The most reliable passenger car engines. The most reliable engines in the world will easily run a million kilometers. The most reliable gasoline in-line "six"

Diesel engines for cars are different, and it's not just the volume and number of cylinders, so let's try to briefly review the modern market and find out which of the engines are the most reliable.

To whom did the ratings give the leadership?

Russian people always associate the word “diesel” with the same: the smell of diesel fuel from a passenger bus, black fumes from a passing truck, vintage jeans and a watch of the brand of the same name. Nevertheless, for the majority of Europeans, the word derived from the surname of the German inventor is synonymous with a reliable, inexpensive and powerful "heart" of the car. In our country, its popularity is not so high, apparently due to weather conditions and knowledge that diesel fuel thickens in the cold.

Reliability ratings, especially for cars, are a thankless job. How many opinions, so many lists, in which the compiler simply expresses his view of a particular subject. That is why we want to draw your attention to the fact that the rating given below does not pretend to be an indisputable truth, but just an attempt to systematize the data, knowledge and (partially) the personal point of view of the compiler.

In search of an answer to the question of which diesel engine takes the leading place in the complete set of passenger cars, one can notice that some ratings call the best products of the Mercedes and BMW concerns. However, the situation in the world of the automotive industry today is somewhat different, let's try to figure it out.

As the ratings of the world's major car dealerships show, the days when diesel engines of passenger cars were small copies of units installed on heavy trucks are a thing of the past. The well-known Volkswagen concern was especially successful in the production of such engines, which developed the 1.9 TDI engine. Today it ranks first and is considered the most balanced in terms of dynamics and power.

Thanks to the latest engineering solutions, in particular, an updated turbine and an increase in pressure in the combustion chambers, it was possible not only to achieve unique environmental characteristics, but also to reduce it. Moreover, the power remained at the same level (90–120 hp). The newest cars in the Passat series are now equipped with the highest performance engine (BlueMotion equipment). Fuel consumption is 3.3 liters per 100 km.

Diesel winners of the car market

The second place is occupied by a modification of the engine with three turbines, owned by the German company BMW. For the first time, this unit was presented a little ago. It has 6 cylinders and, having a volume of 3.0 liters, is capable of developing a capacity of 381 liters. with. These engines are equipped with the latest cars of the 5th and 7th series, as well as heavyweight crossovers with the X5 and X6 indexes. Convertibles with serial number 6 are equipped with a modification. True, it has two turbines, due to which the power is reduced to 313 hp. with.

Not so long ago, potential buyers were presented with cars, whose engines have four turbines, and with a torque of 800 Nm, the power will be in the range of 390-406 hp. with.

Car with a four-turbine engine

The third place in our rating was taken by the American company of industrial diesel engines Cummins, which produced a super-powered engine commissioned by the well-known Dodge company. In fairness, it should be noted that overseas manufacturers did not pay too much attention to diesel engines, preferring to develop gasoline ones. However, the recent increasing demand for cars with units that consume diesel fuel forced them to pay attention to the production of diesel engines.

The model proved to be quite powerful (240-275 hp), but in an attempt to occupy a "diesel" niche in the market, the Americans cheated and passed off the Italian concern Fiat for their development. The model of such an engine was equipped with a Maserati Ghibli, but due to the crisis, production was given to state industrialists.

This engine was recognized not only as the most environmentally friendly, but also the most innovative: in its production, metals used in the space industry and filters for plasma fuel cleaning were used. The fact that the engine took only third place is a "merit" of a narrow focus. It is installed only on sports cars and Dodge Ram pickups. In terms of efficiency, it can give odds to its competitors: the consumption is only 8.5 liters per 100 kilometers.

Who is not far behind the top three?

The Koreans who burst into the world automobile market 20 years ago not only managed to take a worthy place on it, but also "move" in the ranking of Japanese giants. Having come a long way "from electric kettles to mining trucks", they also do not want to miss out on their benefits, which promises an increased demand for cars equipped with diesel engines.

As always, Asian manufacturers acted very cunningly: not wanting to overhaul production and compete with Europeans and Americans in the power of the units, they managed to create a 1.7-liter engine that can produce 110-136 liters. with. Do not rush to wrinkle your nose contemptuously! With such rather modest (in comparison with products of other manufacturers) data, the Hyundai diesel engine has such incredible torque that it is not inferior in dynamics to gasoline units with a capacity of 150-170 hp. with.

