When the middle is really golden: we choose the Skoda Fabia II with mileage. All about the third generation of Skoda Fabia engines What to take

The Skoda Fabia 1.2 engine is produced by the VolksWagen concern. The motor has high technical characteristics and a resource. Engines with a volume of 1.2 were installed on the first, second and generation. The designers of the vehicle claim that on the fourth generation, cars with a volume of 1.6 will not be completed.


Skoda Fabia 1.2 is a family car class developed on the A4 platform. The installed motor has high technical characteristics. Repair and maintenance is quite easy to do with your own hands.

Skoda Fabia 1.2.

The first generation Fabius was completed with power units:

The second generation Fabius was equipped with the following engines:

Scheme of the motor Fabius 1.2.

VAG TSi engine for Skoda Fabia.

The third generation received only one engine with a volume of 1.2:


Maintenance of Skoda Fabia 1.2 engines began with TO-0, which is done after a run of 2500 km. Each subsequent maintenance must be carried out every 15,000 km when operating on gasoline and 12,000 km on gas.

Every second maintenance requires systems to be checked, such as the valve train, the condition of the powertrain's ECM, and the functionality of the sensors. Valve adjustment is carried out after 50,000 km, or earlier if necessary.

Often, by 70,000, hydraulic lifters fail, which need to be changed all together, since it is not known when efficient ones will fail. The valve cover gasket is changed every 40,000 km or when a leak forms from under it.

Motor Fabia 1.2 - top view.

Many motorists ask the age-old question - how much oil should be poured into the engine? It is recommended to fill in the Skoda Fabia 1.2 engine with semi-synthetic oil marked 5W-30, 5W-40, 10W-30, 10W-40, 15W-40, 20W-40.

To change the oil, you need 5.4 liters, which are poured into the power unit. As practice shows, most motorists perform engine maintenance on their own.


Skoda Fabia 1.2 is a Swedish-made compact family car from the VW concern. The engine has a small volume, but rather high technical characteristics. Repair and maintenance can be done by hand.

  • It depends on the condition, from the photo you can say that it is good, but you need to do a complete diagnosis of the paintwork, internal combustion engine, chassis of the car and check for legal cleanliness.

    I myself owned such a car, so I can say that the engine in it is BXW, CGGB with a volume of 1.4 liters and 86 hp. 132 Newton meters of torque at 3800 rpm. Timing drive - belt, changes at 90,000 km, in some cases even earlier, depending on how you drive. The internal combustion engine is quite high-torque for such a light car. Fuel consumption in the city is 6.9 liters.

    Candles are changed every 30,000 km. By the way, candles quickly fail if low-quality fuel is poured, so pour only 95th gasoline at proven gas stations. Fabia also rides on the 92nd, but on the 95th she is more economical and faster.

    At first, if you turn on the air conditioner or climate control, the engine seems to vibrate, then it stops. This is due to the fact that the motor is simply hard, so there is nothing wrong with that.

    Oil must be changed every 10-15 thousand kilometers or once a year, as it loses its properties and turns black. The original fluid is Castrol Edge Professional 5w-30, or Shell Helix Ultra 5W30.

    Of the pluses, it can be noted that the car is very nimble, it is convenient to park, the engine is enough for overtaking on the highway and in the city. Low fuel consumption.

    In terms of spare parts and consumables, if you buy from an authorized dealer, the prices will be sky-high. Fortunately, there are many consumables that you can buy, for example, on autodoc or exist - the prices there are very affordable, and you can change all this not from an official, but in a regular service or on your own. For 40,000 km, I didn’t break anything, I only changed oils, filters and candles.

    Of the minuses, I’ll say that with a strong wind, if you drive along the highway, then it blows away, apparently due to the low weight. Also, the trunk is not that big, but the rear seats fold down, so you can fit a lot of things. There is enough space in the cabin for people of average build, if you put large obese people in front, then there will not be enough space for them. Still, B-class cars, even a little less than Solaris, Kia Rio.

    The Kaluga assembly does not have jambs, at least I did not notice. But I think Czech is even better.

    The car is ideal for girls, but for guys who are not shy about small cars, it will do.

    By the way, the Fabia on R15 wheels looks just cool and more representative than on 14-inch ones.

    Worth it or not, it's up to you to decide. And here is my review of it

  • There are a lot of pluses - inexpensive maintenance, a lot of parts, parts are suitable from other VAG brands.

