Rules for changing tires on a bicycle. How to change a tube or tire on a bicycle: step-by-step instructions How to replace a tube on a bicycle front wheel

A punctured tire on a bicycle is a fairly common occurrence, especially when riding over rough terrain or using low-quality or worn tires. Such an unpleasant incident happens to a cyclist at least once a season, and some are “lucky” to change the tube two or three times during a short trip.

How to change the tube on a bicycle:

  1. Need to let all the air out by pressing something on the nipple valve. If the Presta valve is a bicycle valve, then you must first unscrew it counterclockwise, then squeeze the tire with your fingers to pull it off the seats, and walk around the entire circumference.
  2. Next you need remove the wheel. If the wheel is on an eccentric, removal will not be difficult; if not, then you will need keys (number 13-17).
  3. The third stage is the most important: you need some kind of tool grab the edge of the tire and pull it out of the rim. For this you can use special installations, which are sold in almost every bicycle shop. Of course, they make it more convenient to remove the tire and there is no risk of damaging the rim. However, there are situations when such a tool is not at hand. In this case, you can use any sufficiently thin and durable objects: various wrenches, a beer opener, or even a traveling spoon. The only limitation is that your tool should not have sharp ends, otherwise you will puncture the camera.
  4. In order to pull the tire out of the rim, you need to pick up its edge with the first “mounter” and pull it over the rim. At the same time, the mount must be held so that the tire does not end up inside the rim again.
  5. After this, using the second mount, you need to pull out the edge of the tire next to the first mount in the same way. Do not forget to hold the first installation.
  6. After the tire tension has already weakened significantly, you can pull out the tire mounts. Now, using one pry bar, carefully pull out the edge of the tire along the diameter of the wheel until it is completely free. In many cases, this can be done by hand.
  7. Further remove the camera itself. To do this, you need to remove the nipple and then carefully remove the tube from under the tire.
  8. Necessarily the cause of the damage needs to be determined To do this, you need to pump up the camera a little and, bringing it close to your face, feel the air coming out. If the camera is damaged as a result of pinching by the rim, then the damage site usually looks like two parallel cuts, less often - like one cut. If the damage looks like a dot, then most likely it was a puncture. In this case, you need to make sure that there is nothing foreign at the site of the tire puncture that could cause a puncture again. To do this, slowly, so as not to cut yourself, you need to run your fingers along the inner surface of the tire and if there is something, be sure to remove it.
  9. After finding and checking the puncture site, it’s time installing a new camera. Before you start, pump the tube a little to straighten it out, this will also help prevent pinching between the tire and the rim. First you need to secure the nipple by threading it through a special hole in the rim. Next, you can begin reinstalling the bicycle tire. To do this, you need to place the bicycle wheel on the floor at your feet so that the nipple is at the top. Starting from the nipple, pressing with the fingers of both hands, you need to install the bicycle tire in place, moving your hands simultaneously in opposite directions. This will leave a section of the tire of about 15 cm, which will be especially difficult to put into place.
  10. This is the most difficult and critical part of the process, since you cannot use any levers here so as not to puncture the new chamber. Keeping the wheel on the floor, begin squeezing the middle portion of the remaining portion of the tire toward the rim. This will be quite difficult to do, since the diameter of the rim on the sides is slightly larger than in the center, and it will probably take several attempts to push the tire over the rim by pressing your thumbs up. Once this is achieved, you need to carefully inspect the tire to make sure that the tube is not pinched between it and the rim. To do this, you need to alternately compress the tire on both sides along the entire circumference of the bicycle wheel. Particular attention should be paid to the area near the nipple.
  11. All that remains is to inflate the wheel and install it in place.

A video tutorial on replacing the camera can be viewed here.

How to seal a bicycle inner tube:

  1. The first thing to do is determine the location of the puncture. To do this, you can try to slightly inflate the chamber and listen to where the air is coming from. If you are unable to find the puncture this way, you should slightly inflate the chamber and lower it completely into the water. The bubbles will accurately show the puncture site.
  2. Next you need to glue the patch. To do this, you need to use a special kit, which contains a set of self-adhesive patches of various shapes. As a rule, to do this you just need to clean and degrease the surface to be glued (everything you need is included) and glue the patch.
  3. Once the patch is securely glued, you can safely put the camera back into the wheel.

