What are armored glass made from? Safety bulletproof glass. Armored glass for a car


Armored windows are widely used in various fields: they can be found in banks, residential buildings, shops, cars. The design is a thick glass made of triplex and polycarbonate. The layers are superimposed on each other and glued together in a special way, due to which a thick, heavy, but very strong structure is obtained.

Product varieties

Armored glass is similar in properties to tempered glass. Read what is the advantage of this type of glass.

Using an armored window

Not so long ago, armored windows were used exclusively in places associated with material or historical values, such as museums and banks, but later armored windows became more affordable, and it became possible to meet them in ordinary private houses, and not necessarily government officials.

Modern windows have become much more technologically advanced, more affordable and more functional. They can be installed instead of . Armored windows for the home are superior to standard double-glazed windows not only in terms of strength, but also in all other indicators, such as protection from cold and noise.

armored windows

What should be considered when buying an armored window?

Before you buy armored windows in an apartment, you need to determine what you need it for. You may not be able to get by with the cheapest option that can withstand the impact of a stone, or you may not have to pay extra since you do not need a bulletproof window.

Product functions may be as follows:

  • Protection against stone ingress, accidental mechanical damage.
  • Security from criminal encroachments, attempts to purposefully break a window.
  • Protection against shots from firearms.

The difference between the designs lies not only in strength and cost, but also in functionality.

Possible options when choosing a window

Reservation of double-glazed windows with a film makes them more durable, triplex glass does not spill out when broken, since all the fragments remain on the film. Such a strong desire can be broken, but it will take a vandal quite a lot of time. Bullying teenagers can not be afraid. Glass can prevent a thief from getting into the house, it will last much longer than usual, but it will not provide protection from a bullet.

Armored plastic windows for a house are most often an ordinary triplex that fastens several thin glasses. It makes the window stronger and safer, but such a product cannot be fully called armor. A double-glazed window of such a plan is suitable for standard plastic frames and is inexpensive.

Types and designs of frames

Bulletproof double-glazed window is quite an expensive pleasure, but it can be of different options, from one relatively thin glass to a thick complex. It is worth noting that the lowest-class double-glazed windows can freeze and produce condensation. Thicker double-glazed windows will cope with a shot from a more powerful weapon and hold heat better, but they will weigh quite a lot. The higher the class of double-glazed windows, the stronger it is. To make it clear, a class 5 product can withstand a shot from a 7.62 caliber.

Armored windows in the house can be of different designs and meet different requirements and standards, which affects their thickness and price. Such windows are quite affordable to a wide range of buyers.

Glass that is not afraid of a hammer! Does it happen?

Today I will tell you about how to protect your office, store or apartment from entering them through windows on your own.

The issue of security and protection of their property worries every person. If your apartment or office is located on the first or basement floor, then windows are one of the most vulnerable places. The fact is that the window, which is located at the level of human growth, is a great temptation for spontaneous theft. And even if the room is equipped with an alarm, this will not prevent the attacker from grabbing something valuable and hiding before the arrival of security.

In this article, you will learn about how I booked window panes on my own in my store, located in the basement of a residential building.

A little theory at the beginning. The theory is not from Wikipedia, but in the form in which I understand it myself.

There are two types of armored glass: factory-made and armored with films. Unlike glasses armored with films, factory glasses received their armor at the production stage. With the help of armor films, you can protect any ordinary glass, such as shop windows or window glass. Of course, this glass can be broken. But this requires a lot of effort and time. So, for example, when hit with a hammer, the glass will not crumble into fragments, it will simply leave a small hole in it.

Films of various thicknesses are produced, as a rule, these are 100, 200 and 300 microns. The thicker the film, the higher the protection class. So, for example, for banks, halls of jewelry and weapons stores, the third class of protection is recommended. film thickness should be 600 µm. How is such a protection class achieved if the maximum film thickness is only 300 microns? You probably already guessed - one layer is glued to another.

For my purposes, I chose the 1st protection class: “protection against hooligans and vandals”, which corresponds to a film with a thickness of 300 microns. After searching the Internet for film sellers, I chose SOLARTEK film. The cost of 1 m2 - 500 rubles.

By the way, the same company can paste the film on the glass itself and it will cost 1040 rubles already. for 1m2.

So, let's move on to the process itself.

First of all, you need to remove the glass pane. Why not stick the film directly on the window, you ask? I didn't do it for the following reasons:
First, the glass must be thoroughly washed. It is more convenient to do this under the shower;
Secondly, it is more convenient to glue on a horizontal surface;
Thirdly, the edges of the film must be closed with glazing beads;
Fourthly, if you glue the film in winter, then this is necessary because. glass temperature must be at least 20 degrees

Dismantling of a double-glazed window

In order to remove a double-glazed window, you first need to remove the glazing beads holding it in the frame. This matter must be approached very seriously, because. you can easily scratch the window sash and the glazing beads themselves. To remove the glazing beads, I used an ax with a round sharp blade and a rubber mallet.

It is more convenient to start with long glazing beads, I started with the right one. Insert the blade of the ax between the frame and the glazing bead closer to the center.

Sometimes they are very close to each other that there is not even a gap. We hit the butt of the ax with a hammer several times so that the blade enters the slot. As soon as it has deepened a little, press on the butt with one hand, and with the other, take the ax handle and slowly turn it, trying to open the gap. Your goal is to open the gap so that after pulling out the blade, the glazing bead does not return to its place.

So by gradually moving the blade along the glazing bead, you increase the gap and at some point the glazing bead will pop out of engagement with the frame. Take it off.

