What is the difference between original and non-original. How not to run into counterfeit parts. Benefits of original parts

Auto parts for foreign cars: why you should choose original ones. The most common fakes and their dangers. How to choose the right original part for your car?

Now there are many places where auto parts are sold. The Internet is one of them. Photo courtesy of Volga-Rast.

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Sooner or later, any car owner is faced with the need to replace some parts in his car. With all the variety, auto parts that are on the market can be combined into groups:

original details;

analogues or duplicates;



In the first case, you buy a part exactly the same as the one that was installed on the car when it was assembled at the factory. Basically, original parts are produced by car manufacturers or partner factories by order of car manufacturers.

If everything is simple and clear with a group of original parts, then it is necessary to clarify with respect to the rest.

Non-original parts or otherwise they may be called "analogues", "duplicates" can be manufactured by various companies for a particular brand of car. Such parts will have other article numbers, and they will be produced based on the own standards of a particular company. The quality of such products in most cases differs from the original parts. They are produced by various companies under their own brands. The list of companies that produce analogues is quite extensive: from European and Japanese companies to products of Chinese origin, sold under unknown brands. Accordingly, the quality of such spare parts is also in a wide range: from more or less acceptable to outright marriage.

Fake parts are of dubious quality. They are made by unknown manufacturers who pass off their products as original. The goal of such firms is to obtain super profits by selling their products at the prices of well-known brands, but at the same time minimal costs for quality. To deceive the buyer, fake parts are supplied with similar packaging, barcodes and article numbers. To date, the proportion of counterfeit parts is extremely high. According to experts, every third detail is not the original. Most often, such products can be found in markets where they are not tested before sale.

A foreign car can be very whimsical about the quality of the parts installed in it. Photo courtesy of Volga-Rast.

Counterfeit - in this case, these are parts that were illegally imported into the country. From a legal point of view, original parts that are sold from us without paying taxes and customs fees can also be considered counterfeit. This is often used by unscrupulous sellers, offering spare parts at low prices, and saying that these are original parts imported without official permission from the manufacturer. But at the same time, buying counterfeit parts, no one will give you a guarantee that this is indeed an original product. In practice, in most cases, under counterfeit, they offer ordinary fakes for original parts.

Why you should install original parts in your car

Counterfeit parts are an additional risk factor when operating a car. It is not in vain that a car is considered a source of increased danger, and the driver driving it should pay attention to what is happening around, and not worry when the fake installed in his car fails or how it tolerates driving in extreme winter conditions or lack of asphalt. A modern car is the product of a long and painstaking work of designers and engineers. All components of the car were developed taking into account the projected load and the availability of original parts in the car. Replacing original parts with fake ones leads to the fact that the well-coordinated work of the thousands of components that make up the car begins to become unusable.

Visible differences on the product box. The auto parts store offers only the best conditions for its customers. Photo courtesy of Volga-Rast.

That is why it is better to take original parts with which the car will be on the go and nothing will threaten it. Now on the market there is a large assortment of original products, among which any car owner can find everything they need for themselves. By choosing a non-original spare part, you assume the risk that you can get not only a low-quality part, but also a potential threat to your car. Non-original models quickly break down. They do not withstand loads and are less resistant to damage. At the same time, it will be extremely problematic to prove the fact that it was precisely because of the installed non-original part that an accident occurred.

By purchasing a fake, you can confidently guarantee the fact that you will be denied a guarantee. As a result, this will significantly affect the total cost of repairs for your car.

Only we have original spare parts for foreign cars. guarantees high quality and originality of details.

Most car owners know that only high-quality original spare parts should be purchased. At the same time, distinguishing products can be extremely problematic. Let's single out the categories of spare parts in which the risk of encountering counterfeit spare parts is higher for the average buyer.

Most often, fakes are found among the following categories of spare parts:

Filters. Outwardly, it is extremely difficult to determine the difference. The main factor is the quality of the paper. Different throughput leads to the fact that the life of the original device and the fake is significantly different. The channels will gradually become clogged or become unnecessarily tight.

Butter. Although this is not a detail, it is also present in our ranking. The smooth operation of all mechanisms depends on the quality of the oil. It is most often faked. Distinguishing non-original oil is extremely problematic. An unpleasant smell is the only thing that can somehow indicate this. Most often, products are made on the basis of industrial oil. Its characteristics are significantly different from the required ones. As a result, the client risks getting complicated repairs, which will cost him even more than the savings on the purchase.

Candles. You can save a lot on their purchase, but you will not be able to get real benefits from this. The thing is that low-quality candles significantly increase fuel consumption, as a result of which the operation of the car is quite expensive.

