Renault Logan operation problems.  Operation and malfunctions of Renault Logan I. Typical sores, problems and breakdowns of Renault new Logan problems with door control

Sooner or later, Renault Scenic car owners face various problems during their operation. This is due to the fact that the fleet of cars of this model is somewhat outdated, because its production began back in 1996, and, accordingly, their average mileage is quite impressive. Analyzing the numerous reviews of the owners of these cars, we can conclude that the most reliable unit is the power unit. According to the statistics of calls to service stations, it was Renault Scenic's engine problems that were the fewest. Most of the calls related to the repair of the engine were the need for a major overhaul of the power unit.

The categories of the most popular faults are largely predetermined by many external factors, such as driving style, operating conditions, as well as its intensity. The use of low-quality consumables also affects the duration of the operation of individual vehicle components. By purchasing original parts, despite their relatively high cost, you can avoid such problems.

What can break?

So, among the most common malfunctions of Renault Scenic cars, the following problems should be highlighted.

  • Failure of the stabilizer bushings. Perhaps this is one of the most common car suspension problems. The declared mileage at which it is recommended to change these parts is from 40,000 to 50,000 km, however, in practice they require an earlier replacement - after 20,000 km of run.

Despite the fact that the rapid wear of the stabilizer bushings is almost the only serious problem with the suspension of this car, their timely replacement is simply necessary.

This will provide a longer service life of other mating parts and ensure safety while riding;

    • Renault mechanical transmission failures of this model are also rare. Most often, there are problems with the oil seals of the backstage of a mechanical gearbox, as well as other parts that ensure the sealing of this assembly. Oil seals begin to leak with fairly active use of the car with an aggressive driving style. With an automatic transmission, things are a little worse. Technical shortcomings of the automatic transmission (lack of a special breather) lead to the frequent formation of condensate inside the gearbox. This leads to the fact that due to the diluted oil consistency, the operation of the bypass valves is sometimes disrupted;
    • Frequent problems in the brake system are associated with cases of jamming of the hand brake drive;
    • Failure of thrust bearings. Such malfunctions are also not uncommon among owners of the Scenic model, but in this case the problem is more subjective. The quality of the roads and driving habits on poor quality surfaces affect the reliability of these and many other parts;

  • Among the elements of Renault Scenic electrical equipment, the most unreliable are the generator and window lift mechanisms. Appeals to specialized service stations for such issues are in first place in the category of repair of electrical appliances. The windshield and headlight washer pump is also unreliable. Problems with it begin even with a one-time freezing of water in the system. Not so frequent, but intermittent problems are the operation of the central lock and the rear wiper shaft. Experts note that the quality of the braided wires of electrical wiring leaves much to be desired. Over time, they wear out. There are frequent cases of forced replacement of coils on spark plugs due to failure at a high level of humidity;
  • Of the mechanisms and steering devices, the weak point can be called the power steering oil pressure sensor. In some cases, due to the failure of its operation, fluid leakage is difficult to determine, which can lead to negative consequences and significantly affect the level of driving safety;
  • The operation of the mirror folding mechanism is also a fairly common subject of treatment at the service station. The mechanism often fails due to the fragile material from which the working gears are made.

Breakdowns of diesel models

Separately, it is worth noting interruptions in the operation of Scenic vehicles with diesel engines. Breakdowns are mainly related to the operation of the fuel injection system. The main reason is the use of low-quality diesel fuel, climatic conditions during the operation of the car. Together, these factors negatively affect the operation of the fuel system and are the cause of frequent calls to service stations.

Another fact rather refers not to malfunctions, but to individual shortcomings in the technical design of the Renault Scenic car. We are talking about the brake system, namely the absence of accessories such as protective shields for the brake pads of the rear wheels. It has been noticed that the absence of this, at first glance, insignificant detail can lead to premature wear of brake pads and discs. The fact is that dust and road dirt fall directly on the surface of these parts, which negatively affects not only their service life, but also overall safety in general.

This smoke with a light foreign aroma is “sweet and pleasant” for many: the demand for foreign cars produced in Russia is stable. Renault Logan is one of them. Despite the general drop in sales, these cars are less likely than others to stagnate both at dealers and in the secondary market. If everything is more or less clear with the purchase of a new car, then the choice of a used one is rich in nuances. Let's talk about them.

