Successful transaction: a correct sample of a motorcycle sale and purchase agreement and the rules for filling it out. How to draw up a contract for the sale of a motorcycle? Motorcycle purchase agreement print online

The act of purchase and sale of a motorcycle is a document that confirms the act of transferring ownership of this vehicle from one person to another for a certain amount of money. More recently, new changes have been made to Russian legislation that have greatly simplified this operation. Indeed, now, in order to carry out a transaction, it is enough to draw up a document by hand and in an arbitrary style, without certifying it with a notary. In addition, the seller no longer needs to deregister the motorcycle with the traffic police, change the numbers on the bike or apply for new ones before selling the motorcycle. This article will tell you more about how the act of alienating a motorcycle takes place and how to draw up a contract for its sale.

How to draw up a motorcycle purchase agreement and how to fill out a form?

When drawing up an agreement for the sale of a motor vehicle, the following points should be taken into account:

  • the subject of the act, the date and place of its writing;
  • data of the passports of the participants in the transaction - the buyer and the seller;
  • year of manufacture of the vehicle, its make, engine number and other information about the vehicle;
  • the cost of the bike - in words and in digital terms;
  • conditions for the transaction of alienation of the bike;
  • names and signatures of individuals - participants in the transaction.

The drawn up document does not need to be registered anywhere, and there is no need to certify it with a notary. However, the new owner must visit the traffic police within 10 days and register the purchased vehicle in his name.

When drawing up an agreement, individuals participating in it must have the following documents with them:

  • passports of participants in the transaction;
  • vehicle passport.

The drafting of the act consists of the following steps:

  • in the introductory title part, the place of the sale and purchase, date, full name of individuals are prescribed;
  • then fill in the information about the bike, marked in the PTS - frame number, release date, etc.;
  • the cost of the motorcycle is indicated, which is entered both in numbers and in words;
  • then you need to specify the date and place of transfer of the bike to a fresh buyer;
  • you should also indicate the range of things attached to the tool, if any.

After completing all the above points, the parties proceed to sign the form.

Sample contract for the sale of a motorcycle from the traffic police website

You can download the sales contract and the 2016 form for individuals for free in Word format using the links:

Handwritten form as written - basic design conditions

A motorcycle purchase and sale agreement concluded between individuals can be drawn up by yourself if you do not trust official forms and templates. When writing a document by hand, the following points should be indicated in it:

  • The introductory part of the form - here it is necessary to indicate the name of the act, the date and place of its preparation, the name of the vehicle that serves as the subject of this agreement;
  • The essence of the transaction - it is indicated that one party transfers the motorcycle into the possession of the other party, and the second party pays money for this.
  • The cost of the transaction and the payment procedure - it is prescribed in what way and in what currency it is made (in cash, on an advance payment, and so on);
  • Conditions for the transfer of a vehicle from one natural person to another - for example, after making a deposit or after paying the full price.
  • Obligation of the parties - this item may not be introduced, but in this case, the individual who violated the agreement will not be responsible for this.
  • The final part - at the end of the contract, the names and initials of the parties are indicated, as well as their signatures and the date is indicated.

Unlike the case with a car, the process of completing a transaction for the purchase and sale of a motorcycle has some nuances.

In 2017, the parties can draw up a motorcycle purchase agreement on a regular sheet of paper, but it is better to use a well-written form for this.

The contract of sale of a motorcycle (form 2017) can be downloaded and printed before concluding a transaction.

A motorcycle sale and purchase agreement is an agreement between the parties, according to which the seller transfers property to the buyer for which he receives a pre-agreed amount.

When signing a paper, the parties have rights and obligations. So, the seller has the right to receive payment and is obliged to transfer the motorcycle, and the buyer has the right to receive it and is obliged to pay for the purchase.

At the end of 2013, amendments were made to the legislation, now the transaction for the sale of a vehicle (V) is carried out without deregistration. It is allowed to register the purchased motorcycle at any traffic police department. The license plate number of the unit can not be changed, it is tied directly to this vehicle.

Before making the purchase or sale of a motorcycle, the parties must verbally discuss all the details of the procedure. Then an agreement is drawn up. Its presence is mandatory, otherwise the vehicle will not be able to be registered with the traffic police.

To enter data into the contract, the passports of the parties and the title of the motorcycle will be required.

When buying and selling a motorcycle, the parties need to make adjustments to the TCP:
  • enter the name of the new owner;
  • enter the date of the transaction;
  • affix the signatures of the parties.

If there is no free space in the form, you need to issue a new one in the traffic police.