For many novice cyclists, this question often arises after everything has happened. Perhaps the most common and inevitable event for a cyclist is a puncture. Our roads are full of all kinds of garbage, glass, wire, pieces of iron, etc. So at the most inopportune moment, the sound “pshschschschschsch” may be heard and you will have to make a forced stop. There is nothing scary about this, it’s a common thing. But it’s much better if you are always ready for this and already know how to change the inner tube of a bicycle. In addition to the replacement itself, you also need to know how to seal a puncture. Let's talk a little more about this below.

Required accessories

The one who always has in his backpack is not afraid of a puncture:

  • plastic mounts
  • pump
  • spare camera
  • repair kit, also known as a bike first aid kit
  • and of course some skill in replacing the camera.

Do not tighten the eccentric too much

First you need to remove the wheel from the bike. Most likely you already know how to do this, but if not, then we remind you how to do it. Most often, the wheels on modern bicycles are secured using an eccentric. In order to remove such a wheel, you do not need any keys; you just need to bend it, loosen it, after which the wheel can be freely removed. If the wheel is secured with nuts, then, of course, you will have to use wrenches.

Disconnecting the V-brake

If the bike is equipped with V-brake brakes, you need to disengage them, but do not need to loosen them. In the case of disc brakes, everything is completely simple; you don’t need to disconnect anything. After installing the wheel, do not forget to connect the brake back! There is no need to tighten the eccentric too much; it should close with sufficient, but not excessive, force.

Removing the tire

Using a plastic pry bar, remove the tire

The first step is to disassemble the wheel using mounting brackets. It is not necessary to remove the tire completely; it is enough to remove it only from one side and remove the damaged tube from there. After this, you need to understand what exactly caused the puncture; it is possible that a small wire or piece of glass remains sticking out somewhere in the tire, so check it carefully from the inside, otherwise a repeated puncture cannot be avoided. Be careful, a stuck sharp object can cause injury!

Having picked up the sidewall of the tire, we carry out the mounting from ourselves

If you hit a large pothole, there is a high probability of a breakdown. Damage to the tube can also be caused by improperly installed rim tape, sharp edges of the nipple hole, or the nipple being torn off due to improper installation of the tube. It is better to determine the reason immediately, so that, as already mentioned above, you do not step on the rake again.

Simply remove the tire on one side and remove the tube.

When inspecting the tire for any sharp objects stuck in it, do not forget to shake out the sand and any trapped dirt. We also check the installation of the rim tape; perhaps it has slipped somewhere and the edges of the holes are visible, in this case it needs to be corrected.

Try to determine the cause of the puncture

Next, we slightly inflate the new tube (this makes it easier to place it inside the tire) and install it in place of the old one, laying it evenly inside. At the same time, we make sure that the nipple is installed evenly and clearly points to the center of the wheel, and not somewhere to the side. Next, we evenly place the sidewall of the tire on the rim, starting from the nipple. There are tires that fit quite freely, but usually require the use of tires. After this, we inspect the wheel again to see if a tube has accidentally come out anywhere and pump it up with a pump to the required pressure.

When pumping, bend the pump foot. Be especially careful with the Presta type nipple, it can be torn off

This applies to replacing the camera. But you won’t always carry several spare tubes with you, and there may be more than one puncture. Therefore, in addition to a spare camera, you should always have a repair kit with patches and glue. There was a puncture - I installed a new inner tube, drove on, and while parked I took and quickly sealed the damaged one, in case another puncture happens, and the spare tire is already ready.

Patches on the camera

Repair kits or bike kits, as they are sometimes called, are sold in any bike shop and cost about 50 rubles. It includes several patches (sometimes of different sizes), glue and a piece of sandpaper. Each first aid kit immediately contains visual instructions. But there is no special trick here.

The procedure for sealing the camera is as follows:

  • we find the damage (if the hole is very small and you can’t find it right away, then you can inflate the chamber and lower it into water, the bubbles will immediately show you where the air is coming out)
  • assess the size of the damage and estimate what size patch will be needed
  • clean the damaged area from dirt and sand it with sandpaper
  • Apply a thin layer of glue to the size of the patch
  • after that, wait a couple of minutes, peel off the patch from the base to which it is attached and glue it with the same side
  • smooth it out and press the patch firmly for a while. The glue dries quickly, so the camera can be used almost immediately.

