Is it possible to mix synthetic oils of different viscosities. Can engine oils from different manufacturers be mixed? Lubricants from various manufacturers

We continue to publish articles from the series "What will happen if ...". Today we will discuss what will happen if mineral oil is added to the engine, where there is already synthetic oil.

The debate about what will happen if mineral oil is poured into synthetic engine oil and vice versa has been going on for more than a year. Some say that such a "cocktail" can cause irreparable harm to the motor. Others argue that there should be no problems, emphasizing that the main thing is to pour oil from the same manufacturer.

Let's see if it's so harmful to the motor - to mix mineral oil with synthetic oil.

What is engine oil for?

A motor without oil, as experiments show, can work. But - not for long, and after such a "dry" operation, the engine can be safely sent to scrap metal. The fact is that engine oil performs several important functions:

Protects friction surfaces from wear, seizing and other damage;

Minimizes energy losses due to friction;

It is a cleaning of the engine system;

Removes heat from friction surfaces;

Reduces noise and vibration of gears, reduces shock loads.

In a word, it ensures long and trouble-free operation of the car engine.

What is the difference between "mineral water" and "synthetics"

Let's remember what is part of mineral and what is synthetic motor oil.

Mineral oils are products of direct petroleum refining, which are characterized by instability of their characteristics and a high degree of volatility. To make such oils more efficient, a large amount of stabilizing additives are added to them, which are prone to relatively rapid destruction. Because of this, mineral oil is recommended to be changed to "fresh" as often as possible.

Synthetic oils are products obtained by synthesis, and their characteristics (viscosity, flash and pour points, base and acid numbers) can be set during production. The properties of such oils are stable, and their relatively high viscosity-temperature characteristics make it possible not to add a large amount of additives.

Thanks to these properties and a small amount of additives compared to mineral oil, synthetic oil lasts longer, and it needs to be changed less often than mineral water. In addition, synthetic oil differs from mineral oil in higher thermal and oxidative stability, low volatility and a slight tendency to form carbon deposits and deposits.

In addition to differences in the basic composition of mineral and synthetic oils, they differ in the amount and composition of additives added. These additives include:




Rust and corrosion inhibitors


Friction Modifiers

depressant additives.

Mineral oils from different manufacturers will differ not only in the basic composition, but also in the composition of the additives used in them. The same can be said about synthetic oils. The difference in the composition of additives is dictated by many reasons and often depends on the climatic zone in which the car is operated. It was not in vain that we focused on these chemical components of oils - after all, it depends on them whether the engine will run on a "cocktail" of mineral and synthetic oils.

The main harm is from additives

If only the bases of mineral and synthetic oils were mixed, then, perhaps, the engine would suffer much less damage than that produced by the additives that are present in these oils with different chemical composition. The fact is that not all additives contained in mineral oil dissolve in a synthetic base. As well as not all "synthetic" additives will be able to dissolve in the mineral oil base. What can happen in each individual case of mixing such oils - no one can predict. One thing is clear - the engine from such a "cocktail" will be bad. It is bad, first of all, from the additive elements of the oil that has fallen into an insoluble precipitate, which is added - no matter mineral or synthetic.

This undissolved sediment can form a viscous mixture that will clog the oil receiver screens and oil channels, causing the motor to experience oil starvation.

Operation in this mode, even in a short time period, can lead to the failure of the unit. It must be remembered that oil of a certain composition (mineral or synthetic) forms chemically modified layers and adsorbed films on the rubbing surfaces of engine parts. When other additives are added, these layers are destroyed, and the wear of parts increases, which also significantly harms the motor.

What to do if you still mix mineral oil with synthetic

First of all, don't panic. And try as soon as possible, preferably in a gentle mode (without loads), to get to the nearest service station. Where you will be diagnosed with an engine and will determine whether you need to flush the oil system, or you can get by with a simple oil and oil filter change.

P.S. In fairness, it should be said that adding mineral oil to synthetic oil and vice versa without causing serious damage to the engine is still possible. But only if you added oil from the same manufacturer and are going to ride on such a “mixture” for a short time. Ideally - to the nearest service station. But even in this case, changing the oil and filter cannot be avoided.

In the world there are a number of issues around which disputes do not stop. One of these is: "What engine oils can be mixed?". Moreover, each car owner has his own point of view on this matter. Accordingly, the entire automotive community is divided into supporters of mixing and opponents of this process.

