What is a car wash complex. Learn more about the comprehensive car wash. What is included in the complex wash

Comprehensive car wash allows you to bring the vehicle to a perfectly clean condition. Use it after a significant run, a long break in the operation of the machine or during its pre-sale preparation. Also, often the need for a comprehensive wash arises when using a car for representative purposes.

Comprehensive car washing is carried out manually or automatically. However, experts consider an automatic car wash to be the best solution, since this method of washing allows you to achieve the best results by deep cleaning even the most inaccessible places in the car.

What services are included in a comprehensive car wash?

A comprehensive car wash includes an extensive range of cleaning services, so this procedure takes much more time than a simple car wash. The main services for complex washing of the car include:
  • body wash;
  • cleaning thresholds and bottoms, which are considered the most susceptible to pollution elements;
  • car glass wiping and windshield polishing;
  • cleaning of rims;
  • flushing of fender liner, where the most persistent dirt accumulates.
An important part of the complex flush is the engine wash. The purpose of this procedure is not so much to give the engine compartment an impeccable appearance, but to increase the intensive heat exchange of the internal combustion engine and reduce the risk of ignition due to accumulated contaminants.

A comprehensive car wash also includes a full dry cleaning of its interior. It involves careful treatment with special cleaning compounds of all interior surfaces, including dashboard, seats, carpeted floors, door trim and trunk. After cleaning the interior, its parts are treated with refreshing and protective polishes. As a result, the gloss and color of the interior surfaces are enhanced, the parts acquire antistatic properties and resistance to dirt.

Car wash services are in demand, all car owners want their car to be clean and well-groomed. There are many car washes in the city. How to choose the one that will satisfy in all respects?

Studies are being carried out, the speed of service provision, quality, spectrum are compared. These data are even published somewhere, but they are not known to the general public. Therefore, the surest way to find a good car wash is word of mouth and your own experience.

Comprehensive washing is similar to general cleaning. It includes washing the body and sills, cleaning and polishing glass, washing rugs, vacuuming dust and dirt from the floor and seats, wet cleaning the interior, washing discs, blowing and more (check with the master for details). Moreover, the complex can be ordinary and nanowash.

Nanomoyka- washing, which includes three cleaning phases, first treat the machine with a special composition that perfectly washes away dirt and does not affect the materials of the machine. Then this composition is washed off in a non-contact way.

The second stage is a manual wash, the surface of the car is treated with a special agent for regeneration, which gives shine and protects the paintwork of the car.

eurowash repeats the steps of nanowashing, with the difference that the products are softer. That is, your car will be washed, cleaned and even shiny, but the varnish will not be restored. But a special compound will be applied to the car, allowing the car to stay clean for much longer than with a conventional car wash. This composition removes static electricity, dust accumulates on the surface much more slowly.

A comprehensive car wash includes subsequent drying. At professional washes, cars can be dried with fans and heat guns, compressor guns. After such drying, no streaks remain on the body.

A comprehensive car wash from Dream Auto contains all the necessary set of full-fledged procedures that allow you to carry out optimally high-quality cleaning operations for a car.

  • contactless car wash
  • interior cleaning with a vacuum cleaner
  • wet cleaning plastic
  • glass washing
  • air purge

A ready-made set of cleaning measures is much more profitable than ordering each service separately. At the same time, it guarantees that the vehicle will be brought back to perfect condition quickly.

What is included in comprehensive car care?

Thanks to the procedures that are carried out as part of the complex, the car will acquire the original cleanliness of both the exterior and the interior. A comprehensive car wash from Dream Auto consists of the following operations:

  • body wash in a contactless way, during which the car will shine with cleanliness that causes envy among other motorists. The modern equipment we use completely eliminates the contact of any sponges on the paintwork;
  • dry cleaning of the interior using a special vacuum cleaner. During this procedure, debris of any size and dust is removed from the upholstery of the seats, as well as the floor. No matter how simple this measure is, it can improve the appearance of the upholstery and put things in order;
  • washing and cleaning carpets. For the procedure, special auto chemicals are used, which allow you to clean any stains - bituminous, reagent, from spilled drinks, etc.;
  • glass washing. Do not think that the pollution of glass in the car occurs only from the outside. Inside, too, there is enough dust and plaque in order to worsen overall visibility;
  • wet cleaning of plastic in the cabin.

