World of tank fake battles. How to make a frame-up for an accident for the insurance company. Punishment for a fake accident

Hello, dear readers! Every person dreams of a career, but not everyone thinks about the atmosphere in which they work. We have to communicate with people even if we don't like them, but we continue to do it because the place is too good. With this approach to business, sooner or later, egregious cases occur, from which you simply do not know how to get out.

If you were framed at work, what should you do? This is exactly what our article will discuss today. How to behave or not, whether to take advantage of the opportunity to take revenge and what model of behavior to give preference to?

Let's find out. I want to offer you several methods to get out of this difficult situation.

Let this be your consolation

Before you take any action, I would advise you to think about this. I hope this information brings you some relief and reduces your aggression levels a little. It will allow you to act calmly and thoughtfully.

See you again and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

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This cheating program will send commands to all copies of the game running on the same computer at once, which will make life much easier for tankers who sometimes organize fake battles.

Previously, to create a fake battle (its motives may be different), you had to gather a whole team of people and give commands to everyone. Now it is not necessary to call friends, because this program will be responsible for the actions of tanks in all game windows. But before you start using it, you will need to install another mod, which allows you to run several World of Tanks clients on one PC at once. We launch a couple of windows, log in under different accounts, press the shot button indicated in the program, and all the tanks will fire a salvo at the same time. You can also start moving all the cars.

Let's talk about the available settings:

  • key for simultaneous shooting (by default it is “space”);
  • activation of automatic movement (cruise control) - R;
  • pause;
  • window time, measured in ms.

Each key can be customized, which is very convenient. By the way, you may have noticed that the program interface is very similar to another work of the author - which makes the tank perform a special dance, familiar to experienced players. Such vehicle movements complicate the enemy's aiming and it becomes a little harder for him to aim at the weak areas of your tank.


  • First, we install so that you can open many copies of the client on one computer.
  • We launch the program from the archive, configure it (if necessary) and press the Start button.

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It is impossible to discuss the topic of front persons without touching on the problem of shell companies. A figurehead at the head of a company is a by-product, the demand for which arises as a result of the desire of businessmen to reduce contributions to the budget through fraudulent transactions.

For fake companies, the founder or director acts as a necessary attribute, an important link, without which the organization simply will not be included in the list.

The concept of a figurehead

By a figurehead, the legislator understands a nominal director or founder (Article 173.1 of the Criminal Code). They can be, and often are, the same person if the founder appoints himself as a director.

Nominee Director (nominee, registrar) is a person who, voluntarily or as a result of misrepresentation, is registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities as the highest executive body of a legal entity. At the same time, such a director does not participate and does not plan to participate in the economic and financial activities of the company.

By the way, the very concept of a figurehead underwent changes in 2015, after the adoption of Law 67-FZ. Previously, only persons who did not suspect that they were committing a criminal offense were recognized as such.

Now the complete list looks like this:

  • Persons who do not have the goal of managing a company. This refers to a situation where you know what you're getting into. For example, if your relative asked you to register as a director in his company, because he himself simply does not want to “shine”, then your consent automatically brings you under the article. Even if this company is “little white” and modestly sells pencils. Or they paid you money to “just sign”, promising in words a minimum of responsibility.
  • Persons whose passport details were used to register a company. For example, if your passport is lost or stolen, then you yourself are responsible for your “involuntary destination.” It can be argued that registering a company using someone else’s passport is not so easy - after all, personal presence is required at the notary, at the bank for. And yet this possibility cannot be ruled out - if you really want, you can find a person similar to you and forge the signature in your passport.
  • Persons misled. What this means is that you didn't even know what you were signing up for. On the one hand, it seems incredible that a person would sign blindly, on the other hand, with the right amount of pressure and clenching, anything can happen. This is a scam from the series “hired as a courier, and accidentally headed the company.”

How to understand that an LLC has been registered in your name

Let’s assume that you lost your passport and you didn’t report it to the authorities in time. Now you're worried that you've become a victim of a scam.

By what signs can you determine that your document has made you a dummy?

  • You receive official correspondence addressed to you with a demand to repay the debts of a company unknown to you;
  • The tax office reminds you with notices that you missed the deadline for submitting reports;
  • You have received a summons requiring you to appear in court in connection with a trial involving an unfamiliar company.

What to do if a company is registered in your name

If you find signs that a company has been assigned to you, you should act immediately:

  1. Contact the police with a statement. They are obliged to open a criminal case based on the information received. As a general rule, you should not contact the police if you yourself have lost your passport. You go to the local office of the Federal Migration Service, submit a request for the production of a new document and receive a temporary identity card until your main document is produced.