Do the same with the opposite bead. Then move on to the top bead. After the top glazing bead is removed, carefully holding the glass from the inside, push it from the outside so that the top edge comes out of the frame. After that, take the glass from above with both hands and gently rock it from side to side, pull it out of the frame. Be careful, there are plastic mounting strips between the frame and glass on all sides - do not lose them.

After the glass is removed, the lower bead can be easily removed by hand.

Pay attention to the following:
It is necessary to mark the glazing beads so as not to confuse where they stood;
Remember the location of the mounting strips;
After the double-glazed window is removed, place it so that it does not fall

If you remove a double-glazed window not from a plastic window, but from a metal door, then the glazing beads are removed there much easier. Pick up the sealing gum that is between the glazing bead and the glass. Gently pull it out, and then remove the rest of the elastic bands. After that, the glazing beads can be easily removed without any tools.

Double-glazed window preparation

Before proceeding with gluing the film, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the double-glazed window. At work, I have a shower on the floor of which I laid rubber mats, and put a double-glazed window on top. Then you need to thoroughly wash the glass with soapy water.

After that, he drove water from the surface of the glass with a silicone scraper. On clean and dry glass, it is easy to see small growths, such as drops of paint or sealant.

Carefully remove them from the glass surface. To do this, you can use the blade of a clerical knife. Press the blade against the glass and use a scraper to clean its surface.

Looking ahead, I will say that most of the shortcomings that were visible on the reserved glass were associated with small debris that I did not notice at this stage.

After the glass is cleaned, it is recommended to degrease it, for example, with white spirit. I didn't do it. In addition, I washed the glass with an abrasive powder that is used to clean bathtubs. I know that theoretically this leaves small scratches on the glass, but such a powder well removes small imperceptible growths on the glass that are not visible to the eye. After that, I rinsed the glass well with water and dried it.

Film sticker

First you need to cut the film to the size of the glass. I marked and cut the film so that it did not reach the edges of the double-glazed window by 0.5 cm.

The film can be applied dry and wet. I didn’t even consider the dry method. I didn't have any experience with stickers. The essence of the wet application method is to moisten the glass before sticking the film. This will allow the film to move across the glass and prevent it from sticking immediately. As a solution, I used ordinary liquid soap, dissolving it in water in a ratio of 1 to 4, i.e. 25 gr. soap 100 gr. water. You can also use shampoo.

Moisten the glass liberally with a spray bottle.

Then remove the protective film from the adhesive layer.

Do not throw away the protective film - we will still need it. Carefully place the armor film on the double-glazed window and align its edges.

Press the film with your hand so that it does not move out, and begin to gradually expel water from under it. You need to expel from the center to the edges.

I armored 3 glasses and each time drove out the water in different ways - with a rag, a piece of plastic, a squeegee from a cartridge, a rubber spatula. I will not describe the disadvantages and advantages of each method. Now I will write the sequence of actions that I would use myself if I needed to glue the film again.

After you have placed the film on the glass and aligned the edges, smooth it out with your hand. This must be done so that the film sticks a little and does not move out. Then slightly moisten the film on top with soapy water, and then take the same protective film that was removed earlier and stick it on top. Then take a piece of plastic and use it to smooth the film from the center to the edges. I did not bother with small bubbles, but first glued the film over the entire area, expelling the bulk of the soapy water from under it. Then iron the film more carefully, trying to eliminate all small air bubbles under it.

Why is it necessary to glue the protective film on top? I came to this after gluing the first film scratched its entire surface. Despite the fact that the plastic was perfectly even, apparently microscopic irregularities still leave a mark on the armor film. To be honest, I do not understand why it is not protected by films on both sides.

You will also probably encounter the fact that the edges of the film will peel off from the double-glazed window.

This is due to the accumulation of soap solution on the edges of the glass, which prevents the film from sticking. You can temporarily fix the film with tape around the edges.

After the film is pasted, it needs to dry. The film should dry at a temperature not lower than 20 degrees for at least 24 hours.

I dried my double-glazed windows in the room for 5 hours, after which I installed them in the windows. When installing, do not forget to install the mounting strips as they were before.

Start installing the glazing beads in the reverse order - first short and then long. I started by installing the top glazing bead. Pressing the glazing bead with my hand with a hammer, I hammered it into place. The hammer must move along the plane of the glass. The glazing bead must be hammered evenly by tapping along its entire length so that it enters without distortions. If you are using an ordinary hammer, be careful not to break the glass and hit not directly on the glazing bead, but through a small block of wood. Long glazing beads are installed as follows. First, insert one end of the glazing bead into the corner of the frame. You can even knock on it from below so that it goes up as tightly as possible, then bend the glazing bead with your hand and bring the lower end into place. At this point, the bead will be slightly curved.

Gently tapping with a hammer in the middle of the glazing bead, hammer it into place.

Glass pane installed.


In general, I am pleased with the result.

The first double-glazed window turned out to be the most unsuccessful, because. I glued it without a protective film, left a lot of small scratches and one big one.

The second and third double-glazed windows turned out without these shortcomings. But there are several points on them where the film did not stick due to a small speck.

Conclusion: wash the glass more thoroughly !!!

After I pasted the film in some places there were some muddy stains. Especially in those where I peeled off the film in the process and stuck it again.

After two days the stains were gone. Therefore, in the process of sticking the film, pay attention only to the specks that have fallen under the glass and to air bubbles. Everything else will disappear in a few days when the adhesive on the film is fully adhered to the glass.

I believe that the economic benefit from self-sticking the film is small - only 540 rubles. with m2. Would you like to glue the film yourself?

