Reserve command post of the Warsaw Pact countries. Russian air defense central command post

I went to the Central Command Post of the Air Defense Forces as an assistant to the Chairman of the Duma Defense Committee Lev Rokhlin. Either in social work, or in press relations. There is no other way to get in there legally.

Rokhlin was invited by the air defense commander, Army General Viktor Prudnikov, to meet him. Rokhlin is an influential person in the Duma; it wouldn’t hurt to get to know him.

Secret Hills

The road to the military camp was surprisingly winding. I was about to ask the guard at the gate of the military camp: why didn’t they make a straight road? The soldier smiled condescendingly. I, ignorant, was told that this road was deliberately laid out in a winding way, even hills were built in so that the path to the heart of the country’s air defense command and control remained indistinguishable to enemy spy satellites. As airborne officers later confirmed, about 15 years ago (the central control center was built back in 1961), the exact location of such objects was determined from space using straight lines of roads. But the winding road was not visible from space. Today, the level of equipment of American spy satellites makes it possible to determine even the number of stars on the shoulder straps of an officer leaving the TsKP building. The guard talked to me and didn’t ask for documents after that.

It seemed to me that ideas about security at the Central Command Center remained at the level of the 60s, when for a strategically important facility there was only one threat - external and only one possible enemy - American satellites and ballistic missiles. The heart of the air defense is clearly not protected from the new reality in which militants and saboteurs exist within the country.
The village of Bezmenkovo, next to which the air defense center is located, is about ten minutes drive from the Moscow Ring Road along the Gorkovskoye Highway. You can also get there by train - to the Chernoye platform, and then by regular bus. There are no barriers, no patrols, or hidden surveillance cameras at the entrance to the central control center. In front of the CCP itself there are several barriers guarded by sleepy sentries. Of course, they won’t let in an idle layman or an interested journalist, but it’s impossible to assume that the facility is protected from professional terrorists.

The Air Defense Command Center monitors all objects approaching the borders of the Russian Federation, as well as stationary nuclear installations of a potential enemy - with the help of spy satellites. In the event of a nuclear attack, the missile is detected two minutes after launch, which is immediately reported via special communication channels to the President, Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Chief of the General Staff. The Air Defense Command Center also controls the air defense forces of the Russian Federation and CIS countries. Early warning systems for nuclear strikes and the launch of retaliatory missiles are also controlled here. In fact, this is the main element of the Russian nuclear umbrella.

Secret Dungeon
One staircase, a corridor, a second, then down, right again, down again... We reached a huge door, similar to the door of a safe, with a handle-wheel like a steering wheel.

The assigned sentry opened the bulkhead with some effort. The hum of the generators intensified. Further on, the corridor began to look like the inside of a giant computer - wires, sensors, measuring instruments. I tried to ask one of the colonels about their appointment - he was indignant: “Have a conscience! You’re not supposed to be here, but you want something else.” At this moment we approached the elevator. Completely ordinary, the kind you usually find in high-rise buildings.
« Let's go, - said General Sinitsyn, addressing the soldier in the elevator, - turn on the second one". Along the way, Sinitsyn said that there are only two shafts leading to the facility - a freight shaft with one elevator and a passenger shaft with two. Passenger elevators are four-speed, maximum speed is 8 m/sec.
It didn’t seem to me that we drove for a long time - probably 20-25 seconds, I didn’t time it. Well, we've arrived.

The Central Command Center of the Russian Air Defense Forces is a fortification structure of particularly large size, the main part of which is located at a depth of 122.5 meters. Built in 1961 by the Spetsmetrostroy department. The center consists of 5 blocks, 3 of which ensure, if necessary, the autonomous existence of the center for 250 days. Underground, the blocks are arranged in the form of a rectangle, the dimensions of which are 800 by 760 meters. The usable area of ​​the facility is about 250 thousand square meters. According to the Main Military Inspectorate, excluding infrastructure costs (the population of the military camp located near the Central Command Center is about 20 thousand people), the annual maintenance of the Air Defense Center costs 0.8-1.0 trillion rubles. The center is served by about four hundred people in peacetime, and 1,100 in wartime.

