Perpetual motion machine on magnets. Fuelless engines: overview, principle of operation. Magnetic motor Permanent magnet axial motor

Almost everything that happens in our life depends entirely on electricity, but there are some technologies that allow us to completely get rid of wired energy. Let's consider together whether it is possible to make a magnetic motor with your own hands, what is the principle of its operation, how it works.

Principle of operation

Now there is a concept that perpetual motion machines can be of the first and second types. The first includes devices that produce energy on their own - as if from the air, but the second option is engines that receive this energy from the outside, water, sunlight, wind act as it, and then the device converts the received energy into electricity. If we consider the laws of thermodynamics, then each of these theories is practically unrealistic, but some scientists completely disagree with such a statement. It was they who began to develop perpetual motion machines belonging to the second type, operating on energy received from a magnetic field.

Many scientists developed such a "perpetual motion machine", and at different times. More specifically, the greatest contribution to such a matter as the development of the theory of creating a magnetic engine was made by Vasily Shkondin, Nikolai Lazarev, Nikola Tesla. In addition to them, the developments of Perendev, Minato, Howard Johnson, Lorenz are well known.

All of them proved that the forces contained in permanent magnets have a huge, constantly renewable energy, which is replenished from the world ether. Nevertheless, no one on the planet has yet studied the essence of the work of permanent magnets, as well as their truly anomalous energy. That is why so far no one has been able to effectively apply the magnetic field in order to get really useful energy.

Now no one has yet been able to create a full-fledged magnetic engine, but there are a sufficient number of very plausible devices, myths and theories, even well-founded scientific papers that are devoted to the development of a magnetic engine. Everyone knows that much less effort is required to shift attracted permanent magnets than to tear them apart. It is this phenomenon that is most often used to create a true "perpetual" linear motor based on magnetic energy.

What should be a real magnetic motor

In general, such a device looks like this.

  1. Inductor.
  2. The magnet is movable.
  3. Coil slots.
  4. central axis;
  5. ball bearing;
  6. Racks.
  7. Disks;
  8. permanent magnets;
  9. Closing magnet discs;
  10. Pulley;
  11. Drive belt.
  12. Magnetic engine.

Any device that is made on this principle can be quite successfully used to generate truly anomalous electrical and mechanical energy. Moreover, if it is used as a generator electrical unit, then it is capable of generating electricity of such power, which significantly exceeds a similar product, in the form of a mechanical drive motor.

Now let's take a closer look at what a magnetic engine is in general, and also why many people are trying to develop and translate this design into reality, seeing a tempting future in it. A truly real engine of this design should function exclusively on magnets, while directly using their constantly released energy to move all internal mechanisms.

Important: the main problem of various designs based specifically on the use of permanent magnets is that they tend to tend to a static position, called equilibrium.

When two sufficiently strong magnets are screwed side by side, they will move only until the moment when the maximum attraction between the poles is reached at the minimum possible distance. In reality, they just turn to each other. Therefore, each inventor of various magnetic motors tries to make the attraction of magnets variable due to the mechanical properties of the motor itself, or uses the function of a kind of shielding.

At the same time, magnetic motors in their pure form are very good in their essence. And if you add a relay and a control circuit to them, use the gravity of the earth and unbalance, then they become really ideal. They can safely be called "eternal" sources of supplied free energy! There are hundreds of examples of all kinds of magnetic motors, ranging from the most primitive ones that can be assembled with one's own hands to Japanese serial copies.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of working motors on magnetic energy

The advantages of magnetic motors are their complete autonomy, 100% fuel economy, a unique opportunity to organize installation in any required place using the means at hand. It also looks like a clear plus that a powerful device made on magnets can provide energy to a living space, as well as such a factor as the ability of a gravitational motor to work until it wears out. At the same time, even before physical death, he is able to give out maximum energy.

However, it also has certain disadvantages:

  • it has been proven that the magnetic field has a very negative effect on health, especially the jet engine;
  • although there are positive experimental results, most models do not function at all in natural conditions;
  • the purchase of a ready-made device does not yet guarantee that it will be successfully connected;
  • when you want to buy a magnetic piston or impulse motor, you should be tuned in to the fact that it will be too overpriced.

How to assemble such an engine yourself

Such homemade products are in constant demand, as evidenced by almost all electrician forums. Because of this, it is necessary to consider in more detail how you can independently assemble a working magnetic motor at home.

The device that we will now try to construct together will consist of three shafts connected, and they must be fastened so that the central shaft is directly turned to the side ones. In the center of the middle shaft it is necessary to attach a disk made of lucite and having a diameter of about ten centimeters, and its thickness is a little more than one centimeter. The outer shafts should also be equipped with discs, but already half the diameter. Small magnets are attached to these discs. Of these, eight pieces are attached to a disk of larger diameter, and four to small ones.

