Painting your car's brake drums. Do-it-yourself painting of calipers and brake drums. How to do it right? What paint to paint drum brakes

As you know, "meet by clothes." Many car owners see the purpose of their existence in the constant tuning and addition of the car, creating a unique image. Today we will talk about those cases, the hand of the master gets to one more element in the cars, and the brake calipers are painted.

How to paint brake calipers?

We already wrote earlier about the numerous ways to paint your own vehicle (we advise those who are interested to read the articles about and with help). This time we will try to answer such a question as "painting brake calipers". How best to carry it out, is it possible to do this without using the expensive services of service centers, and most importantly, what is needed for successful painting of calipers. But first things first.

The reasons seem to have been sorted out, but what to do with security? After all, it is not in vain that it is believed that car calipers are almost the most important component of a safe ride, since together with the pads and cylinders they are responsible for braking the entire car. To complete the picture, it should be said that painting this part of the car is safe and does not violate the principle of operation of the brake system. However, when working during painting, you need to be extremely careful, since erroneous actions can result in significant damage not only to the brake system, but also to other very important components.

Preparing for painting. Required components.

So you've decided to paint your brake calipers at home. This process in itself is not so much difficult as painstaking. It is very important to pay attention to the smallest details during the painting process. Otherwise, the paint can be subjected to numerous corrosions, such paint will quickly fall off, and the meaning of the work done will remain only for future experience.

What do you need before painting? To begin with, it will not be superfluous to get a jack and the necessary keys to dismantle the caliper. The next step is to prepare the paint, or other types of staining that you have chosen as a basis. Get an electric drill, with a set of nozzles for grinding. Also, for work, you need adhesive tape (preferably masking tape) and White Spirit (or another cleaner similar in principle). Do not forget about your own protection in the form of a mask and gloves.

Special attention should be paid to the choice of paint for future tuning, since not all of those presented in stores will work. When buying powder paint, or liquid paint, it is necessary to take into account the heating temperature of the cylinder and caliper. The melting temperature of the paint should be as high as possible, so try to take the paint with the highest values. Ideally, it should be over 600 degrees Celsius.

Removing the caliper

Having previously acquired the keys and the jack, it is necessary to remove the calipers from the car. First of all, you need to dismantle the wheel, and rid it of dirt, grease, dust and other foreign masses and bodies. Be careful with nitrous removal, as if this factor is ignored, your paint will not last long.

Be extremely careful when separating the caliper itself from the car, as in case of negligence, you can break the hose connecting them. Don't forget to clean the boot, but don't over-retract the pistons (don't let the brake fluid leak out).

Painting calipers with liquid paint

A fairly popular staining method that is suitable for home conditions. You can carry out this method of painting using:

  • brushes - consider the possibility of streaks and smudges
  • can - practical and convenient, but it is advisable to get acquainted with the principle of operation of the can on test fixtures, etc.
  • spray gun - professional equipment designed for such operations.

When choosing a room, consider the toxicity of the applicable paint. The place of work should be well lit to see the level of staining of the object, and also be well ventilated. In addition, it is best to paint at a temperature of 18-25 degrees Celsius. In this case, the paint hardens better, and will last longer than usual.

Depending on the staining method chosen, you need to be careful about the process. Painting should be carried out in two or more layers. The first, preliminary, will give an idea of ​​​​future shortcomings, places of possible runoff. After a 20-30 minute pause between stages, a new coat of paint should be reapplied, taking into account the shortcomings of the first time. It is best to apply paint smoothly, at an angle of 90 degrees to the first layer. Thus, we remove possible divorces.

Coating calipers with powder paint

Despite the particular popularity of this method, we would not advise him to choose. It's all about the previously discussed features of the temperature effect on the paint from overheated brake calipers. Powder paints tend to have a low melting point, and those that meet the requirements are overpriced.

In view of such reasoning, painting calipers with powder paint, and liquid paint of a similar composition and the same physical characteristics, but at a lower price, looks like a waste of money. In addition, powder paint must be applied in at least 4 layers, the interval between which is 15-20 minutes.

