Why is an emulsion formed on the dipstick and oil filler cap. Why is there an emulsion on the dipstick and oil filler cap White emulsion on the oil cap

Often in winter, during severe frosts, car owners who at least occasionally look under the hood of their car and check the engine oil level could observe a strange whitish-brown coating. It usually occurs on the oil filler cap and directly on the dipstick itself.For inexperienced drivers, this causes serious concern, while others unknowingly rush to blthe nearest service station, and there already experienced guys can “sentence” the engine and change the cylinder head gasket without need, but for the client’s money.

Actually, what kind of misfortune is this and what danger does it bring to the engine? I hasten to reassure everyone right away: e an emulsion of water and oil that has the color of a yellowish-brown foam s does not pose any danger to the internal combustion engine! This is ordinary condensate, i.e. a liquid formed when a gas or vapor condenses. Where can she come from? Of course, from the moist air that enters the engine. That's why "white plaque" often occurs during the cold autumn-winter-spring period.

An emulsion forms in the crankcase ventilation system. I will not dwell on the SVKG in detail, I will only note that the operation of the engine of your car largely depends on its proper functioning, the same oil consumption, handling. In short, the ventilation system is designed to equalize the pressure in the crankcase (approx. to remove crankcase gases) with atmospheric pressure, which avoids oil leaks from the cylinder head gasket, oil seals, and even extrusion of the oil dipstick.

In particular, car owners bmw often faced with the replacement of the crankcase ventilation valve (CVKG). This valve serves to regulate the pressure of crankcase gases entering the intake manifold. With a slight vacuum, the valve is open. With a significant vacuum in the inlet duct, the valve closes.

This is how the VCG kit for the BMW M52TU engine looks like. The cost at the official dealer - 3.5 million rubles

Most often the membrane wears out KVKG. Over time, it becomes dubious and breaks, as a result of which a failure occurs in the operation of the car engine (approx. speed floats, acceleration dynamics decreases). But we will return to the formation of "white plaque".

Worn CVKG membrane

So, hot crankcase gases , which are formed in the SVK, contain water vapor. Recall the chemistry course: when In the complete combustion of hydrocarbon fuels, the end products are carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour. So, these same crankcase gases ( approx. or rather, water vapor from them) and condense on the cold valve cover of the engine, as well as its other cold parts and, in contact with the oil, form an emulsion. Here we come to a very important conclusion.

Diaphragms for the VKG valve are purchased separately

As you know, the engine often runs in winter for a short time and does not warm up completely (it’s good if we drive 10 km to work in the morning). And exactly in an unheated state, a white emulsion can form quite a lot, and it becomes noticeable attentive car owner.As a conclusion: white plaque is the result short distances in cold weather . There are no issues of any kind. This is actually confirmed specialists official Volkswagen service.

"White emulsion on the dipstick and oil filler cap is normal in our winter conditions and nothing needs to be done. The emulsion is formed due to moisture condensation on the most rapidly cooling parts of the engine (valve cover and dipstick). There is only one recommendation - to give the engine the opportunity to warm up to operating temperature Condensation is greater the more often short trips in cold weather (approx. without warming up the engine to operating temperature),- told us Head of the service department of the official importer of Volkswagen "Atlant-M Farzeughandel" Vladimir Voiteshonok. - By themselves, the deposits do not carry any harm. As for possible complications in the operation of the internal combustion engine, this issue is more extensive. Short trips in cold weather without sufficient warm-up lead to rapid wear of engine parts. Therefore, in such operating conditions, it is necessary to change the engine oil more often at a minimum and try to reduce trips over short distances.

How to deal with emulsion? First, don't keep warm in winter engine at idle. The fact is that at idle speed the crankcase ventilation system is little involved, also full warm up at idle will take a very long time.

It should start moving after a little warming up. in 5-7 minutes. I brushed the snow off the car with a brush - and drove off! On the road, at gentle speeds, the engine will reach the optimum operating temperature much faster than during a long idle car in the parking lot. AT other , such advice is indicated in instruction manual auto, it is also asked to be used in practice by specialists of official services.

