Where you can't park your car in the yard. Park in your yard? Forbidden! ○ Fines for illegal parking in the yard

"Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are."
A truth you can't argue with.
But knowledgeable people say that you can get to know a person better by the way he parks.

Where is parking allowed and where is it prohibited? Crib.

Parking rules

You can parkCan't park
5 meters before the pedestrian crossing Closer than 5 meters to the pedestrian crossing
5 meters from the edge of the crossed roadway In places where stopping or parking will block traffic signals for other drivers
15 meters from public transport stops Closer than 15 meters from public transport stops
50 meters from the railway crossing Closer than 50 meters from a railway crossing
In one row parallel to the edge of the roadway At railway crossings and in tunnels
Long-term parking in those places indicated by signs 7.10 and 7.11 In those places indicated by signs 3.27 and 3.28
Parking on the edge of the sidewalk in the presence of sign 6.4 and one of the special signs On the roadway if visibility is limited
At the very edge of the roadway or on the side of the road, if there are no prohibiting signs At the intersection of roadways
In two rows at the edge of the roadway if you have a two-wheeled vehicle On the tram tracks
On even and odd days of the month in the presence of appropriate road signs 3.29 and 3.30 On even and odd days of the month in the presence of prohibiting road signs 3.29 or 3.30
Outside populated areas in those areas marked with sign 2.1

In general, the parking issue is very popular for Russia, because sometimes driving a car is not much cheaper than parking it. But seriously, parking a car at first glance seems like a piece of cake, but everything is a little more complicated. Firstly, vehicle parking is strictly regulated by the Traffic Rules. Secondly, different cities and regions may have their own parking nuances. And thirdly, there are unspoken rules, not to comply with which means not to respect yourself, nor fellow motorists, nor pedestrians, nor law enforcement officers, nor even that cat who is used to basking in the place under which the heating main is laid.

Fines for illegal parking

Article Fine for regionsFine for Moscow and St. Petersburg
12.19 part 1 Violation of the rules for stopping or parking a vehicle, except for the cases provided for in part 1 of article 12.10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and parts 2 - 6 of this article Warning or fine 500 rubles. 2500 rub.
12.19 p.2 Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles in places designated for stopping or parking vehicles of disabled people from 3000 to 5000 rub.
12.19 h. 3 Stopping or parking a vehicle at a pedestrian crossing and closer than 5 meters in front of it, with the exception of a forced stop and the case provided for in Part 6 of this article, or violation of the rules for stopping or parking a vehicle on the sidewalk, except for the case provided for in Part 6 of this article 1000 rub. 3000 rub.
12.19 hours 3.1 Stopping or parking a vehicle at stopping places for route vehicles or closer than 15 meters from stopping places for route vehicles, with the exception of stopping to pick up or disembark passengers, forced stops and cases provided for in parts 4 and 6 of this article 1000 rub. 3000 rub.
12.19 part 3.2 Stopping or parking a vehicle on tram tracks or stopping or parking a vehicle further than the first row from the edge of the roadway, with the exception of a forced stop and the cases provided for in parts 4 and 6 of this article 1500 rub. 3000 rub.
12.19 h. 4 Violation of the rules for stopping or parking a vehicle on the roadway, resulting in the creation of obstacles to the movement of other vehicles, as well as stopping or parking a vehicle in a tunnel, except for the case provided for in Part 6 of this article 2000 rub. 3000 rub.
vehicle detention
12.19 h. 5 Violation provided for in Part 1 of this article, committed in Moscow or St. Petersburg 2500 rub.
12.19 h. 6 Violations provided for in parts 3 - 4 of this article, committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg 3000 rub.

Alas, Moscow cannot boast of such parking regulations

Photo masterok.livejournal.com

Remember a simple axiom - only a tank driver does not have to know how to park his vehicle. For everyone else, the traffic rules spell out parking rules.

Stop or parking?

Submitting to the fashion for Western terminology and ubiquitous Anglicisms, we will not give up such a concept as “parking”. But in our legislative framework another term appears - "parking". And if drivers have long understood the difference between “inspection” and “inspection” of a vehicle, then they often have difficulties with the definition of “parking” and “stopping”.

A stop is a pause in movement, a parking is a stop for 5 or more minutes.