It is possible to paint the working surface of the brake device only on a training sample for clarity. Painting brake discs is an operation in which the caliper and other planes that are not involved in the braking mechanism itself fall into the field of activity. The need for this operation is required after the acquisition of alloy wheels. The thing is that the elements of the brake device under the cast discs can be seen better than under the stamped ones. A rusting mechanism carries a negative. But the problems are not only in aesthetics. Regular restoration of the paintwork is required for high-quality protection of the caliper from mechanical damage, which is usually carried by stones, gravel and corrosion. Remember that this part works in special conditions. When braking, it can heat up to 620 degrees. Simple household paint will not withstand such heat. The technique for preparing the plane has significant differences than standard painting. Just disassembling the node already says a lot. Surfaces hidden from the eye need special, specific preparation.


For this operation, it is required to raise the machine on jacks and firmly fix it in weight. Wheels are removed. Then the technical condition of the drums and caliper is studied. Nitrous, which prevents the movement of the caliper along the guides, is filled with WD-40. The grandfather's method is to knock with a hammer. In almost all designs, the caliper is mounted on a pair of bolts and connected to the machine with a rubber hose. It is important to disconnect it and prevent rupture or other damage.

The caliper moves along the guide bushings. A typical design has two bushings that are disguised in anthers. And it's not easy to get close to them. But it is very desirable to get them and lubricate them. Due to the lack of security, the sleeve sticks so that all of the above methods will not help. In this state of affairs, they try to completely disassemble and heat the entire assembly in the furnace. From these actions, the old paint, which is not resistant to temperature, will leave the caliper.

During this operation, the disks are cleaned of rust and the anthers of the caliper are cleaned of dirt. During cleaning, the pistons must not be removed completely. Otherwise, all the brake fluid will leak out. Lubrication should be done with a special substance that is in the kit with disc brakes. If this remedy is not available, lithol or other substances can be used. They must contain lithium soap elements.

Caliper painting

Painting calipers does not imply complete removal of the mechanism. When processing the outside, it is only necessary to remove the rims. Planes that will be completely repaired are treated with a rust converter and metal brushes. You can use acid. Used paint and rust can be removed by hand. If possible, use or buy a drill attachment, carefully walk it along the repair plane. The metal will become smooth and very shiny. This will be the sign to complete the cleanup.

The mechanical cleaning method is omitted if there is no rust. But sanding is a must! After all, the coloring matter will not lie on a plane without preparation. Often degreasers come in a set with colorants. But you can deal with a simple cleaner or natural white spirit. After purchasing the paint, the following components will be needed:

  • masking tape,
  • container for mixing paint and hardener - a bucket with a stick. But they don't have to be plastic
  • cotton cloths or rags for cleaning the surface.

Color selection

There are motorists who talk about painting the brake mechanism with powder paint. These statements are not credible. Powder paint has merit, but it bakes at a temperature lower than the temperature of an actively working caliper. Not every such paint will withstand such inferno. They take only one that can withstand temperatures of 610-650 degrees. How to paint if it is not possible to purchase such material in a car shop? Go to a hardware store and ask for stove paint or a primus stove.

The choice of color is up to you. Some owners prefer bright colors, but such a wheel will look strange. It is desirable not to conduct such experiments with design. It is better to choose dark, masking tones. The ideal option is dark blue or black. Heat-resistant paint for brake calipers is expensive, an excellent offer from Foliatec. The price is about 2000 rubles.

Paint coating

Many heat-resistant paints become smooth under the influence of friction and are not worse than automotive grease. If paint gets on the working surface of the disc, this threatens with an accident, braking will be ineffective. The brake mirror and other parts that are not subject to paintwork must be covered with masking tape. They also need to cover all the hoses.

Do-it-yourself work should be carried out in a well-lit and well-ventilated area. The presence of dust and dirt is excluded. You can pre-wet the walls and ceiling, and put a filter on the hood. The temperature should be above 15 degrees. Ideal: + 22 degrees. High humidity will have a bad effect on the process. The procedure itself looks like this:

  • the main tool is a brush,
  • The container with paint is opened strictly before work. The hardener is mixed with paint in the ratio specified in the instructions,
  • after mixing, the substance settles for 20 minutes, then shaken and mixed again,
  • the paint is applied twice, after a pause of no more than 25 minutes.

