Salted chicken in the oven. Salted chicken in the oven: recipe with photos. Options for cooking salted chicken

Chicken is such a familiar product for many that it would seem impossible to surprise with any dish made from it. I thought so too and didn’t even try to invent unimaginable masterpieces from chicken, but simply boiled it, fried it or baked it.
But just recently, a friend shared with me an interesting recipe, which immediately became one of my favorites. This recipe will appeal to everyone without exception, because the chicken it turns out is very tasty and juicy. Lazy people like me should be especially happy, because there is practically nothing to do! A minimum set of ingredients, ten minutes of preparation, and the result is truly delicious. We are talking about salted chicken; based on the taste, I would say that it is grilled chicken with a thin, crispy crust. Believe me, the recipe is perfect, so read to the end quickly!

Salted chicken recipe in the oven

how to cook salted chicken in the oven


  • 1 whole chicken,
  • 1 kg salt,
  • 1 lemon,
  • 1 packet of chicken seasoning.

Cooking process:

So, we choose the largest chicken in the store, bring it home, carefully trim off excess fat from it and wash it thoroughly.

Then rub the seasoning over the still wet chicken. It is very important that the chicken is really wet, so the seasoning is absorbed better, and when baking the skin does not dry out and peel off.

Lemon, like chicken, we choose larger ones. We cut off the ends from both sides; we won’t need them.

Using a knife, make several cuts on the lemon and stuff the chicken with it. When baking, lemon juice will penetrate the carcass, giving it an amazing taste and aroma.

Cover the baking sheet on which the chicken will be cooked with a thick layer of salt. You need to take ordinary, coarse salt. Fine salt is usually marked “extra”; this will not suit us.

Place the chicken in the center of the baking sheet directly on the salt. Place the baking sheet with the chicken in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 1-1.5 hours. Cooking time will depend on the oven, as will the degree of browning of the crust. Ideally, it should turn out golden, but in any case it will be very tasty!

Chicken cooked with salt turns out juicy, and all the fat from it melts into the salt, which is also a big plus for those who prefer a healthy diet.

In conclusion, I want to give a little advice: it’s better to eat salted chicken right away, it’s much tastier. But if you decide to serve the chicken later, then leave it in a warm oven, but open the door a little. Bon appetit!

What a variety of recipes and options for preparing a whole chicken are known to housewives and for good reason, because it is the whole chicken that gives the feeling of a festive dinner - it looks incredibly appetizing, looks beautiful on the table and requires a minimum of effort during the cooking process. But even among the simplest options for cooking chicken, there is a favorite - a recipe for baking chicken with salt.

The secret of cooking is in the salt bed, which performs several functions: adding salt to the finished product, creating a crispy crust and soft juicy meat underneath, absorbing leaked fats and keeping the pan clean during cooking. This chicken is easy to prepare, few ingredients are needed, and the results are simply incredible.

A chicken in the oven

The simplest, most popular and most frequently used among chefs is the option of baking chicken with salt in the oven. It was in the oven that chicken in salt was “invented,” so let’s look at this cooking method in more detail. Ingredients you will need:

  • Fresh chilled medium chicken – 1.3-1.8 kg;
  • Optional: adjika, herbs, spices, lemon.

Preparation step by step:

