Why is there black smoke coming out of the car. Black or gray smoke after starting the engine. Problems in the fuel equipment

In principle, many car owners do not pay much attention to the smoke from the exhaust pipe if its amount decreases after the car is fully warmed up, and the smoke disappears during the movement. However, if the smoke does not stop while driving, this is a clear sign of more or less serious malfunctions in the car's engine.

These problems, as it were, are trying to attract the attention of the driver, aggravating when the engine is started and manifesting itself in the form of smoke of various shades - white, black or bluish-gray. These warning signs should be heeded and the problem identified in time before complex and costly repairs are needed.

On the nature of exhaust smoke

The color and consistency of smoke from the exhaust pipe can be figuratively compared with the freshness of human breath - a healthy body (both biological and mechanical) exhales correspondingly cleaner vapors than a diseased one. In a serviceable car, when fuel is burned, compounds of water and carbon dioxide are formed - just like in the vapors from the breath of a healthy person. However, it must be taken into account that the combustion of gasoline does not take place on pure oxygen, but with the help of ordinary air, mostly consisting of nitrogen.

That is why harmful nitrogen oxides (NOx) are formed in the smoke from car exhaust pipes, which negatively affect the state of the atmosphere and even lead to so-called acid rain. Yes, and the fuel is oxidized and does not burn out completely, even in the engines of the latest brands, and because of this, there is an additional emission of carbon compounds - CO and CH. In addition to all this, when oil or coolant enters the combustion chamber, other, no less harmful, chemical “cocktails” appear and go into the air.

Of course, the exhaust system of modern engines, if possible, is equipped with various converters and filters. However, this is not enough - remember the dense smog clouds in the photographs of the largest metropolitan areas. In addition, any filter systems wear out over time, thereby increasing the toxicity of the smoke coming out of the car's exhaust pipe. Although, as mentioned above, the color and toxicity of smoke depend not only on the unsuitability of self-regulation mechanisms, but also on many other malfunctions.

Most often, more or less thick smoke from the exhaust pipe signals the car owner about a malfunction in the fuel supply and engine cooling systems, as well as malfunctions in the distribution mechanism or piston group. In each of these cases, there are nuances: either the fuel burns out incompletely, or the cylinders enter, and sometimes oil. In fact, it is the excess fuel or the presence of foreign substances in the cylinders that give the exhaust gases different shades.

In general, the color of the smoke from the exhaust pipe is almost the same - the differences are only in the nuances, since sometimes the malfunctions of a certain system that cause smoke are directly related to the malfunction of other systems that cannot “declare themselves” with the help of smoke. For example, such a situation is not uncommon: the cooling system does not work well, which is why. Due to overheating, piston rings burn, which entails oil entering the cylinders and, as a result, smoke. Note that the original reason lies not at all in the piston rings, but in the cooling system.

That is why, starting to look for the cause that caused the smoke from the exhaust pipe, one should be extremely careful - analyzing and comparing all the available factors. We will now consider the most common combinations of such factors and possible shades of smoke in more detail.

Origin of white smoke

Often, especially in cold weather, you can notice white smoke from the exhaust pipe in the mode. The appearance of a white cloud (in fact, it is not smoke, but steam) is often associated with the complete cooling of the engine overnight. Water vapor is a natural companion of the combustion process. When the exhaust system cools down during the night, water condenses, and as the system begins to warm up, water condensation decreases and warm evaporation becomes visible in the cold air. Thus, the density of white smoke directly depends on the ambient temperature: the colder it is outside, the more visible the white cloud becomes. In addition, the degree of steam saturation is also related to air humidity - with high humidity, steam thickens more.

What indicator of the "health" of the car is the presence of such smoke from the exhaust pipe - bad or good? It depends on several points of view. Exhaust with enough water vapor indicates efficient engine operation. However, with regard to the exhaust system itself, the intense formation of white vapor cannot be called a good sign of its work. If such steam appears even in warm weather, you need to check the cylinders for coolant getting into them. In this case, special attention should be paid to checking the tightness of the head gasket.