If your passport was stolen, then you contact the police immediately, and as a result you will be given a ticket stating that a case has been opened and you are not responsible for actions using your stolen passport.

In our situation, you should not quietly go to the Federal Migration Service for a new passport, since you have signs that your passport has already been used for fraudulent purposes.

Therefore, go directly to the police, and do not forget to take with you confirmation of the illegal actions of third parties (letters addressed to you, etc. - as already listed above).

  1. Contact the tax office. You need to write a statement that you are not involved in the formation of people unknown to you. This stage follows only after a visit to the police. Theoretically, you also have the right to appeal to the Arbitration Court to invalidate the company’s registration.

Unfortunately, victims of scammers are often to blame for their own troubles.

Basic legal hygiene must be observed:

  • Make it a rule to never sign any documents without reading them thoroughly, including items with an asterisk;
  • Protect your passport from unauthorized attacks. Always know where he is. Do not leave it for anyone to keep;
  • Do not agree to an easy and highly paid, and therefore dubious job as a “registrar” or “drawer” of documents.

Responsibility for registering an LLC with a fictitious person

The law punishes both those who use shell companies and those who played the role of director or founder in them.

Initiators of illegal registration of a legal entity

Figureheads (director, founder)

Under general conditions

If a group of persons acted in conspiracy or an official

How is liability regulated?

Criminal Code, article 173.1

Criminal Code, article 173.2

In case of a penalty

100-300 thousand rubles, or the salary of the convicted person for a period of 7 - 12 months. 300-500 thousand rubles, or the salary of a convicted person for a period of 1-3 years

100-300 thousand rubles, or the salary of the convicted person for a period of 7 - 12 months.

When assigning compulsory work

180-240 hours

180-240 hours

When assigning corrective labor

When assigning forced labor

Up to 3 years

During imprisonment

Up to 3 years Up to 5 years

The table shows that the court, which is tasked with determining the appropriate punishment within a given range, has quite a lot of tools to influence the convicted.

The use of the most extreme measure - imprisonment - reflects the seriousness and categorical attitude of the authorities towards this economic crime.

Not only the instigators, but also the accomplices of the crime are punished - this is how the law looks at citizens who voluntarily, out of ignorance or absent-mindedness, allowed attackers to use them for their own purposes.

If a company conducts shady business and it is discovered, the law will hold the figurehead to the fullest extent of its severity; it is he who will be the “extreme.”

It seems possible that those citizens who agree to head a company for a fee are not fully aware of the consequences.

Even knowing the legislative framework, Russians often hope for “maybe”, for the imperfection and nominal nature of the laws. They say that the law has been passed, but whether justice will reach me is still unknown.

In the same way, fly-by-night stampers hope that the law will not get to them.

We hasten to sober up such frivolous citizens. The law works in practice, which is widely covered by the media.

Here are a couple of examples:

  1. The Kommersant newspaper, in an article dated April 19, 2017, published a note that a resident of Novosibirsk was brought to trial under Article 173.2 of the Criminal Code for voluntarily agreeing to head a company without the intention of engaging in its business activities. The defendant presented his passport to the tax authorities to make the appropriate entry. He did this for a small fee from a third party.
  2. On May 23, 2017, the Samara news portal reported about the escape from the courtroom of a man who was tried for evasion of payment. The defendant, being the director of one company, sold spices for the production of sausage through the details of a fly-by-night company - another of his companies. He was sentenced to three years in prison. He is currently on the federal wanted list.

If you wish, you can find many similar cases.

Reflections on the reasons for the prevalence of ephemera

We can talk endlessly about how dishonest entrepreneurs act badly, acting through fly-by-night schemes and evading paying taxes to the budget.

However, fly-by-night companies are not the disease of society itself, but only its side effect. The true illness has roots much deeper and indicates the instability of the sphere.

Let's try to give a few explanations why fly-by-nights have taken root in our country and have become a real scourge.

  1. Russian mentality. It seems obvious that in our society citizens have not yet reached that level of consciousness so that, driven by a sense of duty to the state, they will willingly and joyfully pay taxes. Evasion of part of the contributions, even if punishable by law, is not very condemned by the public - and sometimes, on the contrary, is regarded as commendable resourcefulness - “the ability to live and spin.” Because officials “steal themselves,” because “business is already being stifled.”
  2. Small company profits. With a meager cash flow, the fear of exposure and judgment gives way to the desire to earn a decent living. If this cannot be done legally, black and gray schemes come forward. Companies are created to make a profit. And if this cannot be done in a decent way, the state should pay attention to the conditions for business - is it fully trying to make them acceptable?
  3. The youth of business in Russia. Entrepreneurship in Russia was legalized only after 1992, when articles for speculation and private entrepreneurial activity were abolished. This area is still in a fever - laws are constantly being redrawn, economic crime remains at a high level. As sociologists note, such a reaction is natural for transition periods.
  4. The repressive nature of the Criminal Code. Many experts believe that the Criminal Code, since its appearance in its modern form in 1996, has done nothing but tighten the screws. Paradoxically, this does not reduce the number of crimes; on the contrary, their number is increasing. INSOR (Institute of Contemporary Development) is constantly developing concepts for mitigating criminal capital in the economic sphere. Some proposals were discussed at the highest level, although they did not reach the legislative stage.