If you suspect a breakdown of the cylinder head gasket and, as a result, the ingress of gases or antifreeze into the oil system, then for this you should inspect the radiator of a warm car for the formation of bubbles, as well as the crankcase of a warm engine for significant white plaque directly into himself crankcase. As a rule, the emulsion on the valve cover disappears after the engine has been running under load for a long time. . For example, a long trip without stops at a speed of 100-120 km / h leads to its disappearance.

If a white coating is found above the measuring divisions, there is nothing to worry about.

If a copious emulsion is found on the dipstick above measuring divisions, that is no cause for concern: crankcase gases break out and, mixing with oil when lower temperatures lead to the formation of condensate . But if white foam or a thick layer of plaque appears on the probe, then this is a minimum a good reason to take a closer look at the condition of the engine.

But such a white coating should arouse suspicion

It is also important to pay attention to exhaust smoke color. If it is thick and white, then the likelihood of mixing oil and antifreeze as a result of a breakdown of the cylinder head gasket very high . Also, it will not be superfluous to observe the level of antifreeze. If there is less antifreeze, and the oil level, on the contrary, has increased, you will at least have to remove the cylinder head, replace the gasket and valve stem seals. But even worse, when antifreeze gets into the combustion chamber, it causes corrosion of the walls of the cylinder liner. There is already a serious repair can not be avoided.

Normal oil level on the dipstick

If its level did not increase, there was very little plaque, and there was no less antifreeze, and in addition an emulsion appeared on the cap of the oil filler neck, it is quite possible that the cause of this was poor-quality oil or condensation of moisture that got into it. I repeat, in winter this is a frequent occurrence. no emergency action required and goes away on its own with increasing temperature.

Dmitry Makarevich

A white substance with a yellow tint on the dipstick, under the oil filler cap, indicates an impurity in the engine oil of a foreign liquid. But where exactly does the emulsion come from in the engine and why does it happen mainly in cold weather? Consider the main causes and methods for diagnosing malfunctions.


Emulsions are formed by two immiscible liquids. In most cases, one of the phases of the emulsion is water. In other words, when engine oil and water are mixed in the engine, you will find a white-yellow coating in the sump, on the dipstick, the oil filler cap. The reasons for the appearance of an emulsion in the engine are only 2:

  • ingress of coolant into the oil, the component of which is water. Antifreeze leakage manifests itself not only as an emulsion, but also as a decrease in the amount of coolant in the tank, an increase in the oil level in the sump;

In no case do not continue to operate the car if you find an emulsion on the dipstick. In this state, the oil loses its lubricity. Equally dangerous is the ingress of engine oil into the cooling system, which is why the likelihood of engine overheating is high.

  • formation of condensate on the oil filler cap in the winter season.

White coating on the oil filler cap

Many drivers are seriously scared when they see a white emulsion on the inside of the lid. But in most cases, their fears are unjustified, since plaque occurs due to the peculiarities of engine operation in the frosty season.

The ingress of moisture into the crankcase ventilation system is a natural process. But during the operation of the car in the warm season, it has time to evaporate. With the onset of frost, moisture actively condenses on all chilled surfaces. When the engine warms up, this moisture completely evaporates from the surface of the heated parts. But since the oil filler cap does not always have time to warm up in cold weather, condensation accumulates on its inside. Drops of water, mixed with oil vapor, form a yellow emulsion.

In other words, the main reason for the emulsion on the cover is the short runs of the car, during which all engine parts do not have time to warm up thoroughly. That is why owners most often notice such a raid in winter, late autumn and early spring. If you find emulsion on the oil filler cap, but the oil is in good condition on the dipstick, you should not worry. It is enough to wipe the cover and periodically monitor the condition of the oil in the engine.

To reduce the amount of emulsion, periodically drive the car more than a few kilometers from home to work and back. At the same time, we strongly do not recommend for a long time.

How can antifreeze get into the oil?

How to determine why antifreeze gets into the oil?

Quite rarely, the mixing of coolant with oil occurs unilaterally. It is more likely that if you find emulsion on the dipstick and under the valve cover, you will find traces of oil in the expansion tank.

