Electromagnetic relay. Standard automotive relays. Schemes and some applications Electronic relay 12 volts for cars

What kind of load are we talking about? Yes, about any - relays, light bulbs, solenoids, motors, several LEDs at once or a heavy-duty power LED spotlight. In short, anything that consumes more than 15mA and/or requires a supply voltage of more than 5 volts.

Take, for example, a relay. Let it be BS-115C. The winding current is about 80mA, the winding voltage is 12 volts. Maximum contact voltage 250V and 10A.

Connecting a relay to a microcontroller is a task that has arisen for almost everyone. One problem is that the microcontroller cannot provide the power necessary for normal operation of the coil. The maximum current that the controller output can pass through rarely exceeds 20mA, and this is still considered cool - a powerful output. Usually no more than 10mA. Yes, our voltage here is no higher than 5 volts, and the relay requires as much as 12. There are, of course, relays with five volts, but they consume more than twice the current. In general, wherever you kiss a relay, it’s an ass. What to do?

The first thing that comes to mind is to install a transistor. The right solution is that the transistor can be selected for hundreds of milliamps, or even amperes. If one transistor is missing, then they can be switched on in cascades, when the weak one opens the stronger one.

Since we have accepted that 1 is on and 0 is off (this is logical, although it contradicts my long-standing habit that came from the AT89C51 architecture), then 1 will supply power, and 0 will remove the load. Let's take a bipolar transistor. The relay requires 80mA, so we are looking for a transistor with a collector current greater than 80mA. In imported datasheets this parameter is called Ic, in ours Ic. The first thing that came to mind was KT315 - a masterpiece Soviet transistor that was used almost everywhere :) Such an orange one. It costs no more than one ruble. It will also rent KT3107 with any letter index or imported BC546 (as well as BC547, BC548, BC549). For a transistor, first of all, it is necessary to determine the purpose of the terminals. Where is the collector, where is the base, and where is the emitter. This is best done using a datasheet or reference book. Here, for example, is a piece from the datasheet:

If you look at its front side, the one with the inscriptions, and hold it with its legs down, then the conclusions, from left to right: Emitter, Collector, Base.

We take the transistor and connect it according to this diagram:

The collector to the load, the emitter, the one with the arrow, to the ground. And the base to the controller output.

A transistor is a current amplifier, that is, if we pass a current through the Base-Emitter circuit, then a current equal to the input can pass through the Collector-Emitter circuit, multiplied by the gain h fe.
h fe for this transistor is several hundred. Something like 300, I don’t remember exactly.

The maximum output voltage of the microcontroller when supplied to the unit port = 5 volts (the voltage drop of 0.7 volts at the Base-Emitter junction can be neglected here). The resistance in the base circuit is 10,000 ohms. This means that the current, according to Ohm’s law, will be equal to 5/10000 = 0.0005A or 0.5mA - a completely insignificant current from which the controller will not even sweat. And the output at this moment in time will be I c =I be *h fe =0.0005*300 = 0.150A. 150mA is more than 100mA, but this just means that the transistor will open wide and produce the maximum it can. This means our relyuha will receive full nutrition.

Everyone is happy, everyone is satisfied? But no, there is a bummer here. In a relay, a coil is used as an actuator. And the coil has a strong inductance, so it is impossible to abruptly cut off the current in it. If you try to do this, then the potential energy accumulated in the electromagnetic field will come out in another place. At zero break current, this place will be the voltage - with a sharp interruption of the current, there will be a powerful surge of voltage across the coil, hundreds of volts. If the current is interrupted by a mechanical contact, there will be an air breakdown - a spark. And if you cut it off with a transistor, it will simply be destroyed.

We need to do something, somewhere to put the energy of the coil. No problem, we’ll close it to ourselves by installing a diode. During normal operation, the diode is switched on against the voltage and no current flows through it. And when turned off, the voltage across the inductance will be in the other direction and will pass through the diode.

True, these games with voltage surges have a nasty effect on the stability of the device’s power supply network, so it makes sense to screw in an electrolytic capacitor of a hundred or more microfarads near the coils between the plus and minus of the power supply. It will take on most of the pulsation.

