Description of the Renault Sandero engine design. Sore spots and shortcomings Renault Sandero Stepway Googling, we find data on this motor

A lot of time has passed since the release of the reno sandero stepway. It is noteworthy that in Russia this car took root well. Even the first releases pleased with the strength and reliability of the mechanisms. However, how many people, so many opinions: someone likes the model, and someone found a lot of minuses in the new modification. So what do Russian motorists say?

Majority opinion

The car is positioned as an excellent alternative to domestic models. Renault Sandero Stepway modification is inexpensive, it has all the necessary options: a slip lock system, power windows, heating, air conditioning, etc. Manufacturers have equipped the model with a wonderful suspension, thanks to which the car is perfectly accustomed to Russian roads. If it weren’t for the badge in front, then one could be naive to believe that everyone’s favorite AvtoVAZ finally “was born” and came up with a car with an adapted suspension. Unfortunately, the time for new solutions has not yet come.

The reliability of the Franco-Romanian product is perhaps the main advantage of the car. Further, opinions are divided: maneuverability and comfort, acceleration dynamics and the relevance of options - all this was subject to frequent discussions. Let's analyze objectively the issue of profitability of Renault Sandero Stepway.

General ideas of owners about the car


The appearance of the model causes a double impression: in front, it seems, it looks beautiful and stylish, and in the back, the body, as if chopped off. The feeling that the imagination of designers has dried up. But many owners are pleased with the doors: they don’t have to clap, the handles are soft, they open smoothly.

The general appearance of the Stepway is akin to an SUV. There are chrome linings, luggage arches of the original design and other elements. Fastening of the inscription and the same overlays is fragile. The manufacturer spares adhesive tape and glue, so it is possible that over time you will have to glue something. However, the manufacturer did not spare the paintwork: the layer thickness is excellent, if scratches appear, you can use a polish - this, by the way, is confirmed by most owners of Renault Sandero Stepway.

The dimensions of the car, according to many owners, are what you need. It is easy to park on such a car, it does not take up much space, and there is enough space inside to fit five people of average build. The trunk is small, but its volume can be increased, although then someone will have to leave the cabin, since there will be no space left behind. Many swear that the spare wheel is located in an inconvenient place - under the bottom. Someone, on the contrary, is sure that this is even better: it does not interfere in the trunk.


Consider the Renault Sandero Stepway salon: the owners' reviews about it are also ambiguous. The resulting opinion is:

  • The seats are not very comfortable and difficult to adjust properly. In this case, the position of the back is changed. The chair is not adjustable in height. But the landing is high, this allows you to correctly assess the situation on the road.
  • The steering wheel is adjustable in height, but the travel range is so small that you don’t really want to change its position. People of short stature will have to literally reach for the steering wheel, since the possibility of changing the longitudinal adjustment of the seat is also scarce.
  • Large glove box: the arm goes up to the elbow, but this practically does not affect the cabin space. The passenger is comfortable.
  • The driver may be annoyed by the panel indicators. Maybe the color is nasty because visual signaling should be more effective than warning lights, but not everyone likes it.
  • The plastic is cheap, not even worth talking about, but the steering wheel and gear lever covers are made of leather. It's nice.
  • Basically, the location of the keys of the controls is convenient. You can turn on the stove and air conditioner blindly. The same applies to power windows: the buttons for operating them are not located on the doors, but in the same place as the rear window heating key.
  • The pedal travel is clear, easy to press, so traffic is not complicated in traffic jams.
  • The hydraulic power steering does not allow you to turn the wheel with one finger. You have to apply a little effort.
  • The gear lever pleases with an excellent move: it is easy to switch gears, however, the shift mechanism in the Stepway modification is cable-operated.

In the winter season, the stove will save you from severe frost, but the air conditioner is rather weak, although it will fit on hot days. Some owners claim that after 10 thousand runs extraneous sounds appear when warming up. If this is noticed, you should immediately go to a service station.