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Below you can see that " Spetsmetrostroy“I wasn’t short of money. The tunnels, with a diameter much larger than in the metro (the ceiling height sometimes reaches 4 meters), are arranged in a grid. And still the same continuous hum.
We walked for at least ten minutes to the heart of the “object” - the command post, where continuous duty is carried out and where the country’s most important air defense control systems are located. First along the “main corridor”, then several stairs down, a very narrow and low corridor. Another safe door, and it seemed to me that I was in a science fiction film: countless lights were glowing in the darkness, screens on the wall showed some numbers, everything changed in color, blinked, clicked.
Rokhlin, the guest of honor, was invited to the commander's chair. On the left hand are toggle switches for direct communication with districts and individual air defense formations, on the right are telephones. " The president«, « Prime Minister«, « Minister of Defense“...all kinds of special communications. Except the city one. The seats at the control panel are from a regular passenger plane. Oily and with torn covers.

Secret Service
While Rokhlin was shown how the nuclear strike warning system works, I sat down on the floor behind the commander’s chair. A face in khaki overalls with general's shoulder straps looked at me angrily. I took out my camera. A scandal was inevitable, but I asked Rokhlin in time: “ Can I take a photo of you as a souvenir?" Sinitsyn intervened: " Under no circumstances can we take a photo here in the corridor.«.

80% of the personnel of the Air Defense Central Command are officers, and most of them are not lower than major. Soldiers are not allowed into the main hall of the central command center at all - officers even wash the floors there.
We rode back up the elevator at maximum speed. Less than 20 seconds - and we are at the top.
« How long have you been here? - I asked one colonel from the retinue of the general on duty at the Central Command Command. “You mean all for the service? We’re on duty every other day, I’ve been here for 12 years - count for yourself.”
When we went outside, it was dark. General Sinitsyn continued to praise the secret facility and even answered my question about other similar structures: “ We are the largest among military underground structures. And in the best condition. Although, of course, they are not the only ones of their kind. Well, you know how many private subways there are!“This is where General Sinitsyn’s frankness ended.
And our inspection too. Everything seems to be working. It seems that control of the nuclear umbrella has not been lost. And there is at least one unit in the Russian Armed Forces that receives wages on time and fulfills the combat mission assigned to it. Unless, of course, all this blinking tinsel underground is not a fake.

(Russia, Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district, Yukkovskoye rural settlement, Sarzhenka village)

When visiting abandoned buildings, each of us pursues our own goals... Some are looking for an easy way to make money, others want to see a secret or well-protected object in the past, others plan to take unusual photographs... I consider myself to be in the last category.
We spent our vacation in the Leningrad region. While developing routes, we came across a plundered command post of the Karelian fortified area of ​​Sarzhenka. Photos on the Internet showed a completely safe bunker, so we decided to go and have a look.

How to get there? We got out of St. Petersburg along the highway [A-121], turned off the highway to Agalatovo, and there they began to look for the former Accord ZKP.
We drove through SNT Sarzhenka along the street. Lesnaya and went deeper into the forest, in which dilapidated buildings of the military unit were scattered. By the way, this road is looped, driving along Lesnaya, and then driving through the forest along asphalt paths, we got out in the same SNT, but on the street. Derevenskaya (here, however, when leaving the forest, there is a rather unreliable bridge over the ravine).
The road itself leads to the bunker. The entrance to it (without a pressure door) remains inconspicuous even today.

Despite the losses, Sarzhenka still amazes with the scale of the underground part; there are not many such bunkers in the public domain!
The history of this building dates back to 1943. The secret command post of Sarzhenko belonged to the 6th Army Air Defense Forces. Former military unit 53933, US "Accord" (communications center). In common parlance it is called a “churn”. It consisted of a part of the supply where soldiers lived, a buried bunker and many concrete dugouts, which, according to the conscript who served there, were used as ammunition depots. The object is not visible from the air, the Accord is indeed reliably “hidden”, the buildings are built in a forest area, the roads are narrow and barely visible from a height among the spreading spruce trees and dense undergrowth.

The diagram is drawn in accordance with the photo from the site There was no explanation.