It must be said that the Hyundai i40 vehicle supplied to the European market is equipped with such a unit. In Korea, diesel engines have somehow not found widespread use (or the wave of "fashion" has not yet reached there), and therefore they are still installed only on export vehicles. Recently, the same unit appeared on the crossover with the ix35 index, and now it is equipped with such popular cars as the Grandeur and Sonata. Fuel consumption, however, is higher than that of competitors, but Koreans do not seek to surprise anyone. Their task is to supply reliable "workhorses" capable of average fuel consumption, in this case 5.5 liters per 100 km.

Having “squeezed out” a sufficient amount of power from cars and having won its cell in the market, the Japanese concern Toyota now has no sense in proving something to someone. The concept, to which the manufacturers have thrown all their efforts, is ecology and economy while maintaining sufficient power. And they succeeded. When creating the engine for their compact car called Urban Cruiser, they thought about making it convenient for residents of metropolises not only to move around the city, but also not to have a "calculator" that calculates fuel costs in their heads.

One of the smallest diesel units today is a 1.4 liter engine with a capacity of only 90 liters. with. This is the fifth place in our ranking. Such parameters, however, do not interfere with the creation of torque, which makes it easy to "pull" the four-wheel drive vehicle. The consumption of diesel fuel, depending on the mode of travel, ranges from 4 to 6 liters per 100 km.

So which one is the most reliable?

This question is a little naive, since this parameter depends on many factors, including driving style. But if you choose the best of the above list, then the reliability priority will be given to the Americans Cummins with a Dodge engine.

And it's not about power or fuel consumption per 100 km. Most likely, the materials used in production play a role. The cylinder block is made of high-carbon cast iron, capable of withstanding not only high pressure, but also significant temperature conditions. And its pistons are made of a special aluminum alloy, which is used in parts of spacecraft. This means that they are able to withstand both long-term operation under extreme conditions, and a sharp increase in load when changing the speed mode.

Also, the engine is equipped with a Common Rail fuel injection system, which, despite a rather capricious attitude towards the quality of diesel fuel, not only significantly saves its consumption, but also plays a decisive role in reducing engine noise. It is these engines that are equipped with both sports cars and off-road vehicles. That is, exactly those specimens of the automotive industry, the operation of which takes place in extreme conditions, requiring from the engine not only unsurpassed power, but also impeccable reliability.

If we talk about the rating of cars that are suitable for Russian roads, it is best to pay attention to samples of Japanese production. It will not necessarily be Toyota (to the engine of which, by the way, no Russian car enthusiast has any complaints).

For our vast expanses, Mazda, Honda, Nissan or the newly revived Datsun will do just fine. Subaru has shown itself very well in operation.

The fact is that European cars equipped with a diesel engine are very sensitive to our diesel fuel, the cleaning quality of which leaves much to be desired. As shown by numerous reviews of car owners, Japanese cars are less prone to malfunctions when using diesel fuel, thanks to numerous cleaning devices, electronic devices and built-in pre-heaters that prevent diesel fuel from freezing at low temperatures.

There is a debate among motorists: does a non-killable engine exist or not? And do such motors really exist? This article will provide a list of cars with engines of one million people.

What is a millionaire engine?

The first step is to find out what lies behind this phrase "millionaire engine". This can be deciphered as a power unit that covered a distance of more than 1 million km.

Many will immediately begin to object that this is all a myth and this cannot be, but in fact such motors exist, and there are many of them.

The flawless reliability of the internal combustion engine is determined by the following main indicators:

  1. Maintainability.
  2. Durability.
  3. Reliability.

But it is worth saying that the concept of million-plus engines does not at all mean that the car will pass such a run without major repairs. This means that the manufacturer provides a resource of parts for a run of one million. The undoubted leaders in the production of such motors are:

  • Japanese cars;
  • American-made machines;
  • German cars.

It should also be said that not all engines will be able to pass such a mileage, because in many respects the condition will depend on the timely completion of maintenance (MOT) and driving style.

Which engine is better gasoline or diesel?