Sincerely, Vasily Devaev.

acrylic products

The first impact-resistant glass, the prototype of modern transparent armor, was invented in 1910 - the French scientist Edouard Benedictus installed a layer of celluloid film between two glass sheets and called his invention "triplex". A product made from such a material showed a much greater impact strength compared to a single layer material.

Over time, mankind came to understand that it is possible to significantly increase the impact strength of glass and create a material that will withstand not only mechanical shocks, but also the impact of firearms bullets. In the 30s of the last century, acrylic was created - a material that revolutionized the industry. Plexiglas was used for the manufacture of bulletproof glazing in conjunction with conventional silicate glass.

The appearance of less brittle and more durable polymethyl methacrylate, or the well-known acrylic, made it possible to increase the strength of triplex many times over. For the first time such transparent armor was used in military aviation in the 30s of the last century. The cockpit was glazed with bulletproof glass, protecting the pilot from the smallest machine-gun caliber weapons of that period.

A breakthrough in this area came during the Second World War - transparent bulletproof glass was installed on all fighters, bombers and attack aircraft. During this period, deep scientific research, experiments and calculations were carried out. In the 50s of the last century, the so-called oriented organic glass was created - this discovery eventually made it possible to use plexiglass as an independent bulletproof material of the highest efficiency.<

Only with the advent of transparent acrylic armor, it became possible to manufacture bulletproof protective equipment with 100% optical transparency. Bulletproof acrylic glass is resistant to firearms and hand grenade fragments. The bullet does not penetrate the glass, but stops before reaching its target.

The material is divided into several protection classes depending on the resistance to the effects of bullets of a particular weapon. Powerful bullet-resistant acrylic glass is installed in armored vehicles, in rooms where historical and cultural values ​​are stored, in operating rooms and cash desks of banks, in trading floors of weapons and jewelry stores, in museums, art galleries and exhibition halls, in security guards' cabins, at exchange points currencies, post offices, police stations, special purpose clinics, some government agencies, as well as such material is used to make police shields and visors. The most reliable and powerful transparent armor is indispensable for the protection of armored vehicles, tanks, helicopters and armored helmets for military purposes.

Benefits of Bulletproof Acrylic Over Regular Armored Glass

At one time, acrylic competed with transparent armor made of ordinary glass. Years have passed and today bulletproof acrylic is beyond competition. The silicate analogue is significantly inferior to acrylic in many respects. The superiority of acrylic is a fact proven by serious scientific research and many years of operating experience in a wide variety of fields. In order not to be unfounded, we present objective evidence - the characteristics of Makrolon Hygard bulletproof acrylic, which put this material many steps higher compared to conventional bulletproof triplex.

High degree of transparency. It is the transparency of bulletproof glazing that sometimes acts as a decisive protective factor. Silicate triplex in terms of transparency is significantly inferior to acrylic. There is only one way to increase glass armor - an increase in the layers of triplex and, as a result, an increase in the thickness of the glass. Naturally, too thick laminated silicate glass cannot be perfectly transparent a priori. Perfectly transparent acrylic armor is the only acceptable way to provide protection from impacts, bullets and shrapnel when maintaining 100% distortion-free vision. A person, on the one hand, is reliably protected from danger, and on the other hand, he can freely observe all the events taking place around him. The ability to observe the surrounding environment allows you to quickly respond to unforeseen situations and make decisions that can save more than one life.

High aesthetic characteristics.
Perfectly transparent acrylic shimmers with a glossy sheen, does not have any extraneous shades (except for special tinted glasses). When viewed from the side, bulletproof acrylic looks like ordinary glass, in contrast to the greenish silicate triplex. Acrylic bulletproof glass does not catch the eye, does not attract attention. Regardless of whether a person or a valuable object is hiding behind bullet-resistant glass, in any case, protection should not “scream” about its presence. A person or object is reliably protected, but at the same time the protection remains as invisible to prying eyes as possible. This is especially true in the manufacture of acrylic glazing for VIP cars, government agencies, banks and other facilities that are in dire need of reliable, but unobtrusive protection.

Light weight. Lightweight bulletproof acrylic can be called almost weightless compared to its glass counterpart. The weight of bulletproof acrylic is 3-5 times less compared to glass armor with their equivalent reliability. The installation of silicate armored glass requires the installation of fairly powerful supports. But to install protective plexiglass, you do not need to build bulky metal structures that will hold transparent armor. Light weight neutralizes the limitations on the dimensions of the glazing. This means that strong silicate glass structures can be replaced with lightweight acrylic counterparts. Light weight favors acrylic when choosing a material for protective shields - lightweight acrylic products allow a fighter to be more maneuverable while remaining safe.

Small thickness.
When using silicate triplex to increase the protective properties, it is necessary to significantly increase the thickness of the glazing. Acrylic, on the other hand, allows you to work with much smaller thicknesses of glass. Of the two glasses having the same bullet resistance, acrylic glass will have a smaller thickness. The structure of plexiglass allows to minimize the thickness of the protective glass without loss of reliability. This advantage is especially important when booking cars, bank cash desks, museum stands.

No risk of secondary shrapnel damage. When a bullet hits, large cracks appear on the surface of silicate glass, and the possibility of separating individual sharp fragments is not ruled out. To protect against fragments, the usual triplex is covered with a special film that holds the fragments and does not allow them to scatter to the sides. But such a film does not give a 100% guarantee of protection against fragments. Acrylic in this matter is more reliable. The absence of fragments and large cracks is a property inherent in the nature of the material itself. Even the simplest plexiglass does not break into fragments, let alone bulletproof plexiglass.