During the procedure, it is important to be careful and avoid smudges. The ingress of paint on the functional surface of the discs must be completely excluded. Drying takes several days, but you can ride after 24 hours - if absolutely necessary! Remember to protect yourself and avoid getting paint on your body.

Calipers are painted using a special heat-resistant paint and performs aesthetic and protective functions. This fashion came from automotive and motorsports. In combination with chrome-plated discs, the painted brake calipers look especially impressive. Paint manufacturers offer different paint options for these units, as well as drums. The most famous brands of this type of coatings are Foliatec and Motip. Many car owners who are capable of self-repairing a car are interested in whether powder paint is suitable for painting calipers. Is it possible to paint calipers and drums with your own hands, and how to do it correctly and efficiently?

Despite the declared protective properties of the coating, painting calipers, first of all, has an aesthetic purpose. For this purpose, the manufacturers of the most popular paints Foliatec and Motip offer the entire color palette. First of all, you have to determine which color will be in harmony with the color of the car body, rims and attachments. Most often, car owners prefer classic bright colors: red, yellow, green, which is not always combined with the main color of the car and does not create the desired effect. Some motorists use this tuning option so that their personal transport does not look like the rest. Many paint brake calipers in several colors, choosing the brightest and most spectacular color schemes.

It can be red and green, red and yellow, other combinations. Any owner of a car can paint brake calipers with his own hands with special paint Foliatec or Motip. By choosing the right paint color Foliatec or Motip, you can emphasize the expressiveness and clarity of your vehicle. Painting parts performs not only a decorative function, but also improves the performance of the car. Painted disc calipers and drums acquire the following properties:

  • protection against chemicals;
  • less susceptible to corrosion;
  • the rate of heat dissipation increases.

The caliper has a porous surface, and dirt is constantly stuffed into the pores, which increases the cooling time of the assembly. After applying a heat-resistant paint, a smooth surface is formed on which dirt will not accumulate as on a porous one. This will significantly improve heat transfer and cleaning of the assembly.

Given that the brakes heat up during vehicle operation, caliper paint must have high temperature resistance. You can use special mixtures for painting stoves. If you use a coloring composition that does not have the required temperature margin, the coating will simply burn and come off the surface.

The best heat-resistant paint for calipers is produced by the world famous company Foliatec. The products of the German manufacturer of paints and varnishes have long won the first positions in the market due to their characteristics and high quality. Heat-resistant paint Foliatec, designed for painting the components in question, is a premium product due to its properties:

  • has increased hardness and heat resistance;
  • protects against exposure to chemicals;
  • wear-resistant and durable material;
  • wide range of colors.

Paint for painting calipers and drums Foliatec, in addition to a huge selection of colors, offers compositions for creating various types of coatings:

Depending on preference, brake calipers can be painted in any color and create a pleasant surface structure of the assembly.

The range of Foliatec heat-resistant paints is wide, they are produced in different types (packaging):

The Foliatec aerosol can is popular because of its lower cost and ease of use. For painting the caliper with your own hands, spray packaging is the most convenient option. The disadvantage of this type of coating is that often one spray is not enough for 2 sides of the drums. When painting with your own hands, remember to carefully cover the untreated parts of the machine from the ingress of an aerosol cloud. Formulations packaged in jars are slightly more expensive than aerosol packages. These mixtures can be applied with a brush without removing the brake from the discs. The process takes a little longer than spray painting.

The most convenient option is the paint kit. This is the best choice in terms of price / quality. The ready-made kit is a complete set of tools and materials necessary for high-quality do-it-yourself painting of calipers. The kit has already been appreciated by both professionals and amateur craftsmen. The kit is designed for painting 4 calipers and in case the brakes on the rear axle are without discs (in the form of drums). Kit includes:

  • a bottle of cleaning liquid;
  • heat resistant paint;
  • hardener;
  • primer;
  • brushes, brush, gloves.

The DIY painting process will take about 2 hours. You can do the work in two ways.