The debate over this is reminiscent of another eternal debate about whether antibiotics and alcohol can be mixed. Some argue that this is like death, others say that there is nothing terrible in this, that they have already done this many times and nothing, they are alive and well. Although the answer is known to everyone, this cannot be done, this is what professionals say - doctors and annotations to medicines.

The consequences will come later. The same situation has developed around motor oils. Many car owners selflessly indulge in meaningless disputes, not paying attention to the recommendations of professionals and oil manufacturers.

What does Castrol think about this?

What are the characteristics of different types of oils

Absolutely everyone, even those who do not have a car, know that all existing oils are divided into three groups:

  • Organic.
  • Synthetic.
  • Semi-synthetic.

This is where most of the knowledge in this area ends. This gives rise to a huge number of conjectures, myths and legends. First you need to figure out what is the difference between these classes of oils.

Actually from their names everything becomes clear. The basis of organic oils are substances of natural origin, synthetics consist entirely of chemistry, and 30% of organic components are added to semi-synthetics. In addition, various additives are included in the composition of oils. These are mainly methanols, fluorocarbons, dithiophosphates. Their main functions are to increase the life of the oil and protect the engine.. In simple terms, they form viscosity. The higher this indicator, the better the oil.

With the help of additives, a protective film is formed, which reduces friction and prevents the formation of carbon deposits.

Global oil production trends

Answer the question: "What oils can be mixed?" everyone can independently.

This requires about 15 minutes of free time, the Internet and the included logic. First you need to look at the trends of the global economy. It strives for globalization and universalization in everything. A striking example of this is the European environmental requirements for cars. They are the same for all car manufacturers on the continent. If their products do not meet these standards, the Old World market will be closed to them.

The same is happening in the field of fuels, and in the field of oils, globalization is truly impressive. In this industry, there are also uniform standards that all oils produced must comply with. On the North American continent, there are requirements called API, on the European ACEA.

They have one general requirement that immediately resolves the dispute about mixing oils. This paragraph states that all manufacturers of oils for sale on the market must ensure that their lubricants are fully miscible with products from other manufacturers. It turns out that absolutely all oils can be mixed with each other without fear that a reaction will occur and, as a result, crystallization of the lubricant, and this will immediately lead to serious engine damage.

The information provided can be easily verified by anyone. So talk about a global conspiracy of oil producers who specifically add various additives to their products that react with each other is absolutely meaningless.

But here a fair question is born: “What if the oil is self-made?”. Nobody is immune from this. In addition, there is no difference whether such material will be filled in full or simply added. In any case, it levels the quality of even branded products and will damage the engine.

To reduce the risk of such a problem, it is better not to save on engine oil. It is desirable to purchase it in the same proven place. The same goes for the filter.

Shouldn't get carried away

While all oils can be mixed with each other, this should not be turned into a regular practice. It is necessary to follow the recommendations of the car manufacturer and pour into it the oil specified in the technical documentation. This guarantees a long engine operation without breakdowns and repairs.

Then the next question rightly arises: “But what about the general mixing of motor oils?”. Such universalization was carried out for the convenience of car owners, so that they could easily find and add oil, which can be purchased at the nearest store or from another car owner.

In order to explain such a contradiction, it is necessary to look at the problem from a technical point of view. All car manufacturers, before starting mass production of a new model, test it. This is done in order to eliminate all possible minor flaws and compile a list of technical recommendations.

During road tests, car developers find out which oil maximizes engine life and reduces wear on its moving parts. From this we can conclude that if you fill in another oil several times in an emergency, a disaster will not happen. But when this happens systematically, it gradually reduces the engine life of the power unit. The reason for this is inadequate protection of the moving parts, as a result, carbon deposits form on them and, as a result, the motor requires frequent repairs.

These situations themselves are not worth listing, every driver found himself in them. It would be better to give some advice on how to mix engine oils if the nearest store or gas station does not have the required manufacturer and class?

It is advisable to purchase any oil of the best quality for topping up. This refers to the coefficient of its viscosity. For example, in synthetics with an indicator of 30, you can add semi-synthetics with the number 40 and vice versa. The only exceptions are cars that require oils with special approval. In this case, on the counter, you need to find products from another manufacturer, which will have the same numerical designation, and pour it into your car. At the same time, you can ride on such a mixture until the next oil change.

If there is no better quality oil in the range, do not despair, products with worse characteristics will also work.