In search of the cause of the emulsion in the engine, we recommend that you follow the path of least resistance, starting with easily accessible units. If an oil heat exchanger is installed on the car, inspect its body for antifreeze smudges, oil fogging. These symptoms can serve as an indirect sign that the cause of the malfunction is in the cooler.

Having found a white emulsion on the dipstick and at the initial stage of the onset of a problem, you can limit yourself to flushing the engine by changing the oil n times. For such purposes, you can use even cheap mineral-based products. Even so, it's important to know.

If the entire filling volume of engine oil has turned into an emulsion, you cannot do without a complete disassembly of the engine. At the same time, be sure to blow out the lubrication channels of the crankshaft journals, oil nozzles of the piston group. The emulsion can clog the channels, which will lead to the sad consequences of oil starvation.

Troubleshooting BC, block heads and gaskets

After removing the cylinder head, carefully inspect the gasket and mating surfaces. The areas of weakness that cause the oil and antifreeze to mix are usually clearly visible on an old gasket.

If the gasket is satisfactory, most likely a microcrack has formed in the cylinder head or BC. In the article about, we talked about how using kerosene you can check the BC at home. When possible, we recommend using the help of professionals. As practice shows, only a test on a pressure test stand can reliably determine the fact of leakage of liners, oil circulation channels, coolant.

Features of the VAZ cylinder head

The design of the cylinder head installed on the VAZ 2101, 2102, 2103, 2104, 2105, 2106, 2107 engines has aluminum plugs. In rare cases, these plugs are destroyed, exposing antifreeze to the cylinder head. Therefore, the owners of these car models should be aware of the reason, uncharacteristic for most cars, due to which an emulsion appears on the probe and inside the engine.

In the process of surface diagnostics, you should start by checking the level in the cooling system. To do this, you need to unscrew the cap of the expansion tank on a slightly cooled or cold unit. A decrease in the coolant level for no apparent reason may indicate malfunctions in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head of the block, problems with the cylinder head gasket or the cylinder block itself.

  • Gasket failure or defects are the most common cause of moisture getting into the oil. In other words, the oil contains coolant, which is a mixture of chemical concentrate and water.

The tightness of the gasket is usually violated both as a result of the natural wear of this element, and after the motor overheats. In the event that overheating occurred earlier and the gasket did not change, then the condition of the oil must be monitored separately.

The natural wear of the gasket occurs due to the fact that the element experiences significant temperature loads, constantly working under conditions of high pressure. As a rule, the gasket fails on runs from 100 thousand km. and more. With a broken gasket, the engine runs unevenly, antifreeze leaves.

To eliminate the malfunction that occurred after natural wear, you just need to remove the cylinder head and replace the gasket. If the motor overheated, then it may require.

  • After overheating, the cylinder head of the engine often "leads". This means that the geometry is broken, the mating planes of the BC and the cylinder head do not match, it is not possible to achieve a normal fit even after replacing the gasket. In such a situation, the engine needs a more serious repair or even replacement of the cylinder head.

Exhaust gases in case of problems with the gasket can enter the cooling system, as a result of which, after unscrewing the radiator cap or expansion tank, you can see smoke and coolant seething of varying degrees of intensity.

  • The appearance of cracks in the cylinder block or block head can also occur as a result of overheating or temperature fluctuations, or be the consequences of wear, damage or.

In the latter case, a common cause is the use of running or distilled water instead of antifreeze, the filling of low-quality coolant, a large amount of water in relation to the concentrate, or an antifreeze or antifreeze concentrate improperly diluted with water.

We also note that cracks or deformation of the cylinder head can occur if, in severe frosts, immediately turn off the engine, which had previously worked at its limit. For example, such consequences are sometimes caused by a sudden stop of a heated unit after driving along the highway at maximum speed. Microcracks in the block and head can also be the result of accidents, aggressive vehicle operation, driving over serious obstacles, etc.