In this case, the axis where the individual magnets are located must be parallel to the plane of the shafts. They are installed so that the ends of the magnets pass with a minute flash near the wheels. When these wheels are set in motion by hands, the poles of the magnetic axis will become synchronized. In order to get acceleration, it is strongly recommended to install an aluminum bar at the base of the system so that its end is slightly in contact with the magnetic parts. By performing such manipulations, it will be possible to obtain a structure that will rotate, performing a full revolution in two seconds.

In this case, the drives must be installed in a certain way, when all the shafts will rotate relative to the others in the same way. Naturally, when a braking effect is performed on the system with a third-party object, it will stop rotating. It was Bauman who first invented such a perpetual motion machine on a magnetic basis, but he did not succeed in patenting the invention, since at that time the device belonged to the category of developments for which a patent was not issued.

This magnetic motor is interesting in that it does not need any external energy costs at all. Only the magnetic field causes the mechanism to rotate. Because of this, it is worth trying to build a version of such a device yourself.

To perform the experiment, you will need to prepare:

  • disk made of plexiglass;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • a workpiece machined from a spindle and then mounted on a steel body;
  • magnets.

Important: the last elements must be slightly sharpened from one side at an angle, then you can get a more visual effect.

On a plexiglass blank in the form of a disk around the entire perimeter, it is required to stick pieces of a magnet using double-sided tape. They must be positioned outward with sharpened edges. In this case, it must be ensured that all the ground edges of each magnet must have a one-sided direction.

As a result, the resulting disk, on which the magnets are located, must be fixed on the spindle, and then check how freely it will rotate in order to prevent the slightest snagging. When a small magnet is brought to the completed structure, similar to those that are already pasted on plexiglass, then nothing should change. Although if you try to twist the disk itself a little, a small effect will become noticeable, although very insignificant.

Now you should bring a larger magnet and see how the situation changes. When twisting the disk by hand, the mechanism stops anyway in the gap between the magnets.

When you take only a half of the magnet, which is brought to the manufactured mechanism, it is visually seen that after a slight twisting it continues to move a little due to the influence of a weak magnetic field. It remains to check how the rotation will be observed if the magnets are removed one by one from the disk, making large gaps between them. And this experiment is doomed to failure - the disk will invariably stop exactly in the magnetic gaps.

After lengthy research, everyone will be able to see for themselves that in this way it will not be possible to manufacture a magnetic motor. You should experiment with other options.


The magnetomechanical phenomenon, which consists in the need to apply really small efforts to move the magnets, when compared with an attempt to tear them off, has been used everywhere to create the so-called "perpetual" linear magnetic motor-generator.

Dmitry Levkin

The main difference between a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is the rotor. Studies have shown that the PMSM has about 2% more than a high efficiency (IE3) induction motor, provided that the stator is of the same design and the same is used for control. At the same time, synchronous electric motors with permanent magnets, in comparison with other electric motors, have the best indicators: power / volume, moment / inertia, etc.

Structures and types of permanent magnet synchronous motor

A permanent magnet synchronous motor, like any motor, consists of a rotor and a stator. The stator is the fixed part, the rotor is the rotating part.

Usually the rotor is located inside the stator of the electric motor, there are also designs with an external rotor - reverse type electric motors.

Designs of a permanent magnet synchronous motor: on the left - standard, on the right - reversed.

Rotor consists of permanent magnets. Materials with high coercive force are used as permanent magnets.

    According to the design of the rotor, synchronous motors are divided into:

A salient pole motor has equal inductance along the longitudinal and transverse axes L d \u003d L q, while for a salient pole motor, the transverse inductance is not equal to the longitudinal L q ≠ L d .

Cross section of rotors with different Ld/Lq ratio. Magnets are shown in black. Figures e, f show axially layered rotors, figures c and h show rotors with barriers.

Rotor of a synchronous motor with surface mounted permanent magnets

Rotor of a synchronous motor with built-in magnets

stator consists of a body and a core with a winding. The most common designs with two- and three-phase winding.

    Depending on the design of the stator, a permanent magnet synchronous motor can be:
  • with distributed winding;
  • with concentrated winding.

Distributed call such a winding, in which the number of slots per pole and phase Q = 2, 3, ...., k.

Focused they call such a winding in which the number of slots per pole and phase Q \u003d 1. In this case, the slots are evenly spaced around the circumference of the stator. The two coils forming the winding can be connected either in series or in parallel. The main disadvantage of such windings is the impossibility of influencing the shape of the EMF curve.

