The magic of numbers. Why do you dream of driving or driving a tractor, its meaning in the dream book

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Why do you dream about a Tractor in a dream according to 5 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Tractor” symbol from 5 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Newest dream book

Why do you dream about a Tractor in a dream?

Tractor - to hearing impairment; Ear disease cannot be ruled out.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about a Tractor?

Tractor seen in a dream- is a sign that you will soon have to solve a big problem.

If you dreamed that you were driving a tractor- this means an unexpected trip full of adventure awaits you.

Seeing yourself as a tractor driver in a dream- in reality, you need to prove yourself in some way, otherwise you will remain in the shadows.

A dream in which a tractor is moving straight towards you- portends misfortunes, losses, losses.

If you dreamed of a caterpillar tractor- such a dream guarantees you successful advancement in any business, career growth, and material benefits.

Dream book of the 21st century

What did the Tractor mean in a dream?

Seeing a wheeled tractor in a dream- means that hard or long-term, but poorly paid and unprofitable work awaits you.

Seeing a caterpillar tractor in a dream- means that in reality you will get a promotion or a new, higher-paying job.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Tractor according to the dream book?

A tractor is the same as a combine harvester; caterpillar - labor, professional victory.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Tractor according to the dream book?

Tractor, according to the dream book- portends you serious difficulties that you will certainly cope with, albeit at the cost of enormous effort.

More interpretations

Move around in his cabin- you will spontaneously take off on some kind of trip that will give you a lot of positive emotions.

A tractor might run you over- Beware of deprivation and grief.

According to the dream book, ride a tractor- in reality, go straight ahead towards your goal, without worrying about methods, you will be ready to do everything possible and impossible to bring your plans to life.

Video: Why do you dream about a Tractor?

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Did you dream about a Tractor, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a Tractor in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I dreamed that I was driving with my mother on a tractor, but some men stopped us and we realized that they wanted to kill us in the forest. Suddenly some women appear and turn us into ears of wheat. We hide under the railroad tracks in the form of ears of corn and they pass by us and don’t see us. Sleep from Sunday to Monday

    Hello! I dreamed of my uncle who died six months ago. I go into some apartment, not mine, but a friend’s, there are people there, relatives or just acquaintances, I don’t remember anymore, and he. At first I was happy, because at least in a dream I could see each other (we had a very good relationship when he was alive). He somehow hugged me, and so did I. Then we sat down. He says something like this: “I miss you.” I think I also answered that I missed you. But then it dawned on me, and I became scared. I say: “No, it’s too early for me!” (and I was 19 years old at that time). After which he takes out a knife and points it at me, right at the head and neck area. I resist with all my might, try to break free and try to wake up. With great difficulty, but I woke up and for a long time could not get away from this dream. Why could this even be a dream? and a week after the dream it was my birthday (you never know, maybe it has something to do with it).

    I dreamed of a caterpillar tractor that was moving towards me, and I was sitting on a chair in the middle of the road, my father was driving and the tractor stopped right in front of me a few centimeters. I was proud of my father's driving skills.

    I'm on a mountain with green grass, my work colleague is there. I get into a tractor with a trailer loaded with hay and roll down on it, almost turning over. then I get off it and end up on the same mountain. I’m there with my sister and my sister’s friend. We roll down the mountain very carefully together. There are small, insignificant obstacles. end

    I dreamed of a tractor working on a neighboring plot. The tractor was quite large and caterpillar. He raised the level, but not with sand, as it should be, but with expanded clay. There was a lot of expanded clay. Our site was also covered with expanded clay. But at some point in time, the level of the neighboring site rose so high (3 floors higher than ours) that expanded clay began to fill our site. My mother and older sister were somewhat distant from me, but not much. Mom rushed towards the tractor to argue with the tractor driver, but she was completely covered with expanded clay. The sister wanted to run and pull her out, but stopped because... Mom found herself, as it were, under an avalanche of expanded clay. My sister was scared because... could also have been filled up. I didn’t move, but only began to think logically that if I ran for help, I wouldn’t save him and I’d also be under this material. And I thought that it was better to wait until the avalanche went down and calmed down, then we could do something to help. The dream was colorful. The tractor was clean, even beautiful. It was day. The dream was just lightning fast. I woke up immediately. Thank you!