  1. It is better to choose fresh, not defrosted, good quality chicken for baking, because when cooked with salt without marinade, it should be juicy and tender. Rinse the chicken, remove small feathers, clots and dirt. Be sure to blot it almost dry with a paper towel - it is necessary that there are no wet areas on the chicken where a layer of salt could then “stick”.
  2. Place a layer of salt about 1-1.5 cm thick on a baking sheet with high edges or a thicket suitable for baking. It is better to use coarsely ground regular table salt, although you can use sea salt or a mixture of salt with herbs - this will add a little aroma in the oven when cooking.
  3. The chicken as a whole does not need any more preparation, but if the desire is irresistible, then you can rub it in a mixture of herbs or spices, a very small amount of adjika, you can even put lemon inside the chicken so that it gives a pleasant sour-citrus aroma. If you like the shape of the tobacco chicken, you can chop it up and place it on a baking sheet, with the inside side down on the salt, or you can leave the chicken whole and place it on its back. To prevent the ends of the wings from burning during baking, you can wrap them in foil or stick them into small cuts in the body and skin of the chicken, and so that the chicken retains its integral shape, tie the legs with twine.
  4. Place the “packed” chicken in the oven, preheated to 180 C for 50-80 minutes, depending on its size. Readiness can be checked simply with a knife: if cloudy juice has flowed from the meat, the chicken is not ready yet, if it is clear, you can pull it out.

Housewives who do not have an oven in the kitchen, but can cope well with a slow cooker, can also prepare delicious chicken baked in salt. There are no major changes to the recipe, just some cooking nuances, and salted chicken in a slow cooker will also delight you with a crispy crust and tender juicy meat. The ingredients are the same:

  • Fresh chilled medium chicken – 1.3-1.8 kg;
  • Table salt (not iodized) – approximately 0.5 kg;
  • Optional: herbs, spices, lemon.

Cooking for a slow cooker involves the same basic steps:

  1. The selected chicken must be of medium size to fit into the existing multicooker bowl, and must be of good quality, because the recipe does not use marinade or sauces, so the poultry meat will cook in its own juices. Rinse the chicken, remove excess dirt, blood clots, and feathers. Be sure to dry thoroughly: wipe with kitchen towels on all sides, leaving no drops of water, so that the salt crust does not stick.
  2. Place a layer of coarse salt 1-1.5 cm thick on the bottom of the multicooker bowl.
  3. The chicken can be pre-coated with spices, your favorite herbs, and lemon juice. There is no need to add additional salt; when baking, chicken meat will take the required amount of salt from the “pillow” on which the chicken will be laid. And to prevent thin edges, such as the ends of the wings and legs, from drying out, you can wrap them with small pieces of foil.
  4. Place the chicken in the multicooker bowl directly on the salt. Close the lid, set the “Baking” mode and practically forget about cooking for an hour and a half. At the end of the multicooker operating time, it is better to check the readiness of the meat with a regular knife - the juice should flow absolutely clear - this means the chicken is ready, cloudy juice indicates the opposite. If necessary, leave the chicken in the slow cooker for another 10-20 minutes.

When replacing your traditional oven with a modern multicooker, don’t be afraid that the result will be less impressive. Salted chicken in a slow cooker turns out just as tasty and tender, the meat is juicy, and the crust is crispy. By removing the finished chicken from the multicooker bowl, you can immediately serve it on the table with your favorite sauces and side dishes.

I love a whole baked chicken in the oven, but when I think about the fact that I’ll have to rub it with salt and garlic or marinade, I immediately give up - well, I don’t like this activity! Until recently, I had to involve my husband in the matter - he is not at all annoyed by being smeared up to his elbows with aromatic spices and fat. But then one day I found out that there is a way to bake poultry that does not require all these manipulations - this is the famous salted chicken in the oven. The best recipe for the laziest housewives. Take a look at the recipe with photos and you will see that it couldn’t be simpler. The trick is that the chicken does not need to be salted. It is placed on its back in a mold or on a baking sheet, sprinkled with a thick layer of table salt. In an hour and a half spent in the oven on salt, the chicken manages to be salted from the back to the legs. The meat turns out to be the most tender. But as for the crust, there is one nuance. As it turned out from experience, the recipe, which became widely popular thanks to the writer Daria Dontsova, is far from ideal. In her cookbook, she gave strict instructions: do not grease the chicken with anything, including oil. But after preparing chicken according to this recipe, many people ended up with a tasty bird with absolutely inedible skin. Instead of the promised crispy crust, the chicken turned out as if it were covered in dry parchment, which even the sharpest teeth were unable to chew. However, it turned out that the problem was solved in two clicks. If you want the crust to be at its best, just lightly grease the bird with vegetable oil, and if you add a little aromatic spices to this oil, you will have a real culinary masterpiece.