Scheme of a three-phase distributed winding

Scheme of a three-phase lumped winding

    Form of back emf electric motor can be:
  • trapezoidal;
  • sinusoidal.

The shape of the EMF curve in the conductor is determined by the distribution curve of the magnetic induction in the gap along the stator circumference.

It is known that the magnetic induction in the gap under the pronounced pole of the rotor has a trapezoidal shape. The EMF induced in the conductor has the same form. If it is necessary to create a sinusoidal EMF, then the pole pieces are shaped in such a way that the induction distribution curve would be close to sinusoidal. This is facilitated by the bevels of the pole pieces of the rotor.

The principle of operation of a synchronous motor is based on the interaction of the stator and the constant magnetic field of the rotor.



Rotating magnetic field of a synchronous motor

The magnetic field of the rotor, interacting with the synchronous alternating current of the stator windings, according to, creates, causing the rotor to rotate ().

Permanent magnets located on the PMSM rotor create a constant magnetic field. At a synchronous speed of rotation of the rotor with the stator field, the poles of the rotor interlock with the rotating magnetic field of the stator. In this regard, the PMSM cannot start itself when it is connected directly to a three-phase current network (current frequency in the network is 50 Hz).

Permanent magnet synchronous motor control

A permanent magnet synchronous motor requires a control system, such as a servo drive, for example. At the same time, there are a large number of ways to control the implemented control systems. The choice of the optimal control method mainly depends on the task that is set for the electric drive. The main control methods of a permanent magnet synchronous motor are shown in the table below.

Control Advantages Flaws
sinusoidal Simple control scheme
With position sensor Smooth and precise setting of the rotor position and motor speed, large control range Requires a rotor position sensor and a powerful microcontroller control system
Without encoder No rotor position sensor required. Smooth and accurate setting of the rotor position and motor speed, large control range, but less than with a position sensor Sensorless field-oriented control over the entire speed range only possible for PMSM with salient pole rotor, powerful control system required
Simple control circuit, good dynamic performance, large control range, no encoder required High ripple torque and current
Trapezoidal no feedback Simple control scheme Control is not optimal, not suitable for tasks where the load changes, loss of control is possible
with feedback With position sensor (Hall sensors) Simple control scheme Hall effect sensors required. There are momentum ripples. Designed to control PMSM with trapezoidal back EMF, when controlling PMSM with sinusoidal back EMF, the average torque is 5% lower.
Without sensor Requires a more powerful control system Not suitable for low speed operation. There are momentum ripples. Designed to control PMSM with trapezoidal back EMF, when controlling PMSM with sinusoidal back EMF, the average torque is 5% lower.

Popular ways to control a permanent magnet synchronous motor

To solve simple problems, trapezoidal control by Hall sensors is usually used (for example, computer fans). For applications that require maximum performance from the drive, field-oriented control is usually selected.

Trapezoidal control

One of the simplest methods for controlling a permanent magnet synchronous motor is trapezoidal control. Trapezoidal control is used to control PMSM with trapezoidal back EMF. At the same time, this method also allows you to control the PMSM with a sinusoidal back EMF, but then the average torque of the electric drive will be lower by 5%, and the torque ripple will be 14% of the maximum value. There is trapezoidal control without feedback and with feedback on the position of the rotor.

Control no feedback is not optimal and can lead to the PMSM getting out of synchronism, i.e. to loss of control.

    Control with feedback can be divided into:
  • trapezoidal control by position sensor (usually by Hall sensors);
  • trapezoidal control without encoder (sensorless trapezoidal control).

As a rotor position sensor in trapezoidal control of a three-phase PMSM, three Hall sensors built into the electric motor are usually used, which allow you to determine the angle with an accuracy of ±30 degrees. With this control, the stator current vector takes only six positions per electrical period, resulting in torque ripples at the output.

    There are two ways to determine the position of the rotor:
  • by position sensor;
  • sensorless - by real-time calculation of the angle by the control system based on the available information.

Field-oriented control of PMSM by position sensor

    The following types of sensors are used as an angle sensor:
  • inductive: sine-cosine rotating transformer (SKVT), reductosin, inductosin, etc.;
  • optical;
  • magnetic: magnetoresistive sensors.

Field-oriented control of PMSM without encoder

Due to the rapid development of microprocessors since the 1970s, sensorless vector methods for controlling brushless AC began to be developed. The first sensorless angle detection methods were based on the property of an electric motor to generate back EMF during rotation. The back EMF of the motor contains information about the position of the rotor, so by calculating the value of the back EMF in a stationary coordinate system, you can calculate the position of the rotor. But when the rotor is not moving, there is no back EMF, and at low speeds, the back EMF has a small amplitude, which is difficult to distinguish from noise, so this method is not suitable for determining the position of the motor rotor at low speeds.

