Why Lukoil has the most expensive gasoline. Which gas stations have the best quality gasoline: rating, reviews. Where does low quality gasoline come from?

A person who becomes the owner of a car immediately faces the problem of choosing a place where he will refuel his vehicle. The fact is that the quality of the fuel poured depends on the choice of a gas station. And this indicator directly affects the "well-being" of your favorite iron horse.

If you use poor quality fuel in your car, this can cause the following troubles:

  • Deterioration of the starting system of the vehicle.
  • Reduced spark plug life.
  • Fastest component wear.
  • Increasing the likelihood of failure of the power unit itself.

Experienced drivers know the places in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other settlements of the Russian Federation where you should definitely not stop by to pamper your car with another portion of the combustible mixture. Beginners are advised to listen to their advice, base their choice on personal experiments or take into account information from special ratings of gas stations on the quality of the fuel provided.

Gasoline quality standards

In order to understand where it is better to refuel with gasoline or another type of fuel, it is not at all necessary to conduct constant experiments with your car. There are many indirect signs that allow you to identify a low-quality gas station:

  1. Too good price. A smart person is well aware that any company will never work at a loss. Most often, this approach is used when an organization wants to get rid of low-quality fuel. For example, you should know that gasoline retains its properties for ten days after production. After that, its quality decreases - perhaps the company has a long-term unsold batch of fuel that needs to be sold to someone. Naturally, such proposals may also contain fuel with a large percentage of various impurities that will simply pollute vehicle systems.
  2. Too overpriced for some supposedly exclusive offers. Usually such fuel has the word "Lux", "Plus", "Extra" and so on in the name. This does not mean at all that the proposed fuel is better than what is manufactured according to approved standards - the company simply wants to earn extra money from gullible customers.

To make sure that the gas station offers a really high-quality product, you should make sure of the following:

  • The octane number must comply with the standards for each brand of fuel.
  • The company must have a certificate where the organization that manufactures diesel, gasoline or gas for refueling cars is registered.
  • You can always get reliable information about the "freshness" of the fuel, which is also indicated in the relevant document.
  • For each type of fuel, you can get information about the presence of various impurities in them - the seller should not hide such data from the buyer.

Experienced car enthusiasts were able to identify a few more interesting factors that can help you choose a really high-quality gas station:

  1. The probability of buying better fuel is observed on normal working days and holidays. At such times, there are always a large number of customers at the gas station, which means that the likelihood of filling a car with a “stale” product is reduced. On a typical weekend, when people prefer to stay at home or do other things, it is easier to buy low-quality fuel.
  2. You should pay attention to the compliance of the fuel with certain standards. Almost always, fuel manufactured according to a certain GOST has a higher quality than its counterpart produced according to TU.
  3. The smaller the settlement, the higher the chance to fill your car with low-quality gasoline, diesel fuel or gas. That is, if a person has the opportunity to get to Moscow, St. Petersburg or Kazan, then it is better to refuel there than to stop in a small village and hope that high quality fuel will be poured into his car.

In addition, it should be understood that any business can develop in two directions - for the better and for the worse for the consumer. That is, it is not at all a fact that a company that five years ago delighted people with quality products will today adhere to the same bar. Therefore, you should always pay attention to indirect signs, including reviews of other motorists and change the refueling point in time if signs of poor quality are found.

This fact has already been confirmed at the highest level, when official control services carried out unexpected checks on the fuel of some reputable companies and were forced to ascertain the presence of low-quality fuel on them.

Rating for 2017-2018: at which gas stations it is better to refuel a car according to the reviews of car owners

Typically, filling stations are ranked by quality by various organizations based on information received over the past year. Therefore, people looking for good places to refuel their vehicles in 2018 should pay attention to the data obtained in 2017.

Naturally, it is recommended to compile information obtained from official sources and from reviews of ordinary car owners living in the same region as the person concerned. If we combine such data, then this year it is recommended to use the services of the following organizations.

