Is it possible to add alcohol to gasoline? Is it possible to refuel with gasoline and alcohol? Research results. Is it possible to pour vodka?

The first in Ukraine to sell such gasoline was the BRSM-Nafta network of gas stations, but in difficult times for fuel operators, other market participants also began to think about withdrawing such fuel.

In particular, one of the largest gas station networks, WOG, recently released a new fuel, A-95 eso +, with the addition of absolute bioethanol. The company claims that it is produced in factory conditions, and at a European plant. It should be noted that such an additive, unlike alcohol, can only be stored in special containers, and only under specialized production conditions.

So far, the choice of eco-gasoline is not particularly large - experts found alcohol fuel in five gas station networks - WOG, BRSM-Nafta, KLO and Avias. In general, the experts were surprised by the results, since only one sample showed, let’s say, not very good results.

How much alcohol is in the fuel?

Laboratory tests began with the main thing - with the determination of the volume fraction of bioethanol, the value of which determines the basic properties of alcohol fuel. It should be noted that alcohol fuel is divided into two categories - motor gasoline with a bioethanol content of at least 30% is classified as alternative fuel, if bioethanol is less than 30% - it is not alternative, but belongs to alcohol grades E5, E7, E10 (according to the Technical Regulations) and these brands of gasoline should not be confused with alternative fuels - they are produced according to different regulatory documents!

Based on the results of laboratory tests for WOG, BRSM-Nafta and KLO, ethanol was determined to be around 36 percent, which classifies these fuels as alternative. But gasoline from Avias showed a result of 26% alcohol content. It should be noted that fuel with this content does not meet the requirements of the Technical Regulations - bioethanol content is allowed from January 1, 2016 up to 7% (E7), from January 1, 2018 up to 10% (E10). According to the Alternative Fuels Law, alternative fuels must contain at least 30% bioethanol, the rest are not alternative.

Well, the main news for motorists is that there is not so much alcohol in such fuel, which means that you can safely refuel with it in the winter.

Octane number.

Next, the octane number was checked in the laboratory. This indicator characterizes the fuel's resistance to detonation - premature combustion of gasoline in the combustion chamber. Detonation is harmful to the engine not only through increased fuel consumption and decreased power, but also through premature engine wear due to excess loads. Octane number was measured using the research method.

Once again, good news awaited the experts. All samples showed a fair margin of safety. The octane number varied, from 96.6 units for WOG to 97.2 for BRSM-nafta. But for Avias, the octane reached 98.8 units. This is a non-standard value that may even cause damage to the vehicle. This excessively high rate is due to the high octane number of the alcohol itself.

As you know, benzene and aromatic hydrocarbons are substances that can harm the fuel system and lead to its premature wear. In addition, without evaporating completely, benzene washes away the oil film in the engine, which leads to increased wear of the engine cylinders. And of course, they harm the environment.

However, without aromatic hydrocarbons it is impossible to produce high-quality gasoline, since aromatics are oil secondary refining processes that produce a high-octane component. Without them, it is impossible to make high-octane gasoline. The negative side is that it has a negative impact on the environment, so the content of these components is limited in regulatory documents. This cannot be done indefinitely. In alternative gasolines, due to the 30 percent bioethanol content, the content of aromatic hydrocarbons can be reduced, since alcohol has a high octane number.

Alcohol gasolines are produced according to specifications, so the manufacturer himself determines the limiting quantities of these substances, for example, benzene. For example, BRSM-Nafta allows up to 2.5%, and KLO 4%. Therefore, they were assessed according to the actual content, with an eye to DSTU for the improved “ninety-fifth”, which does not allow benzene content to exceed 1%.

There was a virtual absence of harmful substances (0.3% benzene and 10% aromatics) in the “factory” fuel 95 eso + from the WOG network. Such indicators really confirm the European origin of this gasoline. The KLO sample (0.61% benzene and 12.3% aromatics) was slightly behind the leader. In sample A 95 E Premium + from BRSM-naphtha, more benzene and aromatics were found (1% and 15%, respectively), but this falls within the standards of the specifications by a double margin. But in the sample of alcoholic gasoline Avias the situation turned out to be sad. If the aromatic content is still acceptable (22.1%), then with benzene everything is bad. Here it turned out to be as much as six percent!