Also, among motorists, disputes do not subside, which type of engine is more reliable and the resource put into it comes out, gasoline or diesel? To answer this question, it is necessary to resort to statistics that show that diesel cars are no longer killed. Motors that have actually run such a resource can be divided into several types:

  • diesel. These types of motors have gained a reputation for being durable and reliable;
  • gasoline inline "fours"... Cars with such engines vie for popularity and reliability with diesel ones;
  • gasoline inline "sixes"... These motors are very powerful and vibration-free while driving;
  • V-shaped "eights"... Such engines come in large sizes, and unlike the first three, they cannot boast of a long service life of the vehicle, although this cannot be said about engines made in the United States.

There have also been rare cases when a domestic GAZelle car with a 406 engine exceeded the 1 million km mark. We figured out what a millionaire is, now we should go to a small list of such cars, because many motorists do not know on which cars such units can be found.

List of cars with engines of one million people

Now it is worth presenting a small list of engines that really passed the resource inherent in them, i.e. are millionaires. Among the gasoline ones, the following can be noted:

  • Toyota 3S-FE;
  • Honda D-series;
  • Toyota 1JZ-GE and 1JZ-GE;
  • BMW M30 and M50.

Diesel long-livers include the following engine brands:

  • Mercedes-Benz OM602.

Well, now each model needs to be considered in more detail.

The Japanese 2-liter engine was born in 1982. The first models were produced with one camshaft, but after 5-6 years, cars with two camshafts began to be produced. Such motors were installed on Mitsubishi, Huyndai and Kia. Over the long years of production, they have been repeatedly modernized.

It is worth noting that its licensed copy is still being produced at factories in China, and is currently being installed on a Chinese-made Brilliance car.

Toyota 3S-FE

Also, the 2-liter Toyota 3S-FE engines are considered millionaires. Among the row "fours", he is one of the most reliable and not killed. The period of its production is from 1986 to 2000. The 16-valve four-cylinder engine is highly maintainable and can withstand high loads. If the scheduled maintenance is carried out in a timely manner, such motors are capable of passing over 500 thousand km of run without major repairs.

Honda d-series

The lineup of the car manufacturer Honda, in its range, has more than a dozen different engine modifications, with volumes from 1.2 to 1.7 liters, and are rightfully considered not to be killed. In such engines, the power of the internal combustion engine reaches 130 horsepower, which is quite good for cars with small volumes. As shown by numerous tests, the models D15 and D16 are considered the most unkillable.

Toyota 1JZ-GE and 1JZ-GE

Such motors already belong to in-line "six", and they were produced in the period from 1990 to 2007. They are presented in two volumes: 2.5 and 3.0 liters. There have been cases that some cars with such engines have passed a million kilometers without major repairs. Some motorists call them “legendary”. They were installed both on their cars and on some models of the American Lexus.

BMW M30 and M50

Cars equipped with an engine of such models should also be classified as millionaires. The M30 model was produced with volumes of 2.5-3.4 liters, and had a capacity of 150 to 220 "horses". But the M50 model was produced with volumes of 2, -2.5 liters, and engine power from 150 to 195 horsepower.

The main secret of the reliability of these engines was in the cast-iron housing of the power unit, and the timing was driven by a chain. Such motors are capable of running 500 thousand kilometers without the need for major repairs, and the resource laid down by the manufacturer is a million kilometers.

Cars in which there are such models of motors also belong to the millionaire. They were produced in the period from 1998 to 2008, and were installed on almost all BMW cars that were produced during this period. In addition to high reliability, the main positive feature of such motors was the impressive dynamics of the car.

Mercedes-Benz OM602

This diesel engine was produced from 1985 to 2002, and had a capacity of 90 to 130 horsepower. As you can see, this model is not very powerful, but its main distinguishing feature is its high reliability. If you fulfill all the prescriptions of the service book on time, then such engines are able to travel under a million kilometers without serious damage.


Based on the results of all the above information, it's time to summarize. Cars with engines of million people exist, and there are many of them. But in order for the car to depart so much, it is necessary to carry out maintenance on a planned basis, as well as monitor the state of the internal combustion engine. There is also a contract engine, but it will be discussed in the next article.

If diesel engines are more durable than gasoline engines, which diesel engine is the most reliable? This is interesting, first of all, for those who travel a lot, for example, people whose activities are related to frequent trips. After all, it is known that diesel engines are famous for their reliability and long service life in comparison with gasoline ones. Also, such information will be useful to all other motorists for general development.