That's basically all. After doing all this several times, you will be convinced that there is nothing complicated and the whole process takes a matter of minutes. If you have any questions or something is not clear, write in the comments.

A bicycle is such a thing that sooner or later you will be faced with the need to repair an inner tube, or simply want to replace worn tires with new ones. And our favorite electric bike QiCYCLE is no exception. Of course, this operation on it is a little more complicated than on a regular bicycle, but if you have a small set of tools, you can do it yourself without contacting a service center.

In this article I will describe the process of removing both wheels and replacing the tube.

Since QiCYCLE is an electric bicycle, you must begin any operation by disconnecting the battery. This golden rule must be followed in all situations, and sooner or later it will save you a lot of money on repairs.

How to remove the front wheel QiCYCLE

First, let's learn how to remove the front wheel; it's easier to work with.

On the left inner side of the front fork, unscrew the screw securing the fender holder and the cable leading to the motor.

The cable is now free.

Using a 19mm wrench, unscrew the right fastening nut.

Remove part of the magnetic lock and the washer under it. That's all for now on this side.

On the left side, remove the plastic plug.

Unscrew the nut (exactly the same as the previous one). Remove the washer and dropout amplifier.

Now unscrew the screw securing the front brake cable.

The brake pads will separate and there will be nothing stopping you from removing the wheel.

However, you don’t have to do all this if you let the air out of the wheel in advance...

Now it is better to put the bike on its right side. The wheel can now be removed, but do not forget about the motor cable connector.

Carefully disconnect the connector.

The wheel is free. Note that there is a matching dropout amplifier on the right side. And it stands with a protrusion outward. On the left side it was the other way around.

Bleed the air from the chamber (if there is any).

Using a plastic spatula, pry the tire from the side opposite the valve.

The QiCYCLE tire can be removed very easily, even by hand.

The tube and tire are removed from the wheel.

Just in case, here is the QiCYCLE camera marking.

Wheel assembly always starts from the nipple side.

Don't forget to pump up the wheel.

Since I removed the front wheel, I also checked the performance of my wheel, which I bought very cheaply last year. The QiCYCLE motor turned out to be fully working, new, hurray.

Once again about the correct sequence during assembly. On the left side, the dropout amplifier is first put on the axle, then the washer, then the nut.

On the right - the dropout amplifier (before installing the wheel), then the washer, then the magnetic holder, then the nut.

Don't forget to connect the motor cable connector (aligning the arrows on both parts) and secure its holder inside the plug. And also reattach the brake cable.

The front wheel is in place.

How to remove the rear wheel QiCYCLE

There are a little more operations with the rear wheel, but overall there is nothing complicated.

First of all, set the shifter to 1st gear.

Using a 10mm wrench, unscrew the screw securing the pusher housing and remove the housing.

Using a 15mm wrench, unscrew the axle nut.

On the left side, unscrew the second axle nut in the same way.

Now you need two 10mm wrenches to unscrew the rear brake mount. One key is for the nut at the back of the feather, the second key is for the bolt in front.

- and the wheel is free. But the rear brake cable keeps it from being completely removed. (In the photo you also see the removed force sensor - I overdid it, there is no need to remove it).

Although you already have access to the tire and tube, for convenience it is better to unscrew the rear brake mounting nut and remove it. To do this you will need keys 8 and 17.

The brake is not screwed on very tightly, so the nut can be unscrewed without difficulty, after which the brake can be easily removed.

And now we have in our hands a completely dismantled rear wheel.

I will not demonstrate replacing a tube or tire, since this procedure is completely similar to the actions on the front wheel.

We assemble and install the wheel in the reverse order. Important: first tighten the right axle nut, then the left one (where the washer is). Then the load cell will not be over-tightened.

After all the steps, check the functionality of the bike. In principle, if the work was done carefully, no problems should arise. QiCYCLE is very easy to disassemble and assemble.

Probably the most common breakdown for a cyclist is a punctured wheel, especially if he rides in an aggressive style. Sometimes I ran into glass, sometimes onto a nail, and sometimes I just ran into a curb at speed. Experienced cyclists can change the tube in a bicycle with your eyes closed, but what about a beginner who can’t even remove a wheel,
It’s not like changing the camera. The main thing is not to despair, if you travel a long distance (and it’s better to always) carry it with you, or, in extreme cases, “” for a wheel. Someday it will save you from the fate of pulling a bicycle “on yourself”.