No corrosion

One of the most important performance indicators of alcohol fuel is corrosion activity. The fact is that alcohol is a strong solvent and corrodes rubber and plastic parts of the fuel system. To avoid this, a special additive must be added to the biofuel to increase the acidic pH value. In general, this indicator should be from 6 to 9 units.

All participants passed this test, and the highest value (7.4 units) was found in the 95 eso + fuel sample from the WOG network. The rest of the participants also had a value of at least seven. Such indicators indicate that, in terms of its anti-corrosion properties, alcohol gasoline is practically no different from regular gasoline and is harmless to rubber engine parts.

So is it possible to refuel with alternative gasoline?

And what's the bottom line? Is it possible to refuel with “alcohol” gasoline without risk to your own car? Experts give a clear answer - yes. And the fact that such fuel has appeared in the flagship of the domestic market suggests that the potential is enormous, and competition in this segment will only intensify.

Results of laboratory tests of fuel

In any case, it is very encouraging that large chains such as BRSM-nafta and KLO, which have been selling similar fuel for a long time, have no problems with quality. Well, as for the new fuel from WOG, the study showed that there is no limit to perfection. Produced at a petrochemical production facility with appropriate technology, such fuel will set new quality standards.

Material provided by the Institute of Consumer Expertise.

According to alcohol producers and sellers of alternative fuels, alcohol in gasoline is a completely harmless cocktail for a car. What do car companies think about this?

In “Autocenter” No. 23`2013, we talked about the ambiguous situation that has developed in our country regarding alcohol or alternative fuels. Let us remind you that in Ukraine there are already large chains that legally sell gasoline with an alcohol content above 30%. This fuel is approximately 1.5 UAH cheaper than regular gasoline. depending on the gas station. And according to the Law of Ukraine No. 4970-VI dated June 19, 2012 “On amendments to certain laws of Ukraine regarding the production and consumption of motor fuels containing biocomponents,” starting next year, all gasoline sold in our country will contain at least 5% bio-ethanol.

An exciting question

Today, drivers are interested in what percentage of alcohol in gasoline is harmless to the car. In Brazil, for example, cars are filled with fuel with a high alcohol content - 85-100%. But not everyone knows that such cars are specially prepared for this type of fuel.

In Germany, attempts to bring Super E10 fuel to market, which allowed 10% bioethanol, were quickly slowed down after the Federal Automotive Authority conducted a study and found that for 4 million German cars (almost one in ten) the new fuel could be harmful. It can damage aluminum and rubber parts of the fuel system.

Most cars manufactured before 2000 are not designed to run on gasoline with the addition of alcohol, even in minimal quantities. And if in prosperous Germany there are only about 10% of such cars, then here we have more than half. To understand what amount of alcohol in gasoline is acceptable for cars operating in Ukraine, AC turned to car importers and car manufacturers for comments.

Competent answer

The engine and fuel system must be adapted to gasoline containing more than 5% ethyl alcohol. To do this, metal parts made from special alloys that are not subject to corrosion caused by alcohol oxidation products are used, sealing elements resistant to alcohol, and engine settings are changed to ensure an optimal ratio between engine power and fuel consumption. Cars sold in Ukraine have not undergone such “pumping” and do not undergo it. Therefore, the experts we interviewed agreed that the car’s tank should be filled with gasoline that is adequate to what is specified in the documentation for it. In most cases, modern cars are suitable for fuel that complies with DSTU 4839:2007 (at gas stations these are A-92 Euro, A-95 Euro and A-98 Euro, as well as branded fuels created on their basis, for example, Ventus, Pulsar, Pulls, V-Power, EKTO, Mustang, etc.). Old foreign cars and CIS cars can also be content with gasoline that complies with DSTU 4063-2001 (A-92, A-95 and A-98 without the “Euro” prefix). In the specified DSTUs, the share of ethanol (bioethanol) does not exceed 5%. This is precisely the permissible alcohol limit for cars driving on the roads of our country.

About the price

The so-called alternative fuel (more than 30% biocomponent) today is more than one hryvnia cheaper than usual, since the manufacturer is provided with excise tax benefits and other tax preferences. However, there is a professional discussion in the industry about the real savings when using this fuel, because its consumption is higher than traditional gasoline. As for the price of gasoline with the addition of 5% bioethanol, it will obviously be more expensive than traditional brands that are supplied to the market today. The fact is that any manipulations with fuel lead to its rise in price. In our case, the legislator actually proposes to limit the points at which a biocomponent can be added to some basic (non-standard) gasoline, which means additional costs for logistics, storage and the very procedure of “production” of such fuel. Of course, all additional costs will be passed on to the consumer.