    Of the minuses, specifically for 1.4, I would note a relatively high fuel consumption (in the city, traffic jams are about 8 liters, sometimes it reaches 10) and this engine is a bit "blunt" at the bottom, when compared with 1.2
    If the car is for the city, I would advise you to ride a Fabia with 1.2 69ls for comparison, for me, it’s even a little faster, it is inferior only on the highway at a speed of more than 120 km / h. And he has a little more pluses 1) less tax; 2) cheaper than OSAGO (power less than 70hp); 3) less consumption. The only thing is 1.2 chain and the chain lasts about 100t.km, replacement is about 15-25t.rub with spare parts. At 1.4, the belt, on the drive for some it broke off at 80t.km, some drove more than 100t.km on their own belt.

    I had both fabias, on the one that in 2009 had only 1 serious jamb - the coil broke on the run of 90t.km, the rest was trifles.

    What to look for:
    1) wiper trapezoid - serves 50-60t.km, then the driver's wiper rod falls off. Repairing without replacing the trapezoid is almost free, there is a lot of information on the forums

    2) Wiring in the driver's door - almost everyone. Symptoms - one of the windows does not work, the speaker, sometimes the door lock. You can also fix it yourself. On my Fabia 2009 everything was fine, on Fabia 2010 this problem was.

    3) Rear Drums - Rear cylinders often leak. It needs to be cleaned every year, I usually do this with the replacement of rubber. If you do not follow, popados on pads, cylinders and springs. I did all this on both of my fabias, spare parts 2000-3000 rubles.

    4) Stove motor - until 2010 this was a common problem, then the manufacturer changed, it seems like this problem occurs, but after 2010 it is very rare

    5) Timing, if for engine 1.2 - a chain of 100t.km, then a replacement, when a cold engine starts and if the chain is already stretched, there will be characteristic sounds of the chain beating, they cannot be confused with anything. Sometimes there were cases of overshoot, but very rarely. For a 1.4 belt, it’s better not to pull, up to a maximum of 80t.km, I think

    6) Front suspension - bushings and stabilizer struts, penny parts (bushings for 100-150 rubles * 2 pcs, racks 400-900 rubles * 2 pcs), but many live differently, on my fabia since 2009 I have nothing at all did not change in the suspension, only waved the bushings for one thing when I changed them on the second Fabia, but they did not require this. Someone changes every 30,000 km. For someone, even 10,000 km are not rolled back. Symptoms - rattling, creaking (especially in autumn and winter) on speed bumps. Replacing elementary, you can do it yourself.

    Well, something like that, like everything. If the car was followed and not delayed with maintenance, then a very good car.

  • There are certainly many advantages, but there are also disadvantages. Motor is good and hassle free. There are problems with lambda probes, they constantly break down and the car starts building and eating fuel. But it is treated by cutting out catalysts and firmware for euro 2. The machine is nimble, I have an average consumption of 9-10, but I fly. The suspension is soft. Lots of space in the cabin. No electrical problems at all. The engine and gearbox mounts are a weak point, because of them the engine starts to shake. The body is galvanized, the paint is strong, I have a 7-year-old car and there are almost no chips, and the arches are generally ideal. Shumka I did, Shumka weak, good ground clearance. The stove motor is a problem, it always howls and whistles, it is treated with a current replacement. The suspension is tenacious, I have a run of a hundred, but I changed the current front hub, everything else is original. Something like that.

  • Machine SUPER! Didn't even expect it. When I bought it from the hands of the first owner and drove it from Kyiv, I thought Czech Tavria - but no! Auto sooo comfortable and moderately soft. When they lifted it to the service station on a lift and POLO hatch hung nearby - EPTA, it's the same carriage, only with a different body and for less money! And I personally respect Foltz!
    After the Outlander XL, the Maybach is generally silent in the cabin.

    1.2 is not worth taking - it is weak, you constantly need to unwind it, and it is a "disposable motor"
    1.4 just right! And due to the fact that the usual MPI and not TSI - i.e. the usual "aspirated" with injectors on the rail and not directly in the cylinders, HBO is molded with a bang! Consumption 5.8-7.0 Benz, 7.5-9.0 Gas.
    1.6 "behind the eyes" for this baby! The motor is old, reliable, time-tested, they are usually found on the machine, the consumption is correspondingly higher, the increase in dynamics is not significant. it's not TSI though...