If for some reason there is no TCP, you should write a statement to the traffic police about the loss. It is desirable that this issue be resolved by the previous owner.

By law, you can sell a motorcycle without a title. The new owner will put it on record under the contract. At the same time, the registration procedure will take longer, because the traffic police will check the latest registration data. Buying a vehicle without a PTS is risky, because the motorcycle may be stolen or the rightful owner will be found when checking the information.

Within 10 days from the date of signing the agreement, the vehicle must be registered with the traffic police, for this the new owner will need:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • registration certificate of the vehicle;
  • contract;
  • receipt of payment of the fee;
  • insurance policy in the name of the new owner.

If the transport was bought abroad, then it must be registered within 5 days after crossing the border.

If a person authorized by him will submit papers to the traffic police instead of the owner, a power of attorney must be issued for him. It must be notarized. If the motorcycle is bought from the organization, then the contract is signed by its authorized representative. He has the right to act under the internal power of attorney of the company, certified by the seal and signature of the director.

In case of delay by the new owner of the re-registration procedure, he is subject to administrative punishment, and the previous owner of the vehicle has the right to suspend the registration process.

What information is required to be included in the DCT of a motorcycle?

The document is filled out in a certain sequence:

  1. "A cap". It reflects the place and date of the document, the last name, first name, patronymic of the participants in the transaction and other passport data of the parties;
  2. Paragraph 1. It is issued according to the information from the first page of the TCP. The motorcycle does not have a body number, in the appropriate field you need to enter the phrase "no body number". This vehicle has a frame, its number must be entered into the contract. Also, the make and model of the vehicle, VIN, year of manufacture, color, presence or absence of a stroller, information about the TCP are entered into the document;
  3. Point 2. The sale price is indicated in number and in words. In case of termination of the agreement for any reason, the seller will be able to receive only the amount that is reflected in the document, therefore it is not recommended to set an underestimated value;
  4. Clause 3.1. Reflect the period of transfer of the vehicle to a new owner;
  5. Clause 4.1. The place of transfer is indicated, and the items that are attached to the motorcycle are listed, for example, spare parts, canisters;
  6. Below, under the text, the signatures of the parties with transcripts are put.

A fully executed contract of sale for a motorcycle is printed in three copies: for each of the parties and for the traffic police.

Please read the contract carefully before signing. This completes the drafting of the document, you can sign it, transfer the keys and the vehicle.

The contract does not need to be notarized, but if one of the parties wants to carry out this procedure, this is allowed by law.

To avoid problems with registration of the purchase, the following mandatory information must be included in the contract:

  1. paper name, place and date of issue. You can also specify the time, in which case the seller will protect himself from a fine if the new owner violates traffic rules on the same day;
  2. information about the parties(Full name, passport details, address). If the seller or buyer is a legal entity, enter its details;
  3. subject matter of the agreement, i.e., one hundred and one parties are selling another motorcycle.
  4. vehicle data: brand, VIN, year of production, unit numbers, registration plate, color. All information is copied from the PTS;
  5. price and payment procedure. For example, partial payment before the transfer of the vehicle to the buyer by transferring the amount to the seller's plastic card;
  6. signatures of the parties.

Additionally, the following items can be included in the contract:

  1. transfer procedure. To confirm the fact of the transfer and the condition of the motorcycle, it is recommended to draw up an act;
  2. the responsibility of the participants;
  3. final provisions. Other information and features of the agreement are indicated here.

As an annex to the contract, you can draw up an act of acceptance and transfer of the vehicle. It will prove the fact that the buyer received the motorcycle. A clause on the existence of an act must be included in the text of the agreement.

Motorcycle purchase agreement: form 2017

The parties to the agreement can be citizens or legal entities, the following requirements are imposed on individuals:

  • age over 18;
  • legal capacity;
  • legal possession of the vehicle;
  • no restrictions on the rights to own a motorcycle;
  • possession of a title deed.

If after the conclusion of the contract it turns out that the seller is incapacitated, the vehicle sold by him is returned to him by a court decision. The buyer will be left without property and without money.

To complete a transaction with a motorcycle, you should use the standard form of a vehicle purchase and sale agreement. You can download it online and fill it out yourself.

