How to make a fruit drink from chokeberry. Chokeberry compote: recipes for simple and healthy preparations. How to make chokeberry juice

How I managed to get sick when it was almost forty degrees outside for a week will remain a mystery... Today I even had to miss my favorite weekend outing, to the flea market...
And for this occasion, today we have a drink that can be drunk both cold and warm. The drink is simply a storehouse of vitamins... just right for a weakened body (although it will also work for a healthy body, of course))))))
Very tasty, and most importantly very healthy!

So far I can’t get rid of glare on the glass, but I’m working on it :)
Morse goes to FM with natalikka on Friday. Heat. Ice. Coffee. Frappe.
A little about chokeberry...
Chokeberry berries have a pleasant sour-sweet, tart taste. Chokeberry is a real storehouse of useful substances. It contains a rich natural complex of vitamins (P, C, E, K, B1, B2, B6, beta-carotene), macro- and microelements (boron, iron, manganese, copper, molybdenum, fluorine), sugars (glucose, sucrose, fructose), pectin and tannins.
Prevention of hypertension and atherosclerosis. They are prescribed for gastritis with reduced secretory function, some vascular diseases accompanied by increased permeability and fragility of the vascular wall (capillary toxicosis, allergic vasculitis, measles, scarlet fever, eczema).
The pectin substances contained in chokeberry remove heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body, retain and remove various types of pathogenic microorganisms. Pectins normalize the functioning of the intestines, eliminate spasms and have a choleretic effect. The medicinal properties of chokeberry help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improving their firmness and elasticity.
Also, one of the most beneficial properties of this berry is normalizing blood pressure and lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. Chokeberry fruits are prescribed for various disorders of the blood coagulation system, bleeding, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, diabetes and allergic diseases. Research in recent years has shown that chokeberry improves liver function, and regular consumption of this berry improves immunity and has a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine system.
It is recommended for diabetes mellitus, especially with capillary lesions, for diseases of the thyroid gland, as a diuretic for kidney diseases, allergies, scarlet fever, typhus.
Chokeberry is used as an antispasmodic, vasodilator, hemostatic, hematopoietic, appetizing, choleretic and diuretic.
Drinking juice or decoction of chokeberry berries helps to dilate blood vessels, resulting in an increase in their permeability and activation of the functions of the hematopoietic organs, which is useful for radiation sickness and bleeding.
Chokeberry helps regulate digestion, improves appetite, increases acidity, activates the liver, promotes the formation and discharge of bile.

500g chokeberry
200gr. Sahara
1.5.l water
1 lemon (large)
150gr. liquid honey (adjust the amount to taste; this is the norm for sweet fruit juice)
Sort the berries, crush them, I ground them in a blender, add sugar. The source says that you need to leave it on for a couple of hours, nothing happened for me in a couple of hours, I left it overnight, that’s a different matter!
Place the rowan berries in a sieve over a bowl and strain to release the juice. Pour water over the pomace, add lemon zest, and bring to a boil over low heat. You can add a little red rowan (crush the berries), and then the drink will acquire a piquant bitterness. Cook for 5 minutes.
Remove from heat and leave covered for 20 minutes. Mix the broth with juice and honey and stir until completely dissolved.
The sweetness of the fruit drink can be adjusted with the amount of honey and ice!
Recipe source: book "About drinks" series "deli book"

Chokeberry - 200 grams
Cranberries - 200 grams
Honey - to taste
Water - 1 liter

How to cook chokeberry and cranberry juice
1. Sort out the chokeberry, remove bad berries, remove twigs, wash the berries.
2. Sort fresh cranberries, peel them from bad berries and twigs; do not defrost frozen ones before cooking.
3. Put chokeberries and cranberries in a saucepan, add a liter of water, cover the saucepan with a lid.
4. Place the pan with the chokeberry and cranberries over medium heat and let it boil.
5. Reduce heat to low, cook cranberry-chokeberry juice for 10 minutes, if using dried chokeberry, cook longer until the berries are soft.
6. Remove the pan with fruit juice from the stove.
7. Using a slotted spoon, remove the berries from the fruit drink and place them in a sieve.
8. Using a spoon, grind the chokeberry and cranberries into a puree.
9. Transfer the berry puree back into the pan.
10. Place a saucepan with fruit juice over medium heat and let it boil.
11. Boil the fruit drink for 1 minute.
12. Remove the fruit drink from the burner, open the lid, and let the fruit drink cool until warm.
13. Place honey in a saucepan with warm (but not hot) fruit juice, stir, or put honey into warm fruit juice already poured into cups.