    in a dream I was in my grandmother’s house (I see it very often), but this time the house looked residential, the stove was heating up, I felt a feeling of fear and anticipation, as if someone was about to come, then I clearly saw my husband’s face and his bare foot, one toe especially stood out. .I heard the growing noise of the engine and a red car skidding in the mud, but slowly moving forward, when I wanted to come closer to see who was driving, it turned out that it was not a car, but my husband’s tractor, but he was not driving. then a whole series of events that I can’t remember and again I’m in the house. I feel the heat from the stove and I’m unbearably thirsty. The house is full of people, everyone is busy with something, mostly cooking. Again, a growing feeling of fear. I saw the whole dream in twilight, illumination only from the fire of the stove.

    We were going for a party in some room. A tractor began to push this room and, despite the people standing under the wheels, it ran over a young guy (I don’t know him). Then this guy, bloodied and bandaged, was thrown into the river dead. And they continued the party.

    I saw a lot of special equipment, a crawler tractor, an excavator, there were a lot of them. It is noteworthy that they were all very beautiful, new, shiny and colorful, like toys. Moved easily and gracefully

    Last week I dreamed that I was a passenger train driver. Last night I dreamed that I was driving a tractor in the rain, and I was constantly worried about the rear-view mirrors. It seemed to me that the visibility was very poor and I constantly tried to adjust the rear view mirrors

    I dreamed of a river, I was catching fish with a net, and then I caught a small fish in the net, I turn to put it on the shallows, and then the shallows were flooded with a flood in the river, the water is muddy and there is a current, I think how I will cross around me there is water and a strong current that will carry me away and I will not I’ll swim out. I saw a helicopter standing in front of me and the pilots were resting, I might swim to them and save myself. Then I saw a ditch and approached it, and there was a red tractor and I looked at it for a long time, I walked around the ditch and ended up in a tractor brigade, fields with wheat everywhere.

    I saw my dead boyfriend, we went somewhere with him, but he walked away in front, then I heard the tractor start up, it was humming so loudly that it woke up all the neighbors, I started looking for the guy, he wasn’t there, I called him, some little boy took him, I asked him to come to the phone he called the guy, I said will you come, he answered me no

    I brought a tractor from the “other world” and tried to drive it, and then sell it at a profit; I had several buyers. and what I initially thought to sell cheaply then increased in price several times. I think I sold it after all. but I don't remember exactly

    At my sister’s house, a tractor driver ran over a pipe. And I came out and said that you got behind the wheel and you don’t know how to level even a small space. Well, I clearly told him this and that he also understood me well. And he tells me to go get the best handkerchief for I put my head on and I tell him, I’ll put it on now

    in a dream I was driving a car with a friend, I saw a low-flying plane (a large plane) through the window, then I saw a tractor in a field, a man fell out of it and he ran over it. We drove up to help him, but it was too late, I ran after the tractor, he was driving without a driver, I didn’t catch up with him, but I warned the people I met on the way. Then everything is blurry!

    Winter. River bank. A red crawler tractor with a brown plow seems to be plowing snow, I stand and look, the tractor stops and the tractor driver comes out of the tractor cab towards me in the snow. After talking, I don’t remember what, the tractor driver gets into the tractor cabin and starts moving. At this moment I see that the ice is breaking under the tractor and the tractor begins to sink into the water (sinks) in the same place as the tractor driver. I’m (panicked) worried about the tractor driver, he’s about to drown in the place with the tractor, the tractor disappeared completely under the dark water. And then a miracle tractor driver emerges half-naked, I give him my hand and pull him onto the (ice) shore. And we began to think about how to pull out the tractor. That you need to cut the ice to make the so-called “road”, drag a thick cable and bring in heavy equipment to pull out the tractor. And still he woke up.