    From "+":
    - consumption
    - comfort
    - chic rulizzo
    - unpretentiousness of servants
    - German quality and thoughtfulness in everything

    From "-":
    - appearance - the car is still "babskoe" a priori
    - they do not respect you "a little" on the road, either driving you from the left lane, or educating you
    - the Kents also "spur" Romchik, how long can you ride on Fabos?
    - I practically didn’t find any minuses except for one - a “rumbler” in the stove body! I can't figure out what else is going on in there!

  • Hello. The car is great. Of the benefits: excellent handling, landing, good dynamics (1.4L engine), low tax, high-quality assembly, compact, normal comfortable trunk, everything adds up.

    Of the minuses: expensive s / h (relative to the VAZ), weak Shumka but much better than the VAZ of course).

    In general, I am very satisfied.
    If you buy then choose the engine 1.4.
    1.2 is also not bad, but it seems to me rather weak for the track.

    I bought because of the bargain price. In fact, the cost of a used one is quite expensive. If you can find a chorus. take the price do not think. Well, it is desirable to run up to 100 thousand km.

    And preferably a mechanic, there are problems with DSG.
    Reliability is high. The engine runs 500 t.km. without repair.
    Suspension in our region 60-70 thousand km.
    You change the belt at 80 thousand km.
    As well as oil and filters.

  • Hello. Factory 2010, mileage 90,000 km.
    1. 40,000 The control unit for the interior stove burned out, the cost of 5.5 thousand native + 5 thousand repairs, the panel and steering wheel were removed
    2. 55,000 Burnout of the exhaust valve of 3 cylinders drove on 95 gasoline at a proven Rostneft gas station. The master repaired said because of gasoline, the hydraulic lifters are in order, the clearance is normal, in appearance, the factory marriage is generally one of 8, the rest are normal. The valve cracked in three places. Switched to Lukoil 92 gasoline. The cost of 3 thousand parts is not native urgently the car was needed relatives expensive only to order + 8 thousand repairs are not from the officials.
    3. 60,000 Water in the luggage compartment as much as the rear seats are all wet. If it wasn't for the spare wheel it would float. The disease of all Fabii is from someone as in time. It is easy to treat, why until now such a problem existed is not clear, a big minus for Skoda. It is treated independently, but you will have to remove the rear bumper pad, rear wheels, and rear fender liner, put a plastic ventilation grill on the sealant, to be sure, between the rear lights and the car body, I glued it with window insulation so that when water drains, it does not fall on the ventilation grill. Repair independent half a day.
    4. 70,000 replacement of timing belts, rollers, tensioners, pump, and alternator belt. Normal of all was the pump and belts, on the rollers backlash. The cost of 10 thousand spare parts are not native + 4 thousand repairs are not from the official.
    5. 77,000 freon leak from the air conditioning system. Officials refilled the freon, there are no leaks in 5 years, it's normal for Fabia. Cost 2k and 2 hours in the office checking for more than an hour for leaks.
    6. 80,000 Replacing the front pads and brake discs. They could finish up to 100 thousand, the wife goes mostly, I don’t wait until the wear limit. Price 6.8 thousand discs native pads no. Self replacement.
    7. 90,000 Replacing the rear pads and drums. Price in the region of 4.5 thousand spare parts are not native. Self replacement.
    8. 90,000 There was a knock in the suspension when hitting speed bumps. Summer inspection.
    9. Eternal jambs with wiring. Moreover, a friend brought a Volkswagen from Germany, the same thing. One kasyak at the concern.
    10. The battery does not last more than 3-4 years. Moreover, the native Bosch from Germany 45 A, Russian 60 A makes no difference. The car is crammed with electronics, the onboard voltage is not enough to charge the battery for trips less than 15 km. When traveling to school, kindergarten, store 5 km, the battery is discharged when the engine is started. Even autumn and spring recharge of the battery after 3 years does not save the situation. You risk not starting at -25 degrees in winter. Replacing the battery will help.
    Any machine has disadvantages, there is no perfection, so that having reached one, a person wants more.
    There are pluses, of course, the price is a little expensive for such a baby, but after the Lada, the wife on whom she didn’t want to ride with Fabia, she even refuses to part ways. Components sports, sports + to completed. Three-spoke leather steering wheel, lateral support for the front seats, short gears for 5 from 47 km and beyond on highways as if on a machine (- in the city you will have to switch more often), hard suspension, as I like to drive. You can list for a long time one speaks for itself riding 970 km drove a convoy of several cars 16 hours driving stops to the toilet and have a bite, no more than 20 minutes, not frequent. We drove at night + light, headlights with a lens with adjustment are good and fog lights, a small gas mileage achieved 5.2 liters per 100 km. comfortable ride even 6 hours without a smoke break. The ability to install a two-line radio with video function is a good distraction for children. Upon arrival after 16 hours of travel for the first time I did not want to get out of the car.