Which diesel engine is the most reliable for its class of car, why is the popularity of diesel engines growing recently and which power unit should you give preference to when buying a car? The answers to these questions will be disclosed in this material.

Why people love diesels so much

We will talk about diesel engines in passenger cars, because, as you know, diesel engines are always installed on special equipment, therefore it will not be possible to compare.

There are always some legends about the huge resource of diesel engines that they take care of up to 1 million kilometers without major repairs. There are no such stories about gasoline engines.

In addition to a large resource, the glory of diesel engines also rests on their reliability. They say that a diesel engine always works stably, starts up in any weather and can withstand the most severe operating conditions. While gasoline ones have some vagaries. So it turns out that there are two main advantages of a diesel engine compared to gasoline.

The reliability and endurance of diesel engines is due to their design and operating mode. The design of a diesel engine is somewhat simpler and includes a smaller number of elements that work after start-up than that of a gasoline analogue. And during operation, the diesel engine always works at lower speeds, which gives long wear of parts.

Also, a huge plus for diesel engines is fuel consumption. If we take two modern engines, diesel and gasoline with identical horsepower, then diesel fuel consumption will be less, by 30-40%.

These are the main factors that make people opt for diesel powertrains. By the way, in recent years, the demand for cars with diesel engines, even premium brands, has noticeably increased. This is due to the fact that there is no longer a stereotype that diesel engines are created for pensioners, that is, for a quiet ride, with a complete lack of a sporty character.

Modern diesel engines are no longer inferior to gasoline ones in terms of dynamics, a vivid example of this is BMW, which has created the fastest diesel engine, which has a capacity of 435 horsepower and accelerates to 100 km / h in 4.5 seconds. Many gasoline engines with a completely sporty character will envy this indicator in terms of dynamics.

The most reliable diesel engines in Russia

Of all the diesel vehicles that are still in operation in the Russian Federation, there are several that have gained a reputation for being "unkillable", even in harsh conditions.

  • The most reliable, unpretentious and hardy from the Mercedes company are the OM602 series motors. They are in-line 5 - cylinder and 10 - valve, with a capacity of 90 to 130 hp.

    Due to their popularity, they held out on the conveyor for a record long time, from 1985 to 2002. They have a very well thought out design, with an emphasis on reliability and durability. Mechanical injection pumps from Bosch, which were installed on motors with which there were never any problems, also showed themselves very well.

    You can find such engines on passenger models - W124, W201, on trucks - T1 and Sprinter, on SUVs - Gelentwagen and even on the 210th model (W210). Such models can be found every day on the streets of your city, which shows their durability, because most cars run well over 500 thousand km, and for some, more than 1 million km.

  • Famous diesel power units from BMW are not inferior in quality and reliability to Mercedes. BMW became famous for their inline 6-cylinder diesel engines, which, unlike the ОМ602 series from Mercedes, had more power and, accordingly, improved dynamic characteristics.

    Diesels, which were equipped with models of BMW of different series, had a capacity of 163 to 286 hp, which made them not at all "boring". The most popular Bavarian engine is the M57, which was released in 1998 and was produced until 2008. It was the 57th series that most of the diesel BMWs known in Russia were equipped with, from "one" to "seven". Its predecessor was the M51, cars with which can be found in our time, the runs of which have long passed the mark of 500 thousand km.

  • Not only German motors have won the fame of "unkillable", there are also options from the Japanese. The best Japanese diesel engine is rated 1HZ. This is an inline six with a volume of 4.2 liters. The design is very similar to the Mercedes one, there are also 2 valves per cylinder and a mechanical injection pump. This motor was produced from 1990 to 1998, has a power of 129 hp. It can also be found on our roads. The representative of 1HZ is Toyota Land Cruiser 80 and 100. The mileage of some copies reached up to a million kilometers, which speaks of reliability.

What engine to buy a car with

Disputes between diesel and gasoline never subside, there are avid diesel drivers, and there are loyal fans of gasoline engines. To understand which engine is preferable, you need to understand what the car market offers and for what purpose the car is purchased.