At the capital's Avtoframos, the model began to be assembled in 2005. At first, there seemed to be no problems with its quality. But a year later, rust appeared on the machines from some batches. More often in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rear wheel arches, along the edge of the windshield and on the roof, under the door seals. While the plant found out the reasons and "took measures", a couple of months passed. Meanwhile, the people were indignant, filled up with complaints from the manufacturer. He obliged dealers to partially repaint defective parts of cars produced before the end of 2006, and apply a protective layer of wax in the cavity of the wheel arches, and also changed the technology for applying mastics on the factory conveyor. Since then, the defect has not appeared.

Selling a car with a repainted body is, of course, more difficult. After all, you will have to prove that under the guise of that campaign you did not hide the emergency past. In fact, it is not difficult to convince the buyer, you just need to visit the nearest dealer with him and measure the thickness of the paintwork with a special device. The buyer should know that the thickness of the factory coating should be in the range of 110-130 microns, and repainted under warranty - 150-180 microns. If the ulcer was deep, then the device has the right to show even 200 microns. But anything more is a sure sign of putty under the paint, that is, straightening of the body. And this is an occasion to start a bargain.

On parts of cars manufactured before 2007, the front engine seals were leaking. I remember that then the owners claimed on the Internet that the oil level was too high, and recommended keeping it in the middle between the marks on the dipstick. Allegedly, these motors "do not like" when there is a lot of oil. But soon the leak reappeared, because the root cause remained - the roughly machined neck of the oil pump gear ate the working edge of the stuffing box. The correct solution is to replace the gear and oil seal. It is not worth delaying the repair, as oil splashes fall on the timing belt and soon lead to its destruction.

Take the manufacturer's recommendation to change the timing drive every 60 thousand km seriously, otherwise you will certainly get what the people aptly called "Stalingrad" - the consequences of the valves meeting with the pistons when the belt breaks. On 8-valve engines, the drive is simple, as on domestic "eights". We change the tension roller, we carefully check the pump. Usually it is enough for a second term, and occasionally for a third. Since 2008, a modified pump has gone, which, as a rule, serves 180 thousand km. With Megan's sixteen-valve valves, which some Logans have been equipped with since the end of 2009, it is more difficult. Here, in the connection of the pulley with the crankshaft, there is neither a key nor a locking pin. Therefore, it will not work to replace the drive without special tools.

Around the middle of 2007, the plant abolished the remote fuel filter. Difficult decision! It is painfully expensive to change the fuel pump assembly every 90 thousand km, as prescribed by the regulations. However, many owners ignore this requirement and drive to the last, until the engine starts to twitch under increased load, as if complaining about low rail pressure. As a rule, this happens after 150 thousand km, but there are lucky ones who have traveled more than 200 thousand km with their own pump.


In general, engines are not picky about the quality of gasoline. Only a few cases of valve sticking have been recorded due to the increased content of resins in the fuel that form carbon deposits and on the valve stems. Nevertheless, it is desirable to alternate city trips, when the engine is idling more, with country trips: driving at full throttle helps to remove carbon deposits. Then it will be necessary to flush the nozzles less often (usually this is done without dismantling the nozzles, washing off carbon deposits from the valves, and at the same time from the piston rings and walls of the combustion chambers).

It happens that when you release the gas to "neutral" (in a mechanical box), the motor holds a couple of thousand revolutions for a long time, and sometimes it screams to the limiter. You have to pry the gas pedal with your toe, which is simply dangerous in motion. Quite often, the tattered gas cable rubbing against the shell is blamed for everything - this is only partly true. Sometimes replacing the cable really helps, but more often you have to flush the throttle assembly, which is wedged due to dirt. Sometimes an expensive mechanism (the price is about 8 thousand rubles) even has to be changed. And if under the hood there is a new sixteen-valve K4M with an electronic gas pedal, the throttle assembly must be calibrated using a dealer scanner.

Only steering tips (arrow) do not shine with longevity. Previously, they were accompanied by wheel bearings, but recently there have been noticeably fewer problems with them. Brake pads are enough for 30-35 thousand, disks - for 60-90 thousand km.