The composition of the coolant includes water - and when it enters the cylinders, it does not have time to evaporate during the combustion of the fuel, which leads to the formation of white smoke-steam. By the way, sometimes it can acquire an oily bluish tint - this also depends on the composition of the coolant. In general, it is easy to distinguish smoke from steam: the steam dissipates almost immediately, and after the smoke, a slight fog remains in the air for a while. You should also be aware that the ingress of liquid into the cylinders leads to intense contamination of the spark plugs, from which they begin to spark, and as a result, the cylinder cannot work fully.

Also, intense emission of white smoke from the exhaust pipe may indicate that the engine has not previously warmed up to the required temperature - for example, due to the fact that the car moved only for short distances. In this case, a certain amount of water will necessarily remain in the muffler and exhaust pipes, and this is “not good”, because it can lead to the occurrence of corrosion centers.

Blue smoke (possibly with a bluish tinge)

Next in our classification of smokes, we consider blue smoke from the exhaust pipe. In most cases, the appearance of gray and blue exhaust smoke is of an “oily” nature. Usually this situation is associated with the combustion of oil in the cylinders - most often this applies to older cars, since their engines are already at a fairly high degree of wear. The cylinder walls in such engines become thinner, and therefore the piston rings are no longer able to provide a proper seal. As a result, the oil is poorly removed, its consumption increases, and the compression decreases - which is why a “tired” car starts to smoke with a gray or blue exhaust.

In some situations, when engine wear is not yet critical, the cylinders can remain in fairly good condition, and the cause of the bluish smoke coming from the exhaust pipe is only coked rings. Especially often, the rings coke and, accordingly, lose their mobility when the car has been running for a long time (the same applies to oil). One way or another, but with the appearance of bluish-blue smoke, the car owner willy-nilly should think about serious repairs with a complete engine overhaul.

However, there are also less fatal reasons - for example, valve stem seals, which seal the valve stems. Since they are made of rubber, they can also lose their original elasticity over time, which entails oil leakage. In these cases, the oil enters the intake manifold through the gaps, and from there into the combustion chamber, which is the condition for the appearance of a bluish exhaust. Of course, if the matter is in the caps, then fixing the problem will cost the car owner much cheaper than a complete disassembly and prevention of the motor.

Quite often a problem arises when oil is consumed due to incorrect operation of the ventilation system, in this case, crankcase ventilation. In this case, oil enters the crankcase due to the fact that the pressure in the cylinder rises so much that the piston seal can no longer cope with the exhaust gases generated during the combustion of fuel. It is “thanks” to the combustion of unwanted gases that uncharacteristic smoke appears from the exhaust pipe. The engine tries to pump out gases on its own, while communicating with the intake system. Because of this, the gases are re-burned and then exit through the exhaust pipe. In this case, the main harm is caused by oil "fog", which stretches for gases inside the motor and interacts with its parts, which leads to the appearance of bluish-blue smoke from the exhaust pipe.

It is the ventilation system that is designed to cope with these undesirable processes: in good condition, it must separate the oil and regulate the flow rate (since the engine works on the principle of a pump and is capable of creating too high a vacuum in the intake system). So, if the ventilation is spoiled, the oil consumption increases accordingly. However, if we talk about the cost of fixing this problem, then it is quite small, especially if the owner is clearly aware of what he is dealing with and will not allow himself to be deceived by service station workers.

Black smoke is fuel

As the title of this subsection indicates, black smoke from the exhaust pipe is most often caused by fuel problems. The black color of the exhaust is due to the color of soot, which is formed as a result of, for example, incomplete combustion of fuel. Soot appears when there is a process of decomposition into elements of that part of the fuel, which did not have enough air for complete combustion.

Modern cars are equipped with computer systems that control all the processes that occur during movement - including the process of fuel combustion. Under such “sensitive guidance”, the risk of an error in the formation of a combustible mixture is significantly reduced - although by and large this only applies to gasoline engines, while a diesel engine, even the most modern one, will still smoke a little.

This is due to the fact that the composition of the mixture differs from gasoline counterparts - its concentration in this case is heterogeneous and contains inclusions of high fuel density. To make it uniform, the modern auto industry uses high injection pressure mechanisms - however, even this measure has not yet been able to completely eradicate the problem, and therefore soot-colored smoke from the exhaust pipe of a diesel engine can be seen much more often than in gasoline cars.