One of the largest filling networks in the Russian Federation, whose filling stations can be found in 46 regions of the country. The company closely monitors its own reputation, therefore it always offers the consumer only high-quality fuel. An important factor in guaranteeing the quality of the proposed fuel is the presence of its own production.

Practically the only company in Russia that sells fuel produced in Europe at its gas stations. The partner of the company is the world-famous manufacturer Stat Oil. In Europe, the quality of fuel is very closely monitored. Naturally, exactly the same fuel is supplied to Russia - to branded gasoline and diesel filling stations. Ordinary motorists have long noticed that the use of gasoline of this brand in cars allows you to actually increase the power of the power unit by fifteen percent, increase the life of the fuel and engine systems, and ensure a smoother ride of the car when moving.

One of the oldest Russian companies offering fuel according to European quality standards (Euro 2,3,4). The company's specialists carefully monitor the quality of the proposed fuel and do not allow any impurities harmful to the car to enter it.

A relatively young brand in the domestic market, which has already earned a positive reputation among a large number of consumers. This is achieved by the presence of our own laboratories and the constant introduction of innovative technologies that allow us to create high-quality fuel. An example of this is Premium-Sport 95 gasoline, which contains proprietary additives that ensure maximum combustion of the combustible mixture in the vehicle's powertrain chamber.

The credo of the company is to be closer to the client. That is why gas stations under this name always take into account useful suggestions from consumers and put them into practice.

The company monitors its products and constantly conducts unscheduled quality checks, which allows us to offer people gasoline and diesel fuel to the highest standards.

A network of filling stations from one of the world's largest manufacturers of various combustible fuels. Naturally, it offers products of its own production. One of our own developments is G-Drive 98 gasoline. This gasoline brand is characterized by a higher octane number and the presence of special additives that allow you to increase the life of various automotive systems, while simultaneously increasing the potential of the power unit.

One of the best options if a person is looking for a good diesel gas station. The quality of gasoline is also at a high level - our own laboratories constantly produce original products that allow you to keep the internal systems of the vehicle in good condition and increase the efficiency of car engines.

Unfortunately, these companies are not represented in some regions of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the consumer is advised to look for a reliable fuel seller, based on the basic principles for determining a quality product, described above.

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There is goryuchka and there, and here. And where is the quality - it is difficult to assess. So drivers rush from one gas station to another in search of "digestible" fuel. Having found a quality gas station in their city, drivers simply visit one of them. After all, no one can guarantee that at the other end of the metropolis, a gas station of the same company will offer a product with the same properties. Why then talk about the situation in remote regions.

Generalized rating of Russian filling stations by the quality of gasoline in 2019: who is in the top five

In trans-regional networks of gas stations, the situation is fortunately improving. First-class characteristics are no longer dependent on the production address. The leading networks have eradicated negligent attitude to input control. Now they have fuel with a similar composition in barrels. And this means that it is no longer necessary to choose a place for filling fuel within the same company. It is also important that the fuel meets the requirements of the technical regulations.

According to a study by Za Rulem magazine, the filling station rating for gasoline quality in 2019 is as follows:

  • Shell.
  • Lukoil.
  • Rosneft.
  • Gazpromneft.

In the process of forming the TOP-5, interesting patterns were revealed. BP and Shell companies under the 95th brand sell a product whose properties are close to the 98th. This has a positive effect on detonation resistance. BP fuel taken at two different gas stations has a different fractional composition. Perhaps the retention period affects or the fact that the network has several suppliers becomes relevant.

At Shell, the experts did not reveal such inconsistencies, but they found something else - a discrepancy with a single fifth class of environmental friendliness. Saved one of the gas stations.

Note. The fractional composition is the main indicator of the volatility of gasoline. After all, the latter consists of a mixture of hydrocarbons that have different evaporation temperatures.

The quality of diesel fuel and gasoline from the Lukoil and Rosneft networks is stable regardless of where the fuel is filled. It is also noteworthy that an extremely small amount of olefinic hydrocarbons and sulfur was found in the high-octane mixture. The situation is similar at Gazpromneft gas stations. The octane number at these gas stations corresponds to the declared.