    There are two common options for launching the PSDM:
  • scalar triggering - triggering on a predetermined voltage versus frequency characteristic. But scalar control greatly limits the capabilities of the control system and the parameters of the electric drive as a whole;
  • - works only with PMSM in which the rotor has pronounced poles.

Currently only possible for motors with a rotor with pronounced poles.

For hundreds of years, mankind has been trying to create an engine that will work forever. Now this question is especially relevant when the planet is inevitably moving towards an energy crisis. Of course, it may never come, but regardless, people still need to move away from their usual sources of energy and the magnetic motor is a great option.

  1. First;
  2. Second.

As for the former, they are mostly the fruit of the fantasies of science fiction writers, but the latter are quite real. The first type of such engines extracts energy from an empty place, but the second one receives it from a magnetic field, wind, water, sun, etc.

Magnetic fields are not only being actively studied, but also trying to use them as a "fuel" for an eternal power unit. Moreover, many of the scientists of different eras achieved significant success. Among the famous surnames, the following can be noted:

  • Nikolay Lazarev;
  • Mike Brady;
  • Howard Johnson;
  • Kouhei Minato;
  • Nikola Tesla.

Particular attention was paid to permanent magnets, which can literally restore energy from the air (world ether). Despite the fact that there are no full-fledged explanations of the nature of permanent magnets at the moment, humanity is moving in the right direction.

At the moment, there are several options for linear power units that differ in their technology and assembly scheme, but work on the basis of the same principles:

  1. They work thanks to the energy of magnetic fields.
  2. Pulse action with the possibility of control and an additional power source.
  3. Technologies that combine the principles of both powertrains.

General device and principle of operation

Motors on magnets are not like the usual electric ones, in which rotation occurs due to electric current. The first option will work only thanks to the constant energy of the magnets and has 3 main parts:

  • rotor with permanent magnet;
  • stator with electric magnet;
  • engine.

An electromechanical type generator is mounted on one shaft with a power unit. A static electromagnet is made in the form of an annular magnetic circuit with a cut out segment or arc. Among other things, the electric magnet also has an inductor to which an electrical switch is connected, thanks to which a reverse current is supplied.

In fact, the principle of operation of different magnetic motors may differ based on the type of models. But in any case, the main driving force is precisely the property of permanent magnets. Consider the principle of operation, you can use the example of the Lorentz anti-gravity unit. The essence of its work lies in 2 differently charged disks that are connected to a power source. These discs are placed halfway in a hemispherical screen. They begin to actively rotate. Thus, the magnetic field is easily pushed out by the superconductor.

The history of the perpetual motion machine

The first mention of the creation of such a device arose in India in the 7th century, but the first practical attempts to create it appeared in the 8th century in Europe. Naturally, the creation of such a device would significantly accelerate the development of the science of energy.

In those days, such a power unit could not only lift various loads, but also turn mills, as well as water pumps. In the 20th century, a significant discovery occurred that gave impetus to the creation of a power unit - the discovery of a permanent magnet with a subsequent study of its capabilities.

The motor model based on it was supposed to work for an unlimited amount of time, which is why it was called eternal. But be that as it may, there is nothing eternal, since any part or detail can fail, therefore, by the word “forever” it is necessary to understand only that it must work without interruption, while not implying any costs, including fuel.

Now it is impossible to accurately determine the creator of the first perpetual mechanism, which is based on magnets. Naturally, it is very different from the modern one, but there are some opinions that the first mention of a power unit on magnets is in the treatise of Bhskar Acharya, a mathematician from India.

The first information about the appearance of such a device in Europe appeared in the XIII century. The information came from Villard d'Honnecourt, an eminent engineer and architect. After his death, the inventor left his notebook to his descendants, in which there were different drawings of not only structures, but also mechanisms for lifting loads and the very first magnetic device, which remotely resembles a perpetual motion machine.

Tesla magnetic unipolar motor

Significant success in this area was achieved by the great scientist, known for many discoveries - Nikola Tesla. Among scientists, the scientist's device received a slightly different name - Tesla's unipolar generator.

It is worth noting that the first research in this area is carried out by Faraday, but despite the fact that he created a prototype with a similar principle of operation, as Tesla later did, stability and efficiency left much to be desired. The word "unipolar" means that in the device circuit, a cylindrical, disk or ring conductor is located between the poles of a permanent magnet.