Photo: mashinapro.ru

So, a stop is, in simple terms, a cessation of movement lasting no more than 5 minutes.
However, the rules do not limit drivers to five minutes if this time is not enough for them to disembark/pick up passengers or load/unload. But if a vehicle stops for more than 5 minutes, and this has nothing to do with passengers or cargo, then this is already a parking lot.

Parking rules for everyone

First, let's figure out why you should park correctly. Quite often, novice drivers and experienced “steering wheelers” believe that it is not so important where the car is parked. But by parking your vehicle correctly, you will, firstly, reduce your chances of meeting and communicating with all of us beloved traffic police inspectors and such a nuisance as a fine.

Someone parks however they want...

Photo huffpost.com

Secondly, proper parking will protect your car from troubles, such as traffic accidents without moving or mechanical damage caused by particularly disgruntled pedestrians defending their rights using radical methods.

And someone - how can.

Photo drive2.ru

By the way, about the accident.

If your car was parked illegally and became involved in a traffic accident, then all the blame and administrative responsibility inevitably and automatically falls on you.

Where can I park?

The current Traffic Rules tell you where you can park and where you can’t. From paragraph 12.1 you can find out that parking can be organized on the side of the road to the right of the road or at the edge of the roadway. If you still want to park on the left, this can only be done on roads with one lane in each direction and without tram tracks.

Violation of parking rules is the reason for difficulties with parking in Moscow

Photo auto.vesti.ru

But the union of a parked car and the sidewalk is discussed in section 12.2. If you ride a bicycle, moped, motorcycle and car, then you have every right to park your vehicle in places that are marked with a parking sign...

... and one of the signs below (here is the answer to the frequently asked question - is it possible to park on the sidewalk).

In all other cases, you will have to park at your own risk. And, of course, conscience.

Where you can't park

No matter how we feel about prohibitory signs, ignoring them is often more expensive for ourselves.
Parking is prohibited if the following sign is visible on the horizon.

The effect of the “No Parking” sign extends from the place where the sign is installed to the nearest intersection behind it, and in populated areas, in the absence of an intersection, to the end of the populated area.

At the same time, variations of this sign can be observed on the streets of Russian cities.

Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month

Parking is prohibited on even days of the month

But there are also more general rules.
For example, under no circumstances will you be able to legally park your vehicle on the sidewalk if it is a truck. In addition, parking is prohibited in those places where stopping is not permitted, which is quite logical.

Also, you cannot park a vehicle on the roadway outside a populated area that is marked with a “Main Road” sign.

Do not forget that it is strictly prohibited to organize parking closer than 50 meters from railway crossings.


The “Pedestrian Path” sign prohibits cars from driving, but nothing is said about parking on the path for pedestrians and cyclists. Yes, a fine of 2 thousand rubles. you will have to pay, because it is impossible to enter the forbidden territory without moving. However, according to the Administrative Code, the traffic police have no right to evacuate your car to the impound area from the pedestrian path. Many Muscovites, those who have more money, take advantage of this flaw in the Code and habitually park their four-wheeled “horses” on paths intended for “two-legged people.”

How much does illegal parking cost?

Municipal authorities are constantly increasing penalties for parking where parking is prohibited. At the same time, there is a certain gradation of fines depending on the region or city. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg the fine amounts are higher than in other Russian cities.

Rules for parking in courtyards: good where we are not

It should be recognized that the rules for parking in courtyards and adjacent areas have not yet been clearly defined at the legislative level. But it would be worth it, because, for example, Moscow courtyards are increasingly reminiscent of a zone of high voltage that arises between residents. However, there is a set of general rules that any driver must follow.

It is strictly prohibited to park a car on lawns. The provision on “green zones” is not spelled out in the traffic rules, but such parking violates another set of rules - the city improvement rules. In addition, you must not block the passage that impedes the movement of other vehicles and pedestrians. Sidewalks in yards are also a taboo area for car owners.

Sometimes in the courtyards there is a “parking nonsense”

Photo zyalt.livejournal.com

If we talk about any clear instructions, then parking a car is prohibited closer than 10 meters from the doors, be it the doors of a store or an entrance, and also no closer than 5 meters from garbage containers.

In London, a car owner can buy the right to park next to their house or in their yard for £100 a year. For all other parking spaces, Londoners pay £4 hourly and can stay in a space for a maximum of four hours.