  1. You can remove the caliper and start the painting process.
  2. Paint the part without removing it from the car.

In both cases, the calipers must be cleaned of dirt, sanded, and degreased. In the second painting option, you should cover the parts of the car that are not subject to painting. Calipers should be painted in 2-3 layers, with a break for drying of each layer in 30-40 minutes.

Motip paint also has good consumer reviews. This is a worthy substitute for premium heat-resistant compounds. The products of the German-Dutch concern Motip Dupli Group are represented by aerosol paints, varnishes, primers. Heat-resistant paint for painting calipers and brake drums Motip has the following characteristics:

  • has excellent adhesion;
  • endowed with good hiding power;
  • has resistance to hostile environment;
  • has heat resistance up to 120 °C.

Motip paint is an economical option for thermal paint for calipers. The application steps are the same as those used when working with premium aerosols.

Powder paint, popular with car painters and car owners, has excellent protective and decorative properties. It creates a durable and reliable coating that has a long service life. This type of paintwork is distinguished by a wide variety of available colors. However, for all its merits, powder paint is not suitable for calipers, as it cannot stand high temperatures.

Technology for painting calipers and drums»> There are many ways to make a car not only cute, but also original. For example, someone installs various body kit elements, someone chooses airbrushing, and someone focuses on low profile tires, alloy wheels and bright calipers. Painting brake calipers is the main issue that we will cover in this article. And painting, as they say, with your own hands.

The brake caliper is not in vain considered one of the most important elements of the car system. After all, the safety of the driver and passengers depends on their serviceability. But not all motorists can clearly form a definition. The brake caliper is a metal base located on the wheel hub. The brake caliper device includes brake pads and brake cylinders, the task of which is to produce braking.

The process itself is not difficult, but rather painstaking. Every driver can do this in garage conditions with his own hands, provided that he strictly follows the technology and is attentive to details. Otherwise, painting the calipers loses all meaning - under the influence of corrosion, the coating will begin to fall off and crumble.

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In this case, you can not do without a set of keys and a jack. When the wheels are removed, you need to carefully inspect the calipers for dirt or nitrous, which can interfere with the normal operation of the calipers. The nitrous can be treated with WD-40 or simply tapped with a hammer. We recommend that you carefully remove the rubber hose connecting the caliper to the car: it is not as difficult to break it as it seems at first glance, but buying a new one will be quite expensive.

The photo shows where you need to press the keys to remove the calipers.

Do not forget to thoroughly clean the anthers, but you do not need to pull out the pistons to the end, as this can lead to leakage of technical fluid. After cleaning, apply the lubricant that always comes with the brakes. If there is none, then you can always take lithol or another liquid that contains lithium soap.

Before starting work, you need to check whether we have everything we need. First of all, you need to know some requirements for the room in which the calipers will be painted. The garage or box must be clean and ventilated. Also an important point is to maintain the temperature - from 15 to 22 ° C. Do a wet cleaning, it will be good if special filters are installed on the exhaust openings.

As far as tools are concerned, you can't do without a jack and a standard set of wrenches that you will use when dismantling each caliper. And now for the rest of the elements:

  • paint (more details below);
  • masking tape;
  • White Spirit;
  • electric drill with special grinding and cleaning nozzles;
  • protective elements (gloves, mask).

The issue with paint for the caliper needs to be analyzed in more detail, since not every type of it is suitable here. The most popular method for painting a caliper with your own hands is to use powder paint. But there is often controversy around powder paint: many motorists believe that the temperature of the caliper during operation is greater than the reflow temperature of powder paint. Others believe that this does not affect the durability of powder paint.

As an alternative to powder paint, we suggest considering the option of paint with heat resistance up to 600°C. You will find such material in stores that sell accessories for stoves and stoves. After all, it is with such paint that ovens are treated. Well, the second question is the choice of color. We recommend not to paint the calipers in bright flashy colors, most often it looks tasteless. But the black or dark blue shade looks more original and stylish. And pollution against the background of these colors will not be so noticeable. But red looks good against the background of black cars.