    1. Anti-corrosion treatment (plastic protection of the bottom) 7 years on the street there are no signs even of bugs. Himself to the car did not touch Movil and other garbage to do no hell there.
    2. Glushaki stainless steel after Zhiguli understand.
    3. 1.4 good nimble engine up to 140 km on the highway is enough. And most importantly, maintainable.
    4. Not bad insulation. The engine is not audible, the summer wheels depend on the rubber, my summer bridgestone is not audible, but the winter studding is audible but not good in winter.
    5. Not a bad build, although the Kaluga bugs squeaks in the cabin were not found if something is not hanging in the trunk.
    6. A fairly reliable car for all the time let down once we drive almost every day. - 28 degrees on the street AKB failed. Even with a burnt valve, it started and drove.
    In general, you can list for a long time about the clearance and other design advantages, I'm tired of it, I do not regret that I bought this car. After the VAZ cars, the valve summed up the current. Friend Kalina is much worse.

  • Good afternoon. and I decided to write about my Skoda Fabia. I own this car 1.4 16kl, equipment sport comfort, 2011, manual transmission, at the moment mileage is 64000 km. and so about the pros - the driver's seat and the front seats are a good plus, the fit is excellent, comfortable, every year we drive south with my wife, 1500 km one way with normal, the back does not die. rulitsya with a bang, good head light optics, lenses. even surprisingly nimble, overtaking on the track, quite. as it once clocked up to 190 km for paid, followed by a friend driving a Volvo, the speedometer readings are the same. the air conditioner copes with the heat, it saved a lot in the Crimea, it does not rust at all. park well. no problems with suspension. Acceptable cost. these are all pluses. there are enough cons. and so let's start, the DRL bulbs are a very regular replacement, enough for a month and a half, of course, the bulbs can be bullshit. ABS in winter is something, it does not slow down with it at all, although it is good in summer. glitch of the driver's window lifter intermittently, water in the spare wheel in the trunk at times, low overhang of the front bumper, when replacing the factory engine protection with a normal metal one, a rumble from EGUR appeared in the cabin, but the Skoda has an electro-hydraulic power steering, the ABS icon lights up on the panel periodically in winter, then it's true disappears, once at minus 30 the steering wheel icon on the panel caught fire, the amplifier turned off, although after 20 minutes of warming up everything worked again. the other day there was a disaster, when starting off at a traffic light, 1st gear disappeared, now it’s not there and that’s it, everyone else turns on, it started off from the second one, went to the service, they stupidly pulled the cables and sprayed with water, magic and that’s it, everything works again . now about breakdowns and replacements - approximately 45,000 km, replacing the air conditioner radiator, it was stupidly eaten by reagents from our roads, who are even interested in having a photo, before that, a refrigerant pressure sensor was replaced at 30,000 km, it started to skip. 60000km replacement of the timing along with the pump, a whistle appeared, so I decided not to risk it, by the way the pump was like new when I replaced it, I even regret that I changed it. the hum of the stove motor, slightly. now again there are problems with the air conditioner, it gives an error - an increased signal level of the refrigerant pressure sensor, this sensor has been replaced again, the air conditioner temperature sensor has also been replaced, the same one in the panel in the cabin. zero effect, the air conditioner lives its own life. I'll try to take the pressure off a bit. Spare parts if the original is very expensive, but full of analogues, in particular, much fits from the Seat Ibiza. another year ride and the car for a replacement. for the very smart, the car is not the first, almost 10 years of experience. I'm bad at literacy, I'm sorry. By the way, it feels like a quick replacement of the trapezoid … the wiper blade is hanging, I looked at the forums, I'm not the only one. buy a second time? NO. and yet, gasoline 95, 92 stupid. according to oil Pots 0v30 or 0v40, do not eat, from replacement to replacement about 150g for topping up, I change every 8-10k. good luck to all.