Bulletproof acrylic is a progressive material that provides maximum durability while maintaining excellent aesthetic performance. Of course, a high-quality bulletproof material a priori cannot be cheap. But in favor of such glazing, people who value safety, know what real protection should be, and will never exchange top-class protection for a cheap analogue of the bygone century for the sake of economy. Cheaper bulletproof silicate glass is a relic of the past, which is now used less and more and more often does not live up to the expectations placed on it. Security does not tolerate economy, because the lack of security sometimes costs too much ...

Creation date: 01 SEP 2015 Author "Acrylshik"

Implemented works

Desiccator repair

Performance of work on the repair of the body of the laboratory desiccator made of Plexiglas

Forming acrylic panels

Forming Acrylic Sheets for Bubble Panels

Transparent picture frames

Making transparent frames for photos

Bulletproof glass- a multilayer structure consisting of several M1 glasses and several layers of a polymeric photocurable composition. Depending on the required protection class, the design can be either with or without a film. This design structure provides protection against bullets fired from different types of weapons, depending on the required protection class.

The armored glass design is transparent and provides protection according to classes B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 (bullet resistance class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) according to GOST R 51136-2008 while simultaneously transmitting light. Suitable for both internal and external glazing.

The complete set of a double-glazed window for preservation of a temperature condition is possible.

Armored glass- a guarantee of security, it was created in order to protect people and their property. That is why it is especially important that the glass is of excellent quality. You need to be sure that you and your property are fully protected. The first, second, third, fourth, fifth or sixth class of armored glass protection is selected based on the conditions and wishes of the customer.

Scope of bulletproof glass

  • currency exchange points;
  • places for issuing money at the cash desks of large organizations, enterprises;
  • internal security posts in banks, jewelry stores, shooting galleries;
  • workplaces of petrol station operators;
  • workplaces of bank tellers working in operating rooms;
  • workplaces of employees of duty units of internal affairs bodies;
  • equipment of banks and cash collection machines;
  • other buildings, structures and objects that need to be protected from burglary, strikes and shelling.

Double-glazed windows made of laminated armored glass, made using mirrored, tinted glass of various colors, have unique properties that not only protect the room from impacts and shelling, but also reduce heat loss in the cold season, protect against the harmful effects of sunlight and noise.

A mirror made of laminated glass, along with high strength characteristics and aesthetic properties, ensures its long-term and safe use in rooms with high humidity (in bathrooms and swimming pools).

Armored laminated protective glass (bulletproof glass) is intended for use on vehicles, in administrative and residential buildings, where there is a need to protect human life and material values.

Characteristics of bulletproof glass

Characteristics bulletproof glass correspond to GOST R 51136-2008 "Protective multilayer glasses". The total light transmission of glass is at least 70%. Glass must be heat and moisture resistant, withstand a temperature of 60 ° C and a humidity of 95%. Its frost resistance is minus 40 °C.

Defensive Ability armored glass depends on its thickness. 37 mm thick glass holds PS-43 bullets of 7.62 mm caliber from AKM. According to the certificate issued by the State Standard of Russia, such glass corresponds to the third class of protection and, in addition, is able to hold bullets from PM, TT pistols, AK-74 assault rifles and fragments from RGD-5, F-1 and RG-42 hand grenades.

Armored glass has protective properties

  • withstands repeated impact of a freely falling body;
  • resistant to penetration;
  • withstands the impact of firearms (PM, TT pistols, AKM submachine gun, SVD rifle) and prevents through penetration of the damaging element.

Technologies for the production of armored glass

For the manufacture of bulletproof glass, flat or curved polished blanks with a thickness of 5 to 10 mm are used. In order to increase strength, they are glued together in a certain combination. Polyvinyl butyral film is used as fastening materials. Then a layer is glued to the inner surface of the glass, which protects against damage by secondary glass fragments. In this way, not only extremely strong, but also shatterproof glass is obtained.

Protective film in armored glass

The protective film has a very high transverse tensile strength. When applied to glass, it gives it the same properties: it greatly weakens deformations transverse to the glass surface, including microvibrations. If even a small transverse deflection occurs, the viscous polymer film quickly returns the glass (providing elastic deformation) to its normal position. Of course, a sufficiently strong impact can deflect the glass with the film from its undeformed position by the distance necessary for the fragile glass to still break. But at the same time, it remains in place, glued to the protective film.

Properties of the protective film of bulletproof glass

  • strengthening glass - glass does not break when not too strong blows (when hit by a soft body, foot, stone or bottle);
  • shatterproof - the film prevents fragments from entering the room even when the glass does break (therefore, the protective film is applied to the armored windows from the back);
  • penetration protection - maintaining the integrity of the window (even after breaking) prevents an intruder from entering the room, providing protection similar to gratings;
  • the possibility of listening is almost completely excluded by removing sound vibrations from the glass with special equipment;
  • soundproofing properties (sound enters the room through the window due to mechanical vibrations of the glass, retransmitting street noise);
  • well absorbs ultraviolet, keeping the interior from fading and providing protection from one type of heat transfer. As a result, the thermal isolation of the premises from the external environment increases and, as a result, the costs of heating the premises in winter and cooling in summer are reduced;
  • with similar protective qualities, glass with a protective film can be knocked out from the inside of the room.

Requirements for installing bulletproof glazing

Protective panels must have a stability class not lower than the stability class of the protective glazing used. For class B1 (P1), the panels must be made of sheet steel with a thickness of at least 6 mm. For class B3 (P3) - from sheets of armored alloy with a thickness of at least 4.57 mm.