The advantages of combining individual operations into a group are a high-quality complex car wash in Moscow and a price. After all, the complex already includes a number of discounts on the proposed procedures, the use of which individually costs much more.

In the course of our work, we use German Koch Chemie auto chemicals, which belong to the category of professional and premium products.

It has been a choice for many years both abroad and in Russia. These products allow you to achieve unprecedented heights of cleanliness, while not harming either the paintwork or any materials used in the design of the car interior.

We employ only professionals with extensive experience in all operations. Whatever stains you find, we know how, with what and how to remove them.
Turning to us, you are guaranteed to get a quick and flawless result.

During operation, the vehicle body is exposed to the negative effects of the environment: moisture, dust, dirt not only spoil the appearance of the car, but also create a threat of the appearance and development of metal corrosion. To return the car to a presentable appearance, and to protect the body from the appearance and development of rust, a complex wash is used. It includes directly washing the vehicle itself, as well as applying a protective layer on the paintwork of the car, which allows you to protect the car from the appearance of minor defects and chips.

What is a complex wash

A comprehensive car wash is a sequence of actions aimed at cleaning the body, interior and power unit of the vehicle. According to the generally accepted regulations for this procedure, washing includes the following operations:

  1. Express car wash and dry.
  2. Washing the wheel arches of the vehicle.
  3. Removal of insects and bituminous stains from the surface.
  4. Washing the interior and luggage compartment.
  5. Washing the power unit.
  6. Application of protective and restorative compositions, polishing of the body, headlights and plastic in the car interior.

What is included in the complex wash

Contactless washing has a technological advantage over other methods of cleaning the car body from dirt. When performing the process, do not use sponges, rags and brushes, which prevents the appearance of small scratches. The car body is washed with water supplied under pressure. For washing, special chemicals are used - car shampoos. Upon completion of cleaning, the transport is dried with warm air.

In this way, large contaminants are removed from the surface of the vehicle. In addition to washing the body, interior, wheel arches, fender liner, sills, and discs are cleaned, and a technical car wash is performed. It includes washing the power unit, washing the exhaust pipes of the car. Thanks to this, these nodes acquire their original appearance, and their work also improves.

When cleaning the interior from dirt, the rugs are washed, the seats are vacuumed. For cleaning plastic interior parts, special chemical compounds are used. When washing glasses from the inside, sparing compositions and microfiber cloths are used. This prevents the appearance of defects on the surface. Together with the cleaning of the interior, the trunk of the car is washed.

After washing, the car is treated with protective compounds. The case is covered with wax or "Liquid glass". Together, they form a protective layer that allows you to protect the paintwork from the negative effects of the environment and the appearance of scratches and chips. If necessary, the surface is polished. The lighting devices of the vehicle are also polished.

A special chemical “Anti-rain” is applied to the windshield - it has water-repellent properties, improves visibility for the driver and protects against scratches. With the composition applied, there is no need for frequent use of wipers, which reduces wear on their brushes and prevents micro-scratches on the windshield.

What to look out for

When cleaning the car body, a number of rules are observed that allow you to protect the vehicle's paintwork from damage:

  1. The temperature of the water supplied under pressure should not exceed 60-75 degrees Celsius.
  2. Do not use aggressive detergents. They can eat away at the paint.
  3. Before polishing the body, it must first be thoroughly washed, dried and degreased (gasoline cannot be used as a degreasing agent). After that, polishing is performed using a special paste and a grinding wheel. Upon completion of the operation, a layer of varnish is applied.

Bituminous stains and traces of bird droppings cannot be polished. This will cause new scratches and damage to the grinding wheel.

With intensive use of the machine, it is recommended to carry out a comprehensive vehicle wash 2 times a year: once in summer and once in winter. Cleaning the car from dirt and applying protective compounds will not only return the car to a presentable appearance, but also protect the vehicle from the negative effects of environmental factors.

A comprehensive car wash is a long process, but it is necessary to bring the condition of your car to the ideal. In some situations, a car enthusiast can handle it himself, but in advanced cases, you will have to turn to third-party service providers such as a car wash and dry cleaning. However, knowing the correct sequence of actions and exactly how to remove different types of contaminants, you can wash your car to a shine no worse than professionals.