Beauty! But you can do even better - reduce your consumption. The relay has a fairly large breaking current, but the armature holding current is three times less. It depends on you, but I’m pressured by the toad to feed the reel more than it deserves. This means heating and energy consumption and much more. We also take and insert into the circuit a polar capacitor of another ten microfarads with a resistor. What happens now:

When the transistor opens, capacitor C2 is not yet charged, which means that at the moment of its charging it represents almost a short circuit and the current flows through the coil without restrictions. Not for long, but this is enough to break the relay armature from its place. Then the capacitor will charge and turn into an open circuit. And the relay will be powered through a current limiting resistor. The resistor and capacitor should be selected in such a way that the relay operates clearly.
After the transistor closes, the capacitor discharges through the resistor. This leads to the opposite problem - if you immediately try to turn on the relay when the capacitor has not yet discharged, then there may not be enough current for the jerk. So here we need to think at what speed the relay will click. The Conder, of course, will discharge in a split second, but sometimes that’s too much.

Let's add one more upgrade.
When the relay opens, the energy of the magnetic field is released through the diode, only at the same time current continues to flow in the coil, which means it continues to hold the armature. The time between the removal of the control signal and the loss of the contact group increases. Zapadlo. It is necessary to make an obstacle to the flow of current, but such that it does not kill the transistor. Let's plug in a zener diode with an opening voltage below the limiting breakdown voltage of the transistor.
From a piece of datasheet it can be seen that the maximum Collector-Base voltage for BC549 is 30 volts. We screw in the zener diode for 27 volts - Profit!

As a result, we provide a voltage surge on the coil, but it is controlled and below the critical breakdown point. Thus, we significantly (by several times!) reduce the shutdown delay.

Now you can stretch out and start scratching your head painfully about how to place all this rubbish on a printed circuit board... You have to look for compromises and leave only what is needed in a given circuit. But this is already an engineering instinct and comes with experience.

Of course, instead of a relay, you can plug in a light bulb and a solenoid, and even a motor, if the current carries it. The relay is taken as an example. Well, of course, the light bulb does not require the entire diode-capacitor kit.

Enough for now. Next time I’ll tell you about Darlington assemblies and MOSFET switches.

As is known, the dimensions and power of a switch switching a powerful load must correspond to this load. You cannot turn on such serious current consumers in a car as, say, a radiator fan or glass heating with a tiny button - its contacts will simply burn out after one or two presses. Accordingly, the button should be large, powerful, tight, with a clear fixation of the on/off positions. It must be connected to long thick wires designed to carry the full load current.

But in a modern car with its elegant interior design there is no place for such buttons, and they try to use thick wires with expensive copper sparingly. Therefore, a relay is most often used as a remote power switch - it is installed next to the load or in a relay box, and we control it using a tiny, low-power button with thin wires connected to it, the design of which can easily fit into the interior of a modern car.

Inside the simplest typical relay there is an electromagnet, to which a weak control signal is supplied, and a movable rocker arm, which attracts the triggered electromagnet, in turn closes two power contacts, which turn on a powerful electrical circuit.

In cars, two types of relays are most often used: with a pair of normally open contacts and with three switching contacts. In the latter, when the relay is triggered, one contact closes to the common one, and the second one is disconnected from it at this time. There are, of course, more complex relays, with several groups of contacts in one housing - making, breaking, switching. But they are much less common.

Please note that in the picture below, for a relay with a switching contact triple, the working contacts are numbered. The pair of contacts 1 and 2 are called "normally closed". Pair 2 and 3 are “normally open”. The “normal” state is considered to be the state when voltage is NOT applied to the relay coil.

The most common universal automotive relays and their contact terminals with a standard arrangement of legs for installation in a fuse box or in a remote socket look like this:

The sealed relay from the aftermarket xenon kit looks different. The compound-filled housing allows it to operate reliably when installed near headlights, where water and mud mist penetrate under the hood through the radiator grille. The pinout is non-standard, so the relay is equipped with its own connector.

To switch large currents, tens and hundreds of amperes, relays of a different design than those described above are used. Technically, the essence is unchanged - the winding magnetizes a movable core to itself, which closes the contacts, but the contacts have a significant area, the fastening of the wires is for a bolt from M6 and thicker, the winding is of increased power. Structurally, these relays are similar to the starter solenoid relay. They are used on trucks as ground switches and starting relays for the same starter, on various special equipment to switch on particularly powerful consumers. Occasionally, they are used for emergency switching of Jeeper winches, creating air suspension systems, as the main relay for homemade electric vehicle systems, etc.