In this case, you must first fill in the cleaner and ride it for a while to thoroughly rinse all parts of the motor. During this period, it is necessary to observe a certain speed limit, do not heavily load the power unit, this can have a bad effect on it.

The most effective and efficient way to avoid emergency situations is prevention. Before traveling long distances, it does not hurt to inspect the car at a service station or on your own, if you have the skill and knowledge in this area. Another good advice - you should always carry the necessary oil with you, because a small canister will not take up much space, but it will save you from many problems.

In any case, the final choice always remains only with the driver, the owner of the car. But in the case when it is necessary to reach the nearest station or settlement, you can, without a doubt, fill in everything that is at hand.

Many car owners at least once found themselves in a situation where the oil level in the engine suddenly dropped below the permissible minimum, it was necessary to go urgently, but the same oil that was poured into the engine was not at hand, but there was something else. A logical question arises: is it possible to mix engine oils, and what does it threaten?

This debate has been going on for a very long time, and there are many opinions on it. So, manufacturers of lubricants categorically declare that only the oil that has already been poured into the engine can be added to the engine, and there can be no talk of any mixtures. You can understand this point of view, because each of them is interested in the fact that the car owner, choosing one brand of oil, remains faithful to her for a long time.

In addition, in this way, manufacturers seek to protect themselves from possible claims from car owners due to engine malfunctions caused by topping up with the wrong oil. Automakers are of the same opinion.

Among some car owners, a completely opposite opinion is widespread, they say, “grease is lubricant in Africa too.” The most important thing for them is that the level remains normal, and what “pickle” is poured into the engine, they care little.

The truth, as usual, lies somewhere in between. Engine oils can be mixed, but this is allowed only as a last resort, when it is not possible to continue driving in another way. The purpose of this article is not to call for pouring everything that comes to hand into the engine.

Brief educational program

Before finding out whether oils can be mixed, and how this will affect the condition of the car, you should understand what they are.

So, engine oil is a mixture of a base and various additives. The base properties are determined by the base, which can be mineral, synthetic or mixed in a ratio of 70/30 percent, of which the synthetic component accounts for a smaller part. The same bases of motor oils from different manufacturers differ little from each other, i.e., all synthetic ones, be it Motul, Honda or Castrol, have the same basic properties.

  • The set of performance characteristics of engine oils is determined by additives.
  • Each manufacturer himself determines their composition and quantity, seeking to obtain certain product qualities.
  • The chemical composition of additives for different oil bases is completely different, for example, additives are added to mineral water to ensure stable viscosity, which is not required by synthetics.
  • When mixing different oils, additives can enter into a chemical reaction, which will adversely affect the properties of the lubricant.

Arguments against mixing: is everything so scary

From bringing the level of lubrication to normal with what is at hand, car owners are stopped by several arguments. The extent to which they are justified will be discussed below.

  1. It is unacceptable to mix oils of different viscosity, because this will result in engine failure.
  2. It is unacceptable to mix products from different manufacturers, because. the additives contained in them will react with each other with the most disastrous consequences.
  3. Mixing of different base oils is unacceptable, the reason is the same as in paragraph 2.

Mixing oils of different viscosities

Low viscosity oils

Modern motor oil in many engines is not only a lubricant, but also a hydraulic fluid. If the required pressure is not created in certain places, it will become impossible for some powertrain systems to work, for example, the VTEC variable valve timing system in Honda engines.

Thus, demands are made not only on film thickness, but also on fluidity. For this reason, many automakers, including the already mentioned Honda, recommend pouring oils with increased fluidity, viscosity 0w20.

One more requirement is imposed on modern motor oils: high alkaline activity. This is necessary to achieve good washing properties, so that the lubricant is able to flush out dirt and wear products from “thin places” (the same VTEC system).

Of course, if you constantly “feed” the engine with insufficiently high-quality oil or do not change it in time, problems are guaranteed. However, fresh oil, even with a higher viscosity, will be able to ensure normal engine operation at first. The main thing is to replace this mixture after no more than 2000 km.

If we talk about mixing different viscosities in general, then, again, this procedure will not cause harm to the engine, especially when it comes to products from one manufacturer. The resulting viscosity value will be some average value, depending on the proportions. For example, when mixing 0w30 and 5w40 oils, the result may be 2w34 or 4w38, depending on how much oil was added.