The official patent presented the following scheme, in which there is a design with 2 shafts on which 2 pairs of magnets are installed: one pair creates a conditionally negative field, and the other pair creates a positive one. Between these magnets are generating conductors (unipolar disks), which are connected to each other using a metal tape, which in fact can be used not only to rotate the disk, but also as a conductor.

Tesla is known for a large number of useful inventions.

Minato engine

Another excellent version of such a mechanism, in which the energy of magnets is used as an uninterrupted autonomous operation, is an engine that has long gone into series, despite the fact that it was developed only 30 years ago by the Japanese inventor Kohei Minato.

Experts note a high level of noiselessness and at the same time, efficiency. According to its creator, a magnetic-type self-rotating motor like this one has an efficiency above 300%.

The design implies a rotor in the form of a wheel or disk, on which magnets are placed at an angle. When a stator with a large magnet approaches them, the wheel begins to move, which is based on the alternating repulsion / approach of the poles. The rotation speed will increase as the stator approaches the rotor.

To eliminate unwanted impulses during wheel operation, stabilizer relays are used and the current consumption of the control electromagnet is reduced. There are also disadvantages in such a scheme, as the need for systematic magnetization and the lack of information on traction and load characteristics.

Howard Johnson magnetic motor

The scheme of this invention from Howard Johnson involves the use of energy, which is created due to the flow of unpaired electrons that are present in magnets, to create a power supply circuit for a power unit. The scheme of the device looks like a combination of a large number of magnets, the location of which is determined based on the design features.

The magnets are located on a separate plate, with a high level of magnetic conductivity. Identical poles are located towards the rotor. This ensures alternate repulsion / attraction of the poles, and at the same time, the displacement of parts of the rotor and stator relative to each other.

Properly selected distance between the main working parts, allows you to choose the right magnetic concentration, so you can choose the strength of interaction.

Perendev generator

The Perendev generator is another successful interaction of magnetic forces. This is Mike Brady's invention, which he even managed to patent and create the Perendev company, before a criminal case was opened against him.

The stator and rotor are made in the form of an outer ring and a disk. As can be seen from the diagram provided in the patent, individual magnets are placed on them along a circular path, clearly observing a certain angle with respect to the central axis. Due to the interaction of the fields of the rotor and stator magnets, they rotate. The calculation of a chain of magnets is reduced to determining the angle of divergence.

Permanent magnet synchronous motor

A synchronous motor at constant frequencies is the main type of electric motor, where the rotor and stator speeds are at the same level. A classic electromagnetic power unit has windings on plates, but if you change the design of the armature and install permanent magnets instead of a coil, then you get a fairly effective model of a synchronous power unit.

The stator circuit has a classic layout of the magnetic circuit, which includes the winding and plates, where the magnetic field of the electric current accumulates. This field interacts with the constant field of the rotor, which creates torque.

Among other things, it must be taken into account that, based on the specific type of circuit, the location of the armature and stator can be changed, for example, the first one can be made in the form of an outer shell. To activate the motor from the mains current, a magnetic starter circuit and a thermal protective relay are used.

How to assemble the engine yourself

No less popular are home-made versions of such devices. They are quite often found on the Internet, not only as working schemes, but also as specifically executed and working units.

One of the easiest devices to create at home, it is created using 3 shafts connected to each other, which are fastened in such a way that the central one is turned to those on the sides.

In the center of the shaft in the middle is attached a disk of lucite, 4 inches in diameter and 0.5 inches thick. Those shafts that are located on the sides also have 2-inch discs, on which there are magnets of 4 pieces each, and on the central one there are twice as many - 8 pieces.

The axis must necessarily be in relation to the shafts in a parallel plane. The ends near the wheels pass with a flash of 1 minute. If you start moving the wheels, then the ends of the magnetic axis will begin to synchronize. To give acceleration, it is necessary to put an aluminum bar in the base of the device. One end should touch the magnetic parts a little. As soon as the design is improved in this way, the unit will rotate faster, by half a turn in 1 second.

Among the advantages of such units, the following can be noted:

  1. Full autonomy with maximum fuel economy.
  2. A powerful device using magnets can provide a room with energy of 10 kW or more.
  3. Such an engine runs until it is completely worn out.

So far, such engines are not without drawbacks:

  1. The magnetic field can adversely affect human health and well-being.
  2. A large number of models cannot work effectively in domestic conditions.
  3. There are slight difficulties in connecting even the finished unit.
  4. The cost of such engines is quite high.

Such units are no longer fiction and will soon be able to completely replace the usual power units. At the moment, they cannot compete with conventional engines, but there is potential for development.