The noise level of the car is also not restful. In the city, the engine does not bother with an “ominous roar”, but it is worth giving more than 3000 rpm, as a stable sound of the engine and wheels is felt in the cabin. Over time, "crickets" will appear, and first of all, for some reason, the front passenger door begins to creak. What is the secret is not clear.

As for the review, here it is complicated by a thick A-pillar: it creates a dead zone. I would also like more mirrors, although not everyone thinks so. Due to the specifics of the aerodynamic characteristics, it is often necessary to wipe the glass of the mirrors, so it is recommended to always carry a heavy roll of napkins. But the interior mirror allows you to well assess the situation behind, it's nice.


Now let's talk about the reno sandero stepway engine. When the first cars were released, Renault marketers considered that for now one modification of the engine would be enough, which is an 8-valve 1.6-liter gasoline engine with a capacity of 84 hp. and aggregated with a 5-speed manual transmission. And despite the fact that later a 16-valve gasoline engine with an automatic transmission appeared, many owners still remained faithful to the old modification of the unit tested over the years, so most of the owners' statements were about it.

This motor is reliable, unpretentious, but very noisy. He likes to “eat” 92 and 95 gasoline, but does not refuse the 98th either. The good news is that it is practically immune to gear selection, and does not detonate. A simple example: at a speed of 50 km / h, you can turn on the fifth gear, the car will gradually begin to accelerate to the limit. Acceleration, of course, is smooth, without pronounced acceleration. This style is suitable for measured driving around the city. Those who prefer to drive will be dissatisfied.

The gears are short, you can get under way with some inclination even without the gas pedal. The engine does not resist, it copes well with the load and obediently pulls the car. If you wish, you can get under way in second gear, practically nothing will change from this. All this is good, but outside the city at 100 km / h the engine spins up to 3000 rpm, and then a powerful acoustic attack begins. Further, the noise only intensifies, while the acceleration dynamics is noticeably reduced. After 100 km / h, everything except the noise seems to freeze.

To overtake the vehicle in front, you need to think over the maneuver in advance, otherwise you may not have time. After a short break-in, the car will accelerate to 155 km / h. This is with some margin of error. The unpleasant thing is that the car is quite voracious: when driving on the highway, it will take 8 liters. 100 km, and this despite the fact that the driver does not accelerate more than 100 km / h. In the combined cycle - 9 liters. per 100 km. Considering that the weight of the car is slightly more than a ton, and its power is 84 hp, then the consumption is high.


Owner reviews about the reno sandero stepway suspension are positive: energy-intensive, quiet, elastic, durable - these are its main characteristics. Because of this, some drivers stop avoiding potholes, some negligence appears in the ride, but this does not greatly affect the overall condition of the car. It is worth noting that she still does not like sharp cornering, the car falls over heavily.

The brakes work great, the pedal travel is small, but the slip lock system works a little early. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the grip of standard tires is insufficient, but there is no unequivocal opinion of car owners.

If to sum up

Budget car. Even if you take it on credit, you will get an amount that you don’t mind paying for a reliable Reno Sandero Stepway car: the price of which starts at 453 thousand rubles.

For driving around the city - the car is what you need. The driver does not get tired, although it depends on individual physiology. The suspension is perfect (as most car owners think), there are no problems with repairs either. The main thing is to carry out regular maintenance, because any car is like a child: you need to take care of it.

Components for cars are sold at affordable prices, owners should not wander around car markets in search of the right part, it is recommended to buy original spare parts, and only in dealerships. Well, it is better to take such additions as rugs and covers from private traders, since the original ones cost exorbitant amounts.

Along with the possibility of acquiring almost all parts for repair from official dealers, the low price of the Renault Sandero Stepway makes it possible to fairly squeeze eminent classmates on Russian roads.