Perhaps, if not for the proximity of civilization, visiting this object today, we would see everything more or less completely intact. But, unfortunately, the thirst for enrichment and blatant negligence were able to turn a military strategic facility into an abandonment. As of July 2018, the condition of the facility is deplorable: inside the main bunker there is complete destruction, the supports could not stand it and the second floor has collapsed, absolutely any metal has collapsed: equipment racks, cables and pressure doors have been cleared away, furniture and documentation have been looted. The huge kilometer-long trenches left by non-ferrous metal hunters are striking, literally ripping up the ground around the military unit’s structures.

Why was the command post turned into an abandonment?

The current state is clear without words... But one main question remains: why did the Accord end up abandoned? While searching for information about this place, I came across the story of one soldier who served in the ZKP just at the moment when it fell into disrepair. Two fatal events occurred that decided Sarzhenka’s fate. On January 10, 1997, a fire broke out in the steam room of the bathhouse on the territory of the military unit. From the memoirs it follows that the foreman really wanted to curry favor with his superiors, and hurried to report on the readiness of the bathhouse. The fire was extinguished, but that same night it flared up again in the ill-fated bathhouse. Due to heavy snowfall, fire trucks from Agalatovo were unable to reach the unit in time, and the bathhouse burned out completely. High officials, who loved to relax here, immediately lost interest in the facility and stopped coming.

Another decisive event was the failure of the supply electrical cable in October/November 1997. The color cutters did not hesitate to cut the cable of the still functioning part. Before the fire in the bathhouse, it was quickly restored, but now the soldiers had to survive on their own without outside help. In late autumn, at a temperature of -20, the heating and hot water systems of the barracks building completely defrosted in 2 days. The electric stoves in the kitchen were out of order, there was nothing to cook food on, so we had to order a wood-burning stove. According to the recollections of the same conscript, the soldiers walked around unshaven, unwashed, half-starved and angry, until they were transferred to another unit.

Finally, a few more nostalgic memories characterizing the daily life of military personnel on the Accord: “... I had a chance to see both the peak of this point (during the time of Major Kolesnikov) and its decline (already under Captain Golobokov). Participated in 2 exercises when the communications center began to function almost fully. I climbed the masts of the RRS and enjoyed the autumn views of the forests. Studied and examined all levels of the communication center in its working condition. I sat for days at LAZ HF on duty, and slept fitfully on a cot in the radio relay communications dugout next to the equipment, which was hot from work. Digged for hours in a pile of coal at the beginning of the service to collect good pieces for the night fireman. I was friends with the guys from OBAU and envied their schedule. By the way, they were scattered even before us and all the equipment was driven out, and there was something to see there, what are the “Volcanoes” alone... (from the site

Seeing such destruction at former military facilities, one becomes ashamed of the Fatherland... and somehow you involuntarily begin to doubt the power of our Armed Forces, which is so actively promoted today... Well, yes, there was a difficult period in the country (the dashing 90s), probably by modern standards this ZKP is outdated, but this is not a reason to turn both the bunker and the surrounding area into a real landfill...
Meanwhile, local summer residents are actively building construction in Sarzhenka, and it seems they are not at all embarrassed by the disfigured forest and such an unpleasant neighborhood...


Driving directions

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Abandoned command post of the 6th Air Force Air Defense Army "Sarzhenka" 60.202757 , 30.231500 Abandoned command post of the 6th Air Force Air Defense Army "Sarzhenka"

The underground concrete bunker of the ZKP (Reserve Command Post) of the Moscow District Air Defense, also known as the “Malachite Box”. Built in the late 1980s, by the mid-90s it began to function, by 2000 it was completely abandoned and looted.

Counting from zero. An endlessly cold field, yellow-gray weeds. The bluish-gray-black edge of the forest all around. Fine crumbs of snow are flying. Ice metal. We stop at the cut. Rectangle of black. Waiting. Beckons. We came. The carabiners click dully, beating off the frozen snow. The double “figure eight” is snapped with a carabiner to the arc of the reinforcement and the 50-meter shooter flies off into the darkness. A dull thud comes from the mine. Bottom. Pre-launch check is an involuntary analogy with old readings. The climbing system habitually hugs and holds. The ringing of carbines. Now not dull - ringing - the metal absorbed the warmth of the hands and thawed.