The possibility of obtaining free energy for many scientists in the world is one of the stumbling blocks. To date, the production of such energy is carried out at the expense of alternative energy. Natural energy is converted by alternative energy sources into heat and electricity familiar to people. At the same time, such sources have the main drawback - dependence on weather conditions. Such shortcomings are deprived of fuel-free engines, namely, the Moskvin engine.

Moskvin engine

Moskvin's fuelless engine is a mechanical device that converts the energy of an external conservative force into kinetic energy that rotates the working shaft, without consuming electricity or any type of fuel. Such devices are in fact perpetual motion machines that operate indefinitely as long as the force is applied to the levers, and the parts do not wear out in the process of converting free energy. During the operation of a fuel-free engine, free free energy is generated, the consumption of which when connected to a generator is legal.

New fuel-free engines are universal and environmentally friendly drives for various mechanisms and devices that operate without harmful emissions into the environment and atmosphere.

The invention of the fuelless engine in China prompted skeptic scientists to conduct an examination on the merits. Despite the fact that many similar patented inventions are in doubt due to the fact that their performance has not been tested for certain reasons, the fuelless engine model is fully operational. A sample device made it possible to obtain free energy.

Fuelless motor with magnets

The work of various enterprises and equipment, as well as the everyday life of a modern person, depends on the availability of electrical energy. Innovative technologies make it possible to almost completely abandon the use of such energy and eliminate the binding to a specific place. One of these technologies made it possible to create a fuel-free permanent magnet engine.

The principle of operation of a magnetic generator

Perpetual motion machines are divided into two categories: first and second order. The first type refers to equipment capable of generating energy from an air stream. Second-order motors require natural energy to operate—water, sunlight, or wind—which is converted into electrical current. Despite the existing laws of physics, scientists were able to create a perpetual fuelless engine in China, which operates due to the energy produced by the magnetic field.

Varieties of magnetic motors

At the moment, there are several types of magnetic motors, each of which requires a magnetic field to operate. The only difference between them is the design and principle of operation. Motors on magnets cannot exist forever, since any magnets lose their properties after several hundred years.

The simplest model is the Lorenz engine, which can be assembled at home. It has an anti-gravitational property. The design of the engine is based on two disks with different charges, which are connected through a power source. Install it in a hemispherical screen, which begins to rotate. Such a superconductor makes it possible to easily and quickly create a magnetic field.

A more complex design is the Searl magnetic motor.

Asynchronous magnetic motor

The creator of the asynchronous magnetic motor was Tesla. His work is based on a rotating magnetic field, which allows you to convert the resulting energy flow into an electric current. An insulated metal plate is attached at the maximum height. A similar plate is buried in the soil layer to a considerable depth. A wire is passed through the capacitor, which on the one hand passes through the plate, and on the other hand, is attached to its base and connected to the capacitor on the other side. In this design, the capacitor acts as a reservoir in which negative energy charges accumulate.

Lazarev engine

The only working VD2 today is a powerful rotary ring - an engine created by Lazarev. The invention of the scientist has a simple design, so that it can be assembled at home using improvised means. According to the scheme of a fuelless engine, the container used to create it is divided into two equal parts by means of a special partition - a ceramic disk, to which the tube is attached. There should be liquid inside the container - gasoline or plain water. The operation of electric generators of this type is based on the transition of liquid into the lower zone of the tank through the partition and its gradual flow upward. The movement of the solution is carried out without exposure to the environment. A prerequisite for the design is that a small wheel should be placed under the dripping liquid. This technology formed the basis of the simplest model of an electric motor on magnets. The design of such an engine implies the presence of a wheel under the dropper with small magnets attached to its blades. A magnetic field occurs only if the liquid is pumped by the wheel at high speed.

Shkondin engine

A significant step in the evolution of technology was the creation of a linear motor by Shkondin. Its design is a wheel within a wheel, which is widely used in the transport industry. The principle of operation of the system is based on absolute repulsion. Such an engine on neodymium magnets can be installed in any car.

Perendeve engine

A high quality alternative engine was created by Perendev and was a device that used only magnets to produce energy. The design of such an engine includes static and dynamic circles on which magnets are mounted. The inner circle continuously rotates due to the self-repelling free force. In this regard, a fuel-free magnet engine of this type is considered the most profitable in operation.

Creating a magnetic motor at home

A magnetic generator can be assembled at home. To create it, three shafts connected to each other are used. The shaft located in the center necessarily rotates to the other two perpendicularly. A special lucite disk with a diameter of four inches is attached to the middle of the shaft. Similar disks of smaller diameter are attached to other shafts. Magnets are placed on them: eight in the middle and four on each side. The basis of the design can be an aluminum bar, which speeds up the engine.