The very process of preparing the calipers includes dismantling the wheels and cleaning the anthers and bushings. Then the surface of the caliper is thoroughly cleaned of rust. The simplest and most reliable methods are cleaning with hard metal brushes along with pickling or using an electric drill with special nozzles. We recommend choosing the second option, because an electric drill will save time and at the same time perform a better cleaning. At the end, the metal of the calipers should be perfectly smooth.

Next, degrease the caliper with White Spirite or any other cleaner. For drums and brake discs, any cleaning products that include a degreasing agent are suitable, their metal is not whimsical. Also, for cleaning brake discs and drums, it is recommended to take a non-woven rag so that there are no lint on the parts after work. The caliper hoses and the main (working) part of the brake discs are pasted over with masking tape. This is done to protect the discs from ink. In general, you can paint with your own hands with both powder and “high-temperature” paint, the main thing is to paint it well and for a long time.

When the surface of the drums and rims is ready, and the paint for the calipers has already been purchased, then the painting process can begin. Prepare the working mixture for a couple of minutes before applying to the caliper. The mixing container should not be plastic - this is the main requirement. The selected paint is mixed with the hardener most often in a ratio of 3:1, but this also depends on the manufacturer, so read the instructions for applying the paintwork. When the caliper mix is ​​ready, stir it with a clean stick - it can even be a ruler.

Calipers, brake discs and drums are painted in two layers. Each layer is dried for 15-20 minutes. Your main tool will be a brush, apply the mixture in doses to prevent smudges. Make sure that the paint does not get on the brake mirrors or other elements of the calipers. It is already possible to assemble the wheel mechanism after setting the paintwork. But the complete drying of discs and calipers lasts about a day. It is best to leave the car in the garage for this time. The next few days it is better to operate the machine in a gentle mode.

calipers can be made in different ways. You can also paint the calipers with a spray gun. But for quality work, you must follow the rules:

  • This unit must be moved strictly parallel to the surface of the caliper, and the speed on it should not exceed 300-400 mm / s. If you move it too fast, the coating will be uneven and too thin. Slow movement threatens smudges.
  • The distance from the nozzle to the caliper should not be more than 25-30 centimeters. It will be great if you keep this distance during the entire painting of the discs and caliper. If you move the spray gun away, then the adhesion of metal and paint will deteriorate greatly, and the consumption, on the contrary, will increase. What will happen if you bring the unit too close, so clear.
  • The shape of the torch should be oval, and the size should not exceed 30 cm.
  • Do not allow a strong deviation of the spray gun in the vertical and horizontal planes. Obviously, you can't calculate 5-10° by eye, but this is an acceptable angle of inclination.
  • The first coat of paint is sprayed horizontally and the second coat vertically. Each subsequent strip overlaps the previous one by 3-6 centimeters - with this action, the painting of the surface of the caliper will be maximum.
  • Do not move the spray gun away when you approach the edges of the caliper, this can lead to difficulties in the future - the layer will begin to peel off from the edges.

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Every car owner wants to make his vehicle original so that it attracts the eyes of others. To do this, the existing design is supplemented with interesting elements, the car is painted in a different, brighter color. When transforming their vehicles, car owners often ask themselves the question: how to paint new or old car brake drums? For this purpose, a special heat-resistant paint is often used.

Characteristics of heat resistant paint

The modern market offers heat-resistant paint from various manufacturers, which differs in properties, color and quality. It has a number of advantages, which makes it very popular:

This is what heat resistant paint looks like. Click on the photo to enlarge.

  • painted drums will not be exposed to corrosion, including chemical corrosion, which occurs in the case of the use of anti-icing agents. The factor is fundamental for those who use chemicals;
  • after painting, the brake elements have better heat dissipation. This is due to the porous structure of the original caliper, which becomes clogged with dirt, causing a decrease in heat dissipation. It is not possible to constantly wash brake drums, and after painting, their pores will be filled with paint, as a result of which the surface becomes smooth and the elements resist dirt.

Types of heat-resistant paint

Consumers can choose from two types of heat-resistant paint. One of them is a 3-component composition:

  • 150 ml of paint;
  • 50 ml hardener;
  • 400 ml cleaning spray.

The other is presented in the form of a spray with a capacity of 400 ml, where the hardener and paint are in the same container, but are mixed only after pressing a special button before painting the drums. The kit does not include brake cleaners.