As mentioned above, diesel engines can not be inferior in dynamics to sports gasoline ones. But, this applies only to the top models of well-known brands. Diesel cars that are sold in car dealerships and are available to the public cannot boast of high dynamic performance. Gasoline engines will be faster. Therefore, for people who love active and fast driving, gasoline units are better suited.

Diesel is ideal for people who need to drive a lot on suburban roads, it is here that its main advantage manifests itself in the form of low fuel consumption. Modern diesel engines can show fuel consumption on the highway in the range of 4 liters per hundred.

Also, a diesel engine is preferable in the case of a calm and measured drive, because its maximum torque comes much earlier, almost from idle and has a wider range, while for gasoline it starts at 2.5-3 thousand rpm. It takes time to answer the question of which diesel engine is the most reliable of those offered on the modern automotive market. After all, the design of the motors has changed significantly, and, perhaps, they have become even more reliable.

In accordance with the constant new work to increase the technical characteristics of engines, reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, new power units can turn out to be successful, that is, have a long resource (from 300,000 to a million), or they can turn out to be worse than the previous ones, often break for no reason. Today we will consider the brands and designations of which engines are the most reliable of gasoline and diesel engines.

Long-life gasoline and diesel engines

Today, almost every car brand has several series and modifications of the internal combustion engine. Let's analyze the engines of the most popular cars. The most common in the CIS countries are gasoline-powered units.

Best four-cylinder petrol engines:

  • # 1. Toyota 3s-fe.

The 3s-fe engine is very reliable and easy to operate. Its working volume is 2.0 liters. It has 16 valves, a multipoint injection power supply system. Power from 130 to 140 HP The timing belt is driven by the 3S-FE in the late 1980s. Its modifications are both atmospheric and turbocharged. Due to the reliability of all 3s fe models, the engine was produced until 2000. Such well-known automobiles were equipped with these motors: Toyota Camry 1987-1991, Toyota Celica T200, Toyota Avensis 1997-2000, Toyota Rav4 1994-2000.

Without overhaul of the internal combustion engine, with timely replacement of filters, engine oil and the use of high-quality gasoline, the 3S-FE resource reaches 600,000 km.

  • No. 2. Mitsubishi.

The Mitsubishi 4g63 engine has a displacement of 2.0 liters. It began to appear, like the Toyota 3s, in the 80s. Modifications up to 1987 had one camshaft and 3 valves per cylinder. After 1987, models went with two timing camshafts and 4 valves per cylinder.
They were equipped with such engines of the Lancer Evolution IX model (Lancer Evolution IX) until 2006.

4g63 has both atmospheric and turbocharged versions. The more complex the design and the presence of additional units, the less reliable the engine. There are modifications with complex equipment: the fuel supply scheme, the possibility of changing the gas distribution vases.

And atmospheric derated (with reduced power) have a resource of about 1 million km of run, they are called million-plus engines.

Korean automakers Kia and Hyundai and car factories in China are licensed to produce 4G63 engines. The quality and resource must also depend on whether it was assembled at a factory in Japan, in Korea or China.

No. 3. Honda D series

The D line of Honda's power units is more than 10 modifications. Their working volumes are from 1.2 to 1.7 liters. Internal combustion engine power does not exceed 130 hp. The maximum crankshaft speed is 7000 rpm.
The years of production of Honda D-engines were from 1984 to 2005. The most reliable of this series are D15, D16 internal combustion engines.

The following passenger cars were equipped with D engine models: Honda Civic, Honda CR-V, Honda Accord and others.

Although the displacement of these engines was no more than 1.7 liters and the drivers had to constantly press on the gas to maintain power, these units passed a resource of more than 500,000 km without a thorough overhaul.

No. 4. Series 20NE Opel.

The most reliable of this Opel line of motors is the x20se. This engine is even called unkillable, because the car was already very worn out, and the engine itself continued to work properly.
Models from 115 to 130 hp. Working volume 2.0 liters. The design has 8 valves per cylinder. Timing drive - belt. The fuel supply system is a simple multipoint injection.

According to reviews of various Internet resources, this engine is not very sensitive to the quality of engine oil and gasoline, like most new engines. But, nevertheless, in order for the engine to leave at least 500,000 km of run, fill in high-quality gasoline and oil.