  • The possibility of active accumulation of condensate in the internal cavity of the engine crankcase should not be excluded. This occurs when weather or other conditions contribute to significant temperature fluctuations. During such drops, outside air enters the crankcase through the breather and the crankcase ventilation system.

In some cases, moisture from the air in large quantities can condense on the walls, after which it enters the oil and forms an emulsion on the dipstick and cap. The usual oil change helps to solve the problem, before which it is recommended to additionally flush the engine with special flushing compounds.

  • Strong wear of the CPG, combined with the ingress of antifreeze into the cylinders, can also be the cause of the formation of an emulsion. In this case, the coolant not only enters the cylinders, but also flows through the piston rings into the crankcase.

As a result, the oil thins, the coolant level drops, and the oil level rises. At the same time, the emulsion and the loss of its protective and other properties by the oil are clearly visible.

We add that if the CPG is in order, then the antifreeze will not enter the crankcase. In this case, a strong accumulation of coolant often leads to water hammer. Another common situation is when, with minor leaks, the engine starts, but after starting it is strong.

What is the result

As you can see, the main cause of the emulsion on the dipstick and oil filler cap is the working fluid of the cooling system. In such a situation, it is recommended to stop the operation of the internal combustion engine and immediately carry out repairs.

To determine microcracks and other subtle damage, the cylinder head or BC should be checked for tightness in a special bath. This method involves the supply of air under pressure and allows you to detect even the smallest defects.

After the diagnosis, you can accurately verify the severity of the problem, as well as the possibility or impossibility. In any case, before carrying out the inspection, one should not hastily decide on the need to replace damaged elements.

Finally, we add that if in the cold season a white emulsion is noticeable on the oil filler cap for no other reason, while the amount of emulsion is very small and antifreeze does not go away, then for a start it will be enough just to change the engine oil.

It may also be necessary to slightly shorten the subsequent service interval. With the onset of heat, the problem may disappear by itself, since the car will not be subject to significant temperature changes, and excess moisture will be eliminated from the engine along with the replacement of the lubricant.

Read also

Why getting antifreeze in engine oil is a serious problem. What are the consequences for the internal combustion engine after driving on a mixture of coolant and oil.

  • Foaming of engine oil in the engine: in what cases and why is such a phenomenon dangerous for the engine. The main causes of malfunction, diagnostics.
  • Automotive service technicians as well as automakers recommend changing the oil in gasoline or diesel engines every 10,000 kilometers. But even if you follow this regulation, sooner or later the car owner notices that an emulsion has formed on the oil filler cap. In appearance, this emulsion resembles mayonnaise and plunges many drivers, and especially beginners, into shock. By the way, the color of "mayonnaise" may vary. Let's look at the causes of this phenomenon, and also learn how to deal with the problem.

    What is a white emulsion?

    Modern motor oils, which are sold everywhere and everywhere today, are made on a hydrocarbon basis. During the combustion of gasoline, various substances are formed. These are antifreeze, water, alcohols, acids, and also peroxides. All these substances in hydrocarbons are mixed, resulting in a white emulsion on the oil filler cap. Why does she show up here? It's simple - due to the huge number of microscopic bubbles, the emulsion has a white color in case of severe oil contamination. The filler cap and dipstick are one of the coldest places.

    Therefore, "mayonnaise" adheres well to these surfaces.


    Car service specialists and just experienced motorists say that there are a huge number of reasons for the appearance of an emulsion. Most often, this white mixture can occur when coolant enters the crankcase of the power unit. This can happen due to a breakdown of the gasket between the cylinder head and the engine block. Also, the emulsion on the oil filler cap may indicate cracks in the cylinder block or in the head. Another possible reason for antifreeze to enter the crankcase is the deformation of the cylinder head elements. Condensation is also possible, especially in winter.

