Lada Vesta SW Cross — the first test drive. But you are probably more interested in something else - how does the most beautiful version of Cross ride

Judging cynically - only in terms of money - the station wagon puts Cross on the shoulder blades with an advantage of 116 thousand. The “off-road” option cannot be taken cheaper than 755,900 rubles, while the SW is available for 639,900 - only 32,000 more than a sedan of a similar content. But there is a nuance: "Crosses" are not yet released in affordable trim levels, the price list starts immediately with the highest performance Luxe. And SW starts with Comfort, where there are no side airbags, foglights, a double boot floor, windshield heating, light and rain sensors, climate control ... On the other hand, a person hardened by the Zhiguli will boldly attribute all these things to excesses. And for a comfortable life in Comfort, even against the backdrop of foreign cars, there is a lot: a pair of pillows, a stabilization system with ABS and anti-slip control, steering wheel tilt and reach adjustment, central locking with a folding key, heated seats, electric windows all around, air conditioning, music and even cruise control. Therefore, the first point goes to the more affordable but not poor SW.

Vesta SW

Vesta SW Cross

When launching the sedan, AVTOVAZ gave the right to the first night of sales of Vesta to the best dealers. In the case of station wagons, this practice was abandoned. Pre-order will be issued in any branded salon, "live" cars are expected by the end of October

Trunk: 3:2

The difference in the score remains, since the cargo compartments are completely identical. But for the trunks, both Vesta get two points each. I could hardly restrain myself from adding three. After all, the domestic auto industry has never done anything like this. Finally people are thinking! Even Skoda will envy such a competent organization of space with its Simply Clever solutions. Both "Ladas" are full of hooks, nets, there is a socket, lighting, a secret compartment in the wall on the right, a tray for rags and other trifles. And most importantly - Russian know-how: a special pocket for a five-liter bottle of water or a canister with a washer. They are proposed to be placed in a convenient niche on the port side and fixed with an elastic strap. At least put eggs in the trunk: with such a fixation, nothing will fly and break against the walls. The only problem is that there is not enough space. The unification of the floor with the sedan did not allow squeezing more than 480 liters out of the station wagon (like a four-door). And this is taking into account the “two-story” underground: an organizer around the 15-inch spare wheel and removable trays above it. Even in the five-door "Vesta" there is no hatch for long lengths, and the back of the rear sofa, divided in the proportion of 40:60, cannot fold into the horizon.

The fifth door opens with a button, in the future they should also install a servo drive. Maximum volume with folded seats - 825 liters

Permeability: 3:3

Vesta SW is not a puzoterka: 178 mm under the steel protection of the power unit is a normal option for Russia. And Cross is even more versatile. Under a flat belly, he has already 203 mm. Vazovtsy did not embellish, the body was really lifted to a new height - an impartial roulette confirmed it. For comparison, popular crossovers like the Kia Sportage, Volkswagen Tiguan or Ford Kuga have a real clearance of about 180 mm. But the Cross will not have all-wheel drive yet. And coupled with road tires Pirelli Cinturato P7 205/60 R17 (for SW - Matador Elite 3 195/55 R16) these are the main restrictions on patency. But as long as there is enough grip and geometry, Cross creeps forward. What we saw for ourselves when the clumsy standard navigation led us to a very rugged dirt road, where, as a colleague recalled, a Mitsubishi Pajero Sport SUV was recently tested. Raised, the Vesta slid down the slope, jumped over boulders, took a muddy ford and stumbled only on a wet, rutted incline. On the way back, Cross had to be pushed a little uphill, but the main thing was that we got out. Off-road exam passed, get a score in the piggy bank.