On the latest brands, particulate filters are used, which to some extent solves the issue (however, these filters must be periodically cleaned, and sooner or later replaced with new ones).

In addition to incomplete combustion, other factors can also cause black smoke from the exhaust pipe - for example, insufficient quality of gasoline. It should be remembered that the use of low-quality gasoline can lead to a too rapid combustion process - such combustion is also called detonation. Another factor influencing the intensive formation of soot can be a malfunction of the very notorious electronic system that monitors the efficiency of fuel combustion. For example, a failure of the oxygen sensor leads to the fact that the electronic unit is unable to control the completeness of combustion - and then it starts to work at random, without maintaining a full-fledged "dialogue" with the oxygen sensor.

Video - white smoke (steam) of the engine

Video - the appearance of blue smoke from the exhaust pipe

Video - cold start Nissan Skyline and the appearance of black smoke from it


So, the smoke from the exhaust pipe, regardless of its color, should not leave the car owner indifferent - after all, in this way, the car signals a malfunction. We wish all our readers serviceable cars and smoke-free trips!

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Many motorists noticed that black smoke from the exhaust pipe began to go on their car. But, not everyone understands what causes this effect, as well as methods of elimination.

The main causes of black smoke

Black smoke when starting the engine is not a good sign. Most likely, the vehicle had quite big problems inside the power unit, or related systems. As practice shows, the formation of such an effect on motors is mainly due to a malfunction of the fuel system.

So, the release of one of the elements leads to the fact that the engine begins to flood and the formation of an air-fuel mixture is disrupted.

So why is there black smoke coming out of the engine exhaust? This issue requires deeper consideration. For each engine top, this will be a separate reason, but it is inextricably linked with the formation of an air-fuel mixture. Let's start reviewing.

carbureted engine

For a carbureted gasoline engine, everything is quite simple and clear. Many owners of this type of vehicle were faced with the fact that the engine simply flooded, after which it began to “smack” and troit, and black smoke came out of the exhaust system.

So, consider the main causes and methods of elimination:

  • Carburetor needle. This element tends to stick, especially when low-quality fuel is filled. As a result, overflow begins, and the fuel does not burn completely.
  • Ignition. Damaged spark plugs or incorrect ignition timing are also the cause, as the fuel does not burn completely, causing black smoke to form.
  • Many auto repairers say that another reason for the formation of black smoke is worn piston rings and valve wear. In this case, it is best to contact a car service for troubleshooting.

injection engine

Things are a little worse with the injector. The appearance of black exhaust indicates that, first of all, it is worth checking the injector and nozzles. It is in the clogging or too much pressure of the fuel that the problem may lie. To diagnose these elements, there are special test stands at specialized car services.

So, many motorists try to do the cleaning themselves, but this is not always successful.

If the engine starts and black exhaust comes out of the muffler, then the gasoline engine could have undergone another malfunction - the fuel pump has broken. In this case, the amount of fuel supplied may be disturbed. So, the engine simply floods and not the air-fuel mixture enters the combustion chambers, but the fuel flows in a jet.

Another very important reason for the formation of smoke in the exhaust can be a clogged air filter. Therefore, it is recommended to change this element regularly and in accordance with the technical maintenance cards.

Like the air filter element, a clogged throttle can cause a malfunction in the formation of an air-fuel mixture. Cleaning this element is quite easy with your own hands using carburetor cleaners.

For the injector, as for the carburetor, a malfunction in the ignition system leads to an accumulation of fuel that does not burn out. Thus, when carrying out diagnostic operations, it is recommended to check this node as well. Perhaps one of the candles or the high-voltage wire failed, which led to the occurrence of such an effect.


It is normal for a diesel power unit to have black smoke from the exhaust pipe. So, the particulate filter fails at the engine, which needs to be replaced. Also, the cause may be a malfunction of the high-pressure fuel pump, which does not control the supply of fuel and simply fills the cylinders of the power unit.

For a diesel engine, there is a second danger, if it floods the cylinders, and the fuel does not ignite, then this can almost lead to a water hammer. Also, the consequence can be considered that the degree of burnout of the valve mechanism and the piston group increases, which undoubtedly leads to a major overhaul of the power unit.