Drying car body

Washing a car body is an easy task, but not everyone knows how to dry it properly.

Common mistakes include:

  • wiping with a terry towel;
  • use of rubber scrapers;
  • rubbing the body with a regular cloth.

It is unacceptable to use these products for drying, because the cloth and scrapers can easily damage the paint of the car. At first, this is imperceptible, but if you regularly dry the car in this way, then the damage will gradually be evident.

Important!After washing the body, do not leave it wet. After water, a lot of deposits remain, which not only leads to streaks, but can also cause damage to the protective coating.

Dry the body properly with microfiber - a special polyester fabric. It is excellent for wiping smooth surfaces thanks to its ultra-fine fiber thickness, measured in micrometers. For even faster drying times and less risk of paint damage, use a desiccant wax. It creates a protective layer between the body and the fabric, while also acting as a lubricant.

Apply it to a microfiber towel and wipe the car from top to bottom until you feel the cloth is damp. Next, you should wring out the towel from moisture, apply a new layer of wax and repeat the procedure until your car is completely dry. A good way to dry hard to reach areas such as under door handles or seals is to use compressed air. Its use is also harmless to the body.

Vehicle wheel arch cleaning

A comprehensive wash, among other things, includes cleaning the wheel arches and suspension. If this procedure is not carried out, the dirt will fall off when driving on clean wheels and the lower part of the wing, which will spoil the radiant cleanliness of the body. Ordinary dirt is easily removed with a special gel or an ordinary solution of water and detergent. It will also be possible to wash the wheel arches manually using an ordinary towel and special brushes to get rid of dirt in hard-to-reach places.

Important!WithDetergents with an acidic composition are not suitable for washing a car, including for cleaning wheel arches. Use only solutions with a low percentage of alkali - they are safe for aluminum, chromium and other metals.

Normal water will not wash:

  • bitumen;
  • paint;
  • road markings.

It is necessary to purchase a special solvent: handle it with care and wash only with rubber gloves. Old dried markings are easiest to carefully cut with a knife. This is not always effective and often requires the purchase of new fender liner.

Don't forget to clean the pads and calipers from brake dust, and aluminum parts from oxidation. This affects not only the aesthetic appearance and cleanliness, but also the life of your car's suspension components. At the end, it is necessary to dry the suspension and arches.

Rubber linings and seals are best dried with a special preservative, which is sold in car dealerships. This agent is hydrophobic and pushes dirty water out of the rubber, increasing not only the drying speed, but also the degree of cleaning of individual elements of the arches and suspension.

Removal of insects and bituminous stains from the surface

In summer, during trips, especially outside the city, the car is subjected to a real “bombardment” by insects. Washing with plain water will not give the desired effect if the insects have dried up: either it will not be washed off at all, or you will overdo it and cause mechanical damage to the windshield and body.

Did you know?There are many different acids in the body of insects. For a person, they do not pose a particular danger, but if the downed animals are on the body for a long time, the varnish coating may corrode, which leads to stains on the paint.

So, when fighting insects, the driver has two options:

  1. Remove insects as quickly as possible.
  2. Use a special insect cleaner.

In addition, often such cleaners are well washed and bituminous stains. This type of pollution is often encountered by drivers in hot weather or when driving on newly laid or repaired asphalt. A mixture of resin and solvents poses a serious threat to the body paintwork: due to resinous contamination, it is difficult to remove, and the solvent corrodes the paintwork.

It will be possible to remove bitumen only with the help of a special cleaning agent or at the sink. If you decide to deal with this with your own hands, then carry out the entire procedure with extreme caution, because bitumen may contain sand, gravel and small stones. With too much applied force and excessive friction, it will only aggravate the situation by causing scratches on the body, where the rest of the bitumen can clog. When cleaning old stains, it may take several approaches to apply and rinse off the tar cleaner.

Interior and luggage compartment cleaning

Interior cleaning means dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. This part of the complex wash is the simplest, but also one of the most time-consuming. In addition to removing dust on the seats and front panel of the car, rugs also require cleaning. Under the rugs, the flooring is hidden - carpet, which also requires cleaning after a long ride.

Cleaning the luggage compartment is not much different from that procedure in the cabin. A possible problem may lie only in the workload of the trunk and the need to send unnecessary things stale there to the trash can.