➖ Dynamics (version with 82 HP engine)
➖ Color quality
➖ Small trunk
➖ Fuel consumption
➖ Noise isolation


➕ High ground clearance
➕ Design
➕ Patency

The advantages and disadvantages of Renault Sandero Stepway 2018-2019 in a new body are identified based on feedback from real owners. More detailed pros and cons of Renault Sandero Stepway 82 hp, as well as 102 and 113 hp. with mechanics, machine gun and robot can be found in the stories below:

Owner reviews

All in order:

1. After a year and a half, the paint swelled on the rear thresholds, they began to rust, the front passenger also, everything was done under warranty.

2. The overlay-sticker on the driver's doorstep has peeled off, to change the issue price itself is 1,400 rubles per sticker, plus work.

3. The front seats are very short, on a long journey, legs and knees start to hurt (maximum 800 km and then it's gone).

4. With a run of 8,000 km, the ball was covered, changed under warranty along with wheel alignment (unpleasant, like the paintwork on the rapids).

5. The armrest is an expensive option, without it the arm gets tired, and not so much with it. This is not an armrest, but some kind of misunderstanding.

6. The motor practically does not pull, you need to take it more powerful, but not with a gun, it is a 4-mortar, the speed after 120 km / h is prohibitive, and gasoline eats hoo.

7. After a year (25,000 km), the driver's seat creaked (as the wd lubrication dealer said, the gum is clogged with mud there).

8. The base is very short, so the car just jumps on bumps like a saiga, the rear passengers are especially “happy”.

9. The trunk is small.

10. The robot is buggy, hangs between gears on the rises (usually between 3-4, 4-5) and there is such a noise that horror. It happens rarely, but it happens. At the service, they shrug their hands and do not know what to do.

Dmitry Krutov, review of Renault Sandero Stepway 1.6 (82 hp) with a robot in 2015

Video review

We purchased our Bitch in September 2015. At the time of writing the review, we drove on it (for almost two years) 39,000 km. The first year there was a “break-in”, and fuel consumption was higher than now (9-10 liters per 100 km versus 7-8 liters now), and the engine seemed noisier.

After a run of 20,000 km, the machine became more playful than when buying (I read somewhere that this is the case on many Stepways). I got used to cruise control very quickly (I now use it even in the city), the steering column music control joystick is also convenient (I don’t know why many scold him).

What I liked about the car was the relatively high cross-country ability even on standard Continental tires (it got stuck only on clay after the rain - it licked and wound clay and clogged the fender liner), and I like to drive everywhere - a summer house, a river, a forest ...

It was often saved by the fact that the native steel protection of the internal combustion engine was installed, the muffler was “hidden” in the bottom niche. I realized this when I looked at the "belly" of the car from the pit - everything is beautiful, but the "lip" of the bumper (protective beam, but made of plastic) was a little poked.

I immediately drew attention to the complete absence of heat / sound insulation of the car - in winter, after the engine is stopped, the interior cools down rather quickly, when driving both on winter and summer tires, you can very well hear the rustle of stones and sand along the wheel arches and the clatter of spikes.

The disgusting quality of the carpets on the floor of the cabin and in the trunk - after each cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, quite a lot of pile remains on the brush.

Separately, I want to say about the quality of the rims - they are frankly soft - they bend from falling into good pits and are also easily corrected with a sledgehammer (observations on several similar machines).

Also, do not operate the car without covers - the quality of the beautiful seat upholstery leaves much to be desired. The same problem also affected the steering wheel braid - everything is beautiful, pleasant, but ... after 35,000 km, scuffs on the steering wheel became visible, and the skin began to crawl out.

Dmitry Sitnikov, review of Renault Sandero Stepway 1.6 (102 hp) mechanics 2015

Where can I buy?

Took the car in August, managed to leave the autumn, winter off-road. What can I say, for my money, a reliable machine with 20.5 cm under the belly (never met anywhere on bumps, curbs, pits, etc.), a torquey economical Nissan engine (compared to the turtle 86-horsepower that was I have in the first model). On the track, you can press down, uphill or overtaking is enough.

