Where you cannot drive your car in reverse. Reversing: where it is allowed, where it is prohibited, and for what you can get a fine. Is it permissible for the driver of a car to drive in reverse to a passenger standing at a bus stop?

Every driver should know and remember how to and how not to drive in reverse on the roads. This is necessary in order to avoid absolutely stupid and ridiculous collisions, which, according to statistics, do not occur so rarely.

What signs prevent you from reversing?

In fact, there is no specific sign in the rules that would prohibit reversing. The driver must remember only one thing: there are several warning signs that make this maneuver inaccessible to all road users.

So, you cannot reverse if the vehicle is moving on a highway (sign 5.1) or on a road for cars (sign 5.3). The ban only removes a serious accident that occurred on the road and prevents the driver from moving on normally. However, inspectors warn that such movement is always very risky, and when maneuvering the driver must be as careful and careful as possible.

Reversing at intersections

Reversing at intersections is strictly prohibited and every driver must remember this. When performing such a maneuver, the inspector of the guard service will definitely stop the violator and may issue him a fine.

In addition, such a maneuver is strictly prohibited in the area near the intersection, or more precisely, 15 meters before and after it.

Inspectors are especially strict with those violators who unnoticedly wanted to turn around at or near a pedestrian crossing, but chose the wrong trajectory and created a traffic jam. In such situations, the fine for a U-turn will be issued twice as much.

Drivers who are driving a car with a trailer should act especially carefully. The fact is that a trailer creates an increased danger.

Other prohibitions

In addition to the fact that reversing is prohibited at intersections, this maneuver also cannot be performed in tunnels, at railway crossings and bridges. An inexperienced driver will be able to independently familiarize himself with the list of prohibitions in the Rules, or rather, by reading paragraphs 8.11, 8.12, 16.1.

But how should a driver behave in a situation where he has already gone the wrong way, but simply needs to return?

In this case, traffic rules do not spare the person who makes a mistake. In order for the driver to continue moving in the right direction, he will simply need to look for the right place to turn around. There is no justification for lifting the ban on reversing in tunnels, etc. That is why cadets in driving schools are always strongly advised to carefully think through their path before leaving, so as not to get into a difficult situation in the future, or even worse, get into an accident.

Reverse when parking

It is worth noting that most often reverse gear is used by drivers when parking. By the way, according to inspectors, it is in parking spaces that the most ridiculous accidents most often occur.

Fortunately, reversing is allowed in all parking lots. However, some drivers, having learned that they can now move as they please, have stopped observing basic traffic rules and ethics.

To safely back up in parking spaces, the driver only needs to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Inspectors recommend driving out of a parking space only with the front of the car, not the rear. Thus, the motorist is able to best control everything that happens around him.
  2. Give way to those cars that have already left their place or those that have just entered the parking lot.
  3. Give way to cars on the right (“obstruction on the right”).

How to act on a one-way road?

Reversing on a one-way road is not prohibited by the rules. Anyone who thinks otherwise is deeply mistaken, because the traffic rules clearly state that driving backwards is prohibited only in areas with two-way traffic.

However, recently inspectors have begun to fine “violators” for such maneuvers. Referring to the already issued law and the creation of a dangerous situation, they issue an administrative fine in the amount of 5 thousand rubles or even send the case to court.

Some drivers are perplexed when they hear such a sum, but there is always a way out. You just need to act carefully in all situations and not attract the attention of law enforcement officers.

In addition, clause 8.12 states that on one-way roads the driver has the right to reverse up to the first intersection or to the nearest pedestrian crossing.

Some tricks

The rules actually describe a lot of situations and places when reversing is prohibited. However, some experienced drivers admit that they have long found a loophole in Russian law. For example, if the driver needs to turn around, then in this case a short movement back is not considered a full-fledged maneuver, and therefore is not subject to a fine.

But you should always remember about those places where turning around is also strictly prohibited. So, you cannot turn around at pedestrian crossings, near bus stops and other regular transport, in areas with poor visibility, as well as on and under bridges.

Also, experienced drivers strongly recommend that beginners turn on the hazard warning light when making a U-turn (short-term reverse movement). This is necessary in order to attract the attention of other road users and minimize the possibility of a collision.

There are also other situations that are not described in the traffic rules. Reversing as a U-turn is permitted to the driver who is in the vehicle with a trailer, but in this case the maneuver must also be controlled by another person in order to prevent a collision.

Compliance with traffic rules when reversing

Absolutely all traffic participants must follow the rules. This is, first of all, personal safety and the safety of other drivers and pedestrians.

The driver must remember that when reversing, he must give way to all cars that interfere with him, as well as pedestrians. This mandatory condition applies not only to roads, but also to parking areas.

In any case, reversing is an unsafe maneuver. If the driver is not completely confident in his actions, then he simply needs to enlist the help of another person who will monitor traffic safety.