It is worth noting that when black smoke repeatedly comes from the engine, then most likely the motor has carbon deposits on the walls and in the main components. To eliminate the malfunction, it is worth disassembling the engine and cleaning it.


The formation of black exhaust from the muffler is a sign that the power unit is flooding and the malfunction often lies in the fuel supply. To eliminate malfunctions, it is recommended to contact specialized service stations. If the motorist decided to fix the problem on his own, then it is worth studying the device and the principle of operation of the fuel supply.

Black smoke from the muffler is a serious reason to seek help

Such a nuisance as black smoke from the exhaust pipe can overtake every car owner, regardless of the brand of car and engine type. The main reason for the appearance of black smoke, regardless of how it goes - periodically or constantly - is one. This color of the exhaust signals an over-enriched mixture, that is, too much fuel enters the combustion chambers and the mixture does not have time to be fully processed. Also, this symptom may be accompanied by unstable engine operation, tripping, etc. Black smoke can occur in various forms:

  • constantly,
  • on a cold engine
  • on a hot engine
  • periodically.

There are a lot of reasons why black smoke comes out of the exhaust pipe. In many ways, it depends on what kind of engine you have - carburetor, injection or diesel. The most common cause of black smoke is a malfunction of the fuel system or sensors when the mixture is too rich in fuel. There is also a common problem when the car smokes black for a short time after starting. And this is acceptable at low temperatures. But let's talk about everything in more detail.

Why black smoke from the exhaust pipe

Needle valve failure on carbureted engines is the most common cause of black smoke.

If black smoke comes out of the exhaust pipe, you need to urgently determine the cause. The consequences of inaction in this situation can be very deplorable. Causes of black exhaust, as mentioned, vary depending on the type of engine, and the following table will help you navigate the situation when black smoke comes out of the exhaust pipe.

If a diesel car smokes black from the exhaust pipe, but the engine runs smoothly, then most likely the particulate filter should be checked.

Black smoke when starting engine?

If you notice black smoke coming out of the tailpipe at startup and then it goes away, then know that in most cases this is normal. Especially if there is a deep “minus” overboard. Simply put, the computer gives the command to supply a more enriched mixture to make it easier to start in cold weather. If this happens with the “plus”, then look at the diagnostics.

Black smoke may occur when starting the engine - these injectors supply more gasoline for a rich mixture that makes starting easier

In any case, it would be useful to turn to specialists for diagnostics, since in advanced cases with excessive fuel supply, the engine may receive a water hammer. And this means complex and expensive repairs, in some cases comparable to the cost of a car in the secondary market.

The consequences of water hammer - it happens when the owner ignores the black smoke of their muffler for a long time

You can always contact our specialists, because we even take on other difficult-to-repair brands.

Sincerely, the team of specialists

What do you think, which one? This is a question about the color of exhaust smoke. In numerous forums on the Internet every day, a huge number of people are looking for the reasons that may have led to the formation of strong smoke in the exhaust system. offers detailed instructions to help you identify the causes of excessive smoke by the color of the exhaust.

See also: The most expensive car breakdowns

Usually we don't think about how everything works in a car, and we don't go into details about how a vehicle works. But this happens exactly until the moment when our car starts to show, which start to scare us. Many of us after that, instead of contacting a car service, spend sleepless nights searching the Internet for answers to questions about a car.

The most common is the appearance of excessive smoke from the exhaust system.

Unfortunately, the information on the web is contradictory and can confuse anyone. We offer you detailed infographic instructions that will help you find out the possible cause of a car malfunction by the color of the exhaust.

For those who don't know. On all modern cars, in which the engines are warmed up to operating temperature (90 degrees), and all systems are working properly, smoke from the exhaust system should not be visible.

Important to know: Five types of fluids to check in the car

There are three types of smoke that can come out of a chimney. These are white, gray (white with a bluish tinge) and black.