20NE Opel years of production: 1987-1999. These machines were equipped with them:

  1. Opel Kadett (Opel Cadet).
  2. Opel Astra (Opel Astra).
  3. Opel Vectra (Opel Vectra).
  4. Opel Omega (Opel Omega).
  5. Opel Calibra (Opel Caliber).
  6. Oldsmobile (Oldsmobile) (owned by General Motors, last issue - 2004).
  7. Buick (General Motors, called Buick, Buick).
  8. Holden (was an independent car manufacturer, now owned by General Motors).

16 valve modifications 20NE are installed on Chevrolet (Chevrolet) in divisions in South Korea.

8 valve 20NE has a long service life. With good care of the internal combustion engine, you will not need a thorough repair up to 1 million km of run.

16 valve has a resource of about 400,000 km of run. To be repaired. Simple in design. Russian gasoline AI-92, AI-95 is suitable.

Six-cylinder engines for reliability

There are more million people among 6-cylinder engines than among 4 ones. These include:

# 1. and 2jz-ge Toyota Motors.

The volumes of these engines are 2.5 and 3.0 liters. The models of these ICEs are among the most durable and reliable. Years of issue: from 1990 to 2007.
The 1jz-gte and 2jz-gte engines were equipped with turbines. Atmospheric and turbocharged these engines were actively installed on Toyota Supra, Mark 2, Crown, Lexus export for the USA. Atmospheric modifications 1jz-GE, 2jz-GE are millionaires.

No. 2. M30 BMW.

The first BMW M30 engine was created in 1968. All subsequent modified motors of this brand were produced until 1994. The working volume of the atmospheric model was from 2.5 to 3.4 liters. Internal combustion engine power from 150 to 220 HP
The turbocharged engine was designated M102V34. Its power was 250 hp. The cylinder block material is cast iron. Timing drive - chain. There are 12 valves. The material of the cylinder head (cylinder head) is aluminum. The sports modifications of the M88 engines already had 24 valves in the design.

The BMW 5 and 7 series models popular in Russia and the CIS countries were equipped with such motors - M30. Then they were equipped with BMW 6 series. The M30 engine was operated up to 1 million km, especially on light versions of the BMW 5 with the M30 3.4 liters.

No. 3. M50 BMW.

The working volumes of such motors were from 2.0 to 2.5 liters. Power - from 150 to 192 horsepower. All 6 cylinders were located in one row.
The simplicity of the device remained the same: the block is cast iron, the head is aluminum, the timing drive is chain, 4 valves per cylinder.

After the modernization of this unit, namely, the addition of the VANOS timing control system (Vanos), the rating of these engines began to fall. The engine was no longer reliable and maintenance-free as it used to be.

If the M50 engine does not have a VANOS phase distribution system, then its resource is about 500,000 kilometers.

If the M50 engine is equipped with VANOS, then some owners had to make major repairs after 250,000 km.

The next model was the M52 with a nicosil block. But its reliability is less. Such an engine breaks down more often. Nikasil material is nickel + silicon.

V-shaped most reliable gasoline engines

These powerful motors are used in passenger cars, SUVs and sports cars. Among them there are also reliable and often breakable ones. List of reliable gasoline engines:

# 1. M60 BMW.

The gas distribution mechanism is driven by a double-row chain. The cylinders are coated with Nikasil. The internal combustion engine has a large power reserve.
Resource М60 BMW - 500 thousand km. Installed on BMW models from 1992 to 1998. Installed on BMW 5 and 7 series.

A nickel-based coating is applied to engine cylinders to reduce wear. Nikosil and alusil are aluminum alloys with silicon and nickel. The goal was to create a block of cylinders such that it was not necessary to liner and apply additional antifriction layers.

But, as practice and reviews show, many, before buying a BMW, check if there is a non-power unit in their engine. With a motor like this, people don't want to buy. Then there were controversies about this material. Gasoline contains sulfur S. It eats away at the nickel-based coating. After that, BMW abandoned such material and created a new Alusil. It is fragile, but it is not afraid of sulfur in the fuel.

No. 2. M62 BMW.

The engine has become more complex in design, and the more complex, the less resource. But, as they say, he walks up to half a million kilometers.


If you decide to make an engine swap, then before buying, find out what material the cylinder block and cylinder head are from, characteristics, measure the compression in the cylinders, carefully inspect the internal combustion engine body and the entire device as a whole.