With the exception of the front bumper, the plastic body kit of the Cross is natural, unpainted. Approach/departure angles are about 1.5 degrees greater than the regular SW, even with the extended overhangs. From electronic assistants - imitation of interwheel blocking and assistant to start on the rise

Engines: 2:2

Perhaps the engines are the weakest point of the new station wagons, we penalize both cars by one point. We don’t know how SW and Cross behave with the base 1.6-liter 106-horsepower “four” VAZ-21129 - they weren’t brought for a test drive, but Vesta with the flagship engine, to put it mildly, was not pleased. The new VAZ-21179 unit seems to have a solid volume - 1.8 liters, and decent power - 122 hp, the torque due to the inlet phase shifter is not bad - 170 N∙m. But at the very least it all works only on the plain. And when we went deep into the mountains from the Sochi coast, Vesta became completely sluggish: the engine was empty at the bottom, it was sad at the top, the middle was so-so - don’t keep any speed, sometimes the car didn’t want to accelerate on the climbs, demanded to switch to a gear down . Crawling along the country road is doubly stressful - you have to play with jewelry in a clutch. As a result - consumption of 12-13 liters of 92nd gasoline. Below 9 liters, the on-board computer did not show even once for all the time. But station wagons are only 50-70 kg heavier than a sedan ... By the way, according to VAZ logic, SW is a Sport Wagon. It looks like a cruel irony. Well, at least the 1.8 engine no longer suffers from detonation, other childhood illnesses also seem to have been cured, but in the morning the cold engine still upset a couple of times with unexpected traction failures.

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Station wagon Vesta - the car is quiet. Tires, motor, wind are heard about the same, the noise does not press on the ears. And the "crickets" in the hard plastic of the cabin do not chirp even on the primer. I would like to believe that the parts will not loosen up over time and the front suspension will not rattle, as on the sedans of the first releases

Gearboxes: 2:2

The main "transmission" trouble of the five-door "West" is the lack of a normal automatic transmission. True, the VAZ employees swear that buyers have learned how to handle the obstinate robot AMT (2182) and do not express any complaints about it. But it seems to us that only those people who have never driven a car with a good automatic transmission say so. The skills of the five-speed robot "Lada" are best illustrated by the acceleration figures to "hundreds": it takes an indecently long time for automated station wagons 1.8 - 12.9-13.3 s, while with mechanics the numbers are much more optimistic - 10.9- 11.2 s. Manual boxes, by the way, are different: Vestam 1.6 has a domestic transmission 2180, and modifications from 1.8 have a French JR5. And we liked it: it switches quite clearly, easily, does not buzz or howl. But in general, there is nothing to accrue points for, the score in the battle remains the same.

Vesta SW

Vesta SW Cross

An armrest with a box appeared between the front seats (useful, but it interferes with buckling up and shifting gears), seat heating is now three-stage, the glove box lid with a microlift, and the windshield heating is turned on with a separate button. Soon these things will also be transferred to the sedan.

Handling: 2:3

For the SW station wagon, engineers defined special rear springs in order to adapt the chassis to the different stiffness and weight of the five-door body. Therefore, the behavior on the road, this version resembles a sedan. It spreads just as tightly, with passion, twists into a turn under the gas release and pleases with a lively response to steering turns. Never before have Russian station wagons traveled so "deliciously". But the high Cross turned out to be even more interesting! Vazovtsy chose a difficult but correct way to increase the clearance - they completely replaced the springs and shock absorbers, widened the track by 14 mm, spending a lot of time on fine-tuning driving performance. As a result, the “off-road” version did not become more rolly, retained an acceptable ride on low-profile 17-inch wheels, and even won in handling: the “Cross” has a cleaner steering wheel, juicier effort on it, the car is more stable on an arc in a turn. Only the edging of the instrument dials was painted red in vain - the numbers are hard to read. But still, Cross deservedly takes the lead in points. A small remark: on the studs of the serpentine, the front tires of the Cross rubbed against the support cups of the suspension springs. We hope this is an isolated problem of our car, as well as a decorative engine cover that has come off the mounts ...

The Sport Wagon with the prefix Cross went for a winter test drive of the Lada Club. To test its viability in Russia, the editors arranged for the LADA station wagon to sprint off-road and shake up the townspeople in the stone jungle.