Trays for transferring money or documents, openings for negotiating must be designed to prevent the penetration of a bullet into the protected area when fired from outside.

Vertical supports must be securely fixed at ceiling and floor level. Horizontal structural members must be securely fastened at each joint and, if possible, fastened to the walls.

Doors to the protected area should provide the same level of protection as the bulletproof glazing used. In addition, they must open outward and be equipped with a self-locking lock.

Any window in the protected area must be protected by bulletproof glazing of the same class as that installed inside the premises.

Test methods for bulletproof glass

The essence of this method is to determine the resistance of laminated glass to the effects of certain types of firearms. The tests are carried out on three samples of laminated glass measuring 500×500 mm. Draw an equilateral triangle at the center of the test specimen with sides 120 mm long. Three shots are fired at the vertices of this triangle. Glass is considered to have passed the test in the absence of through penetration.

Test requirements for bulletproof glass

  • the test sample is installed in a rigid frame with clamping devices;
  • the rigid frame should not move under the impact of bullets;
  • the test sample must be installed perpendicular to the direction of movement of the bullet;
  • all four edges of the glass must be evenly clamped, the width of the clamp must be (30 ± 5) mm, while the target area must be at least 440 × 440 mm;
  • clamping forces must prevent displacement of the sample during the test, while no stress should occur that affects the result.

Behind the test sample, a fragment storage box is installed, which is a chamber that serves to collect glass fragments separated from the rear surface of the test sample and a bullet that has passed through the test sample.

The bullet velocity measuring device is an electronic system that measures the time of flight of a bullet between two sensors - targets located at a fixed distance of 300500 mm along the bullet's flight path. When a bullet passes through the first target sensor, a pulse is generated, which turns on a frequency meter that counts the number of pulses generated by the high-frequency generator of the device. When the bullet passes through the second target sensor, the pulse is stopped. The speed of a bullet is determined by calculation. The bullet velocity is measured at a distance of not more than 2.5 m in front of the test specimen. The measurement error should not exceed 1.0 m/s.

When a bullet hits an obstacle, the bullet and the protection material itself are damaged: the huge kinetic energy of the bullet's movement is extinguished due to the deformation of the material being compressed and torn by it (inelastic deformation). Most bullets (for submachine guns or rifles) contain a very strong, heavy steel core that, after flattening the shell, penetrates deep into the material.

For the purity of the test, a sheet of thin metal foil is placed behind the test sample, by damage to which the test results can be determined. The protection class depends not only on the means of destruction, but also on the selected cartridge and bullet.

Testing bulletproof glass

  • weapons and ammunition are selected according to the protection class for which the laminated glass is to be tested;
  • before testing, several preliminary shots are fired to determine whether the actual impact speed is acceptable;
  • the sample is installed in the frame with the attacked side to the weapon;
  • three shots are fired at the test sample in accordance with the test conditions. The impact speed and the distance between the centers of three impacts are determined with an accuracy of 1 mm;
  • inspect the test sample for the presence of through holes;
  • check for the presence of glass fragments and fragments that have separated from the rear surface of the test sample in the box - the fragment accumulator;
  • the nature of the lesion is controlled after each shot according to the state of the control screen and the back of the sample;
  • lumbago is considered through penetration of the sample by a bullet or its fragment;
  • glass is considered to have passed the test if there is no penetration of the control screen by a bullet or glass fragments.

Bulletproof glass classification according to bullet resistance

Glass protection class Weapon Type Name and index of cartridge bullet core type Bullet weight, g Bullet speed, m/s firing distance
B1 - First class of protection Makarov pistol (PM) 9 mm pistol cartridge 57-N-181 7.62 mm Steel 5,9 315±10 5
B2 - Second class of protection Tokarev pistol (TT) pistol cartridge 57-N-132S or 57-N-134S Steel 5,5 420±10 5
B3 - Third class of protection AK-74 assault rifle 5.45 mm cartridge with 7N10 bullet Steel heat-strengthened 3,5 880±10 5-10
B4 - Fourth class of protection AKM assault rifle 7.62 mm cartridge with bullet 57-N-231 Steel heat-strengthened 7,9 715±10 5-10
B5 - Fifth class of protection Sniper rifle (SVD) 7.62 mm cartridge ST-2M Steel heat-strengthened 9,6 825±10 5-10
B6 - Sixth class of protection Sniper rifle (SVD) 7.62 mm cartridge BZ-32 Steel 10,4 820±10 5-10

Video about armored glass

The bulletproof glass video was commissioned by the How It Works program.

Laminated protective glass (it is also armored glass, bulletproof, bulletproof, bulletproof, shockproof, impact-resistant, burglary-resistant, penetration-resistant), is made on the basis of triplex safety glass and serves to protect personnel and customers of banking (credit) institutions, increasing the safety of building structures with glass, improves comfort in service areas.

Armored glass is used to protect:

  • places for issuing money at the cash desks of large organizations, enterprises, institutions;
  • currency exchange points;
  • workplaces of bank tellers working in operating rooms;
  • workplaces of petrol station operators;
  • internal security posts in banks, jewelry stores, shooting galleries;
  • workplaces of employees of the duty units of the internal affairs bodies.

The strength of glass is determined by the number of layers of glass and polymer in a triplex, as well as the thickness of each layer of glass and polymer that glues the glass.