I squeeze under the edge of a multi-ton steel plate. The five-story well looks at me with a cold, sluggishly glaring slice of rusty, endless metal. The walls are covered with frost. Slippery. It’s scary, the break in the experience of working with the vertical makes itself felt. I carefully step with the edges of my boots on the frost-covered channels. All. Edge. I push off and fly into the darkness. The rectangle of light smoothly falls upward - and - after two seconds the concrete touches the zero level. We've arrived. I bend over - I find my balance - I take two steps into the gray mud. I catch my breath. I release the carabiners and the system flies up. I turn on the spotlight and sweep the beam around the walls: “DMB” inscriptions from different years. Gray, frosty concrete. Fragments of raw iron. Garbage piled up on top. Silence…

Five endless minutes - my partner is fighting with the UIAA brake assembly. Finally, the power of the mind overcomes the force of friction - and now the two of us stand at level zero. The system is snapped onto a steel pipe - the door is waiting for us. We go out into the corridor. The dosimeter shows "ten". Less than in the city. There is a slight metallic taste in the air, but there is almost no mustiness felt.

Endless concrete walls. Pipes. Cables. Let's go ahead. The rays rush in semicircles, tearing red-gray-black out of the absolute darkness. Rows of steel doors. We work according to the classic rule of the labyrinth - all left turns. The first “cluster” of rooms are hardware cabinets and ventilation. What's impressive is that we don't yet know what lies ahead. Doors, steel, concrete, dozens of half-meter diameter pipes running all around. After a couple of locks - a ray of light from above - we are not yet so deep. Exit. Corridor. Turn. Ladder. Such a completely everyday flight of stairs... up - a steel wall. Frost. Down... one.. two.. five.. the flights disappear in the scattered beam of the flashlight. Down - later. Go ahead.

After fifty meters - a monstrous weave of metal strips, massive foundations - black puddles of oil - stator carcasses - the generator compartment. One of the most impressive places, in my opinion. Chaos. Broken glass.. pieces of cable.. just strange pieces of metal, oil. On the side there are dozens of small rooms, short labyrinths, silver pipes, steps two to three meters up and down, scaffolding, false floors, ceilings. We find a compartment with water tanks and hermetic settling tanks.

The square gallery soon gets boring. Dozens of almost identical rooms. Chassis for equipment. Ventilation pipes. Debris. Behind the third break in the gallery is a surprise - corrugated metal scaffolding - 5 mm glass - a bypass gallery of the main operating room. We look into the darkness at the weaving of the reinforcement. Colossal. Emotions spill over a meter-long steel barrier. However, it doesn’t hurt to look at your feet - holes framed by the teeth of torn wires, rods, broken slabs. You can go down the pieces of cables, rods... but we decide to continue the methodical study. We close the ring of zero-level corridors - soldiers' toilets, equipment rooms, emergency exits... two more staircase shafts... we go out to the beginning of the ring. Ladder. We fly all the flights up to “minus three” on emotions. Absolute darkness. Silence.

Independent oxygen supply compartment. Rows of monstrous black balloons. Air mixture supply devices. Valves and dozens of spreading pipes. Air regenerators.

The general configuration of the minus third level is almost the same. But not really. After two turns we reach the bottom of the vertical shaft from “zero”. Scattered light... snow... a monstrous tangle of pipes. Several black humanoid cylinders with the words "compressed air" written on them.

Cable connectors.. holes in the walls.. broken fittings. Let's leave. There is a broken corridor - the raised floors have been removed - it is very difficult to walk. The air is surprisingly fresh, we hardly lose our breath.

Equipment rooms... despite the destruction - a feeling of insignificance of oneself from the endless yards of chassis, cable ducts and lamps. Half-life smokes nervously.

We emerge to level -2. Almost immediately we reach the main operating room. Endless darkness. Broken raised floors shimmer with pieces of glass from underfoot. Fallen towers. Torn water cooling pipes for projection mounts. Cables, pipes... dips, cracks - on level -3 - either ventilation, or drains... Glass crunches underfoot. The hall is flattened to a height of 2 meters... it expands again... slanting glass, similar to the control room of a cruiser... another hall, equipment racks. ... By this moment, we have already called out twice to the person remaining on duty on the ropes. Complains about the cold. We promise to return soon ;-) We run around level -2 almost running as much as possible. We go out to the eastern armored door - or rather, it is a whole series of doors parallel to the concrete ramp, sloping downwards. Probably, equipment was imported along this ramp, and in the future they planned to block it.