Access to the "body" of Crossa

We have already carried out a short summer test drive of this version of LADA Vesta. But at that time, due to the high demand for this car, the editors were not able to get acquainted in detail with all the nuances of the novelty. The second chance was given to us after the new year, when a lot of snow fell and the car changed tires for the winter version. Unlike the test versions of the LADA XRAY we tested, the new Vesta Cross was shod in studded tires. This was especially true, since it is in this version that Russian consumers often operate cars in most of Russia.

We got the off-road Sport Wagon for a two-week test drive and decided to give it a serious test. The test was divided into two stages: a test in the city halls and an off-road test. There were no questions about the expediency of the first block. What can not be said about the second part, given that for a conventional front-wheel drive car, it does not make logical sense. However, we had to personally experience the absurdity of the situation firsthand. No, well, why are we worse than homegrown bloggers who go after SUVs and scream that the car is not driving, as it should be for an all-wheel drive “tank”.

Rigidity - a sign of success?

When you manage to drive both Vesta SW and SW Cross cars, the first thing your butt will feel is a more “collected” suspension. The preloaded "all-terrain" version of the station wagon seems to be always in suspense. Its behavior can be perfectly compared to the moment when a predator from the cat family tensed its muscles and in a moment will make a dash towards its prey. The constant "combat" readiness of the car inspires the team - you must be the first! Vesta Cross is ready to storm speed bumps, change lanes too abruptly and jump from lane to lane with high accuracy. Commands from the steering wheel are ideally transmitted to the wheels of the car and, being in the pilot's seat, you can plan in detail any trajectory of movement.

On the one hand it is good, but on the other hand it is bad. Such a setting of the most sensational station wagon provokes a “race” around the city. Coupled with a more powerful 1.8-liter engine (122 hp), this sprint turns out to be very effective even on an unrun-in unit. In terms of comfort, Cross-suspension does not have the best effect on a comfortable city transfer. The first person to point this out to you will be your passengers.

If the crew on a regular LADA Vesta SW looks like a nice ride on a ferry, the same route on Cross will be perceived as an extreme ride on a speedboat. Going to extremes and claiming that this is good or bad is absurd. Each driver chooses a car according to his style. We should be glad that AVTOVAZ gives consumers a choice that it can make without resorting to tuning studios and independent intervention in the design of the car.

Prefix with meaning

To the surprise of the entire Lada Club team, the new Vesta proved to be excellent on light off-road. Now we can officially declare that the Cross prefix fully justifies itself. On rough terrain, all the advantages of a more all-terrain version of the station wagon are revealed. The ground clearance increased to 203 mm allows you not to think that high obstacles may meet on the way of the car. The car easily passes stone cobblestones and blocks of ice between its wheels. The plastic body kit in a circle perfectly protects the body from chips and scratches, taking all the blows. And the suspension in this mode has no equal at all. Gradually picking up speed, you think about when the car starts to scour the road and the connection between the driver and the road breaks. But the red-haired predator refuses to relax and again and again clings to the ice and snow, even in sharp turns. And although we are not fans of low-profile rubber in Russian realities, but in this version, such a performance is quite justified.

We passed long stretches of snow into the ground and never worried that the wheels were dismantled at the edge of the road surface. The only thing we regretted was the 60 km / h limiter for the disabled ESP (Electronic Stability Program) stability control system. It was possible to deceive the system only in second gear, when, by twisting the engine as much as possible, it was possible to gain 80 km / h. Contrary to the general opinion that the car spins R17 wheels hard, we believe that there was no shortage of power. On snow-covered surfaces, sometimes there was even a slight excess of horsepower under the hood.

When once again one of the wheels broke into the axle box, the electronic assistant TCS (Traction Control System) came to the rescue. His work evoked extremely positive emotions in us. Even at high speeds, it distributes the load in time by transferring the moment from one wheel to another.

What is better for Russian realities LADA Vesta SW or SW Cross? Here only the future driver can choose for himself. The station wagon in a plastic body kit looks more impressive and has a high ground clearance. But its suspension is not suitable for every consumer.

Regular SW has more comfortable characteristics, but loses ground clearance and aggressive style. In any case, before buying a car, we recommend that you definitely drive both versions and make your choice.

