steel discs and do not have enough contact with each other. As a result, the friction linings in the Opel Antara automatic transmission become very hot, charred and destroyed, significantly polluting the oil.

Due to a lack of oil or low-quality oil in the Opel Antara automatic transmission:

  • plungers and channels of the valve body are clogged with mechanical particles, which leads to a shortage of oil in the packages and provokes wear of the bushing, rubbing parts of the pump, etc.;
  • the steel disks of the gearbox overheat and wear out quickly;
  • rubber-coated pistons, thrust discs, clutch drum, etc. overheat and burn;
  • the valve body wears out and becomes unusable.
Contaminated automatic transmission oil cannot fully remove heat and provide high-quality lubrication of parts, which leads to various malfunctions of the Opel Antara automatic transmission. Heavily contaminated oil is an abrasive suspension that, under high pressure, creates a sandblasting effect. Intense impact on the valve body leads to thinning of its walls at the locations of the control valves, as a result of which numerous leaks can occur.
You can check the oil level in the Opel Antara automatic transmission using a dipstick. The dipstick has two pairs of marks - the upper pair of Max and Min allows you to determine the level in hot oil, the lower pair - in cold. Using the dipstick, it is easy to check the condition of the oil: you need to drop the oil onto a clean white cloth.

When choosing an Opel Antara automatic transmission oil for replacement, you should be guided by a simple principle: it is best to use an oil recommended by Opel. At the same time, instead of mineral oil, semi-synthetic or synthetic oil can be poured, but in no case should an oil “class lower” than prescribed be used.

Synthetic oil for automatic transmission Opel Antara is called "non-replaceable", it is poured for the entire life of the car. Such oil does not lose its properties under the influence of high temperature and is designed for a very long period of use of the Opel Antara. But we must not forget about the appearance of a mechanical suspension as a result of friction clutch wear with a very significant mileage. If the automatic transmission has been operated for some time in conditions of lack of oil, it is necessary to check the degree of its contamination and, if necessary, replace it.

Ways to change the oil in an automatic transmission Opel Antara:

  • Partial oil change in Opel Antara box;
  • Complete oil change in the Opel Antara box;
A partial oil change in an automatic transmission Opel Antara can be done independently. To do this, just unscrew the drain on the pallet, driving the car onto the overpass, and collect the oil in a container. Usually up to 25-40% of the volume flows out, the remaining 60-75% remain in the torque converter, that is, in fact, this is an update, not a replacement. To update the oil in the Opel Antara automatic transmission in this way to the maximum, 2-3 replacements will be required.

A complete oil change for the Opel Antara automatic transmission is carried out using an automatic transmission oil change unit, auto repair specialists. In this case, more ATF oil will be required than the Opel Antara automatic transmission can accommodate. Flushing takes one and a half or double the volume of fresh ATF. The cost will be more expensive than a partial replacement, and not every car service provides such a service.
Partial ATF oil change in the Opel Antara automatic transmission according to a simplified scheme:

  1. We unscrew the drain plug, drain the old ATF oil;
  2. We unscrew the automatic transmission pan, which, in addition to the bolts holding it, is treated along the contour with a sealant.
  3. We get access to the automatic transmission filter, it is advisable to change it at each oil change, or rinse it.
  4. At the bottom of the pallet there are magnets that are necessary to collect metal dust and chips.
  5. We clean the magnets and wash the pallet, wipe it dry.
  6. Install the automatic transmission filter in place.
  7. We install the automatic transmission pan in place, replacing the gasket of the automatic transmission pan if necessary.
  8. We twist the drain plug, replacing the drain plug gasket for the automatic transmission.
We fill the oil through the technological filler hole (where the automatic transmission dipstick is located), using the dipstick we control the oil level in the automatic transmission to a cold one. After changing the oil in the automatic transmission, it is important to check its level after driving 10-20 km, already with the automatic transmission warmed up. Top up to level if necessary. The regularity of changing the oil depends not only on the mileage, but also on the nature of the ride on the Opel Antara. You should focus not on the recommended mileage, but on the degree of contamination of the oil, systematically checking it.