Advantages of magnetic motors

The main advantages of such structures include the following:

  1. Fuel economy.
  2. Fully autonomous operation and no need for a source of electricity.
  3. Can be used anywhere.
  4. High output power.
  5. The use of gravity engines until they are completely worn out with a constant receipt of the maximum amount of energy.

Engine Disadvantages

Despite the advantages, fuel-free generators have their drawbacks:

  1. With a long stay next to a running engine, a person may notice a deterioration in well-being.
  2. The operation of many models, including the Chinese engine, requires the creation of special conditions.
  3. In some cases, it is quite difficult to connect a finished engine.
  4. The high cost of fuel-free Chinese engines.

Engine Alekseenko

Alekseenko received a patent for a fuel-free engine in 1999 from the Russian Agency for Trademarks and Patents. The engine does not need fuel to run, neither oil nor gas. The functioning of the generator is based on the fields created by permanent magnets. An ordinary kilogram magnet is capable of attracting and repelling about 50-100 kilograms of mass, while barium oxide counterparts can act on five thousand kilograms of mass. The inventor of the fuel-free magnet notes that such powerful magnets are not required to create a generator. Ordinary ones are best - one in a hundred or one in fifty. Magnets of this power are enough to run the engine at 20 thousand revolutions per minute. The power will be dissipated by the transmitter. Permanent magnets are located on it, the energy of which sets the engine in motion. Due to its own magnetic field, the rotor is repelled from the stator and starts to move, which gradually accelerates due to the influence of the stator magnetic field. This principle of operation allows you to develop tremendous power. An analogue of the Alekseenko engine can be used, for example, in a washing machine, where its rotation will be provided by small magnets.

Creators of fuel-free generators

Special equipment for car engines, which allows cars to move only on water without the use of hydrocarbon additives. Today, many Russian cars are equipped with similar consoles. The use of such equipment allows motorists to save on gasoline and reduce the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. To create a prefix, Bakaev needed to discover a new type of splitting, which was used in his invention.

Bolotov, a 20th-century scientist, developed an automobile engine that literally requires one drop of fuel to run. The design of such an engine does not imply cylinders, a crankshaft and any other rubbing parts - they are replaced by two disks on bearings with small gaps between them. The fuel is ordinary air, which is split into nitrogen and oxygen at high speeds. Nitrogen under the influence of a temperature of 90 ° C burns in oxygen, which allows the engine to develop a power of 300 horsepower. Russian scientists, in addition to the scheme of a fuelless engine, have developed and proposed modifications of many other engines, the operation of which requires fundamentally new sources of energy - for example, vacuum energy.

The opinion of scientists: the creation of a fuel-free generator is impossible

New developments of innovative fuelless engines have received original names and have become a promise of revolutionary prospects for the future. The creators of the generators reported the first successes in the early stages of testing. Despite this, the scientific community is still skeptical about the idea of ​​fuelless engines, and many scientists express their doubts about this. One of the opponents and main skeptics is a scientist from the University of California, physicist and mathematician Phil Plate.

Scientists from the opposing camp are of the opinion that the very concept of an engine that does not require fuel to operate is contrary to the classical laws of physics. The balance of forces inside the engine must be maintained all the time that thrust is created inside it, and according to the law of momentum, this is impossible without the use of fuel. Phil Plate has repeatedly noted that in order to talk about the creation of such a generator, one will have to refute the entire law of conservation of momentum, which is unrealistic to do. Simply put, the creation of a fuelless engine requires a revolutionary breakthrough in fundamental science, and the level of modern technology leaves no chance for the very concept of a generator of this type to be considered seriously.

The general situation regarding this type of engine also leads to a similar opinion. A working model of the generator does not exist today, and the theoretical calculations and characteristics of the experimental device do not carry any significant information. The measurements carried out showed that the thrust is about 16 millinewtons. With the following measurements, this indicator increased to 50 millinewtons.

Back in 2003, Briton Roger Shoer presented an experimental model of the fuel-free EmDrive engine, which he developed. To create microwaves, the generator needed electricity, which was obtained through the use of solar energy. This development again stirred up talk about perpetual motion in the scientific community.

The development of scientists was ambiguously evaluated by NASA. Experts noted the uniqueness, innovation and originality of the engine design, but at the same time argued that significant results and efficient operation can be achieved only if the generator is operated in a quantum vacuum.

On the example of the Minato engine and similar designs, the possibility of using the energy of the magnetic field and the difficulties associated with its practical application are considered.

In our everyday life, we rarely notice the field form of the existence of matter. Except when we fall. Then the gravitational field becomes a painful reality for us. But there is one exception - field of permanent magnets. Almost everyone in childhood played with them, chugging trying to break two magnets. Or, with the same passion, move the stubbornly resisting poles of the same name.