Regarding other prohibitions, a car with a running engine cannot be parked in yards. Remember - no more than 4 minutes 59 seconds. This rule is worth thinking about for motorists who warm up the engine before driving during the winter months.

And, of course, trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons are completely discriminated against in relation to yard parking.

Parking rules in Moscow

A city can be considered one that has reached the highest level of motorization if there are from 300 to 400 cars per 1 thousand inhabitants. In 2013, Moscow was on the list of the most motorized cities took second place— 380 cars per “kilo-capita” of the population. Hence the 127 hours a year that a Moscow driver spends fighting traffic jams.

Free parking is a luxury for Moscow

Photo auto.mail.ru

So here it is. As soon as a city reaches a high level of motorization, it automatically abandons the “free parking” regulation. This is the answer to the question why parking in Moscow became paid. We must not forget about the convenience of pedestrians, the priority of public transport and moving cars. Parked cars that simply occupy public space are at the very bottom of the priority table. In other words, if you want to stand, pay. This is exactly what is said on the pages of the project, which is designed to cope with the problem of “chaotic parking” on the capital’s streets.

The rules for parking in the center of Moscow are simple to the point of banality - you can park your car wherever the rules or relevant road signs do not prohibit it. If you do not follow this norm, then be sure to add to the statistics of those evacuated for improper parking of a car - about 1,300 rubles per day.

You can pay for parking through the parking meter

Photo torange.ru

Most shopping centers in Moscow provide free parking spaces, but there are also some (located inside the Third Ring Road) where only the first hours of parking are free. There are also some little parking tricks: you can leave your car in the Moscow Hotel parking lot if you buy at least something in one of the many local boutiques.

Subtleties of the question

Under no circumstances do you have the right to trample the grass on the lawn with the tires of your car. True, the amount of the administrative fine for this is different everywhere, because these fines are set by local governments.

If you parked your car, but only drove a little onto the curb, then law enforcement will definitely regard this as full-fledged parking on the sidewalk. For the convenience of one wheel - a fine and evacuation of the “steel horse” to the “penalty stable”.

Imagine that you left your car on the sidewalk. According to current legislation, for violating the rules of parking or stopping on the sidewalk, which entails creating obstacles to the movement of pedestrians, you can be fined two times the minimum wage. But the fact of creating obstacles still needs to be proven. But if there is no fact, there is no corpus delicti. However, compliance with the law should be at the forefront of all such situations.

Today, traffic cops use devices called “Parcon”, which independently detect and record violations of parking rules. After this, drivers receive “chain letters”. So don't leave it to chance and beware of the newfangled gadgets that law enforcement officers are armed with.

If you want to know what kind of person this person is, look at how he parks his car!

Photo fedpress.ru

In order not to lose money (fines, payment for towing and storage in a parking lot), time and nerve cells, try to get along with this capricious lady, whose name is “Parking”. Remember the patience of the legendary Noah, who, on his ark full of passengers, searched for parking until he found it near the majestic Ararat. Respect the law, pedestrians and your fellow drivers, and you'll always find a parking space in the sun.

In contact with

09.07.2018, 12:05 61236 0 Assembly of Motorists

Parking near the house is a topic that can be discussed endlessly. It’s good when there is a place in the underground parking, in the parking lot near the house or near the cottage. In this case there are no problems.

This is all good, of course, but for most drivers, parking in the courtyard of a house is sometimes a task with many unknowns, especially when it comes to residential areas in large cities with houses without parking or in areas of old buildings, for example, in the center of Moscow or St. -Petersburg. In a word, about places where there is a shortage of free space, and the parking itself turns into a real puzzle similar to Tetris.

To be fair, it should be noted that State Duma deputies are discussing the adoption of a new law on parking in the courtyard of an apartment building, which would streamline the relevant issues. There is talk that it will be possible to privatize parking spaces, organize small private parking lots, and that parking a car in the courtyard of a house will become paid.

However, many experts doubt that all the measures being discussed will fundamentally solve the existing problem...

What parking rules apply in the courtyards of residential buildings in 2018?

The main legislative acts regulating this area are Sanitary Norms and Rules - SanPin and Traffic Rules - Traffic Regulations.

In principle, all the rules for parking in the courtyards of residential buildings are quite logical. If you strictly follow them, you can avoid problems with residents of the lower floors and fines.