    I dreamed that I was walking home with my little daughter in a village along a well-worn road, my daughter was lagging behind me, and suddenly a caterpillar tractor was driving behind us. I told my daughters to catch up with me, otherwise the car would run over me, but she was stubborn and began to stand. I thought. the tractor driver saw her and stopped, but no. He ran over her, and for some reason it was as if these tractor chains ran over her twice, like two wheels on a regular tractor. After which she turned out to be alive but in serious condition, her body was all punctured, her eyes were bloodshot .they quickly called an ambulance, but somehow we went by car to the hospital...we got there quickly too. There was no blood as seemed to me that we waited a long time for the doctor. He finally came and took her, he was not there for a long time after as soon as I heard my daughter crying, I shook hands with her. For some reason the doctor treated her with his feet... it’s inexplicable how, but he didn’t harm her, he put her in my hands and said for some reason that she would be disabled... she has osteochondrosis ....after that I woke hour later I fell asleep...and I dreamed that my daughter was covered in scars and was sewn up from these punctures from the tractor....tell me what this is all about???is my child really in danger???Thanks in advance!


    Hello, I had a dream in which a person I know destroys my house on a tractor, then I was overcome by a fit of anger, he wanted to run over me... Then I pushed him out of the tractor and caused him harm.. Then 2 more people came up, they drank a little, I did them too I knew and they also wanted to harm me, but I didn’t allow myself to be harmed, and I also harmed them, why this dream?

    I dreamed that I heard voices and noise outside the window. I tell my daughter to close the windows and lower the thick blinds. The noise continues, I decide to look out the window. I see some people collecting garbage under my window. I decide to go out and figure out what’s going on. when I go out, I see a tractor driving away from my house, which is pulling cans of compote on the canal. A stranger is walking nearby. My neighbors are standing on the street and loudly discussing something. I’m not interested in their discussions. I’m surprised that the cans are tied didn't turn over to the room. And they didn’t crash. Then I woke up.

    I recently met several male workers (gas workers) who were laying a gas line for us. One of them sunk into my soul, I only think about him, they have already left, and I keep thinking about him.. And today I have a dream that I am again somewhere nearby, I don’t know here or in another place, but they they live a little further from me.. I decide to go to them for tea, because lunch is on time. And so I went out and went into the store and bought something and bought some kind of fish, a herring but cut like dried crucian carp and big. Standing in the store, two girls were discussing and for some reason they told me that Vova (this is the same man) made an appointment or something similar with her, and she was going with him. And that he is so good and everyone there is so cool, and I answered her something, to which I received the answer that they all have such big penises and all that.. I walked in from the store and walked on, and suddenly a tractor started up in front of me , I look up and see 2 white-black tractors (one is His and the second is D. Vanin) and next to it is an orange-black one, for some reason I turn around and run back to the store, suddenly realizing that I forgot to buy something. I run up to the store and they have already placed tractors in front of the store behind some kind of lattice fence and are walking around the tractors.. And I don’t see who exactly is walking there, but from the silhouette I understand that one of them is Him…. And then the dream ends, they woke me up...

    Honestly, I dreamed of some kind of whitebird. I saw some good friends, one of them was on a tractor, he got into a fight with one of them, but he couldn’t hit him, it was all on the street. When I came home I saw my woman and her sister arguing about something, when they saw me they switched to swearing at me, then they cooled down my sister started flirting, I left. I ended up somewhere in a village house, again with these friends, and two grandmothers were sitting drinking and eating, then my friends and I were about to leave, but I went outside, and they left without me. I went to the grandmothers’ house again, I sat with them, I don’t remember what they talked about, they got ready to go to bed, I let them go to bed, I undressed naked, I put them to bed, and I left the house, and at the bus stop I got on the bus and left, I was riding on the bus alone.