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

- paper products;

- souvenir products;
- photo albums;
- photo frames;
- batteries.

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

- Metal.

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

We offer framing of paintings, portraits, embroideries, mirrors and photographs.
Baguettes are planks used to create frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors, etc. They give the object a finished look, highlight its borders, and allow you to hide minor defects in cuts.
- Wooden frames. The most popular design option for paintings. Due to the fact that wood lends itself well to processing and tinting, it becomes possible to put the most unusual design ideas into practice.
- Plastic frames. Mainly used for photo framing or embroidery, complemented by a glass panel. The undoubted advantage of such products is a wide range of colors and an affordable price.

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

We offer framing of paintings, portraits, embroideries, mirrors and photographs.
Baguettes are planks used to create frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors, etc. They give the object a finished look, highlight its borders, and allow you to hide minor defects in cuts.
- Wooden frames. The most popular design option for paintings. Due to the fact that wood lends itself well to processing and tinting, it becomes possible to put the most unusual design ideas into practice.
- Plastic frames. Mainly used for photo framing or embroidery, complemented by a glass panel. The undoubted advantage of such products is a wide range of colors and an affordable price.

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

We offer framing of paintings, portraits, embroideries, mirrors and photographs.
Baguettes are planks used to create frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors, etc. They give the object a finished look, highlight its borders, and allow you to hide minor defects in cuts.
- Wooden frames. The most popular design option for paintings. Due to the fact that wood lends itself well to processing and tinting, it becomes possible to put the most unusual design ideas into practice.
- Plastic frames. Mainly used for photo framing or embroidery, complemented by a glass panel. The undoubted advantage of such products is a wide range of colors and an affordable price.

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

We offer framing of paintings, portraits, embroideries, mirrors and photographs.
Baguettes are planks used to create frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors, etc. They give the object a finished look, highlight its borders, and allow you to hide minor defects in cuts.
- Wooden frames. The most popular design option for paintings. Due to the fact that wood lends itself well to processing and tinting, it becomes possible to put the most unusual design ideas into practice.
- Plastic frames. Mainly used for photo framing or embroidery, complemented by a glass panel. The undoubted advantage of such products is a wide range of colors and an affordable price.

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

A photo collage is a good gift that will become a truly memorable item. You can buy different types of photo frames from us:
- Wooden. A classic product made of wood, tinted in different shades.
- Pearl ones. Such models are good for a bedroom or living room - they will complement the interior.
- Ceramic. This material allows you to create photo frames of the most incredible shapes and bright colors.
- Metal.
- Plastic. They have an attractive appearance, are resistant to mechanical damage and can be purchased inexpensively.
- Glass. Convex and concave, smooth and engraved, plain and multi-colored - they become real works of art.

Price: from 150 rub.

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

Our assortment includes more than 14,000 items of various products from leading domestic and foreign manufacturers:
- stationery for office and school;
- paper products;
- goods for children's creativity;
- souvenir products;
- photo albums;
- photo frames;
- batteries.

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

Our assortment includes more than 14,000 items of various products from leading domestic and foreign manufacturers:
- stationery for office and school;
- paper products;
- goods for children's creativity;
- souvenir products;
- photo albums;
- photo frames;
- batteries.

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

Our company operates a workshop, the services of which you can use. Our clients include lovers of works of art, their creators, and connoisseurs of beautiful additions to the interior.
We offer a large selection of framing products, the quality of which cannot be doubted. To become the owner of the goods, you need to place an order on the website. You can do this right now by filling out a simple and understandable form.

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

Our stores offer a variety of products, in particular salt, alkaline, and lithium batteries. The latter are the most modern solution, have a long shelf life and operation.