We introduce certainty: what brand of domestic gasoline corresponds to an octane number of 98 and is it worth overpaying for it

When choosing a fuel, it is important to remember the truth: the engine is initially designed for a certain type of fuel. The design verdict is written in the corresponding paragraph of the instruction. Breaking is not recommended.

Knowing this, it would be a mistake to talk about the low quality of, say, the 92nd brand, and glorify the 98th brand against the background of it. The first is designed for engines with low compression, the second - for high-powered internal combustion engines equipped with superchargers / turbines. Yes, the favorite has better detonation resistance, but this does not mean the low quality of the 92 at all.

Competently answering the question of which brand of gasoline corresponds to an octane rating of 98, you should go through each gas station in detail. We will limit the review at gas stations included in the rating of the best. So, the octane in question is answered:

  • Ultimate 98 from BP.
  • V-Power Nitro + at Shell.
  • Ecto-98 and Ecto-100 - Lukoil.
  • AI-98 at Rosneft.
  • G-Drive 98 from Gazpromneft.

For reference. Often in the manual for using a car with a turbo engine, a fork is displayed in the column of recommended fuel: 95-98. Then it makes sense to overpay for the eighth in extreme heat, since volatility increases with increasing temperature, which negatively affects detonation resistance. Filling the "eight" instead of the "fifth" in a car with an aspirated does not make sense: power and efficiency will not increase, but the money will be spent.

Opening the gas tank hatch, next to the inscription "Unleaded fuel only!" the driver notices accompanying inscriptions of the Standard/Regular or Premium/Super type. Everything is clear with the first category, but what about the second? All extra-class gasolines immediately come to mind: Ecto, Ultimate, G-Drive. That's right, that's what they are. But what is special about them?

The additive package in the same V-Power is selected in such a way as not to resort to the use at home. He will clean everything himself and keep it clean. But only with regular use. Another thing is promises to increase power and mileage on one tank by significant kilometers, say - by 30 km. Here is already a deception: if they are able to wash, then they cannot increase power indicators, and reduce the numbers of the fuel flow meter - no. This is possible only when changing the octane number.


The situation with various petrol and diesel fuels at gas stations of the same network has changed. Now there is no need to choose a gas station of a certain company located in a specific place. The research made it possible to rank filling stations of well-known brands in terms of gasoline quality in 2019 based on samples at stations of urban and regional significance. Top five were BP and Shell. Lukoil closed the top three, and Rosneft and Gazpromneft closed the TOP-5.

The octane rating of 98, which feeds turbocharged engines, corresponds to various gasolines. It all depends on the company providing fuel filling services:

  • BP: Ultimate 98.
  • Gazpromneft: G-Drive 98.
  • Rosneft: AI-98.
  • Shell: V-Power Nitro+.
  • Lukoil: Ecto-98; Ecto-100.

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High-quality fuel is one of the important elements of a car's longevity. Drivers know that not every gas station offers good gas. Car enthusiasts have their own preferences, often based on personal experience of trial and error. To tell you which Russian gas stations sell the best fuel, the article compiled a rating based on reviews from car owners in 2016.

Finding good fuel is often a headache for car enthusiasts. Trading in gasoline and diesel fuel is a profitable business, therefore today in the Russian Federation there are a great many large, medium and small gas stations. Each gas station, to the best of its ability, participates in global competition and attracts customers with a price or various promotions. But behind a tempting cost or a bonus, a product that does not meet quality standards can be hidden.

Often, instead of diesel fuel, diesel fuel is sold, and under the AI ​​95 gasoline brand, AI 92 with harmful additives will be poured into the tank. The state inspection system does not work effectively, because according to the law, the inspection must notify the company selling gasoline 3 days in advance. Of course, gas stations will have time to get rid of bad fuel in such a time. But public organizations involved in monitoring in this area claim that fake gasoline at domestic gas stations is up to 30% (in some regions - up to 50%!).