By the way, the word “relay” itself is translated from French as “harnessing horses,” and this term appeared in the era of the development of the first telegraph communication lines. The low power of galvanic batteries of that time did not allow transmitting dots and dashes over long distances - all the electricity “went out” on long wires, and the remaining current that reached the correspondent was unable to move the head of the printing machine. As a result, communication lines began to be made “with transfer stations” - at an intermediate point, the weakened current activated not a printing machine, but a weak relay, which, in turn, opened the way for current from a fresh battery - and on and on...

What do you need to know about relay operation?

Operating voltage

The voltage indicated on the relay body is the average optimal voltage. Car relays are printed with “12V”, but they also operate at a voltage of 10 volts, and will also operate at 7-8 volts. Similarly, 14.5-14.8 volts, to which the voltage in the on-board network rises when the engine is running, does not harm them. So 12 volts is a nominal value. Although a relay from a 24-volt truck in a 12-volt network will not work - the difference is too great...

Switching current

The second main parameter of the relay after the operating voltage of the winding is the maximum current that the contact group can pass through without overheating and burning. It is usually indicated on the case - in amperes. In principle, the contacts of all automotive relays are quite powerful; there are no “weaklings” here. Even the smallest switches 15-20 amperes, standard size relays – 20-40 amperes. If the current is indicated double (for example, 30/40 A), then this means short-term and long-term modes. Actually, the current reserve never interferes - but this mainly applies to some kind of non-standard electrical equipment of the car that is connected independently.

Pin numbering

Automotive relay terminals are marked in accordance with the international electrical standard for the automotive industry. The two terminals of the winding are numbered “85” and “86”. The terminals of the contact “two” or “three” (closing or switching) are designated as “30”, “87” and “87a”.

However, the marking, alas, does not provide a guarantee. Russian manufacturers sometimes mark a normally closed contact as “88”, and foreign ones – as “87a”. Unexpected variations of standard numbering are found both among nameless “brands” and among companies like Bosch. And sometimes the contacts are even marked with numbers from 1 to 5. So if the contact type is not marked on the case, which often happens, it is best to check the pinout of the unknown relay using a tester and a 12-volt power source - more on this below.

Terminal material and type

The relay contact terminals to which the electrical wiring is connected can be of a “knife” type (for installing the relay into the connector of the block), as well as a screw terminal (usually for particularly powerful relays or relays of obsolete types). The contacts are either “white” or “yellow”. Yellow and red - brass and copper, matte white - tinned copper or brass, shiny white - nickel-plated steel. Tinned brass and copper do not oxidize, but bare brass and copper are better, although they tend to darken, making contact worse. Nickel-plated steel also does not oxidize, but its resistance is rather high. It’s not bad when the power terminals are copper, and the winding terminals are nickel-plated steel.

Pros and cons of nutrition

In order for the relay to operate, a supply voltage is applied to its winding. Its polarity is indifferent to the relay. Plus on “85” and minus on “86”, or vice versa - it doesn’t matter. One contact of the relay coil, as a rule, is permanently connected to plus or minus, and the second receives control voltage from a button or some electronic module.

In previous years, a permanent connection of the relay to the minus and a positive control signal was more often used; now the reverse option is more common. Although this is not a dogma - it happens in every way, including within the same car. The only exception to the rule is a relay in which a diode is connected parallel to the winding - here polarity is important.

Relay with diode parallel to coil

If the voltage to the relay winding is supplied not by a button, but by an electronic module (standard or non-standard - for example, security equipment), then when turned off the winding gives an inductive voltage surge that can damage the control electronics. To suppress the surge, a protective diode is switched on parallel to the relay winding.

As a rule, these diodes are already present inside electronic components, but sometimes (especially in the case of various additional equipment) a relay with a diode built inside is required (in this case its symbol is marked on the case), and occasionally a remote block with a diode soldered on the wire side is used . And if you are installing some kind of non-standard electrical equipment that, according to the instructions, requires such a relay, you must strictly observe the polarity when connecting the winding.