Table No. 1 of the correspondence between glass thickness and safety class:

Glass name according to GOST 30826-2014 Protection class according to GOST 30826-2014 Weight (kg/m2) Deviation of geometric dimensions according to GOST 30826-2001 Number and validity period of the certificate Triplex scheme Selling price per sq. m. (excluding packaging), in rubles
Thickness with deviations, mm Length and width, mm/m Layer displacement, mm
CM1 15 6±1 ±1 ±1 024442 until 07/26/2021 3 0,38 3 $1,750.00
Protective laminated glass, safe to use CM1 15 6±1 ±1 ±1 024442 until 07/26/2021 3 0,76 3 $2,350.00
Protective laminated glass, safe to use CM2 20 8±1 ±1 ±1 024442 until 07/26/2021 4 0,38 4 $1,850.00
Protective laminated glass, safe to use CM2 20 8±1 ±1 ±1 024442 until 07/26/2021 4 0,76 4 $2,450.00
Protective laminated glass, safe to use CM3 20 8±1 ±1 ±1 024442 until 07/26/2021 4 0,38 4 $1,850.00
Protective laminated glass, safe to use CM3 20 8±1 ±1 ±1 024442 until 07/26/2021 4 0,76 4 $2,450.00
Protective laminated glass, safe to use CM3 25 10±1 ±1 ±1 024442 until 07/26/2021 5 0,38 5 $2,150.00
Protective laminated glass, safe to use CM3 25 10±1 ±1 ±1 024442 until 07/26/2021 5 0,76 5 $2,750.00
Protective laminated glass, safe to use CM3 30 12±1 ±1 ±1 024442 until 07/26/2021 6 0,38 6 $2,500.00
Protective laminated glass, safe to use CM4 20 8±1 ±1 ±1 024442 until 07/26/2021 4 0,76 4 $2,450.00
Protective laminated glass, safe to use CM4 20 9±1 ±1 ±1 024442 until 07/26/2021 4 1,14 4 $3,050.00
Protective laminated glass, safe to use CM4 20 9±1 ±1 ±2 024442 until 07/26/2021 4 1,52 4 $3,700.00
Protective laminated glass, safe to use CM4 25 11±1 ±1 ±1 024442 until 07/26/2021 5 0,76 5 $2,750.00
Protective laminated glass, safe to use CM4 25 11±1 ±1 ±1 024442 until 07/26/2021 5 1,14 5 $3,350.00
Protective laminated glass, safe to use CM4 30 12±1 ±1 ±1 024442 until 07/26/2021 6 0,76 6 $3,100.00
Protective laminated glass, safe to use CM4 30 13±1 ±1 ±1 024442 until 07/26/2021 6 1,14 6 $3,700.00
Protective laminated glass, safe to use CM4 30 13±1 ±1 ±2 024442 until 07/26/2021 6 1,52 6 $4,350.00
P1A 20 8±1 ±1 ±1 024443 until 07/26/2021 4 0,38 4 $1,850.00
Safety impact resistant laminated glass P1A 25 11±1 ±1 ±1 024443 until 07/26/2021 5 0,38 5 $2,150.00
Safety impact resistant laminated glass P1A 30 12±1 ±1 ±1 024443 until 07/26/2021 6 0,38 6 $2,500.00
Safety impact resistant laminated glass R2A 20 8±1 ±1 ±1 024443 until 07/26/2021 4 0,76 4 $2,450.00
Safety impact resistant laminated glass R2A 25 10±1 ±1 ±1 024443 until 07/26/2021 5 0,76 5 $2,750.00
Safety impact resistant laminated glass R2A 30 12±1 ±1 ±1 024443 until 07/26/2021 6 0,76 6 $3,100.00
Safety impact resistant laminated glass R3A 20 9±1 ±1 ±1 024443 until 07/26/2021 4 1,14 4 $3,050.00
Safety impact resistant laminated glass R3A 25 11±1 ±1 ±1 024443 until 07/26/2021 5 1,14 5 $3,350.00
Safety impact resistant laminated glass R3A 30 13±1 ±1 ±1 024443 until 07/26/2021 6 1,14 6 $3,700.00
Safety impact resistant laminated glass R3A 40 17±1 ±1 ±1 024443 until 07/26/2021 8 1,14 8 $4,500.00
Safety impact resistant laminated glass R4A 20 9±1 ±1 ±1 024443 until 07/26/2021 4 1,52 4 $3,700.00
Safety impact resistant laminated glass R4A 25 11±1 ±1 ±2 024443 until 07/26/2021 5 1,52 5 $4,050.00
Safety impact resistant laminated glass R4A 30 13±1 ±1 ±2 024443 until 07/26/2021 6 1,52 6 $4,350.00
Safety impact resistant laminated glass R4A 40 17±1 ±1 ±2 024443 until 07/26/2021 8 1,52 8 $5,200.00
Safety impact resistant laminated glass R4A 50 21±1 ±1 ±2 024443 until 07/26/2021 10 1,52 10 $5,750.00
Safety impact resistant laminated glass P5A 60 27±1 ±2 ±2 024443 until 07/26/2021 8 1,52 8 1,52 8 $9,000.00
Safety impact resistant laminated glass P5A 75 33±2 ±2 ±2 024443 until 07/26/2021 10 1,52 10 1,52 10 $9,850.00
R6B 35 17±1 ±2 ±2 024441 until 07/26/2021 4 1,52 6 1,52 4 $7,100.00
Security burglar-resistant laminated glass R6B 45 21±1 ±2 ±2 024441 until 07/26/2021 5 1,52 8 1,52 5 $7,850.00
Security burglar-resistant laminated glass R7B 45 20±1 ±2 ±2 024441 until 07/26/2021 6 1,52 8 0,76 4 RUB 6,600.00
Security burglar-resistant laminated glass R7B 52,5 23±1 ±3 ±2.5 024441 until 07/26/2021 4 0,76 8 0,76 5 0,76 4 $6,950.00
Security burglar-resistant laminated glass R8B 45 22±1 ±3 ±2.5 024441 until 07/26/2021 4 1,52 4 1,52 4 1,52 6 $10,200.00
Security burglar-resistant laminated glass R8B 62,5 28±1 ±3 ±2.5 024441 until 07/26/2021 4 0,76 6 0,76 5 0,76 6 0,76 4 $8,650.00
Br1 50 20.9±1 ±3 ±2.5 024447 until 07/26/2021 8 1,52 6 1,52 6 $8,150.00
Safety bulletproof laminated glass Br2 65 28±1 ±3 ±2.5 024447 until 07/26/2021 8 0,76 6 0,76 6 1,14 6 $8,350.00
Safety bulletproof laminated glass Br3 100 42.8±2 ±5 ±3 024447 until 07/26/2021 8 1,14 6 0,76 6 1,14 6 0,76 6 1,14 8 $14,200.00
Safety bulletproof laminated glass Br4 125 55±2 ±5 ±3 024447 until 07/26/2021 10 1,14 8 1,14 8 1,14 8 1,14 8 1,14 8 $17,350.00

