Dormitories. No students yet: we walk around the new UrFU dorm, which was built instead of a constructivist building

In Yekaterinburg, in Vtuzgorodok, the construction of the UrFU student dormitory is almost finished. The sixteen-story building grew in ten months.

Students do not live here yet, the building should be commissioned in August of this year, that is, students of the Ural Federal University can move here at the end of summer. But before life begins to boil here and noisy students move in, we went on a tour and even climbed onto the roof (students will not be allowed in there, but we took advantage of our official position and looked at the area from the height of the 16th floor).

Before you go on a tour of the hostel and start getting nostalgic for your student days, let us remind you that on the site of this high-rise building there used to be an old building - which was built back in the 1930s - it was hostel No. 8, in the constructivist style. and literally immediately began building a new one.

A tour of the hostel was given to us by Viktor Elkin, construction manager of LSR Group in the Urals. We enter the hostel through the main entrance - getting here is not particularly difficult: the turnstiles are not installed, and there is no concierge at the post, but this is only for now.

On the ground floor of the hostel there is a cafe with two dining rooms with 50 seats, and in the other wing there are living rooms.

The dormitory has 523 rooms for 1,230 students. Each section has two rooms - for two or three people, a separate bathroom and bathroom, and a kitchen. Some sections already have a kitchen set with a hob. The area of ​​one section is 50 square meters, that is, in size it can be compared to a two-room Khrushchev apartment.

Of all the hostels that exist in the city today, this is the most modern, but the 22-story hostel that will appear next door will be even more modernized. There are 15–20 days of work left here. Now they are importing and installing furniture, and we will finish the landscaping work in early July,” Viktor Elkin, construction manager of LSR Group in the Urals, explained to E1.RU.

They also want to demolish the building that stands next door; when and who will do the construction is still unclear.

On each floor there are laundry, ironing and drying rooms, as well as two more rooms for study and one for relaxation. For now they are all empty, but furniture should be delivered here soon.

What many dorms in Yekaterinburg certainly don’t have are fitness rooms. On the second floor - directly above the dining room - there are two rooms for sports - the first room will have exercise equipment, and the second room will be for group classes.

The gym can accommodate up to 40 students at a time,” Elkin said.

The new dormitory has four high-speed elevators - three passenger and one fire elevator. The elevator walls are covered with anti-vandal coating (you never know what to expect from students).

We enter the elevator, and while we are driving to the desired floor, Viktor Elkin recalls the hostel in which he lived when he himself was a student at the construction department of UPI:

We also lived in groups of two or three people - a sectional dormitory and our own kitchen, where we had evening gatherings.

We go into the room, it is really spacious, there is a bathroom and toilet on the right, a kitchen on the left. There are shower cabins in the bathroom, and shelves have already been installed and hooks have been screwed on.

The rooms have a modern fire protection system. If anything catches fire, an alarm will sound and a special device will draw smoke out of the room. And when the fire system floods the entire floor, the lower floors will not flood.

If the water goes into the corridor, then everything is provided there too. There are no thresholds in the room so that the water does not linger and go into the corridor, so the lower floors will not flood,” added Elkin.

There is a special coating on the floor - marmoleum.

Marmoleum is a natural linoleum that does not contain a single gram of chemicals; it is electrostatic. There are special factories in Portugal and Belgium that produce it, we ordered from Belgium,” added Victor Elkin. - This is quite an expensive pleasure, but the customer agreed to it.

From the second to the eighth floor there are rooms for people with disabilities - they are practically no different from ordinary rooms: just instead of a shower, there is a shower directly in the floor. Another difference is in the size of the doorways: they are wider so that a stroller can pass through.

From the roof you can see the whole area - here is the old hostel, and there is Lake Shartash, and if you look right in front of the building (which we climbed), you can see that a park is being restored next to the old hostel - a recreation area has been equipped here and benches have been installed.

According to the contract, this hostel should be completed on August 1, but in reality it will be ready by July 10,” concluded Viktor Elkin.