    Also, "mayonnaise" is formed when there is no crankcase ventilation in the engine. The gas is hot and contains a lot of water, which is deposited in the form of condensate on top of the motor. As a result, a white emulsion accumulates on the oil filler cap. It is rather difficult to uncover the exact reason why this “mayonnaise”, which frightens many motorists, arises. But in most cases this is due to the breakdown of the cylinder head gasket. Because of this, the coolant freely enters the oil channels and mixes with the oil there. It should be noted that if antifreeze gets into the lubricant, it is no longer subject to operation. Both oil and coolant need to be changed. This is true for all car models without exception. An emulsion appears on the oil filler cap on all machines, without exception, if there is damage or operating conditions are violated. Often, motorists are faced with “mayonnaises” of different colors at the first drop in temperature - in autumn and winter. But do not sound the alarm. This is condensation that occurs due to the temperature difference between a warm engine and the air outside. When the engine is warm, then the moisture in the oil will evaporate, but some of it will accumulate in the form of condensate on the filler cap. What is interesting: many cars are susceptible to this disease, but the Gazelle practically does not suffer from this.

    Possible consequences

    When water, condensate or coolant gets into lubricants, the oil quickly loses its properties. Accordingly, lubricating properties are reduced. In winter, oils can even crystallize, which will not affect the engine in the best way. The film between the rubbing pairs of parts leads to rapid wear of all parts in the motor without exception.

    Most often, in these cases, the engine simply wedges, and this is an expensive repair. Therefore, if an emulsion has formed on the oil filler cap, the reasons should be carefully examined. It is urgent to find the problem and fix it.

    More about condensate

    Even those who store their cars in the garage face such a problem. But most often it worries those who park cars in the yard. If the car regularly spends the night on the street in the fall during the rainy season, then a large amount of water vapor may well enter the crankcase cavity. They condense in pipes and on oily surfaces. At one time, from 1-2 g of condensate can enter the motor. This is enough to form an emulsion on the oil filler cap. By the way, the bubbles will be visible on the dipstick. In winter, the owner will see "mayonnaise" very often. If the car is constantly driven for short distances, and the engine does not warm up to 90 degrees, then this is also one of the reasons why condensation accumulates in the engine. "Treatment" is carried out by long runs, or by warming up to operating temperatures.

    Faulty crankcase ventilation system

    If the ventilation system is clogged and not working as it should, then gases and vapors will try to escape through the dipstick and other places in the engine. In this case, it is not surprising that an emulsion appeared on the oil filler cap.

    The only good news is that the oil is clean and there is no antifreeze in it. If you fix the crankcase ventilation system, then you don’t even have to replace lubricants.

    Coolant: serious case

    We need to consider this topic in more detail. One of the most common sources of liquids that form an emulsion when mixed with oil is antifreeze, or antifreeze. Why does this happen and how does the coolant get into the engine? Everything is simple. The coolant will get through damage in the cylinder head gasket area from the cooling circuits. Antifreeze leaks in there under high pressure. This is normal, because in half the oil it is much less.


    To check these reasons, the lubricating fluid is drained from a sufficiently warm engine into a previously prepared container. In hot oil, even with the naked eye, traces of coolant will be visible, which will turn into an emulsion as it cools. If there is a lot of water in the antifreeze, then most of it will accumulate under a layer at the bottom of the crankcase. Naturally, this slurry will be sucked in by the oil receiver. If a yellow emulsion has formed on the oil filler cap, then it is better to temporarily stop using the car. A viscous mixture will clog the channels for the movement of lubricant. Connecting rod bearings, piston rings, main bearings with such a liquid will quickly fail.

    Bad fuel as one of the reasons

    If the oil contains an emulsion, this is a consequence of the fact that the car was filled with low-quality gasoline.

    Today, fuel sometimes contains kerosene, alcohol, water, and other ingredients. Conclusion - in order to exclude the formation of "mayonnaise" in the engine, it is better to refuel at proven gas stations.

    Breakdown of the cylinder head gasket

    If emulsion is visible on the oil filler cap, the reasons are often a gasket leak. Breakdown is possible due to burnout due to overheating or as a result of physical obsolescence and wear of the gasket. But such cases occur only on old engines that have not been monitored. The main symptom of a breakdown is the unstable operation of the motor. You will also notice the coolant leaving the expansion tank. If you perform diagnostics in a timely manner, then you can limit yourself to just replacing the gasket. This is done in just two hours. If you let go of the situation, then everything will be much worse.