Electrical details. Here, fakes can be found in almost everything, including a light bulb.

Brakes. When choosing them, you need to be as careful and attentive as possible. The service life of the car and the safety of road users depend on the functioning of the braking system. There is no savings here. Pay special attention to the brake hoses. If they break out of the metal tip, the system will simply fail.

shock absorbers. Another thing not worth saving. High-quality grip and timely braking is the key to safety and long-term operation of the car. The life of cheap shock absorbers is much lower than the original ones, so they will have to be changed at a speed.

Also among the fakes you can find wings and optical instruments. They are much less resistant to damage than original parts.

If you doubt the quality of spare parts or do not know where to buy spare parts, then contact our experienced specialists will help you quickly find all the necessary original parts at affordable prices.

Original parts and fakes: tips on how not to make a mistake in choosing

Any owner of a car, wishing to purchase original spare parts for his car, often finds himself in a situation where he is not sure whether the spare parts he purchases are original or not. Original spare parts for foreign cars have a number of distinguishing marks. Here are some tips for those who do not know how to choose the right part and are afraid to run into a fake:

1. Place of purchase of spare parts. We do not hesitate to ask the seller for a certificate that confirms compliance with domestic standards. It should even be at retail outlets. You should only contact official stores. This will ensure that problems with the machine will be quickly and efficiently resolved.

The difference between the original and the fake, which can be seen in the photo. Catalogs of spare parts for foreign cars. Photo courtesy of Volga-Rast.

2. Packing. To protect against fakes, holograms, stickers, and the correct barcode are used so that the consumer can always independently find out where and when the item was made, if it is not written on the box. Each original part has its own original code: a ten or twelve digit number. This code will always be printed on a sticker on the original packaging. In case of fakes, atypical colors and fonts for inscriptions, markings, low density of cardboard and polyethylene, poor quality printing, lack of a serial number or the name of the country of origin will be used on the packaging.

Foreign car spare parts: selection of original parts. Photo courtesy of Volga-Rast.

3. Appearance of spare parts. It is necessary to carefully inspect the purchased item. The presence of traces of oil and lubricants on the parts allows us to conclude that in front of you, most likely a fake. Various irregularities and defects on the surface of the part, poor processing of joints and joints, burrs, cracks, chips also indicate fake parts.

4. Cost. The easiest way to distinguish a fake part from the original is its cost. In the case of a fake, it will differ significantly from the original. Often, drivers find out the price in several services at once, after which they make the final decision. When buying a fake part, the owner of the car should understand what caused this low price, which looks so attractive:

More simple technological processes were used in its manufacture, which in turn negatively affects the reduction of the service life of this part.

Cheaper, and, consequently, lower quality materials from which it is made were used;

Reduced quality standards and selection of defective products;

In its production, cheap low-skilled workers were involved. As a result, the received part may differ in standards and tolerances from the original one and additional efforts and costs will be required to install it in the car.

And the stronger the deviation from the original part in quality, the lower the price.

To avoid buying fakes, you need to buy products only from authorized dealers. They will not only sell you the original part, but also provide a guarantee for it. Thanks to this, you get reliability and confidence in the quality of the purchased part. The most important thing is that with original products the car will feel perfect. Its driving performance and safety parameters will delight you.

Buy only high quality and original parts. This will guarantee your safety and long trouble-free operation of the machine. All spare parts presented in are original, because. directly obtained from the manufacturer. This allows us to offer quality spare parts at affordable prices for the end customer.

Original body parts are parts that are produced either by the automaker itself or by partner enterprises on its order. These are spare parts from which cars are assembled on the conveyor, they are delivered through official channels through dealers of the automobile manufacturer to retail outlets. Accordingly, by purchasing such a part, you will receive guaranteed compatibility with your car without fitting, gaps and other unpleasant moments.

In addition to full compatibility, original body parts have other advantages:

A wide range that fully meets the need for the parts necessary for repair and maintenance.
Almost complete elimination of the risk of acquiring a fake or counterfeit (subject to the recommendations below).
Elimination of the probability of error when choosing due to the unique code.
Preservation of the factory warranty on the car.

The main disadvantage, in comparison with a non-original product, is a higher cost, although recently, with fluctuations in the dollar, the difference is not so great.

Buying a non-original or investing in high-quality spare parts - each motorist decides based on his own experience, recommendations from experts and acquaintances, the condition of the car and financial condition. The purchase of original body parts is certainly a good decision in terms of the technical condition of the car, but there are several categories of vehicles when their installation is more than necessary:

Expensive and exclusive cars.
Vehicles recently purchased and under warranty.
Cars of the middle class, designed for long operation without body repair.
A car that you plan to sell at a good price after an accident.