Thanks to a wide range of heat-resistant paint, each car owner can choose what color to paint. The paint is highly resistant to chemicals, oils, corrosion and high temperatures. The manufacturer indicates that one package is enough to paint 4 drums, but, as practice shows, it is enough for 8.

Color solutions

Painted brake calipers look best when paired with forged or cast chrome wheels. Today, a large number of car owners prefer to paint drums in bright colors.

Despite the fact that the brake elements are resistant to rust due to heat-resistant paint, it still has not a practical value, but an aesthetic one. Those. the painting is meant to make the car unique, and the protective feature is a "bonus". Painted drums look spectacular, but they need to be regularly cleaned of road dust.

For ordinary car owners, the fashion to paint calipers came from the world of motorsport. After all, the brake elements of sports cars have been painted in bright colors for many years. Some companies that produce parts for brakes have decided to produce them in color.

For example, Brembo drums are painted bright red. You can paint not only in one color, but also in two, and even in three. In the west, cars with such original coloring are often found. Many car owners often ask themselves the question: “Which color of the proposed options is better to paint the brake drums ?. It all depends on the color of the car itself and the personal preferences of its owner. As a rule, bright shades of red or yellow are used.

Successful color combinations

A good combination of colors for the caliper and disc. Click on the photo to enlarge.

There are some standards, guided by which, you can harmoniously paint the brake elements. If the car body is white, then the drums can have absolutely any shade. If the vehicle is red, it is recommended to give preference to white, yellow, blue or black paint.

The braking elements of warm colored cars (orange or yellow) can be painted in colors such as white, mauve, light blue, indigo or violet. Women who have a pink car should prefer pale blue or white. The most practical is a vehicle with a black body: drums of any shade are suitable for it, as well as for a white body.

When repainting the brake elements of a car in dark blue, it is worth using paint in gray, white, blue, yellow or red. But if the body is light blue, then its drums should be pink, orange, white or yellow. For green cars, it is recommended to choose white, orange, yellow or brown paint.

The above recommendations are just an example of a successful color combination. In practice, every car owner has the right to choose the appropriate shades to paint the drums. The vehicle will stand out from the rest, and the views of others will be riveted by the original brake elements.

Technology for painting calipers and drums»> There are many ways to make a car not only pretty, but also original. For example, someone installs various body kit elements, someone chooses airbrushing, and someone focuses on low profile tires, alloy wheels and bright calipers. Painting brake calipers is the main issue that we will cover in this article. And painting, as they say, with your own hands.

The brake caliper is not in vain considered one of the most important elements of the car system. After all, the safety of the driver and passengers depends on their serviceability. But not all motorists can clearly form a definition. The brake caliper is a metal base located on the wheel hub. The brake caliper device includes brake pads and brake cylinders, the task of which is to produce braking.

The process itself is not difficult, but rather painstaking. Every driver can do this in garage conditions with his own hands, provided that he strictly follows the technology and is attentive to details. Otherwise, painting the calipers loses all meaning - under the influence of corrosion, the coating will begin to fall off and crumble.

How to properly remove calipers

In this case, you can not do without a set of keys and a jack. When the wheels are removed, you need to carefully inspect the calipers for dirt or nitrous, which can interfere with the normal operation of the calipers. The nitrous can be treated with WD-40 or simply tapped with a hammer. We recommend that you carefully remove the rubber hose connecting the caliper to the car: it is not as difficult to break it as it seems at first glance, but buying a new one will be quite expensive.
The photo shows where you need to press the keys to remove the calipers.

Do not forget to thoroughly clean the anthers, but you do not need to pull out the pistons to the end, as this can lead to leakage of technical fluid. After cleaning, apply the lubricant that always comes with the brakes. If there is none, then you can always take lithol or another liquid that contains lithium soap.

Preparation: necessary materials, equipment

Before starting work, you need to check whether we have everything we need. First of all, you need to know some requirements for the room in which the calipers will be painted. The garage or box must be clean and ventilated. Also an important point is to maintain the temperature - from 15 to 22 ° C. Do a wet cleaning, it will be good if special filters are installed on the exhaust openings.