    I drive a tractor with two trailers. What do I have to do with being a tractor driver! In the first trailer I collect vegetables... A variety of vegetables, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage... And in the second trailer, which is half the size, I collect garbage! I drive very confidently, although I never had any idea how to do it before. (And I don’t have one at the moment) Thanks in advance!

    Good afternoon.
    I saw a new beautiful “well-groomed” clean tractor and had to come to visit my beloved, kind, sympathetic teacher from kindergarten. There were no other means of transport and I climbed the hill where the teacher’s house was on this tractor. I parked it. She grinned and was glad that I had unusually arrived on time, and greeted me warmly.

If a villager has to race his faithful iron “horse” even in his dreams during the plowing or harvesting period, that’s one thing. And it’s quite another thing when a tractor suddenly, for no reason at all, begins to “rumble” with its engine in the sleep of the average inhabitant of a city office. How does the dream book see this situation - why is this huge worker from the farm dreaming?

  • As a rule, the appearance of this “rumbling” giant in your dream means: everything is fine. You may have to work hard, but it will be the kind of work during which your soul rejoices: you can be proud of the result, and the pay is more than worthy.
  • However, you don’t have to take everything literally: maybe what awaits you is not work (in terms of honest work), but other equally useful activities: organizing a wedding, decorative renovations in your own home, a pleasant shopping trip...
  • Some interpreters are sure: a tractor in a dream indicates that you will have to “turn on” your character. Without being afraid, you will solve even a long-standing problem.

Did you just watch this hardworking technique?

  • Seeing a tractor at work: you are ready to do something important that you have been preparing for a long time. Wait - very soon you will realize that the very moment has come when you no longer need to postpone the matter until later. Do not doubt yourself - such a chance may not exist.
  • You looked at the tractor differently than at the tractor driver: you will have to solve the problem, but you cannot do it alone. You may need advice, someone's presence. Or maybe you simply don’t have enough money - don’t be shy, ask for a loan.
  • The tractor was digging a ditch: calm awaits you. There will be no sharp jumps, ups and downs in your life for some time.
  • He was clearing snow from the street: you will solve empty problems. Second interpretation: you are promised help from family or friends.
  • He tried to hit on you: a dream warns of problems or even losses.

Were you driving?

  • The dream in which you worked as a tractor driver says: soon you will have the opportunity to show yourself in the best possible light. Don’t be shy, especially if your bosses or other people beneficial to you loom on the horizon. The matter may end with a profitable promotion or receiving other “buns”.
  • The second interpretation of this dream (however, closely intertwined with the first): you will be faced with a choice on which your financial situation, as well as the well-being of your family, will directly depend.
  • If the tractor was not yours, but in a dream you could not pass by without steering this powerful equipment for at least a minute: in real life you like to decide everything yourself, controlling your life until your last breath. The subconscious mind warns: your family is not always comfortable under such total control.
  • In a dream, you tried to run away from a more powerful car on a tractor (say, a Kamaz was chasing you): you have taken on too much and can’t cope. Or maybe there is some kind of intangible “suitcase without a handle” in your life that should have been thrown away long ago?
  • You have an accident on a tractor: the tricks of your competitors will achieve their goal, your business will suffer losses.
  • You bought a new tractor: you will not only rebuild your business, but also conquer new markets.

Size matters: what did the tractor in your dream look like?

  • Why do you dream of a tractor on tracks? To dizzying success in business and increased income. Did it have wheels? Such a dream promises many small household chores and problems.
  • Any modern farming equipment dreams of a promotion, a leap in career. If it was not a tractor, but a combine harvester, the dream may promise a business trip (perhaps a business trip within the city).
  • The excavator promises help from friends, colleagues, and a sponsor, and when you most urgently need it. If this “tractor” was digging like a bucket, expect the unexpected - maybe it will be a meeting that will change your life (a young lady can meet her future groom, and a man can meet a promising partner).
  • A huge tractor - to support the powerful of this world.