Mixing oils from different manufacturers

Mixing products of different brands is also quite acceptable. Of course, if you do not take into account very low-quality oils. Despite the fact that all manufacturers add different additives and in different proportions, there will be no disaster when mixing them. Yes, they may well react with each other, but there will be no such results as foaming of the lubricant or precipitation.

In the worst case, the mixture will lose the branded positive properties of the oils, but will remain quite suitable for the car to travel up to 2000 km. Of course, you need to drain it from the motor as soon as possible. If, after topping up the products of another brand, the power unit failed, this only means that in any case it did not have long to go.

Mixing oils on different bases

Perhaps the most intractable problem for car owners is whether it is possible to mix engine oils made on different bases. The argument "against", again, is a different set of additives.

The current API and ACEA standards require that an engine oil produced in accordance with them can be mixed with any other certified according to the same standards. Thus, if necessary, you can even mix different base oil, and not ruin the engine. The main thing is not to “twist” it in the red zone.

Of course, if possible, only the oil that is poured into it should be added to the engine. If this is not possible, it is preferable to add products of the same brand. As a rule, within the same line, the composition of additives in oils of different viscosities differs little, and it is quite possible to drive on such a mixture until a scheduled replacement. You should also pay attention that the same plant can produce oils under different brands.

If you cannot find a product of the same brand, you can add any other to the engine. The main thing at the same time is to avoid high loads and replace the “pickle” with a lubricant recommended by the car manufacturer as soon as possible.

A little about gear oils

The problem of mixing oils arises not only when it comes to a car engine. Much less often, but still, a drop in the level of lubrication in the gearbox occurs, and a similar question arises about gear oils. Without going into theory, you can answer it in the same way as the one at the beginning of the article: you can mix transmission oils, but with the same conditions as engine oils.

Between themselves, they have a similar composition: base plus additives. The mixture obtained after bringing the level to normal will allow several thousand kilometers to be driven without damage to the gearbox, after which it must be drained. Of course, you should drive in a gentle mode, avoiding high loads on the gearbox.

The only thing that should not be done categorically is to mix motor and transmission oils, since they are designed for different applications, and the explosive mixture resulting from such manipulations will “kill” the engine with a much greater probability than a cocktail of ten varieties of motor oil.

What happens if you mix motor oils in one engine? This question arises for many motorists in situations where the level of the engine mixture has reached a critical value, and there is no corresponding liquid for topping up.

There are several reasons why motor oils have to interfere with each other in one engine:

  • with a planned replacement, up to 1 liter of the used mixture remains, which is mixed with new oil;
  • replacement of fluid from one manufacturer to another;
  • an increase in the mileage of the power unit, an increase in gaps in friction pairs - the need for a thicker liquid;
  • force majeure situations leading to oil leakage, while there is no similar liquid for topping up.

Answering the question: “What will happen if you mix motor oils in one engine?”, First you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of motor fluids, understand the differences in the base and additives of different automotive mixtures.

The base can be:

  • synthetic;
  • semi-synthetic;
  • mineral.

Synthetic oils are produced using a carbon synthesis reaction with polyalphaolefins (PAO), ethers or glycol compounds. Mineral liquids are a product of oil refining. Polysynthetic motor mixtures are obtained by mixing mineral and synthetic fluids in a certain ratio, which is not strictly regulated: each manufacturer can choose his own proportions to create semi-synthetics. The base base cannot adequately protect the engine from wear, so chemical elements are added to it - additives that provide the oil with certain properties to protect the power unit.

Each car manufacturer develops a unique composition of additives for their products. It can interfere with the base base up to 30% of various additives that do not enter into conflict chemical reactions with each other.

We mix correctly

Within one brand, mixing of PAO-based synthetics with mineral or hydrocracking mixtures is allowed. Hydrocracking products are obtained by processing a mineral oil base.

Synthetic polyester, silicone, glycol oils can be mixed with mineral water only after obtaining permission to mix from the dealer of these products.

It is allowed to mix synthetics and semi-synthetics, taking into account the viscosity of the product. For example, if you add 10w - 30 to a mixture of 10w - 20, then the high-temperature index of the car oil, which is responsible for protecting the power unit from overheating, will change. At the same time, the fluidity of the liquid will decrease, consider this fact, especially if the oil in your car also acts as a hydraulic mixture. An increase in the density of engine oil can lead to the fact that it cannot penetrate into the friction units of the drive elements and does not protect the motor from wear, plus the hydraulic system will no longer cope with its functions.