Poor quality fuel can damage your car

Stereotypes about the quality of gasoline

Fuel testing is a complex chemical process that is only available in laboratories. Specialists measure the components:

  • octane number;
  • the number of foreign substances: alkalis, acids, etc.;
  • fractional indicators.

This is the only way to reliably determine whether gasoline sold at a particular gas station can harm your car. There are also test strips that change color when in contact with gasoline. With their help, you can calculate the presence of impurities with a certain degree of accuracy, although you should not rely entirely on this method.

For example, it is widely believed that gas stations of a well-known brand are guaranteed to have good fuel. This is partly true: experts advise dealing with large companies that produce gasoline themselves. But status, advertising, certificates do not always give a 100% guarantee that employees at a particular gas station do not underfill or dilute fuel.

What threatens low-quality fuel for cars

The amount of fuel you fill in the tank determines how soon you will have to put the car in service for major repairs. Even a single use of counterfeit fuel can cause:

It is better to buy fuel only at proven gas stations

  1. Difficulty starting or failure.
  2. Malfunctions of fuel system elements.
  3. Work problems.

Attention! Counterfeit fuel may not make itself felt immediately. Therefore, experienced motorists recommend keeping a check after refueling.

The best gas stations in terms of AI 92 gasoline quality

According to activists who test the quality of gasoline on a voluntary basis, most gas stations fill fuel with an octane rating of 80 to 87 under the brand name 92 gasoline. 95-99. For example, monitoring in the Togliatti region showed the first option at Tatneft, Avtodorstroy, Lukoil, Rosneft gas stations, and the second at Prompriogen, Vis-service and Gazprom gas stations. It is debatable what is better for a motorist to choose in this situation.

Attention! Among motorists there is a concept of "stability" of gas stations. Even a “targeted” gas station with high-quality gasoline at some point can start selling bad fuel.

The quality of gasoline AI 95. The best gas stations

  1. Lukoil. It is considered the manufacturer of the highest quality gasoline. However, the high price compared to competitors deters some motorists.
  2. Gazpromneft.
  3. Shell.
  4. TNK. It has fairly affordable prices, plus it attracts customers with a variety of bonuses.
  5. British Petroleum (BP). A foreign player in the market, a representative of the world's largest oil-producing corporation.

Among the leaders are Rosneft, Trassa, MTK, Sibneft, Tatneft, Phaeton Aero.

Gas station Lukoil

How to protect your car from low-quality fuel

In order not to get into a mess with the choice of gasoline for your car, use proven methods. With a fairly high degree of probability, they will allow you to protect yourself from counterfeit goods. The best way is experience. Be interested in the preferences of familiar motorists. If you are far from home, pay attention to how many cars with numbers of this region are at the gas station. Locals tend to be better oriented in their territory.

A good clue at an unfamiliar gas station is a list of suggested fuels. It may arouse suspicion if:

  1. A separate product has the postscript "premium", "luxury", etc. Probably, the company wants to "reward" its fuel with an increased status, without having certificates.
  2. Lack of supplier brand.
  3. Too low price.

Be sure to read the fuel certificate, which is usually located on a separate stand. The document may be fake. This will be indicated by the absence of a list of properties of the fuel category. Also, the document must contain all output data and the date of manufacture of gasoline (shelf life - no more than 10 days). Paying attention to what you fill in your own car will help you avoid spending money, time and nerves.

Gasoline quality test: video

Much depends on the quality of the fuel. Poor-quality gasoline can shorten the life of the engine, impair its launch and adversely affect the dynamics of the iron horse. Alas, the fears of drivers were not in vain - last year, on the direct instructions of the President of Russia, the Prosecutor General's Office and Rosstandart conducted many inspections of gas stations. The test results were disappointing - more than a third of all fuel was of poor quality. Therefore, it is important for Russian motorists to know exactly where to refuel.

Rating of filling stations by the quality of gasoline compiled on the basis of a study by Rosstandart and driver reviews on the websites Otzovik and Irecommend, where every day thousands of users express their opinion about goods and services.