What is a shell company and why is it needed?

Shell company is a short-lived shell company that is not created for real commercial activity, but solely for the purpose of helping its legal partner evade taxes and conduct illegal transactions. Thus, it does not have actual independence, and its counterparty conducts its activities only on paper.

The term itself is widely used by the media, government agencies and in everyday life, although, being a slang word, it is not mentioned in regulations.

According to the general scheme, such firms are used either as fictitious suppliers of goods and services, or as fictitious buyers.

For example, a real-life company creates a one-day shell through dummies, simulating the purchase of any services from it - consulting, advertising.

Intangible acquisition is the most convenient to use because it is more difficult to track. Nothing is actually gained.

Such steps are somewhat reminiscent of a chess game, when one person plays for black and white - against himself.

The benefits of such fraudulent actions are obvious:

  1. Recognized purchase expenses reduce the company's taxable profit.
  2. The right to a tax deduction for VAT appears.
  3. What remains in your hands is “cash” – cash withdrawn from the imaginary “seller”.

Thus, one-day shells are used for tax evasion (VAT and), as well as smuggling and theft from the state budget at various levels (for example, cashing out kickbacks when).

Signs of a fly-by-night company

A fly-by-night company can be recognized by its characteristic features:

  • Lack of tax reporting. As a rule, having fulfilled its dirty role, a one-dayer disappears without a trace, and the tax office can neither collect taxes from it nor check its reporting. The extreme ones remain those unlucky or absent-minded citizens who, out of their own free will or due to loss of documents, became directors of these companies;
  • Lack of movements on accounts for a long time;
  • Registration at the address of mass registration of legal entities;
  • Lack of office;
  • Extremely small staff;
  • The size does not exceed the minimum size (10,000 rubles);
  • The director of the company is also the head of a number of other firms;
  • Short lifespan on the market.

The evolution of shell companies

Fly-by-night companies can be compared to a difficult-to-treat influenza virus, which resists drugs due to rapidly occurring mutations in its genome.

Likewise, unreliable companies, under pressure from government agencies and banks, dodge in the struggle for survival, change their appearance and disguise themselves as honest legal entities.

Specialists who develop a methodology for identifying ephemeral insects identify three stages of their so-called evolution:

  1. First generation. This is the first wave of fraudulent companies that did not have phone numbers and... It was easy enough to identify them.
  2. Second generation. These companies have already acquired telephone numbers, websites, and other attributes of honest organizations. They are identified primarily by recent registration.
  3. Third generation. For example, a company actually engaged in commercial activities is faced with insoluble financial difficulties. The owner puts his brainchild up for sale, and the scammers are not asleep. They buy this company “with history” cheaply and adapt it for cash-out or fraudulent transactions. In this case, it becomes more difficult to identify it.

How the state fights fly-by-night companies

In 2011, according to estimates by the SPARK-Interfax system, approximately 1.8 million one-day scams were registered in Russia. In 2015, this figure decreased to 1 million. At the beginning of 2017 we are talking about several hundred thousand.

A serious fight against fly-by-night scams has unfolded in Russia. With the light hand of journalists, it is even called “spring cleaning” of the register of legal entities. Perhaps the reason for progress is the versatility of the struggle and the involvement of several structures.

Direction of the fight

Strengthening control at the stage of company registration. Since 2016, the founders of companies that were excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for dishonesty cannot found any company again for three years.

Cross-checks of invoices

Constant monitoring of business activities

Since 2015, when filing an electronic VAT return, taxpayers must include information from the purchase and sales ledger

Since 2016, an improved automated VAT refund control system has been in place.

Since 2014, it has received the right to initiate criminal proceedings on one-day events in a more dynamic mode - without waiting for approval from tax inspectors

Tougher punishment for nominal founders – since 2015, criminal liability has appeared for the first time (Article 173.2 of the Criminal Code)


The Central Bank called on banks to more carefully monitor suspicious transactions of clients, following the recommendations of the Central Bank. If this condition is not met, the bank faces immediate revocation of its license.