In this video TOP 5 most reliable 2.0-liter engines.

And in this video, a dozen of the most unreliable motors that often break down.

List of 10 legendary motors of millionaires.

List of disposable motors.

If you know about dieselgate and the scandal with heavy fuel engines in Germany, you are already rubbing your hands in anticipation of very cheap cars on the Russian market. Diesel cars have shown their inability to meet environmental standards and requirements. But in Russia this indicator is not taken into account as strictly as in Europe and the USA. There, ecology has become the main means of speculation by politicians and corruption schemes, while in our country the reality is assessed much more adequately. It's time to think about what kind of diesel engines you should consider buying. There are dozens of motors with different characteristics in the catalogs of manufacturers, which fully meet the requirements for reliability and confidence of movement. Today we will figure out who is the manufacturer of the most reliable diesel engine with high potential and certain advantages over competitors.

Finding the best technical solution is not easy. Among all modern technologies, even a few decent units are not easy to choose. On the one hand, German diesels show good capabilities. On the other hand, branded French heavy fuel vehicles also keep up with technology, reliability and operational capability. The question is not only who the manufacturer is, but also when the unit was developed. There are dozens of criteria worth considering in this aspect. But most of them are purely technical, so for a layman in the field of manufacturing or servicing cars, such numbers will not say anything. Let's take a look at a few of the most successful motors that actually have the right specs to buy. In this case, you can easily choose a worthy option without a lengthy comparison.

Volkswagen 2.0 TDI Common Rail 140 Horsepower

It is somehow not accepted to talk about German diesel engines with 2 liters in modern automotive society. The journalists politely walk away from the conversation, the experts shake their heads in disapproval. It was this unit that caused all the diesel problems in the USA and Europe. But in other countries, they are happy to buy it today. A machine with a unit in the 140 horsepower version has the following pleasant characteristics for the owner:

  • 140 horsepower and very tangible torque from the lowest revs give just amazing dynamics and excellent power, which is felt when traveling by car;
  • fuel consumption on the Passat, for example, in the city is kept within 7.5 liters per 100 km, and on the highway the consumption of diesel fuel drops to 5 liters per hundred, which is on average confirmed by logbooks;
  • the elasticity of work is excellent, you immediately feel that the most famous diesel engineers in the world worked on the engine, and the engine inherited its abilities from a huge series;
  • reliability has been proven by millions of buyers around the world, reviews of the 2.0 TDI engine from Volkswagen are very surprising, which contributes to their active sale to this day;
  • maintenance is not as expensive as for other diesel engines of many other concerns, the engine design is not so simple, but it does not require special attention in operation.

This is the main data specifically about the engine with a volume of 2 liters and a potential of 140 horsepower. There are versions of this unit even for 110 hp, which were installed on Caddy and other cars without significant power requirements. But in fact, it was the 140 hp unit. demonstrates its readiness for modern operating conditions. The motor will delight you with its qualities and capabilities of operation in all modes.

Renault 2.0 DCI 177 horsepower - super engine

Renault's new diesel engine is designed for the current generation of Koleos. At first, it was believed that diesel would not be supplied to Russia, selling it only in Europe. But it turned out that the Europeans are quickly losing interest in heavy fuel and cars with engines running on such fuel, so Russia received additional equipment in the crossover line. The engine has the following interesting characteristics:

  • a simple 2 liters of volume and a very groovy 177 horsepower pulls the large crossover well, accelerating it to 100 km / h in 9.5 seconds, which is very good in this segment;
  • torque of 380 N * m is already available at 2000 rpm, traction is simply excellent, from the very bottom the engine works perfectly and follows all the instructions of the driver;
  • fuel consumption in the city according to the passport is 6.1 liters, on the highway you can invest in 5.7 liters per 100 km, which makes the crossover one of the most economical elite vehicles in its class;
  • reliability has been poorly tested so far, but today we can say that the motor has passed all possible tests and has become one of the most interesting for experts and car buyers;
  • the engine is supplied complete with an automatic transmission, there is a four-wheel drive, which even takes a little fuel and dynamics, and this speaks of an excellent tuning of the power plant.