The contract for the sale of a motorcycle (sample 2017) is given below.

motorcycle sale contract

Ryazan 22.04.2017

We, Uralov Ivan Pavlovich, passport series 61 11 No. 312 212, issued by the Department of the Federal Migration Service for the Ryazan Region No. 4 on February 14, 2011, living at the address: Ryazan, st. Promyshlennaya, 15, apt. 45

and Maxim Vasilyevich Zenitov, passport series 54 55 No. 211 100, issued by the Moscow District Department of Internal Affairs for the city of Ryazan on October 23, 2010, residing at the address: Ryazan, st. Nakhimova, 15

We have drawn up this document on the following:

Citizen Uralov I.P. sells his motorcycle with a sidecar brand "Dnepr 11"


License plate P 458 RN, year of manufacture 1995, engine number 451AB25543, frame number 45888789,

color beige,

PTS series 45 No. 1256983, date of issue 25.10.1995

citizen Zenitov M.V.

worth 65,000 (sixty-five thousand) rubles.

Money and keys are transferred on the day of signing this document.

Uralov I. P. ____________ Zenitov M. V. ____________

The contract can be executed in one of the following ways:

  • write by hand;
  • download a motorcycle purchase agreement and fill it out on a computer or with a pen;
  • fill out the electronic form of the document online using a specialized portal.

In the absence of time or desire, you can entrust the drafting of the contract to a specialized company. The cost of such a service varies from 500 r. up to several thousand.

The procedure for drawing up an agreement on the sale of a motorcycle is very similar to the purchase of a car, with certain nuances.

The motorcycle purchase document must be in writing. At the end of the agreement, the signatures of both parties to the transaction must be signed, otherwise the agreement will not be legally binding.

The form of the form, as well as the way to fill it out, can be found below.

When drawing up an agreement on the sale of a motorcycle, you must specify the following information:

  • At the beginning of the agreement, it is necessary to indicate the place in which it is drawn up, as well as the date it was drawn up;
  • Next, you need to specify the information of the parties. When the parties are natural persons, their full names, as well as passport data and information about the place of residence, must be indicated;
  • Details of the subject of sale, i.e. motorcycle data. Information is entered in accordance with the data reflected in the TCP. Since motorcycles do not have body numbers, the following entry “no body (cabin, trailer) number” must be entered into the agreement. Instead of this data, the frame number must be entered;
  • Cost information must be entered both in numbers and in words. We recommend that you indicate the actual price paid by the buyer;
  • Details of the procedure for the transfer of the item to the buyer, as well as the maximum period during which the motorcycle must be transferred;
  • The parties may indicate not only the date of transfer of the transport, but also the place of transfer. It is also necessary to list the documents that must be transferred along with the subject.

After drawing up the document, it is necessary to check the correctness of the reflected data. The agreement must be drawn up in triplicate. Two of them remain with the parties to the transaction, one should be submitted to the traffic police.

When the documents are checked and printed, they should be signed.

Please note that those agreements that display the signatures of both parties to the agreement are valid. Funds are transferred after the signing of the agreement.

Necessary documents for the conclusion of the transaction of purchase and sale of a motorcycle

In order to correctly draw up an agreement, it is necessary that each of the parties submit the required documents.

The parties must prepare:

  • Identity document (original);
  • A document that confirms that the vehicle was previously registered with the traffic police;
  • Title of the motorcycle (information about its new owner will be included in the document).

Here's what you need to pay attention to. In the case when the motorcycle was sold frequently and there were no free lines left in the form in order to enter the data of the new owner, you should contact the traffic police in order to issue a new sheet.

Remember that a motorcycle is a vehicle that must be insured against possible civil liability of the owner. The policy must be handed over along with the rest of the documents for the motorcycle.

In order for the policy to be issued, you must have a diagnostic card of the facility.

What additional documents will be required when buying and selling a motorcycle?

Due to the fact that a motorcycle is a type of vehicle, the parties, in addition to drawing up an agreement on the sale of a motorcycle, must enter the relevant information into the TCP.

As noted earlier, in the case when the document has run out of sheets, you must contact the traffic police.

In order to issue OSAGO, the owner must prepare a diagnostic card, which is one of the mandatory documents presented by the driver when insuring his civil liability.

Due to the fact that the new owner is given no more than 10 days to register the motorcycle after its purchase, documents should be prepared in advance so that the new owner is not subject to administrative penalties.

Please note that the law allows you to remove a motorcycle from a previous registration and put it on a new one, without the presence of the old owner.

It should be noted that the transfer of rights on the basis of a document called "General Power of Attorney" is not carried out on the basis of the law. In the case when the owner of the vehicle offers such a basis for the transaction, we recommend that you refuse to participate in it, since the buyer will not receive the authority to independently dispose of such a motorcycle.

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When it is planned to transfer the official right to use the vehicle through the sale, the execution of a sales contract is a prerequisite. To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to fill out a special bank in the prescribed form. Thanks to the simplification of the entire procedure at the legislative level, registration in 2018 became much faster and now does not require a large package of documents.