About the benefit

Last year we conducted an experiment on a “living” car, thanks to which we found that the bare savings on alcohol gasoline are approximately 2 UAH. per 100 km. As part of the experiment, the test Nissan X-Trail traveled 600 km, half of which was on gasoline containing about 40% alcohol. Test pilots noted that the car, fueled with alternative fuel, lost acceleration dynamics. The engine noise also increased. Based on the data obtained, a non-converted car on average consumes 12.7% more alcohol fuel than traditional fuel.

Car manufacturers and car importers

There is one universal answer to all questions regarding “bio-gasoline”: “See the owner’s manual for your Volkswagen.” If the car is not designed to run on this type of fuel, then it will be aggressive and corrosive to a number of engine components and its fuel system. Converting and replacing these parts with those designed for operation on biofuel is not feasible from an economic point of view. However, there is a small nuance: it is not so much the presence of the biocomponent in the fuel that is important, but its share. Thus, E10 biofuel, that is, which contains up to 10% bioethanol, can be used (according to Porsche Ukraine) on a considerable number of Volkswagen cars produced after 2000, in particular. But as for E40 and especially E85, you need to be especially careful. If the vehicle's owner's manual does not indicate that it can be fueled with alcohol-containing fuel (or biofuel), it is better not to do so.

Some Renault engine models produced since 2001 are designed to run on fuel with an alcohol content of 10-100%. The possibility of its use is indicated in the relevant documentation for the vehicle, which also describes the operating features of this system. After all, for example, when adding regular gasoline to a car’s tank, the ratio of components will change, and the internal combustion engine power system will need some time to adapt to this ratio. It is also necessary to calculate the economic efficiency of using alternative fuel (after all, in comparison with conventional gasoline, the consumption when using mixed fuels will be slightly higher, and in proportion to the increase in the proportion of the alcohol-containing component in the mixture), take into account environmental parameters, etc.

About common sense

In the civilized world, cars are first made to run on new energy sources, and then one or another filling network (electric, hydrogen) is built for these cars. With us, it’s the other way around - we started selling alcohol-containing gasoline and are trying to legally require that only such gasoline be on sale, but no one even thinks about the fact that it is not suitable for the cars we operate and sell. It will be interesting to see the reaction of our legislators when, in the event of a breakdown of the fuel equipment on their Mercedes-Benz or Lexus due to the use of alcohol-containing fuel, they will be denied warranty repairs!

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When it comes to renewable energy sources for cars, the most commonly mentioned are electricity and hydrogen. But today biofuels have much greater prospects. Vladimir SHLYAKHOVOY dealt with its most popular type - bioethanol

Henry Ford built the first car to run on ethanol in 1896.

The energy balance of gasoline and diesel fuel is close to 1, while that of bioethanol is up to 8

Unlike gasoline, alcohol is not subject to a huge excise tax.

Bioethanol is ordinary ethyl alcohol obtained by fermenting sugar-containing substances of plant origin. Currently, sugar cane, corn, wheat and sawdust are most often used for this.

Compared to gasoline, ethyl alcohol has a higher octane number (99 for motor and 105 for research), a lower combustion temperature and cleaner exhaust because it does not contain sulfur. In addition, alcohol burns without the formation of ash. Therefore, when using alcohol-containing gasoline, fewer deposits are formed on the spark plugs, and the engine heats up less.

At the same time, ethanol has 1.7 times lower calorific value than gasoline (26 MJ/kg versus 44 MJ/kg), and therefore the consumption of the alcohol-gasoline mixture will be greater, although with a low ethanol content this is practically unnoticeable.

Alcohol does not dissolve in gasoline and is quite corrosive, therefore, when preparing alcohol-gasoline mixtures, special emulsifiers, stabilizers and corrosion inhibitors are used, so that the mixture does not separate and does not destroy the elements of the fuel system.

By and large, a gasoline engine can run on pure alcohol, but to do this, it is necessary to install larger cross-section jets on a carburetor engine or reflash the injection program, install a device to stabilize engine starting, and replace corroding materials in the fuel system with more resistant ones. In addition, if the decision is made to completely switch to alcohol, it is advisable to increase the engine compression ratio to 12–14 in order to fully utilize the knock resistance of the fuel and increase the efficiency of its use.