It is too early to judge how well iron is made in Samara compared to the tinned bodies that were brought from Romania for the first Sanderos, time will tell.

About the interior: good plastic, not scratched, high-quality seat upholstery material. the body is strong.

Patency: rushing through the mud and snow like a small tank (climbed into loose rural snow, and into the forest with deep puddles right up to the rapids after the rain), but there is not enough all-wheel drive.

Speed: after a high-speed Megan, of course, I got used to it for a month, cruising - 120 km (it will still go easily, but I decided not to force the engine in the first thousand). The machine is short, almost like a field, so I advise motorists to be careful with the speed limit.

At maximum speed, there is not enough heating for the rear seats, the stove for cold winters is rather weak. A small luggage compartment, which is offset by the installation of an upper roof rack-torpedo (shove it - I don’t want to).
There are not enough nets for the trunk in the basic configurations (I compensate by going to aliexpress). Noise is average.

Review of Renault Sandero Stepway 1.6 (113 hp) with 2016 mechanics

The car is interesting, but niche. Its strengths are huge ground clearance, a very muscular suspension, crossover appearance with useful roof rails, as well as a not too biting price with rich equipment.

The car is clearly not for long-distance travel (due to the size of the cabin and the inability to drive monolithically in a straight line at high speed), but an excellent option for country outings and settlements with very poor asphalt or even dirt roads.

The main disadvantages of the Stepway are poor sound insulation and huge fuel consumption for such a machine - under 15 liters in the city. True, this is in winter and taking into account warming up. At positive temperatures, a typical urban consumption in Moscow is 12-13 liters per hundred, but this is still a lot.

Ilya Sukhanov, review of Renault Sandero Stepway 1.6 (102 hp) robot 2016

Most drivers have already resigned themselves to the fact that all the cars that currently appear on the market look pretty monotonous.

Their design and technical parameters become almost the same, which differ only in small nuances.

But with the advent of the new version of Chery Tiggo, sales of which started in the first days of the second week of August, the situation has changed dramatically. This car has its own unique appearance and is ahead of all the closest competitors not only in terms of performance, but also in terms of cost, which is set within fairly reasonable limits. This, at first glance, an ordinary car, upon closer examination, has a considerable number of technical features.

It can be opened using a smart watch, the multimedia system is available and the air conditioner is controlled by gestures.

The heating function is provided for all seats, the steering wheel, the windshield and even the nozzles of its washer. The car is a crossover with a two-liter engine and costs only a million rubles.

The differences between the machine and other models of this class are expressed in the following features:

Feature 1. Availability of smart watches. This gadget is offered as standard when purchasing the top-end Techno package. According to the manufacturer, this device is called a smart bracelet key, but in fact, it is more like a watch, especially since one of its main functions is to show the time. In addition, it can be used to raise and lower windows, open and close car doors, and even start the engine from a distance. As auxiliary functions, there is the possibility of notification of messages and calls, a reminder of events and counting steps, the distance traveled and calories burned, as well as finding a phone. Synchronization is possible with both Android and iOS. Designed to withstand pressure when immersed under water to a depth of 30 meters. The car became a pioneer in the compact crossover class, with the presence of such a device as standard.

Feature 2. Gesture control. On this vehicle, it is possible to control some functions using gestures. For example, swiping your finger in front of the screen makes it possible to switch tracks, slightly shaking your finger - adjusting the volume, bringing an open palm to the sensor - switching to control the air conditioning system, and so on.

Feature 3. Electronic assistants. This model is characterized by the presence of a large number of electronic systems, which are already included in the basic package. In addition, the car is equipped with a monitor, the diagonal of which is the largest in its class - just 7 inches, with a variable backlight tone, a temperature and tire pressure monitoring system, and a smart lighting system. In addition, the body was galvanized with the presence of elements from five varieties of high-strength steel. The warranty period is 5 years or 150,000 km.