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

We offer framing of paintings, portraits, embroideries, mirrors and photographs.
Baguettes are planks used to create frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors, etc. They give the object a finished look, highlight its borders, and allow you to hide minor defects in cuts.
- Wooden frames. The most popular design option for paintings. Due to the fact that wood lends itself well to processing and tinting, it becomes possible to put the most unusual design ideas into practice.
- Plastic frames. Mainly used for photo framing or embroidery, complemented by a glass panel. The undoubted advantage of such products is a wide range of colors and an affordable price.

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

We offer framing of paintings, portraits, embroideries, mirrors and photographs.
Baguettes are planks used to create frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors, etc. They give the object a finished look, highlight its borders, and allow you to hide minor defects in cuts.
- Wooden frames. The most popular design option for paintings. Due to the fact that wood lends itself well to processing and tinting, it becomes possible to put the most unusual design ideas into practice.
- Plastic frames. Mainly used for photo framing or embroidery, complemented by a glass panel. The undoubted advantage of such products is a wide range of colors and an affordable price.

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

We offer framing of paintings, portraits, embroideries, mirrors and photographs.
Baguettes are planks used to create frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors, etc. They give the object a finished look, highlight its borders, and allow you to hide minor defects in cuts.
- Wooden frames. The most popular design option for paintings. Due to the fact that wood lends itself well to processing and tinting, it becomes possible to put the most unusual design ideas into practice.
- Plastic frames. Mainly used for photo framing or embroidery, complemented by a glass panel. The undoubted advantage of such products is a wide range of colors and an affordable price.

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

A photo collage is a good gift that will become a truly memorable item. You can buy different types of photo frames from us:
- Wooden. A classic product made of wood, tinted in different shades.
- Pearl ones. Such models are good for a bedroom or living room - they will complement the interior.
- Ceramic. This material allows you to create photo frames of the most incredible shapes and bright colors.
- Metal.
- Plastic. They have an attractive appearance, are resistant to mechanical damage and can be purchased inexpensively.
- Glass. Convex and concave, smooth and engraved, plain and multi-colored - they become real works of art.

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

We offer framing of paintings, portraits, embroideries, mirrors and photographs.
Baguettes are planks used to create frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors, etc. They give the object a finished look, highlight its borders, and allow you to hide minor defects in cuts.
- Wooden frames. The most popular design option for paintings. Due to the fact that wood lends itself well to processing and tinting, it becomes possible to put the most unusual design ideas into practice.
- Plastic frames. Mainly used for photo framing or embroidery, complemented by a glass panel. The undoubted advantage of such products is a wide range of colors and an affordable price.

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

Our assortment includes more than 14,000 items of various products from leading domestic and foreign manufacturers:
- stationery for office and school;
- paper products;
- goods for children's creativity;
- souvenir products;
- photo albums;
- photo frames;
- batteries.
Delivery service hours:
Monday-Friday - from 9:00 to 18:00
There is a flexible system of discounts for regular customers.

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

We offer framing of paintings, portraits, embroideries, mirrors and photographs.
Baguettes are planks used to create frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors, etc. They give the object a finished look, highlight its borders, and allow you to hide minor defects in cuts.
- Wooden frames. The most popular design option for paintings. Due to the fact that wood lends itself well to processing and tinting, it becomes possible to put the most unusual design ideas into practice.
- Plastic frames. Mainly used for photo framing or embroidery, complemented by a glass panel. The undoubted advantage of such products is a wide range of colors and an affordable price.

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

Our assortment includes more than 14,000 items of various products from leading domestic and foreign manufacturers:
- stationery for office and school;
- paper products;
- goods for children's creativity;
- souvenir products;
- photo albums;
- photo frames;
- batteries.

Planet of stationery "ViZa"

We offer framing of paintings, portraits, embroideries, mirrors and photographs.
Baguettes are planks used to create frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors, etc. They give the object a finished look, highlight its borders, and allow you to hide minor defects in cuts.
- Wooden frames. The most popular design option for paintings. Due to the fact that wood lends itself well to processing and tinting, it becomes possible to put the most unusual design ideas into practice.
- Plastic frames. Mainly used for photo framing or embroidery, complemented by a glass panel. The undoubted advantage of such products is a wide range of colors and an affordable price.
- paper products;
- goods for children's creativity;
- souvenir products;
- photo albums;
- photo frames;
- batteries.