Only steering tips (arrow) do not shine with longevity. Previously, they were accompanied by wheel bearings, but recently there have been noticeably fewer problems with them. Brake pads are enough for 30-35 thousand, disks - for 60-90 thousand km.

The transition to Euro IV (2008-2009) will be remembered by many owners who have experienced cold start problems for a long time. The fact is that the program of the engine control unit was not really adapted to our realities (not only to fuel, but also to cold weather) and gave too short an impulse to the injectors. The poor mixture in the cold, of course, did not want to burn. The plant worked quickly (thanks for that), and after a couple of weeks, dealers got a new firmware. But it did not help some - according to official data, due to failures in the upper oxygen sensor, which was also changed under warranty (problems with it happened before). However, 15% of users were dissatisfied: neither one nor the other helped. Unofficials came to the rescue, developing their own version of the program. But even with it, not everything is going smoothly: fuel consumption and toxicity are growing.

The rear brake pads often have to be changed due not to wear (this happens at 100-120 thousand km), but to wetting due to leaky cuffs of the brake cylinders. It is advisable to change the cylinders along with the pads.

The rear brake pads often have to be changed due not to wear (this happens at 100-120 thousand km), but to wetting due to leaky cuffs of the brake cylinders. It is advisable to change the cylinders along with the pads.

We change the candles every 15 thousand km, but before unscrewing the old ones, we remove all the dirt from the wells (we are talking about eight-valve), otherwise it will certainly get into the cylinders.


Keep an eye on the left boot of the inner CV joint! It is made according to the “Zaporozhye” type (an axle oil seal is installed in it), and if the cover is leaky, then oil will leak out of the box. Then costly repairs can not be avoided. But in general, the MCP is very reliable and lasts a long time. Including the gearshift drive, which rarely gets loose, despite the fact that the lever constantly walks back and forth. The clutch wears out by 90-120 thousand km, but with careful handling it survives up to 180 thousand km.

We pay the main attention in the front suspension to the steering tips, which are able to knock after 60–70 thousand km (this is the weakest link). Silent blocks and ball bearings last a little longer (dealers recommend changing them complete with levers). By 150 thousand km, play may appear in the steering rods - in the inner tips that are under the corrugations of the rack. The steering rack itself serves for quite a long time, and even for taxis, whose mileage is approaching half a million kilometers. A similar picture is with the front hub bearings: in the first batches of cars, they did not last more than 40–50 thousand km. Not least because in versions without ABS, instead of a sensor, there was a hole in the steering knuckle through which dirt flew straight onto the bearing seals. Only later did these holes begin to be covered with foam plugs. At the same time, the sealing of the bearings was changed, now they serve 120–150 thousand km each. This is the same lower limit of the resource of shock absorbers, which for careful riders go much longer.

Like any car, Logan, of course, is not without flaws. But the moderate price of the car more than compensates for them. That is why taxi companies and other commercial structures are happy to hire him. Those who care not about the image of the car, but its reliability as a business partner. And so that he doesn’t stay on the “sick leave” for a long time!

We thank Avtomir-Renault on Ozernaya for assistance in preparing the material.


2004 Renault Logan debut. In some countries, the model is sold under the Dacia brand. Bodies: sedan and station wagon. Engines (all - P4): gasoline - 1.4 l, 55 kW / 76 hp; 1.6 l, 64 kW / 87 hp or 77 kW/104 hp (8- and 16-valve); diesel - 1.5 l, 50 kW / 68 hp; 1.5 l, 63 kW/86 hp Front wheel drive, M5.

2005 The production of a sedan was mastered at the Avtoframos enterprise.

Crash test "Dacia-Logan" according to the EuroNCAP method: 8 points for a frontal impact and 11 for a side impact. Bottom line: three stars.

2009 Start of sales in the Russian market of 16-valve modification.

2010 Restyling. Changed bumpers, grille, optics, instrument panel and door trim.

Let's try to figure out which generation of Renault Logan turned out to be more successful

A car that rightfully deserves the title of a workhorse. An unpretentious and highly sought-after worker among taxi drivers and cabbies, the French subcompact Renault Logan. There are millions of legends and rumors about its reliability, while the number of cars sold in Russia has long exceeded 500 thousand pieces. People's love for this car did not appear out of the blue, the consumer carefully looked at the angular car for some time, and only after that sales beat all forecasts.