The French tried their best and created a real warrior. A Koleos car with such a unit is able to please with fuel consumption, quality and travel conditions, reliability and endurance. The car is still very demanding on fuel quality and cannot guarantee optimal travel without normal maintenance. But this is a common feature of all modern diesel engines that require worthy attention.

Hyundai 2.0D 185 Horsepower - Korean Soldier

Another diesel unit with great endurance and amazing performance is a new Korean development. As in the previous version, this unit was being prepared for sale on the European market. Today this engine is equipped with a new generation Hyundai Tucson. But soon after the launch of the car, the hounding of diesel engines began, sales in the target market fell. Interestingly, the unit has the following characteristics:

  • very high quality, which allows you to cope with the greatest difficulties on the road, the engine requires only regular maintenance, the reliability is proven by reviews;
  • in the 2.0D unit, the Koreans offered a whopping 185 horsepower, and this is a very good indicator paired with a torque of 400 N * m at low engine speeds;
  • in the urban cycle, the consumption is 8 liters, the fuel consumption on the highway is reduced to 5.6 liters, economy has become another important advantage for most buyers;
  • simplicity of design becomes another factor of reliability, it should be borne in mind that the requirements for maintenance are minimal, and the list of materials for maintenance is very extensive;
  • a car with such an engine received good dynamics and very good characteristics, the transport has greatly changed its character in comparison with the usual gasoline engine.

The motor is supplied with an automatic machine, there are no mechanics for the Russian market. The 2.0D engine from Korea has already won its fan base, which is posting accolades online. It is interesting that the reputation of the Korean motor is still clean, not negative opinions of experts and other factors that could make you think about the advisability of buying. Everything is very positive and prompts the idea of ​​purchasing such a car.

Peugeot 1.6 HDi 120 HP - the best economy

On a fairly inexpensive Peugeot 408, the manufacturer installs quite suitable and interesting engines. The transport is of the highest quality and simply excellent operational capabilities. There is one diesel among the engines, but the range of heavy fuel units may soon expand. Even this one engine pleases with performance and could become one of the main ones on the sales list. And the reasons for this are as follows:

  • the engine has only 1.6 liters of volume and 114 horsepower, while the unit rides pretty well with 254 N * m of torque and a chic setting from the French;
  • naturally, there is turbocharging and all the accompanying elements of a modern engine of European origin, albeit small in volume and mediocre power;
  • the consumption in the city will be 6.2 liters per hundred, and on the highway this figure will fall to an incredible 4.3 liters, the savings are tangible, this is what can force you to buy this car in the salon;
  • reliability, perhaps a little less than in the case of German engines, but in general the unit does not cause problems in operation, so its quality is very high;
  • there are no problems with maintenance, the design is simple and understandable for most motorists, there is no doubt that transport will be popular in Russia in the future.

Engine tuning is one of the main positives for Peugeot. By the way, Peugeot-Citroen engines have also become the object of attention of crazy environmentalists in Europe, and this promises a decrease in prices for diesel equipment of these brands in Russia. In general, it is worth waiting until cars with diesel units in the cabin will be cheaper than petrol versions. It is at this moment that the time will come to go shopping.

By the way, we also offer you to watch a video review of the Peugeot 408 car with a diesel unit under the hood:

Summing up

Much has been said about the technical advantages and disadvantages of diesel powertrains. In fact, everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Gasoline engines are not encouraging in terms of consumption, and on a diesel engine you can save about 3000 liters of fuel only during the warranty period of a trip by car. The cost of servicing a diesel engine may be slightly higher than that of servicing gasoline units, but this does not diminish their financial benefits. In addition, modern diesel engines do not cause any problems in operation at all. Of course, if you take the experimental Smart diesel, for example, you will definitely feel the difference for the worse.

In general, the most reliable diesel engines have long ceased to be a concern of buyers. In Europe, for several years, they bought almost only diesel engines and were very satisfied with their quality and reliability. And most of all, it was the economy that inspired. Nevertheless, it is worth weighing the pros and cons of operating an engine on heavy fuel in Russia, where winter temperatures sometimes exceed the freezing threshold of even high-quality diesel fuel. It's up to you whether to experiment with these cars. And if you are already accustomed to operating an engine with this type of fuel, it's time to renew your fleet. What do you think about buying a car with one of the above motors?