If, on the contrary, a more fluid mixture is poured into a sufficiently thick liquid, then the oil film formed by the mixing product will not be dense enough and will break with an increase in load or temperature - this will lead to dry friction of the drive parts. Based on the foregoing, when mixing synthetics with semi-synthetics, it is better not to use the mixing product for a long drive, but when you reach your destination, change the engine oil.

Products of various brands

Mixing oils from different manufacturers is a rather risky undertaking, which can lead not only to a major overhaul of the motor, but also send it for recycling. The fact is that different brands receive the basic basis from different raw materials using different schemes for its processing. For synthetics, there are many compounds that can be used to produce synthetic motor oil with good performance. Mineral mixtures are purified from oil fractions in several ways, different manufacturers can choose the most cost-effective schemes for their production. When making semi-synthetics, manufacturers can choose different proportions for mixing synthetics with mineral water. Obviously, it is impossible to predict the qualitative composition of the mixture obtained by mixing, since it is also impossible to say how much it can protect the motor from wear.

The greatest danger when mixing oils of different brands are additives added to the base base. Each brand uses its own composition of additives, so when mixing motor fluids, they can react - this will lead to the following consequences:

  • increase in carbon formation;
  • foaming of the engine mixture;
  • change in viscosity to a critical value;
  • rapid aging of the oil;
  • clogging of the channels of the motor and the lubrication system.

In addition, there are hydrocracking products on the market, which manufacturers sometimes pass off as pure synthetics. Mixing it with a synthetic base of another brand, you cannot be sure of the compatibility of fluids: synthetics use some additives, hydrocracked oils use different additives.


If you need to mix engine oils, follow these rules:

  • mix liquids of the same brand;
  • choose oils for mixing, the difference in viscosities of which is not critical;
  • be careful when mixing synthetics, the basis of which is not PAO;
  • when you reach your destination, drain the engine fluid and fill in the oil recommended by the car manufacturer;
  • topping up without tangible harm to the engine can be up to 10% of the volume of the entire engine mixture;
  • use certified products that have proven themselves in the market of brands with the appropriate marking on the canister.

API and ACEA engineers have developed engine oil classifications. If absolutely necessary, you can mix fluids that have the appropriate markings of these organizations without tangible harm to the power unit. At the same time, pronounced conflict reactions will not occur between the oils, but no one claims that API and ACEA marked motor fluids are fully compatible, how the mixing product will behave after several thousand kilometers is unknown.

Engine oil choice: synthetic or semi-synthetic?

Is mixing different oils allowed? This question is relevant for both novice motorists and experienced drivers. The main problem is that today there are many lubricants with additives and additives on the market. The number of manufacturers is in the dozens, and the motor oils themselves differ in classes, categories and a proprietary set of additives in the composition.

What will happen to the motor if you mix different lubricants? To this question, we can say that different oils can be mixed, but with some reservations.

Types of modern motor oils

Oils produced today for machine engines include 2 components - a base fluid and an additive package. The base oil occupies a minimum of eighty percent of the volume. Filler elements can occupy no more than twenty percent of the total lubricant volume. The base fluid can be mineral, semi-synthetic, synthetic. Additive packages may vary, but not too much.

There are 4 types of motor oils, each of which includes a base fluid and an additive package. Additives add special properties to the oil.

  1. Mineral. Produced from petroleum by selective refining. In the manufacture, the separation of paraffins, hydroprocessing is carried out. This creates the foundation. Mineral oils cost less than synthetics and semi-synthetics.
  2. Synthetic. They are made by chemical synthesis. As a result of synthesis, hydrocarbon molecules of the same size are formed. The process is very complicated, because such lubricants are more expensive than others.
  3. Semi-synthetic. They combine an artificial product with a mineral one. The price of semi-synthetics is higher than that of mineral lubricants, but lower than that of synthetics.
  4. Hydrocracking. An intermediate option between synthetic and semi-synthetic motor oils. These are mineral lubricants that have been hydrocracked. At a cost, such a lubricant is cheaper than synthetic.

Is it possible to fill the engine with different engine oils?

There are no officially established bans or permits for mixing oils that belong to different categories/brands. In this regard, there are only certain recommendations.

In the production of oils, there are general standards that all manufactured lubricants must comply with. API requirements apply in North America, ACEA requirements apply in Europe.