To date, the second generation of Renault Logan has already been presented. The manufacturer made the car larger in size, outwardly it looks more bloated and aggressive.

Overview of the pros and cons of the French crossover

Budget SUV Renault Kaptur was first presented in 2013 at an exhibition in Geneva. The model is notable for the fact that the Russian department of the concern took part in the development. In general, it turned out to be a bright and affordable car for the middle class.

Since 2016, the car began to be produced at the Moscow plant. The plant equips new cars with gasoline engines borrowed from Duster. The basic package includes a 1.6 liter engine with a capacity of 114 hp. with. with a five-speed manual transmission or CVT. This version is front wheel drive only.

A more expensive two-liter engine with a capacity of 143 liters. with. To be put on cars with all-wheel drive transmission. It provides a 6-speed manual or 4-band automatic. Moreover, the all-wheel drive version is available with an independent rear suspension.

Characteristics and parameters of installed batteries on Renault Logan

Over the past 7-10 years, the Renault-Nissan concern, together with very active Korean automakers, have significantly pressed German brands on the Russian market and continue to attack! This happened primarily in the budget class of cars, where the Volkswagen Polo Sedan is the only model that is trying to compete with the French and Japanese. Tandem, I must say, very successful. One of the main advantages, which was appreciated by the average Russian consumer, is inexpensive maintenance and simplicity of design.

Overview of the shortcomings and weaknesses of Renault Sandero

Renault Sandero is a compact budget class car, produced since 2007, available as a five-door hatchback. This car is inexpensive, and the maintenance of the vehicle also does not hit the pocket. Outwardly, the Sandero resembles the Renault Logan, but the hatchback design is more attractive.

For the first time, the French model was presented in Brazil, and a little later it was shown at the Geneva Motor Show. In Romania, Sandero is known under the Dacia brand, in 2009 the car began to be sold in Belarus and Ukraine.

Overview of the shortcomings and weaknesses of the Renault Duster

The background of the appearance of the model is undoubtedly one of the most popular cars over the past few years, can be called a budget "SUV" from the French-Romanian tandem - Renault Duster. For the first time this model was presented to motorists, for general review, under the nameplate of the brand Dacia Duster back in 2009. The crossover immediately fell in love with hundreds of thousands of motorists, and its sales exceeded a record one million buyers in 4 years.

In Russia, the car became available to buyers in 2012, at the same time, its production was launched in Moscow at the facilities of the Renault AvtoFramos plant (former AZLK). At the start of sales, consumer demand was so much higher than the plant's supply that potential buyers waited 10-18 months for the first cars.

Name "Duster" - translated from English means "duster", which potentially hints that the car is clearly not designed for ideal city highways. His path is the suburban rhythm of life.

Renault Logan - model history

The budget car Renault Logan was conceived and developed for emerging markets. Renault has located the main production facilities at the factories of the Dacia industrial group (this is in Romania). The specifics of the market dictated the brands: Renault and Dacia, Lada and Nissan. In Europe, the Dacia Logan brand is sold (excluding Russia, where it is Renault). In the Russian Federation, the Dacia Logan MCV has also been produced since 2006 (station wagon under the name Lada Largus).

And if we talk about the starting point, then this is 1998, when the Logan model began to be designed. Interestingly, the project with the internal designation X90 did not need a pre-production sample. This is the merit of computer simulation. The compact family car hit the roads in 2004 (starting price was 5,000 euros, by the way). As for the assembly in Moscow, it started in 2005 at Avtoframos.

Simple, cheap to maintain and reliable - this is the opinion of most of our motorists regarding the first generation Renault Logan. And after all, this car really became a real bestseller. At one time, months-long queues lined up behind him. So there are more than enough compact French sedans on the market now. There are plenty to choose from. Including those who are looking for a used Renault Logan. Such . But won't Logan be too expensive to maintain and repair? Now let's find out.