The most disliked part of car cleaning by many drivers is removing dust from the dashboard and car air ducts. Such cleaning is carried out with the help of long brushes, because a vacuum cleaner cannot be reached through small holes.

To achieve perfect cleanliness, dry cleaning must be supplemented with another type of cleaning: . It can be done with your own hands, there would be rubber gloves, brushes and a set of cleaners. It is not recommended to use household chemicals: they can damage the upholstery and decompose much longer, leaving traces.

Treatment with cleaners must be started from the ceiling: it is convenient to use an aerosol in this case. Spray it on and wait for the time indicated on the package, after which you need to wipe the chemical dry with a towel or napkin.

After that, you should rub the doors: start with fabric inserts and clean them by analogy with the ceiling. Give the seats the most attention and test the product on a small area of ​​the upholstery or cover before cleaning. The trunk can also be treated for perfect freshness in the car.

Important!Keep an eye on moisture and do not allow it to seep between the plastic elements of the doors and panel. Carelessness can lead to a short circuit and other problems with the car's electronics.

Washing the power unit

Washing the engine affects not only the cleanliness and aesthetic appearance of the car, but also driving safety. If the dirt on the power unit is not removed in time, it will be difficult for the car owner to determine a possible oil or coolant leak. The layer of dirt also affects the cooling of the motor, preventing air exchange between a hot engine and an environment of normal temperature, which leads to an increase in the rate of wear of the “heart” of the machine.

The best and fastest way to remove buildup is to use a foam cleaner. In specialized stores, you can buy a product specifically for the engine compartment of a car. The chemical composition of the foam helps to clean not only dirt, but also oil technical fluids and even small bituminous stains. In addition, the foam easily gets into hard-to-reach small gaps between motor elements and is safe for plastic parts and rubber seals.

Household products, as well as when washing the interior, should not be used: they are ineffective in eliminating oil smudges. Before starting the washing process, cover with polyethylene the connectors leading into the power unit, as well as the generator and the air filter. It is worth warming up the engine until its temperature rises slightly.

For safety, you need to de-energize the car, but it is better to remove the battery from under the hood to avoid a short circuit. Then just apply the foam for a few minutes so that the pollution has time to dissolve in it, and wash off the foam with a small pressure of water. The polyethylene can be removed and the wet parts can be dried.

Important!Do not wash the power unit with high water pressure. It can seep into the alternator and relay, causing accelerated rusting.

Application of protective and restorative compositions, polishing of the body, headlights and plastic in the cabin

Body polishing is a simple process designed to protect the paintwork from natural damage.

The process can be:

  • protective;
  • restorative.

Protective polishing is required for new or vehicles. A special polishing paste creates a protective layer over the varnish, preventing acid precipitation, minerals from water and other reagents from reacting with the paint and creating microcracks in it. An alternative to this type of polishing can be a protective film with a phosphate composition, which creates not so much physical as chemical protection of the paintwork.

Restorative - a more common type of varnish protection. If you have a special polishing paste on hand, which usually comes with a special sponge, the process is easy to do with your own hands. Apply a small amount of the product to a 40×40 cm area of ​​the body and rub it in with a sponge in a circular motion. As a result, you will be able to see a shiny film on the treated area of ​​​​the machine.

Important!Do not let the polish dry: it must be washed off a couple of minutes after application, otherwise a stain will remain.

In the cabin, they polish with a special polishing compound, which is also sold in stores. It can be applied directly during interior cleaning. Please note that in addition to the front panel, there may be plastic inserts on the doors. Apply the polish in the same way as when polishing the body.

This is a complex process that is difficult to implement with your own hands without special equipment. In car washes and service stations, a sander with a soft nozzle is used to apply the polishing gel. The list of services often includes the removal of clouding of headlights and the restoration of transparency to factory levels. For a fee, a film is applied to the headlights that can protect them from gravel and bitumen.

A comprehensive car wash is a long process for a car owner, but a necessary process for a vehicle. Some aspects of washing affect not only the cleanliness and appearance of the car, but also the safety of driving it. Proper cleaning is essential to avoid the risk of electronic problems and engine damage. You can always contact a car wash to perform the service you are interested in, but almost all general cleaning of a car can be done only with the help of your own hands and purchased detergents.