  • At the 58th Frankfurt Motor Show in 1999, a presentation of a small-class car of the Czech production Skoda Fabia (Mk1) took place. The new model became the heir to the popular and largely successful Skoda Felicia, and marked the beginning of a new era in the development of the Czech automotive industry. The compactness and maneuverability of the novelty was appreciated by many European drivers, and thanks to its attractive appearance, the Fabia became one of the most popular category B cars in the early 2000s.

    In 2007, the manufacturer introduced the second generation (Mk2) hatchback, and after another seven years, the Czechs announced the release of the third generation - Mk3. The popularity of the model this year has reached unprecedented heights. Part of the Fabia's success can be attributed to the fact that its main mechanical components were designed and manufactured by Volkswagen. Components and maintenance of the car cost significantly less in comparison with other “children” of the Volkswagen Group. The reliability and quality of the German automotive industry is practically beyond doubt. But, nevertheless, it is important for the future owner to know the actual resource of the Skoda Fabia 1.2, 1.4 engine.

    Specifications of motors

    The line of power units of the car is quite diverse, but engines with a working volume of 1.2 and 1.4 liters have received the greatest use. Many experienced Skoda Fabia owners agree that the 1.4-liter MPI OHV engine is the most successful development of the Volkswagen concern. The motor is characterized by high dynamics, low fuel consumption, structural simplicity and long service life. Skoda Fabia 1.4 is a real workhorse that can tirelessly plow our roads for more than 300 thousand kilometers.

    Engine Specifications:

    • Power - 68, 86 and 101 horsepower;
    • Number of valves - 16;
    • Torque - 132 Nm;
    • Fuel consumption in the suburban / urban cycle - 5 / 7.5 liters.

    Popularity did not pass by and modification with a 1.2-liter in-line three-cylinder engine. It is made of split cylinder blocks with cast iron liners. Thanks to this arrangement, it was possible to significantly reduce the weight of the car. Due to the cooling jackets located across the channels, long-term operation of the power plant at high speeds without overheating is possible. Resourcefulness and reliability are what are most appreciated in the 1.2-liter version. We can say that these are the main advantages of a small engine compared to analogues.

    How long do Skoda Fabia engines run?

    Both engines have already been tested by time, and have also been upgraded with turbocharging and direct injection. Many novice drivers often wonder: “what is the resource of the 1.4 86 hp engine. Skoda Fabia? Such a power unit, ideally, is able to “pass” 400 thousand kilometers before the first major overhaul. It is quite high-torque, complies with Euro-5 emissions toxicity standards. A belt acts as a timing drive, the resource of which is about 90,000 km. In some cases, premature failure of the element is possible - it all depends on the driving style and operating conditions. The manufacturer recommends pouring only AI-95, but AI-92 is acceptable.

    The resource of the Skoda Fabia 1.2 engine is somewhat larger than the previous modification. Cars that have covered 500 thousand km with this engine under the hood are not uncommon today, but a real example of engineering. Compared to the 1.4-liter version, a chain is installed here instead of a belt, which gives the engine endurance. The chain works flawlessly for the first 150,000 km. Due to the double-row sprockets on the crankshaft and camshaft, tooth wear is noticeably reduced, which significantly extends the service life of important structural elements.

    The resource of power units according to the reviews of the owners

    With careful and timely maintenance of the car, breakdowns practically do not occur. It is also recommended by the manufacturer to undergo an inspection every 15 thousand kilometers and to change the oil at the same time. Castrol and Shell Helix Ultra motor oils with a viscosity of 5W30 are best suited. Another indisputable advantage of Skoda Fabia engines is the presence of hydraulic tensioners with which it is possible to tension the chain if it is loosened. As for the official resource of power units, some dealers claim 300 thousand km before the first overhaul. What is this indicator really? Suggest reviews of the owners.