Logan is a car of the Renault family, one of the leaders of the Russian market among inexpensive cars

Renault Logan body problems

Naturally, miracles do not happen. And even more so in the automotive industry. And since initially Renault Logan was so cheap, it is logical to assume that the manufacturer saved a lot of money on something. It is possible that on the body metal and paintwork. This is indirectly indicated by the fact that the guarantee against penetrating corrosion is only six years. And even less for paintwork - only three years. So inspect the condition of the body of the Renault Logan that you like with special predilection.

Do not be too lazy to look under the door seals, check the condition of the metal in the area of ​​​​the gas tank neck. It is in these places that you can most often find. Although it is not a fact that they will be on the copy you like. Many Logan owners say that they have never seen rust in their eyes. And they want to believe.

It goes without saying that they saved on the quality of finishing materials. Do not even look for soft expensive plastic in Renault Logan. You won't find. But hard plastic, which eventually begins to creak as much as you like. Although the build quality itself does not cause any particular complaints.
No complaints and. But it is unlikely that this is a special merit of the engineers of the French company. Rather, the fact is that most Renault Logan are extremely poorly equipped. And this means that there is simply nothing to break.

Used Renault Logan 1 engine

Petrol engine 1.6 (90 hp), already well proven on many models.

There shouldn't be any big problems with the engines either. The base for the first generation Renault Logan was a 1.4-liter gasoline unit. It is also the most reliable and cheapest to maintain. The eight-valve 1.6-liter gasoline unit is also quite good. He is not too picky and has a fairly large resource. A sixteen-valve gasoline unit of the same volume will require a slightly higher cost. It is more expensive to change the timing belt on it, and if you are not lucky, you will also have to change the ignition coils. Although in any case there should be no global problems if the engine was serviced in accordance with the regulations.

But the 1.5dci diesel engine, which is most often installed on European Dacia cars brought to us (the European analogue of Renault Logan), is better to stay as far away as possible. In greenhouse European conditions, he would please you with excellent efficiency, but our situation is different. Fastidious diesel engines do not last long on our fuel of dubious quality, and not everyone will undertake their repair. Yes, and it's expensive. And if we take into account that diesel cars from Western Europe cannot have low mileage by definition, then it is hardly worth considering such cars as contenders for purchase.

Gearbox and suspension - no problems

The manual gearbox installed on a French car is simple and reliable. If you have to change something, it will be the gearbox synchronizers. On many cars, they are already quite worn out.

Video: 2011 Renault Logan. Review (interior, exterior)

Suspension Renault Logan also does not require special attention. At the back, the designers completely managed with a primitive beam that does not require maintenance. The front suspension is less reliable, but the good news is that the cost of spare parts is quite comparable to that for domestic cars. There is nowhere cheaper. And if you remember the amazing energy intensity of the Renault Logan suspension, then you don’t feel sorry for the money for the periodic replacement of bearings, springs and shock absorbers.
There is no need to talk about the braking system at all. There are simply no weak points in it. For most Renault Logan owners, its maintenance will be reduced to a planned one.


Renault turned out to be a successful car. So even in a used condition, its purchase looks quite justified. Just do not rush to buy the first car that comes across at an attractive price. Like it or not, many Renault Logan were purchased with the last money or worked in a taxi service. Naturally, the state of such instances will be far from ideal. So look. There are a lot of cars, so finding a decent copy will not be so difficult.

This article describes the most common Renault Duster problems identified by real owners during operation.

The article is updated periodically. Got something to add leave a comment or a link to an online discussion.

  1. Cracks in the paintwork of the Renault Duster roof
  2. Fogging headlights in winter
  3. Renault Duster body corrosion
  4. Power steering sensor leak on Duster
  5. Errors in the indication of the fuel level on the dashboard.
  6. Leakage of condensate from the air conditioner into the interior of the Renault Duster
  7. The problem with splashing fluid from the washer reservoir.
  8. Spontaneous disabling of 4WD LOCK mode in 1st and 2nd gears
  9. Renault Duster roof deformation in winter.
  10. Noise in the Renault Duster engine compartment in the generator area
  11. Design flaws in the body and interior elements
  12. Washer bottle knock
  13. Corrosion around seals
  14. Wire chafing in steering column switch

And now in order with short comments and links to photo reports on repair or elimination.

1. Cracks in the paintwork of the Renault Duster roof

Common problem

Warranty case

Many owners fix the problem on their own, with the help of anticorrosive or tint.

