Career horoscope for September Sagittarius. Sagittarius - horoscope for September. Love and family

Stunning discoveries await Sagittarius lovers in September 2019. There is no need to guess how these events will affect relationships with chosen ones. Just read the exact love horoscope for September 2019.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for September 2019

Only in September can Sagittarius feel like heroes of melodramas. This month the stars give them wide scope for action. If you want to grieve about unfulfilled hopes, you will experience unrequited love. If you dream of sublime feelings, take the opportunity and build relationships immediately.

Sagittarians are very susceptible to the influence of emotions. They can regard even the slightest failure as a sign warning about the futility of feelings. Filled with the energy of the Sun and imbued with the power of their patron Jupiter, Sagittarius will be surrounded by admirers.

If you don’t want to start relationships with unworthy people, show maximum prudence in choosing partners. In September, the most important task for Sagittarius is to reject prejudices and temptations. By starting an affair with a good person, you will find long-awaited peace. Those who previously caused a real stir in your fantasy will not become reliable companions, at least in September.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius women for September 2019

Until September 22, 2019, Sagittarius women will have a unique opportunity to return their former love. Mercury is moving in the opposite direction before this period, so it is better not to miss the chance to restore relationships. In the near future, this will no longer happen and the stars will not show favor to those who look at their past with loving eyes.

Towards the end of September, representatives of this zodiac sign will finally feel peace. Even if they fail to find their soul mate now, this fact will not bring any frustration.

The intimate life of Sagittarius girls deserves special attention. The love horoscope for September promises them increased attention from members of the opposite sex. Very close relationships with some of them will only make you happy.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius men for September 2019

In September 2019, single Sagittarius men will have a thousand and one reasons to start an affair with an experienced woman. Such a desire will be provoked by Mars, which will converge favorably with Uranus in the middle of the month. Unbridled sex and enthusiastic words addressed to you during this period will be guaranteed to you.

Modest but charming Sagittarius men who have already found a mate will have a hard time. Your chosen one will not match your sexual activity. To maintain harmony in relationships, it is better to direct your energy to the spiritual sphere. In September, astrologers recommend that Sagittarius pay attention to joint hobbies, designed to bring couples together even stronger.

Sagittarius men are told by the stars themselves to get married in early autumn. However, an alliance should be concluded only if you are confident in the seriousness of your own feelings. The best dates for marriage: September 3, 16 and 25. Children conceived by Sagittarius will be born into a financially secure and loving family, so men should be grateful to the onset of pregnancy in September.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for other months of 2019

In September 2018, Sagittarius will experience many pleasant and cheerful events. But in order to achieve these good results and in order for Sagittarians to be able to reap the fruits of their work at the end of this month, they will have to fight for a place under the coveted sun, as the competition will increase every day. And in order to get that very good result, Sagittarius must be as focused as possible on what they want.

As the horoscope for September 2018 shows, Sagittarius must get together and prove to everyone, and first of all to himself, that he is worthy of receiving approval from others. You will realize that you can handle all issues and tasks on your own.

In the first ten days of September 2018, Sagittarius will have grandiose plans, which will seem absurd and impracticable to many of those around them. But this should not negatively affect the activities of this zodiac sign! Rather, on the contrary, misunderstanding on the part of people should push you to achieve results by starting to work hard, no matter what.

If Sagittarius wants to be as successful as possible in September 2018, then the horoscope advises him to pay attention to these factors and objects:

Day of the month: 2

lucky color: Yellow

Animal patron: Elk

Plant: Petunia

Name: Elena

Stone amulet: Malachite, azuromalachite

The astrological horoscope recommends not to be frank with strangers about your upcoming plans and important decisions. It may also happen that your relatives or people close to you will want to actively participate in your projects. Do not agree to this under any circumstances, because if you agree, problems will not keep you waiting. Of course, you should not refuse help in matters that are difficult for you.

Favorable days in September 2018 for Sagittarius: 5, 7, 12, 17, 22, 24, 26, 30

Dangerous days in September 2018 for the sign Sagittarius: 1, 8, 14, 25

Horoscope of love and personal relationships in September 2018 Sagittarius

For the zodiac sign Sagittarius, September will be an extremely favorable period in terms of personal life. Sagittarius lovers will feel new emotions, and the first autumn month will be an excellent “feed” for their relationship.

But for Sagittarius, who already have a family, September 2018 will be a little more difficult. The horoscope says that trials and conflicts await you and your family, which will become a kind of test for your relationship. In order to strengthen the family, you will need to make all family decisions only after consulting with your significant other, otherwise you will face a protracted quarrel, from which it will be extremely difficult for you to get out. Often you will have to make concessions to keep the peace. But if you go through all the difficulties and hardships together, this will significantly strengthen your family, and there will be much less quarrels in the future.

Lonely Sagittarius in September 2018 will have the opportunity to meet mutual love. Therefore, the horoscope recommends not to miss the slightest opportunity to meet a potential partner. But try not to rush into choosing “your person” - if you take this seriously, then strong love will await you. After all, relationships established this month will bring you only positive emotions, both in September and in the future.