Case temperature

The relay winding consumes about 2-2.5 watts of power, which is why its body can get quite hot during operation - this is not criminal. But heating is allowed at the winding, and not at the contacts. Overheating of the relay contacts is detrimental: they become charred, destroyed and deformed. This happens most often in unsuccessful examples of relays made in Russia and China, in which the contact planes are sometimes not parallel to each other, the contact surface is insufficient due to misalignment, and point current heating occurs during operation.

The relay does not fail instantly, but sooner or later it stops turning on the load, or vice versa - the contacts are welded to each other, and the relay stops opening. Unfortunately, identifying and preventing such a problem is not entirely realistic.

Relay test

When repairing, a faulty relay is usually temporarily replaced with a working one, and then replaced with a similar one, and that’s the end of it. However, you never know what problems may arise, for example, when installing additional equipment. This means that it will be useful to know the elementary algorithm for checking the relay for the purpose of diagnosing or clarifying the pinout - what if you came across a non-standard one? To do this, we need a power source with a voltage of 12 volts (power supply or two wires from the battery) and a tester turned on in resistance measurement mode.

Let's assume that we have a relay with 4 outputs - that is, with a pair of normally open contacts that work for closure (a relay with a switching contact “three” is checked in a similar way). First, we touch all pairs of contacts one by one with the tester probes. In our case, these are 6 combinations (the image is conditional, purely for understanding).

On one of the combinations of terminals, the ohmmeter should show a resistance of about 80 ohms - this is the winding, remember or mark its contacts (for automotive 12-volt relays of the most common standard sizes, this resistance ranges from 70 to 120 ohms). We apply 12 volts to the winding from the power supply or battery - the relay should clearly click.

Accordingly, the other two terminals should show infinite resistance - these are our normally open working contacts. We connect the tester to them in dialing mode, and simultaneously apply 12 volts to the winding. The relay clicked, the tester beeped - everything is in order, the relay is working.

If suddenly the device shows a short circuit on the working terminals even without applying voltage to the winding, it means that we came across a rare relay with NORMALLY CLOSED contacts (opening when voltage is applied to the winding), or, more likely, the contacts from overload melted and welded, short-circuiting . In the latter case, the relay is sent for scrap.

An electromagnetic relay is actively used to control various actuators, switch circuits, and control devices in electronics.

The relay design is quite simple. Its basis is coil, consisting of a large number of turns of insulated wire.

Installed inside the coil kernel made of soft iron. The result is an electromagnet. Also included in the relay design is anchor.It is fixed to spring contact. The spring contact itself is fixed to yoke. Together with the rod and the armature, the yoke forms a magnetic circuit.

If the coil is connected to a current source, the resulting magnetic field magnetizes the core. He, in turn, attracts the anchor. The anchor is mounted on a spring contact. Next, the spring contact closes with another fixed contact. Depending on the relay design, the armature may mechanically control the contacts differently.

In most cases, the relay is mounted in a protective housing. It can be either metal or plastic. Let's look at the relay device more clearly, using the example of an imported electromagnetic relay Bestar. Let's take a look at what's inside this relay.

Here is the relay without the protective housing. As you can see, the relay has a coil, a rod, a spring contact on which the armature is attached, as well as actuating contacts.

On circuit diagrams, an electromagnetic relay is designated as follows.

The relay symbol in the diagram consists of two parts. One part ( K1) is a symbol for an electromagnetic coil. It is designated as a rectangle with two terminals. Second part ( K1.1; K1.2) are groups of contacts controlled by a relay. Depending on its complexity, a relay can have a fairly large number of switched contacts. They are divided into groups. As you can see, the designation shows two groups of contacts (K1.1 and K1.2).

How does a relay work?

The principle of operation of the relay is clearly illustrated by the following diagram. There is a control circuit. This is the electromagnetic relay K1 itself, the switch SA1 and the power battery G1. There is also an actuator circuit that is controlled by a relay. The executive circuit consists of load HL1 (signal lamp), relay contacts K1.1 and battery G2. The load can be, for example, an electric lamp or an electric motor. In this case, the HL1 signal lamp is used as a load.

As soon as we close the control circuit with switch SA1, current from power battery G1 will flow to relay K1. The relay will operate and its contacts K1.1 will close the actuator circuit. The load will receive power from battery G2 and lamp HL1 will light up. If you open the circuit with switch SA1, then the supply voltage will be removed from relay K1 and the contacts of relay K1.1 will open again and the lamp HL1 will turn off.