Here are the main reasons why smoke of a certain color is formed:

White smoke formed due to the evaporation of water that mixes with the exhaust gases produced during the combustion cycle of the fuel in the engine

Blue smoke*(blue, cyan) is formed from the mixing of fuel residues that enter the exhaust system, mixing with gases coming from the combustion chamber

Black smoke indicates that there is an excess of fuel in the combustion chamber during the operation cycle.

* Attention! Unfortunately, many owners confuse blue smoke with other shades of colors. In order for you to know exactly what gray smoke looks like (blue, light blue, gray-blue, etc.), below we give all possible shades of gray smoke as a sample. (Yandex color palette)

Below you can see three flow charts (infographics) that will help you to find out separately for each exhaust color the possible causes of smoke. Our instructions will allow you to save a lot of money that you will pay for diagnostics at a technical center. After all, by making a simple diagnosis using our circuit modules, you can find out how serious the problem with the appearance of smoke is. Of course, keep in mind that our three diagrams are not exhaustive and do not cover all possible faults. But, nevertheless, our instructions will help give an idea of ​​the scale of the problem of smoke from the exhaust system of the vehicle. Also, our infographic will tell you exactly where to look for a malfunction that led to excessive visible smoke from the exhaust pipe.

In principle, many car owners do not pay much attention to the smoke from the exhaust pipe, if it the amount decreases after the machine is fully warmed up, and in the process of movement, the smoke disappears altogether. However, if the smoke does not stop while driving, this is a clear sign of more or less serious malfunctions in the car's engine.

These problems, as it were, are trying to attract the attention of the driver, aggravating when the engine is started and manifesting itself in the form of various smoke. These warning signs should be heeded and the problem identified in time before complex and costly repairs are needed.

Nature of car exhaust

The color and consistency of smoke from the exhaust pipe can be figuratively compared with the freshness of human breath - a healthy body (both biological and mechanical) exhales correspondingly cleaner vapors than a diseased one. In a serviceable car, when fuel is burned, compounds of water and carbon dioxide are formed - just like in the vapors from the breath of a healthy person. However, it must be taken into account that the combustion of fuel does not take place on pure oxygen, but with the help of ordinary air, mostly consisting of nitrogen. That is why harmful nitrogen oxides (NOx) are formed in the smoke from car exhaust pipes, which negatively affect the state of the atmosphere and even lead to so-called acid rain. Yes, and the fuel is oxidized and does not burn out completely, even in the engines of the latest brands, and because of this, there is an additional emission of carbon compounds - CO and CH. In addition to all this, when oil or coolant enters the combustion chamber, other, no less harmful, chemical “cocktails” appear and go into the air.

Of course, the exhaust system of modern engines, if possible, is equipped with various converters and filters. However, this is not enough - remember the dense smog clouds in the photographs of the largest metropolitan areas. In addition, any filter systems wear out over time, thereby increasing the toxicity of the smoke coming out of the car's exhaust pipe. Although, as mentioned above, the color and toxicity of smoke depend not only on the unsuitability of self-regulation mechanisms, but also on many other malfunctions.

Comparative characteristics of exhaust gases of gasoline and diesel engines

Most often, more or less thick smoke from the exhaust pipe signals the car owner about a malfunction in the fuel supply and engine cooling systems, as well as malfunctions in the distribution mechanism or piston group. Each of these cases has its own nuances: either the fuel burns out incompletely, or coolant enters the cylinders, and sometimes oil. In fact, it is the excess fuel or the presence of foreign substances in the cylinders that give the exhaust gases different shades.

In general, the color of the smoke from the exhaust pipe is almost the same - the differences are only in the nuances, since sometimes the malfunctions of a certain system that cause smoke are directly related to the malfunction of other systems that cannot “declare themselves” with the help of smoke. For example, such a situation is not uncommon: the cooling system does not work well, due to which the engine overheats. Due to overheating, piston rings burn, which entails oil entering the cylinders and, as a result, smoke. Note that the original reason lies not at all in the piston rings, but in the cooling system. That is why, starting to look for the cause that caused the smoke from the exhaust pipe, one should be extremely careful - analyzing and comparing all the available factors.