At the same time, the low saturated vapor pressure and high specific heat of evaporation of ethanol (905 kJ/kg) make it almost impossible to start gasoline engines using pure alcohol even at temperatures below +10°C. (For comparison: for water this figure is 2260 kJ/kg, for gasoline 230–310 kJ/kg.) Therefore, ethanol is usually not used in its pure form, but mixed with gasoline in one proportion or another.

Cars specially adapted for Flex Fuel can run on pure gasoline, alcohol or a mixture of them in any proportion. But for ordinary cars, E85 gasoline is real poison.

Brazil is ahead of the rest

Ethyl alcohol is a long-established and well-known fuel. It has been used as a motor fuel since the beginning of the automobile era. Back in 1896, Ford built a car that ran on ethanol, and the well-known FordT became the first mass-produced car in history that could run on both gasoline and ethanol and a mixture of both.

Nowadays, different countries produce gasoline (or rather, liquid motor fuel) with different alcohol contents - from 5 to 100%, which is encrypted in their labeling. So, E5 means that there is 5% alcohol in the mixture, E20 - 20%, etc. The only exception is E100, which actually contains 96% alcohol, since a higher concentration cannot be obtained by distillation. However, most often alcohol-containing gasolines contain either up to 25% ethanol, or 70–85%. In the first case, such fuels can be used by ordinary unadapted cars, and in the second - by those converted to run on alcohol, or by “dual fuel” (FlexFuel), which can run on both pure gasoline and pure alcohol, and their mixture in any proportion . (In different countries, such cars are called differently, but their name always contains the word Flex - “flexible.”)

In such cars, the alcohol concentration in the fuel is determined automatically, and the “electronic brains” adjust the fuel equipment accordingly.

At the same time, E85 is considered a summer fuel, and E70 and E75 are considered a winter fuel, which, due to the increased gasoline content, ignites more easily at subzero temperatures.

The world leader in the production and use of bioethanol as a motor fuel is Brazil, where 80% of cars drive on ethanol and alcohol-containing gasoline (the rest run on diesel fuel). And with this in mind, many other countries are also trying to follow a similar path.

But Brazil is a special country. Here, the program to convert vehicles to alcohol, adopted after the energy crisis of the early 70s, pursued two goals at once: not only to reduce dependence on oil imports, but also to employ a significant number of the unemployed. Moreover, the latter task played a priority role, since it made it possible to provide millions of people with work in the cultivation, harvesting and processing of sugar cane.

As a result, in Brazil, where conditions for growing sugar cane are simply ideal, 7,500 liters of ethanol are produced annually per hectare, which is a record figure. For example, in the USA, where alcohol is produced from corn, 1 hectare produces only 3800 liters of bioethanol.

In Brazil, bioethanol has taken root largely thanks to the legally approved “80/20” rule: all gasoline, without exception, must contain at least 20% alcohol

Energy balance

However, in the production of bioethanol there is another very important indicator - the energy balance, which indicates the ratio between the amount of energy stored in the resulting fuel and the amount of energy spent on its production.

For example, according to a number of studies conducted in the United States, ethanol produced from corn has a negative energy balance. That is, for the full cycle of its production (including tillage, sowing and harvesting, as well as its subsequent processing), it is necessary to spend more energy than is contained in the resulting ethanol. Although according to the official report of the US Department of Agriculture, corn ethanol has a fuel balance of 1.24. Thus, ethanol produced from corn contains only 24% more energy than is consumed in its production. That is, out of five hectares of corn, four are wasted - directly on the production process, and only 20% goes to obtain commercial alcohol.

The energy balance of ethanol produced from cellulose can reach 2. In this case, we are talking about the use of sawdust, straw and other plant waste as raw materials, of which several tens of millions of tons are generated annually in Ukraine.

As for sugar beets, due to the high cost of growing them, the ethanol produced from them has a negative energy balance. At the same time, the processing of grain crops into fuel will certainly lead to an increase in prices for all food products - as has already happened in the USA and European countries.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the energy balance of gasoline and diesel fuel is about 1, since their production requires a large amount of energy: for oil exploration, its production, transportation (construction of tankers and pipelines), refining, gasoline delivery, etc.