Disputes regarding the safety of domestic cars do not subside, and supporters of both the first and second points of view stubbornly prove their case, which became even more noticeable after the launch of new products from AvtoVAZ - Lada Vesta and X Ray.

However, after a new off-road version of the Lada Vesta Cross station wagon went into the series, disputes flared up with renewed vigor. And this means that it is necessary to analyze as carefully as possible not only the results of crash tests of the Lada Vesta Cross station wagon, but also the conditions under which the tests and evaluation were carried out.

Pre-series tests

As you know, even before the start of serial production, complex tests were carried out, which took place in May 2017. One of the stages of testing was caught by an analyst from the authoritative publication Autoreview.

Below are the design features of the car body.

On that day, the crash test of the Lada Vesta Cross SW involved a side impact with a ram weighing 900 kg with a crushable tip at a speed of 50 km / h. At the same time, the car in the maximum configuration, “armed” with 4 airbags at once, acted as a “test subject”.

Side kick

The results did not make the AvtoVAZ designers blush with shame. Vice versa! The car showed a decent result. A significant share of the energy upon impact was taken over by the threshold, the side airbags worked as they should, and only the driver's glass was broken - the rear one remained intact.

According to information from AvtoVAZ reports, it became clear that the sensors attached to the dummy did not detect excessive loads, and the HIC standard (head injury) showed an excellent result of 21.8 units.

State of the dummy after impact

However, an expert from Autoreview noticed one interesting fact - AvtoVAZ did not test a cross-version of a station wagon with a loaded trunk, although such a test suggests itself. The same applies to security systems, which would allow you to securely fix the overall luggage, which is located above the window line.

The plant commented on their decision, explaining it by the purpose of the machine itself. According to company representatives, the Lada Vesta Cross station wagon was not crash tested in such conditions, since this is only a lifestyle model with increased cross-country ability, and not a car for transporting cargo.

No less interesting is the decision of the plant to refuse to equip the car with rear side airbags - even in the top versions there are only front ones. In this case, the reason was that the presence of such pillows in itself (without the corresponding active safety systems) will not affect the final assessment during tests according to EU criteria. Although many are sure that buyers of top trim levels would agree to overpay a little for additional protection for rear passengers.

The LADA Vesta Cross station wagon does not have rear side airbags even in the top

Production version testing

After the start of sales, crash tests of the Lada Vesta Cross station wagon were carried out, already a serial model. First, consider the frontal strike, which was carried out directly by the forces of Autoreview according to their ARCAP methodology. And then we will evaluate the results of a side impact carried out already at AvtoVAZ.

The need for repeated tests of the full cycle, in comparison with a conventional station wagon, is due to the increased ground clearance and the increased mass of the Cross.

frontal strike

By the way, the journalists themselves noted that the choice of this particular model was predetermined by readers who gave many votes for this option - more than Renault Kaptur, Hyundai Creta and Toyota Camry together. As a result, for 797900 rubles the car was purchased and broken. Frontal impact on a deformable floor at a speed of 64 km / h.

Before the test, the experts immediately noted the large wheels, because the Cross station wagon has 17-inch wheels in the top, against 15-inch wheels on the sedan. In addition, mass measurements were carried out, and it turned out that the car is 148 kg heavier than the sedan - 1298 kg versus 1150 kg, respectively. Therefore, it must absorb 13% more energy (kinetic).

Naturally, specialists from AvtoVAZ were invited to the crash test of the LADA Vesta Cross station wagon.

Structurally, the Cross version is identical to a simple station wagon. However, in comparison with the sedan, there are changes:

  1. Additional reinforcement in the A-pillars - this reinforcement extends to the center of the doorway.
  2. Reinforced thresholds.

It is worth noting that the ERA-GLONASS service worked perfectly, and after the impact, the operator immediately contacted the machine.

As for the results of the impact, then, at first glance, the car withstood it just fine! The front pillar remained in its place (apparently, the presence of an additional amplifier affected). In addition, the spar on the left side worked perfectly - it folded up, absorbing most of the impact energy, while on the sedan this power element simply bent. In addition, part of the energy fell on the cast rim, which cracked from the impact.