Chokeberry juice can be prepared at home for the winter, providing yourself with an excellent vitamin product that will be very useful in winter, and especially in early spring.

What are the benefits of chokeberry?

This tree has nothing to do with rowan trees. Botanists call this species chokeberry from the genus Aronia of the Rosaceae family.

This plant is native to North America, where it grows in the same harsh conditions as its pseudo-relative, the mountain ash.

The ability to survive in harsh conditions, as well as tasty and very healthy fruits, have made this tree a common fruit crop, which is grown where the winter is long, the frosts are severe, and the snow is deep.

Aronia fruits have a sweet and sour tart astringent taste. Their color ranges from completely black to almost dark red. The beneficial properties are due to the unique chemical composition of the fruit. They contain:

  • proteins - 1.6%;
  • fats - 0.3%;
  • carbohydrates - 20%;
  • among carbohydrates, glucose, fructose and sorbitol (a sugar substitute used by diabetics) predominate;
  • vitamins - P, C, E, PP, B1, B2, B6, B9, carotene;
  • minerals - calcium, potassium, magnesium, lead, iron, sodium, phosphorus, boron, fluorine, molybdenum;
  • tannins.

The undoubted benefits of chokeberry for the body are highly valued in both folk and official medicine. In fresh form, as well as in infusions, decoctions and tinctures, chokeberry fruits are recommended for use in the following pathologies:

  • hypertension;
  • typhus;
  • rheumatism;
  • scarlet fever;
  • measles;
  • liver diseases;
  • anemia;
  • vitamin deficiency.

That is why it is so important to grow a large harvest of chokeberry fruits, collect them and store them for the winter with minimal losses in nutritional value.

How to make chokeberry juice

Chokeberry juice, stored for the winter, must have two properties - to be healthy and as sterile as possible. Combining these two properties is difficult, but possible. The benefits of chokeberry from the canning process are reduced, but not by much.

At home, you can get juice from chokeberry using a juicer or juicer. In addition, you will need: a sieve, preferably metal, a large enamel bowl, a pan, also enamel and large.

The juice is prepared as follows.

  1. Preparing berries for processing. The fruits need to be sorted, removing unsuitable specimens. You also need to remove all debris and stems from the berries.
  2. Juice extraction. If you have a juicer, this stage of canning will be the easiest. Let the juicer run and squeeze out the chokeberry juice for you. If there is no such device, then you can pass the berries through a meat grinder, and put the pulp on a sieve and rub it. You can also wrap the pulp in gauze, then put this bag on a sieve or in a colander, placing a weight on top. Under pressure, the juice will drain until the excess water in the berry slurry runs out.
  3. Sugar is added to the resulting juice in the amount of 100 g per 1 liter.
  4. The juice is poured into sterilized jars. Then these vessels are placed in a pan of hot water for pasteurization. This pan should be on low heat. To prevent the jars from bursting, you need to put a grate or a thick layer of fabric on the bottom. The jars should sit in boiling water for at least 20 minutes.
  5. You need to remove the jars while hot from hot water. They also need to be sealed while hot. After this, each jar needs to be wrapped in a blanket and left in this form for 10 hours.

With this preparation technology, many of the beneficial properties of chokeberry fruits are preserved for a long time. Just store jars of juice in a cool, dark place. If after some time the lid on the jar swells or clots of a different color appear on the surface of the juice, then such juice will have to be thrown away without hesitation. This means that pasteurization was carried out in violation of the rules.

If you have a juicer, the process of making juice is greatly simplified. Place the peeled berries in the top of the juicer. Place the unit itself in a container to collect juice.

This entire structure needs to be put on fire. When the first signs of condensation appear, the juicer must be heated very carefully so as not to destroy the beneficial properties of the berries. When the juice appears, you can add sugar to it in the proportions indicated above.