To distinguish original body parts from non-original ones, you need to pay attention to the following:

The presence of the original packaging, on which there must be a sticker with a bar code, the brand of the manufacturer, information about the place of manufacture of the spare part;
the presence on the sticker of a unique code that each original part has and which, in fact, eliminates the possibility of an error when buying;
manufacturer's mark, the name of the brand of the car applied to the part itself. The stamp is usually applied to the painted areas near the mounting holes. On the hoods, the brand is placed on the stiffeners from the inside.

There are other criteria regarding the external features and the quality of the original body parts. If we take, for example, the front fender, then its inner part should not be black, which means that it is covered with transport primer. You will not see it on the original spare part, as it is hidden by a layer of primer and paint.

The difference between the original hood and the non-original one is the presence of factory hermetic seals, which stiffen the part. From the inside, the hood of the automaker, as a rule, is glued to the outer lining with a special sealant that increases the reliability of the product.

When buying original spare parts, it is advisable to give preference to trusted sellers who have proven themselves well and have earned a significant reputation. This category also includes an online store site that cooperates only with well-known suppliers and official dealers of famous brands. Here you can buy original body parts at a reasonable price, order delivery in St. Petersburg or anywhere in Russia, get qualified advice from experienced specialists.

Where does a car manufacturer get parts for car production, and what parts do we call original? Of course, he does not produce them.

Factories capable of producing certain parts for cars are scattered all over the world. Some of them have a fairly high quality products and receive orders from automotive companies. Some of the parts are installed on the machines, the rest are intended for "after-sales service", i.e. repair. They will be packaged in boxes with the assigned original number and badge of the automaker and will be distributed to the warehouses of regional dealers. We call such spare parts original.

But the story doesn't end there. The plant, having fulfilled the order of the automobile company, continues to produce these auto parts. They are packed in boxes now with the name of this manufacturer and sold to wholesalers. At the same time, the quality is, of course, the same, and the price is 1.5 - 2 times lower. However, the manufacturing plant sets conditions for the manufacturer of spare parts not to sell these spare parts on the secondary market within 3, 4, or 5 years. That is why, when new car models appear, high-quality non-original spare parts appear only after a few years.

Then why are original spare parts better, you ask? There is no single answer, but there are two important criteria that determine the advantage of the original.

Firstly, not all auto parts manufacturers buy technical documentation from a car manufacturer. In an effort to make money, they produce analogues without the necessary documentation. The price of such spare parts is significantly lower than the original ones, but the quality is highly questionable. A cheap analogue can break at the wrong time, which will entail a more expensive repair. For example, cheap brake pads last 3-4 times less than original ones, but cost not much less. And there are no guarantees regarding their operation.

Nissin is a good example. By purchasing documentation for the production of brake systems from Honda, it begins to produce them with a quality even superior to original parts. The price may be the same, lower or even higher. On the other hand, Nissin brake pads not only improve the braking properties of the car, but also have a longer service life. However, the consumption of the original brake discs may increase. In this case, it is recommended to install brake discs from the same manufacturer.

There are three types of spare parts

Original. There should be no questions here. You buy original spare parts, with exactly the same numbers, which are installed from the factory on your car during assembly.

Analog. This is the same original spare part that was put on the conveyor, only with a different article number. They absolutely do not lag behind in quality, but significantly win in price. Such spare parts are produced by the manufacturer some time after the release of the car in circulation, only with their assigned numbers.

Fake or counterfeit. They are auto parts of unknown origin, which are trying to sell under the guise of the original. As a rule, the true origin is outright China or Taiwan. The quality is correspondingly poor.

So, suppose that you decide to purchase original spare parts for your car, how not to stumble upon a fake? To begin with, let's clarify the concept of the original spare part. An original part is considered to be a spare part that is installed on a car of a certain brand and ordered from various manufacturers in accordance with certain technical standards. Not necessarily original parts for Japanese cars, must be made only in Japan. They can be made in Korea, and in America, and even in China. Their main difference is that their quality is under strict control.

Now let's move on to such a concept as counterfeit or fake. At first glance, the appearance of such components is quite normal. However, their quality is highly questionable. They are delivered in packages that may be similar to the original ones, but if you look closely, you can find differences. Such spare parts are in demand among car enthusiasts who want to save on car repairs, for example, when selling a car soon. However, an attractive price in the future, during the operation of the vehicle, can play a cruel joke.