    Motor 1.2

    1. Vadim, Kazan. I bought this car in 2013, during all this time I have already clocked 90,000 km. I’ll tell you right away what problems arose during the operation of the machine. The control unit of the stove burned out after 50 thousand kilometers, after another ten thousand, the exhaust valve burned out. AI-95 "Rostneft" was refueling, at the service station they said that the breakdown might have happened due to poor quality gasoline. The chain is still in good condition, the engine as a whole runs stably, there is no overheating at high speeds.
    2. Sergey. Ufa. Great car, I have another 1 generation car in 2002. Suitable for both girls and boys. Today, car mileage is 300 thousand km. The motor is excellent, stocks are not noticed. There are some problems with, often fails and increased consumption begins. And so, in general, this is a fairly economical and reliable hatchback. Many complain that the 1.2-liter engine is too weak. I would not say so - dynamics and speed are enough. Consumables are inexpensive, suitable from other representatives of VAG.
    3. Maxim, Cheboksary. I have been driving a Skoda Fabia Mk2 since 2008. Lightweight, agile and unpretentious car. For all the time I owned the car, I only changed the chain, since the mileage is already more than 200 thousand kilometers, bushings and stabilizer struts. These parts are very cheap, of course, it is necessary to change the engine oil on time. Generally speaking, there are no problems with the car at all. The engine runs like clockwork, the main thing is to service it on time and with high quality.
    4. Vladimir, Moscow. Great option for daily travel. Been driving Fabia since 2010. No problems with chassis, electronics, engine. Plus, a galvanized body and high-quality painting. Noise isolation can be improved, but all this is individual. Over 90 thousand kilometers, only the ignition coil broke down, and some other minor breakdowns. The chain in our conditions serves 100,000 km, sometimes it slips, but very rarely. Most often, it gives signals that it has exhausted its resource - the characteristic beating sounds during the engine start to cold.


    Skoda Fabia, is a typical representative of the B-class small car family, an automaker from the Czech Republic. Among Skoda models, Fabia is positioned as a transitional model between the very small Citigo and the larger Rapid/Octavia. Fabia was created to compete with such cars as Fiat Albea, Renault Logan, Ford Fiesta, Hyundai Accent/Solaris/Getz, Seat Ibiza, Opel Corsa, Chevrolet Aveo, Mitsubishi Colt, Honda Fit, Toyota Yaris, Mazda 2, KIA Picanto/ Rio, advanced equipment Lada Granta/Kalina/Vesta. Skoda Fabia was created on the basis of the Volkswagen Polo, but was significantly improved, this also affected the engine, here it is similar, Polo: petrol 1.2 l., 1.4 l. and 1.6 liters., the advanced modification of the RS is equipped with 1.4 liters. turbocharged engine developing power up to 180. Diesel options from 1.2 liters. up to 1.9 l. Let's take a look at some of these engines, their specifications, engine oil usage, faults and troubleshooting, and more.


    The junior representative of the EA111 series is a modified 1.4 TSI, in which the cast iron cylinder block was replaced with an aluminum assembly with wet cast iron liners, the piston diameter was reduced from 76.5 mm to 71 mm, and the piston was lightened. To emphasize the bottoms, the block was covered with a single-shaft head with eight valves, the diameter of the intake / exhaust valves is 35.5 / 30 mm, there are hydraulic lifters, and direct fuel injection, there is no variable valve timing system. The timing drive uses a chain similar to the 1.4 TSI, in this case the chain often stretches and jumps. 1.2 TSI variants are equipped with IHI 1634 turbochargers with a maximum pressure of 0.6 bar. Such an engine is essentially a simplified version of the 1.4 TSI, which has a reduced liter power. The main purpose of creating this engine is an attempt to replace running engines with a volume of 1.6. l with eight valves. Over time, such an engine was gradually replaced by a modified 1.2 TSI EA211 series. The VW 1.2 TSI / TFSI engine has several modifications.

    1. CBZA, is a weak modification, whose power reaches 86 hp, was installed on the Audi A1, Volkswagen Golf 6.
    2. CBZB, 90 power variation for Volkswagen Polo.
    3. CBZC transmitting a variation with a power of 105 hp for the Audi A3, VW Golf 6 and some other cars.

    Weaknesses of the engine, identical to those characteristic of the older variation of 1.4 TSI, possible jumping of the timing chain (later corrected), vibration at idle, demanding oil and fuel. The engine also requires a long warm-up at low temperatures. The engine has an average level of reliability, with standard operation and timely maintenance, the 1.2 TSI engine has a resource of about 250,000 km. The resource will be lower if the operating conditions become tougher.