Corn is a North American biofuel feedstock. In addition, cassava, potatoes, sugar beets, sweet potatoes, sorghum, barley and other crops are used

Ukrainian perspective

Last summer, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted amendments to the Law “On Alternative Types of Fuels”, according to which, from January 1, 2013, all gasoline sold in Ukraine is recommended to contain at least 5% bioethanol. From January 1, 2014, this requirement becomes mandatory, and from 2016, any gasoline must contain at least 7% bioethanol.

It is expected that the addition of bioethanol to gasoline will reduce both Ukraine’s dependence on imported petroleum products and the level of harmful emissions from motor vehicles. And at the same time it will lead to the revival of the alcohol industry, since it will allow 38 idle distilleries to be loaded and create 30 thousand jobs.

For example, if in 1980 Ukraine produced 685 million liters of alcohol, by 2010 this figure dropped to 250 million liters, which is even less than in 1940 (265 million liters). Moreover, the production capacity of existing distilleries is estimated at more than 600 million liters.

At the same time, to produce the 5 million tons of gasoline needed by Ukraine in 2014, 250 thousand tons of ethanol will be required, and in 2016 - 350 thousand tons, which many consider unrealistic, since in our country the main part of alcohol is used for the production of alcoholic drinks. drinks.

However, the presence of alcohol alone is not enough. As already mentioned, to mix it with gasoline, emulsifiers, stabilizers and corrosion inhibitors are needed, otherwise our entire fleet of vehicles will quickly become abandoned. That is, both Ukrainian refineries and foreign ones that produce gasoline for Ukraine must be ready for the industrial production of alcohol-containing gasoline.

For example, A95E Premium+ gasoline is already being sold in Ukraine, containing “up to 30%” of ethyl alcohol (the exact content is not specified) and having an octane number of 95, which can be used in non-adapted cars along with regular gasoline. This gasoline costs 9.54 UAH.

Currently, the cost of ethanol is much higher than the cost of gasoline. But why then does alcohol-containing gasoline cost less than regular gasoline? Firstly, as already mentioned, its energy value is lower than that of pure gasoline, so offering less mileage on the same amount of fuel cannot be asked for more. And secondly, gasoline, unlike alcohol, is subject to a huge excise tax, which is why it is sold much more expensive than its real cost. Therefore, as a result, it turns out that more expensive alcohol costs motorists less.

The decision to add bioethanol to Ukrainian gasoline gave impetus to the development of the industry: already in 2012, 60 thousand tons of bioethanol were produced, while in 2011 - only 9.73 thousand tons

What are the benefits of alcohol-based gasoline, and what are the pitfalls?

The debate over whether ethyl alcohol in gasoline is good or bad does not subside. Firstly, cheaper types of gasoline appear at gas stations, positioned as a new generation fuel, which is a mixture of dehydrated ethyl alcohol (30% or more), light fractions of gasoline, ethers, hydrocarbons, stabilizers and additives that prevent corrosion and ensure the safety of rubber tires. engine parts and fuel system of the machine. This fuel costs 1–1.5 UAH cheaper than usual. Tempting! Especially if you take into account the current cost of fuel. Secondly, since the beginning of this year in Ukraine, in theory, the legislative norm on the mandatory content of biocomponents - at least 5% - in motor gasoline has been in force.

So what is good about alcohol-based gasoline, and what are the pitfalls? Let's figure it out.

World practice

In developed countries, bioethanol fuel has long been the norm. All over the world, gasoline containing alcohol is designated by the index E (ethanol - ethanol), and next to the letter there is a number indicating the amount of alcohol content as a percentage. For example, E5, E7, E10. Such gasolines are considered low content. In theory, they can be poured into any bucket. If the content number is higher than “tens”, then it is better to clarify whether the automaker allows the use of biofuel. In Brazil, the USA and some EU countries they sell a mixture of E85 (it’s not hard to guess, it’s 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline). It can be poured into cars with a Flex-Fuel, Flexifuel, BioFlex, Tri-Flex fuel system and other multi-fuel options.

Percentage of ethanol content in alternative fuels

In Ukraine, for example, you can find alcohol-containing gasoline at various gas stations under the following names: A-95E Premium+, Gepard95, Innovative E95, EXTRA Ab-95, etc. As you can see, the designation is not European and does not immediately reflect the percentage of ethanol. In such cases, it is best to ask the station workers again, or better yet, ask for a fuel quality certificate and make sure that it complies with one of the listed international standards. Simply, in Ukraine there are no rules regulating the principle of naming fuel based on the percentage of ethanol. Hence such creativity - the main thing is that the name catches the eye.