  • Chicken carcass – 1 piece (up to 2 kg)
  • Salt 1 kg
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Spices for chicken - 1.5 teaspoons

How to cook salted chicken in the oven

1. To prepare the dish, take a chicken carcass no more than 2 kg. Wash the chicken carcass and dry it. Cut off a thick piece of fat, which is often found near the chicken's belly (on the belly). Remove the gland above the tail.

2. You can skip this step if you want an authentic version of salt chicken. If you want the bird to be fragrant, then in a bowl mix vegetable oil, spices for the chicken, squeeze the garlic through a press (you can chop it with a knife or grate it on a fine grater).

3. To bake chicken, take a baking sheet or frying pan without a handle. Fill with a thick layer of salt 3-5 cm high. Level.

4. Place the chicken back on a layer of salt. Brush the top of the chicken with a mixture of oil and spices. (Do not grease the back, otherwise the salt will not be able to absorb into the meat.) Tie the bird’s legs with thread. The wings can be wrapped in foil so that the wings do not burn when baking. I removed the part of the wing that is not eaten and baked the chicken as is, without wrapping the wings.

5. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place the baking sheet with the chicken in the center in the oven on the lower level and bake for 1.5-2 hours. During this time, all the resulting fats will go into salt. The chicken will be cooked well, but the crust will remain golden brown and crispy. Even the garlic on my chicken didn’t burn.

6. You can check the readiness of the chicken by making a deep puncture with a sharp knife. Clear, colorless juice should flow out. Pink juice means you need to keep the chicken in the oven a little longer.

1. This incredibly easy salt chicken recipe only requires 3 ingredients. In addition, lemon is completely optional, and is not always used. However, lemon provides additional flavor, and if you have it on hand, I still recommend using it.

2. You really need quite a lot of salt. It must be placed on a baking sheet or in a baking dish and smoothed with your hand or a spatula. Don't worry that this amount of salt will make the dish too salty - this is absolutely not the case. The chicken will take exactly as much as she needs and not an ounce more.

3. The chicken must be washed and dried thoroughly. This is quite important as wet chicken can stick to the salt. If desired, it can be cut, but it looks much more festive in its entirety. Place completely dry chicken on salt, after placing washed and dried lemon in the middle.

4. Salted chicken at home can be placed in a well-heated oven. No additional marinades or spices are needed anymore. If you wish, of course, you can grease it on top with sour cream or tomato sauce, but thanks to the salt it will be quite juicy and tasty without additional spices.

If you fry a chicken incorrectly, you can ruin even the best carcass. Meanwhile, there is one simple but successful way to prepare juicy, rosy, moderately fried poultry - this is salted chicken in the oven. The recipe is absolutely simple and quick, but the result is always excellent. We offer several similar cooking options.

It requires a minimum of ingredients - chicken and salt.

Brief description of cooking:

  • take a well-fed medium-sized chicken - one and a half kilograms or a little more;
  • rinse, dry inside and outside;
  • cross the chicken legs and tie them with thread - this will make the carcass more compact;
  • pour coarse salt onto a baking sheet or large frying pan in a thick layer - usually at least a kilogram;
  • Place the carcass on the salt with its back down. To prevent the thin parts of the wings from burning, wrap them with foil;
  • Place the chicken in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Fry until cooked - the fried meat should become soft; when pierced, clear, not cloudy, juice will be released.

The crust should be a nice yellowish-brown color. If you notice that the top of the chicken is starting to burn and the meat is not cooked, cover it with food foil or wet paper and cook until done. The result should be a tasty, rosy chicken, moderately salty and juicy.