    The engine is tuned using the conventional chip tuning method. Specialists offer their Stage 1 firmware for 86 hp engines. and 105 hp Having spent insignificant funds, you can reflash the engine to 130-145 hp. and improve vehicle dynamics. The option is good for such a working volume. In addition, it is possible to replace catalysts with sports options, install a cold intake. This is especially good for the city.


    Changes in the TSI series of engines also affected a small, 1.2 liter. representative of the EA111 series, the fresh 1.2 TSI EA211 engine has a different cylinder head, with 16 valves, rotated 180 degrees, an exhaust manifold made together with a cylinder head located at the back. The engine is installed at a reverse angle of 12 degrees. The model also has hydraulic lifters, a system responsible for direct fuel injection, added a phase shifter on the intake camshaft. The timing chain was removed and a belt was installed, whose service life is about 60-90 thousand km. Variations with a power of 86 and 105 hp. equipped with similar turbochargers (smaller than 1.4 TSI EA211) with an intercooler integrated into the intake manifold. Different firmware determined the different power of the models. In addition, the EA211 series engines have a new dual-circuit cooling system. That allows you to deal with the problem of prolonged warm-up of the motor. The VW 1.2 TSI / TFSI engine has various modifications.

    1. CJZA, a modification with a power of 105 hp and a boost pressure of 0.9 bar.
    2. CJZB, a modification with a power of 86 hp and a boost pressure of 0.7 bar.
    3. CJZC, a modification with a power of 90 hp, for Fabia 3 and Rapid.
    4. CJZD, modification with 110 hp, for Fabia 3 and Rapid.

    Similar to the older 1.4-liter representative, the 1.2 TSI engine is brand new and has not yet undergone significant break-in. However, the problem of prolonged warm-up has already been eliminated, the circuit is missing, and therefore there are no problems with it.


    Initially, the presence of sports firmware for 1.2 TSI EA211 left much to be desired, it remained to wait for the situation to change. Initial Stage 1 variants under 1.2 TSI increase power to 120 hp. Over time, options have appeared that allow chip tuning up to 130-135 and even 140 hp. Installing a turbine for this engine will not work. When combined with Stage 1 and DSG, the 1.2 TSI will get plenty of power.

    Engine Volkswagen-Audi EA111 1.2TSI/TFSI Volkswagen-Audi EA211 1.2TSI/TFSI
    Manufacturer Mlada Boleslav Plant Mlada Boleslav Plant
    Engine brand EA111 EA211
    Release years 2009 - present 2009 - present
    Block material aluminum aluminum
    Supply system injector injector
    Type in-line in-line
    Number of cylinders 4 4
    Number of valves per cylinder 2 2
    Piston stroke, mm 75,6 75,6
    Cylinder diameter, mm 71 71
    Compression ratio 10 10,5
    Engine volume, cc 1197 1197
    Engine power, hp / rpm 86-105/4500-5000 86/4300-5300
    Torque, Nm/rpm 160-175/1500-3500 160/1400-3500
    Fuel 95-98 95-98
    Environmental regulations Euro 5
    Engine weight, kg - -
    Engine consumption l/100 km
    - city 5,9 5,9
    - track 4,2 4,3
    - mixed 4,9 4,9
    Oil consumption, g/1000 km up to 500 up to 500
    Engine oil 5W-30/5W-40 5W-30/5W-40
    Engine oils 3,8 3,8
    Quantity when changing oil 3,6-3,8 3,6-3,8
    Oil change is made, km 15000 (preferably 7500) 15000 (preferably 7500)
    Operating temperature of the engine, hail about 90 about 90
    Engine resource, thousand km
    - manufacturer's data - -
    - on practice 250-300 -
    - potential over 140 over 120
    - no loss of resource - -
    The engine was installed

    Audi A1/Audi A3/Seat Altea/Seat Ibiza/Seat Leon/Seat Toledo
    Skoda Fabia
    Skoda Octavia
    Skoda Rapid
    Skoda Yeti
    Volkswagen Jetta
    Volkswagen Caddy
    Volkswagen Golf
    Volkswagen Beetle A5
    Volkswagen Polo

    Audi A3
    Skoda Fabia
    Skoda Octavia
    Skoda Rapid
    Volkswagen Golf
    Volkswagen Jetta

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    The leaders of the FAW automobile concern offer customers specialized conditions for the purchase of the Besturn X80 car.