Extra charge for large items

Weight from 80 to 120 kg +20%
Weight from 121 to 160 kg +40%
Weight from 161 to 200 kg +60%
Weight from 200 to 350 kg +100%
Over 350 kg Calculated individually

The minimum cost of one product is 1,000.00 rubles.

Cost of packaging for a transport company (box) 700 rub/m2, but not less than 500 rub.

Cost of carton packaging 150 rub/m2.

The main function of any type of protective glass is to exclude the penetration of a destructive object behind the protective glass. It should be understood that at the first impact of a destructive object on the protective glass, it leads to its damage (scratches, chips, cracks). But at the same time, the destructive object remains on the side of damage.

The strength of the glass before the appearance of damage is provided by heat strengthening (tempering).
As a result of hardening, strength increases (the fracture threshold is 7-10 times relative to green glass), but the viscosity of the glass is lost, which leads to its complete physical destruction after exceeding the fracture threshold.

. bulletproof glass, protection classes Br1, Br2, Br3, Br4, (old designation 1, 2, 3, 4, or B1, B2, B3, B4,);
. glass resistant to penetration (burglar-resistant), protection classes P6B, P7B, P8V (old designation B1, B2, B3);
. impact-resistant glass, protection classes R1A, R2A, R3A, (old designation A1, A2, A3);
. shock-resistant safety glass for construction, protection classes K4, CM1, CM2, CM3;
. building structures made of laminated glass (floors, steps, partitions, shower enclosures, etc.);

Protective laminated glass complies with the requirements of GOST 30826-2014 (old GOST R 51136-2008 and GOST 30826-2001).

Bulletproof glass
Depending on the protection classes, it must resist penetration by bullets when fired from a weapon in accordance with table No. 2. Such glass is produced using triplex laminated glass technology. The glass thickness depending on the protection class and the price per m2 is given in table No. 1.

Table number 2.

Protection class Name of the means of destruction Weapon Characteristics of the striking element Firing distance, m
core type Weight, g Speed, m/s
Special protection classes
C1 18.5 mm hunting cartridge 12 gauge hunting rifle Lead 34.0±1.0 400±10 5±0.1
Main protection classes
Br 1 9x18 mm pistol cartridge with Pst bullet, ind. 57-N-181S 9mm APS, ind. 56-A-126 Steel 5,90 335±10 5±0.1
Br 2 9x21 mm cartridge with P bullet, ind. 7Н28 9 mm SR-1, ind. 6P35 Lead 7,93 390±10 5±0.1
Br 3 9x19 mm cartridge with Pst bullet, ind. 7H21 9 mm PJ, ind. 6P35 Steel heat-strengthened 5,20 455±10 5±0.1
Br 4 5.45x39 mm cartridge with PP bullet, ind. 7H10 5.45 mm AK74 assault rifle, ind. 6P20 Steel heat-strengthened 3,50 895±15 10±0.1
Br 4 7.62x39 mm cartridge with PS bullet, ind. 57-N-231 7.62 mm AKM assault rifle, ind. 6P1 Steel heat-strengthened 7,90 720±15 10±0.1
Br 5 7.62x54 mm cartridge with PP bullet, ind. 7H13 Steel heat-strengthened 9,40 830±15 10±0.1
7.62x54 mm cartridge with bullet B-32, ind. 7-BZ-Z 7.62 mm SVD rifle, ind. 6B1 Steel heat-strengthened 10,40 810±15 10±0.1
Br 6 12.7x108 mm cartridge with bullet B-32, ind. 57-BZ-542 12.7 mm OSV-96 rifle Steel heat-strengthened 48,20 830±20 50±0.5
Note - The speed of the striking element is measured at a distance of (3.0 ± 0.1) m from the muzzle of the weapon.

Puncture resistant glass
Penetration-resistant glass must withstand a certain number of impacts with a chopping tool with the characteristics indicated in table No. 3, depending on the protection classes. Such glass is produced using triplex laminated glass technology. The glass thickness depending on the protection class and the price per m2 is given in table No. 1.

Table #3

Glass protection class Hits with a hammer, ax butt Ax blade strikes Total number of strokes
Counter impact speed v 1 m/s, ±0.3 impact energy E 1 , J, ±15 Counter impact speed v 2 , m/s, ±0.3 impact energy E 2 , J, ±15
R6B 12,5 350 11,0 300 30 to 50
R7B 12,5 350 11,0 300 51 to 70
R8B 12,5 350 11,0 300 Over 71

Impact-resistant glass (thickness 5-9 mm)
Glass must withstand three impacts with the characteristics indicated in table No. 4, depending on the protection classes. Such glass is made by pasting with one or several layers of a special shockproof film. The glass thickness depending on the protection class and the price per m2 is given in table No. 1.