Tip: When choosing poultry, try to buy chilled and fatty ones. In this case, there will be no excess fat, since the excess will melt in the heat and be absorbed into the salt. If you have to cook frozen, then before cooking the carcass should be completely defrosted, rinsed and dried with a paper towel.

Classic salted chicken recipe

Large parts of the legs can be prepared in the same way. The classic recipe involves only using salt and chicken thighs. However, many people like to experiment with flavors by adding different seasonings. Spices and dry herbs complement the natural taste of baked chicken. Seasonings and spices such as marjoram, rosemary, oregano, and basil go well with chicken meat. You can also rub the chicken outside and inside with dry thyme. But there is no need to add salt to the seasonings - the chicken will take the required amount itself from the salt base.

With salt and pepper in the oven

This is another variation of the general recipe for cooking chicken meat on a salt bed. Salted chicken in the oven turns out just as tasty as in previous cases. The only difference in preparation is that coarse salt is first poured onto a baking sheet, and then black peppercorns are placed on top of it. The subtlety here is that when cooking with salt, the chicken is fried more evenly due to the even distribution of heat on the salt bed. And pepper, spread over salt, creates a fragrant cloud when fried. In principle, no other aromatic seasonings and spices are required here.

Important: After cooking the chicken, the salt should be thrown away. It is not suitable for reuse, as it contains melted and burnt fat. But with this component you will not have problems with washing the baking sheet - the salt will come off easily and simply.

Chicken with lemon, garlic and thyme

An incredibly tasty and tender chicken baked entirely in salt is obtained by adding lemon, garlic and thyme to it. Garlic and chicken generally go together perfectly, but in this recipe, thanks to thyme and lemon, it does not acquire a rough, harsh taste, but becomes part of a refined aroma and taste.

What you will need:

  • chilled chicken weighing about one and a half kilograms;
  • salt - 1 pack;
  • a couple of pinches of ground thyme, fresh or dried;
  • several small cloves of garlic;
  • half a teaspoon of ground black pepper and the same amount of rosemary (these spices are added as desired);
  • lemon;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

The aroma of the chicken in this recipe is given by the marinade, which is prepared on the basis of vegetable oil. Before work, prepare the lemon: scald it with boiling water, wipe it dry. Boiling water will remove excess bitterness from the fruit, because lemon zest will also be used during cooking.

Add spices and juice squeezed from half a lemon to the oil, and a couple of cloves of garlic, passed through a garlic press. Do not add salt to the marinade; the salt on the baking sheet is enough.

Mix everything and generously grease the outside of the chicken.

You should still have a few cloves of garlic left. Cut them into thin slices. Take the other half of the lemon and cut into small pieces. Combine with garlic, put inside the chicken - this way the carcass will also be saturated with aromas from the inside.

Next, after washing the chicken well and removing any remaining feathers, you need to coat the outside with marinade and stuff it with spices from the inside. Now it is ready to go into the oven, but if you have time, leave the carcass for half an hour to marinate. If you want to marinate longer, place the marinated chicken in the refrigerator. You can keep the semi-finished product in the cold for 24 hours.

By the time of baking, the oven should already warm up to 180-200 degrees. Place the chicken on a baking sheet with salt, back side down. Usually an hour is enough to cook a medium-sized chicken. This recipe is good because the chicken comes out not only juicy, well-salted, but also piquant in taste.

When the chicken is ready (and readiness is determined by piercing the carcass), it must be carefully removed from the baking sheet, being careful not to damage the skin, and the herbs, lemon and garlic must be removed from the belly. Cut into portions and serve. Boiled rice and mashed potatoes are excellent side dishes.

Tip: If you want to make both chicken and a side dish at the same time, instead of lemon and spices, you can place rice boiled until half cooked with fried onions and carrots inside. In this case, you will have to sew up the abdomen with threads to hold the contents. This is a good option for preparing a hearty and quick lunch. However, it is less interesting and savory than the lemon-garlic “filling”.