So, if you have a flat tire, first you need to get off the bike, Never continue driving on a flat tire . Firstly, you will tear the tube even more, secondly, you can ruin the tire, and in the worst case, also the rim.

How to change a tube on a bicycle

1) If the wheel is not completely deflated, lower it completely; to do this, unscrew the nipple (spool) cap. If you have a nipple (spool valve) (the same as in a car), press the small button in the middle with something sharp and hold it until the tire goes flat. If you have a cap with a key for the spool, then simply unscrew it. If you have a nipple (spool valve) (such as in old bicycles), unscrew the wing and remove it.

2) Remove the wheel. If the wheel is on an eccentric, removal will not be difficult; if not, then you will need keys (depending on the bike and the wheel 13-17).

3) If you have mounts, use them to remove the rim from the wheel; if you don’t have mounts, you can use improvised tools (wrenches, etc.), but it is advisable not to use objects with a pointed edge - this can lead to damage to the camera or rim. Pry up the tire with your tool and, resting it on the rim, press down on the bottom until the edge of the tire comes out beyond the rim, then take the second key or mounting tool and do this action again, without removing the first key, when you feel that the keys don't lean back when you release them - just try to move the second key in a circle to the side of the first key.

4) Remove the camera by simply grasping it with your fingers. Take it on the opposite side from the nipple (spool).

5) In principle, you can insert a new tube, but I recommend removing the tire completely (this can be done by hand or with mounting tools (wrenches)). And check the condition of the rim to see if there are any metal burrs inside, check the condition of the rim tape, look at the inside of the tire. (This action especially needs to be done if you change tubes very often and don’t know where you could have punctured the wheel)

How to install a camera in a bicycle wheel

1) Take a new camera or a sealed one (), squeeze it with one hand and move it in a circle - this will help clean it of unwanted foreign objects (pieces of rubber, metal shavings, etc.)

2) Inflate it slightly; if you removed the tire completely, put it on one edge (if the rubber is directional, make sure that you installed it correctly (you can look at the rear wheel if the treads are the same)). Approximately mark where the hole from the nipple (spool valve) is and insert the tube into the tire without twisting or breaking it. Place the spool valve (nipple) into the hole and screw on the cap.

3) Using your hands (if the tire is soft) or using the same tool, put the second rib of the tire on the rim. BE CAREFUL if you use the tool, do not tear the camera.

4) Immediately slightly inflate the wheel and roll it so that the inner tube settles down, then inflate the wheel to the desired pressure ()

5) Place the wheel on the bike and clamp it.


What types of valves are there?

There are three main types of valves:

1) Velonipel (French)

2) Autonipel (American)

3) Nipple like in old bicycles (German)

If you still can’t change the tube in your bike or you’re just too lazy, our team will help you with this problem, and if you want, come to our bike shop

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A tire is one of the main parts of a bicycle, on which safety depends. The most widely used tires are 26-inch bicycle tires. Tires are chosen for each bicycle depending on the riding style, time of year and surface on which they travel most of the time.

Everyone knows that the wheel, an ingenious invention of mankind, was used even before our era (in the fifth millennium), and in order to come up with an ingenious mechanism known as a bicycle, human civilization took another 7,000 years.

It is difficult to describe the joy of such a purchase as a bicycle.

But, while enjoying riding a two-wheeled bike, leaving hundreds of kilometers behind you, you suddenly discover that the tires need to be updated. When you come to a store where the assortment is usually quite wide, you may find yourself perplexed by the fact that the tire you need is not there.

Wheels, therefore, and tires for modern bicycles can be of the following sizes (in inches): 20.24 and the most “running” wheels and tires for a bicycle are 26 inches. In addition, they are produced in 27, 27.5, 28, 29 inches and new ones - 36 inches.

They were first used on children's bikes. In the “adult” market, 20-inch bicycle tires began to appear with the growing popularity of folding models, since such a wheel is much lighter than a regular one.

Twenty-four inch

In Soviet times, 24-inch bicycle tires were installed on teenage bicycle models “Salyut,” “Aist,” and Altair.” Today they are popular among freeriders

The most common among urban models and teenage “pseudo-mountainers” of the Chinese manufacturer are 26-inch bicycle tires.