Registering a motorcycle with the traffic police is also not difficult. Among the main innovations, it is worth focusing on the abolition of notarization of contracts for the purchase of motorcycles from 2014. It is possible to change the numbers or leave the old ones. Transit numbers are also not a prerequisite, so there is no need to deregister a motorcycle.

How to fill out a sales contract

In the process of filling out, the following points should be spelled out in the contract:

  • Indication of the place of the transaction, the date and what is the subject of the sale
  • If the transaction is carried out between individuals, then passport data are indicated on both sides. In case of participation from any side of a legal entity, it is necessary to prescribe information on the constituent documentation
  • Detailed information about the vehicle: engine, brand, data on the title, who issued the document
  • The cost of the transaction is written in two formats: digital and in words. What are the conditions of sale, signatures and names of participants.

There is no need to officially certify the document with a notary. However, it is necessary to go to the traffic police with an agreement in order to go through the vehicle registration procedure. As soon as the contract is ready and endorsed, it is necessary to register within 10 days from the date of collection of all signatures. Alternatively, the application can be submitted by the seller himself after the transaction is completed.


Standard forms of contracts for the sale of a motorcycle:

The situation is different if the former owner decides to keep the number from a motorcycle that no longer belongs to him. Then the buyer must register and receive new numbers. Within six months, the old numbers will be stored in the traffic police. Then they can be used for another vehicle.

All you need to do to sign a contract is:

  1. Passport data of two participants.


To see an example of the correct completion of the contract, you can

To fill out the contract form in the correct order, you can divide the entire procedure into several periods:

  1. In the first part of the document, the full address of the place where the transaction takes place, what date, the full name of both participants in the transaction are prescribed.
  2. Full information about the motorcycle, as the subject of the contract of sale, when it was released, number.
  3. The full cost of the vehicle, which is to be sold in words and numbers, is mandatory. The cost must be fully consistent with the amount of taxes. If this condition is not met, then the buyer will have to pay an additional cost for taxes.
  4. The period in which the vehicle is transferred to the new owner is indicated.
  5. A complete list of additional items (if any) to the vehicle.
  6. All data of the passports of both participants in the process.

Fill online

Use our motorcycle DCT printout service (just click on the picture):

As soon as all the points are filled in and the execution of the contract can be considered complete, it's time to move on to the actual transfer of the subject of the transaction.

What you need to do before signing a contract

Unfortunately, fraudulent activities in this area are nothing new. Many conscientious buyers are faced with the problem of forged documents, or the motorcycle acts as collateral or under arrest, which automatically prevents the transaction from being completed.

To protect yourself as much as possible, you need to find out the detailed history of the vehicle.

By contacting the traffic police, employees will quickly check the information on whether the vehicle is wanted. Today, there are many online resources through which you can independently find out all the information about the motorcycle and how safe it is to conduct such a transaction.

What is important to pay attention to

  • In the event that an independent modernization of the motorcycle was carried out, difficulties may arise with registration. This is due to the fact that the inspector will record any change as an interference with the overall design order, which was specifically established by the manufacturer. So, for example, the introduction of additional systems, a direct-flow exhaust system, or the installation of turbines or a compressor, the absence of mirrors and other components.
  • It is often recommended to pay attention and check the information that is indicated in the sales contract. Misprints or the indication of false data may subsequently lead to the cancellation of the transaction or its invalidation.
  • It is also recommended to issue an OSAGO in order to register the vehicle.
  • Checking the motorcycle for possible technical faults is also recommended.
  • It is recommended to issue a diagnostic inspection card. As a rule, the whole procedure takes no more than 10 days.

In the general order, the entire procedure for selling and purchasing a motorcycle does not imply great difficulties. If the place runs out on the first sheet of the TCP, then it is best to get a new sheet in advance in accordance with the established state form at the traffic police.

OSAGO is issued so that the new user has all the legal rights to its registration, and card diagnostics is a prerequisite for obtaining a policy. If there are difficulties with the independent drafting of the contract, or if you have doubts about how correctly the procedure is going, you can contact lawyers for verification.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will talk about motorcycle sale and purchase agreement. The execution of a motorcycle purchase and sale transaction almost completely coincides with, however, there are several features that apply exclusively to two-wheeled vehicles.