Student at this university: Good afternoon, I have been patient for a long time, but today I will share information with you. Let me start with the fact that while we were studying, everyone frankly didn’t care about the fact that there were no desks and chairs on the floors. There is an auditorium for self-study, but it is always closed. Only not long ago there was more or less renovation and a couple of chairs. But what magnificent banquets, career spring, scientific conferences. Out of 100 students at such a conference, 30% will show something really useful and interesting (I’m not sure), but I’m sure that this is all window dressing. I had a case in the 3rd year, I came to the State University of Culture to prepare for the exam. I went to the reading room, they didn’t let me in in outerwear, I went to the cloakroom and there they told me there was a conference today and the rector’s decree not to accept clothes from students. And they tell me to bring the paper that you are really going to the reading room (who will give it to me) if they didn’t even let me in. Swearing okay, the security guys were normal, understood the situation and helped.

Now, perhaps, about corruption, many teachers give C grades for the bubble of tea. The most important corrupt official is G****. The exam price is 10 kopecks. I was told that in the 90s and 2000s. He didn’t even give the student a free 500 ruble tail. I also want to say about M******* when the manager. The department says in plain text that the university received money from the state for you. Now no one cares about you, is this even normal in your opinion? Many teachers don’t even want to tell the material, but there was a case when I asked a question on the topic and they called me a fool. Why, you see, I’m asking stupid questions. What's wrong with this, please? I came to learn to learn from experience; after asking a stupid question once, I will understand how to ask it correctly next time. Not every one of us is able to keep up with the team. But this does not mean that after graduation this student will be a bad specialist. For understanding, I’m exaggerating, there is one who understood the subject but became arrogant and did not listen. And the other doesn’t understand, but he’s interested and tries. And who do you think will achieve the result?

I want to quote someone else’s review so that the reader can draw his own conclusions<<<Добрый день! Начну с того, что за державу обидно. Просто обидно. Все продается и покупается и никто не стесняется. А кто не продается, тот просто не хочет работать. Создали "бренд", и торгуют им. Это давно уже огромный нечестный бизнес, а не образование. Возьмём очное, 1 курс, пишем курсовые: в том же Педе с тобой преподаватель общается, лично, ОЧНО (не зря наверно тратишь время и деньги на очке), объясняет что и как делать, наставляет тебя, курирует. Что происходит здесь? 1 курс, не было ещё ни производственной практики, ни опыта в написании курсовых, очно со студентами видеться никто не хочет, преподаватель просрочивает все сроки выдачи заданий, проверки и сдачи работ. Виноват и страдает кто? Естественно студент. Жаловаться некуда. Да и всем плевать уже, тройки хватит, лишь бы не мучали за просто так. Потом удивляются, почему народ заказывает и сдает чужие работы за деньги. Нет в стране практически достойного образования. И этот отзыв, описывающий лишь каплю в море. Никто не хочет работать, а лишь воровать. Знаете, до слез обидно. За страну обидно. Есть ли у нас будущее?>>> .....

Well, perhaps about R******, this man just laughed in class, giving the material without explanation and in abbreviations. When he writes something on the board, he doesn’t wait for people to copy it down. Explaining this by saying that you should read this in books. Yes, I agree, but how then does this type of education differ from independent learning? Yes, if you come to the course you are interested in and study there for two weeks. You will get more information than when no one cares about anyone, they only need money and so that no one can fuck them, they spread rot with a bunch of tasks, without explanation. I didn’t come to the university to solve puzzles in someone else’s head. The example is very simple when the ticket describes a specific task. And at the time of delivery, additional conditions appear. It’s the same with this teacher’s essay. If you have given an assignment to write an essay on a topic and say to use foreign literature, you must understand that the deadlines are tight and everyone’s knowledge of the language is different. 20 didn’t go anywhere either, but what killed me most was that he only accepted information from certain sources. Just think for yourself, the student is nervous, they are called to work or on some kind of business trip. You completed your abstract before the session, bring it, and after looking at only one page he says that this is not what he wanted to see. Well, please formulate the task correctly. Otherwise he sent me to redo it but didn’t give an explanation. I’m not the only one; this is the same story with every group. And so every year.