Parking rules in the yard

You can often see a picture where, with a lack of free space on the sidewalk and the absence of a lawn fencing, cars take advantage of it. In this case, you need to be prepared for a fine, which will be issued by a traffic police officer upon a call from neighbors who are “not indifferent” to nature.

Some motorists believe that this legal requirement does not apply to the winter period, when snow falls and the border of green spaces becomes invisible. They are partly right, but you need to understand that in addition to the traffic police, there are also sanitary services that can punish you for parking next to the windows.

2. You cannot leave your car near garbage containers.

It’s a logical rule, because if a car is parked near garbage cans, it will greatly complicate the work of public utilities. The minimum distance to containers must be at least five meters. Moreover, the car should be positioned in such a way as not to impede the access of garbage collection vehicles. In addition, parking near garbage cans always outrages the residents of the house, who are not shy about their means of influencing a careless driver.

Rules regulate time continuously running engine when stopping the car in the yard - no more than five minutes. This means that you can only stop to board or disembark passengers and to load or unload cargo. This rule is especially relevant in winter, when low air temperatures force motorists to warm up the engine in the morning.

As a result, the yard is filled with the noise of running engines and clouds of exhaust gases, which naturally causes dissatisfaction among residents and calls to the traffic police with complaints. For this violation, a fine of 3 thousand rubles is provided for large cities and 1.5 thousand for other populated areas.

Traffic regulations also prohibit parking in the courtyards of residential buildings and in other places on sidewalks. True, with the caveat that if the distance for pedestrians to pass is left less than two meters. This is also a logical rule, because pedestrians also need space.

Violation of this rule entails a fine of 2 thousand rubles and may even lead to evacuation, for which the car owner will also have to pay.

5. Obstruction of the passage

One of the most common and unpleasant violations of parking rules in the courtyard of an apartment building is blocking the passage, which in turn turns into a huge problem both for other drivers and for special vehicles: ambulances, firefighters, rescuers, gas service, water utility and others.

It is difficult to name the exact amount of the fine for this violation. Everything depends on the current situation and is regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In conditions of fierce competition for free spaces, especially “smart” drivers set up personal parking spaces near their home, and often right next to the entrance to their entrance. Various auxiliary materials are used, but most often civilization comes to their aid in the form of special parking fences with locks.

However, when arranging your own personal parking space, you must understand that this is a violation, for which a fine of 5 thousand rubles is provided.

The rules provide for parking spaces for ten cars no closer than ten meters from the house, so if you park the car close to the wall or directly under the windows, get ready for a fine. Drivers of vans and other cargo vehicles will also be fined. For vehicles over 3.5 tons there are parking lots.

The majority of citizens of our country live in apartment buildings. Many residents have a car. Therefore, everyone should know the rules of parking in yards and, of course, in other places in the city. If every driver strictly follows the parking rules in accordance with the traffic rules, then the problems will become much less.

Parking the vehicle in any place convenient for the driver is not a bad idea. But will it be convenient for other road users? No! When parking under the window of their home, not every driver thinks about parking rules. You can often find cars at the entrances that block the entrance to the house. Is it possible to park like this - of course not. If an ambulance or fire truck arrives, access to the entrance will be closed. In order not to disturb other traffic participants and not to create conflicts and emergency situations, parking rules were invented.

What not to do in the courtyard of a high-rise building
  • It is forbidden to leave. These places are necessary for pedestrians.
  • Block the passage to the yard.
  • Park the vehicle near the entrance. The rules prohibit parking closer than 10 meters from the entrance to the entrance. This measure is forced. It is necessary for constant access to the house in case of fever or when calling an ambulance for a sick person.
How to properly park a vehicle in the yard

Most drivers, despite all the rules, park the way they want. As a result, along with complaints from neighbors, drivers often discover damage to their car.

There is a special law that explains how a vehicle must be parked. It states that the vehicle must be parked in a strictly designated place.

  • Paid parking near the house.
  • Special places in the courtyard of a high-rise building.

In practice, there are very few such places; there are always enough of them, and sometimes not at all.

How to be

As a result, it turns out that the driver has nowhere to park his car. But it is unlikely that housing and communal services will be able to make additional places available, so it is necessary to look for an alternative option. There are only two options - buy a garage or use paid parking. But not everything is smooth here either - not everyone has the funds for a garage, and parking is not cheap.