With age, interest in this occupation disappeared, or, conversely, became the subject of serious research. Idea practical use of the magnetic field appeared long before the theories of modern physics. And the main thing in this idea was the desire to use the "eternal" magnetization of materials to obtain useful work or "free" electrical energy.

Inventive attempts at the practical use of a constant magnetic field in engines or do not stop today. The advent of modern rare-earth magnets with high coercivity has fueled interest in such developments.

The abundance of witty designs of varying degrees of efficiency filled the information space of the network. Among them stands out propelled by Japanese inventor Kohei Minato.

Minato himself is a musician by profession, but for many years he has been developing magnetic motor of his own design, invented, according to him, during a piano music concert. It is difficult to say what kind of musician Minato was, but he turned out to be a good businessman: he patented his engine in 46 countries and continues this process today.

It should be noted that modern inventors behave rather inconsistently. Dreaming of making mankind happy with their inventions and remaining in history, they try to hide the details of their developments with no less diligence, hoping to receive dividends from the sale of their ideas in the future. But it is worth remembering when he, in order to promote his three-phase motors, refused the patent royalties of the company that mastered their production.

Back to Minato's magnetic motor. Among many other similar designs, his product stands out for its very high efficiency. Without going into the design details of the magnetic motor, which are still hidden in patent descriptions, it is necessary to note several of its features.

In its magnetic motor, sets of permanent magnets are located on the rotor at certain angles to the axis of rotation. The passage of the "dead" point of the magnets, which, according to Minato's terminology, is called the "collapse" point, is provided by applying a short powerful pulse to the stator electromagnetic coil.

It is this feature that provided Minato's designs with high efficiency and quiet operation at high rotational speeds. But the assertion that the efficiency of the engine exceeds unity has no basis.

To analyze the Minato magnetic motor and similar designs, consider the concept of "hidden" energy. Latent energy is inherent in all types of fuel: for coal it is 33 J/gram; for oil - 44 J/gram. But the energy of nuclear fuel is estimated at 43 billion of these units. According to various conflicting estimates, the latent energy of the permanent magnet field is about 30% of the nuclear fuel potential, i.e. it is one of the most energy intensive energy sources.

But to use this energy is far from easy. If oil and gas, when ignited, gives up all its energy potential at once, then everything is not so simple with a magnetic field. The energy stored in a permanent magnet can do useful work, but the design of the movers is very complex. An analogue of a magnet can be a battery of very large capacity with no less high internal resistance.

Therefore, several problems immediately arise: it is difficult to obtain large power on the motor shaft with its small dimensions and weight. The magnetic motor over time, as the stored energy is consumed, will lose its power. Even the assumption that the energy is replenished cannot eliminate this deficiency.

The main disadvantage is the requirement for precision assembly of the engine design, which prevents its mass development. Minato is still working on determining the optimal placement of permanent magnets.

Therefore, his grievances against Japanese corporations that do not want to master the invention are unfounded. Any engineer, when choosing an engine, will first of all take an interest in its load characteristics, power degradation during its service life, and a number of other characteristics. There is no such information on Minato engines, as, indeed, on other designs, to date.

Rare examples of the practical implementation of magnetic motors raise more questions than admiration. Recently, SEG from Switzerland announced its readiness to produce custom-made compact generators driven by a variety of Searl magnetic motor.

The generator generates a power of about 15 kW, has dimensions of 46x61x12 cm and a service life of up to 60 MW-hours. This corresponds to an average service life of 4000 hours. But what will be the characteristics at the end of this period?

The company honestly warns that after this it is necessary to re-magnetize the permanent magnets. What is behind this procedure is unclear, but most likely it is a complete disassembly and replacement of magnets in a magnetic motor. And the price of such a generator is more than 8500 euros.

Minato also announced a contract for 40,000 magnetic motor fans. But all these examples of practical application are isolated. Moreover, no one claims at the same time that their devices have an efficiency greater than one, and they will work "forever".

If a traditional asynchronous motor is made of modern expensive materials, for example, silver windings, and a magnetic circuit is made of a thin steel amorphous tape (glass metal), then at a price comparable to a magnetic motor, we will get a close efficiency. At the same time, asynchronous motors will have a significantly longer service life with ease of manufacture.

Summing up, it can be argued that so far successful designs of magnetic motors suitable for mass industrial development have not been created. Those samples that are workable require engineering refinement, expensive materials, precision, individual settings and cannot compete with already. And the assertions that these engines can work indefinitely without power supply are completely unfounded.