As far as tools are concerned, you can't do without a jack and a standard set of wrenches that you will use when dismantling each caliper. And now for the rest of the elements:

  • paint (more details below);
  • masking tape;
  • White Spirit;
  • electric drill with special grinding and cleaning nozzles;
  • protective elements (gloves, mask).

The issue with paint for the caliper needs to be analyzed in more detail, since not every type of it is suitable here. The most popular method for painting a caliper with your own hands is to use powder paint. But there is often controversy around powder paint: many motorists believe that the temperature of the caliper during operation is greater than the reflow temperature of powder paint. Others believe that this does not affect the durability of powder paint.

As an alternative to powder paint, we suggest considering the option of paint with heat resistance up to 600°C. You will find such material in stores that sell accessories for stoves and stoves. After all, it is with such paint that ovens are treated. Well, the second question is the choice of color. We recommend not to paint the calipers in bright flashy colors, most often it looks tasteless. But the black or dark blue shade looks more original and stylish. And pollution against the background of these colors will not be so noticeable. But red looks good against the background of black cars.

The very process of preparing the calipers includes dismantling the wheels and cleaning the anthers and bushings. Then the surface of the caliper is thoroughly cleaned of rust. The simplest and most reliable methods are cleaning with hard metal brushes along with pickling or using an electric drill with special nozzles. We recommend choosing the second option, because an electric drill will save time and at the same time perform a better cleaning. At the end, the metal of the calipers should be perfectly smooth.

Next, degrease the caliper with White Spirite or any other cleaner. For drums and brake discs, any cleaning products that include a degreasing agent are suitable, their metal is not whimsical. Also, for cleaning brake discs and drums, it is recommended to take a non-woven rag so that there are no lint on the parts after work. The caliper hoses and the main (working) part of the brake discs are pasted over with masking tape. This is done to protect the discs from ink. In general, you can paint with your own hands with both powder and “high-temperature” paint, the main thing is to paint it well and for a long time.

Painting process

When the surface of the drums and rims is ready, and the paint for the calipers has already been purchased, then the painting process can begin. Prepare the working mixture for a couple of minutes before applying to the caliper. The mixing container should not be plastic - this is the main requirement. The selected paint is mixed with the hardener most often in a ratio of 3:1, but this also depends on the manufacturer, so read the instructions for applying the paintwork. When the caliper mix is ​​ready, stir it with a clean stick - it can even be a ruler.

Calipers, brake discs and drums are painted in two layers. Each layer is dried for 15-20 minutes. Your main tool will be a brush, apply the mixture in doses to prevent smudges. Make sure that the paint does not get on the brake mirrors or other elements of the calipers. It is already possible to assemble the wheel mechanism after setting the paintwork. But the complete drying of discs and calipers lasts about a day. It is best to leave the car in the garage for this time. The next few days it is better to operate the machine in a gentle mode.

Spray painting

calipers can be made in different ways. You can also paint the calipers with a spray gun. But for quality work, you must follow the rules:

  • This unit must be moved strictly parallel to the surface of the caliper, and the speed on it should not exceed 300-400 mm / s. If you move it too fast, the coating will be uneven and too thin. Slow movement threatens smudges.
  • The distance from the nozzle to the caliper should not be more than 25-30 centimeters. It will be great if you keep this distance during the entire painting of the discs and caliper. If you move the spray gun away, then the adhesion of metal and paint will deteriorate greatly, and the consumption, on the contrary, will increase. What will happen if you bring the unit too close, so clear.
  • The shape of the torch should be oval, and the size should not exceed 30 cm.
  • Do not allow a strong deviation of the spray gun in the vertical and horizontal planes. Obviously, you can't calculate 5-10° by eye, but this is an acceptable angle of inclination.
  • The first coat of paint is sprayed horizontally and the second coat vertically. Each subsequent strip overlaps the previous one by 3-6 centimeters - with this action, the painting of the surface of the caliper will be maximum.
  • Do not move the spray gun away when you approach the edges of the caliper, this can lead to difficulties in the future - the layer will begin to peel off from the edges.