Switched relay contacts can have their own design. For example, a distinction is made between normally open contacts, normally closed contacts and switching contacts. Let's look at this in more detail.

Normally open contacts

Normally open contacts - these are relay contacts that are in an open state until current flows through the relay coil. To put it simply, when the relay is turned off, the contacts are also open. In diagrams, relays with normally open contacts are designated like this.

Normally closed contacts

Normally closed contacts - these are relay contacts that are in a closed state until current begins to flow through the relay coil. Thus, it turns out that when the relay is turned off, the contacts are closed. Such contacts are shown in the diagrams as follows.

Switching contacts

Switching contacts – This is a combination of normally closed and normally open contacts. Switching contacts have a common wire that switches from one contact to another.

Modern widespread relays, as a rule, have switching contacts, but there may also be relays that have only normally open contacts.

For imported relays, normally open relay contacts are designated by the abbreviation N.O. A normally closed contacts N.C.. The common relay contact is abbreviated COM.(from the word common- "general").

Now let's turn to the parameters of electromagnetic relays.

Parameters of electromagnetic relays.

As a rule, the dimensions of the relays themselves allow their main parameters to be printed on the housing. As an example, consider an imported relay Bestar BS-115C. The following inscriptions are written on its body.

COIL 12V DC- This rated operating voltage relay ( 12V). Since this is a DC relay, the abbreviation for DC voltage is indicated (abbreviation DC stands for constant current/voltage). English word COIL translated as “coil”, “solenoid”. It indicates that the abbreviation 12VDC refers to the relay coil.

Further on the relay the electrical parameters of its contacts are indicated. It is clear that the power of the relay contacts may be different. This depends both on the overall dimensions of the contacts and on the materials used. When connecting a load to the relay contacts, you need to know the power for which they are designed. If the load consumes more power than the relay contacts are designed for, then they will heat up, spark, and “stick.” Naturally, this will lead to rapid failure of the relay contacts.

For relays, as a rule, the parameters of alternating and direct current that the contacts can withstand are indicated.

For example, the contacts of the Bestar BS-115C relay are capable of switching an alternating current of 12A and a voltage of 120V. These parameters are encrypted in the inscription 12A 120V A.C. (reduction A.C. stands for alternating current).

The relay is also capable of switching direct current with a power of 10A and a voltage of 28V. This is evidenced by the inscription 10A 28V DC . These were the power characteristics of the relay, or rather its contacts.

Relay power consumption.

Now let's turn to the power that the relay consumes. As is known, direct current power is equal to the product of voltage ( U) for current ( I): P=U*I. Let's take the values ​​of the rated operating voltage (12V) and current consumption (30 mA) of the Bestar BS-115C relay and get its power consumption (English - Power consumption).

Thus, the power of the Bestar BS-115C relay is 360 milliwatts ( mW).

There is another parameter - the sensitivity of the relay. At its core, this is the power consumption of the relay in the on state. It is clear that a relay that requires less power to operate is more sensitive compared to those that consume more power. A parameter such as relay sensitivity is especially important for self-powered devices, since the switched on relay consumes battery power. For example, there are two relays with power consumption 200 mW And 360 mW. Thus, a 200 mW relay is more sensitive than a 360 mW relay.

How to check the relay?

The electromagnetic relay can be checked with a conventional multimeter in ohmmeter mode. Since the relay coil winding has active resistance, it can be easily measured. The resistance of the relay winding can vary from several tens of ohms ( Ω ), up to several kilo-ohms ( ). Typically, the lowest winding resistance is found in miniature relays that are rated at 3 volts. Relays rated at 48 volts have much higher winding resistance. This can be clearly seen from the table, which shows the parameters of the Bestar BS-115C series relay.

Rated voltage (V, constant) Winding resistance (Ω ±10%) Rated current (mA) Power consumption (mW)
3 25 120 360
5 70 72
6 100 60
9 225 40
12 400 30
24 1600 15
48 6400 7,5

Note that the power consumption of all types of relays in this series is the same and amounts to 360 mW.

An electromagnetic relay is an electromechanical device. This is probably the biggest plus and at the same time a significant minus.