In our country, it differs little from Logan engines and the Stepway version. Cars use the same engine range and gearboxes. It is a pity that more power units are not available to our consumers. Indeed, in other markets today with Renault Sandero they offer very interesting engines, for example, a gasoline turbocharged three-cylinder (!) engine with a chain drive, two camshafts and a displacement of only 0.9 liters (90 hp). The newest unit in our photo. In addition, in Russia there is no diesel 1.5 liter dci engine, it is installed on Sandero in many countries of the world. We can only meet him on the Duster.

The first Renault Sandero in our country received three gasoline power units, these are 8-valve versions with a working volume of 1.4 and 1.6 liters. Plus a 16-valve engine. All motors are structurally connected. The first two differ only in the piston stroke. Actually, if the Sandero 1.4 engine has a piston stroke of 70 mm, then the Sandero 1.6 engine has a piston stroke of 80.5 mm.

The 16-valve engine has a different cylinder head with two camshafts. In addition, the 1.6-liter Sandero 16-valve engine has hydraulic compensators in the cylinder head that automatically adjust the thermal clearance of the valves. For 8-valve units, it is necessary to periodically adjust the valve clearances manually. All 3 engines have a cast-iron cylinder block, an aluminum block head, and a belt in the timing drive. Further, the detailed characteristics of the first generation Sandero engines.

Engine Renault Sandero 1.4 MPi 75 hp (model K7J) characteristics, fuel consumption, dynamics

  • Working volume - 1390 cm3
  • Number of cylinders - 4
  • Number of valves - 8
  • Cylinder diameter - 79.5 mm
  • Piston stroke - 70 mm
  • Power hp / kW - 75/56 at 5500 rpm
  • Torque - 112 Nm at 3000 rpm
  • Maximum speed - 162 kilometers per hour
  • Acceleration to the first hundred - 13 seconds
  • Fuel consumption in the city - 9.2 liters
  • Combined fuel consumption - 6.8 liters
  • Fuel consumption on the highway - 5.5 liters

Engine Renault Sandero 1.6 MPi 87 hp (model K7M) characteristics, fuel consumption, dynamics

  • Working volume - 1598 cm3
  • Number of cylinders - 4
  • Number of valves - 8
  • Cylinder diameter - 79.5 mm
  • Piston stroke - 80.5 mm
  • Power hp / kW - 87/64 at 5500 rpm
  • Torque - 128 Nm at 3000 rpm
  • Maximum speed - 175 kilometers per hour
  • Acceleration to the first hundred - 11.5 seconds
  • Fuel consumption in the city - 10 liters
  • Combined fuel consumption - 7.2 liters
  • Fuel consumption on the highway - 5.7 liters

Renault Sandero 1.6 16V 102 hp engine (K4M model) characteristics, fuel consumption, dynamics

  • Working volume - 1598 cm3
  • Number of cylinders - 4
  • Number of valves - 16
  • Cylinder diameter - 79.5 mm
  • Piston stroke - 80.5 mm
  • Power hp / kW - 102/75 at 5700 rpm
  • Torque - 145 Nm at 3750 rpm
  • Maximum speed - 180 kilometers per hour
  • Acceleration to the first hundred - 10.5 seconds
  • Fuel consumption in the city - 9.4 liters
  • Combined fuel consumption - 7.1 liters
  • Fuel consumption on the highway - 5.8 liters

Second generation Renault Sandero lost the 1.4 liter engine. The 1.6 engine was adjusted to Euro-5 environmental standards, as a result, the power decreased from 87 horses to 82 hp. The new Sandero and Sandero Stepway also have a 16-valve engine. But the most interesting engine that Sandero didn’t have before is gasoline 16-valve with a working volume of only 1.2 liters. There is little information about the new engine for our country.