Video: Review of 26″ bicycle tires

Size 27 inches is a classic for road bikes, 27.5 is intermediate in specialized mountain bikes, 28 is suitable for off-road cross-country and city riding, 29 (niners) is characterized by high cross-country ability and coasting, therefore it is used in mountain models. All of them are designed for the same rim diameter - the size differs due to different tire thicknesses.

36" wheels are a new development. On wheels of an impressive size, neither dirt nor rocky terrain is scary.

For variety of appearance and greater entertainment, colored bicycle tires are produced. Bright colors do not guarantee high quality, but they lift your spirits. Not so long ago it was used exclusively on road bikes, but today it is also installed on mountain bikes.

An interesting combination of biker style and colored tires allow it to stand out in the crowd.

For those who are faced with choosing tires, it is useful to know what types there are in order to buy the best tires for bicycles:

  • slick – for road racers who ride mainly on flat surfaces. The cross-section of such a tire is round, and the rubber itself is smooth or has a not very deep pattern along it. But, they are unsuitable for rough terrain and mud due to low grip;
  • semi-slick - tires that have a slick central area and lugs on the side. Designed for touring bikes and city bikes that often overcome potholes;
  • Aggressive treads are a godsend for mountain bikes, helping to keep them on the trail in extreme situations. But, it is completely unsuitable for driving on asphalt, because it makes noise and reduces speed.

Another important factor is the material used to make the tires. The physical properties are influenced by additives added along with the filler (compound) to synthetic rubber. There are rubber with reflective stripes and anti-puncture protection.

The first will protect cyclists who like to ride at night.

Video: Choosing bicycle tires

The best online store offering bicycle tires in a wide range - from economy options to premium tires - “Veloplanet” ( ). Delivery is carried out to any city in Ukraine, and experienced managers will always provide assistance to those who are lost in the variety of goods.

Buy bicycle tires in stores online and “Velostreet” can also be done inexpensively, using any of the available methods:

  • by adding the selected product to the cart on the website;
  • by calling;
  • visiting the store.

All cyclists face the problem of how to change a tire on a bicycle. It is not difficult to replace it with a little experience and a minimal set of tools. If the bike is equipped with disc brakes, it is easy to remove the wheel from the fork by opening the cam and unscrewing the nuts.

On the commonly encountered V-BRAKE systems, in which the block is located close to the rim, it is just as easy to remove it, since the width of the bicycle tire is greater than the width of the rim. Although there is an opportunity to push it between the pads, completely releasing the air and squeezing it tightly with your hands.

It is more correct to move the brakes to the sides, having first unfastened the brake levers. The release mechanism consists of a clamp and a cable located on the brake lever. Having moved the boot out of the corrugation in the direction of the mounting screw, you need to open the tip by sliding the levers together and removing the cable tip from the clamp. Then, lower the clamp down and move the brake levers to the sides.

Next, the bike is turned upside down, making sure that the shifters and brake levers are not damaged. In this step of changing a tire on a bicycle, pressing on the spool releases air from the bicycle. The remaining part is removed by completely unscrewing the spool. This sequence of actions exists to prevent him from shooting.

How to change the rear tire on a bicycle? If you need to replace the rear tire, the process will be easier because the wheel can be removed more easily (by installing the smallest chain sprocket). Having opened the eccentric, the nut is not completely unscrewed. It is located on the opposite side of the axis.

After this, you can remove the wheel, placing it with the stars facing up.

The tire can be easily removed from a single rim without tools. To remove it from a double one, you need at least one spatula, but it is advisable to have two or three. By placing a paddle between the edge of the tire and the rim on the side opposite the valve, try not to touch the tube. Turning it toward the center, lift the edge of the tire above the edge of the rim. The hook on the other side secures the knitting needle.

A similar action is performed with another spatula, retreating 10-15 centimeters. If 2 blades are not enough, use another one. After releasing the board with your hands, remove the camera. To replace a tire, use the same spatula to remove it from the rim, prying off the other edge.

For those who do not know how to change a tire on their bicycle, it is important not to confuse the sides; there is an arrow on the side indicating the direction of rotation of the wheel and an inscription. Having put the tire bead on one side, it is then adjusted with a spatula.