The contract for the sale of a motorcycle can be concluded in a simple written form, i.e. theoretically, it can be written on any piece of paper of a suitable size. However, it is much more convenient to issue a document in electronic form. The form and sample of the contract will be given a little lower in the text of the article.

motorcycle sale contract template

So, suppose you decide to sell or buy a motorcycle. After the seller and the buyer have discussed all the details of the transaction orally, a contract of sale should be concluded. The conclusion of the contract is mandatory, because it is on its basis that the motorcycle can be put on.

If you do not want to deal with the independent execution of the contract, you can contact a specialized company whose employees will draw up the contract for you. Such a service costs from 500 rubles to several thousand. In this case, employees, as a rule, only fill out the contract form.

Some drivers mistakenly assume that company employees are responsible for filling out paperwork and performing additional vehicle checks. In practice, intermediaries do not bear any responsibility for the purchased vehicle. Those. through an office that deals with paperwork, you can purchase a "credit" vehicle, and an "arrested" one, etc. Those. there is no practical meaning to the appeal to intermediaries does not carry. You can just as well fill out a motorcycle purchase agreement form yourself.

You can download the motorcycle purchase agreement form in pdf format (above) to fill in electronically, or as images to fill out by hand (click on the image to enlarge):

Sample contract for the sale of a motorcycle

Consider a sample contract for the sale of a car (click on the image to enlarge):

You can also download a sample contract in .

To complete the contract, you will need the following: documentation:

  • Seller's Passport.
  • Buyer Passport.
  • Passport of the vehicle (PTS motorcycle).

Consider filling out a contract for the sale of a motorcycle step by step:

1. In the header of the document, indicate the place of the contract, the date of the document, as well as the full name of the buyer and seller (according to passports).

2. Clause 1.1 of the motorcycle sale and purchase agreement is completely filled out on the basis of the first page of the TCP. Please note that a motorcycle, unlike a car, does not have a body number, so the phrase "no body number (cabin, trailer) is missing" should be added to the contract.

Motorcycles use the frame number instead of the body number. Information about it must be included in the contract.

3. In paragraph 2.1, you need to write down the cost of selling a motorcycle (in numbers and in words). The value in the contract must match the actual amount of money paid. Otherwise, the buyer will be forced to pay extra taxes on the subsequent sale of the motorcycle.

4. In paragraph 3.1, write down the date of handover of the motorcycle.

5. In paragraph 4.1, write down the place of transfer of the motorcycle, in paragraph 4.2, enter a list of items included with the motorcycle.

6. Fill in point 6.1 on the basis of the seller's passport, point 6.2 on the basis of the buyer's passport.

Check all the data entered in the contract, after that print it in triplicate. One copy is intended for the seller, the second for the buyer, the third will remain in the traffic police.

This completes the drafting of the contract of sale of the motorcycle. You can start signing a document, transferring money and a vehicle.

Registration of a motorcycle in the traffic police

Within 10 days from the date of purchase of the motorcycle, you need to change its registration data in the traffic police or register it.

To register a motorcycle with the traffic police, you will need:

  • Buyer's passport;
  • Power of attorney (if not the owner, but his representative applies to the traffic police);
  • Certificate of registration;
  • Motorcycle sale and purchase agreement;
  • OSAGO policy;
  • Application (you can write on the spot, you can fill in in advance in a simple written form).

Please note that to register a motorcycle, you need an OSAGO policy, and to obtain an OSAGO policy, you need a technical inspection diagnostic card. So, only 10 days are allotted for technical inspection, purchase of OSAGO and registration of a motorcycle.

In practice, self-filling a contract for the sale of a motorcycle does not cause any difficulties. You just need to carefully fill out the form with information from the available documents. It usually takes no more than 20 minutes.

Good luck on the roads!

Good afternoon.

Such a question - I bought a motorcycle 2 years ago from the company. There are all the documents, the contract of sale, the passport of the vehicle. Moto was not registered with the traffic police. Now decided to sell. Can I sell a motorcycle that is not registered with the traffic police, or do I need to register it before selling it?

Registration is required.

Not required to register. It is only necessary that the entire chain of DKP be transferred to the traffic police. Well, there are no errors anywhere.

What chick? I bought a vehicle from a dct company, now I want to sell it. If the purchase is made from a legal entity, then the TCP and DKP are filled out in accordance with all the rules and laws of the Russian Federation, there is even a seal of the organization. How can I do this without fraud, but legally?

To conclude a DCT with a new buyer, you do not need to enter anything in the TCP. Transfer the DCT between you and the previous owner to him. With these documents, he will register the transport for himself without any problems. And what about the scam???

Register or register? These are different things.

Please, explain the difference... Otherwise, I thought it was monopenisual!