Table No. 4

Glass protection class Drop height, m Impact energy, J (kgf m)
P1A 3,5 141 (14,1)
R2A 6,5 262 (26,2)
R3A 9,5 382 (38,2)

Shock-resistant safety glass for construction
Impact-resistant - safety glass for construction is assigned protection classes CM (impact with a soft body) and ST (impact with a solid body). SM glass must withstand, without through penetration, an impact by a soft body weighing 45 kg from a height indicated in Table No. 5, depending on the protection classes. ST glass must withstand, without through penetration, a blow with a solid body (pear) weighing 10 kg from a height indicated in Table No. 5, depending on the protection classes. Such glass is made using the technology of laminated glass triplex from tempered glass. The glass thickness depending on the protection class and the price per m2 is given in table No. 1.

Table number 5

Glass protection class impact body Fall height, mm
CM1 Soft 300
CM2 450
CM3 1200
ST1 Solid 300
ST2 450
ST3 1200
Protective laminated glasses are designed to protect human life, ensure the safety and reliability of storage and transportation of material values. Protective laminated glass is used on vehicles, in administrative, public and residential buildings, where there is a need to protect human life and material values.

Bulletproof glass may be installed at any type of facility in case of a possible threat of an armed attack on personnel or visitors to these facilities. The class of protection is chosen based on the emerging criminogenic situation.

Bulletproof glass must be protected:
. places for issuing money at the cash desks of large organizations, enterprises, institutions;
. currency exchange points;
. workplaces of bank tellers working in operating rooms;
. workplaces of petrol station operators;
. internal security posts in banks, jewelry stores, shooting galleries;
. workplaces of employees of duty units of internal affairs bodies.

In addition, bullet-resistant glass is installed on vehicles with armor protection. The protection class is chosen in accordance with the requirements for the protection class, which must be established in the regulatory documents for a particular vehicle.

Penetration-resistant glass of classes P6B, P7B is installed:
. at facilities that do not have significant material values, in the absence of centralized or permanent physical protection;
. in warehouses, regardless of the type of protection;
. repositories, depositories of museums under centralized or internal physical protection.

Penetration-resistant glass of classes P7B, P8B is installed:
. at facilities where there are material assets of high consumer value, in the absence of centralized or internal physical protection;
. in the trading floors of jewelry, weapons stores, pharmacies (if they have precious metals, weapons, drugs, cash desks (regardless of the type of protection) during off-hours);
. in the internal premises of banks (if bulletproof glass is not required);
. in repositories and depositories of museums that do not have centralized or internal physical protection.

Shock-resistant glass of classes P1A, P2A is installed at facilities that do not have significant material values ​​​​and are under centralized or internal physical protection (grocery stores, restaurants, bars, institutions, offices, industrial premises). If you are constantly near showcases and windows of material assets, the stability class of the protective glass in the glazing must be increased.

Impact-resistant glass of classes P2A, P3A is installed:
. at facilities where material values ​​of high consumer value, historical and cultural values ​​are stored and are under centralized or internal physical protection;
. in operating rooms of banks, premises of government and authorities (if bulletproof glass is not required), trading floors of jewelry, weapons stores, pharmacies (provided that there are no precious metals, weapons, drugs in them during non-working hours);
. in museums, art galleries (screens, showcases to protect individual exhibits in exhibition halls).

Safety glass for construction is used in translucent structures where an unexpected collision of a person with them is possible (for example, with a door, partition, showcase, steps, stair railing, etc.)


side of the shot protection class P2 30mm general plan

side of the shot protection class P4 50mm general plan

rear side protection class P2 30mm overall plan

rear side protection class P4 50mm overall plan

side of the shot protection class P2 30mm close-up

side of the shot protection class P4 50mm close-up

rear side protection class P2 30mm close-up

rear side protection class P4 40mm close-up

LLC "PROMSTEKLO" has a full cycle of glass processing. Each product is custom-made to order and undergoes strict control.

Production time, depending on the batch, from 5 working days.

If you want to order protective, shockproof, bulletproof glass or if you have any questions, please contact our specialists by phone or e-mail indicated in the section

armored glass plays the role of a reliable barrier against different in strength and dynamics of impact on the protected object. The use of such glass is a fairly effective and efficient method of protection against possible problems, while bulletproof glass itself does not lose its main characteristics - such as light transmission and visibility. Armored glass widely used in government agencies and organizations and strategically important facilities where protection of certain areas is required - cash boxes of banks, armored windows, security posts, architectural structures, etc. It is also possible to install bulletproof glass(windows, fences) are also available to the population - our company is engaged in the production and installation of armored glass for the improvement of apartments, private country houses and cottages, as well as office space.

Use of a bulletproof or impact-resistant glass allows you to protect the health and life of people. The glass itself is classified according to the degree of strength. For the production of such glass, several layers of tempered glass with a polymer are used, while the manufacture of our products is carried out in accordance with the current accepted GOST standards, which confirms the reliability of the glass and compliance with all strict requirements.

shockproof glass protects against hacking and is a guarantee of the security of the protected object. Bulletproof glass protects people's lives and prevents the armed seizure of the object, as well as the theft of precious things and money. If you are interested in advice on choosing bulletproof glass of a suitable protection class, you can call us at the numbers indicated on the website or send an application by e-mail.