But we already know a few things. Factory index of the new motor Sandero 1.2 D4F, power is 75 hp. As a timing drive belt. Despite the fact that the engine is 4-cylinder and 16-valve, there is only one camshaft. In the design of the engine, more precisely in the cylinder head, there is a rather interesting mechanism that allows one camshaft to be controlled with 16 valves. In the head of the motor there is a mass of rocker arms, on which the camshaft cams run, and already the rocker arms open the valves. Another feature of the engine Sandero 1.2 It can be considered the need for periodic adjustment of the thermal clearances of the valves. That is, this unit does not have any hydraulic lifters. Further more detailed characteristics of the new motor.

Engine Renault Sandero 1.2 16V 75 hp (model D4F) characteristics, fuel consumption, dynamics

  • Working volume - 1149 cm3
  • Number of cylinders - 4
  • Number of valves - 16
  • Cylinder diameter - 69.0 mm
  • Stroke - 76.8 mm
  • Power hp / kW - 75/55 at 5500 rpm
  • Torque - 107 Nm at 4250 rpm
  • Maximum speed - 156 kilometers per hour
  • Acceleration to the first hundred - 14.5 seconds
  • Fuel consumption in the city - 7.7 liters
  • Fuel consumption in the combined cycle - 6 liters
  • Fuel consumption on the highway - 5.1 liters

Due to the small volume, the new 1.2-liter engine is very economical. However, it is worth considering that the dynamics with such an engine will not impress you very much. Acceleration of hundreds in 14.5 seconds. Actually, if you prefer a calm driving style, then Sandero 1.2 is your option. Fuel consumption of 6-7 liters is quite real.

Litra has two versions, one with 8 valves, the other with 16 valves. In technical terms, the engines differ only in the arrangement of the cylinder head and, naturally, in power. Sandero 1.6 8 valves produces 87 hp (Euro-2) or 82 hp (Euro 5), 16-valve version 102 horsepower.

The eight-valve version of the engine is simpler because it has only one camshaft, but the valve clearance needs to be adjusted periodically. In the 16-valve modification, there are hydraulic compensators providing automatic valve clearance. Both Sandero 1.6 engines are also installed on Renault Logan. We will not talk about the 8-valve power unit, since. Let's focus on Renault Sandero 1.6 16-valve engine.

Engine device Renault Sandero 1.6 16V

The power unit is called K4M, it is an atmospheric gasoline, four-stroke, four-cylinder, in-line, 16-valve, with an overhead arrangement of two camshafts. The order of operation of the cylinders: 1-3-4-2, counting - from the flywheel. The power system is distributed fuel injection.

The cylinder block is made of cast iron, the block head is cast from an aluminum alloy. The gas distribution mechanism has two camshafts and 16 valves. Connecting rods - steel, I-section, processed together with covers. The covers are attached to the connecting rods with special bolts and nuts. Piston pin - steel, tubular section. The pin, pressed into the upper head of the connecting rod, rotates freely in the piston bosses. The piston is made of aluminum alloy. The piston skirt has a complex shape: in the longitudinal section - barrel-shaped, in the transverse - oval. Three grooves for piston rings are machined in the upper part of the piston. The two upper piston rings are compression rings, and the lower one is oil scraper.

Renault Logan 1.6 16V 102 hp engine (K4M model) characteristics, fuel consumption, dynamics

  • Working volume - 1598 cm3
  • Number of cylinders - 4
  • Number of valves - 16
  • Cylinder diameter - 79.5 mm
  • Piston stroke - 80.5 mm
  • Power hp / kW - 102/75 at 5700 rpm
  • Torque - 145 Nm at 3750 rpm
  • Maximum speed - 180 kilometers per hour
  • Acceleration to the first hundred - 10.5 seconds
  • Fuel consumption in the city - 9.4 liters
  • Combined fuel consumption - 7.1 liters
  • Fuel consumption on the highway - 5.8 liters

Renault Sandero 1.6 engine cylinder head- made of aluminum alloy, common to all four cylinders. It is centered on the block with two bushings and fastened with ten screws. A non-shrink metal gasket is installed between the block and the head. The camshafts are driven by a toothed belt from the crankshaft. The valve mechanism with a hydraulic support, which automatically ensures backlash-free contact of the camshaft cam with the valve lever roller, compensating for wear on the cam, lever, valve stem end, seat chamfers and valve disc. Spark plugs are installed in the center of each combustion chamber, the valves are V-shaped. Further photo of the valve mechanism of the Sandero 1.6 16 valve engine.