Established fines

It must be remembered that the imposition of fines for driving in reverse on the road is carried out exclusively by traffic police inspectors, so you should not attract their attention, much less get involved in a dispute.

So, if the police officer decided that such a maneuver was dangerous for other road users, then he has the right to issue a fine to the driver (12.15 Code of Administrative Offenses).

When violating traffic rules in the yard or in a parking lot, the driver must also remember that a fine will be imposed for this maneuver. It doesn’t matter at all where the vehicle is located, the main thing is that it poses a danger to other road users.

If the driver is caught violating Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses for the second time, then in this case the inspector will already submit the materials for sentencing to the court, and the driver will be deprived of his license. The minimum term of imprisonment is 4 months, and the maximum is 1 year. If the driver is “caught” by stationary cameras, then he will automatically be sent a fine in the amount of 5 thousand rubles by mail.

The first car has passed the entrance to the yard and is moving in reverse to enter in front. The second car drives out onto the road from the yard.

Who should pass first in such a situation?

Traffic rules requirements for a car leaving the yard

A yard is an adjacent area. Priority when leaving the adjacent territory is defined in clause 8.3. Traffic rules.

The requirement to give way is set out in the terms and definitions section of the traffic rules.

If the first car continues moving it will force the second car to change speed or direction. The “Give way” requirement will not be fulfilled.

The question is still open: does the requirement to “Give way” apply to a car that is driving in reverse and does it have the right of way?

Traffic regulations for reversing

Reversing must be performed in accordance with paragraph 8.12 of the Rules.

Reversing past the exit from the adjacent territory is not prohibited. Does a car moving in reverse have the right of way?

From paragraph 8.12 we see that in order to start moving backwards, certain conditions must be met. Otherwise, reversing is prohibited.

“Give way” vs. “will not cause interference”

  • “Give way (do not interfere)” - term, “will not cause interference” in the context of clause 8.12 - ;
  • "Danger to traffic" - term, safe maneuver - general condition literally.

Traffic rules are based on the Convention on Road Traffic. When in doubt about an interpretation, you can always turn to a “superior” document.

As you can see, there is no connection with the terms that determine priority when trajectories intersect.

In this situation there is no question of priority, that is, when one car has the right of way, the other has a requirement to give way. Here the question is whether it is allowed or not to drive the car in reverse.

Reversing no way should not interfere with other road users.

The design features of almost any mechanical vehicle provide for the possibility of reversing. Such a maneuver, due to limited visibility, is considered one of the most difficult and requires maximum concentration from the driver.

There are no signs prohibiting reversing in the Traffic Rules, as well as special road markings, but requirements have been established regulating the dangerous maneuver.

When is reversing allowed?

According to clause 12 of Section 8 of the Rules, reversing traffic is permitted if the vehicle reversing does not interfere with the movement of other vehicles, does not change the order of their maneuvering, and also gives way to pedestrians.

The same paragraph states that, if necessary, the driver of the car must seek help from third parties to correct the maneuver. Both a passenger and a pedestrian passing by can provide assistance: make sure that the car does not hit other people's parked cars or ask passing vehicles to slow down with a gesture and allow the maneuvering car to enter the road.

NOTE: Using the assistance of third parties does not relieve the vehicle operator of responsibility for the safety of the maneuver. In the event of an accident, the driver driving in reverse will be considered the culprit.

As for reversing on public roads, this type of vehicle movement is only possible outside intersections and where turning around is not prohibited. It should be taken into account that exits from courtyards and other adjacent areas do not apply to intersections; accordingly, in these places you can drive in reverse.

NOTE: Traffic rules do not regulate the process of reversing in terms of such parameters as distance and time interval - thus you can drive for as long as you like and for any distance, provided that there are no places on the way that are prohibited for reversing.

The list of places where it is prohibited to turn a vehicle (and, therefore, to drive in reverse) is contained in clause 8.11 of the traffic rules. But this paragraph does not indicate all the places where turning around falls into the category of illegal. However, other cases do not affect reversing, i.e., turning around is prohibited there, but reversing is not. You should only focus on clause 8.11 of the Rules.

NOTE: Exceptional cases include sign 4.1.1. “Move straight ahead” and sign 5.5 “One-way traffic”. The established criteria for the movement of vehicles prohibit turning on these sections of the road, but reversing is allowed.

Where is it prohibited to drive in reverse?

The territory prohibited for performing a dangerous maneuver is road intersections and places prohibited for turning, according to clause 8.11:

  1. On a zebra crossing, within the width of the marked pedestrian crossing.
  2. In places where public transport stops (for the entire length of the stop pocket and no closer than 15 meters on each side).
  3. At railway crossings.
  4. On sections of roads where visibility in the oncoming or passing direction is less than 100 meters.
  5. On overpasses, bridges, in tunnels, on overpasses and under these engineering structures.