Opinion of famous author's books

Since this type of equipment is barely about fifty years old, it is no wonder that in ancient books you cannot find interpretations about the appearance of a tractor in your dreams. But nothing, because many good dream books were written in the last century! Here are excerpts from the most popular...

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  1. A truly creative streak has begun in your life. Be bold and don’t be afraid of anything.
  2. Seeing a caterpillar tractor means victory (maybe in the work field, or maybe over yourself).

Modern dream book

  1. A tractor in a dream promises a major problem that you will soon encounter.
  2. Traveling by this type of transport means a trip during which you will not be bored.
  3. You were a tractor driver: if you do not show your skills and experience, you will forever remain undeservedly deprived of the attention of colleagues and superiors (and maybe even members of your family).
  4. To escape from a tractor driving at you: a dream warns of losses in the future (including material ones).
  5. The tractor was a caterpillar one: this dream is just a careerist’s dream. After it, you will be highly appreciated by your superiors, which will be reflected in your position, as well as your salary.

Book by Gustav Miller

  1. This dream book sees the tractor on which you plow the land as a warning: in order to provide for your loved ones, you will have to make a difficult decision. There will be nothing to choose from - life will not give you a compromise.
  2. You admired the work of a tractor driver in the field: you will have a difficulty, but you will not have enough funds to solve it.
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In fact, it’s not at all easy to figure out what a tractor means in a dream. In dream books there are dozens of interpretations of this dream. However, remembering the main nuances, you will gradually be able to find out and unravel the meaning of the dream in which there was a tractor.

A tractor seen in a dream, according to the classic dream book, promises you a solution to an old problem. You will show your persistence and determination and will finally be able to find the perfect solution to the issue. There is also a chance that a close friend will help you in this matter.

External characteristics of the machine

If you dreamed about a caterpillar tractor, expect a professional victory. You will be able to successfully complete a large project or successfully conduct important negotiations. Also, this dream can be a harbinger of career advancement and an increase in wages.

You see someone driving a tractor and plowing the land - in reality, you cannot find money for a cause that is important to you. The dream book promises that in the near future a lucky chance will come your way and you will find the required amount. For the future, remember that it is always useful to have a financial safety net.

A bulldozer is clearing a snow-covered plain - soon the matter, which has stood still for a long time, will begin to be resolved. It is important to note that circumstances will play in your favor. There is a high probability of receiving double or even triple benefits in the end.

Be a bulldozer driver

In a dream, seeing yourself driving a tractor means an unexpected journey. Thanks to a successful coincidence of circumstances, you will receive an advantageous offer for a vacation, both materially and spiritually. Your vacation will bring you a lot of positive emotions and leave a lot of vivid impressions.

Riding a tractor in the role of a tractor driver (doing your job) means a period of great opportunities in your life. Luck will accompany you, so it is recommended to prove yourself and take an active part in current affairs. This will allow you to take a leadership position and improve your life.

If the dreamer was driving a tractor and had an accident, then there is a chance that your enemies will win. In order to avoid this, you need, firstly, to be more restrained in communicating with suspicious persons, and secondly, to carefully monitor your words and actions.

Remember, when you are driving a tractor and plowing a huge field, in life your labors will finally yield results. You probably think that you are going in circles and your work is not bearing fruit, but soon your opinion will change and you will achieve great success.

It is also important to remember what exactly you cleaned with the tractor:

  • To clean - in life you will achieve success in a seemingly difficult task.
  • Cleaning or digging a tractor means family relationships will improve.
  • Cleared hard surfaces (asphalt, concrete) - you will be able to prove your point.

If you remember that in a dream there was a ditch that you had to clear, then this indicates that you are trying to solve some long-standing problem. The interpretation of these dreams will depend on the outcome of the work: successfully cleared the hole - successfully resolve the issue, the ditch remains dirty - you will have to enlist the support of loved ones in order to win the case.