With intensive use, any mechanical parts wear out and become unusable. In addition, the contacts of powerful relays must withstand enormous currents. Therefore, they are coated with precious metal alloys such as platinum (Pt), silver (Ag) and gold (Au). Because of this, high-quality relays are quite expensive. If your relay still fails, then you can replace it.

The positive qualities of electromagnetic relays include resistance to false alarms and electrostatic discharges.

We supply and manufacture automotive time relays, timers powered by 12 volts and 24 volts.

In the car miniature ragtime timer, a program has been developed that controls the microprocessor, implementing an accurate direct counting time relay (timer), made on the basis of a programmable microcontroller with a 12V or 24V power supply. The timer is produced in a simplified version for mini size. The time relay operates from a power supply of 12V, 24V 15%. Produced in a miniature case, without control buttons and digital indicator, with time setting using a screwdriver on a multi-turn variable resistance. Switching is performed by an electromechanical type executive relay. Status monitoring is indicated by an LED indicator. The timer is made in the housing of a standard automotive power relay and with leads for the automotive relay for installation in a standard automotive terminal block.

Automotive time relays powered by 12 volts and 24 volts are produced in several versions and various modifications with different time ranges: there are three models with adjustable operating time:

from 1 second to 60 seconds (0-60sec)

the second model with a range from 60 to 600 seconds (60-600sec)

the third model with a range from 600s to 6000 seconds (600-6000s)

Models are also produced with a fixed operating time from 1 second to 6000 seconds and a supply voltage of 12 volts or 24 volts.

The power switching part of the product is made according to the scheme: time relays that control the power, executive relay with one changeover executive group with “NO” and “NC” contacts.

The maximum switched starting current of the executive circuit contacts is up to 25 amperes for timers powered by 12 volts and up to 20 amperes for time relays powered by 24 volts.

The timer housing is made of heat-resistant plastic with the overall dimensions of a car power relay, and fits the connector of a standard 5-pin relay.

Logic of timer No. 1: Simultaneously with the power supply, the power relay is turned on and the time countdown begins; after the set time (0-6000 sec) the power to the coil of the power executive relay is turned off, the contacts of which turn on or off the load. The next cycle of operation will occur after a short-term power outage at the timer power contact No. 15. Diagram of the timer operation algorithm in Figure No. 1.

Algorithm of operation of the time relay in version No. 2: After power is supplied to the supply contacts of the timer, the set time begins counting (0-6000 sec), but the power relay coil does not turn on immediately and only after the set time has passed, power is supplied to the power executive relay coil and it is held, as long as there is power at the supply contacts of the timer and the executive contacts turn on or off the load accordingly. The next time cycle will occur after a short power outage at the timer power contacts: No. 15. The diagram of the timer operation algorithm in version No. 2 is shown in Figure No. 2.

Logic of operation of a 12V time relay (timer) in version No. 3: When power is applied to the power contacts of timer No. 15, the power executive relay is turned on, but time is not counted; after the power is turned off, the countdown of the set time 0-6000 seconds begins from contact No. 15 and After the set time has elapsed, the power to the power executive relay coil is turned off and the load is turned on or off accordingly. Attentively!!! The timer circuit only works when there is positive voltage at power contact No. 30. The operating algorithm diagram of the time relay in version No. 3 is shown in Figure No. 3.

Timer operation logic in version No. 4: allows you to select the timer operation algorithm and time range by switching and combines timers in versions No. 1, No. 2 and No. 4. Operation in version No. 4 ("Start" button): When power is applied, nothing turns on, after pressing the "Start" button, the time countdown begins, after the set time, the power to the coil of the power executive relay is turned off, the contacts of which turn on or off the load. The next operating cycle will occur after briefly pressing the "Start" button.

price 550r

Universal digital timer with 12 volt power supply. The time relay operates in delay mode or cyclic mode in the time range from 0.01 seconds to 999 minutes.
LED digital indicator.
timer power supply from 12 volts.