They have a general requirement that resolves the issue of the admissibility of mixing lubricants. This clause states that manufacturers of lubricants for the sale of products must ensure that their own oils are fully compatible with oil products from other companies. Therefore, absolutely all engine oils can be mixed without fear that a reaction will begin and the oil will crystallize, which will lead to engine failure.

The above information can be easily verified. In view of this reasoning about a global conspiracy of car oil manufacturers who specifically use various additive components that are not compatible with each other, are completely meaningless.


Although all lubricants can be mixed with each other, this does not mean that it is possible to mix without any restrictions and it is not recommended to do this regularly. It is necessary to follow the instructions of the manufacturer of the machine and fill it with engine oil, which is prescribed in the technical documents. This will ensure long-term operation of the motor without failures and the need for repair.

How and when to mix oils

1. Is it possible to mix oils from the same manufacturer? Inside the brand, you can mix lubricants in any proportions you like. This is due to the following:

  • same base;
  • the same filler elements that affect the viscosity of the oil product;
  • the use of additives that do not react with each other.

Of course, oil products will differ, but no reaction that negatively affects the motor will definitely begin. It's no secret, there are manufacturing plants that produce motor oils under different brands. In this case, the same base, the same additives are used. Thanks to this, the company increases its own profit.

The characteristics of such motor oils are identical. In view of this, when mixed, they will not precipitate, curl, or foam. However, the cost of such a lubricant varies significantly. Decide for yourself what is more important - brand or quality.

2. Is it possible to mix engine oils from different manufacturers? It is allowed to mix motor oils with similar properties from different companies - additive sets in most petroleum products are similar in composition and do not react with each other. However, mix lubricants if you have a short trip ahead, for example, you need to urgently get to the nearest car service.

3. Can synthetic oil be mixed with semi-synthetic oil? If you need to urgently add lubricant to an engine filled with synthetics, you can use a semi-synthetic oil product. 5W40 oil can be mixed with 10W40. In this case, you get 8W40 auto oil. However, it is much better to add synthetics to semi-synthetics, for example, add 5W40 to 10W40.

4. Is it possible to mix motor oils of different viscosities? A common situation: an urgent need to top up the lubricant, there is oil of the required brand, but it has a different viscosity. You can without a doubt buy such oil and pour it into the car engine. For example, you can add 10W30 to 10W40. What will change in this case? Reactions between lubricants will definitely not start, because the same manufacturer uses the same additive components. The only thing is that the fluidity of the lubricant in the engine will increase. It will be possible to start the power unit only at a certain temperature (up to minus thirty-five degrees).

5. Can a lubricant designed for a diesel engine be mixed with a car oil for a gasoline engine? It is necessary to separately talk about mixing fluids that are designed for different types of power units. What is the difference between a diesel engine and a gasoline engine? The operating temperature in the piston groups is completely different. Diesel is hotter because the pressure in the combustion chambers is quite high. In view of this, diesel lubricants are designed for operation in high-temperature conditions and have an increased viscosity coefficient. Detergent, antifriction and other characteristics are also high. For example, diesel fuel produces a large amount of soot, which must be constantly removed.

Oils for diesel engines can be poured into a gasoline engine. Doing the opposite is undesirable. Even multigrade oils are for the most part intended for older diesel engines, so care must be taken here.

Summing up according to what indicators it is possible to mix oils:

  1. When mixing without fail, pay attention to tolerances. They must be compatible.
  2. The class of motor oils must be the same. Do not fill a passenger car with truck lubricant.
  3. It is advisable to mix oils with the same viscosity and from the same manufacturer.
  4. It is necessary to improve the quality of the oil product. Add semi-synthetic lubricant to mineral water, synthetic lubricant to semi-synthetic oil.

Something else useful for you:

Reduce the quality of the lubricant. Do not add semi-synthetic petroleum products to synthetics.

  1. Mixing mineral water with synthetics. This is due to a noticeable deterioration in the properties of the lubricating fluid. Mineral water is less viscous than synthetics (not to be confused with SAE viscosity).
  2. The SAE index reflects the ability of oils not to change their own viscosity in a certain temperature range. The larger it is, the better the car oil performs its task. This is of great importance for modern engines with a turbine and high speeds.
  3. Do not mix fifty-fifty. It is recommended to top up the volume of oil, not exceeding fifteen percent of the volume of the liquid already filled.