The practice of “crossbreeding” gasoline with ethanol in Europe began in the 2000s. Fuel experts believe that gasoline is the largest source of artificial carcinogens, and if bioethanol is added to it, it is enriched with oxygen, which means it burns better and emissions of carbon monoxide (evil CO2) are reduced by 30% or more.

Following this belief, by 2005 in Europe, according to established standards, 2% alcohol was added to gasoline, by 2010 - already 5%, and by 2020 this figure is planned to increase to 10%. But at the same time, according to established standards, in all regions of the European Union the availability of infrastructure must be guaranteed that would ensure refueling and supply of gasoline without bioethanol content for non-adapted vehicles. Oops! What is meant by the term “unadapted”? According to experts, this gasoline is more suitable for cars manufactured in 2008 and later. Such cars are already adapted for benzoethanol. Even if the car is older, 5-7% ethanol in the fuel will not affect the operation of the engine or the integrity of the fuel system, experts say, but they advise not to experiment with high levels. And with buckets from the Soviet era and old foreign cars, of course, it’s better not to take risks at all.

Also, if the car is older than five years and has never used detergent additives, experts advise flushing the fuel system and tank before trying new fuel. This can be done at a service station. Why is this necessary? There is a possibility that the fuel pump may fail - due to a clogged filter, it will work under load.

Risks, fears

  • Experts note that it is extremely important that bioethanol contains no more than 0.2% water, as this seriously affects the quality of the fuel, especially in winter. Alcohol is very hygroscopic and there is a theoretical risk that the mixture will separate into gasoline and water-alcohol pellets in the engine. And as a result, the following may be observed: excessive fuel consumption (water does not produce energy), detonation, and in general the bucket may not start, because the alcohol saturated with water will turn into ice. Ty... But how do countries in the EU live with this? For example, in frosty Scandinavia? Rumor has it that in winter there are buses running on 100% bioethanol. It’s simple: at every stage - from the factory to the refueling - they make sure that more H2O does not get into the alcohol than it should. Whether we care about this as scrupulously is a moot point...
  • Ethanol is an excellent solvent and oxidizing agent, which is why in gasoline (in large quantities) it can damage sealing gaskets and other plastic parts of the interior of a car. To prevent this from happening, stainless steel and plastic must be used.
  • Another point is that if something in the car breaks down due to alcohol-containing gasoline, most services do not provide parts to vehicle owners under warranty. And in general, the warranty may become invalid.
  • Cars consume more of this fuel than regular fuel. Not significantly, but still. So the savings due to price may be negated. Plus, in winter it will take longer to warm up the engine. And carburetor cars require fine and precise carburetor tuning to operate on ethanol.
  • Gas stations with alcoholic gasoline are not yet available everywhere in our country. Therefore, when traveling intercity, a situation may arise when you cannot find the gasoline you need.


  • Ethanol is cheaper than gasoline, which means fuel containing it is cheaper.
  • The mixture of gasoline and alcohol contains less sulfur, benzene and other “garbage” that is harmful to the engine. Accordingly, the amount of combustion products, which lead to increased wear of the unit and oxidize the oil, is reduced. In general, the engine oil, engine, and spark plugs last longer. And you save money and enjoy the increase in the service life of the engine. Well, the exhaust becomes more environmentally friendly.
  • Ethanol burns more efficiently, has lower thermal conductivity and a high octane number. This means that the engine runs more stable, the risk of overheating is reduced, and the combustion chamber, cylinder exhaust valves and other parts of the internal combustion engine operate in more favorable conditions.
  • The engine does not overheat in extreme heat or in city traffic jams. The decrease in coolant temperature at the engine outlet reaches 15-20 °C.
  • The octane number of ethanol can reach 113 units, which makes it suitable for engines of all compression ratios of the fuel mixture running on gasoline of all brands: 76, 80, 92, 95, 98. Professionals have the opportunity to increase the compression ratio to 11.5-12.5 units and get an increase in engine power, efficiency, torque and efficiency.
  • Ethanol is less likely to explode in serious accidents.

Such arguments “for” and “against” are given by fuel experts. What do you say? Do you have experience with this type of fuel? We are waiting for your feedback in the comments!