Breakups that will occur in September 2018 should not be taken to heart, especially if it is a break in a relationship that just began this fall. If this is already a “long-lasting” union, then there is a high probability of reunion next month.

Horoscope of money and work in September 2018 Sagittarius

In September, you will not have any difficulties with finances, which is why you will be able to afford travel, vacations and the purchase of household goods that you have long thought about purchasing, but could not afford. In general, the horoscope promises that in September you will get everything you have long dreamed of, thanks to the work done in the past.

At the same time, you will still have to solve some financial problems, and very quickly, so as not to worsen the situation. That is why, although you will have the necessary finances, you should not buy too expensive things, because in the future you will need free money. To save and spend your finances wisely, you need to learn to distinguish between primary and secondary needs.

The horoscope shows that in September Mars will have a negative impact on people born under the sign of Sagittarius. In addition, Mercury will go into the shadow of the Moon. Therefore, you need to forget about financial transactions; most likely, all of them will turn out to be unsuccessful and will entail a lot of costs. You will also need to forget about connections with new partners: at the end of September they will also bring failures.

Health and mood of Sagittarius in September

For Sagittarius, the beginning of autumn will be good in terms of well-being, but this is only until the twentieth of September, after which you will be in little danger, perhaps a car accident. To protect yourself from risk, have your car diagnosed.

Danger can also await you from household electrical appliances. Therefore, before using the equipment, check its condition. If you have a device whose serviceability you have long doubted, give it to a specialist for inspection. In the event of a breakdown, do not try to act on your own (unless you have the appropriate experience).

The horoscope advises you to pay attention to your diet. Add more foods that contain useful microelements and vitamins to your daily menu. Healthy low-calorie nutrition will give you strength and protect your body from unwanted viral diseases.

Sagittarius career horoscope in September 2018

In September 2018, the desired career advancement awaits you, of course, if you make some effort for this. Also this month you will be able to find out what peer recognition is.

To get a higher position and salary, you will have to carefully observe and monitor the quality of work of your colleagues. Some of them may consider you annoying or too critical. Ignore this and continue to do your job flawlessly. The horoscope says that at the slightest mistake made by your colleague of a higher status, you will be put in his place, which is what you have been striving for for a long time.

If you and some of your workmates have had a conflict situation for a long time, in September 2018 you will be able to solve this hanging problem. You just need to talk to this person, as a result you will express mutual complaints and come to a compromise. After this, your life will improve, and working in a team will become easier. Providing timely assistance to people who ask for it will also help improve relationships. In September, you have enough strength to solve both your own and other people's difficulties.

As the horoscope for September 2017 recommends, Sagittarius can safely take on the fulfillment of their desires and plans. Particular success awaits representatives of the sign in self-realization and career. The stressful times are over and you can look to the future with optimism. Changes also occur in your worldview. Your talents and abilities are revealed, new earning opportunities open up.

The most important thing is to make an action plan. Visualize the final successful result, this will speed up the process of achieving what you want. Stay confident in your abilities.

Sagittarians easily manage to find a common language with both close people and strangers. Your inner energy attracts people to you. Try to take advantage of it, but remain respectful and sincere.


The horoscope for Sagittarius for September 2017 does not foretell serious illnesses for representatives of the sign. Your energy levels are high, but to maintain your health, you need to follow your daily routine and quit bad habits.

The organs of the gastrointestinal tract require your attention in September. Do not overuse animal products, processed foods, too spicy, fatty and salty foods. Prefer light vegetable dishes, broths, complex carbohydrates.

Walk more in the fresh air and enjoy the last warm days of September.


In September, Sagittarius will experience a career boost. You have no time to be lazy, things are urgent. Get to work scrupulously and with full dedication; in September a breakthrough is planned in your affairs.

Broad prospects open up for Sagittarius thanks to teamwork on a project. You will be involved in active social activities and deal with organizational issues. Know how to be flexible, show yourself as a professional to your advantage.

The first half of the month will be associated with establishing business connections with out-of-town partners. The negotiations promise to be successful. The second half of September will be associated with financial issues. Possible conclusion of profitable deals.

Sagittarius - subordinates can count on an increase in position and salary. Overall, September is one of the best months for Sagittarius.


The Sagittarius financial horoscope for September 2017 promises representatives of the sign an improvement in their financial situation. Your income will largely depend on the work done in the past, as well as the profitable transactions made this month.

The end of September will bring significant expenses that will be associated with family and romantic matters.


As the love horoscope for September 2017 predicts, Sagittarius will pay more attention to his work than to his personal life. But this will not negatively affect your relationship. Your partner supports you, respond in kind. Avoid criticism. Add more warmth and care to your relationship.

Free Sagittarius will make new acquaintances, and relationships from friendships will subsequently develop into romantic ones. The stars recommend that you take the initiative.

For those wishing to formalize the relationship, the stars turn on the green light.

Family Sagittarius should pay more attention to raising children. Give them confidence in your love and support. You should not punish children if they do not meet your expectations. Accept the child as a separate, whole person, praise and encourage him.