In order for the camera to fit into the rim, the latter is taken by the valve and placed on the inside on both sides of it, making sure that the camera does not twist. The valve should come out at an angle of 90 degrees. If the camera has just been sealed, it is advisable to place paper between the patch and the tire, which will prevent the fresh patch from sticking.

The other side of the tire is pulled away from the valve. In this case, you will be able to fill 2/3 (perhaps a little more) of the diameter of the bicycle wheel with your hands. The remaining part of the rim, when replacing tires on a bicycle, is tucked using a spatula. After checking that the valve is installed correctly, pump the chamber (not completely). The pressure is adjusted to normal after installing the wheel. All you have to do is tighten the brakes and off you go!

Having figured out how to remove a tire from a bicycle wheel, you need to understand in what cases this is required.

There are few of them:

  • when tire wear results in multiple punctures by small pieces of glass and similar sharp objects or the tire protrudes from the rubber;
  • when damage to a tire creates uneven surfaces.

A bicycle is stylish and fashionable, as well as fast and convenient city transport, which allows you to quickly cover the road from home to the desired location. It's also a great physical activity.

But with bicycle tires, which are thinner than motorcycle and car tires, punctures often occur. “Treatment” consists of applying rubber of the required size to the puncture, lubricated with the adhesive supplied in the kit. After this, you need to wait some time (indicated in the instructions).

To avoid repairs on the road for a long time, it is easier to purchase a spare camera and take it with you on the road. Another option is a repair kit consisting of glue and different thicknesses of harnesses.

Even children know how to seal a bicycle tire with a tourniquet:

  • Of course, you will have to remove the wheel;
  • find a puncture by pumping and listening;
  • direct troubleshooting.

Repairing tires with a harness is only possible for tubeless tires, both car and bicycle.

In addition to them, the repair kit contains:

  • spiral awl (another name is rasp);
  • an installation awl with an eye, without which it is impossible to insert a rubber band into the hole;
  • cold vulcanization adhesive;
  • a set of strands of different sizes made of raw rubber (patch).

Some kits are also equipped with a knife, which is convenient for cutting off the remains of the tourniquet. In addition to the kit, you will need a jack (for a car), pliers, pliers, and glass cleaner.

The procedure is as follows:

  • find the puncture site by inspecting the tread. If the cause of the damage is a nail, it will not be difficult to detect - the head is visible in the protector. If you cannot find a puncture during a visual inspection, you can detect it by partially inflating the tire and applying a soap solution. In the place where the puncture occurred, it will bubble;
  • Having discovered a foreign object, it is removed with pliers and pincers to assess the size of the hole. The puncture site is marked. If the puncture size exceeds 5 mm, repairs should be carried out by a specialist who has the appropriate fungal patches. If this is not possible, they try to correct the situation by inserting several tourniquets into the tire;

  • The damaged area must be cleaned of dirt. To widen the hole, take a spiral awl, which is screwed into the puncture clockwise. Screw the rasp in the same direction, repeating the steps several times;
  • then, insert a rubber band into the eye of the installation awl so that the edges are the same on each side of the hole. Next, the tourniquet is generously coated with activator glue, thoroughly covering the entire surface;

  • insert an installation awl into the hole, widened in advance, 2/3 of the length of the harness. Then, carefully remove it (it is not difficult to remove the awl from the tire due to the fact that the eye is not solid at the top). The vulcanized strand will remain in the hole. In order for the hole to be completely covered by liquid rubber, the tire must be repaired with a tourniquet folded in half;

  • All that remains is to check the quality of the work done by applying a soap solution to the “patch”, cutting off the protruding rope, leaving a few millimeters at the edges.

The described method is only suitable for tubeless tires if the puncture occurs in the tread area. The method is not suitable for side cuts. It is better to entrust their repair to professionals.

In some situations, urgent bicycle tire repair is necessary. If you are far from civilization, you can use durable polyethylene, from which a piece is cut that is 10 centimeters larger than the puncture size and 5 centimeters wider than the tire. Having removed the tire from the rim, folded polyethylene in half is placed inside the casing in the center of the puncture. The emergency patch must fit on both sides of the tire. Holding it, install the first bead of the tire on the rim first, then the second. It is important to install the repaired area second. After inflating the tire, cut off the excess patch, which is held in place by the pressure of the tire.

Video: Repairing a bicycle camera