It is certainly possible to distinguish such a spare part from the real one. You need to carefully inspect the packaging. Crookedly pasted labels or even peeling off, indicate that it is a fake. If you look at a fake part and carefully examine it, you can clearly see that it was made in haste and very unprofessionally. On original spare parts, on the part itself, you can usually see the country and the manufacturer. On fakes, as a rule, there are no such inscriptions. As for the price, if you are offered spare parts for 300 rubles under the guise of the original, which, say, in Japan costs $ 100, then you can be sure that this is a fake. In order not to get into trouble, it is better to purchase auto parts in trusted auto stores that have been on the market for more than one year and have proven themselves well. You can also consult with a sales assistant, whose professionalism you do not doubt. The manager will definitely tell you the similarities and differences of the original, analogue and fake of a particular part.

By the way, today, China produces pretty good components for cars, although the quality of the rubber used on internal parts and metal alloys still needs to be carefully examined.

How to protect yourself from buying counterfeit parts

You won’t give unequivocal advice here, but it’s safe to say that if you don’t want to run into a fake, then remember that the original spare part is expensive. Buy components for your car in large chain specialized stores, and you can ask for a certificate for any part. And also listen to the authoritative opinion of a specialist.

Which cars are most often counterfeited parts

Fake auto parts in our country can be found on almost all budget cars, and even on domestic ones. It does not make sense for scammers to fake auto parts for expensive foreign cars, because the one who owns such a car probably has enough money to service his car from an authorized dealer and does not need to purchase spare parts on his own. As for budget cars, the situation is different here, because there will surely be someone who wants to buy the original for a penny, and neither the packaging nor the quality of the spare part will bother him. Fraudsters who are engaged in counterfeiting original spare parts are guided by such car owners.

Material source: evilcar.ru

Burnt in milk, you will blow on the water! It is on this principle that confusion occurs when choosing spare parts for cars, when the question concerns the choice: to buy original or non-original spare parts for foreign cars.

Let's get to the definitions

What's the catch? So there is no trick! There is a difference, and it is this very difference between original and non-original spare parts for foreign cars that we will try to find and see together now. Important! The concepts should not be confused: non-original spare parts for foreign cars and fakes.

What are original car parts? Original spare parts (we will also include lubricants and TJ for cars in this definition) are materials produced either by the automobile concern itself or by a third-party enterprise commissioned by this concern, to complete the conveyor and deliveries to the dealer network.

What are non-original spare parts? Non-original spare parts for foreign cars (duplicate) are spare parts produced using the same technology, licensed (although sometimes not). The manufacturer, in addition to delivering to a car company, can also bring its products to the so-called. "aftermarket" - unauthorized stores and services. Moreover, a non-original spare part, as a rule, has two brands: the car factory and the manufacturer.

Most often, non-original are consumable car parts: belts, gaskets, bearings, etc.

That. the difference between original and non-original spare parts for foreign cars is only in price. This is ideal. We should not forget that there is a whole underground industry for the production of car parts under the brands of well-known brands.

Original or duplicate: what to choose?

You need to learn for yourself, if you are interested not only in the price of the product, but also in the safety and service life of the spare part, that the purchase of non-original spare parts for foreign cars should be made only from authorized dealers, or automakers, or spare parts manufacturers.

It is at dealers that you have repeatedly met the same spare part, which has a difference in price. But, you may be alerted by the word "non-original" uttered by the seller. No need to be scared. And you just need to find out with documentary evidence whether the seller is actually an official dealer. In this case, you get a guarantee for the purchased spare part. If not, then the risk of acquiring lies entirely on your shoulders. Rather, on the shoulders of your car.

So that you do not get completely confused when choosing original or non-original spare parts for foreign cars, let's look at two typical examples.

Non-original spare parts for Japanese foreign cars. The Toyota plant installs TOYO shock absorbers, which are original, on their conveyor cars. At the same time, KAYABA shock absorbers, a high-quality non-original spare part for Japanese cars, are very popular in our car market. And not just for Japanese. European cars are very good at these shock absorbers. And their company releases, in no way related to the concern.

Another example is Volkswagen-Audi-Skoda-Seat. Many spare parts for assembly are ordered from third-party, but reliable manufacturers, respectively, they are non-original, while the quality meets the standards of the concern. Moreover, all non-original spare parts undergo technical control, repacking, and only then go to the consumer. A trademark is the face of a company. Market, sir!

Let's talk about fakes. Never trust the seller if he cannot confirm the certification of one or another non-original spare part for a foreign car. In this case, it is better to overpay in the official service, but be sure that the resource and quality of the spare part correspond to the factory parameters. In any case, the choice is yours. Just remember that a non-original spare part for a foreign car is no different in quality from the original one. Provided that it is made officially.

Good luck in choosing non-original spare parts for foreign cars.