The second such friend is M*****, but at least he demands the case, probably one of the few honest university teachers. And ***** is also a great guy, he even wrote his own manual so that students could understand the material. He put his heart and soul into it. And not like now they just send you to the Internet, go read it, and then I’ll think about whether you read it. For the university, the student must come first and the attitude must be humane.

And the last thing: at the Department of Physics at the State University of Culture there is a rude person who can simply show you an indecent gesture in your face. She didn’t want to work and was rude if a woman had any problems in her personal life. Give the person a vacation, if she is just that kind of person then have a conversation. And after I decided to contact the rector, they sent me home and said such issues should be resolved at the department. That is, if a student finds himself in a difficult situation, no one will ever help him. This woman slandered me and until I turned the conversation in a different direction and said that if they do not resolve this issue now, I will go to court. Okay, I’m harmful if a first-year girl from the village, for example, naive, honest and modest, gets into such a situation. All she can do is cry into her pillow in the dorm.

P.S. I wanted to go to this university since I was 6 years old, I worked towards this for many years, tried to do the work myself, studied the material. And then you just have this attitude: you are trash and others will come to take your place. I hope the necessary authorities will be interested in this message and resolve the issue. Oh yes, the idea of ​​part-time teachers is complete nonsense, and perhaps these people are experts in their field, but the majority either don’t want to teach or don’t know how to teach. They have their own lives, children and dreams, they don’t care about full-time and part-time students.

Address: st. Bolshakova, 71.

Block type dormitory. The block usually has 4 rooms (2 four-bed and 2 double), as well as a toilet, shower and two sinks. The building is nine floors, the elevator almost never breaks down, but it doesn’t go to all floors :)

The windows are ordinary, not plastic, the radiators work well, but in winter it can be a little cold, so it is better to close the windows. Even better - with a heater, but this is punishable by the administration due to weak wiring. Electric stoves in the rooms are also prohibited.

On the ground floor there are vending machines with chocolates and drinking water. In addition, there is a gym and tennis room, as well as a reading room and laundry room.

The floors are cleaned daily, and overall the level of cleanliness is good. The walls in the corridors are repainted every summer.

Guests are officially allowed in from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., and from one to six in the morning the hostel is closed to residents, but in fact you can come to an agreement with the shift workers; they are not especially atrocious.

A new school year is ahead. In this regard, institutions are faced with the issue of providing students with places in dormitories. For the Ural Federal University this is not a problem; every nonresident student will have a place in the dormitory. On September 1, UrFU opens a new student building on the street. Komsomolskaya, 70, which was presented to the media today. The building has 1230 seats, which is impressive.

We saw not only the rooms where students will eat, sleep, study and play sports. The security room and electrical control room will be closed to outsiders. And after this excursion you will not be allowed into the “underside” territory of the student canteen without a health certificate.

The student building was built in one year. It will open its doors to students by September 1. The building is equipped with the latest security system - the premises are equipped with video cameras and sensors. The fire safety status of the building is excellent, because the interior decoration is made of non-combustible materials.

Pavel Mezentsev, Deputy Vice-Rector for General Affairs, shares important aspects about student dormitory:

— There are 268 residential cells in the dormitory. 1,230 children will live here, including children with disabilities. The old building was demolished. The new facility is ready and awaits students on September 1st. The project cost 906 million rubles, taking into account the internal contents - equipment, furniture. The money was allocated strictly within the framework of the federal program.

Aslan Kagiev, Deputy First Vice-Rector for Student Potential Development, spoke about the future residents of the building:

— Our campus numbers about 8,000 people. First of all, students of the Institute of New Materials and Technologies will live here - they will occupy half of the dormitory. Further on by categories. One floor is dedicated to student leaders. Another one for graduate students. We will allocate places for foreign students. And, of course, there will be a small reserve for the 2018 FIFA World Cup.