In this case, you need to come to the traffic police and explain the situation. If your vehicle does not interfere with people, then there will definitely be no complaints from neighbors and law enforcement agencies.

Parking near waste containers

You can often see drivers parking their cars next to trash cans. You can’t park like that either, because you make it difficult for special services to gain access. The minimum distance allowed for parking a vehicle is 5 meters.

Don’t forget about the sidewalks; if there is a sign that allows parking in a given place, then you can safely park your car. In other cases it is prohibited.

At the same time, parking on the edge of the sidewalk is possible provided that the vehicle does not interfere with pedestrians or block the road.

What else is unacceptable in yards
  • You cannot leave a vehicle with the engine running for more than 5 minutes.
  • It is prohibited to leave a car in a place where pedestrians walk.
  • Freight transport weighing more than 3.5 tons must be parked in special parking lots.
  • You cannot install fences for personal parking without permission.
Parking on the sidewalk

A sidewalk is a place for pedestrians to move. Few people know whether it is allowed to park their car on the sidewalk. But incorrect parking can greatly ruin the driver’s mood, because there is a fine for violating parking rules.

The fine for parking on the sidewalk is 1 thousand rubles in Russian cities; in Moscow and the northern capital the fine is 3 thousand rubles. But, besides this, which will entail additional costs.

Parking a car on city lawns is also prohibited unless there is a permit sign. Such a violation is punishable by law; the violator will have to pay 5 thousand rubles.

Where to park the car

The vehicle must be parked in the designated places:

  • in special parking pockets near buildings;
  • in paid parking lots;
  • in places where appropriate signs are installed.

There are often signs on the streets that allow parking on even or odd days of the month.

How do law enforcement agencies learn about violations?

People who are tired of enduring violations and inconvenience due to improperly parked cars are starting to complain. Complaints are sent directly to the traffic police. They do it like this:

  • photographs of the vehicle are taken;
  • on the official website of the traffic police, fill out a special complaint form and upload photos;
  • After the inspection, penalties are issued to the owner of the vehicle.
It is important to know

It is better not to violate parking rules and leave your car in the designated place. After all, this violation can end not only with a fine, but also with broken windows.

Respect each other, park your car correctly!

Car parking rules - traffic rules updated: December 30, 2018 by: admin

Every person who lives in a multi-storey building and owns a vehicle should know that there are special rules according to which one must park. And these are not the whims of those who do not have cars. Let's see what they are, the rules for parking in courtyards. There are many nuances and important points, and it is advisable to pay attention to everything.

Why were these rules invented?

Indeed, a completely logical question. After all, it is much more convenient to park the car the way you want. Typically as close to the house or your window as possible. You will be able to watch your car from the window of your apartment, and if necessary, you don’t have to go far. But have you ever thought that not everyone likes it? Most likely, you are not the only one who has personal transport. There are quite a lot of such people in the entrance, and if everyone parks their car the way they want, this will significantly complicate access to the entrance, for example, by ambulance, police, or fire. And those who don’t have a car are unlikely to be happy - they will have to breathe your exhaust fumes and constantly not sleep because of the noise of the running engine. This is why the rules for parking in courtyards were invented. Now let's look at all the nuances.

Parking in the courtyard of an apartment building: what not to do

First, let's talk about what is strictly prohibited. Firstly, you cannot park your vehicle on lawns and sidewalks, as these areas are intended for pedestrians, not your cars. It is also strictly prohibited to block free passage.

Therefore, the car must be parked in a specially designated place, of course, if there is one. Consequently, other cars, as well as ambulances, police, fire, and gas services must have free access to each entrance of a multi-story building. It is worth paying attention to the presence of shops near your home. You cannot park your vehicle closer than 10 meters from the doors of such an establishment. This is due to the fact that a car with goods may arrive, but the road will be blocked. If your car sits in the wrong place for too long, then there is a high probability that a special service will arrive and take the vehicle to a impound lot, or angry residents of the house will damage your car.

cars in the yards

And now I would like to talk about how and where you need to place your iron horse. that there are a lot of options here, the majority still prefer to do what is convenient for them, but as practice shows, complaints from neighbors come very quickly, as do broken car windows, damaged paintwork, broken wheels, etc. unpleasant moments. You probably haven’t thought about the fact that there are special parking rules. Traffic rules, clause 26.2. “About parking in a residential area.” It clearly states that the vehicle must be parked in specially designated areas. There are several options here. This could be paid parking near your house or special places directly in the yard where you are required to park your car. As practice shows, there are always not enough such places, and in most cases, they simply do not exist.