    Cracks in the cylinder head and block

    The emulsion on the oil filler cap (including VAZ-2107) is often formed due to cracks in the head or block. This happens due to freezing of antifreeze. It is necessary to monitor the characteristics of the operating temperatures of the coolant. Do not pour water into the radiator.

    It remains inside the system even if the coolant is completely drained. As a result, water freezes in the most inappropriate places. Most often, the channels of the block or cylinder head crack. Also, the engine is deformed due to mechanical shocks. If there was a frontal impact to the car, do not exclude the possibility of cracks on the block.

    Water in the engine sump

    This problem can only be eliminated by completely replacing the lubricating fluid. It is best to flush the engine using specialized substances. An emulsion often forms on the oil filler cap in winter due to temperature fluctuations.

    The situation when water enters the crankcase through the combustion chambers is very rare in itself. This is only possible on engines where the piston group is in poor condition with “tired” rings.


    As you can see, "mayonnaise" is a bad sign for the motor. It is important to constantly monitor the condition of the power unit. If you do not fix the problem in time, you can get into expensive repairs. At the first sign, when an emulsion forms on the oil filler cap (whether it is condensate or not, it does not matter), you must immediately take the necessary measures.

    Experts recommend changing the oil every 8 and 10 thousand kilometers on diesel and gasoline engines, respectively. However, when the cap is opened, an emulsion appears on the oil filler cap. Such "mayonnaise" definitely drives drivers into shock. What to do if an emulsion has formed on the oil filler cap of a BMW or other car? Let's consider.


    The presence of the so-called mayonnaise can say a lot. Often, this emulsion occurs when coolant enters the crankcase system. It happens:

    • Due to the breakdown of the gasket between the block and the head.
    • The presence of a crack in the head or block.
    • Deformation of the cylinder head element.
    • Ingress of water or (antifreeze or antifreeze) into the cylinders, and then into the crankcase.
    • Condensate formation.
    • Absences Hot gas contains a high percentage of water, which condenses at the top of the engine, resulting in an emulsion on the oil filler cap.

    Determining the exact cause of the appearance of "mayonnaise" is quite difficult. However, in 80 percent this is a breakdown. Due to this malfunction, the antifreeze present in the cooling system is mixed in the oil channels with the lubrication system.

    As a result, an emulsion appears under the oil filler cap. It is worth noting that such oil and antifreeze are no longer subject to further operation. Both components are replaced with new ones. By the way, the emulsion on the oil filler cap (VAZ-2107 is no exception) may occur due to operating conditions. Often it occurs in winter and autumn at the first cold snap. This is due to the occurrence of condensate, which is formed when the temperature difference between the heated engine and the outside air from the street. When the engine is warmed up, the moisture vapor that got into the lubricant evaporates and then condenses on the plug. This creates an emulsion on the oil filler cap. "Gazelle" rarely suffers from such a "disease". However, when it is detected, urgent action must be taken.

    Checking out other places

    In addition to the lid, "mayonnaise" can form on the dipstick. It should also be checked. Also the reason is the use of bad oil, which does not provide lubricating properties at all.

    There are cases when the emulsion on the oil filler cap (its photo is presented in our article) disappears by itself - during the first warming. But if the problem does not go away long enough, this is a signal that speaks of a breakdown in the cylinder head. It is through the gasket that the mixing of these two components - oil and antifreeze - occurs.

    Replacing the gasket on BMW, Skoda, VAZ, Gazelle cars

    The process of dismantling the block is the same for all engines (except perhaps the rotary Mazda and the boxer Subaru). The head of the block is dismantled together with the receiver and exhaust "spider". To perform this operation, several steps must be taken. First, the fuel wires for supplying and draining fuel are disconnected. Next, the "minus" is removed from the battery. Using a spanner wrench, the hood mounting bolts are removed. Next, you need to dismantle the front bumper and engine mudguard. Then drain the old coolant. On VAZ, Gazelle and foreign cars (such as Skoda and BMW), it pours out by unscrewing the tap at the bottom of the radiator. First, a container is placed under it. For passenger cars, a 5-liter canister is sufficient, for Gazelle-type trucks, at least a 10-liter canister. After that, the ignition coils and the plug block of the valve timing sensor are dismantled.