The driver's door opened with minimal effort, the airbags worked effectively, which can also be recorded as an asset of the car.

Driver's door opened easily

  1. Head and neck - everything is within the normal range. Only the driver turned his head when the car rebounded, but this does not threaten his health.
  2. Chest - no complaints about the belt, since the squeezing force of the ribs is completely normal and even weaker than on a sedan. It is very important that during the impact the steering wheel moved away from the driver by 30 mm.
  3. Knees - The right knee slightly hit the dashboard, while the left did not touch the plastic at all.
  4. Feet - despite a slight displacement of the pedal assembly, nothing dangerous happened.

Therefore, at first glance, the crash test of the LADA Vesta Cross station wagon during a frontal impact was at the highest level and the car deserves the highest rating. However, things are not so smooth...

The fact is that in Europe a much more progressive assessment methodology is used, and if you apply it, the results will not be so rosy. During Euro NCAP testing, the “structural integrity of the passenger compartment cage” is also assessed.

If you remove the decorative plastic that covers the thresholds and fenders, metal creases on the rear and front thresholds will become noticeable. The situation with the front threshold is especially important, because in 2016 it was this zone that was finalized and reinforced by the factory - thickened metal was used.

Also, the floors and floor sound insulation were removed from the station wagon. In this situation, the picture is the same - the floor is torn and crumpled, which is defined as "destruction of legroom" and means the removal of one point in the assessment. Moreover, welding withstood - gaps appeared around the points. Therefore, AvtoVAZ should pay attention to the quality of sheet metal supplied to the plant.

The situation with the driver's legs became more complicated. The floor reared up and created an excessive load on the shins - according to the result, the rating was not “excellent” and not even “good”, but only “satisfactory”.

All this significantly lowered the rating in the “Protection of the lower legs” category - according to the results of the crash test of the Lada Vesta Cross station wagon, the car scored only 1.7 points out of the maximum 4 points.

The deformation of the threshold also removed 1 point from the final score, because according to the Euro NCAP system this is regarded as a “violation of the stability of the doorway”.

In addition, due to a break in the threshold, AvtoVAZ lost the opportunity to apply the protocol "On the safety of the front panel." During testing, the dummy slightly hit the left knee on the plastic of the steering column. This is not dangerous at all, but is exacerbated by the fact that there are metal components under the plastic. As a result, another point was removed from the assessment.

This could have been avoided if not for the damage to the threshold, which provoked a violation of the "structural integrity of the passenger cabin cage." Under this condition, AvtoVAZ failed to ensure the safety of the structure, and a knee penalty was imposed.

The final score is 11.7 points out of a possible 16, and only 3 stars.

Plant reaction

This result greatly puzzled AvtoVAZ engineers. As a result, the auto company bought a copy that was broken on the test and carefully examined it. At first there were suspicions of a marriage during assembly, but this version was not confirmed.

Everything became clear after computer simulation, when the data obtained were compared with tests that were carried out directly at AvtoVAZ and then gave a much better result. The reason lies in the ballast.

Any car is prepared for a crash test according to a certain algorithm. It implies:

  1. Front seats - 88 kg each (dummies);
  2. Rear sofa - 32 kg (ballast);
  3. Trunk - 36 kg (the weight of the equipment necessary for testing);
  4. Gas tank - 90% full (water is used).

During tests at AvtoVAZ, 2 child seats with Isofix mounts and a pair of child mannequins were used as ballast for the rear sofa. But in the Autoreview, they used ordinary metal ingots screwed to the floor, weighing 20 kg each. This approach is allowed by the Euro NCAP criteria, provided that it does not affect the result. And it is worth noting that during other tests (Vesta sedan, Volkswagen Polo, Hyundai Solaris), the same ballast was used (blanks on the floor) and it did not affect the final grade in any way.

This fact is best proved by the fact that all the tests were attended by representatives of the company that produced the car (Hyundai, Volkswagen, AvtoVAZ) and there were no complaints.