2. Fogging headlights in winter

moderately common case

The most common cause is a leak or clogged vent in the headlight housing.

Often, official Renault dealers recognize the warranty case and replace the headlights.

3. Corrosion of the body in the places where the rubber seals fit and swelling of the paint on the body elements of the Renault Duster

moderately common case

And even behind the gas cap

4. Power steering sensor leak on Duster with power steering

The problem was inherited from Renault Logan

The case is rare and guaranteed

It is located here (highlighted in green here)

5. Errors in reading the fuel level on the dashboard.

The case is widespread.

To start, we fulfill the following conditions:

Turn off the ignition

Press and hold the trip reset button

Without releasing the button, turn on the ignition (without starting the engine)

Hold the button until all symbols appear on the on-board computer or trip computer

We press the reset button for the daily mileage several times until the indicator of the remaining fuel in the tank (in liters) appears

Read about diagnostic mode.

If this does not help, then most likely you will have to contact a Renault dealer.

6. Leakage of condensate from the air conditioner into the interior of Renault Duster

The problem, again, "migrated" from Logan

The problem is quite common. The reason is the condensate drain hole.

The most common reasons for this are the absence or damage to the drain pipe of the air conditioning system on the Duster, or simply a mismatch between the drain hole located in the lower part of the heater housing and the drain valve hole installed in the car body.

Warranty case.

7. The problem with splashing fluid from the washer reservoir.

The reason is not a snug fit of the cap to the filler neck.

Drill a small hole (1-1.5 mm) in the cover and make a sealing gasket from the old tire tube.
In this case, the splashing of liquid should stop.

Or order a new one, the code of the original LoganDusterSandero washer reservoir cap is 8200609542

8. Spontaneous disabling of 4WD LOCK mode in 1st and 2nd gears

The case is common and guaranteed.

During this period, official Renault dealers, upon receipt of a complaint about the disabling of the 4WD mode, as well as upon detection of a DF-13 error, perform a partial flashing of the Renault Duster ECU.

Troubleshooting. On a cold one (in the morning, preferably at a temperature not lower than -5C), before starting the car from a place, you need to switch the transmission mode to the 4WD position and drive about 50 meters. If, while driving, the dashboard “jumps” from 4WD to 2WD and the indicator “Diesel engine preheating warning light or electronic systems malfunction” lights up, it means that you need to drive up to Renault OD specialists and sign up for reprogramming the rear gear ECU . New rear gear ECU firmware eliminates jumping from 4WD to 2WD.

9. Deformation of the Renault Duster roof in winter.

The case is quite rare, but due to the difficulty of determining the deformation.

Occurs only during cold winters.

If you wash it well, then on the roof of the Duster you can see a wave-like deformation, which should not be.

You need to look at different angles.

A similar problem occurred on Renault Megane of the second generation (03-09 onwards), Renault Logan and Symbol

On Megane models, the problem with the "bending" roof in the cold was recognized by Renault dealerships as a warranty case. Work was carried out to replace the sealing mats, up to the complete repainting of the body element - the roof.

10. Noise in the Renault Duster engine compartment in the generator area

The problem is widespread.

Appears on Renault Duster with 2.0 engine at idle.

Often the problem disappears after replacing the timing belt kit and rollers.

According to the owners of Renault Duster, official dealers may recognize the case as a warranty case, but judging by the comments of our users, Renault dealers are reluctant to admit this and refuse.

11. Design flaws in the body and interior elements of the Renault Duster

Weak fastening of the cover covering the fuse box. The cover may fall to the ground when the door is opened.

Renault Duster owners have to secure the cover with tape.

Elimination of a defect in the drain drain on the Renault Duster

Water from the roof pours straight into the space between the body and the door

12. Knock washer reservoir. The solution is simple - remove the tank and put a couple of pieces of sound insulation under it.

13. Corrosion under seals.

The paint quality leaves much to be desired. Corrosion appears under the door seals.

In the photo, an example is under the Duster tailgate seal

14. chafing wires in the steering column switch. Issue: Duster horn not working.

The solution to the problem is described in.

The article uses material from the owners of Renault Duster, Clubs:,,