  • 1 - Camshaft
  • 2 - Candle well
  • 3 - Hydro bearing
  • 4 - Valve lever

The hydraulic bearings of the valve levers are installed in the sockets of the cylinder head. A hydraulic compensator with a check ball valve is installed inside the body of the hydraulic support. The oil inside the hydraulic support comes from the line in the cylinder head through the hole in the hydraulic support body.

Replacing the timing belt Renault Sandero 1.6 (Renault Logan 1.6) 16 valves

Replacing the timing belt in a 16-valve Sandero / Logan engine quite a complicated procedure, so for its implementation, please be patient and attentive. To begin with, a photograph of a 16-valve timing drive for a general understanding of the design and device.

  • 1 – a gear pulley of a cranked shaft
  • 2 - timing belt
  • 3 - tension roller
  • 4 – a gear pulley of a camshaft of a drive of final valves
  • 5 – a gear pulley of a camshaft of a drive of inlet valves
  • 6 - bypass roller
  • 7 – a gear pulley of the pump of a cooling liquid

To replace the timing belt, you need to remove the right support of the power unit, the right mudguard of the engine compartment, by the way, for the convenience of the process, it is advisable to work on a pit, overpass or lift. Unscrew the top cover of the timing drive. Then unscrew the lower timing cover. With the “18” head, we unscrew the bolt securing the crankshaft pulley. Remove the pulley and bottom cover.

In order not to disturb the valve timing, before removing the timing belt, it is necessary to set the crankshaft and camshafts to the TDC (top dead center) position of the compression stroke of the 1st cylinder. To rotate the crankshaft, we screw the crankshaft pulley bolt into place, with the help of it we will crank the engine without removing the belt.

To determine the position of the camshafts, it is necessary to remove two rubber-metal plugs from the holes in the left end of the cylinder head. Under the plugs are the ends of the camshafts with special grooves. See photo

Here in these grooves it is necessary to insert a special metal plate that will block the camshafts from turning. The grooves should be in a horizontal position, as in the photo.

Now you need to block the crankshaft of the 16-valve engine from scrolling. For this, Sandero or Logan has a special technological hole with a plug in the cylinder block under the emergency oil pressure alarm sensor. We unscrew the plug and screw in a suitable threaded bolt. The main thing is that the thread of this bolt should be at least 75 mm. This bolt blocks the crankshaft from turning in the TDC position of the pistons of the 1st and 4th cylinders.

After we have blocked the camshafts and crankshaft at TDC of the first cylinder, you can remove the old timing belt and install a new one. We must say right away that when replacing the belt, it is necessary to change the tension and bypass rollers. We loosen the tension roller nut and loosen the belt tension with a special hedron of the appropriate size. With the help of the same gem, when installing a new timing belt, we tighten the belt. We look at the photo.

After replacing and adjusting the belt tension, do not forget to unscrew the bolt from the cylinder block that kept the crankshaft from turning, and also remove the plate that kept the camshafts from turning. Another important thing, when installing a new Logan / Sandero 1.6 16V timing belt, on which the arrows are marked, we orient it so that the arrows coincide with the direction of the belt. A belt, like all pulleys, rotates clockwise.

This manual will be useful to many owners of various Renault models. Since the Renault K4M 1.6 16-valve engine with a timing belt is installed on Logan, Sandero, Sandero Stepway, Duster, Megan, Fluence and other models of the French manufacturer.