Sagittarius Man

As the horoscope for September 2017 recommends, a Sagittarius man should actively engage in work. Then your superiors will definitely appreciate you, and you can count on a promotion. You shouldn’t talk too much about your successes; envious people are not asleep.

The Sagittarius man's income exceeds his expenses. Exercise caution when signing documents.

Some Sagittarius will decide to radically change their lives, change their place of residence and work.

Take care of your health. Lack of diet and rest will seriously affect your well-being. It's also time to put an end to bad habits.

Sagittarius Woman

As the horoscope for September 2017 recommends, a Sagittarius woman should work on increasing her income. At the same time, it is important that in addition to money, your profession also brings moral satisfaction. This month is great for career growth, don't miss your chance.

Business ladies will also be at their best in September.

To maintain morale and good health, organize your daily routine. Find a place in it for proper sleep and exercise.

You will not suffer from a lack of fans, but you do not always have enough time for your personal life. Go somewhere with your significant other more often.

In general, it cannot be said that September 2017 will be replete with big problems for Sagittarius. You will overcome minor difficulties that arise on your way without difficulty, and the luminary of the day will help you in this matter. At the beginning of autumn, the Sun will be the only planet that will show active participation in the fate of the representatives of your sign. Of course, with the support of the almighty Sun, your life will become much easier, but at this stage very, very much depends on you.

For example, only you have the right to decide how to use the potential received from the Sun. You can direct it to complete all current tasks or, alternatively, spend all your energy on some adventurous idea. It must be said right away that the second option is unlikely to lead you to victory. Why? It's quite simple. In September, you will have two powerful antagonists who will in every possible way resist you introducing something new into your life.

Your first and main antagonist, dear Sagittarius, will be Mercury. The most “prudent” of the planets, assessing everything that you have achieved in the year 2017, for some reason will decide that with the arrival of autumn, your systematic movement towards financial independence should slow down its pace. Mercury will definitely not let you get rich, but it can make you much poorer! You should not forget about this when investing money in one or another adventurous project (the money may never return to you).

Venus will be another dangerous opponent for Sagittarius in September. All the problems that will be sent to your lot from the light hand of this planet will be concentrated mainly in personal matters. Fortunately, you will not allow Venus to completely destabilize your usual way of life and will find ways to return utmost clarity to your personal life.

Sagittarius will have to complete all previously started tasks. In addition, right now they can get great benefits from any endeavors. Representatives of the sign need to pay attention to the circle of people who surround them; perhaps someone does not tolerate their presence.

It cannot be said that September will be the most successful month for Sagittarius this year, but their affairs will improve compared to the past. Those things that have been haunting them for a long time will work out as best as possible.

By nature, representatives of the sign are very sensitive, they get along well with others and understand them, they can help in difficult times, cheer up, and console. Now there will be several people in the circle of Sagittarius, if the representatives of the sign do not miss these people, then in the future they will be the ones who will be able to help them in a major matter.

Towards the middle of the month, Sagittarius will be able to go on vacation to distant countries. Those who want to spend their time with their family should remember that it is very important at this time not to refuse the support of people close to them.

Only representatives of the sign have the right to decide what their future life will be like and how to manage it. If they want, they can move mountains. It is on the desire of the representatives of the sign and their diligence that their entire future depends. At this time, you should not miss out on profitable contracts and deals.

Sagittarius Woman: Horoscope for September 2020

This month is not the best time for gambling, you should avoid it. The best option would be to refuse any games, even on the love front. Often, women who are unfaithful to their men can soon pay for this with loneliness.

Adventurous ideas will not lead to the expected victory. At this time, fate will dictate that you will have to do almost everything honestly, there will be no place for persuasion, deals and fraud.

The stars advise Sagittarius women to spend as much time as possible in a calm environment, relax more often, and organize joint trips with their loved ones. This will protect them from depletion of vital energy, fill them with new strength and allow them to continue the fight.

Now the Sagittarius woman’s mood will be primarily influenced by Mercury. Therefore, she can often seem sentimental, suspicious, and unable to do anything. However, at heart they are quite strong individuals who know what they want and achieve it at any cost. Often you will have to be pragmatic.

Sagittarius Man: Horoscope for September 2020

It is worth focusing your attention on personal affairs and successes. There is no need to try to get everything at once, this will ultimately lead to nothing. It's time to learn to act in a planned manner, show organizational skills and not be afraid of failures.

Under no circumstances should Sagittarius men put off resolving important issues until Monday. Everything needs to be decided quickly and thoughtfully, only then such decisions will be effective.

The strong desire of the representatives of the sign, the ability to find a common language with society, the desire for development and hard work will help to successfully eliminate all rivals. However, while Sagittarius men are too worried about their affairs, someone may get ahead of them with their actions. Therefore, it is necessary not to think for a very long time, but to try to implement your ideas into life.

September is the month of friendship for Sagittarius men. Lonely representatives of the sign are unlikely to be able to find love now. However, there is a very high probability that they will find a good friend and ally in a woman. You should not try to deceive fate, because at this time it has not prepared new romantic relationships for the representatives of the sign. It's time to learn to accept exactly as much as fate gives.