After creating a mathematical model, it became clear that 2 ingots of metal, weighing 20 kg each, increase the load on the amplifiers and welds by 20%, as a result of which the floor is deformed.

When this fact surfaced, AvtoVAZ conducted 2 more similar tests with metal ingots near the back sofa and the result was exactly the same as that of Autoreview. During the third test, there were baby mannequins on the back sofa. As a result, the crash test of the Lada Vesta Cross station wagon went as well as possible - the belts worked in the required mode, there were no wrinkles on the floor, metal breaks or welding.

If we consider this situation, then out of the maximum possible 16 points, Vesta received not 11.7, but 14.9 points!

As for AvtoVAZ, its designers have already made calculations and figured out how to make the Cross station wagon stronger in order to avoid floor breaks.

Side kick

In this case, the situation echoes the one that developed after the tests with a frontal impact. The final result varies depending on the evaluation criteria.

This time everything happened in the AvtoVAZ passive safety laboratory. For the test, we took the Cross wagon in the top configuration. A side impact involves a collision with a 950 kg cart equipped with a collapsible barrier at a speed of 50 km/h. The blow itself falls in the center of the car.

All test details are shown in the video.

The side cushion in the car is sewn into the back of the seat. Upon impact, it opens, blocking part of the window opening, and protects not only the torso, but also the head.

After the acceleration of the cart on the catapult and impact, after 27 seconds. the ERA-GLONASS operator contacted the car, once again demonstrating efficiency. Like most modern models, the center of gravity of the machine is shifted forward, due to which, after the impact, it was partially deployed astern. The glass of the driver's door shattered, while the rear remained intact, as well as the rear-view mirror.

After the impact, damage analysis begins, the state of the cabin is assessed, the force required to open the doors, etc. is recorded. Only after all this is the analysis of the state of the dummy carried out.

It is worth noting that immediately after the impact, Andrey Matveev, who holds the post of chief engineer of the entire Vesta Universal project, entered the site. He said that this is already the 10th out of 12 planned trials and he is pleased with the results. The side airbag deployed at the scheduled time.

During the development of the project, the designers reinforced the threshold, since the car has an increased ground clearance, which means that the impact will fall exactly on the threshold. Therefore, it was necessary to reduce the influence of the threshold on the displacement of the central pillar.

Regarding the likelihood of crash tests of the Lada Vesta Cross station wagon with a full trunk - loaded to the ceiling or with heavy luggage - they are not planned yet. But all the technical solutions aimed at increasing the strength of the seats, implemented in the sedan, are also in the station wagon.

It would seem that everything went as well as possible - the doors opened easily, the fuel remained in the tank, the dummy did not have serious damage and was taken out without the use of tools, dangerous parts did not get into the cabin, the battery remained intact. All injury criteria are several times lower than the permissible values!

But this is only if the crash test and its results are evaluated according to the standards of “Rules No. 95” in force in Russia. These criteria were developed back in the early 1980s, and in 1997 they were adopted by Euro NCAP. However, 2008 and the end of 2015 were marked by serious adjustments to these standards.

First, the EU tightened the evaluation criteria, and later changed the weight of the cart. AvtoVAZ uses a trolley weighing 950 kg, but there are almost no cars of this weight on the roads, because even the basic Lada Granta weighs over 1000 kg.

Even if we consider the new Euro NCAP criteria with the same trolley weight of 950 kg, the driver’s head is safe, but the ribs and pelvis are already at the border of the probability of injury - 5% for the ribs and 20% for the pelvis.

But the main thing is that at the beginning of 2016, the weight of the trolley used in Euro NCAP increased from 950 kg to 1300 kg, while maintaining the same evaluation criteria.

The rules in EURONCAP are stricter

Naturally, with such standards, the result of the crash test of the Lada Vesta Cross wagon would not be so impressive, but not a failure, of course.

However, this is not the fault of AvtoVAZ. It's all about the laws passed by the government.

Vesta SV Cross is probably the only domestic car that you can buy with your eyes alone, without connecting your brain. Just look at her - beautiful! Especially in this exclusive Mars color. Dream, not a car.