It is also prohibited to reverse on motorways and on roads marked with sign 5.3 “Road for motor vehicles” (only for buses, cars and motorcycles).

The nuances of reversing on a one-way road

Many motorists have encountered a situation where turning on reverse gear on a one-way road was interpreted by traffic police inspectors as driving in the opposite direction, with all the ensuing consequences.

There are 2 decisions of the Supreme Court on this matter, formalized by a special Resolution for judges:

If we move from legal language to universal human language, then, according to the first decision, entering a one-way road from an intersection and under a “brick” in reverse or in the usual manner is interpreted as moving in the opposite direction and is punished in accordance with the prescribed penalty.

According to the second decision: reversing is not prohibited if this is due to the need for maneuver. What is meant by “necessity” and who defines it is not specified.


  1. Reversing from an intersection under a “No Entry” sign onto a street where one-way traffic is established is punishable by either deprivation of rights for a period of 4 to six months, or a fine of 5,000 rubles.
  2. Reversing on a highway marked with a corresponding sign costs 2,500 rubles.
  3. Reversing in a dedicated lane (sign 5.3) – 1,500 rubles. In cities of federal significance - Moscow, St. Petersburg - 3000 rubles.
  4. Reversing under a “No Entry” sign installed in the adjacent territory and violating the zone of operation of the “No Traffic” sign – a fine of 500 rubles.

In general, the procedure for maneuvering using reverse gear is quite simple, but controversial situations arise from time to time, especially in terms of driving “against the grain” on one-way streets. If such a problem arises, the issue can be resolved by filing a claim in court.

Where is it possible to drive in reverse and where not?

Of course, the official document regulating reversing is the traffic rules. Paragraph 8.12 clarifies that “moving a vehicle in reverse is permitted provided that this maneuver is safe and does not interfere with other road users,” and also indicates places where driving in reverse is prohibited.

According to this paragraph, taking into account references to paragraph 8.11, Reversing is prohibited:

  • at intersections;
  • at pedestrian crossings;
  • in tunnels;
  • on bridges, overpasses, overpasses and under them;
  • at railway crossings;
  • in places where visibility of the road in at least one direction is less than 100 m;
  • in places where route vehicles stop.

Another clause of the traffic rules regarding reversing is 16.1, which specifies the rules for driving on the highway: among other things, it states that Reversing on highways is prohibited.

I've heard of drivers being fined for driving in reverse on a one-way road. It is forbidden?

Indeed, one of the controversial issues encountered in practice is reversing on a one-way road. The Supreme Court has eliminated ambiguity in interpretations: the current document on this topic is Resolution No. 20 of June 25, 2019. The fact is that drivers were not fined for movement backwards on a one-way road, and behind departure backing at her.

The Supreme Court in its ruling emphasizes that “based on the content of clause 8.12 of the Russian Traffic Regulations, reversing on a one-way road is not prohibited.” However, “a driver’s violation of the requirements of any road sign, resulting in the vehicle he is driving moving in the opposite direction on a one-way road, forms the objective side of the administrative offense provided for in Part 3 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (for example, violation of the requirements of road signs 3.1 “Entry prohibited” , 5.5 "One-way road", 5.7.1 and 5.7.2 "Exit onto a one-way road")". That is why the Supreme Court points out that “the actions of a driver who reversed onto a one-way road in violation of the requirements of road sign 3.1 “Entry prohibited” should be qualified under Part 3 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and in the case where such a maneuver was performed on intersection, - also under Part 2 of Article 12.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.”

Simply put, a driver driving forward on a one-way road and then having to stop and back up is not breaking the rules. But anyone who reverses onto a one-way road from another road or from a yard is violating and can be punished under Part 3 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which provides for a fine of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four or more up to six months, and if he drove onto a one-way road backwards from an intersection, he will receive another a fine of five hundred rubles under Part 2 of Article 12.14. Well, the controversial precedent itself arose largely because of drivers who took shortcuts by driving backwards onto a one-way road and driving that way to the nearest necessary intersection.

What other fine can you get for driving in reverse?

We've sorted out the issue of driving in reverse onto a one-way road - all that remains is to find out what fines are provided directly for driving in reverse. Here, as in the traffic rules, there are two options.

According to Part 2 of Article 12.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, a turn or reversing in places where such maneuvers are prohibited, with the exception of cases concerning traffic on a highway, entails the imposition of an administrative a fine of five hundred rubles. Prohibited places include those listed in paragraphs 8.11 and 8.12 of the traffic rules - intersections, bridges, pedestrian crossings, and so on.

If the driver is moving in reverse on the highway, he will be punished more severely under Part 3 of Article 12.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses:<…> reversing on a motorway entails the imposition of an administrative a fine in the amount of two thousand five hundred rubles.