The operating time of the juice cooker on the fire is approximately 1 hour. After this, you need to open the tap, ensuring that the juice drains into the bowl. The pasteurization procedure described above is no longer necessary. Just pour the juice into jars and then seal them tightly. In this case, you can skip the procedure of wrapping in a blanket. It is enough to put the jars on the lids, wait for the juice to cool completely, and then move the vessels to a place of permanent storage.

How to make chokeberry juice

This drink is not subjected to heat treatment, but is consumed within 1-2 days. It preserves all the properties of the fruits of this wonderful plant.

Chokeberry fruit juice is a tasty and very healthy drink, berry juice diluted in water.

In order to prepare chokeberry juice, you need to grind clean and selected berries into a paste. This can be done in a blender or meat grinder. It will be difficult to crush the berries into a homogeneous pulp by hand, since the berries quickly stick together into a kind of soufflé. To prevent this sticking process from interfering with the production of the drink, add a little water to the slurry.

Add clean cold water to the finished berry puree. The proportions of water and berries are determined by taste. The best way to proceed is as follows:

  • crush the pulp in a strainer, let all the clean juice drain out;
  • put the remaining gruel in a bowl, add water, stir thoroughly;
  • pour the water into a bowl with the juice, rubbing the pulp through a sieve again.

This procedure can be repeated until the water mixed with the remaining berries no longer turns red. Now all the beneficial properties have transferred from the berries to the fruit drink.

The solid components of the berries can be used as a filling for pies, for adding to porridge, jelly, compotes, etc.

You can add sugar to the fruit drink to taste. It is usually drunk chilled in hot weather. Fruit juice can be prepared for the winter in the same way as juice. To do this, it is already slightly sweetened and poured into jars, and then sterilized in a water bath using the method described above.

What is better to prepare for the winter - juice, fruit drink or the berry itself? Everyone solves this problem of choice for themselves.

Advantages and disadvantages of different methods of harvesting chokeberry

The easiest way is to quickly freeze the berries. To do this, you need to not only sort them out, but also slightly dry them. After this, the berries are placed in a plastic bag or container and placed in the freezer. Frozen berries can be used in any form. Then you can very easily make a fruit drink from it, because the thawed berries become soft and the liquid contents flow out by themselves. You just need to lightly rub the berries on a sieve.

Preparing juice is a labor-intensive process, but if you don’t have a large freezer, this is the best way to prepare a healthy product for future use. Juice is a very concentrated liquid. Many people can drink it only in diluted form, so one can of juice will last for a long time.

Preparing fruit juice makes sense. After all, it’s the same juice, only diluted. It can be consumed immediately in the form in which it is prepared. However, this kind of canning requires a lot of jars and space.

So each person can choose the blank options according to their capabilities and needs. The main thing is to always have a lot of chokeberry berries.

step by step recipe with photos

To preserve all the beneficial vitamins and minerals in chokeberry berries, prepare a fragrant fruit drink from them, which children will drink with great pleasure, especially if you add a spoonful of May honey to it. This drink turns out to be very colorful, with a pleasant tart taste reminiscent of prunes. Fruit juice is prepared in two ways: the first involves grinding the berries through a sieve, adding water and heating the berry puree with water almost to a boil, the second involves pouring slightly cooled boiling water over the pureed berries. In this recipe we will prepare fruit juice using the second method.


  • 150 g chokeberry berries
  • 50 g granulated sugar
  • 200 g boiling water
  • 1-2 slices of lemon


1. Wash the chokeberry berries several times in water. Pour them into cups or glasses, in which we will prepare the fruit drink, filling a third of the container. By the way, it is best to pick or purchase berries after frost, so that the drink does not turn out to be bitter. So that you can create this aromatic drink for yourself at any time, freeze part of the harvest in the freezer.

2. Add granulated sugar. You can add a pinch of cinnamon or vanilla sugar to enhance the aroma of the fruit drink.

3. Rub the berries with granulated sugar with a fork or spoon so that they release their juice. Of course, this can be done with a blender in a deep container, and then pour the chokeberry puree into cups.