Looking at the exterior of the car, it seems that the “off-road” version was painted first, and only then, by simplifying, we got a simple station wagon. If in the usual Vesta SW the 15th wheels look like “wheels”, then in the visually expanded SW Cross arches the wheels with 17-inch wheels “sit” like a glove. The black plastic on the threshold also contributes to the general swiftness, visually reducing the height of the body and adding ground clearance, and here it is already with a margin - as much as 203 mm.

There is only one difference in the cabin, but you can’t miss it: it feels like a full bucket of orange paint was transported in a car on a very bad road, while it was without a cover. "Orange" blotches are everywhere: on the seats, on the front panel and doors, and even on the instruments, a juicy charge of paint has got. Don't like color experiments? No problem, you can skip all this carnival of colors and opt for a neutral gray finish.

In terms of equipment, the car does not differ from a simple Vesta station wagon: there are heatings for everything and everything (5 pcs.!), And navigation with a rear-view camera, and even climate and cruise control.

The whole difference in equipment comes down to other wheels: larger wheels, wider tires.

On the road, Vesta SW Cross behaves similarly to the simple version, but worse off-road! The behavior of the suspension is similar to the operation of pneumatic struts in the highest position, there are small strokes and stiffness, only here this is achieved not by cunning mechanisms, but by simple physics: large wheels with not very high-profile tires miss shocks, then more rigid than in the standard shock absorbers blow already on the body.

If you are not interested in off-road, then on good roads any Vesta is able to give pleasure from driving, the “off-road” version is no exception. An accurate and moderately sharp steering wheel, good brakes, slight rolls (albeit more than in cross-country), and as a result we get a very gambling car that you want to drive and drive.

What can stop the desire to travel a lot is high fuel consumption, in life the average consumption is about 11 liters per hundred. Traffic jams are another problem for Tolyatinsky cars, as there was no good automatic transmission, and not many are in a hurry to be satisfied with the AMT robot.

Even in the minuses of the “sublime” version, one can write down the worst dynamics: the car is heavier and it is more difficult to turn the 17th wheels than the 15th, so we get a loss of one second in acceleration to 100 km / h, the fastest result in our measurements - 12.5 seconds.

Detailed prices can be found below on the page, but in short, the Cross version is more expensive than the simple one by 43,000 rubles. in the same Luxe configuration, but a simple CB is available in a more affordable Comfort configuration, and this will allow you to leave another 40,000 rubles in your pocket.

Photo gallery

Back in March 2016, the hosts of the YouTube channel called Big Test Drive showed us a domestic novelty - the conceptual model Lada Vesta Cross.

A year and a half later, a video of the Lada Vesta Cross Big test drive appeared on their channel, where the hosts showed us the serial version of the car.

The hosts of the program, Sergey Stillavin and Rustam Vakhidov, took a novelty of the domestic auto industry, LADA Vesta Cross SW, for testing and tested it for several hundred kilometers. In their video, they are ready to tell us about their emotions, impressions and everything that they noticed and were surprised about in the new LADA VESTA SW CROSS. Expect information in the release on how the car rides, how it keeps on the road and rulitsya. The video is just over 20 minutes long. Go!

Big test drive Lada Vesta SV Cross

Here is the video from the channel itself, which you can watch below:

And now we will analyze everything in detail. From the very beginning of the video, we were shown that the presenters do not hide their obvious delight from the model. The car turned out to be the most beautiful, the highest quality and generally the best among all domestically produced cars. Car rides!

The video begins, as usual, with technical information, the hosts tell what kind of car they have on the test, what kind it has, how it differs from its fellow, the usual West station wagon. Next comes a little information about, with which the leading BTC were taken for a test. After that, the guys talk about and, also rear disc brakes. The guys say with a bit of irony that we finally got the rear disc brakes. In general, a little irony and sarcasm and we will learn all the main details about the station wagon - trunk volume, ground clearance, etc.

Big test drive Lada Vesta Cross video

Big test drive Lada Vesta SV Cross photo