    After that, the bolts are unscrewed and the wires are removed from the two oil sensors - pressure and emergency pressure. Disconnect the pads from the temperature sensors, the coolant heating indicator. After that, the tightening of the clamp is loosened and the thermostat is removed along with the pipes going to the expansion tank. Next, loosen the element going to the brake vacuum check valve. Take out the block from the TPS. Then remove the ground wire from the stud on the front of the receiver (usually it is blue). Next, unscrew the nut and pull out the accelerator cable. Disconnect the crankshaft speed sensor. It is fixed between the ring gear of the pulley and the shaft. Remove the block between the intake pipes of the engine. The gland is shifted from the threaded lug cable and the cable fastening nut is unscrewed. Remove the element from the bracket, which is mounted on the engine intake pipe. For the best effect, you need to move it back.

    The holder of the gas pedal cable (if it is a VAZ or GAZelle car) is bent, and the element is pulled out. They also remove all wires from the generator, remove the plug block from the IAC (idle speed controller). Next, the temperature sensor pads are removed, the antifreeze supply pipe is loosened from the fitting of the heater stove. Now we got to the intake system. We take out the plug-in blocks from four injectors, unbend the wire harnesses from the holders and take them out. Next in line is the exhaust system: the gases that come from the exhaust manifold are disconnected. The next step is to dismantle the generator and throttle pipes.

    Block dismantling

    • Remove distributor. If the motor is 16-valve, 2 shafts are removed.
    • The clamp is loosened, the hose is removed from the throttle body.
    • The thermostat assembly is removed.
    • The cylinder head bolts are unscrewed along with the washers.
    • The head is removed along with the gasket.

    It is important

    In no case do not use a screwdriver, knives and other improvised items to remove the cylinder head with which you can pick the head. This way you will damage the surface of the element that is adjacent to the block.


    It remains only to install a new gasket and assemble everything in place. Please note that before installation, it is smeared with red silicone sealant. The surface of the block and head (the mating parts) are thoroughly cleaned of the remnants of the old sealant, accumulated chips and grease.

    Pay close attention to matching labels. If the gasket is installed upside down, the situation will only worsen. Further installation is carried out in the reverse order. After that, the cylinder head is troubleshooted: using a steel ruler and probes, the flatness of the head surface is checked, which is adjacent to the block. To do this, you need to put a ruler along the element, and measure the gap between both planes with feelers. If it is at least 0.2 mm, the head must be replaced. Follow the bolt tightening order (crosswise). Required In the first stage, the tightening force is 39-61 Nm. After 2 hours produce the second stage. The tightening force in this case is from 130 to 140 Nm.

    Final stage

    And the last stage is the filling of new antifreeze and oil. Now they should not intersect with each other, forming "mayonnaise". The emulsion on the oil filler cap will no longer threaten you. By the way, in order to avoid the formation of an air lock when pouring antifreeze, you should adhere to some pauses. That is, to allow it to completely drain from the expansion tank through the pipes into the radiator.

    For greater efficiency, you can put the car on a slope so that the front of it is higher than the rear. Then all available air vents will gather in the expansion tank.

    How to prevent the formation of "mayonnaise"?

    So that the emulsion on the oil filler cap does not bother you, you need to remember one simple rule: do not warm up the engine for a long time at idle. In this mode of operation, it is practically not involved.

    Therefore, the formation of condensate - water. Moreover, the engine does not really warm up at XX.


    So, we found out for what reasons an emulsion appears on the oil filler cap. "Skoda" you have or "Gazelle" - it does not matter, since "mayonnaise" is equally dangerous for all cars. If the problem does not disappear by itself, do not turn a blind eye to it. You may have had a blown cylinder head gasket. As you can see, it is possible to make a replacement with your own hands, however, in the absence of experience or confidence, it is better to entrust this matter to professionals.