price 850 rub.
Photo of timer UT12v

Name Price Applicability
Block 45 7373 9007 s wires 45.60 4-pin
Relay block 45 7373 9016 with wires 49.10 5 pin
Relay block 45 7373 9078 with wires 50.20 5 pin
Block 45 7373 9095 with wires 50.20 6 pin
RAGTIME1-12-(0-60) (for on/off devices at 0-60s) 350.00 Cars of any brand and equipment with 12V voltage
RAGTIME1-24-(0-60) (for on/off devices at 0-60s) 350.00 For cars of any brand and devices with a voltage of 24 volts
RAGTIME2-12-(0-60) (for turning on/off devices after 0-60s) 350.00 Suitable for any brand of car with on-board voltage 12
RAGTIME2-24-(0-60) (for turning on/off devices after 0-60s) 350.00 Can be used in a car with 24V on-board voltage
RAGTIME1-12-(60-600) (for on/off devices at 60-600s) 350.00 Used to keep track of time in a car with an on-board voltage of 12 volts
RAGTIME1-24-(60-600) (for on/off devices at 60-600s) 350.00 Timer for cars of any brand with 24V on-board voltage
RAGTIME2-12-(60-600) (for turning on/off devices after 60-600s) 350.00 The time relay can be installed in a car of any brand with a 12V network voltage
RAGTIME2-24-(60-600) (for turning on/off devices after 60-600s) 350.00 Cars of any brand with 24V on-board voltage
RAGTIME3-12-(0-60) (for turning on/off devices after 0-60s) 350.00 Cars of any brand with 12V on-board voltage

Relay- these are electromagnetic or semiconductor devices for switching high-power signals with a low-power control signal. By typology they are divided into electromagnetic, reed switch and solid-state relays. This group also includes reed switches, contactors and blocks, as well as relay sockets.

Electromagnetic relays
- are divided mainly by power (signal and power relays), by voltage on the coil (from 5 to 220V), by current on the contacts, by group of contacts (closing, opening, switching) and the number of groups of contacts. Additionally, among relays identical to other groups, there may be options for increased efficiency (lower current consumed by the coil) and increased current load (gold or other coatings that increase the wear resistance of relay contacts and the maximum relay current). Power relays may have additional options, such as indication of switching on by an LED or manual switching of contacts by a button. Main manufacturers TTI And Tyco.

Reed relays
- a special type of electromagnetic relay in which the contact group is located inside a sealed tube on which the control coil is located. This design allows you to increase the efficiency of the relay and its service life due to the fact that the closing-opening process occurs in a vacuum. The disadvantage of these relays is the smaller number of contact groups (maximum two) and lower switching power (up to a few amperes), making this device mainly a signal device, not a power one. Reed relays are usually soldered onto a printed circuit board. Structurally, some of them are identical to integrated circuits in DIP or SIP packages. Main manufacturers TTI And Start.

Reed switches
- these are magnetically controlled contacts identical to those used in reed relays, designed to control a constant magnetic field at a distance, in most cases in automation devices and security systems. Reed switches have one group of contacts for opening, closing or switching to a current from hundreds of milliamps to units of amperes at a voltage from units of volts to 250 volts. Reed switches for security systems can be placed in plastic cases for ease of installation, and equipped with magnets for operation in similar cases. Main manufacturers TTI And RZMKP.

- powerful electromagnetic devices for switching electric current signals with 220V voltage pulses (in some cases 12 or 24). They can simultaneously switch one, two or three phases of electric current. They are distinguished by increased maintainability, for which their design consists of several modules: a contact group, coils (including for different voltages) and a core (consisting of moving and fixed parts). Along with electromagnetic contactors, there are now solid-state contactors, which are a block of several solid-state relays. Main manufacturers Electric contactor And Epcos.

Solid State Relays
- signal or power optoelectronic devices based on an optocoupler, an input circuit with an LED and a voltage stabilizer that expands the range of input voltages and an output circuit consisting of a powerful power semiconductor device-thyristor, field-effect or bipolar transistor. Depending on these elements, a solid state relay can have DC or AC current (or voltage) control and a switched DC or AC circuit. Additional indication of operation on solid-state relays is made by turning on a red LED in parallel with the input.
Low power solid state relays can be in integral design, DIP or SIP type housings, medium power in TO3 and TO220 type housings, including with an integrated radiator. High-power solid-state relays have their own modular housing block with screw connection of input and output circuits and mounting in a specialized radiator-cooler.
Major manufacturers of high-power solid-state relays - Proton And Crydom, medium power relay - Cosmo And Crydom, low power - Proton And International Rectifier.

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