    So, you can become the owner of a crossover with a benefit of up to 300 thousand rubles. We are talking about an updated crossover, sales of which began in July 2018. Compared to the standard version, this crossover has a more modern design and is distinguished by the presence of additional options that allow drivers to comfortably operate the car.

    Recall that sales of the pre-styling version in Russia are officially completed. In order to purchase a crossover at a profit, you can contact official dealers who will tell you in detail about the current promotion, which will last throughout September of this year.

    Under the hood of the car is a 2.0-liter power unit with a capacity of 142 horsepower. Paired with the engine, both a manual and automatic transmission are available for drivers to choose from. Also, the crossover is equipped with a front-wheel drive system.

    This action, according to brand leaders, will significantly increase the level of sales of the crossover in Russia.

    AvtoVAZ will not produce Lada Granta in a "powerful" version.

    The lineup of AvtoVAZ suffered losses. But the old models are being replaced by new "charged" versions.

    Last year, AvtoVAZ abandoned Kalina Sport hatchbacks and Granta Sport sedans, as well as the classic versions of these models. Initially, the automaker assumed that over time, “charged” modifications would return to the market, but now it has been decided to completely abandon them.

    In 1999. Later, the car had versions with station wagon, sedan bodies, and in some markets a commercial version was also offered - a hatchback with blank sidewalls and a cargo compartment instead of the rear seats.

    2nd generation (5J), 2007–2014

    The second-generation Skoda Fabia hatchback, created on the upgraded platform of its predecessor, debuted in 2007. A little earlier, in the Czech Republic, they began to produce a compact van similar in design and design, and Fabia also had a station wagon version, but the sedan disappeared from the lineup. The car retained the dimensions of the wheelbase, but became noticeably higher, which made it possible to make the landing more vertical, and the interior - spacious.

    The power units were borrowed from the previous generation model. These were 1.2, 1.4 and 1.6 petrol engines, as well as 1.4 and 1.9 liter turbodiesels. Transmissions - manual or six-speed automatic.

    In 2009, Scout hatchbacks and station wagons went on sale - with increased ground clearance and a plastic body kit.

    After restyling in 2010, Skoda Fabia received a redesigned front end, some innovations in the interior and a new line of engines. The basic three-cylinder aspirated was upgraded, the 1.4 MPI and 1.6 MPI engines were replaced by new 1.2 TSI and 1.4 TSI turbo engines, and instead of the “automatic”, a robotic seven-speed DSG gearbox was installed on the cars. The outdated 1.4 and 1.9 diesels were retired, and new 1.2 TDI and 1.6 TDI engines came in their place.

    At the same time, the “hot” hatchback Skoda Fabia RS was introduced, under the hood of which was a 1.4-liter gasoline engine with a mechanical supercharger and turbocharging, developing 180 hp. With. Such a car was equipped only with a DSG “robot”.

    "Fabies" for the Russian market were made at a plant in Kaluga until the spring of 2014: hatchbacks - in a full cycle, and station wagons - by a SKD method (some versions were supplied from the Czech Republic). We offered versions with gasoline engines, and after restyling, cars with old atmospheric engines 1.4 and 1.6, and with new turbo engines, remained on sale. Initially, hatchback prices started at 339,000 rubles, but by 2015 the cost of the basic version had grown to 434,000 rubles.

    Also, second-generation cars were produced in India, China and Ukraine. In total, until 2014, 1.7 million copies of the model were made.

    Table of car engines Skoda Fabia

    Power, l. With.
    Versionengine's typeVolume, cm3Note
    Skoda Fabia 1.2 MPIR3, petrol1198 60 / 70 2007-2014
    Skoda Fabia 1.2TSIR4, petrol, turbo1197 86 / 105 2010-2014
    Skoda Fabia 1.4 MPIR4, petrol1390 86 2007-2014
    Skoda Fabia 1.6 MPIR4, petrol1598 105 2007-2014
    R4, petrol, turbo1390 180 2010-2014
    Skoda Fabia 1.2 TDIR3, diesel, turbo1199 75 2010-2014
    Skoda Fabia 1.4 TDIR3, diesel, turbo1422 70 / 80 2007-2010
    Skoda Fabia 1.6 TDIR4, diesel, turbo1598 75 / 90 /105 2010-2014
    Skoda Fabia 1.9 TDIR4, diesel, turbo1896 105 2007-2010