What should car owners do?

In fact, it is unlikely that you will be able to get a dozen more parking spaces in the yard. Therefore, you need to either use paid parking or park your car in a garage. But if there is neither one nor the other, and the transport still needs to be placed somewhere, then you need to look for a place. In addition, the new rules for parking in courtyards state that it is forbidden to leave vehicles in the wrong place in the courtyard, as this violates the law “On Parking and Parking.” But don't worry, there is a way out. You need to go to the traffic police and explain the situation. In any case, employees must respond, even if not immediately. And naturally, you must understand that if your vehicle is parked where it does not disturb anyone, then any problems are unlikely to arise. You can talk to your neighbors or install a proper silencer that won't wake people up in the middle of the night. In addition, modern cars operate quite quietly.

A little more about what is prohibited

Despite the fact that a lot has already been said, modern rules for parking a car in courtyards still provide for a lot of things. In particular, you are not allowed to park your car in close proximity to garbage containers. This makes it difficult for the corresponding service to access. The minimum distance should be about five meters. As for sidewalks, it was noted that vehicles cannot be parked on them. But if there is a permission sign, then this can be done. Although this is extremely rare. Please note that you can park a car or motorcycle on the edge of the sidewalk. But for a pedestrian to move freely there should still be about two meters left.

A few important points

You must understand that parking with the engine running is prohibited. If the time exceeds more than 5 minutes, then it is quite possible to get a fine for this. The exception is loading/unloading something or boarding passengers. Problems may also arise due to the fact that you left the car where it interferes with a pedestrian, as this is prohibited by traffic regulations. The rules for parking in yards state that specially designated spaces must be used for this. If you own a GAZelle or other vehicle whose total weight exceeds 3.5 tons, then such a vehicle must be parked in specially designated areas. It is prohibited to install parking barriers without authorization, as this must be done by special services. If the traffic police inspector records this, then there will be a lot of problems.

A little about parking requirements

As already noted a little above, you do not have the right to create a parking space for yourself. Therefore, everything must be provided for by the relevant services. Even at the design stage, a parking space should be included in the builders’ plans. This is about 50 places per house. All rules and regulations must be strictly observed, since repeated violations of parking rules in yards lead to serious fines, and this, you see, is not very pleasant. The construction of so-called parking garages for 100 cars is allowed. In fact, you can build a garage for your car 10 meters from your apartment building. If there are no windows and no exit from the side of the building, then this distance can be reduced to 7.5 meters. Therefore it is very close. But before construction, do not forget to coordinate everything.

What else do you need to know

Always ensure that your vehicle does not interfere with both cars and pedestrians. You can park the car under your window, of course, if other neighbors don’t mind. As for temporary stops, there can be no problems here. If you leave your car in your own garage at night and in the yard for a couple of hours during the day, then you are unlikely to receive complaints, especially if you follow parking rules. In this case, the traffic rules allow leaving the vehicle for a short period of time. Respect, again, other road users. If you park your car in one space, be kind enough not to occupy other people's spaces, as this may cause resentment among your neighbors, and this will not end well. Basically, if your car is quiet, doesn't bother anyone, and you don't warm up the engine near open windows, then you can be 90% sure that there won't be any complaints.


In conclusion, I would like to say that parking in the courtyard of an apartment building is quite simple, especially if there is a specially designated place nearby. If not, then it is quite possible that there is a paid parking lot nearby, where your car will be in good hands. Of course, parking rules in the courtyards of residential buildings must be followed. This way you will deprive yourself of problems and unnecessary quarrels with your neighbors. Of course, if there is nowhere to put the transport, then try to at least not disturb others, and the rest is no longer your concern.

So we have dealt with a rather sensitive topic for most motorists. We have answered all frequently asked questions, and you now know that there are rules for parking in the courtyards of residential buildings, and it is advisable to comply with them to the maximum. Although you may notice that not everyone does this, and most simply ignore them.