10. Phaeton

One of the oldest fuel operators in the country, represented mainly in the northern capital and the region. Phaeton gas stations are additionally equipped with a 24-hour supermarket, a cafe and even a pharmacy, as well as a car wash, a tire inflation service and a tire fitting service. Representatives of Phaeton buy oil products from the Kirishi and Yaroslavl refineries and claim that they constantly monitor the quality of the fuel. Some motorists are dissatisfied with the fact that after refueling AI95, the car is worse to drive, or even stall altogether.

Users generally note the acceptable quality of gasoline (with the exception of individual gas stations in the Ulyanovsk region), but they speak negatively about the quality of service.

Motorists have either a very good or a very bad opinion about Tatneft's gas stations - there are practically no average ratings. Some note the cleanliness, convenience, delicious menu, clean toilets and the excellent quality of gasoline, on which the iron friend runs like he never ran before. Others testify to the exact opposite: the car is jerky, protracted acceleration, and even the replacement of the catalyst and fuel pump. Therefore, only the 8th line of the rating goes to this gas station network.

Although the activities of SibNeft were initially limited to the Tomsk region, now the filling stations of this network have spread throughout the Russian Federation. In 2013, the company developed a new Class 5 Prime fuel with improved performance. This fuel is claimed to reduce engine maintenance costs, reduce the rate of engine oil contamination, and increase spark plug life. In addition, it is more environmentally friendly.

Reviews and ratings of Trassa gas stations in terms of gasoline quality are mostly positive. They note the excellent quality of service, cleanliness, comfortable seating area and courtesy of the staff (there are tankers). And, of course, good quality gasoline.

Good gasoline for normal money, which is well accepted even by cars with capricious engines. It is noted that 92 ecto is rather overrated, but the quality of 92 is quite good. However, the courtesy and promptness of the staff leaves much to be desired.


According to users, the only disadvantage of the network of gas stations from the international oil giant is their number. They note the excellent quality of gasoline and its economical consumption. Car enthusiasts especially like Shell V-Power gasoline, which is equipped with additives for more efficient and dynamic engine operation.

An honest octane number, an acceptable price with good quality, the availability of additional services and polite staff - this is what puts Gazpromneft gas stations on the 3rd line in the rating of filling stations in Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg in terms of gasoline quality. However, they note that the quality of gasoline may vary depending on the suppliers.

Motorists note a variety of fuels; in addition to the "usual" (quite good quality) there is also the so-called. Ekto Plus fuel, which contains a lot of special additives to extend the life of the engine and make it more environmentally friendly. However, there are also disadvantages - for example, it is highly likely that the quality of gasoline in small towns may be far from ideal.

1. Rosneft

Rosneft tops the gas station rating in terms of gasoline quality, providing good fuel at affordable prices. The staff is polite. There is a discount program and promotions are regularly held that reduce the price of fuel. Gas stations can also provide additional services, such as tire inflation and a vacuum cleaner for the interior, as well as pouring gasoline into a canister.

Low-quality fuel is a serious harm to the car and a blow to the owner's wallet. Candles, the engine and the fuel system itself suffer. Only high-quality gasoline will help avoid major repairs. But at what gas station is he the best? Today, a huge number of companies that are engaged in the production and sale of gasoline. How not to get confused in such a number of gas stations growing every day and surprising customers with new marketing offers and unique products? Filling station rating by gasoline quality 2015-2016 will help to deal with these issues and provides top ten leaders in the Russian fuel market.


MTK - Moscow Fuel Company ranked tenth among gas stations in terms of gasoline quality. It is the only network that is controlled by the metropolitan government. The fuel undergoes strict quality control, meets the Euro 4 standard and is considered environmentally friendly. MTK fuel prices among competitors turned out to be the most acceptable in the capital.