The main causes of diesel black smoke

As the title of this subsection indicates, black smoke from the exhaust pipe is most often caused by fuel problems. The black color of the exhaust is due to the color of soot, which is formed as a result of, for example, incomplete combustion of fuel. Soot appears when there is a process of decomposition into elements of that part of the fuel, which did not have enough air for complete combustion. Modern cars are equipped with computer systems that control all the processes that occur during movement - including the process of fuel combustion.

Under such “sensitive guidance”, the risk of an error in the formation of a combustible mixture is significantly reduced - although by and large this only applies to gasoline engines, while a diesel engine, even the most modern one, will still smoke a little. This is due to the fact that in diesel engines the composition of the mixture differs from gasoline counterparts - its concentration in this case is heterogeneous and contains inclusions of high fuel density.

To make it uniform, the modern auto industry uses high injection pressure mechanisms - however, even this measure has not yet been able to completely eradicate the problem, and therefore soot-colored smoke from the exhaust pipe of a diesel engine can be seen much more often than in gasoline cars. The black color of smoke from the exhaust pipe is due to the presence of soot. On the latest brands, particulate filters are used, which to some extent solves the issue (however, these filters must be periodically cleaned, and sooner or later replaced with new ones). In addition to incomplete combustion, other factors can also cause black smoke from the exhaust pipe - for example, insufficient fuel quality.

It should be remembered that the use of low-quality fuel can lead to a too rapid combustion process- such combustion is also called detonation. Another factor influencing the intensive formation of soot can be a malfunction of the very notorious electronic system that monitors the efficiency of fuel combustion. For example, a failure of the oxygen sensor leads to the fact that the electronic unit is unable to control the completeness of combustion - and then it starts to work at random, without maintaining a full-fledged "dialogue" with the oxygen sensor.

What to do to more accurately determine the cause?

Such a color of smoke indicates that the engine power system is not working well and is not mixing fuel with air correctly. Of course, the reason can be quite banal and lie in the quality of fuel, or rather in its poor quality. However, incorrect mixture formation is still the most common cause. This circumstance is due to excess fuel or insufficient air volume.

The reason for the lack of air may be contamination of the air filter or air ducts. In addition, the air consumption sensor may not work correctly. When the volume of smoke becomes greater at high speeds, then a fuel pressure check should be performed. When a vehicle that has a diesel engine accompanies black smoke, then it is necessary to inspect the performance of the high pressure pump. Perhaps the reason is in it. Visual inspection of hoses, clamps, intercooler (look for oil leaks as a sign of leakage). The best test is to artificially pressurize the channel with an external (for example, bicycle) pump with the engine off. To do this, disconnect the hoses from the intake manifold and from the turbine, close them and apply pressure - observe / listen for air to escape from leaks.

How to eliminate black smoke from a diesel exhaust pipe?

- The air filter is dirty. It needs to be replaced.

- Faulty injectors- mainly due to low-quality fuel. Black smoke appears in this case when you sharply press the gas or when driving with a load. A nozzle malfunction is also accompanied by uneven operation of the diesel engine. It starts to shake (very noticeable at low speeds). In such cases, repair is required for a faulty nozzle;

- Injection timing incorrectly set. At an early injection angle, there is a significant delay in self-ignition, an increase in cylinder pressure, which leads to a hard engine, and, in addition, a lot of soot is formed. If the setting of the injection pump angle is correct and the diesel fuel is of high quality, then the injection pump must be repaired together with the injectors;

- Malfunctions of the turbocharger. As a result, the turbocharger does not develop the required boost pressure, or passes a lot of oil into the intake tract due to the fact that the labyrinth seals of the turbine shaft are worn out;

- Incorrect conditions for combustion of the air-fuel mixture: low or high compression or lack of air.

At low compression, the engine is difficult to start, power is lost, black smoke appears under load. With increased - the diesel engine is very noisy, detonation knocks are heard. This malfunction is very rare and is associated with errors in the assembly of the motor. The lack of air is associated with a malfunction of the turbine or with a leak in the intake tract. Under load, in this case, black smoke appears and the diesel engine loses power.

- Operation of a car emitting black smoke does not damage the engine or its parts. But a long ride with an early injection angle or with faulty injectors will lead to burnout of the prechambers, destruction of the jumpers and burning of the pistons, which in the future will entail a serious repair of diesel engines for any car. yo