Wheeled tractor - hard, long-term, but poorly paid and unprofitable work awaits you. Crawler tractor - a promotion or a new, higher-paying job awaits you.

Tractor - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

What does a dream about a Tractor mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Same as a combine harvester. Crawler - a labor and professional victory. Tank.

The meaning of a dream about a Tractor

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Same as a combine harvester. Crawler - a labor and professional victory. See Add. Tank.

Tractor (Seen in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed that you were working on a tractor, then in reality you will have to make a difficult, but the only right decision in order to save the well-being of your family. Watching the tractor work means that you cannot find the means by which you could...

What does the dream portend: Tractor

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To deterioration of hearing. Ear disease cannot be ruled out.

Dream Interpretation: why the Machine Operator dreams. Tractor driver

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Images of people driving large machines. A bulldozer or tractor is the personification of danger. When you see a mechanic driving his machine, beware of aggressive intervention from someone else. If you drive a tractor yourself, you are able to actively transform life.

How to interpret the dream “Washing, cleaning, cleaning in a dream”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Washing, cleaning, scrubbing, washing in a dream is not uncommon! And this dream has its own strict logic and explanation (interpretation). Let's get together and think, in what cases in life, in real life, does washing, tidying or cleaning something need to be done?? Right! In that case, …

Bulldozer - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A standing or working bulldozer or tractor dreams of protection and support from a rich person invested with great power. If you dream of a bulldozer or tractor that is inoperative or broken, it means that your hopes for someone’s support in matters important to you will be ...

Dreaming of "Field" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

One of the most positive characters. However, its meaning depends on the condition and time of year you saw the field. Seeing an unplowed, unsown field in early spring - a dream means that this period of your life is favorable for planning. Can you...

Dream - Car - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Soulless energy. A tractor, construction machines, a compressor are obstacles in business, someone else’s interference in your life. A machine standing idle means your friends will succeed in life more than you. Starting or turning on a car means incredible difficulties when organizing a new business and help...

Why do you dream about a tractor? According to interpreters, it all depends on the model of agricultural machine. Thus, a tractor with a trailer promises difficulties in achieving your goals, with a bucket - a trap from deceitful friends, but a caterpillar tractor, on the contrary, predicts dizzying success. What other interpretations of dreams about this vehicle are there?

Miller's Dream Book

Dream Book of the Wanderer

The tractor here portends that you will win in the professional field.

Everyday dream book

A dream about a tractor hints at a quick solution to a troubling problem. Act decisively and don't be afraid of anything!

Seeing yourself as the driver of this transport means an unexpected trip filled with amazing adventures.

A wheeled tractor means tedious and low-paid work, a caterpillar tractor means a successful deal, easy achievement of financial success, possibly a bonus.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

If you dreamed of an overturned tractor, then a barrage of insoluble problems will fall upon you. A faithful friend will help you cope with them. Don't ignore advice and take on too much.

In a dream, did you climb onto a tractor? Outside support will save you from serious troubles. Anyone who sees himself running after an agricultural machine will experience the collapse of hopes and dreams. We need to pull ourselves together and set new guidelines.

Black transport also warns of upcoming difficulties and troubles. But if you are ready for them, solving problems will be within your reach. A row of standing tractors means a bad year, a bad harvest, and financial losses due to your own frivolity.

Also, seeing a tractor in a dream sometimes portends hearing problems and other otolaryngological diseases. Get a number to see a specialist.

Modern dream book

A modern tracked unit dreams of moving up the career ladder. A tractor ride always symbolizes a fun adventurous journey. But feeling like a tractor driver hints that in life you are on the sidelines. It's time to come out of the shadows!

Miller's Dream Book

According to this dream book, a tractor working in the field portends a lack of money to solve pressing problems. If in a dream you became a farmer, you will have to take upon yourself all the worries about the well-being of the family.

Dream book of the 21st century

An agricultural machine on wheels dreams of routine work without visible material gain. And on caterpillar tracks - to the offer of a highly paid position.