Included in the top ten gas stations in terms of the quality of the oil product. Gasoline supplied to Tatneft filling stations undergoes strict control and is produced at the Moscow Oil Refinery. Fuel additives improve engine performance and save fuel.


gas station Phaeton Aero also hit the top ten in terms of gasoline quality. The product is delivered to the station by several oil refineries LLC PO Kirishinefteorgsintez (KINEF), CJSC Rutek, LLC Tekhnokhim, which guarantee the quality and full control of the product. Modern additives used for the production of fuel help to improve the dynamics of acceleration and normalize the smoothness of the car. Increases engine power and fuel system life. Today Faeton Aero is one of the top five filling stations in St. Petersburg.


The gas station was established in 1995 and gained massive popularity. The founder of gas stations was the oil company Sibneft, which since its foundation has rapidly increased its turnover in the extraction of raw materials and its processing into fuel. This was achieved thanks to powerful technical equipment, which allows mining at greater depths. Having started its activity in the Tomsk region, Sibneft quickly expanded its borders. Now the company's gas stations are located throughout Russia. Since 2013, Sibneft has been producing fuel of the Prime series, which belongs to the fifth class. Fuel with improved performance is more economical and ensures a long service life of the spark plugs.


Gas station LLC among motorists enjoys an ambiguous reputation, like many gas stations. But in general, the reviews are positive and the quality of the oil product suits many. At the moment, the gas station has a new unique fuel of the highest quality - this is AI-95 Premium Sport. For its production, TRASSA uses multifunctional modern additives that ensure complete combustion, increase power and save fuel consumption. At the same time, the quality of the base fuel remains at the highest level. Gasoline provides a minimum emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere and removes carbon deposits from all engine parts. With regular use of this brand, there is a gradual washing out of carbon deposits that have accumulated from the surfaces of nozzles, valves, cylinders and other engine parts. Removing deposits, reducing friction between cylinders - all this prolongs the life of the engine and increases its performance.


BP gas station ( British Petroleum listen)) is part of the world's largest oil and gas company, British Petroleum. The fuel of BP filling stations is manufactured in accordance with European quality standards. It is worth noting the quality of Ultimate gasoline with proprietary additives that not only increase engine power, but also prevent premature wear. The improved cleaning capabilities of modern additives can remove up to 70% of deposits that may appear in the intake system. In addition, new generation eco-fuel significantly reduces the amount of emissions of combustion products into the atmosphere. Many car owners choose this gas station.


The filling station network is ranked fourth among filling stations in terms of gasoline quality. A third of the fuel sold complies with Euro-5 environmental standards. In addition to AI-95, the station positions fuel of improved quality with additional nozzles AI-95 Pulsar. The advantage of this gasoline is that it increases engine power, reduces the consumption of its own resources, and also keeps engine components cleaner when compared to lower quality fuels. Many car enthusiasts choose TNK for affordable prices, good quality fuel and a bonus system of discounts that the network of gas stations offers to its customers.


Shell opens the top three filling stations in terms of gasoline quality. The quality of the product meets all industry standards and is environmentally friendly. Gasoline is produced in accordance with GOST standards. Before getting to the gas station, the fuel undergoes strict quality control and meets the Euro 4 standard. The fuel increases engine power by 15% and increases its service life, thanks to the latest technology used in the manufacture of gasoline additives. Gasoline is environmentally friendly and does not pollute the fuel system.


It is one of the top three Russian filling stations today. The filling station network offers the highest quality fuel for both domestic and foreign cars. New-generation G-Drive 98 octane fuel delivers fast, full power. The additives contained in it provide not only instant acceleration to the car, but also protect against deposits in the fuel system. The quality of the fuel is also confirmed by the fact that it is manufactured according to specifications. Fuel complies with the Euro-4 standard.


Tops the rating of filling stations with the highest quality gasoline in Russia. The fuel meets all European quality standards and can be used to refuel all types of vehicles. The quality of the product is also evidenced by the huge number of car owners who use the services of Lukoil and multiple positive reviews. Fuel prices are a little high, but this disadvantage can be forgiven due to high-quality gasoline with powerful additives that ensure engine durability and high power during operation. The fuel is environmentally friendly, manufactured in accordance with GOST, and the company that sells it has been repeatedly awarded the "Environmental Sign" of distinction. Gasoline belongs to the Euro-5 class.